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  • So I found this one story where the guy isekai to back to high school senior year, right? Gets a "listen to other people's advise and complete the task" system, right? So he gets rejected by the prettiest girl in school, right? So he works on self-improvement because self-love is the first love to learn and it's also par for course for this system, right?
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    Reactions: Zam138
    so the girls are like trying to raise their "son" into a 火葬场 protagonist and really wanna see the once proud girl regret, I mean, this aspect of the story is amazingly funny, idk how to, you know, express it or whatever
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    Reactions: Zam138
    it's a bit complicated cuz you know, the girl is like most girls who have this type of personality, it's cuz she's got like a troubled family or whatever, this gets in the way of the enjoyment but its more real but you know but zummy
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    the girl's bff overhears the mommy team talking about this, and she's not like one of those tropey jealous bff or whatever, she thinks they super fit together, so she's like secretly trying to infiltrate the mommy team and get them to all push her bff and the boy together it's so cute funny zummmmmy
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    So you know how they still do dowries here right? Like the 'man gives woman's family', bride price, kind?

    So there's this thing here where the state purchases your land because they got a construction project through it, right?

    So this one guy, he's been dating a while, and they're talking about marriage, and that state land thing happens, and the girl's like, instead of 20K, I want 100K--
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    But he doesn't hand over the dowry yet, instead, he's like, alright, let's go meet your parents

    and so he visits, and you know, halfway through the house visit, he just abruptly leaves.

    Later on, he's tells her that her parents' attitude towards him makes it impossible, and they should break up, blacklists all her communication stuff
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    Now this 5 million is a reason for the girl to argue with her parents every time they meet, and it's like this burden that's always on her dating life, because she's got this silly idea in her head that she's worth 5 million, and even if she one day does get married, if she gets into an argument, that 5 million is going to come out, and it'll be a reason for divorce
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    a permanent scar on her life through pumping up her own pride

    but if you think about it, her raising the dowry is really a silly decision, that tells you she might divorce right afterwards and run off with the money, since if she's in it for the marriage, then that money's still there

    anyway, dowries are silly
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    To be honest, the drama of Isis x Osiris true love, and Nephthys cuckolding Set for their brother Osiris actually makes for fun drama, idk
    Apparently, because of how "reverse desertification" is like, a hot topic here, there's people writing stories that incorporate the idea of "planting trees" and especially "planting trees in the desert"; for example, there's one story about being in egyptian mythology and planting trees, there's one where otsutsuki you know, there's one where their soul's a tree, there's a danmachi one too, uhhh
    You walk down a dark alley in the middle of the night, lightning flashes and the art style turns into a dark noir. You see several figures surround you snapping their fingers threateningly, like in West Side Story.

    They reveal themselves to be a gang of Eevees, "You came into the wrong neighborhood little zaMissy..."
    maybe I should just isekai my zam and make her go around planting trees
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    let's turn you into otsutsuki and have you go plant a tree in irl earth first, I mean, it's not like it'll make the earth any worse
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    and then, type moon time
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    if zam survives alaya's welcome party, then let's have her go green some marses in different settings
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    "Mother... I want a hug."

    "No, I want to hug my husband."

    "Uuu~ uah~ then I want to hug your husband too!"

    "No! This husband is mine."
    never understood why cheetos only has grilled chicken and buttered steak flavors in the china region

    no flamin hot
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