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A ton happened in this chapter and reading it was a thrill. Glad to see that the story is still going strong, and that we're at the time of the prequels. Thanks for the continued updates of the story.
I was also hoping for cat girl lewds, but even though they did not happen, this was still a 11/10 chapter, and this story is one of the GOAT of star wars fics.
You've portrayed Shak Ti's arrogance really well. The Master who spend years on Kamino and never sensed or thought to investigate the clones to any depth... "Why do you think you, a Padawan sense the death of a member of the jedi high council when i didn't sense anything? The hubris in that question, from a religious order that's meant to personify wisdom and humility. Join the Dark side Shan, this iteration of the Jedi needs to go.

Especially when Force's whole thing is that it does weird shit for reasons nobody quite understands.
What made it worse was that

And then, when the other companies …

did the first sentence get cut off?

Deep core refuge would be clutch. If he can remove trackers and spies there's supposed to be a praxeum ship active during the clone wars which'd be a nice thing to keep safe.

(edit: outbound flight would be another target though much less valuable and you need to deal with c'baoth.)

Struggling to trust in the force (for which he has good reasons) definitely slow down how awesome he can be at dueling. The benefit is that he'll also be less vulnerable to someone that can screw with normal Jedi precog/danger sense.
Last edited:
So here's some questions I thought of after thinking for a while.

Now that Cam is a Knight, will he be receiving a Padawan any time soon (whether by him choosing one or being assigned one)?

What will happen with Ahsoka? As Anakin is not apart of the order who will she become the Padawan of? Also will she be a waifu by the time the Clone Wars start (if they start)?

And finally, is this a harem? And if so what is the max allowed in it?.

(Sorry if any of these have already been answered)
A Deceived Accomplice
As always, thanks to those helping me write and plan out this story and checking it for continuality and logic errors.

This chapter was released at least 2 weeks ago to my Patreons (with them seeing a draft version around 2 months ago) and on the story's Discord server (in GDoc form) about a week ago.
Links for both are at the end of the chapter.
Hopefully, all the little mistakes have been found and removed.

Current Date: <1 year until the Invasion of Naboo

A Deceived Accomplice
... ...

"This ship is amazing!"

Serra's exultant cry reverberated through the cockpit as Raven, our ship, manoeuvred deftly between two colossal cargo haulers amidst the celestial tapestry of Coruscant's upper atmosphere. The ethereal grace with which we glided through that narrow aperture would have put the most accomplished dancer to shame, and the sight of it caused my smile to blossom.

With a surge of power, we broke free from the planet's gravitational embrace, our engines ablaze with fervour as I urged Raven to test her limits, unencumbered by the restraints that often tethered her. Ahead, a convoy of hulking bulk freighters loomed large, forming a procession that descended toward the distant planet's surface.

It was difficult to ascertain who derived greater pleasure from this exhilarating flight, for both Serra and Raven seemed to emanate a palpable aura of elation and delight, their spirits mingling like celestial bodies in perfect alignment. The zenith of their jubilation arrived when Raven soared through the tempestuous wake of one freighter, nimbly avoiding the fiery plumes of fuel expelled by its multitude of engines. Then we audaciously skimmed the very hull of the succeeding vessel, drawing close enough that I couldn't help but chuckle at the profound astonishment etched upon the visage of the Rodian pilot we left in our wake.


Serra's scream shattered the tranquil aura of a Jedi, ripping through the fabric of restraint as we emerged from the shielded line of gargantuan bulk freighters. Before us loomed a formidable Golan defence platform, a sentinel encircling and safeguarding the very heart of the Republic. A lone light on my console flickered insistently, a signal from Coruscanti Orbital Control attempting to make contact. Undoubtedly, they sought to admonish me for my reckless piloting. Though Raven was registered as a Jedi starship, I was flying with reckless abandon, entrusting my vessel and the Force to guide my hand. The temptation to yield to the intoxicating rush was fierce, rendering it arduous to relinquish control. The sheer ecstasy derived from this reckless endeavour coursed through my veins, the synesthetic fusion of Raven's sensory input traversing her hull, merging with the cognitive faculties housed within her computerised cerebral cortex, and ultimately providing me with ephemeral glimpses of her perceptual landscape.

As we sailed past the nearest Golan platform, traversing the ethereal emptiness of space enveloping Coruscant, I relinquished a modicum of pressure on the throttles. Raven, though loudly voicing her objection, reluctantly obeyed, conforming to my will. Gradually, I steered our trajectory away from the well-trodden flight paths typically traversed by those embarking upon the capital world. The unyielding light on my console persisted, incessantly demanding my attention, until at last I terminated the transmission. A hint of potential reprimand awaited me within the confines of the Jedi Temple, a prospect that failed to faze me. Raven yearned to soar unhindered, to relinquish the constraints imposed by conventional wisdom, and in the presence of Serra, I nurtured the flickering hope that she, too, might succumb to the allure of unbound passion.

I turned to Serra, letting Raven fly herself, and couldn't help but drink in how she looked. Her face was flushed, having sensed Raven's enjoyment and mixed it with her own as we flew upward. I could almost hear her heart beating rapidly in her chest, and her visage, illuminated by an incandescent smile, outshone even the radiant glory of Coruscant Prime, that celestial jewel, presiding over the expansive system.

Serra had been in the Raven before, taking several flights in and out of Coruscant's atmosphere with our friends. However, this was the first time she'd come alone with me – if you ignored Fenrir who was lazing away in a small cargo room that I'd converted into his den and HK who was currently powered down in my quarters – and when she'd learnt that I'd felt her shock, hope, and desire spike. Now, those feelings were slowly coming back as her excitement about our rush into orbit calmed.

"Findin' some enjoyment, are ya?" I drawled, my grin stretching wide as I took in the sight of her, captivated and brimming with awe, fresh off our harrowing flight.

Her face was flushed with excitement as she turned to face me, no doubt enjoying how happy Raven was to be racing through space. "Yes!" She blinked, her blush intensified, and she glanced away for a moment. "I… I mean yes. Thanks for letting me experience this."

"Good to hear." I laughed at her reaction even as I leaned toward her, though not close enough that I'd be entering her personal space. "So, now that we're in space, far from the Temple and anyone else, what do you want to do?"

Her eyes widened as she realised where we were, and she looked out the viewport, taking in the sight of the constant flow of traffic to and from the capital of the Republic. "I… I don't know." She gently bit her bottom lip as she looked back at me. "What do you want to do?"

I smirked, letting my eyes wander downward for a moment. "I figured we could… talk," the smirk turned into a smile at her reaction. I suspected she thought I was going to say something else, and while that idea held appeal, I felt we needed to clear the air a little first. "Unless there's something else you would rather do?"

I knew I shouldn't be teasing her like this, but she looked downright edible when she was flustered. "Well, um…" She looked away, unwilling to meet my gaze. "What about Bo?"

"Oh?" I leaned back, wanting to see where she went with this, though Bo was one of the things I knew would be brought up while we were up here. At least she was facing it before we did anything else.

"I mean," she bit her lip again, unintentionally playing into the air of innocence she was giving off. "I know you and Bo…"

"Karked?" I posited, memories of the countless encounters with Bo flooding my thoughts. Though the yearning for the fiery-haired warrior tugged at my senses, I firmly cast it aside. This day, my fervour and longing were solely directed toward the raven-maned beauty before me.

Serra's nod came slowly, her eyes widened to an extent that likened her to a startled deer ensnared within the predatory gaze of a kath hound, bewildered and unsure of its next move. "Y-yes. That. How... how much?… what did you do?"

I leaned back fully into my chair and chuckled. Once more images of Bo, and the various stages of undress and positions I'd had her in, rushed through my mind. Tapping my chin, I looked upward. "A lot." While I could've gone into detail, I felt that might embarrass or scare Serra too much, or perhaps make her feel what she was competing with was too much and snuff out the flames in her before I'd had the chance to unleash them. "Though I can think of a few things we'd have liked your help for." Serra's face turned redder than a Sith lightsaber at my implication, which only made my smile grow further.

I knew I was pushing her limits, but thanks to the Force and Observe, I knew she wasn't upset that I'd fucked Bo, just that she'd not been first. And that Serra wondered what Bo was like out of her armour. That little insight had fuelled several enjoyable dreams since I'd learnt it, and if I could wrangle it, I'd make sure those dreams one day became reality. "Any reason you're asking about this now?" I didn't need the Force or Observe to know the answer, as it'd been my idea for us to come up here, but I was curious how bold she'd be in her answer.

"I…" She looked out the viewport once again, and if not for the fact the fear I sensed from her was being drowned out by lust and confusion, I'd have worried I'd pushed too far. "Why her?" She asked after turning back to face me.

"We travelled together for years. Fought side by side against pirates, slavers, and planetary invaders. Haran, she was the one who helped me cope with Master Fay's near-death and pushed to rescue me from the Bando Gora." Serra opened her mouth, but I cut off as I continued. "Yes, I know that if you could've, you would've helped with that as well." She nodded and smiled, pleased that I understood she'd not forgotten about me during my ordeal. "Still, Bo was the one with me in those… darker moments. Adding that to the fact she's an incredibly attractive woman, and it's not a surprise our bond grew so deep."

I waited quietly, letting her take the time to process my response. The time stretched out and a shadow passed over us as a bulk freighter flew close enough to momentarily block out the light for the local star.

"Do you... not love her?" Her gaze locked with mine, radiating the same courage I had witnessed when she decided to train on Mandalore by my side. And when she embarked on a verd'goten, her determination shone through.

"I'm uncertain. Bo is like a ticking grenade, ready to explode. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely like her, but when it comes to love... I'm not sure." I shook my head as I finished. While there was the spark between us that could, with time, possibly develop into love, I knew enough to know that it wasn't there yet. Though even if it didn't develop, I doubted Bo would reject another chance to fuck like deranged rabbits.

"W-what about me?" Her voice was low, barely carrying over the faint sounds that echoed around the cockpit. Her gaze was low, finding and locking on a spot on the floor.

I leaned forward and then reached out for her. As my hand cupped her chin and lifted her head so I could look her in the eyes, I smiled warmly. "Serra, you are my first, and best friend," I said slowly, making sure she held my gaze as I spoke. "I like you and that will never change." She smiled at my words, and nibbled her lip once more, though there was less indecision in the action this time.

"D-do you love me?"

I let go of her chin and leaned back enough that I was no longer inside her personal space. "I don't know." Her smile slipped slightly. "I mean, I certainly like you, and definitely enjoy seeing the changes you've gone through over the years." My eyes wandered lower, taking in her form that even under Jedi robes was clear to see. "But love... Well, I believe love requires both time and dedication to truly develop."


I waited for her to add something, and when she didn't speak up, I did. "Does it bother you that I've slept with Bo?" I already knew the answer, but I wanted to see how honest she would be about this.

"No… Yes… I don't know. I'm not sure," she replied with a heavy sigh and a shake of her head. "On one hand, I comprehend why you're drawn to her. She possesses qualities of strength, fearlessness, and beauty that I lack, or I lacked."

I let out a scoff, interrupting her self-pity. "Serra, although you're not Bo, you possess equal measures of courage, strength, and beauty, albeit in your own unique manner." Her cheeks resumed their vibrant hue, reminding me of a raging inferno. "When I initially arrived at the Temple, feeling everyone's apprehension and fear, you approached me and engaged in conversation."

"That was a dare though."

"Aye, but you still did it," I countered quickly. "Bar whatever rumours were running around the Temple; you knew nothing about me. Yet, even only knowing that I might be related to Darth kriffing Revan," that made her smile, "you came and spoke with me. Haran, more than anyone else in the Order, you made, and make, me feel welcome and safe inside the Temple." Once again, her cheeks darkened. "When I revealed my intention to journey to Mandalore for training, you not only chose to accompany me but also became the first Jedi in centuries to undertake a verd'goten." My gaze shifted to her feet. Though the boots no longer matched the ones Duke Adonai had bestowed upon her years ago, the armoured sections remained, carefully transferred to new boots as she grew. The distinct beskar markings were easily discernible to a trained eye. "And while the girl I once knew may not have been described as beautiful, the young woman standing before me now is quite excep--" My words were abruptly silenced as Serra closed the distance between us and tenderly pressed her lips against mine.

Startled by her reaction, my eyes blinked in surprise, but I quickly regained my composure. With a gentle grasp, my hands encircled her waist, drawing her closer to me until she settled on my lap. My hands then diverged; one tenderly reached for her hair while the other ventured lower. Pushing against my chest, her hands tugged at my robes, and as our tongues intertwined, a soft moan escaped her lips.

Although my desire urged me to continue, to explore the unknown path ahead, I needed certainty. Reluctantly, I pulled away, her lips reluctantly following, and her eyes fluttered open. Confusion clouded her gaze as she focused on me.

"I want to be certain," I spoke slowly, my hands still unmoving from their positions. "Is this truly what you desire?"

"Yes," she replied breathlessly, her eyes jumping between my eyes and my lips. "I want you. Force, I've wanted you for years. I need what you had with Bo, and more." She leaned forward, her lips desperate to find mine, but I stopped her by bringing the hand in her hair around and placing a finger on her lips.

"What about the Code?"

Truthfully, I didn't give two fucks about what it felt regarding relationships. Oh, I understood – or felt I did – why the Order was concerned about strong emotions like love and lust causing a Force user problems but denying them from ourselves cut us off from being truly alive. No, what I needed here and now was to hear Serra's opinion on us and the Code. She might not be as blind about the dogma of the Order as many, but she'd been raised as a Jedi for as long as she could remember.

However, her giggling and laughing in my face wasn't the reaction I'd expected. "You?!" She asked once her laughter had died down slightly. "You're asking me about the Code?!" She shook her head, unintentionally smacking me in the shoulder with her Padawan braid, and if I'd not been holding her on my lap, I suspected she'd have fallen over.

"Cam, I know you're a Jedi, but let's be honest, you're not one to adhere strictly to the Code," she said, smirking as she placed a finger on my lips to silence any protests. "You taught me the older version of the code, the simpler and cleaner one that I still follow. It's no surprise, considering your lineage as a Shan. And let's not forget, your great-grandfather's redemption from the Dark Side involved something the Order has frowned upon for ages!" She burst into laughter again, though thankfully it was shorter this time. I hoped it would divert her attention from the unintended reaction her touch on my leg was causing.

"You follow your own path, just like your family always has. And honestly, I admire that. I agree with it," she said, glancing out of the viewport, presumably referring to Coruscant. "The galaxy is in disarray, and it all started here. The Order... we can't fix it, not within the confines of the Code or the oath we've taken to the Republic." Her finger jabbed my chest, emphasising her point. "But you, you'll try to make things right. I can sense it in my heart and through the Force. And I..." She snorted, then composed herself. "I want to be by your side, walking that path. Even if it means leaving the Order, abandoning the only home I've ever known... I'll do it. For you."

I blinked as I stared into her eyes. As the Force swirled around us, I saw no deception, only conviction. "I don't want you, us, to leave the Order," I replied slowly. Though I knew there was a good chance that would happen. To prepare for what was to come, I'd likely have to do things the Order and the Republic would never accept. "I don't want you to throw away everything you have here."

She flicked me on my forehead. "Weren't you listening?" Her hair flew around as she shook her head again. "Let me make it clear. For you, I'd leave. I-I'd follow you to the darkest parts of the galaxy because I trust you. Because I know that my path is at your side. Unless you don't want me?" The certainty and conviction in her tone vanished with her question.

I leaned forward as the Force felt as if it was tightening around us, drawing us closer. "I want you," I answered in a voice barely above a whisper.

The Force reacted to my words, sparking in a way I'd never felt before even as Serra's face was brightened by a smile that could light the darkest pits of Korriban. "Good." Her lips sought mine out and I eagerly accepted them. I closed my eyes, savouring the taste of her kiss even as her hands slid into my hair, tugging gently on my locks. I slid both my arms under hers, locking them around her back and holding her close: unwilling to let her go.

After what felt like seconds that stretched across time and space, she pulled back. Her face was red, her lips puffy and her eyes flickering as if her mind was struggling to work. "Oh Force," she mumbled as a million-credit smile erupted on her face. "I'll have to thank her."

I leaned forward as I chuckled and nibbled her ear. "She taught me more than how to kiss," I whispered, enjoying the way she shivered as my breath brushed her face. "Want me to show you?"


No single word had ever reached me that carried as much desire and longing.

I stood slowly, letting her wrap her legs around my waist even as her lips nuzzled into my neck. Once standing I moved slowly, carrying her, as she seemed to shiver in anticipation, toward the door. While I'm sure she wanted to take things further immediately, I wasn't going to make her first time take place in the cockpit of Raven.

That, if she was still able to walk after I'd had my way with her, could come later.

… …

… …

I eased back on the power, watching as the stars returned to normal and Raven brought us back to real space. The sensation of transitioning to and from hyperspace as felt through my bond with Raven would never grow old. My mind couldn't understand most of what she felt, but what I could comprehend was incredible. I likened it to what water must feel like when it reaches the end of a rushing river and flows out into the sea.

"While I am grateful for the transport, there is no need for you to accompany me all the way to this system," I smirked at Dooku's words even as I plotted the sub-light course for Mtael's Gift. No matter how much I hated the name, it had stuck and I'd realised that not calling it that was a disservice to the Lokella. To them, the actions Dooku and I had taken those many years ago had changed the fates of thousands of beings, and naming the station after the title they'd bestowed upon me was a mark of respect. Plus, the fact it was a former Pius Dea ship and was now used by a mainly non-Human group of freed slaves as a base to live and strike out against slavers always amused me.

"I'm aware of that Master, but as much as I detest the names given to the station and system, this is one of the few places where I feel comfortable and able to truly relax." I glanced over at him even as the sensors showed the approach of a massive – at least for this system – vessel. "That said, I have no interest in interacting with Vosa. While I feel I could survive such a meeting without running her through, I'd rather not risk it."

Dooku's lips twitched, which was often as close as he came to a smile, yet before he could reply, the communication console beeped. I opened the channel and looked at the display showing the bridge of the approaching ship.

"Unknown vessel, this is the…" The figure speaking stopped and leaned forward. He then inhaled sharply as a smile crept over his face. "Mtael, we are honoured that you have returned." Around the ship's commander members of the crew stole glances at the display; no doubt surprised and shocked to see me.

I returned the Togrutan commander's smile. "Captain Ranze, it's been some time but I see you've moved up in the world." At one time Ranze Faar had been captain of the Freerunner until Baalta had taken command and made it the flagship of the Lokella's small fleet. The ship he was on now, according to Raven's sensors, was a Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser. Measuring over six-hundred metres long and armed with upwards of two dozen weapon emplacements, the ship was, in current military terms, a powerful warship. The only issue was the crew requirement, which from my research was highly variable. While I knew the Lokella were growing, I had to believe this ship was a newer variant as it was unlikely that they could afford to place the twelve thousand crew on board some of the earliest models of the ship required.

"Indeed, I have Mtael. The Liberator, while a recent addition to our forces, was generously given by an unexpected benefactor." Ranze's amused and prideful tone had me suspecting the ship was a recent capture from one – clearly unworthy – slaver. While the dreadnought had several flaws, beginning with the crew requirements, it was one heavily armed vessel, putting everything else I knew the Lokella had – at least from when I'd last visited – to shame. Any Hutt or slaver looking to strike back against the Lokella was going to need serious firepower to take out the Liberator; to say nothing of whatever other ships the Lokella had acquired over the last few years.

"I'm glad to see the Lokella are growing stronger," a beep from one set of sensors, along with hints of concern from Raven caught my attention. "Though perhaps you might convince your interceptors to break before they get closer. I'd hate to embarrass them when my new ship leaves them eating my exhaust." While the four fighters inbound were fast, I knew Raven could outrace them and felt her wanting the chance to prove me right.

Ranze blinked. "Ah, right." He looked offscreen and nodded and a second later Raven tracked the four fighters banking away. "We weren't told you'd be returning, nor to expect you in an unknown vessel."

"I only decided to come when I learnt Master Dooku wished to return. As for my ship… let's just say the last few years have been interesting."

Ranze chuckled. "I look forward to hearing about your adventures, however, that will have to wait until our patrol is over." He glanced offscreen again. "I've contacted the Council to notify them of your arrival, and I'll have your vessel…"

"The Jade Raven," I offered.

"… the Jade Raven added to our list of cleared visitors." Ranze stood and moved closer to the screen. "It is good to see you once again, Mtael, and I'm sure many will share that sentiment. Liberator out."

The channel cut as the fighters angled again, this time swooping around us. After confirming the flight path provided by the Liberator, I angled Raven toward the station. The fighters fell in alongside, providing us with an escort that I'd rather have not gotten, but accepted the Lokella Council would insist I receive.

As we slid past the larger cruiser, I whistled as Raven's sensors fed me more information on the Liberator's armament. "Seems the Lokella have been doing well for themselves," I muttered as we passed by the large ship's engines and nearly three dozen other vessels came into view along with Mtael's Gift. Most of the ships appeared to be ones I already knew – at least based on their models and configuration – but a dozen freighters that were gathered near the station bore markings of various smaller trading companies and mining guilds. Two of those ships stood out as they dwarfed the others, reading as about three hundred metres each. Nearby several smaller ships floated and I wondered if they were escorts for the freighters and if so, what the Lokella were exporting or importing. I hoped they weren't selling too much of the phrik from the planet below, but if they were, then so be it. It was their choice after all.

"Indeed. I recognize the sigils on the largest freighters. Possibly they are the same vessels that came around before to purchase ore. With the discovery of other useful metals and ores in the asteroids in the system, the Lokella haven't had to rely on the sale of phrik and further donations from your funds, to secure their location." I was glad to hear Dooku say that, as revealing too much phrik too quickly to the larger galaxy might draw the attention of certain organisations that I'd prefer never learnt of the Lokella. The Trade Federation for example. "The settlement on the planet below has also grown substantially over the last few years. The last time I spoke with their Council, I was informed it held somewhere north of twenty-five thousand freed slaves and those seeking a new life free of Hutt control." My head snapped around at that. It was clear the Lokella had grown, but I hadn't realised they'd grown large enough to have a planetary population equivalent to a small city. "And unless something has happened in my time away, somewhere between a third and half their fleet isn't currently present. I would speculate they are engaged in another operation to free more slaves."

"Damn," I muttered as I returned my attention to the listing of the various ships Raven was detecting. I quickly noted that the Corellian Gunships weren't present, along with the Freerunner. That added proof to Dooku's words and made it clear there was much I had to catch up upon once we'd docked and gotten through the greetings.

Honestly, I was impressed they'd grown so rapidly, and seemingly avoided retaliatory strikes from beings like Decca the Hutt. That giant slug, along with his mother Gardulla and the other Hutts, knew about the Lokella but hadn't moved against them. Or at least not to a degree that it seemed to have weakened the Lokella. As I guided Raven toward a dock on the station – one that hadn't been usable the last time I'd been here – I wondered how much longer that would remain the case.

If the Hutts wanted this station and colony gone, they had the resources to make it happen. It just had to be financially worth the effort. Which with the current defences, seemed to not be the case. I offered a silent prayer to the Force that remained the case for a long time to come.

… …

… …

I waited at the top of the ramp leading down from Raven, having sensed a group of several hundred were gathered in the bay, including one very excitable and in the future, powerful young boy. While I was looking forward to dealing with Anakin, the less I had to deal with the Lokella's reverence toward me the better. I mean, I understood why it existed, but I wished they'd not make each visit an event.

"They simply wish to show their gratitude for what you did in helping establish this colony," Dooku offered from my side, clearly picking up on my slight apprehension. "No matter how large the group grows, or how many years pass, to them, our actions in their initial liberation, and early financial support matter greatly to them."

I sighed and shook my head. "I know Master, I'd simply prefer to avoid the pomp and circumstance that my arrival always seems to bring out."

Dooku might not have smiled, but I could sense his amusement. "Sadly, with your actions, and the stories that have no doubt grown even further regarding them, I doubt it will be something you'll be able to avoid. And certainly not with a group who consider you their founder and saviour."

"Aye, I guess you're right," I turned and looked at him, a smirk coming to my face, "Phillip."

Dooku tensed for a moment, which was what I'd been hoping for. After I'd been knighted, and after some gentle prodding from Qui-Gon, Dooku had revealed his given name to me. It wasn't hard to tell Dooku disliked it greatly, not least whenever – like this moment – where his nose wrinkled at hearing it, and I could understand why. While on Earth, it carried a slight noble quality to it, in this galaxy it sounded… common, wrong. This might be why the only times I used it was when I wanted an easy way to snipe back at him. I knew it would cost me the next time we sparred, but at least now I had some way to strike back at my former Master.

Fenrir stepped up beside me, rubbing his shoulder against my upper arm. I could sense some excitement from him, which I suspected came from him sensing Anakin outside. The pair had bonded easily enough when I'd last passed through the system. "Remember, these people are friends. Play nice," I said to the large but still growing tuk'ata.

While I doubted he'd do anything to cause problems, nor did I expect Simvyl to have any issues with the Lokella, I still wanted the warning in place. Since our last visit, Fenrir had grown far larger and had tasted blood. The size would, I hoped, make those gathered reluctant to be overly vocal in their delight at seeing me, while Fenrir's taste for blood meant there was a risk, however small, that someone who approached him in the wrong way would regret it for the rest of their lives. Which, if Fenrir decided they were a threat or a useful toy, would be no more than a minute after their mistake.

Fenrir snorted, almost as if he was offended that I had to tell him to play nice. I knew he wouldn't attack the first person he saw, though if there was a Trandoshan among the group, I might not mind if he did. I knew it was wrong, but ever since my verd'goten, my distaste for the species had only grown stronger with age.

I glanced behind me to see Simvyl smirking, his teeth exposed, as he watched the interaction between me and Fenrir. While I didn't know how long we'd be here, I hoped he'd find a way to pass the time, and maybe even make a few friends among the Lokella.

Turning back, I moved down the ramp, Dooku and Fenrir at my sides, and as we stepped into the bay, almost to a being, applause broke out. I looked at the gathered crowd and forced a smile onto my face even as four figures – all of whom I knew – moved toward us.

"Mtael," Maan Lonwin began as he bowed deeply. The action was copied by two of those with him, though the third only gave me a nod, which I was fine with. "We are honoured you have returned to us. It has been some time since your last visit and," he paused as his eyes darted over Fenrir, "I, uh, see you and your companion have grown in your time away."

I stepped forward and gripped Maan's forearm. "Aye, while my growth is less obvious than Fenrir's," said beast snorted and when I looked at him, he'd lifted his head high, proud of the changes he'd gone through, "we've both changed over the last year and a bit." I shifted my stance. "This is Antarian Ranger Simvyl, and of course, you are well acquainted with Master Dooku."

Maan chuckled as we broke our grip. "Yes," he began as he looked at Dooku. "You'll be pleased to hear your… charge has remained on her island. While she appears to have become less agitated at the isolation, our transports have continued to follow your instructions regarding bringing her supplies."

Dooku tilted his head in thanks. "I will return to Komari soon. For at least the next few days, I will remain onboard with my former Padawan. Provided, of course, that is acceptable to you and the Council?"

"It is, it is." Maan's smile froze, and he blinked. "Ah, forgive me. Mtael, I'm sure you remember Tweq Ruhn and Osrep Becos?" I smiled and grasped arms with the Rodian and Twi'lek in turn. "And this is the newest member of our Council…"

"Validus," I finished for Maan as I faced the former Human gladiator of the Hutt fighting pits. "I see you've moved up in the world," I commented as we grasped arms, his grip carrying more strength than the others combined, "though I fail to see your more… outspoken companion."

Validus laughed. "Ferox, along with others, is leading a raiding party several sectors away. We learnt of a new shipment of slaves bound for Hutt space and hope to intercept them while they are still technically within Republic space." I nodded in understanding as we broke the grasp. "If all goes well, they should return within a week, and like myself, I suspect he will want a rematch." His eyes shifted to Fenrir. "Perhaps even, if you'll allow it, with your beast. I am impressed by his growth, and by the wound on his back, and over your eye, it's clear you've both fought battles in your time away."

"Aye, we've seen our share of scrapes, and provided it's clear any duel against Fenrir wouldn't use bladed objects, I suspect I'll allow it," I smirked as Validus' gaze returned to me. "Though I should warn you, he's still got a fair bit of growth to go. He's still a pup after all."

"A pup?" He repeated, his eyes wide.

I laughed as I replied. "Aye. I found him a few years ago but tuk'ata grow quickly. At full height, he'll be taller than any of us, though maybe not the Wookies if they're still members of the Lokella."

Validus nodded. "They're still here, though they're off with Ferox. Still, I look forward to hearing tales of Fenrir's battle prowess, and one day I hope, seeing them with my own eyes."

"I believe that unless the recording was deleted, Miss Kryze's vid of your fight on Zonama Sekot should still be in the Raven's computer banks," Dooku offered. I turned to glare at him and saw the faint hint of a smirk. I grunted in annoyance as I realised this was his way of getting back at me for using his name just before we'd emerged. Or at least part of his revenge. Still, a recording would save me from detailing most of my battles against the Vong, though I suspected the story of the honour duel would be one Validus and others – Anakin being one – would enjoy hearing over and over.

"If it exists, then I know my warriors would enjoy viewing it. As would I." While Validus was enthusiastic about this, the other members of the Council, at least those present, didn't appear to be. "Many have joined our ranks since you were last here, and while they've heard stories of the great Mtael," I had the urge to punch the smile off his face as he used my title, "many haven't seen you in action. A recording they could view would no doubt lower the number who wish to test themselves against the founder of the Lokella."

"Yeah, I'd rather not have to face a dozen challenges a day while here. I've got better things to do than beat people down," I snarked back. Validus laughed, either because he agreed with me, or found the idea of me fighting so much everyday amusing.

"While many here might doubt you, neither I, Master Fay nor the High Council do," Dooku offered, hints of pride radiating from him. "If any here feel they are worthy of challenging a Jedi Knight in combat, I see no reason you should prevent their re-education."

"Cam!" The screech of my name prevented me from responding to Dooku's comment or dealing with the looks the Lokella Council gave me as they realised I was now a Knight. I turned at the familiar voice and saw a small boy with a mop of sandy brown hair racing toward us. Behind him, Shmi chased after her son, though she failed to catch him in time, nor did Fenrir's growl of hello slow Anakin before he'd latched himself onto my legs.

I patted his head as Shmi came closer. "I see you've still to learn what patience is," I commented as he gripped my waist tightly. The Lokella Council all smiled at Anakin's behaviour, which meant they were used to his behaviour and fine with it.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" He asked as he looked up.


"Whoa!" Anakin cut my reply off as he noticed Fenrir, as the large tuk'ata pushed his snout against Anakin's arm. "Kriff, you're big."

"Anakin!" The boy shivered against me, which made me laugh as his mother reached us. "Where did you learn such language?"

"Miss Skywalker," I cut in, saving Anakin from answering the question. "I hope you and Anakin have been doing well?"

Shmi's gaze softened as she turned to me as I felt Anakin let go of me. "I believe I was clear that you and Master Dooku were free to call me Shmi. While I'd prefer Anakin wasn't always exploring the station with the other kids, it's a good place to live. We can't ever thank you enough for freeing and bringing us here."

"What happened to Fenrir?" I looked down at Anakin to see his hands moving over Fenrir's back.

"We got trapped during an invasion of a remote planet last year. Fenrir was forced to fight there, and while he was wounded, those he fought came off much worse." Fenrir threw his head up and shook it, proud of himself. Validus smirked at the behaviour while the other Council members and Shmi had mixtures of shock and concern on their faces.

"Can you tel… Whoa! What's that?" Anakin shifted mid-sentence as he thrust an arm past me. I turned to see where he was pointing.

"Well, unless you mean Simvyl, who's a he, not an it, I assume you mean my new ship." Simvyl shook his head at my comment, though the curl of his lips made clear he was enjoying seeing my interaction with Anakin. "Her name's the Jade Raven. The Ne'tra Sartr was lost in the invasion, but Raven's something else. Faster, slicker and, if you reach out with the Force, you'll get a hint of just how different she is."

I watched as Anakin closed his eyes and felt the wave of raw power roll off him as he clumsily did as I'd suggested. "Wha… It's alive?!" He blurted out as he opened his eyes.

"She. Raven is a she," I corrected even as my smile grew. "But yes, in some ways, she is alive. She's a semi-organic vessel created from a world strong in the Living Force." I shifted my gaze to his mother. "Provided your mother allows it, I'm more than happy to take you out for a flight with her. Though not today," I added quickly as he took a step toward Raven.



"Yes, mum."

I laughed at the interaction, as did others – though not Dooku, who remained as apparently stoic as always to those who didn't know him – and clapped a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Now, how about you and your friends, wherever they are, give me, Fenrir and Simvyl a tour of the station. I'd love to see the changes that have taken place." I glanced at Validus as I finished, making it clear I would also want a rundown of the military status of the Lokella.

He nodded in understanding as Anakin grabbed my hand. As he pulled me away from the group, Fenrir and Simvyl close behind, I looked forward to what he showed me. Apart from getting more time to bond with him, I'd get to see how the Lokella had grown over the last couple of years. Though it was clear that they were rapidly reaching a point where donations from my credit pile would no longer be needed to keep them afloat. If they'd not already passed that point.

With my account standing at more than nine-hundred million credits and with the first Knights of the Old Republic novel due to be published at the end of the year, I was reaching a point where I'd be able to start considering investing in useful companies. I had some in mind for that, but that could wait. For now, I had a station to reacquaint myself with and a Chosen One to grow closer to.

… …

… …

I slid back, avoiding the tip of Dooku's lightsaber as it thrust toward me. As I moved, I used my off-hand and sent a blast of Force energy at the ground near his feet. Dooku sensed it coming and was already disengaging before the dirt was tossed up by the blast. I used the dust to move back further, and as it settled, I saw he'd done the same, generating distance between us.

I growled in annoyance even as I slid into the stance I was trying to use. To overcome Makashi's flaws, I now used Ataru footwork, and even the odd leap if it worked, when I duelled. However, everything still felt robotic, and structured, which might be why I kept losing to Dooku.

After each spar, he'd all but snarled – for him – at me at my failure to overcome whatever it was that was holding me back. I knew he was right, I knew what I had to do, yet I couldn't seem to discover why my form was, to use his words, technically proficient but lacking in grace. I was reasonably sure it was something to do with how the Interface interacted with the Force, almost as if it was blocking a true connection with the energy field that bound almost all life in the galaxy, yet I could neither prove that nor discover a workaround. Or, if the issue was mental, see the step I had to take to overcome this limitation.

While against lower-skilled opponents, it wasn't an issue, against every Jedi Master it made it nigh on impossible for me to score a hit, never mind win a spar. Yes, Dooku was far beyond even highly skilled Jedi Masters, but that didn't change the fact he was – just as he'd done over the last five days – toying with me as we sparred. Nor did it ease the growing concern that this issue would rear its ugly head when I faced Darth Maul.

Dooku rushed forward, stopping me from once more delving into my failings, and I moved to meet him, the dust around us slowly falling to the ground. His blade slid for my gut. My wrist twisted, moving my blade to deflect his. He rolled his wrist, trying to rotate his weapon over my arm, but I'd expected that and was able to flick my arm enough to bounce the attack away.

At the same time, I saw the fingers on his free hand move and then felt something grip my leg. Before he could fully grasp it with the Force, I pulled the leg back and slid my free arm behind my back. As I brought it around, the tip of my now ignited shoto clipped the ground, making the weapon hiss and the ground melt and then, as the blade carried on, lifted superheated dirt toward my former Master. I knew this was never going to work, not least as I'd just done the same thing a moment earlier, but as I felt the grip on my leg vanish, I knew it'd served its purpose.

While it had freed me before Dooku could toss me across the ground, drawing my shoto and using it as I had, had forced me off-balance. Dooku took advantage of this as his lightsaber raced toward me, seeking the gap my body's position generated between my lightsabers.

While I might have been able to block the thrust with my main blade, I knew he'd have simply rolled with that and clipped my leg, ending this duel. Not wanting that to happen, I reached into my bag of tricks and, just as the tip reached my robes, used Phase.

Feeling the blade pass through me was, as always, an odd sensation that I never particularly enjoyed. However, it had at least delayed my defeat. Though now I was left with his lightsaber seemingly embedded in my chest. His brow rose at the situation and felt his irritation through the Force. Yet for all that, he had to know he had me trapped. So long as his lightsaber remained within me while I was phased, he had victory in his grasp. Thankfully, while I lacked something to give me a fair crack at beating him with a lightsaber, I had other Force-related tricks I could use to, at the very least, delay the inevitable.

I started running, enjoying the look of shock that flashed over Dooku's features as I rushed through his body. I knew he'd turned and was in pursuit, which is why I pushed myself as fast as I could, the Force accelerating me to speeds most beings would struggle to track. Dooku, however, wasn't a normal being.

Still, I'd planned for this, and after only a few seconds, I stopped, pivoted, and brought my blades around. As I came back into phase, Dooku was forced to slow instantly. While his blade was in a general defensive position, since he'd been moving rapidly, the form wasn't its usual perfect self. My main blade thrust forward, pushing against his and guiding it away as my shoto then came into play.

However, just before the tip of my secondary blade reached him, I felt the Force shift. Before I could react, I was sent hurtling back, lifted up, and then crashing into the ground by a point-blank blast of the Force from Dooku.

I bounced over the ground, my shoto being driven from my hand when my wrist slammed into a rock, only regaining some control once I dug my main blade into the ground and used it to counter my momentum. I barely had time to get my bearings before the blue tip of Dooku's blade emerged from the dust cloud my journey had caused.

With no chance to get my lightsaber free from the ground in time to block, I depowered it and reached further into my back of tricks. The air around me shifted to sliver as I used Teleport to gain some distance from him. When my vision returned, I was standing about ten metres from Raven, who marked the centre of the one-kilometre-squared area we were using for today's spars.

Sensing Dooku closing, the Force swirling around him, I turned to face him. My lightsaber came up, tapping away his attack, then when he countered, doing so once more. He shifted around me, trying to come at me from the side, but I leant into Makashi and made sure he remained directly in front of me. As his attacks continued to come, and I deflected, blocked, or avoided them, I already knew I'd lost. My only hope now would be a mistake from Dooku that granted an opening, but after training with him for so long – and having spent time sparring with someone prone to using misdirection and deception in their style in Shaak Ti – I knew that even if I saw an opening, I'd not take it.

Dooku stopped trying to sidestep me and instead turned the spar into a purely linear event. It took nearly a dozen probing attacks before I was forced to shift back, but I knew that more would come. That was proven true when I had no choice but to take a second step only five attacks later.

I grunted in annoyance at how clear my defeat was, yet as much as I wanted to draw on that rage, to use it to power my actions, I knew that wouldn't work. I'd done that several days ago, and apart from the lecture Dooku had given about allowing myself to become unbalanced from drawing on my emotions, it had only hastened my defeat.

Once more, I reached into my bag of tricks and with my free hand, tried to manipulate the very ground we fought on. It was hard to do, as I had to keep almost all my attention on Dooku, something proved when his blade came close enough to my arm that I felt the heat burn away some of the hairs there, but after some effort, I felt the Force and the ground respond to me.

A gentle tremor caused us both to stop and take a few steps to restore our balance. With that time, I flicked up my free hand, summoning flames that rushed toward Dooku. He batted them aside with a simple use of the Force, but as the flames cleared to let him see me, lightning raced from my fingers. It was only Electrokinesis, but the unexpected assault forced him to bring his lightsaber up to defend himself and take a step back.

I kept the power flowing, knowing that if I slacked off, he'd slide past the attack and have me on the defensive instantly. As his blade caught the blue ripples of energy that surged from my fingers, I stepped close, my lightsaber poised to strike out, to score my first-ever hit against him. Yet just as I felt close enough to strike, just as I saw my chance, Dooku moved.

His blade flicked forward, sending the energy swirling around it back at me. I was forced to end the stream of power, lest I get burnt by it, and in that second, I felt his blade clip my shoulder.

"I believe that is the spar."

I grunted as he spoke and powered down his lightsaber. I'd been close, so close, to scoring a strike by pulling on my full arsenal. Yet in the decisive moment, he'd turned the tables and beaten me. Again. "Kriff," I spat out as I powered down my blade. "I thought I had you there."

"For a moment you may have. However, you delayed too long in seeking victory, which granted me time to not only adapt to your attack but counter it." He moved closer, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You are far more comfortable using the Force offensively, and in unexpected ways than most Jedi – even some Masters – however your blade work is, as you're well aware, your greatest flaw. I won't go into detail, again, regarding this apparent block you have, but until you are able to overcome it, I fear you will not reach your full potential."

"I know, I know," I muttered. Even if I was glad he wasn't giving me one of his far more common harsh critiques, the gentler approach he was taking now somehow felt worse. As if he realised his usual methods weren't working and felt a softer, kinder approach would somehow make a difference. Almost as if he felt sorry for me.

"Do not be discouraged, Cameron. You are, without a doubt, the most technically sound Jedi I have seen in decades, if not ever. Indeed, if they felt you would accept, I suspect the Council would assign you permanently to work with Initiates and Padawans as you have the ability to help others improve that few possess." I snorted at that, knowing it was as much down to the Interface as to how well I taught as to anything natural. "However, this continual inability to find fluidity in your actions, to let the Force guide your blade and work with you fully, holds you back from achieving the mastery that I know you are capable of. Once you discover and overcome it, I have little doubt you will become a duellist able to rival myself, Master Yoda, and Master Windu, if not surpass us all."

There was a faint trace of pride mixed with hope in his words, but I didn't latch onto that. No, once more, my thoughts returned to my inability to truly embrace the Force and my lightsaber style as I fought. I kicked the ground, letting some of the building anger out before I let go of the rest. Here and now, there was little I could seemingly do about this.

Oh, I'd keep meditating on the matter, keep training myself in the six forms I knew – even though I was Knighted, I'd not approached Battlemaster Drallig about learning Juyo as I didn't want to concern the Council – and hope the issue would resolve itself. Before I'd left the Temple, I sparred with other Knights and a handful of Masters so much that Serra and others had joked that I enjoyed pain. While I was slowly getting better and could sense hints of what my style would be whenever I overcame the block on me, I was still losing to others of my rank or higher. Well, at least to some.

I had defeated a small number of Knights, but like me, they were recently elevated to the rank. While that gave me some XP from the Training Superiority: Mark 2 quest, it was starting to grate at how far it felt I still had to go. The XP from the updated quest was lower, at least for defeating Padawans and Knights, which made sense, yet I was more focused on trying to overcome this seemingly mental block.

Now, if it was a factor of the Interface, then all I could do was hope that reaching level 30, and the second and last system update would fix the issue. If not, I'd be permanently hamstrung by this, which would require me to adapt my fighting methods.

The big issue was that, unless something major happened, I wouldn't be hitting level 30 until after Naboo, and my likely face-off with Maul. Yes, he'd lost to Obi-Wan, but everything about that screamed him simply becoming overconfident and toying with the Padawan instead of killing him off when he had the chance. A mistake he didn't make with Qui-Gon, and, with Sidious having an idea of my skills, not a mistake I expected him to make with me wherever our paths crossed. Haran, I'd sparred with Qui-Gon several times and even when I'd drawn the fight out, taking advantage of him tiring as it progressed, I'd still failed to score a strike against him.

"Still, before you cross this barrier, I feel it would do you, and the boy some good if you instructed him in some elementary velocities. I have shown him some, but I lack the… patience to handle one so young and rumbustious."

I chuckled at the image of Dooku trying to get Anakin to remain still and failing miserably. "Yes, Anakin isn't the calmest of children." I looked at my former Master. "Still, I'm not sure if I should begin his training."

"You feel you shouldn't become his Master?"

I sighed and looked upward, in the general direction of Mtael's Gift and Anakin. "I'm not sure. I know I share a bond with him, but I fear that if I can't break this block I have, then I'd hinder his growth more than help."

"It's good you understand your limitations, Cameron, and that you are concerned if you're ready for the responsibility of training a Padawan. However, it has been clear to me and Master Fay for many years that the Force drew you to the boy. While I would be honoured to take another Padawan with potential like yours, I know that isn't what the Force wants. Nor the boy." I wondered how Anakin would turn out with Dooku as a Master. While I had little doubt Anakin would be an even deadlier combatant under Dooku's tutelage, I had doubts the pair would be able to work together. Their personalities were simply far too different. "I have – as time with Komari allows – watched and instructed him. Beyond being incredibly gifted with the Force, he has an ability, no doubt enhanced by his connection to the Force, to understand and improve technology that is almost unmatched. If he commits, I believe he may one day surpass Master Tiin as the greatest pilot in the Order. My only concern, which I share about you, is his desire to do what is right, regardless of what the Order and Code would permit, may lead him to make the wrong choice for the right reasons."

"But… what if I ruin him? What if I'm not able to teach him what he needs and he either doesn't reach his potential and resents me for it or dies before his time? What if, because of my limitations, I fail to prepare him for what is to come and whatever role the Force has in line for him?"

I'd had these concerns for a while, which was why I limited the time I spent around Anakin, though this was the first time I'd voiced them to anyone. If I'd mentioned it to Fay, she'd have told me to have faith in the Force and its path for us. While that might work for her, I was less… trusting of the Force's plans and goals. Since she'd stayed at the Temple, to spend time with Satele's holocron and to research her mission to rediscover Tython, I'd not brought it up with her. While I hoped I'd get to see her again before she left, I knew in my heart I'd see her again even if I didn't.

Dooku was silent for a while as if ordering his thoughts. "Every Master has these concerns. I had them when I first met you. At that point, I felt my time training Padawans had passed. Yet the Force guided me to you, as it did Master Fay. I admit I was reluctant to train you. I felt my time within the Order was drawing to a close; that I needed to walk a different path. Yet the Force had guided me to you, and I placed trust in that, a decision that I am grateful for."

"As am I, Master," I lowered my head.

One of those rare smiles came to his face. "While we both know the path ahead of you is long and dangerous, I know your path is an important one. You are someone who, unlike many, understands that doing what is needed sometimes isn't what others consider legal." He paused and looked upward. "There are times when I wonder how your mother would view the man you've become. How proud she would be to see the potential you have to be one of the greatest Force users the galaxy has ever seen. While a Jedi should be mindful of pride and other emotions as they can lead to mistakes being made, and dark paths being walked, I am proud of the man you have become. As I am with all my Padawans. While I dislike the concept, I know that my time in the galaxy is slowly fading, though it won't for many years yet. I am grateful to know that my legacy, my teachings, will live on in you and those like Qui-Gon Jinn as you make your marks on the course of the galaxy."

I blinked, finding my eyes oddly blurry. "I… Thank you, Master." I bowed deeply. "I hope I can live up to the high standards and faith you have in me."

Dooku chuckled, which was a sound I knew I'd never grow to expect. "You already have, as you will continue to do." He turned there and moved away from me and Raven. "Now, let us try again. Perhaps, with your mind on other matters, the path you must take will become clearer. Or at least the possibility of one might appear."

I shook my head. While I doubted things would clear up today, or soon, I wouldn't turn down another spar. Yes, I didn't expect to win, but every spar taught me something new, something to learn and improve from.

The familiar soft howl of my lightsaber brought me a sense of calm, and as I slipped into an opening stance, I readied myself for Dooku's fresh onslaught.

… …

… …

"Jade Raven, this is Coruscanti Orbital Control. Your arrival is expected, and a flight path cleared. Transmitting data now."

I looked at the data as it appeared on a screen, then frowned. The route, while generally what I'd expected, didn't take me to the Temple, but instead to the Senate building. "Control, can you confirm this path? I was recalled by the Jedi Council."

It'd been about two months since my knighting, and after spending most of that time with the Lokella, Anakin, and Dooku – when he'd not been busy with Vosa –, I'd received a summons to return from Master Gallia. She'd not mentioned why I was being recalled, but I assumed it was for a mission. Since there was only about a month and a half until the end of the year, I was concerned they'd give me a mission that would take significant time and cause me issues with what was due to happen next year.

With Anakin and his mother off Tatooine, if Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were still given the mission to Naboo, then they'd possibly be stranded there. At least until Maul turned up and likely killed them and then took Padmé back to Naboo and forced her to sign Viceroy Gunray's settlement.

When I'd first gotten the summons, I had also wondered if they wished to speak with me about Serra and our developing relationship. Apart from that first afternoon aboard Raven, we'd only managed to get time away from the Temple one more time before I'd left with Dooku. Now, with time to think about it as I travelled to the Republic capital, I realised that concern was unwarranted. Even if they did learn anything about us, and I'd not sensed any worry from Serra during my time away, we were already clear that, if the worst did happen, we'd leave the Order together.

Now, I didn't want that to happen, at least not for a while, but if it did, then so be it. Still, I'd hoped to at least see and spar with her, and my friends again, when at the Temple. That now appeared to be off the table.

"Path is confirmed, Jade Raven. The orders came directly from the Chancellor's office."

That made my frown deepen. I'd had no interaction with Valorum, save for when he'd met me as an aide of the former Chancellor, Kalpana. For him to summon me only worked if someone – and I had a fair idea of who – had brought my name up concerning a matter that I currently knew nothing about.

"Understood Control. Raven out." I closed the link as Raven slid into the planet's atmosphere after accepting the flight path into her systems.

As the hull warmed from the planet's stratosphere brushing against Raven's hull, I closed my eyes and reached out through the Force. [Serra, I've been called to the Senate. If I can, I'll try and swing by the Temple, but I suspect they've got something for me that will keep me away a little while longer.]

I kept the line open, waiting for her reply. As expected, she couldn't respond verbally – either because the distance was too great for her, or she wasn't able to focus on the link because of whatever she was currently doing – but I sensed her understanding and acceptance. There were also, at the very end, hints of hope and desire, making clear that she wanted to see me as much as I wanted to see her.

I smiled as I opened my eyes, casting my gaze toward the Temple as it came into sight far below. Unlike Bo, with whom every encounter started – and invariably ended – as a test of dominance, time with Serra was softer, gentler. I'd also confirmed that she had a slight submissive streak, at least when it came to me. I'd not pushed into that since what we had was still new and experimental, but I wondered how deep the streak went. And if it would extend to others, as I couldn't deny the thought of having both girls join me in bed had been a semi-regular thread in my dreams.

I turned my thoughts away from that idea, and instead, as the Senate building came into sight, toward one person I'd work my hardest to keep from this place. Anakin hadn't been happy that I had to leave the ShaDo system, but I'd left him with enough that he should be busy for at least a few months.

On Dooku's advice, I'd started training him in basic Shii-Cho velocities, letting him – after Shmi gave her reluctant blessing – use my shoto lightsaber on its lowest power setting. He'd picked them up rapidly, and I'd started walking him through using them in a spar. Shmi had watched almost all our sessions, which was understandable, but she never stopped him. While I doubted Anakin fully understood that becoming a Jedi would mean leaving her, Shmi did and seemed happy that he'd soon begin learning how to help others.

The only other person who'd watched any of those sessions had been Dooku. He'd spent most of his time with Vosa, which I understood even if I disliked, but he never spoke. Not unless it was to offer a critique of Anakin's stance or form. Oddly, Anakin didn't seem put off by Dooku's blunt manner and took every word to heart. My attention though was in those moments where a wisp of a smile crept onto my former master's face.

As for Vosa… I wasn't ready to face her. Not because I feared she'd defeat me again, but because – thanks to Eidetic Memory – how the memories of what I'd endured at her hands were always easily accessible. I felt I had a handle on those memories, but I wasn't willing to risk it by being near her and losing control, or letting Dooku see that I could, and had, drawn willingly upon the Dark Side. I knew Dooku was disappointed that I'd not chosen to meet Vosa, but I felt I wasn't ready, and he accepted that.

As Raven slid between two towers that reached high into the stratosphere, my mind was drawn to the sensations Raven was giving off. While she knew where we were, I sensed she'd prefer to be elsewhere. If I had to guess, that was because either the planet felt too sterile, too artificial for her liking, and when we'd last been here, I'd not taken her out as regularly as I had when we'd been near Gaia.

That was the name I'd chosen for the Lokella's planet. While I'd have preferred they'd have selected a name without me, the Council were insistent I chose. They'd been confused by my choice but had accepted it readily. To me, Gaia felt an appropriate name as in mythology, she'd been the mother planet that had given rise to life. A mother that had birthed and guided hope and life into a new place, which was the role that the planet, and the ShaDo system, served for the Lokella.

The Lokella themselves were even stronger than had been hinted at. Ferox had returned about two weeks after we'd arrived, bringing with him a small fleet composed of Corellian gunships and blockade runners, and his newest prize; two Gozanti-class cruisers. While neither was designed primarily for combat, since they were a CEC design, modifying them was relatively easy – something I'd helped push along by transferring another half million credits to the Lokella. That had required me to leave the system for a day with Validus to arrange the purchase of additional weapons for the ships, but I considered it was money well spent.

What helped with that was the fact the Lokella population had swelled with Ferox's raid. When I'd left, there were now around ten thousand souls aboard Mtael's Gift – with the majority being part of the anti-slavery operations – and another thirty thousand on Gaia below. Between the station and colony, and a few smaller mining operations throughout the system, the Lokella were able to support and grow themselves. I'd still check back in on them - even aside from the fact that Anakin was there - when I could, and gift them credits or supplies as needed. However, for the most part, they were now large enough to survive without help and strong enough to handle all but the most dedicated response from the Hutts or other slavers.

As Raven slowed while approaching the Senate building, I hoped that whatever it was Palpatine had wrangled me into wouldn't take too long. The starting line for canon events was fast approaching and I still had several things to do. Not least, going to Mandalore and getting the final checks made on my armour, and then getting used to fighting in it. Of course, it would also let me check in on Bo – hopefully without any awkward conversations with Duke Adonai about our relationship – and possibly even Naz.

A grin came to my face as Raven touched down on the platform set aside for her at the idea of fucking Pre Vizsla's daughter. However, seeing Palpatine standing nearby with his aides forced the smile and idea from my thoughts.

For now, I'd have to be on guard until I figured out just what the Sith Lord had planned.

… …

… …

I looked up from the table in front of me as the door to the suite opened. I watched as Kinman Doriana stepped into the suite. "Senator," he began with a bow, "the pilot wishes you to know that we've entered the landing pattern. He expects to be able to disembark within thirty minutes."

Palpatine, who is sitting across the table from me, examining the pieces in our game of holochess, turned and smiled. "Thank you, Kinman." He returned his gaze to the table and after tapping at his controls, one of his pieces moved and violently ripped my piece apart and took the space. "Your move."

I nodded as I looked at the board, taking the time to think things through. The game had similarities to chess from Earth, but not enough that what I'd known was much help beyond understanding the basics. Of course, the bigger issue was that I was sitting in a very luxurious suite aboard a transport bound for Eriadu – the same one I'd been in for the last four days – with Darth fucking Sidious.

After he'd greeted me on the Senate landing pad, he'd brought me to his office and explained the situation.

Apparently, while I'd been away there'd been an attack on Chancellor Valorum which had only been thwarted by the Jedi. This was, Palpatine explained, because of a trade summit taking place on Eriadu. One where the Chancellor was hoping to reach an agreement between the Trade Federation and the Republic regarding taxation of the Outer Rim.

Since Palpatine had also been targeted by a group of terrorists called the Nebula Front, Valorum had agreed the Senator needed extra protection. Of course, Palpatine had asked the Jedi to allow me to be that protection, which was why I was travelling with Palpatine to Eriadu for this summit. A summit that carried the threat of further attempts on the Chancellor by the Nebula Front.

As if being forced to spend days on-route and on-planet around Palpatine wasn't troublesome enough, Wilhuff Tarkin was the Lieutenant Governor of Eriadu while his uncle, Ramin Tarkin, was the sectorial senator. And then there was the fact that the Trade Federation, meaning Viceroy Gunray, was going to be present. When I'd had time to think things through, I'd become convinced that Palpatine was up to something with his involvement in this summit and that I'd been roped in as well. Whether that was because I had a role to play in whatever was going to happen, or because Palpatine felt this was a way to further ingratiate himself with me – or both – I couldn't say. Regardless, I'd been on edge ever since we'd left Coruscant, and things were only made trickier because Kinman Doriana and Sate Pestage were both coming along as well.

The only thing that I'd been able to have any influence over was our transportation. Palpatine had expressed an interest in us taking the Raven to Eriadu. I'd rejected that by saying the Council wanted to perform tests on her, which I'd agreed to whenever I returned to Coruscant. I'd also left Fenrir and Simvyl in the Temple, as while leaving an agitated tuk'ata around Jedi might be a dangerous idea, it was safer than having Fenrir anywhere near a Sith Lord.

The other thing I'd left behind had been Damask's gift.

I'd still not done much with the red-bladed katana he'd gifted me. Well, beyond using Observe on it. That had proved the blade was, as Damask had claimed, a Force-imbued blade weapon used before the invention of lightsabers by a member of the Legions of Lettow during the First Great Schism. Damask had claimed it had belonged to their leader, but Observe revealed it hadn't, instead belonging to a Tun Bohoi. From what I could gather in the Jedi Archives, Bohoi had been a general in the Legions. Since the Legions had been Dark Jedi who'd turned against the Order, I wondered if Damask was hinting at plans to turn me, or if he'd given it to me simply because he felt it might ingratiate himself to me. Regardless of his reasoning, the blade had stayed inside the case that Ce Serd had presented it in.

Publicly, Palpatine and Damask were known to be acquaintances, so I had to assume Sidious knew about the blade, but I wasn't willing to reveal it to him. Not when I had no clue as to Plagueis' motives for gifting it to me.

A gentle cough drew my mind back to the table and the game of holochess upon it.


"Sorry. Was just thinking." I looked at the board once more, planning out not just my move, but what I expected Palpatine to do next. I imputed my move, knowing it was a mistake. I was being too aggressive. However, that was something I'd done in every game I'd played since boarding this transport and allowing Palpatine to teach me the game. Just like in chess, there were tendencies a player displayed that also revealed much about them in real life. Thus, in every game I made mistakes. Early games had been all-out attacks, while the games since had taken longer, I always made sure that I eventually overcommitted an important piece, and then compounded the error by continuing to do so.

I hoped that Palpatine would believe this flaw in holochess carried over into my actions for real. There was some correlation, as I did prefer to rush in, but I didn't try to overcommit and understood that there were times when I needed to withdraw and regroup. By hiding those tendencies, and over-emphasising the flaws, Palpatine should, in theory, develop an inaccurate picture of how I operated.

"A bold move," he commented before quickly imputing his move. The piece I'd expected to move, did so, slaughtering the piece I'd just moved. "However, a rash one." The move left the piece that corresponded to my king – not that it was called that here – exposed.

"Yeah, I can see that now," I muttered with a frown, trying to appear annoyed at my apparent mistake. This game was over, as no matter what I did, I'd lose within five moves. However, I wanted to continue appearing rash, and my next move would end the game in another two moves for him.

"Senator," Palpatine turned before he could input his next move as Sate spoke. "We have an incoming transmission from the Governor's Palace."

"It seems we will have to continue this game at a later date," Palpatine said as he turned back to me. I nodded in acceptance; glad the game was over and turned off the system. I then watched as he moved to another section of the suite, where a large display lit up.

"Senator Palpatine," Wilhuff Tarkin began as soon as his image formed on the display, "on behalf of Governor Harro, I welcome you to Eriadu." I'd hoped to avoid Tarkin while here, but it seemed that I'd failed before even setting foot on the planet.

"Lieutenant Governor Tarkin, I hadn't expected to speak with you until after we'd landed," Palpatine replied, his back to me as he spoke with Tarkin. As with each time, he turned his back to me, the thought to strike out now, to take him out before he could rise to Chancellor flashed through my mind. I never acted on it though. Apart from the chances of me being able to take out a Sith Lord, even if I managed to get the jump on him, the fact was taking Sidious out now did nothing so long as Plagueis was still on the board. There was also the fact that, if by some miracle I did manage to kill Palpatine, or at least force him to reveal himself as a Sith, I'd spend the rest of my life on the run while all those I cared about would be hunted down and, at best, imprisoned for their association with me. "I do hope nothing is wrong."

"Quite the contrary. Security is tight, the conference location is secured and isolated, and the various delegates, of which you are the last to arrive, are protected by my forces." It almost sounded as if Tarkin was offended by the hint that something had gone wrong. "I simply wished to greet you before you landed as unfortunately, I have a scheduled meeting with the local security chiefs to finalise elements of the summit." He paused for a moment, his eyes drifting to me. "Has a new threat arisen that requires additional Jedi participation?"

Palpatine chuckled. "No, no. I simply felt safer travelling with a Jedi after the recent attempt on my life." He paused and extended one arm toward me. "I wonder if you remember Cameron Shan. He was recently knighted by the Jedi Council."

Tarkin's brow rose as his attention focused on me. "Forgive me for saying this, but I was unaware the Jedi promoted members at such an… early stage." I glared at Tarkin, though I held my tongue. The comment on my age was far too obvious to be anything but an attempt to draw a reaction from me.

"Cameron has more than earned that title, I assure you," Palpatine offered. "Beyond the actions that you learnt of when we all met, I have recently discovered that Cameron was instrumental in the dismantling of the Bando Gora crime syndicate. He also, on a minor world just beyond the Outer Rim, almost single-handedly repelled a planetary invasion and is the one responsible for the recent Zygerrian Agreement, which had King Scintel express his gratitude to the Senate and Jedi Order for dispatching Knight Shan to oversee the negotiations."

"Is that so?" Tarkin's gaze remained on me, though it was far more analytical now. He rubbed his chin. "Hmm, then it seems the Jedi have, for once, made the correct decision. My congratulations on your promotion, Knight Shan."

"Thank you Lieutenant Governor," I said calmly back, wondering if there was more to Palpatine's defence of me than trying to further pull me into his influence. "And the Council is known to be correct on occasion." That drew smiles from both men. "However, while you might be interested in hearing about my adventures unless I am relieved of my duty to protect the Senator, I doubt I will have time to mingle."

"As it should be," Tarkin replied with a nod. He turned back to Palpatine and as the two began discussing various issues with the summit, I let my mind wander. I could review everything they said later, though I doubted anything of importance to Sidious' plan would be revealed over an open channel.

That said, I did wonder if Eriadu was chosen because of the fact Tarkin was responsible for security. Or if it was a minor benefit to whatever scheme the Sith Lord had in motion. Regardless, it meant I had another figure to watch while here to see if I could determine what the plan was and if it was possible, how to stop it.

… …

… …

I entered the small room at the summit hall and moved over to the only familiar faces there. "Master Qui-Gon," I said once close enough while bowing. Next to him was Obi-Wan and since they were here, I had to assume they were to give me an update on the security situation. While I was here as a Jedi, I wasn't part of the main operation regarding the Chancellor, instead assigned purely as protection for Senator Palpatine.

I'd been looking for a way to slip away from the Senator when Kinman had approached me and mentioned Palpatine wanted an update on the security arrangements. I'd taken the opportunity to get away, though I worried that if Sidious wanted me gone then he was up to something. That fear had been put to bed instantly when Kinman had explained that Palpatine would be locked in talks with Chancellor Valorum, Governor Harro, and Lieutenant Governor Tarkin – along with others – for the next few hours to discuss plans for the summit tomorrow.

Qui-Gon looked at me and smiled. "Ah, Cameron, good. I wondered when you'd get here." He and Obi-Wan were looking at a hologram of the Eriadu senate hall, which apart from serving as the location for the summit, was modelled on the Galactic Senate on Coruscant.

"I'd have come sooner, but Senator Palpatine was quite insistent I remain by his side. If not for the fact he needs to speak with the Chancellor, I doubt I'd have been able to make it." That drew a chuckle from Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan greeted me with a smile, though he didn't seem happy about something, and I wondered if he might be upset that I'd been knighted before him.

"Yes, politicians can be quite needy when they feel threatened," Qui-Gon commented. "Or when they want something, which I have found is most of the time." I laughed at that as I came closer and examined the hologram. "As you've no doubt guessed, this is the Eriadu Senate building. While it is outwardly modelled on the Coruscant Senate building, its internal structure is quite different."

I nodded in agreement as I took in the display. Within seconds I'd seen a dozen flaws that, if a sniper could reach, would give them a clear line of sight on anyone in the building. Those flaws continued to appear the longer I looked at the hologram. "This is a nightmare," I muttered as I reached fifty points of concern within the main hall alone. "The gantries allow clear lines of sight for anyone inside, and these rooms," I pointed at a ring that hung high above the floor, "are almost as bad." The rooms were either marked for media to cover the daily goings on of the Eriadu senate, or for conferences and tours of the building. "Force, the tunnels under the main floor could be rigged with explosives that, while not likely to take down the building, would easily kill anyone above."

"I see Dooku's teachings about vigilance have stuck," Qui-Gon remarked with a wide smirk. "But yes, these issues have been marked. Beyond all being patrolled or locked during the summit, local security is limiting access to only certain individuals, and even then, only through select entrances. While the Chancellor is quite insistent that the public be allowed in to view proceedings, there are only a handful of locations they can gather at."

I snorted at the remark about security, remembering the half-dozen locations where I'd been stopped on my way here. Even though I carried a lightsaber, demonstrated usage of the Force, and was marked as a member of Senator Palpatine's delegation, I was still stopped at every location. "Aye. I'm surprised that none of the checkpoints tried a cavity search."

Both laughed at that image. "While I'll be passing along that comment to others, I can understand their reluctance. You do appear far younger than what most would expect of a Jedi Knight. Nor do you carry yourself with the patience of most of our Order."

I lowered my head, accepting the comment from Qui-Gon, and then looked at Obi-Wan. There hadn't been any reaction to Qui-Gon mentioning my rank, so I wondered what was concerning him. "Thank you, I guess," I replied to Qui-Gon, and then, after leaning in close, whispered, "Philip?"

Qui-Gon laughed again, which confused Obi-Wan as he'd not heard what I'd said. "I see you've learnt his deep dark secret?" I nodded, smiling at the idea that it was something Dooku hated people knowing. "However, as amusing as it would be to discuss our former master, you're here for another reason. How much do you know about the Nebula Front?"

I shrugged. "Only what Senator Palpatine prepared for me, and a brief overview I found on the Holonet." I had wanted to do a deep dive while we'd been on route, but Palpatine had made sure to engage me in conversation or distractions – such as the holochess – for almost all the time it took to get here.

Obi-Wan touched the controls for the display, and the image shifted to that of what, judging by the markings on his face, was a male Mirialan. "This is Arwen Cohl," Obi-Wan began, "a man with known connections to the Nebula Front. We believe that he, along with his accomplices," the display shifted again to show a female Human and Rodian, "has been hired to assassinate the Chancellor before or during the summit." None of the three looked happy in the images, though since those were likely taken for Republic Judicial Forces, that wasn't a surprise as no one ever looked good in mugshots.

Obi-Wan continued speaking, going into detail about his and Qui-Gon's interactions with the trio, their known associates, and more about the Nebula Front. I stayed quiet, listening to all of it. There was a chance this was a genuine threat toward Chancellor Valorum. Yet, as the briefing continued, the feeling I had that Palpatine was, at the very least, exploiting this situation to advance his goals grew stronger.

The challenge I had was to discover what that goal was. And, if possible, stop it from happening.

… …

… …

I stood silently, watching the various delegations, reporters and security personnel move around the building. Currently, I was standing about a metre behind Palpatine as he sat – with his aides between us – in a box set aside for various delegations, including that of the one from Naboo. The rest of the Naboo delegation had gathered around us, engaging in quiet chatter with each other and Palpatine. In other areas of this box and nearby boxes, other delegations were gathered, with most being from Outer Rim sectors, which made sense given the purpose of the summit.

Chancellor Valorum had called for this summit in response to the issues occurring in the Rim that gave rise to the Nebula Front, and other groups like it – including those that sparked the Stark Hyperspace War over a decade earlier. As such, he had two points of contention the summit was supposed to negotiate. The first was the removal of the Outer Rim as a giant Free Trade Zone, which was something the Trade Federation and others were vehemently opposed to. The second was brought forth by the Trade Federation directly, and that was a request to be allowed to further arm their trade vessels to protect themselves from groups like the Nebula Front.

With all that, it was clear this was the summit that gave rise to the Trade Federation's issues with the Republic, which in turn would lead to the blockade of Naboo. Palpatine was clearly expecting something to happen, centred around the Trade Federation, as even though it could appear he was simply observing them, I felt he was watching their delegation for more nefarious reasons.

Of course, the Trade Federation delegation was made up of their Directorate – seven members including Viceroy Gunray – and Senator Lott Dod. Since, as far as I knew, the other six members of the Directorate – four Humans, a Gann, and a Sullustan – weren't around during the invasion, nor in the Clone Wars, I suspected Sidious had them removed. Something that this summit might provide an opportunity to do so, which was why the fact that their guards consisted of thirteen B1 droids stuck out. While the droids weren't the most impressive things, they had seemed to work in groups of two, three, or four, hence why thirteen droids felt wrong. However, even when examining them with Force-boosted sight, I couldn't spot anything amiss with any of them, so perhaps I was simply seeing things that weren't there.

I shifted my head as the door to the box opened, and the exceptionally bulky frame of Senator Orn Free Taa of Ryloth – along with his aides and a trio of nubile Twi'lek females – stepped into the box. Since the Ryloth delegation was one of those that was sharing the box with the Naboo delegation, their being here was expected. Still, as the rest of the delegation moved to their seats, Taa approached Palpatine.

"An impressive showing," he began as he came close to Palpatine, seemingly catching the man off-guard. "Delegates from Sullust, Clak'dor, the Serex sector, Malastere, Falleen, Bothawui…" As he spoke he nodded his head at each and I followed the glances the Senators gave, taking in several alien races I'd not encountered before. "Why even some of the Hutt worlds are represented." At that, my head snapped toward the fat slugs.

I growled at seeing a pair of them taking up an entire box to themselves – if one ignored the two dozen attendants they had. For a moment, there was an urge to use the Force and arrange an accident for them, but as Palpatine turned, possibly to glance my way, I pushed the urge aside. Not only would Sidious likely sense my actions but there were Jedi throughout the building, including three members of the High Council.

Still, I used Observe to learn who the slugs were. The larger and older one was Oruba Gorensla, head of the Gorensla Kajidic and suspected member of the Hutt Ruling Council. The other was Zorba Desilijic Tiure, a member of Jabba's Kajidic. Neither name clicked with reports I'd read from the Lokella, though both were added to the list of Hutts on the off chance I ever was able to remove anyone of power from their organisation.

I moved forward, wanting to scan the rest of the hall, and as I reached the front of the box, I saw Saesse Tiin moving around in the basin below. That was where Valorum's podium would rise – mirroring how it worked in the Senate building on Coruscant even if the mechanics were different along with his aides. Adi Gallia was the only other Jedi I knew for certain was inside, but since she was assigned to the Chancellor, that made sense. The other Jedi, which included Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Ki-Adi Mundi and a rather strange short bird-like Jedi named Vergere, were outside. Most were helping to monitor the inflow of visitors, but some – including the ones I'd just thought of – were actively looking for potential threats to the Chancellor when he travelled to the building. While I knew Valorum should be Chancellor when Naboo was invaded, I worried that any attack here might succeed due to my pres…

"…King Veruna has abdicated the throne." Palpatine's words drew my attention back to the box. Veruna stepping down started the run that would see Padmé elected Queen. While there were about four months until she was fourteen – which was how old I knew her to be when Naboo was invaded – this was the starter's gun for canon events.

"I…" Taa seemed to pause as if caught off-guard by the comment. "I must confess, Senator, that I don't know whether to feel sorry or grateful for you. But where exactly does that leave you, in any case? Is there some danger of you being recalled?" I offered a silent prayer to the Force that would happen, even if I knew it never would.

"That remains to be seen," Palpatine responded. "Naboo will have an acting regent until the elections are held."

"Who is in the running to replace Veruna?" I already knew who should win the election. While it might be unethical to place a wager on Padmé, I doubted things had changed enough that she wouldn't enter and win, which meant, if the odds were decent, it'd offer an easy way to make some credits. Yes, I had a very large pile of them already, but you could never have too much, not when war was on the distant horizon.

"That, too, remains to be seen."

"Dare I inquire as to your hope?" I leaned closer, wondering if I'd get a hint of why Palpatine had supported Padmé. I didn't know if he did it publicly or privately, but he would've worked to get her elected. I had a few ideas as to his reasoning, so hearing a hint at that would give me further insight into his thinking.

"Only for someone enthusiastic about opening Naboo to the galaxy. Someone less – how shall I put it? – traditional than Veruna."

"Or more easily persuaded perhaps?" Taa asked, and I had to agree. Palpatine had been surprised when Padmé hadn't signed Gunray's bill, seemingly expecting her to fold. That suggested he had supported her with the impression she'd be malleable, controllable, and thus a more useful pawn for his machinations.

However, before Palpatine could respond to Taa, a murmur rushed through the hall. Quickly, everyone's attention turned toward the entrance near the central podium; the one through which Valorum would enter. He did so a moment later, with his aides a step behind. Applause, some genuine, some staged, rippled through the hall as Valorum moved toward the podium he'd be using for the summit. Behind me, I heard Tra shuffling around, and his quiet voice, which I strained to hear over the noise in the hall, began commenting on Valorum, and then Governor Harro as he and Tarkin emerged.

While everyone watched the Chancellor's arrival, I scanned the room. With all the focus on Valorum, this was one of those moments where an assassin could strike. While I still doubted Valorum was the true target, I couldn't discount some sort of false flag attempt on him to distract from whoever Sidious' target was.

… …

I let out a bored sigh as Governor Harro continued to drone. It's been ten minutes since he'd stepped to the podium and begun the summit, yet all he'd done was waffle incessantly. He was currently still going on about the honour Eriadu had been granted in hosting this summit, along with offering marks of respect to various influential figures such as Valorum. Behind Harro, I saw Tarkin staring at his superior's back. While he was keeping his face neutral, I wondered if he felt the same way about Harro and his need to supplicate to everyone while managing to make himself seem more important than he was.

Thus, having been lured into a state of bored numbness by the speech, I almost jumped when the comm-unit in my ear crackled to life.

"Go ahead," I whispered after opening the channel. While I didn't want there to be an incident, I did hope that whichever Master was contacting me – it was always one of the four I spoke to – would liven up events before my brain turned to mush.

"Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan have returned," Adi Gallia began. "A group armed with a rocket launcher was intercepted before they could attack the Chancellor's transport. While they have been taken away by local security, Qui-Gon feels the threat hasn't ended and I am inclined to agree."

I stepped forward, ignoring Palpatine as he turned to look at me. Down below I saw Gallia and Saesee Tiin moving around. While they were close to the podium and the Chancellor, they were far enough away that if an attack came they'd struggle to block any bolts before Valorum and others were taken down. "Are there any leads?" I asked as I looked over the lower boxes.

"No, and the chancellor is insistent that we remain distant from him so as to maintain an air of impartiality." I rolled my eyes at Valorum's decision. I also bit back a comment about the pointlessness of me being stuck in this box. "Has anything seemed amiss?"

My eyes darted to the Trade Federation delegation. "Nothing major, Master. However, the Trade Federation delegation has thirteen droids for security. I'd have expected them to have an even number, however, the extra droid might simply be a personal guard."

Gallia took a moment before replying, likely as she tried to use the Force to sense a threat. "That is likely the reason. However, it is something to remain vigilant about. Can you see anything amiss with the droids?"

I used the Force to again boost my sight. Each of the droids was standing in line, weapons on their backs and perfectly still. The only thing that stood out was that one bore slightly different markings on its head, though I'd already dismissed that as it simply designated that droid as a command model. "No Master. They are all at rest, and with the angle I'm at, I cannot tell if any are carrying extra weaponry or missing their restraining bolts." I could see the bolts of the six closest to me, but the rest were obscured by their squad mates, and even if one was missing a bolt, it didn't confirm anything.

"Very well. I and the others will either stay close to the Chancellor or seek to locate Cohl in the building. If you see or sense anything, inform us immediately. However, since there is still a chance Senator Palpatine is a target, you are to remain at his side until our targets reveal themselves."

"Yes, Master."

I frowned as the link closed. Palpatine wasn't in any danger. No, I was sure he was the hidden hand controlling whatever was going on today and had used the 'attempt' on him as a way to divert attention. And probably also, to generate a way to gain time alone with me. Yet without proof of Palpatine not being a target, never mind him being the one orchestrating everything, and with a direct order from a High Council member, there was little I could do but remain at my post.

Yet, even as I scanned the hall once more, taking longer on every empty box, walkway, and piece of scaffolding that might be used by an assassin, I couldn't feel anything amiss. Oh, there was the general sense within the Force that something was brewing, but without meditating, I didn't know what was off. And even meditation might not work as drawing hints from the Force was something I'd always struggled with.

Now, I sensed some trepidation from the Trade Federation. However, that could simply be because they were concerned Valorum would ensure the summit was against them on both measures that were to be discussed. Or would be if Governor Harro would shut up and sit down.

… …

Nearly twenty minutes later, after Harro had thankfully stopped talking, and while the orchestra that separated the viewing masses from the Chancellor and Governor were playing the Republic anthem, the commlink in my ear clicked once more.


"You were right about the Federation's droids being a problem," Gallia began. "Move as close as you can without alerting anyone of your intent." I was moving the moment she mentioned the droids, though I grunted in annoyance when told to not draw attention to myself, as that also meant not leaping over to the Federation's box and obliterating the things.

"Can't we just remove the droids now and eliminate the threat?" I whispered into the link, not wanting Palpatine to hear.

"Sadly, no. While Cohl has confirmed the droids are how the attack will come, his word isn't enough for us to move. Doing so without definitive proof would raise questions about our impartiality and likely cause the summit to break down before it can begin."

"I doubt it will survive if the attack happens, Master," I countered. "Plus, with how the Order is tied to the Senate, I doubt any consider us impartial in any matter involving the Republic." I doubted my words would change anything, be it now or in future, but it was worth stating them anyway.

"Regardless, maintain your position and stay mindful of the droids for any unexpected movement." Gallia's reply was terse, almost as if she didn't like what I'd pointed out.

"Yes, Master." The channel closed and I kept moving, heading to the point that was closest to the Federation's box from this one. I had little doubt the extra droid was the one who'd attack, but nothing – be it something I could see or sense – hinted at which droid was the primary threat.

What I was beginning to realise was that I was right to think Valorum wasn't the primary target. No, the droids would likely fire on him, and in the confusion, turn on the Federation Directorate. Well, all of them bar Gunray and Dod if I had to guess.

"Cameron," I turned back as Palpatine spoke, though only far enough that I didn't lose sight of the Federation's box, "is something the matter?"

I smiled as I replied. "Just a potential security breach, Senator. Nothing to alarm yourself about currently." I turned back, taking my time to appear as if I was looking at other delegations. I wasn't sure if Palpatine believed me or not, but I remained as calm as I could, both physically and within the Force.

"Very well. Though I do hope you'll inform me if the matter becomes serious." I gave him a nod, my sight passing over the delegation from Kashyyyk.

While I was trying to appear calm, I was already running through options in my head. The problem with each was that they took time for me to reach or interact with the droids. Time that the droids could use to enact their programming.

The simplest option was to grab them with the Force and toss them away. However, that wouldn't stop them from firing and would result in civilian casualties. Which would then, in the aftermath, further degrade the public's opinion of the Jedi Order. Crushing them was doable, but I'd never attempted to crush so many targets so quickly, and there was the chance the droids or their blasters might explode as they were compacted. Electrokinesis was also out for the same reason, plus a stray bolt might incinerate a member of the Directorate. Ionize was another option, but I'd used that so sparingly that I wasn't sure if it would take out the droids without causing them to do something unexpected like spasm and continue firing.

The distance between this box and the Federation's was small enough that I could make it with a Force-boosted jump. However, beyond the sight of a Jedi leaping toward the droids – which if timed wrong would look belligerent – the issue was time. Even if I moved before as soon as the droids drew their blasters, it would still take precious seconds to reach them.

With all those ruled out, I was left with one option that, while it carried risk, should be possible. Teleporting. Yes, there was a moment when I reappeared where I was disorientated, but if I timed the move right, then I could have my lightsaber out and active to engage three, perhaps four droids before I was sure of my location. Still, I'd have to get the timing and location near perfect as the droids would likely target me the moment I appeared.

Just as the orchestra below shifted to a new piece, I saw a concerned Human approach Gunray. The others in the box could hear, but even with the Force boosting my hearing, I couldn't make out what was being said over the sounds lifting from below. I removed the Force-boosted hearing, grimacing at having the bad timing to enhance it just as the orchestra reached a crescendo.

As I watched Gunray, I saw him speak with one of the Human directors, and then he and Lott Dod stood. I gripped the hilt of my lightsaber as I watched the pair follow the grovelling Human from the balcony and activated my array of combat-oriented Force powers.


I ignored Palpatine, focusing on the Federation's box, on the thirteen droids, waiting for any movement from them that I could use as an excuse. A familiar stillness passed over, reminding me of those moments before a mission before the storm that was about to be unleashed. I waited patiently for the signal to act, to unleash hell on my targets, and found myself missing this serenity.

Movement high above caught my eye. I glanced up as the Force shifted, filling the hall with a sense of anticipation. Streaks of red moved around a shaft of green as two figures, the second clearly a Jedi fought. My attention returned to the Federation box, waiting for the slightest movement from the droids.

Everything in me screamed to go, to move before the signal was given, to break the calm before the storm. Yet I waited. Even if I hated everything about it, I had my orders. Plus, I was concerned at how much canon might change this close to the invasion if I moved too early.

This conference was the reason the Federation would invade Naboo, the reason Sidious could manipulate Gunray into doing his bidding. Yes, allowing it to happen would cost thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, their lives, but if I acted too rashly, too quickly, then I could alter the Sith plan, and I wasn't willing to risk that. Not now, at any rate. I was set in my belief that the war needed to happen, for the Republic to undergo strife in the hope it might emerge stronger and fitter, provided I was able to stop Sidious from founding the Empire.

Plus, on a more personal level, without the invasion, people like Padmé would never break from their blind idealism and faith in the Senate and the Republic. They would never question the ways things worked or demand change. By allowing the invasion to happen, by forcing her to confront the problems in the galaxy, and then by being there as a friend to offer solutions during and after, I hoped to gain her support for a more aggressive approach. I knew she'd never become pro-military, but the passive, peaceful girl she was now wasn't the strong-willed and demanding woman she should be.

All that meant that, as much as I hated it, I wouldn't act early. Instead, as much as it galled me, I'd allow Sidious' plan, whatever it was, to occur and then hope to stop it. I'd allow Gunray to slip away into the night to be there to invade Naboo at some point next year. And all of that sickened me, but it was for the greater good. Or at least, the good I wanted to bring about.

A voice rang out in the hall. Others joined in panicked screams. The orchestra stopped. The Force moved. One of the Human directors of the Federation stood and spoke. This was the moment.

My lightsaber slid into my hand, I sensed Palpatine move, and the world around me started to turn silver.

Yet, just as the silver engulfed my entire vision, I jerked. I felt a trillion volts of raw, unrestrained power slam into every fibre of my being. My skin went numb, I lost all sense of smell as every nerve in my body flared as if dipped in acid, and I stumbled back.

My hand twitched, my lightsaber falling from it as my legs stopped working. As my skull crashed against something, and my eyes flickered closed, I saw shadows move around me, above me. I wanted to scream, yet my throat refused to work.

Even as my body reacted as if it was dropped into the power core of a star destroyer, I felt something against my arm, and a moment later, the sweet, calming peace of darkness engulfed me.

… …

… …

As the darkness retreated, and I felt my eyes flicker open, I groaned. The light of the room hurt my eyes and every part of me felt tired, as if I'd run a triple-marathon without the Force to help. I moved, trying to sit from wherever I was only to feel a hand on my shoulder. The force kept me in place as a voice spoke out.

"Easy there. You were severely burnt when whatever you tried failed." I turned my head toward the voice, blinking to clear the blurry images I was seeing. Once my eyes were working properly, I realised it was Qui-Gon who was standing over me, a kind smile on his face. Behind him, closer to the far end of the room, I saw Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon seemed relaxed, but I could sense agitation from his Padawan.

"Wh…" I stopped, my lips hurting from how dry they were. After licking them tenderly, flinching as moisture reached them, I tried to speak again. "What happened?"

Qui-Gon's smile fell, replaced by irritation. "The droids were the key; however, we had the wrong target."

I groaned and leaned back, looking up at the clean white roof of the room, and from what I sensed I knew I was back in the Temple. "The Directorate?"

"Yes. It seems that one of their number activated an energy shield around their balcony. The moment that happened, the droids drew their weapons, turned, and fired upon the Directorate." I groaned again. I'd suspected that was Sidious' plan, but I'd not known about the forcefield, which must've been what interfered with my attempted Teleport. I'd remember that the next time I was faced with a shielded target because I had no interest in experiencing that pain again. "There was nothing we or Eriadu security could do to stop the massacre until the shield was lowered. Once it was taken down, security forces were efficient in destroying the droids."


"Yes. And with the droids reduced to scrap metal, there is little to be gained from them, meaning the investigation has achieved little in the week since it began."


"The reason for his and Senator Dod's departure was genuine. However, with the Viceroy now being the sole remaining Director of the Federation, and with diplomatic obstacles in place for questioning a sitting senator, that avenue of investigation is bogged down in legalities."

"Never changes," I muttered as I closed my eyes, the light from the room slowly giving me a headache. Even in this galaxy, those in power always found ways to keep themselves unavailable whenever the winds blew against them. And since the Federation had their greedy little hands controlling many Senators and other officials throughout the galaxy, it would remain that way until much, much later. Still, it was something I might be able to use in the years before war broke out.

"Sadly, yes," Qui-Gon agreed, and I sensed him move back. "As for you, whatever it was you tried…"


"Ah, then that explains why it looked like you'd been exposed to a raw powercore. I assume the reaction was due to the forcefield around the Trade Federation's balcony being active?" I nodded, not wanting to delve too deeply into that at the moment. "Hmm. Well, when your teleport failed, you collapsed on the floor, your robes and skin severely burnt. If not for the swift actions of Senator Palpatine and his aides, I doubt you would've survived long enough for medical personnel to reach you." I nodded at that as well, knowing I'd have to thank Palpatine for saving me, and wondered how much he'd use that to further attempt to ingratiate himself with me. "The Senator also arranged, along with Governor Harro, your travel back to the Temple once your injuries were healed enough to allow transport. While he couldn't have known, it was a good thing he did. It seems that your tuk'ata and ship, along with Master Fay and others, sensed your pain. While the tuk'ata didn't hurt anyone, several members of the Order were concerned it might snap if your injuries became critical. Indeed, I'm told that Master Yoda was forced to stun the tuk'ata to avoid an incident and until now, the beast is being kept under sedation in a room nearby."

I frowned at hearing that. Both Raven and Fenrir sensing my injury made sense, but the fact Yoda had felt the need to stun Fenrir wasn't going to be easily forgotten by the tuk'ata. Now, I could understand Yoda's logic, but I doubted Fenrir was so uncontrolled that Fay, Simvyl – and possibly even Serra – would be unable to keep him from going too far. While I doubted I'd learn why Yoda had done that, I did plan to ask him once I was able to.

As for Serra, while it was reassuring to not hear Qui-Gon mention her name directly, I suspected she was in the 'others' category. Hopefully, she didn't let on about how close we'd become as I'd rather not get a lecture from the Council on the dangers of attachment.

"Why the Federation?" I asked, wondering if Qui-Gon could offer any other insight beyond my thinking that the attack was to give Gunray complete control of the mega-corporation.

Qui-Gon sighed. "It seems that the one responsible for the attack, the one who had hired Cohl as a diversion, had ulterior motives. He was a member of the Nebula Front, but he was also an Eriadu native who had been a vocal critic of the Federation before joining the Front. He used the summit taking place on Eriadu, and his connections in the Front, to his advantage. Along with directing attention to the Chancellor so we and security forces wouldn't see the true danger until it was too late."

I nodded, accepting that even if I wondered how much of this Sidious had controlled, and how much of it he'd adapted to suit his goals. The man was playing hundreds of simultaneous inter-connected games of holochess while the Jedi and Republic were, at best, playing just one. Frankly, it was scary just how good he and Plagueis were at doing this.

"While I and Obi-Wan are glad you have awoken, we are needed elsewhere." I felt Qui-Gon grip my shoulder. "I will inform Master Fay of your rec…" he was cut off as the doors to the room opened and I sensed Fay enter. "Or not as it seems." The amusement in his voice was easy to pick up. "Since you no doubt wish to speak with her, we shall leave you."

"Can I see the report?" I doubted there was anything there worth learning, but I wasn't going to leave anything unturned.

"I will have your name added to the data so that once one arrives from Eriadu, you will be informed." There was a slight edge to his tone, almost as if he was annoyed about something to do with the report. Still, I nodded my thanks and lay back, waiting for the doors to close as he and Obi-Wan left.

"How are you feeling?"

I opened my eyes and smirked at Fay. "Like I just lost a fight with a power station." My former master smiled, pleased to see my humour had survived. As she moved closer, bringing a chair with her, my mind turned to other things.

I opened the various notices I had, discovering that I was almost fully healed. No major damage had been done, or at least none that bacta and the Force couldn't heal, so I should be free of the bed soon enough. Once I was, after talking with Serra and making sure she, Fenrir, and Raven were okay and knew that I was well, I needed to leave the Temple.

My first step would be finding a broker and placing a large wager on Padmé becoming queen of Naboo. Hopefully, I could get a bet in before she announced her intention to run so I could secure more favourable odds. After that, I needed to make plans to depart the planet. My first stop would be Mandalore.

With Naboo – and the threat of Maul – just around the corner, I wanted my armour. I might also pop in on Anakin, and make sure that he was kept busy enough that he was not inclined to go anywhere near Naboo.

… …

… …
A/N: While it should be clear in the last scene, the reason Cam was burnt wasn't Sidious, but the energy shield that was active around the Federation's balcony when he attempted to Teleport.
This story is crossposted on Fanfiction.net, Archive of our Own, and now Royal Road.

You can find me (and the backroom team who help with this) on Discord at:
For this series: Heart of the Force
For general chaos/Gamer stories: Shiro's Gaming Omniverse

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Regardless if you join the discord or support my writing, I hope you enjoy the story and suggestions, valid criticisms, and ideas are always welcome.
And of course;

May the Force be with you. Always.
[sarcasm] Yet another painful lesson Cameron learned: Never teleport through a forcefield/shielding technology.

I wonder if Sidious, already aware of Cam's teleportation, added the energy shield as a precaution and a test to its limits. If not and the shielding is part of EU canon, then knowing Force Teleport's limit to shields is still a boon to those who will use it against Cameron.
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As always, thanks to those helping me write and plan out this story and checking it for continuality and logic errors.

This chapter was released at least 2 weeks ago to my Patreons (with them seeing a draft version around 2 months ago) and on the story's Discord server (in GDoc form) about a week ago.
Links for both are at the end of the chapter.
Hopefully, all the little mistakes have been found and removed.

Current Date: <1 year until the Invasion of Naboo

A Deceived Accomplice
... ...

"This ship is amazing!"

Serra's exultant cry reverberated through the cockpit as Raven, our ship, manoeuvred deftly between two colossal cargo haulers amidst the celestial tapestry of Coruscant's upper atmosphere. The ethereal grace with which we glided through that narrow aperture would have put the most accomplished dancer to shame, and the sight of it caused my smile to blossom.

With a surge of power, we broke free from the planet's gravitational embrace, our engines ablaze with fervour as I urged Raven to test her limits, unencumbered by the restraints that often tethered her. Ahead, a convoy of hulking bulk freighters loomed large, forming a procession that descended toward the distant planet's surface.

It was difficult to ascertain who derived greater pleasure from this exhilarating flight, for both Serra and Raven seemed to emanate a palpable aura of elation and delight, their spirits mingling like celestial bodies in perfect alignment. The zenith of their jubilation arrived when Raven soared through the tempestuous wake of one freighter, nimbly avoiding the fiery plumes of fuel expelled by its multitude of engines. Then we audaciously skimmed the very hull of the succeeding vessel, drawing close enough that I couldn't help but chuckle at the profound astonishment etched upon the visage of the Rodian pilot we left in our wake.


Serra's scream shattered the tranquil aura of a Jedi, ripping through the fabric of restraint as we emerged from the shielded line of gargantuan bulk freighters. Before us loomed a formidable Golan defence platform, a sentinel encircling and safeguarding the very heart of the Republic. A lone light on my console flickered insistently, a signal from Coruscanti Orbital Control attempting to make contact. Undoubtedly, they sought to admonish me for my reckless piloting. Though Raven was registered as a Jedi starship, I was flying with reckless abandon, entrusting my vessel and the Force to guide my hand. The temptation to yield to the intoxicating rush was fierce, rendering it arduous to relinquish control. The sheer ecstasy derived from this reckless endeavour coursed through my veins, the synesthetic fusion of Raven's sensory input traversing her hull, merging with the cognitive faculties housed within her computerised cerebral cortex, and ultimately providing me with ephemeral glimpses of her perceptual landscape.

As we sailed past the nearest Golan platform, traversing the ethereal emptiness of space enveloping Coruscant, I relinquished a modicum of pressure on the throttles. Raven, though loudly voicing her objection, reluctantly obeyed, conforming to my will. Gradually, I steered our trajectory away from the well-trodden flight paths typically traversed by those embarking upon the capital world. The unyielding light on my console persisted, incessantly demanding my attention, until at last I terminated the transmission. A hint of potential reprimand awaited me within the confines of the Jedi Temple, a prospect that failed to faze me. Raven yearned to soar unhindered, to relinquish the constraints imposed by conventional wisdom, and in the presence of Serra, I nurtured the flickering hope that she, too, might succumb to the allure of unbound passion.

I turned to Serra, letting Raven fly herself, and couldn't help but drink in how she looked. Her face was flushed, having sensed Raven's enjoyment and mixed it with her own as we flew upward. I could almost hear her heart beating rapidly in her chest, and her visage, illuminated by an incandescent smile, outshone even the radiant glory of Coruscant Prime, that celestial jewel, presiding over the expansive system.

Serra had been in the Raven before, taking several flights in and out of Coruscant's atmosphere with our friends. However, this was the first time she'd come alone with me – if you ignored Fenrir who was lazing away in a small cargo room that I'd converted into his den and HK who was currently powered down in my quarters – and when she'd learnt that I'd felt her shock, hope, and desire spike. Now, those feelings were slowly coming back as her excitement about our rush into orbit calmed.

"Findin' some enjoyment, are ya?" I drawled, my grin stretching wide as I took in the sight of her, captivated and brimming with awe, fresh off our harrowing flight.

Her face was flushed with excitement as she turned to face me, no doubt enjoying how happy Raven was to be racing through space. "Yes!" She blinked, her blush intensified, and she glanced away for a moment. "I… I mean yes. Thanks for letting me experience this."

"Good to hear." I laughed at her reaction even as I leaned toward her, though not close enough that I'd be entering her personal space. "So, now that we're in space, far from the Temple and anyone else, what do you want to do?"

Her eyes widened as she realised where we were, and she looked out the viewport, taking in the sight of the constant flow of traffic to and from the capital of the Republic. "I… I don't know." She gently bit her bottom lip as she looked back at me. "What do you want to do?"

I smirked, letting my eyes wander downward for a moment. "I figured we could… talk," the smirk turned into a smile at her reaction. I suspected she thought I was going to say something else, and while that idea held appeal, I felt we needed to clear the air a little first. "Unless there's something else you would rather do?"

I knew I shouldn't be teasing her like this, but she looked downright edible when she was flustered. "Well, um…" She looked away, unwilling to meet my gaze. "What about Bo?"

"Oh?" I leaned back, wanting to see where she went with this, though Bo was one of the things I knew would be brought up while we were up here. At least she was facing it before we did anything else.

"I mean," she bit her lip again, unintentionally playing into the air of innocence she was giving off. "I know you and Bo…"

"Karked?" I posited, memories of the countless encounters with Bo flooding my thoughts. Though the yearning for the fiery-haired warrior tugged at my senses, I firmly cast it aside. This day, my fervour and longing were solely directed toward the raven-maned beauty before me.

Serra's nod came slowly, her eyes widened to an extent that likened her to a startled deer ensnared within the predatory gaze of a kath hound, bewildered and unsure of its next move. "Y-yes. That. How... how much?… what did you do?"

I leaned back fully into my chair and chuckled. Once more images of Bo, and the various stages of undress and positions I'd had her in, rushed through my mind. Tapping my chin, I looked upward. "A lot." While I could've gone into detail, I felt that might embarrass or scare Serra too much, or perhaps make her feel what she was competing with was too much and snuff out the flames in her before I'd had the chance to unleash them. "Though I can think of a few things we'd have liked your help for." Serra's face turned redder than a Sith lightsaber at my implication, which only made my smile grow further.

I knew I was pushing her limits, but thanks to the Force and Observe, I knew she wasn't upset that I'd fucked Bo, just that she'd not been first. And that Serra wondered what Bo was like out of her armour. That little insight had fuelled several enjoyable dreams since I'd learnt it, and if I could wrangle it, I'd make sure those dreams one day became reality. "Any reason you're asking about this now?" I didn't need the Force or Observe to know the answer, as it'd been my idea for us to come up here, but I was curious how bold she'd be in her answer.

"I…" She looked out the viewport once again, and if not for the fact the fear I sensed from her was being drowned out by lust and confusion, I'd have worried I'd pushed too far. "Why her?" She asked after turning back to face me.

"We travelled together for years. Fought side by side against pirates, slavers, and planetary invaders. Haran, she was the one who helped me cope with Master Fay's near-death and pushed to rescue me from the Bando Gora." Serra opened her mouth, but I cut off as I continued. "Yes, I know that if you could've, you would've helped with that as well." She nodded and smiled, pleased that I understood she'd not forgotten about me during my ordeal. "Still, Bo was the one with me in those… darker moments. Adding that to the fact she's an incredibly attractive woman, and it's not a surprise our bond grew so deep."

I waited quietly, letting her take the time to process my response. The time stretched out and a shadow passed over us as a bulk freighter flew close enough to momentarily block out the light for the local star.

"Do you... not love her?" Her gaze locked with mine, radiating the same courage I had witnessed when she decided to train on Mandalore by my side. And when she embarked on a verd'goten, her determination shone through.

"I'm uncertain. Bo is like a ticking grenade, ready to explode. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely like her, but when it comes to love... I'm not sure." I shook my head as I finished. While there was the spark between us that could, with time, possibly develop into love, I knew enough to know that it wasn't there yet. Though even if it didn't develop, I doubted Bo would reject another chance to fuck like deranged rabbits.

"W-what about me?" Her voice was low, barely carrying over the faint sounds that echoed around the cockpit. Her gaze was low, finding and locking on a spot on the floor.

I leaned forward and then reached out for her. As my hand cupped her chin and lifted her head so I could look her in the eyes, I smiled warmly. "Serra, you are my first, and best friend," I said slowly, making sure she held my gaze as I spoke. "I like you and that will never change." She smiled at my words, and nibbled her lip once more, though there was less indecision in the action this time.

"D-do you love me?"

I let go of her chin and leaned back enough that I was no longer inside her personal space. "I don't know." Her smile slipped slightly. "I mean, I certainly like you, and definitely enjoy seeing the changes you've gone through over the years." My eyes wandered lower, taking in her form that even under Jedi robes was clear to see. "But love... Well, I believe love requires both time and dedication to truly develop."


I waited for her to add something, and when she didn't speak up, I did. "Does it bother you that I've slept with Bo?" I already knew the answer, but I wanted to see how honest she would be about this.

"No… Yes… I don't know. I'm not sure," she replied with a heavy sigh and a shake of her head. "On one hand, I comprehend why you're drawn to her. She possesses qualities of strength, fearlessness, and beauty that I lack, or I lacked."

I let out a scoff, interrupting her self-pity. "Serra, although you're not Bo, you possess equal measures of courage, strength, and beauty, albeit in your own unique manner." Her cheeks resumed their vibrant hue, reminding me of a raging inferno. "When I initially arrived at the Temple, feeling everyone's apprehension and fear, you approached me and engaged in conversation."

"That was a dare though."

"Aye, but you still did it," I countered quickly. "Bar whatever rumours were running around the Temple; you knew nothing about me. Yet, even only knowing that I might be related to Darth kriffing Revan," that made her smile, "you came and spoke with me. Haran, more than anyone else in the Order, you made, and make, me feel welcome and safe inside the Temple." Once again, her cheeks darkened. "When I revealed my intention to journey to Mandalore for training, you not only chose to accompany me but also became the first Jedi in centuries to undertake a verd'goten." My gaze shifted to her feet. Though the boots no longer matched the ones Duke Adonai had bestowed upon her years ago, the armoured sections remained, carefully transferred to new boots as she grew. The distinct beskar markings were easily discernible to a trained eye. "And while the girl I once knew may not have been described as beautiful, the young woman standing before me now is quite excep--" My words were abruptly silenced as Serra closed the distance between us and tenderly pressed her lips against mine.

Startled by her reaction, my eyes blinked in surprise, but I quickly regained my composure. With a gentle grasp, my hands encircled her waist, drawing her closer to me until she settled on my lap. My hands then diverged; one tenderly reached for her hair while the other ventured lower. Pushing against my chest, her hands tugged at my robes, and as our tongues intertwined, a soft moan escaped her lips.

Although my desire urged me to continue, to explore the unknown path ahead, I needed certainty. Reluctantly, I pulled away, her lips reluctantly following, and her eyes fluttered open. Confusion clouded her gaze as she focused on me.

"I want to be certain," I spoke slowly, my hands still unmoving from their positions. "Is this truly what you desire?"

"Yes," she replied breathlessly, her eyes jumping between my eyes and my lips. "I want you. Force, I've wanted you for years. I need what you had with Bo, and more." She leaned forward, her lips desperate to find mine, but I stopped her by bringing the hand in her hair around and placing a finger on her lips.

"What about the Code?"

Truthfully, I didn't give two fucks about what it felt regarding relationships. Oh, I understood – or felt I did – why the Order was concerned about strong emotions like love and lust causing a Force user problems but denying them from ourselves cut us off from being truly alive. No, what I needed here and now was to hear Serra's opinion on us and the Code. She might not be as blind about the dogma of the Order as many, but she'd been raised as a Jedi for as long as she could remember.

However, her giggling and laughing in my face wasn't the reaction I'd expected. "You?!" She asked once her laughter had died down slightly. "You're asking me about the Code?!" She shook her head, unintentionally smacking me in the shoulder with her Padawan braid, and if I'd not been holding her on my lap, I suspected she'd have fallen over.

"Cam, I know you're a Jedi, but let's be honest, you're not one to adhere strictly to the Code," she said, smirking as she placed a finger on my lips to silence any protests. "You taught me the older version of the code, the simpler and cleaner one that I still follow. It's no surprise, considering your lineage as a Shan. And let's not forget, your great-grandfather's redemption from the Dark Side involved something the Order has frowned upon for ages!" She burst into laughter again, though thankfully it was shorter this time. I hoped it would divert her attention from the unintended reaction her touch on my leg was causing.

"You follow your own path, just like your family always has. And honestly, I admire that. I agree with it," she said, glancing out of the viewport, presumably referring to Coruscant. "The galaxy is in disarray, and it all started here. The Order... we can't fix it, not within the confines of the Code or the oath we've taken to the Republic." Her finger jabbed my chest, emphasising her point. "But you, you'll try to make things right. I can sense it in my heart and through the Force. And I..." She snorted, then composed herself. "I want to be by your side, walking that path. Even if it means leaving the Order, abandoning the only home I've ever known... I'll do it. For you."

I blinked as I stared into her eyes. As the Force swirled around us, I saw no deception, only conviction. "I don't want you, us, to leave the Order," I replied slowly. Though I knew there was a good chance that would happen. To prepare for what was to come, I'd likely have to do things the Order and the Republic would never accept. "I don't want you to throw away everything you have here."

She flicked me on my forehead. "Weren't you listening?" Her hair flew around as she shook her head again. "Let me make it clear. For you, I'd leave. I-I'd follow you to the darkest parts of the galaxy because I trust you. Because I know that my path is at your side. Unless you don't want me?" The certainty and conviction in her tone vanished with her question.

I leaned forward as the Force felt as if it was tightening around us, drawing us closer. "I want you," I answered in a voice barely above a whisper.

The Force reacted to my words, sparking in a way I'd never felt before even as Serra's face was brightened by a smile that could light the darkest pits of Korriban. "Good." Her lips sought mine out and I eagerly accepted them. I closed my eyes, savouring the taste of her kiss even as her hands slid into my hair, tugging gently on my locks. I slid both my arms under hers, locking them around her back and holding her close: unwilling to let her go.

After what felt like seconds that stretched across time and space, she pulled back. Her face was red, her lips puffy and her eyes flickering as if her mind was struggling to work. "Oh Force," she mumbled as a million-credit smile erupted on her face. "I'll have to thank her."

I leaned forward as I chuckled and nibbled her ear. "She taught me more than how to kiss," I whispered, enjoying the way she shivered as my breath brushed her face. "Want me to show you?"


No single word had ever reached me that carried as much desire and longing.

I stood slowly, letting her wrap her legs around my waist even as her lips nuzzled into my neck. Once standing I moved slowly, carrying her, as she seemed to shiver in anticipation, toward the door. While I'm sure she wanted to take things further immediately, I wasn't going to make her first time take place in the cockpit of Raven.

That, if she was still able to walk after I'd had my way with her, could come later.

… …

… …

I eased back on the power, watching as the stars returned to normal and Raven brought us back to real space. The sensation of transitioning to and from hyperspace as felt through my bond with Raven would never grow old. My mind couldn't understand most of what she felt, but what I could comprehend was incredible. I likened it to what water must feel like when it reaches the end of a rushing river and flows out into the sea.

"While I am grateful for the transport, there is no need for you to accompany me all the way to this system," I smirked at Dooku's words even as I plotted the sub-light course for Mtael's Gift. No matter how much I hated the name, it had stuck and I'd realised that not calling it that was a disservice to the Lokella. To them, the actions Dooku and I had taken those many years ago had changed the fates of thousands of beings, and naming the station after the title they'd bestowed upon me was a mark of respect. Plus, the fact it was a former Pius Dea ship and was now used by a mainly non-Human group of freed slaves as a base to live and strike out against slavers always amused me.

"I'm aware of that Master, but as much as I detest the names given to the station and system, this is one of the few places where I feel comfortable and able to truly relax." I glanced over at him even as the sensors showed the approach of a massive – at least for this system – vessel. "That said, I have no interest in interacting with Vosa. While I feel I could survive such a meeting without running her through, I'd rather not risk it."

Dooku's lips twitched, which was often as close as he came to a smile, yet before he could reply, the communication console beeped. I opened the channel and looked at the display showing the bridge of the approaching ship.

"Unknown vessel, this is the…" The figure speaking stopped and leaned forward. He then inhaled sharply as a smile crept over his face. "Mtael, we are honoured that you have returned." Around the ship's commander members of the crew stole glances at the display; no doubt surprised and shocked to see me.

I returned the Togrutan commander's smile. "Captain Ranze, it's been some time but I see you've moved up in the world." At one time Ranze Faar had been captain of the Freerunner until Baalta had taken command and made it the flagship of the Lokella's small fleet. The ship he was on now, according to Raven's sensors, was a Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser. Measuring over six-hundred metres long and armed with upwards of two dozen weapon emplacements, the ship was, in current military terms, a powerful warship. The only issue was the crew requirement, which from my research was highly variable. While I knew the Lokella were growing, I had to believe this ship was a newer variant as it was unlikely that they could afford to place the twelve thousand crew on board some of the earliest models of the ship required.

"Indeed, I have Mtael. The Liberator, while a recent addition to our forces, was generously given by an unexpected benefactor." Ranze's amused and prideful tone had me suspecting the ship was a recent capture from one – clearly unworthy – slaver. While the dreadnought had several flaws, beginning with the crew requirements, it was one heavily armed vessel, putting everything else I knew the Lokella had – at least from when I'd last visited – to shame. Any Hutt or slaver looking to strike back against the Lokella was going to need serious firepower to take out the Liberator; to say nothing of whatever other ships the Lokella had acquired over the last few years.

"I'm glad to see the Lokella are growing stronger," a beep from one set of sensors, along with hints of concern from Raven caught my attention. "Though perhaps you might convince your interceptors to break before they get closer. I'd hate to embarrass them when my new ship leaves them eating my exhaust." While the four fighters inbound were fast, I knew Raven could outrace them and felt her wanting the chance to prove me right.

Ranze blinked. "Ah, right." He looked offscreen and nodded and a second later Raven tracked the four fighters banking away. "We weren't told you'd be returning, nor to expect you in an unknown vessel."

"I only decided to come when I learnt Master Dooku wished to return. As for my ship… let's just say the last few years have been interesting."

Ranze chuckled. "I look forward to hearing about your adventures, however, that will have to wait until our patrol is over." He glanced offscreen again. "I've contacted the Council to notify them of your arrival, and I'll have your vessel…"

"The Jade Raven," I offered.

"… the Jade Raven added to our list of cleared visitors." Ranze stood and moved closer to the screen. "It is good to see you once again, Mtael, and I'm sure many will share that sentiment. Liberator out."

The channel cut as the fighters angled again, this time swooping around us. After confirming the flight path provided by the Liberator, I angled Raven toward the station. The fighters fell in alongside, providing us with an escort that I'd rather have not gotten, but accepted the Lokella Council would insist I receive.

As we slid past the larger cruiser, I whistled as Raven's sensors fed me more information on the Liberator's armament. "Seems the Lokella have been doing well for themselves," I muttered as we passed by the large ship's engines and nearly three dozen other vessels came into view along with Mtael's Gift. Most of the ships appeared to be ones I already knew – at least based on their models and configuration – but a dozen freighters that were gathered near the station bore markings of various smaller trading companies and mining guilds. Two of those ships stood out as they dwarfed the others, reading as about three hundred metres each. Nearby several smaller ships floated and I wondered if they were escorts for the freighters and if so, what the Lokella were exporting or importing. I hoped they weren't selling too much of the phrik from the planet below, but if they were, then so be it. It was their choice after all.

"Indeed. I recognize the sigils on the largest freighters. Possibly they are the same vessels that came around before to purchase ore. With the discovery of other useful metals and ores in the asteroids in the system, the Lokella haven't had to rely on the sale of phrik and further donations from your funds, to secure their location." I was glad to hear Dooku say that, as revealing too much phrik too quickly to the larger galaxy might draw the attention of certain organisations that I'd prefer never learnt of the Lokella. The Trade Federation for example. "The settlement on the planet below has also grown substantially over the last few years. The last time I spoke with their Council, I was informed it held somewhere north of twenty-five thousand freed slaves and those seeking a new life free of Hutt control." My head snapped around at that. It was clear the Lokella had grown, but I hadn't realised they'd grown large enough to have a planetary population equivalent to a small city. "And unless something has happened in my time away, somewhere between a third and half their fleet isn't currently present. I would speculate they are engaged in another operation to free more slaves."

"Damn," I muttered as I returned my attention to the listing of the various ships Raven was detecting. I quickly noted that the Corellian Gunships weren't present, along with the Freerunner. That added proof to Dooku's words and made it clear there was much I had to catch up upon once we'd docked and gotten through the greetings.

Honestly, I was impressed they'd grown so rapidly, and seemingly avoided retaliatory strikes from beings like Decca the Hutt. That giant slug, along with his mother Gardulla and the other Hutts, knew about the Lokella but hadn't moved against them. Or at least not to a degree that it seemed to have weakened the Lokella. As I guided Raven toward a dock on the station – one that hadn't been usable the last time I'd been here – I wondered how much longer that would remain the case.

If the Hutts wanted this station and colony gone, they had the resources to make it happen. It just had to be financially worth the effort. Which with the current defences, seemed to not be the case. I offered a silent prayer to the Force that remained the case for a long time to come.

… …

… …

I waited at the top of the ramp leading down from Raven, having sensed a group of several hundred were gathered in the bay, including one very excitable and in the future, powerful young boy. While I was looking forward to dealing with Anakin, the less I had to deal with the Lokella's reverence toward me the better. I mean, I understood why it existed, but I wished they'd not make each visit an event.

"They simply wish to show their gratitude for what you did in helping establish this colony," Dooku offered from my side, clearly picking up on my slight apprehension. "No matter how large the group grows, or how many years pass, to them, our actions in their initial liberation, and early financial support matter greatly to them."

I sighed and shook my head. "I know Master, I'd simply prefer to avoid the pomp and circumstance that my arrival always seems to bring out."

Dooku might not have smiled, but I could sense his amusement. "Sadly, with your actions, and the stories that have no doubt grown even further regarding them, I doubt it will be something you'll be able to avoid. And certainly not with a group who consider you their founder and saviour."

"Aye, I guess you're right," I turned and looked at him, a smirk coming to my face, "Phillip."

Dooku tensed for a moment, which was what I'd been hoping for. After I'd been knighted, and after some gentle prodding from Qui-Gon, Dooku had revealed his given name to me. It wasn't hard to tell Dooku disliked it greatly, not least whenever – like this moment – where his nose wrinkled at hearing it, and I could understand why. While on Earth, it carried a slight noble quality to it, in this galaxy it sounded… common, wrong. This might be why the only times I used it was when I wanted an easy way to snipe back at him. I knew it would cost me the next time we sparred, but at least now I had some way to strike back at my former Master.

Fenrir stepped up beside me, rubbing his shoulder against my upper arm. I could sense some excitement from him, which I suspected came from him sensing Anakin outside. The pair had bonded easily enough when I'd last passed through the system. "Remember, these people are friends. Play nice," I said to the large but still growing tuk'ata.

While I doubted he'd do anything to cause problems, nor did I expect Simvyl to have any issues with the Lokella, I still wanted the warning in place. Since our last visit, Fenrir had grown far larger and had tasted blood. The size would, I hoped, make those gathered reluctant to be overly vocal in their delight at seeing me, while Fenrir's taste for blood meant there was a risk, however small, that someone who approached him in the wrong way would regret it for the rest of their lives. Which, if Fenrir decided they were a threat or a useful toy, would be no more than a minute after their mistake.

Fenrir snorted, almost as if he was offended that I had to tell him to play nice. I knew he wouldn't attack the first person he saw, though if there was a Trandoshan among the group, I might not mind if he did. I knew it was wrong, but ever since my verd'goten, my distaste for the species had only grown stronger with age.

I glanced behind me to see Simvyl smirking, his teeth exposed, as he watched the interaction between me and Fenrir. While I didn't know how long we'd be here, I hoped he'd find a way to pass the time, and maybe even make a few friends among the Lokella.

Turning back, I moved down the ramp, Dooku and Fenrir at my sides, and as we stepped into the bay, almost to a being, applause broke out. I looked at the gathered crowd and forced a smile onto my face even as four figures – all of whom I knew – moved toward us.

"Mtael," Maan Lonwin began as he bowed deeply. The action was copied by two of those with him, though the third only gave me a nod, which I was fine with. "We are honoured you have returned to us. It has been some time since your last visit and," he paused as his eyes darted over Fenrir, "I, uh, see you and your companion have grown in your time away."

I stepped forward and gripped Maan's forearm. "Aye, while my growth is less obvious than Fenrir's," said beast snorted and when I looked at him, he'd lifted his head high, proud of the changes he'd gone through, "we've both changed over the last year and a bit." I shifted my stance. "This is Antarian Ranger Simvyl, and of course, you are well acquainted with Master Dooku."

Maan chuckled as we broke our grip. "Yes," he began as he looked at Dooku. "You'll be pleased to hear your… charge has remained on her island. While she appears to have become less agitated at the isolation, our transports have continued to follow your instructions regarding bringing her supplies."

Dooku tilted his head in thanks. "I will return to Komari soon. For at least the next few days, I will remain onboard with my former Padawan. Provided, of course, that is acceptable to you and the Council?"

"It is, it is." Maan's smile froze, and he blinked. "Ah, forgive me. Mtael, I'm sure you remember Tweq Ruhn and Osrep Becos?" I smiled and grasped arms with the Rodian and Twi'lek in turn. "And this is the newest member of our Council…"

"Validus," I finished for Maan as I faced the former Human gladiator of the Hutt fighting pits. "I see you've moved up in the world," I commented as we grasped arms, his grip carrying more strength than the others combined, "though I fail to see your more… outspoken companion."

Validus laughed. "Ferox, along with others, is leading a raiding party several sectors away. We learnt of a new shipment of slaves bound for Hutt space and hope to intercept them while they are still technically within Republic space." I nodded in understanding as we broke the grasp. "If all goes well, they should return within a week, and like myself, I suspect he will want a rematch." His eyes shifted to Fenrir. "Perhaps even, if you'll allow it, with your beast. I am impressed by his growth, and by the wound on his back, and over your eye, it's clear you've both fought battles in your time away."

"Aye, we've seen our share of scrapes, and provided it's clear any duel against Fenrir wouldn't use bladed objects, I suspect I'll allow it," I smirked as Validus' gaze returned to me. "Though I should warn you, he's still got a fair bit of growth to go. He's still a pup after all."

"A pup?" He repeated, his eyes wide.

I laughed as I replied. "Aye. I found him a few years ago but tuk'ata grow quickly. At full height, he'll be taller than any of us, though maybe not the Wookies if they're still members of the Lokella."

Validus nodded. "They're still here, though they're off with Ferox. Still, I look forward to hearing tales of Fenrir's battle prowess, and one day I hope, seeing them with my own eyes."

"I believe that unless the recording was deleted, Miss Kryze's vid of your fight on Zonama Sekot should still be in the Raven's computer banks," Dooku offered. I turned to glare at him and saw the faint hint of a smirk. I grunted in annoyance as I realised this was his way of getting back at me for using his name just before we'd emerged. Or at least part of his revenge. Still, a recording would save me from detailing most of my battles against the Vong, though I suspected the story of the honour duel would be one Validus and others – Anakin being one – would enjoy hearing over and over.

"If it exists, then I know my warriors would enjoy viewing it. As would I." While Validus was enthusiastic about this, the other members of the Council, at least those present, didn't appear to be. "Many have joined our ranks since you were last here, and while they've heard stories of the great Mtael," I had the urge to punch the smile off his face as he used my title, "many haven't seen you in action. A recording they could view would no doubt lower the number who wish to test themselves against the founder of the Lokella."

"Yeah, I'd rather not have to face a dozen challenges a day while here. I've got better things to do than beat people down," I snarked back. Validus laughed, either because he agreed with me, or found the idea of me fighting so much everyday amusing.

"While many here might doubt you, neither I, Master Fay nor the High Council do," Dooku offered, hints of pride radiating from him. "If any here feel they are worthy of challenging a Jedi Knight in combat, I see no reason you should prevent their re-education."

"Cam!" The screech of my name prevented me from responding to Dooku's comment or dealing with the looks the Lokella Council gave me as they realised I was now a Knight. I turned at the familiar voice and saw a small boy with a mop of sandy brown hair racing toward us. Behind him, Shmi chased after her son, though she failed to catch him in time, nor did Fenrir's growl of hello slow Anakin before he'd latched himself onto my legs.

I patted his head as Shmi came closer. "I see you've still to learn what patience is," I commented as he gripped my waist tightly. The Lokella Council all smiled at Anakin's behaviour, which meant they were used to his behaviour and fine with it.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" He asked as he looked up.


"Whoa!" Anakin cut my reply off as he noticed Fenrir, as the large tuk'ata pushed his snout against Anakin's arm. "Kriff, you're big."

"Anakin!" The boy shivered against me, which made me laugh as his mother reached us. "Where did you learn such language?"

"Miss Skywalker," I cut in, saving Anakin from answering the question. "I hope you and Anakin have been doing well?"

Shmi's gaze softened as she turned to me as I felt Anakin let go of me. "I believe I was clear that you and Master Dooku were free to call me Shmi. While I'd prefer Anakin wasn't always exploring the station with the other kids, it's a good place to live. We can't ever thank you enough for freeing and bringing us here."

"What happened to Fenrir?" I looked down at Anakin to see his hands moving over Fenrir's back.

"We got trapped during an invasion of a remote planet last year. Fenrir was forced to fight there, and while he was wounded, those he fought came off much worse." Fenrir threw his head up and shook it, proud of himself. Validus smirked at the behaviour while the other Council members and Shmi had mixtures of shock and concern on their faces.

"Can you tel… Whoa! What's that?" Anakin shifted mid-sentence as he thrust an arm past me. I turned to see where he was pointing.

"Well, unless you mean Simvyl, who's a he, not an it, I assume you mean my new ship." Simvyl shook his head at my comment, though the curl of his lips made clear he was enjoying seeing my interaction with Anakin. "Her name's the Jade Raven. The Ne'tra Sartr was lost in the invasion, but Raven's something else. Faster, slicker and, if you reach out with the Force, you'll get a hint of just how different she is."

I watched as Anakin closed his eyes and felt the wave of raw power roll off him as he clumsily did as I'd suggested. "Wha… It's alive?!" He blurted out as he opened his eyes.

"She. Raven is a she," I corrected even as my smile grew. "But yes, in some ways, she is alive. She's a semi-organic vessel created from a world strong in the Living Force." I shifted my gaze to his mother. "Provided your mother allows it, I'm more than happy to take you out for a flight with her. Though not today," I added quickly as he took a step toward Raven.



"Yes, mum."

I laughed at the interaction, as did others – though not Dooku, who remained as apparently stoic as always to those who didn't know him – and clapped a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Now, how about you and your friends, wherever they are, give me, Fenrir and Simvyl a tour of the station. I'd love to see the changes that have taken place." I glanced at Validus as I finished, making it clear I would also want a rundown of the military status of the Lokella.

He nodded in understanding as Anakin grabbed my hand. As he pulled me away from the group, Fenrir and Simvyl close behind, I looked forward to what he showed me. Apart from getting more time to bond with him, I'd get to see how the Lokella had grown over the last couple of years. Though it was clear that they were rapidly reaching a point where donations from my credit pile would no longer be needed to keep them afloat. If they'd not already passed that point.

With my account standing at more than nine-hundred million credits and with the first Knights of the Old Republic novel due to be published at the end of the year, I was reaching a point where I'd be able to start considering investing in useful companies. I had some in mind for that, but that could wait. For now, I had a station to reacquaint myself with and a Chosen One to grow closer to.

… …

… …

I slid back, avoiding the tip of Dooku's lightsaber as it thrust toward me. As I moved, I used my off-hand and sent a blast of Force energy at the ground near his feet. Dooku sensed it coming and was already disengaging before the dirt was tossed up by the blast. I used the dust to move back further, and as it settled, I saw he'd done the same, generating distance between us.

I growled in annoyance even as I slid into the stance I was trying to use. To overcome Makashi's flaws, I now used Ataru footwork, and even the odd leap if it worked, when I duelled. However, everything still felt robotic, and structured, which might be why I kept losing to Dooku.

After each spar, he'd all but snarled – for him – at me at my failure to overcome whatever it was that was holding me back. I knew he was right, I knew what I had to do, yet I couldn't seem to discover why my form was, to use his words, technically proficient but lacking in grace. I was reasonably sure it was something to do with how the Interface interacted with the Force, almost as if it was blocking a true connection with the energy field that bound almost all life in the galaxy, yet I could neither prove that nor discover a workaround. Or, if the issue was mental, see the step I had to take to overcome this limitation.

While against lower-skilled opponents, it wasn't an issue, against every Jedi Master it made it nigh on impossible for me to score a hit, never mind win a spar. Yes, Dooku was far beyond even highly skilled Jedi Masters, but that didn't change the fact he was – just as he'd done over the last five days – toying with me as we sparred. Nor did it ease the growing concern that this issue would rear its ugly head when I faced Darth Maul.

Dooku rushed forward, stopping me from once more delving into my failings, and I moved to meet him, the dust around us slowly falling to the ground. His blade slid for my gut. My wrist twisted, moving my blade to deflect his. He rolled his wrist, trying to rotate his weapon over my arm, but I'd expected that and was able to flick my arm enough to bounce the attack away.

At the same time, I saw the fingers on his free hand move and then felt something grip my leg. Before he could fully grasp it with the Force, I pulled the leg back and slid my free arm behind my back. As I brought it around, the tip of my now ignited shoto clipped the ground, making the weapon hiss and the ground melt and then, as the blade carried on, lifted superheated dirt toward my former Master. I knew this was never going to work, not least as I'd just done the same thing a moment earlier, but as I felt the grip on my leg vanish, I knew it'd served its purpose.

While it had freed me before Dooku could toss me across the ground, drawing my shoto and using it as I had, had forced me off-balance. Dooku took advantage of this as his lightsaber raced toward me, seeking the gap my body's position generated between my lightsabers.

While I might have been able to block the thrust with my main blade, I knew he'd have simply rolled with that and clipped my leg, ending this duel. Not wanting that to happen, I reached into my bag of tricks and, just as the tip reached my robes, used Phase.

Feeling the blade pass through me was, as always, an odd sensation that I never particularly enjoyed. However, it had at least delayed my defeat. Though now I was left with his lightsaber seemingly embedded in my chest. His brow rose at the situation and felt his irritation through the Force. Yet for all that, he had to know he had me trapped. So long as his lightsaber remained within me while I was phased, he had victory in his grasp. Thankfully, while I lacked something to give me a fair crack at beating him with a lightsaber, I had other Force-related tricks I could use to, at the very least, delay the inevitable.

I started running, enjoying the look of shock that flashed over Dooku's features as I rushed through his body. I knew he'd turned and was in pursuit, which is why I pushed myself as fast as I could, the Force accelerating me to speeds most beings would struggle to track. Dooku, however, wasn't a normal being.

Still, I'd planned for this, and after only a few seconds, I stopped, pivoted, and brought my blades around. As I came back into phase, Dooku was forced to slow instantly. While his blade was in a general defensive position, since he'd been moving rapidly, the form wasn't its usual perfect self. My main blade thrust forward, pushing against his and guiding it away as my shoto then came into play.

However, just before the tip of my secondary blade reached him, I felt the Force shift. Before I could react, I was sent hurtling back, lifted up, and then crashing into the ground by a point-blank blast of the Force from Dooku.

I bounced over the ground, my shoto being driven from my hand when my wrist slammed into a rock, only regaining some control once I dug my main blade into the ground and used it to counter my momentum. I barely had time to get my bearings before the blue tip of Dooku's blade emerged from the dust cloud my journey had caused.

With no chance to get my lightsaber free from the ground in time to block, I depowered it and reached further into my back of tricks. The air around me shifted to sliver as I used Teleport to gain some distance from him. When my vision returned, I was standing about ten metres from Raven, who marked the centre of the one-kilometre-squared area we were using for today's spars.

Sensing Dooku closing, the Force swirling around him, I turned to face him. My lightsaber came up, tapping away his attack, then when he countered, doing so once more. He shifted around me, trying to come at me from the side, but I leant into Makashi and made sure he remained directly in front of me. As his attacks continued to come, and I deflected, blocked, or avoided them, I already knew I'd lost. My only hope now would be a mistake from Dooku that granted an opening, but after training with him for so long – and having spent time sparring with someone prone to using misdirection and deception in their style in Shaak Ti – I knew that even if I saw an opening, I'd not take it.

Dooku stopped trying to sidestep me and instead turned the spar into a purely linear event. It took nearly a dozen probing attacks before I was forced to shift back, but I knew that more would come. That was proven true when I had no choice but to take a second step only five attacks later.

I grunted in annoyance at how clear my defeat was, yet as much as I wanted to draw on that rage, to use it to power my actions, I knew that wouldn't work. I'd done that several days ago, and apart from the lecture Dooku had given about allowing myself to become unbalanced from drawing on my emotions, it had only hastened my defeat.

Once more, I reached into my bag of tricks and with my free hand, tried to manipulate the very ground we fought on. It was hard to do, as I had to keep almost all my attention on Dooku, something proved when his blade came close enough to my arm that I felt the heat burn away some of the hairs there, but after some effort, I felt the Force and the ground respond to me.

A gentle tremor caused us both to stop and take a few steps to restore our balance. With that time, I flicked up my free hand, summoning flames that rushed toward Dooku. He batted them aside with a simple use of the Force, but as the flames cleared to let him see me, lightning raced from my fingers. It was only Electrokinesis, but the unexpected assault forced him to bring his lightsaber up to defend himself and take a step back.

I kept the power flowing, knowing that if I slacked off, he'd slide past the attack and have me on the defensive instantly. As his blade caught the blue ripples of energy that surged from my fingers, I stepped close, my lightsaber poised to strike out, to score my first-ever hit against him. Yet just as I felt close enough to strike, just as I saw my chance, Dooku moved.

His blade flicked forward, sending the energy swirling around it back at me. I was forced to end the stream of power, lest I get burnt by it, and in that second, I felt his blade clip my shoulder.

"I believe that is the spar."

I grunted as he spoke and powered down his lightsaber. I'd been close, so close, to scoring a strike by pulling on my full arsenal. Yet in the decisive moment, he'd turned the tables and beaten me. Again. "Kriff," I spat out as I powered down my blade. "I thought I had you there."

"For a moment you may have. However, you delayed too long in seeking victory, which granted me time to not only adapt to your attack but counter it." He moved closer, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You are far more comfortable using the Force offensively, and in unexpected ways than most Jedi – even some Masters – however your blade work is, as you're well aware, your greatest flaw. I won't go into detail, again, regarding this apparent block you have, but until you are able to overcome it, I fear you will not reach your full potential."

"I know, I know," I muttered. Even if I was glad he wasn't giving me one of his far more common harsh critiques, the gentler approach he was taking now somehow felt worse. As if he realised his usual methods weren't working and felt a softer, kinder approach would somehow make a difference. Almost as if he felt sorry for me.

"Do not be discouraged, Cameron. You are, without a doubt, the most technically sound Jedi I have seen in decades, if not ever. Indeed, if they felt you would accept, I suspect the Council would assign you permanently to work with Initiates and Padawans as you have the ability to help others improve that few possess." I snorted at that, knowing it was as much down to the Interface as to how well I taught as to anything natural. "However, this continual inability to find fluidity in your actions, to let the Force guide your blade and work with you fully, holds you back from achieving the mastery that I know you are capable of. Once you discover and overcome it, I have little doubt you will become a duellist able to rival myself, Master Yoda, and Master Windu, if not surpass us all."

There was a faint trace of pride mixed with hope in his words, but I didn't latch onto that. No, once more, my thoughts returned to my inability to truly embrace the Force and my lightsaber style as I fought. I kicked the ground, letting some of the building anger out before I let go of the rest. Here and now, there was little I could seemingly do about this.

Oh, I'd keep meditating on the matter, keep training myself in the six forms I knew – even though I was Knighted, I'd not approached Battlemaster Drallig about learning Juyo as I didn't want to concern the Council – and hope the issue would resolve itself. Before I'd left the Temple, I sparred with other Knights and a handful of Masters so much that Serra and others had joked that I enjoyed pain. While I was slowly getting better and could sense hints of what my style would be whenever I overcame the block on me, I was still losing to others of my rank or higher. Well, at least to some.

I had defeated a small number of Knights, but like me, they were recently elevated to the rank. While that gave me some XP from the Training Superiority: Mark 2 quest, it was starting to grate at how far it felt I still had to go. The XP from the updated quest was lower, at least for defeating Padawans and Knights, which made sense, yet I was more focused on trying to overcome this seemingly mental block.

Now, if it was a factor of the Interface, then all I could do was hope that reaching level 30, and the second and last system update would fix the issue. If not, I'd be permanently hamstrung by this, which would require me to adapt my fighting methods.

The big issue was that, unless something major happened, I wouldn't be hitting level 30 until after Naboo, and my likely face-off with Maul. Yes, he'd lost to Obi-Wan, but everything about that screamed him simply becoming overconfident and toying with the Padawan instead of killing him off when he had the chance. A mistake he didn't make with Qui-Gon, and, with Sidious having an idea of my skills, not a mistake I expected him to make with me wherever our paths crossed. Haran, I'd sparred with Qui-Gon several times and even when I'd drawn the fight out, taking advantage of him tiring as it progressed, I'd still failed to score a strike against him.

"Still, before you cross this barrier, I feel it would do you, and the boy some good if you instructed him in some elementary velocities. I have shown him some, but I lack the… patience to handle one so young and rumbustious."

I chuckled at the image of Dooku trying to get Anakin to remain still and failing miserably. "Yes, Anakin isn't the calmest of children." I looked at my former Master. "Still, I'm not sure if I should begin his training."

"You feel you shouldn't become his Master?"

I sighed and looked upward, in the general direction of Mtael's Gift and Anakin. "I'm not sure. I know I share a bond with him, but I fear that if I can't break this block I have, then I'd hinder his growth more than help."

"It's good you understand your limitations, Cameron, and that you are concerned if you're ready for the responsibility of training a Padawan. However, it has been clear to me and Master Fay for many years that the Force drew you to the boy. While I would be honoured to take another Padawan with potential like yours, I know that isn't what the Force wants. Nor the boy." I wondered how Anakin would turn out with Dooku as a Master. While I had little doubt Anakin would be an even deadlier combatant under Dooku's tutelage, I had doubts the pair would be able to work together. Their personalities were simply far too different. "I have – as time with Komari allows – watched and instructed him. Beyond being incredibly gifted with the Force, he has an ability, no doubt enhanced by his connection to the Force, to understand and improve technology that is almost unmatched. If he commits, I believe he may one day surpass Master Tiin as the greatest pilot in the Order. My only concern, which I share about you, is his desire to do what is right, regardless of what the Order and Code would permit, may lead him to make the wrong choice for the right reasons."

"But… what if I ruin him? What if I'm not able to teach him what he needs and he either doesn't reach his potential and resents me for it or dies before his time? What if, because of my limitations, I fail to prepare him for what is to come and whatever role the Force has in line for him?"

I'd had these concerns for a while, which was why I limited the time I spent around Anakin, though this was the first time I'd voiced them to anyone. If I'd mentioned it to Fay, she'd have told me to have faith in the Force and its path for us. While that might work for her, I was less… trusting of the Force's plans and goals. Since she'd stayed at the Temple, to spend time with Satele's holocron and to research her mission to rediscover Tython, I'd not brought it up with her. While I hoped I'd get to see her again before she left, I knew in my heart I'd see her again even if I didn't.

Dooku was silent for a while as if ordering his thoughts. "Every Master has these concerns. I had them when I first met you. At that point, I felt my time training Padawans had passed. Yet the Force guided me to you, as it did Master Fay. I admit I was reluctant to train you. I felt my time within the Order was drawing to a close; that I needed to walk a different path. Yet the Force had guided me to you, and I placed trust in that, a decision that I am grateful for."

"As am I, Master," I lowered my head.

One of those rare smiles came to his face. "While we both know the path ahead of you is long and dangerous, I know your path is an important one. You are someone who, unlike many, understands that doing what is needed sometimes isn't what others consider legal." He paused and looked upward. "There are times when I wonder how your mother would view the man you've become. How proud she would be to see the potential you have to be one of the greatest Force users the galaxy has ever seen. While a Jedi should be mindful of pride and other emotions as they can lead to mistakes being made, and dark paths being walked, I am proud of the man you have become. As I am with all my Padawans. While I dislike the concept, I know that my time in the galaxy is slowly fading, though it won't for many years yet. I am grateful to know that my legacy, my teachings, will live on in you and those like Qui-Gon Jinn as you make your marks on the course of the galaxy."

I blinked, finding my eyes oddly blurry. "I… Thank you, Master." I bowed deeply. "I hope I can live up to the high standards and faith you have in me."

Dooku chuckled, which was a sound I knew I'd never grow to expect. "You already have, as you will continue to do." He turned there and moved away from me and Raven. "Now, let us try again. Perhaps, with your mind on other matters, the path you must take will become clearer. Or at least the possibility of one might appear."

I shook my head. While I doubted things would clear up today, or soon, I wouldn't turn down another spar. Yes, I didn't expect to win, but every spar taught me something new, something to learn and improve from.

The familiar soft howl of my lightsaber brought me a sense of calm, and as I slipped into an opening stance, I readied myself for Dooku's fresh onslaught.

… …

… …

"Jade Raven, this is Coruscanti Orbital Control. Your arrival is expected, and a flight path cleared. Transmitting data now."

I looked at the data as it appeared on a screen, then frowned. The route, while generally what I'd expected, didn't take me to the Temple, but instead to the Senate building. "Control, can you confirm this path? I was recalled by the Jedi Council."

It'd been about two months since my knighting, and after spending most of that time with the Lokella, Anakin, and Dooku – when he'd not been busy with Vosa –, I'd received a summons to return from Master Gallia. She'd not mentioned why I was being recalled, but I assumed it was for a mission. Since there was only about a month and a half until the end of the year, I was concerned they'd give me a mission that would take significant time and cause me issues with what was due to happen next year.

With Anakin and his mother off Tatooine, if Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were still given the mission to Naboo, then they'd possibly be stranded there. At least until Maul turned up and likely killed them and then took Padmé back to Naboo and forced her to sign Viceroy Gunray's settlement.

When I'd first gotten the summons, I had also wondered if they wished to speak with me about Serra and our developing relationship. Apart from that first afternoon aboard Raven, we'd only managed to get time away from the Temple one more time before I'd left with Dooku. Now, with time to think about it as I travelled to the Republic capital, I realised that concern was unwarranted. Even if they did learn anything about us, and I'd not sensed any worry from Serra during my time away, we were already clear that, if the worst did happen, we'd leave the Order together.

Now, I didn't want that to happen, at least not for a while, but if it did, then so be it. Still, I'd hoped to at least see and spar with her, and my friends again, when at the Temple. That now appeared to be off the table.

"Path is confirmed, Jade Raven. The orders came directly from the Chancellor's office."

That made my frown deepen. I'd had no interaction with Valorum, save for when he'd met me as an aide of the former Chancellor, Kalpana. For him to summon me only worked if someone – and I had a fair idea of who – had brought my name up concerning a matter that I currently knew nothing about.

"Understood Control. Raven out." I closed the link as Raven slid into the planet's atmosphere after accepting the flight path into her systems.

As the hull warmed from the planet's stratosphere brushing against Raven's hull, I closed my eyes and reached out through the Force. [Serra, I've been called to the Senate. If I can, I'll try and swing by the Temple, but I suspect they've got something for me that will keep me away a little while longer.]

I kept the line open, waiting for her reply. As expected, she couldn't respond verbally – either because the distance was too great for her, or she wasn't able to focus on the link because of whatever she was currently doing – but I sensed her understanding and acceptance. There were also, at the very end, hints of hope and desire, making clear that she wanted to see me as much as I wanted to see her.

I smiled as I opened my eyes, casting my gaze toward the Temple as it came into sight far below. Unlike Bo, with whom every encounter started – and invariably ended – as a test of dominance, time with Serra was softer, gentler. I'd also confirmed that she had a slight submissive streak, at least when it came to me. I'd not pushed into that since what we had was still new and experimental, but I wondered how deep the streak went. And if it would extend to others, as I couldn't deny the thought of having both girls join me in bed had been a semi-regular thread in my dreams.

I turned my thoughts away from that idea, and instead, as the Senate building came into sight, toward one person I'd work my hardest to keep from this place. Anakin hadn't been happy that I had to leave the ShaDo system, but I'd left him with enough that he should be busy for at least a few months.

On Dooku's advice, I'd started training him in basic Shii-Cho velocities, letting him – after Shmi gave her reluctant blessing – use my shoto lightsaber on its lowest power setting. He'd picked them up rapidly, and I'd started walking him through using them in a spar. Shmi had watched almost all our sessions, which was understandable, but she never stopped him. While I doubted Anakin fully understood that becoming a Jedi would mean leaving her, Shmi did and seemed happy that he'd soon begin learning how to help others.

The only other person who'd watched any of those sessions had been Dooku. He'd spent most of his time with Vosa, which I understood even if I disliked, but he never spoke. Not unless it was to offer a critique of Anakin's stance or form. Oddly, Anakin didn't seem put off by Dooku's blunt manner and took every word to heart. My attention though was in those moments where a wisp of a smile crept onto my former master's face.

As for Vosa… I wasn't ready to face her. Not because I feared she'd defeat me again, but because – thanks to Eidetic Memory – how the memories of what I'd endured at her hands were always easily accessible. I felt I had a handle on those memories, but I wasn't willing to risk it by being near her and losing control, or letting Dooku see that I could, and had, drawn willingly upon the Dark Side. I knew Dooku was disappointed that I'd not chosen to meet Vosa, but I felt I wasn't ready, and he accepted that.

As Raven slid between two towers that reached high into the stratosphere, my mind was drawn to the sensations Raven was giving off. While she knew where we were, I sensed she'd prefer to be elsewhere. If I had to guess, that was because either the planet felt too sterile, too artificial for her liking, and when we'd last been here, I'd not taken her out as regularly as I had when we'd been near Gaia.

That was the name I'd chosen for the Lokella's planet. While I'd have preferred they'd have selected a name without me, the Council were insistent I chose. They'd been confused by my choice but had accepted it readily. To me, Gaia felt an appropriate name as in mythology, she'd been the mother planet that had given rise to life. A mother that had birthed and guided hope and life into a new place, which was the role that the planet, and the ShaDo system, served for the Lokella.

The Lokella themselves were even stronger than had been hinted at. Ferox had returned about two weeks after we'd arrived, bringing with him a small fleet composed of Corellian gunships and blockade runners, and his newest prize; two Gozanti-class cruisers. While neither was designed primarily for combat, since they were a CEC design, modifying them was relatively easy – something I'd helped push along by transferring another half million credits to the Lokella. That had required me to leave the system for a day with Validus to arrange the purchase of additional weapons for the ships, but I considered it was money well spent.

What helped with that was the fact the Lokella population had swelled with Ferox's raid. When I'd left, there were now around ten thousand souls aboard Mtael's Gift – with the majority being part of the anti-slavery operations – and another thirty thousand on Gaia below. Between the station and colony, and a few smaller mining operations throughout the system, the Lokella were able to support and grow themselves. I'd still check back in on them - even aside from the fact that Anakin was there - when I could, and gift them credits or supplies as needed. However, for the most part, they were now large enough to survive without help and strong enough to handle all but the most dedicated response from the Hutts or other slavers.

As Raven slowed while approaching the Senate building, I hoped that whatever it was Palpatine had wrangled me into wouldn't take too long. The starting line for canon events was fast approaching and I still had several things to do. Not least, going to Mandalore and getting the final checks made on my armour, and then getting used to fighting in it. Of course, it would also let me check in on Bo – hopefully without any awkward conversations with Duke Adonai about our relationship – and possibly even Naz.

A grin came to my face as Raven touched down on the platform set aside for her at the idea of fucking Pre Vizsla's daughter. However, seeing Palpatine standing nearby with his aides forced the smile and idea from my thoughts.

For now, I'd have to be on guard until I figured out just what the Sith Lord had planned.

… …

… …

I looked up from the table in front of me as the door to the suite opened. I watched as Kinman Doriana stepped into the suite. "Senator," he began with a bow, "the pilot wishes you to know that we've entered the landing pattern. He expects to be able to disembark within thirty minutes."

Palpatine, who is sitting across the table from me, examining the pieces in our game of holochess, turned and smiled. "Thank you, Kinman." He returned his gaze to the table and after tapping at his controls, one of his pieces moved and violently ripped my piece apart and took the space. "Your move."

I nodded as I looked at the board, taking the time to think things through. The game had similarities to chess from Earth, but not enough that what I'd known was much help beyond understanding the basics. Of course, the bigger issue was that I was sitting in a very luxurious suite aboard a transport bound for Eriadu – the same one I'd been in for the last four days – with Darth fucking Sidious.

After he'd greeted me on the Senate landing pad, he'd brought me to his office and explained the situation.

Apparently, while I'd been away there'd been an attack on Chancellor Valorum which had only been thwarted by the Jedi. This was, Palpatine explained, because of a trade summit taking place on Eriadu. One where the Chancellor was hoping to reach an agreement between the Trade Federation and the Republic regarding taxation of the Outer Rim.

Since Palpatine had also been targeted by a group of terrorists called the Nebula Front, Valorum had agreed the Senator needed extra protection. Of course, Palpatine had asked the Jedi to allow me to be that protection, which was why I was travelling with Palpatine to Eriadu for this summit. A summit that carried the threat of further attempts on the Chancellor by the Nebula Front.

As if being forced to spend days on-route and on-planet around Palpatine wasn't troublesome enough, Wilhuff Tarkin was the Lieutenant Governor of Eriadu while his uncle, Ramin Tarkin, was the sectorial senator. And then there was the fact that the Trade Federation, meaning Viceroy Gunray, was going to be present. When I'd had time to think things through, I'd become convinced that Palpatine was up to something with his involvement in this summit and that I'd been roped in as well. Whether that was because I had a role to play in whatever was going to happen, or because Palpatine felt this was a way to further ingratiate himself with me – or both – I couldn't say. Regardless, I'd been on edge ever since we'd left Coruscant, and things were only made trickier because Kinman Doriana and Sate Pestage were both coming along as well.

The only thing that I'd been able to have any influence over was our transportation. Palpatine had expressed an interest in us taking the Raven to Eriadu. I'd rejected that by saying the Council wanted to perform tests on her, which I'd agreed to whenever I returned to Coruscant. I'd also left Fenrir and Simvyl in the Temple, as while leaving an agitated tuk'ata around Jedi might be a dangerous idea, it was safer than having Fenrir anywhere near a Sith Lord.

The other thing I'd left behind had been Damask's gift.

I'd still not done much with the red-bladed katana he'd gifted me. Well, beyond using Observe on it. That had proved the blade was, as Damask had claimed, a Force-imbued blade weapon used before the invention of lightsabers by a member of the Legions of Lettow during the First Great Schism. Damask had claimed it had belonged to their leader, but Observe revealed it hadn't, instead belonging to a Tun Bohoi. From what I could gather in the Jedi Archives, Bohoi had been a general in the Legions. Since the Legions had been Dark Jedi who'd turned against the Order, I wondered if Damask was hinting at plans to turn me, or if he'd given it to me simply because he felt it might ingratiate himself to me. Regardless of his reasoning, the blade had stayed inside the case that Ce Serd had presented it in.

Publicly, Palpatine and Damask were known to be acquaintances, so I had to assume Sidious knew about the blade, but I wasn't willing to reveal it to him. Not when I had no clue as to Plagueis' motives for gifting it to me.

A gentle cough drew my mind back to the table and the game of holochess upon it.


"Sorry. Was just thinking." I looked at the board once more, planning out not just my move, but what I expected Palpatine to do next. I imputed my move, knowing it was a mistake. I was being too aggressive. However, that was something I'd done in every game I'd played since boarding this transport and allowing Palpatine to teach me the game. Just like in chess, there were tendencies a player displayed that also revealed much about them in real life. Thus, in every game I made mistakes. Early games had been all-out attacks, while the games since had taken longer, I always made sure that I eventually overcommitted an important piece, and then compounded the error by continuing to do so.

I hoped that Palpatine would believe this flaw in holochess carried over into my actions for real. There was some correlation, as I did prefer to rush in, but I didn't try to overcommit and understood that there were times when I needed to withdraw and regroup. By hiding those tendencies, and over-emphasising the flaws, Palpatine should, in theory, develop an inaccurate picture of how I operated.

"A bold move," he commented before quickly imputing his move. The piece I'd expected to move, did so, slaughtering the piece I'd just moved. "However, a rash one." The move left the piece that corresponded to my king – not that it was called that here – exposed.

"Yeah, I can see that now," I muttered with a frown, trying to appear annoyed at my apparent mistake. This game was over, as no matter what I did, I'd lose within five moves. However, I wanted to continue appearing rash, and my next move would end the game in another two moves for him.

"Senator," Palpatine turned before he could input his next move as Sate spoke. "We have an incoming transmission from the Governor's Palace."

"It seems we will have to continue this game at a later date," Palpatine said as he turned back to me. I nodded in acceptance; glad the game was over and turned off the system. I then watched as he moved to another section of the suite, where a large display lit up.

"Senator Palpatine," Wilhuff Tarkin began as soon as his image formed on the display, "on behalf of Governor Harro, I welcome you to Eriadu." I'd hoped to avoid Tarkin while here, but it seemed that I'd failed before even setting foot on the planet.

"Lieutenant Governor Tarkin, I hadn't expected to speak with you until after we'd landed," Palpatine replied, his back to me as he spoke with Tarkin. As with each time, he turned his back to me, the thought to strike out now, to take him out before he could rise to Chancellor flashed through my mind. I never acted on it though. Apart from the chances of me being able to take out a Sith Lord, even if I managed to get the jump on him, the fact was taking Sidious out now did nothing so long as Plagueis was still on the board. There was also the fact that, if by some miracle I did manage to kill Palpatine, or at least force him to reveal himself as a Sith, I'd spend the rest of my life on the run while all those I cared about would be hunted down and, at best, imprisoned for their association with me. "I do hope nothing is wrong."

"Quite the contrary. Security is tight, the conference location is secured and isolated, and the various delegates, of which you are the last to arrive, are protected by my forces." It almost sounded as if Tarkin was offended by the hint that something had gone wrong. "I simply wished to greet you before you landed as unfortunately, I have a scheduled meeting with the local security chiefs to finalise elements of the summit." He paused for a moment, his eyes drifting to me. "Has a new threat arisen that requires additional Jedi participation?"

Palpatine chuckled. "No, no. I simply felt safer travelling with a Jedi after the recent attempt on my life." He paused and extended one arm toward me. "I wonder if you remember Cameron Shan. He was recently knighted by the Jedi Council."

Tarkin's brow rose as his attention focused on me. "Forgive me for saying this, but I was unaware the Jedi promoted members at such an… early stage." I glared at Tarkin, though I held my tongue. The comment on my age was far too obvious to be anything but an attempt to draw a reaction from me.

"Cameron has more than earned that title, I assure you," Palpatine offered. "Beyond the actions that you learnt of when we all met, I have recently discovered that Cameron was instrumental in the dismantling of the Bando Gora crime syndicate. He also, on a minor world just beyond the Outer Rim, almost single-handedly repelled a planetary invasion and is the one responsible for the recent Zygerrian Agreement, which had King Scintel express his gratitude to the Senate and Jedi Order for dispatching Knight Shan to oversee the negotiations."

"Is that so?" Tarkin's gaze remained on me, though it was far more analytical now. He rubbed his chin. "Hmm, then it seems the Jedi have, for once, made the correct decision. My congratulations on your promotion, Knight Shan."

"Thank you Lieutenant Governor," I said calmly back, wondering if there was more to Palpatine's defence of me than trying to further pull me into his influence. "And the Council is known to be correct on occasion." That drew smiles from both men. "However, while you might be interested in hearing about my adventures unless I am relieved of my duty to protect the Senator, I doubt I will have time to mingle."

"As it should be," Tarkin replied with a nod. He turned back to Palpatine and as the two began discussing various issues with the summit, I let my mind wander. I could review everything they said later, though I doubted anything of importance to Sidious' plan would be revealed over an open channel.

That said, I did wonder if Eriadu was chosen because of the fact Tarkin was responsible for security. Or if it was a minor benefit to whatever scheme the Sith Lord had in motion. Regardless, it meant I had another figure to watch while here to see if I could determine what the plan was and if it was possible, how to stop it.

… …

… …

I entered the small room at the summit hall and moved over to the only familiar faces there. "Master Qui-Gon," I said once close enough while bowing. Next to him was Obi-Wan and since they were here, I had to assume they were to give me an update on the security situation. While I was here as a Jedi, I wasn't part of the main operation regarding the Chancellor, instead assigned purely as protection for Senator Palpatine.

I'd been looking for a way to slip away from the Senator when Kinman had approached me and mentioned Palpatine wanted an update on the security arrangements. I'd taken the opportunity to get away, though I worried that if Sidious wanted me gone then he was up to something. That fear had been put to bed instantly when Kinman had explained that Palpatine would be locked in talks with Chancellor Valorum, Governor Harro, and Lieutenant Governor Tarkin – along with others – for the next few hours to discuss plans for the summit tomorrow.

Qui-Gon looked at me and smiled. "Ah, Cameron, good. I wondered when you'd get here." He and Obi-Wan were looking at a hologram of the Eriadu senate hall, which apart from serving as the location for the summit, was modelled on the Galactic Senate on Coruscant.

"I'd have come sooner, but Senator Palpatine was quite insistent I remain by his side. If not for the fact he needs to speak with the Chancellor, I doubt I'd have been able to make it." That drew a chuckle from Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan greeted me with a smile, though he didn't seem happy about something, and I wondered if he might be upset that I'd been knighted before him.

"Yes, politicians can be quite needy when they feel threatened," Qui-Gon commented. "Or when they want something, which I have found is most of the time." I laughed at that as I came closer and examined the hologram. "As you've no doubt guessed, this is the Eriadu Senate building. While it is outwardly modelled on the Coruscant Senate building, its internal structure is quite different."

I nodded in agreement as I took in the display. Within seconds I'd seen a dozen flaws that, if a sniper could reach, would give them a clear line of sight on anyone in the building. Those flaws continued to appear the longer I looked at the hologram. "This is a nightmare," I muttered as I reached fifty points of concern within the main hall alone. "The gantries allow clear lines of sight for anyone inside, and these rooms," I pointed at a ring that hung high above the floor, "are almost as bad." The rooms were either marked for media to cover the daily goings on of the Eriadu senate, or for conferences and tours of the building. "Force, the tunnels under the main floor could be rigged with explosives that, while not likely to take down the building, would easily kill anyone above."

"I see Dooku's teachings about vigilance have stuck," Qui-Gon remarked with a wide smirk. "But yes, these issues have been marked. Beyond all being patrolled or locked during the summit, local security is limiting access to only certain individuals, and even then, only through select entrances. While the Chancellor is quite insistent that the public be allowed in to view proceedings, there are only a handful of locations they can gather at."

I snorted at the remark about security, remembering the half-dozen locations where I'd been stopped on my way here. Even though I carried a lightsaber, demonstrated usage of the Force, and was marked as a member of Senator Palpatine's delegation, I was still stopped at every location. "Aye. I'm surprised that none of the checkpoints tried a cavity search."

Both laughed at that image. "While I'll be passing along that comment to others, I can understand their reluctance. You do appear far younger than what most would expect of a Jedi Knight. Nor do you carry yourself with the patience of most of our Order."

I lowered my head, accepting the comment from Qui-Gon, and then looked at Obi-Wan. There hadn't been any reaction to Qui-Gon mentioning my rank, so I wondered what was concerning him. "Thank you, I guess," I replied to Qui-Gon, and then, after leaning in close, whispered, "Philip?"

Qui-Gon laughed again, which confused Obi-Wan as he'd not heard what I'd said. "I see you've learnt his deep dark secret?" I nodded, smiling at the idea that it was something Dooku hated people knowing. "However, as amusing as it would be to discuss our former master, you're here for another reason. How much do you know about the Nebula Front?"

I shrugged. "Only what Senator Palpatine prepared for me, and a brief overview I found on the Holonet." I had wanted to do a deep dive while we'd been on route, but Palpatine had made sure to engage me in conversation or distractions – such as the holochess – for almost all the time it took to get here.

Obi-Wan touched the controls for the display, and the image shifted to that of what, judging by the markings on his face, was a male Mirialan. "This is Arwen Cohl," Obi-Wan began, "a man with known connections to the Nebula Front. We believe that he, along with his accomplices," the display shifted again to show a female Human and Rodian, "has been hired to assassinate the Chancellor before or during the summit." None of the three looked happy in the images, though since those were likely taken for Republic Judicial Forces, that wasn't a surprise as no one ever looked good in mugshots.

Obi-Wan continued speaking, going into detail about his and Qui-Gon's interactions with the trio, their known associates, and more about the Nebula Front. I stayed quiet, listening to all of it. There was a chance this was a genuine threat toward Chancellor Valorum. Yet, as the briefing continued, the feeling I had that Palpatine was, at the very least, exploiting this situation to advance his goals grew stronger.

The challenge I had was to discover what that goal was. And, if possible, stop it from happening.

… …

… …

I stood silently, watching the various delegations, reporters and security personnel move around the building. Currently, I was standing about a metre behind Palpatine as he sat – with his aides between us – in a box set aside for various delegations, including that of the one from Naboo. The rest of the Naboo delegation had gathered around us, engaging in quiet chatter with each other and Palpatine. In other areas of this box and nearby boxes, other delegations were gathered, with most being from Outer Rim sectors, which made sense given the purpose of the summit.

Chancellor Valorum had called for this summit in response to the issues occurring in the Rim that gave rise to the Nebula Front, and other groups like it – including those that sparked the Stark Hyperspace War over a decade earlier. As such, he had two points of contention the summit was supposed to negotiate. The first was the removal of the Outer Rim as a giant Free Trade Zone, which was something the Trade Federation and others were vehemently opposed to. The second was brought forth by the Trade Federation directly, and that was a request to be allowed to further arm their trade vessels to protect themselves from groups like the Nebula Front.

With all that, it was clear this was the summit that gave rise to the Trade Federation's issues with the Republic, which in turn would lead to the blockade of Naboo. Palpatine was clearly expecting something to happen, centred around the Trade Federation, as even though it could appear he was simply observing them, I felt he was watching their delegation for more nefarious reasons.

Of course, the Trade Federation delegation was made up of their Directorate – seven members including Viceroy Gunray – and Senator Lott Dod. Since, as far as I knew, the other six members of the Directorate – four Humans, a Gann, and a Sullustan – weren't around during the invasion, nor in the Clone Wars, I suspected Sidious had them removed. Something that this summit might provide an opportunity to do so, which was why the fact that their guards consisted of thirteen B1 droids stuck out. While the droids weren't the most impressive things, they had seemed to work in groups of two, three, or four, hence why thirteen droids felt wrong. However, even when examining them with Force-boosted sight, I couldn't spot anything amiss with any of them, so perhaps I was simply seeing things that weren't there.

I shifted my head as the door to the box opened, and the exceptionally bulky frame of Senator Orn Free Taa of Ryloth – along with his aides and a trio of nubile Twi'lek females – stepped into the box. Since the Ryloth delegation was one of those that was sharing the box with the Naboo delegation, their being here was expected. Still, as the rest of the delegation moved to their seats, Taa approached Palpatine.

"An impressive showing," he began as he came close to Palpatine, seemingly catching the man off-guard. "Delegates from Sullust, Clak'dor, the Serex sector, Malastere, Falleen, Bothawui…" As he spoke he nodded his head at each and I followed the glances the Senators gave, taking in several alien races I'd not encountered before. "Why even some of the Hutt worlds are represented." At that, my head snapped toward the fat slugs.

I growled at seeing a pair of them taking up an entire box to themselves – if one ignored the two dozen attendants they had. For a moment, there was an urge to use the Force and arrange an accident for them, but as Palpatine turned, possibly to glance my way, I pushed the urge aside. Not only would Sidious likely sense my actions but there were Jedi throughout the building, including three members of the High Council.

Still, I used Observe to learn who the slugs were. The larger and older one was Oruba Gorensla, head of the Gorensla Kajidic and suspected member of the Hutt Ruling Council. The other was Zorba Desilijic Tiure, a member of Jabba's Kajidic. Neither name clicked with reports I'd read from the Lokella, though both were added to the list of Hutts on the off chance I ever was able to remove anyone of power from their organisation.

I moved forward, wanting to scan the rest of the hall, and as I reached the front of the box, I saw Saesse Tiin moving around in the basin below. That was where Valorum's podium would rise – mirroring how it worked in the Senate building on Coruscant even if the mechanics were different along with his aides. Adi Gallia was the only other Jedi I knew for certain was inside, but since she was assigned to the Chancellor, that made sense. The other Jedi, which included Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Ki-Adi Mundi and a rather strange short bird-like Jedi named Vergere, were outside. Most were helping to monitor the inflow of visitors, but some – including the ones I'd just thought of – were actively looking for potential threats to the Chancellor when he travelled to the building. While I knew Valorum should be Chancellor when Naboo was invaded, I worried that any attack here might succeed due to my pres…

"…King Veruna has abdicated the throne." Palpatine's words drew my attention back to the box. Veruna stepping down started the run that would see Padmé elected Queen. While there were about four months until she was fourteen – which was how old I knew her to be when Naboo was invaded – this was the starter's gun for canon events.

"I…" Taa seemed to pause as if caught off-guard by the comment. "I must confess, Senator, that I don't know whether to feel sorry or grateful for you. But where exactly does that leave you, in any case? Is there some danger of you being recalled?" I offered a silent prayer to the Force that would happen, even if I knew it never would.

"That remains to be seen," Palpatine responded. "Naboo will have an acting regent until the elections are held."

"Who is in the running to replace Veruna?" I already knew who should win the election. While it might be unethical to place a wager on Padmé, I doubted things had changed enough that she wouldn't enter and win, which meant, if the odds were decent, it'd offer an easy way to make some credits. Yes, I had a very large pile of them already, but you could never have too much, not when war was on the distant horizon.

"That, too, remains to be seen."

"Dare I inquire as to your hope?" I leaned closer, wondering if I'd get a hint of why Palpatine had supported Padmé. I didn't know if he did it publicly or privately, but he would've worked to get her elected. I had a few ideas as to his reasoning, so hearing a hint at that would give me further insight into his thinking.

"Only for someone enthusiastic about opening Naboo to the galaxy. Someone less – how shall I put it? – traditional than Veruna."

"Or more easily persuaded perhaps?" Taa asked, and I had to agree. Palpatine had been surprised when Padmé hadn't signed Gunray's bill, seemingly expecting her to fold. That suggested he had supported her with the impression she'd be malleable, controllable, and thus a more useful pawn for his machinations.

However, before Palpatine could respond to Taa, a murmur rushed through the hall. Quickly, everyone's attention turned toward the entrance near the central podium; the one through which Valorum would enter. He did so a moment later, with his aides a step behind. Applause, some genuine, some staged, rippled through the hall as Valorum moved toward the podium he'd be using for the summit. Behind me, I heard Tra shuffling around, and his quiet voice, which I strained to hear over the noise in the hall, began commenting on Valorum, and then Governor Harro as he and Tarkin emerged.

While everyone watched the Chancellor's arrival, I scanned the room. With all the focus on Valorum, this was one of those moments where an assassin could strike. While I still doubted Valorum was the true target, I couldn't discount some sort of false flag attempt on him to distract from whoever Sidious' target was.

… …

I let out a bored sigh as Governor Harro continued to drone. It's been ten minutes since he'd stepped to the podium and begun the summit, yet all he'd done was waffle incessantly. He was currently still going on about the honour Eriadu had been granted in hosting this summit, along with offering marks of respect to various influential figures such as Valorum. Behind Harro, I saw Tarkin staring at his superior's back. While he was keeping his face neutral, I wondered if he felt the same way about Harro and his need to supplicate to everyone while managing to make himself seem more important than he was.

Thus, having been lured into a state of bored numbness by the speech, I almost jumped when the comm-unit in my ear crackled to life.

"Go ahead," I whispered after opening the channel. While I didn't want there to be an incident, I did hope that whichever Master was contacting me – it was always one of the four I spoke to – would liven up events before my brain turned to mush.

"Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan have returned," Adi Gallia began. "A group armed with a rocket launcher was intercepted before they could attack the Chancellor's transport. While they have been taken away by local security, Qui-Gon feels the threat hasn't ended and I am inclined to agree."

I stepped forward, ignoring Palpatine as he turned to look at me. Down below I saw Gallia and Saesee Tiin moving around. While they were close to the podium and the Chancellor, they were far enough away that if an attack came they'd struggle to block any bolts before Valorum and others were taken down. "Are there any leads?" I asked as I looked over the lower boxes.

"No, and the chancellor is insistent that we remain distant from him so as to maintain an air of impartiality." I rolled my eyes at Valorum's decision. I also bit back a comment about the pointlessness of me being stuck in this box. "Has anything seemed amiss?"

My eyes darted to the Trade Federation delegation. "Nothing major, Master. However, the Trade Federation delegation has thirteen droids for security. I'd have expected them to have an even number, however, the extra droid might simply be a personal guard."

Gallia took a moment before replying, likely as she tried to use the Force to sense a threat. "That is likely the reason. However, it is something to remain vigilant about. Can you see anything amiss with the droids?"

I used the Force to again boost my sight. Each of the droids was standing in line, weapons on their backs and perfectly still. The only thing that stood out was that one bore slightly different markings on its head, though I'd already dismissed that as it simply designated that droid as a command model. "No Master. They are all at rest, and with the angle I'm at, I cannot tell if any are carrying extra weaponry or missing their restraining bolts." I could see the bolts of the six closest to me, but the rest were obscured by their squad mates, and even if one was missing a bolt, it didn't confirm anything.

"Very well. I and the others will either stay close to the Chancellor or seek to locate Cohl in the building. If you see or sense anything, inform us immediately. However, since there is still a chance Senator Palpatine is a target, you are to remain at his side until our targets reveal themselves."

"Yes, Master."

I frowned as the link closed. Palpatine wasn't in any danger. No, I was sure he was the hidden hand controlling whatever was going on today and had used the 'attempt' on him as a way to divert attention. And probably also, to generate a way to gain time alone with me. Yet without proof of Palpatine not being a target, never mind him being the one orchestrating everything, and with a direct order from a High Council member, there was little I could do but remain at my post.

Yet, even as I scanned the hall once more, taking longer on every empty box, walkway, and piece of scaffolding that might be used by an assassin, I couldn't feel anything amiss. Oh, there was the general sense within the Force that something was brewing, but without meditating, I didn't know what was off. And even meditation might not work as drawing hints from the Force was something I'd always struggled with.

Now, I sensed some trepidation from the Trade Federation. However, that could simply be because they were concerned Valorum would ensure the summit was against them on both measures that were to be discussed. Or would be if Governor Harro would shut up and sit down.

… …

Nearly twenty minutes later, after Harro had thankfully stopped talking, and while the orchestra that separated the viewing masses from the Chancellor and Governor were playing the Republic anthem, the commlink in my ear clicked once more.


"You were right about the Federation's droids being a problem," Gallia began. "Move as close as you can without alerting anyone of your intent." I was moving the moment she mentioned the droids, though I grunted in annoyance when told to not draw attention to myself, as that also meant not leaping over to the Federation's box and obliterating the things.

"Can't we just remove the droids now and eliminate the threat?" I whispered into the link, not wanting Palpatine to hear.

"Sadly, no. While Cohl has confirmed the droids are how the attack will come, his word isn't enough for us to move. Doing so without definitive proof would raise questions about our impartiality and likely cause the summit to break down before it can begin."

"I doubt it will survive if the attack happens, Master," I countered. "Plus, with how the Order is tied to the Senate, I doubt any consider us impartial in any matter involving the Republic." I doubted my words would change anything, be it now or in future, but it was worth stating them anyway.

"Regardless, maintain your position and stay mindful of the droids for any unexpected movement." Gallia's reply was terse, almost as if she didn't like what I'd pointed out.

"Yes, Master." The channel closed and I kept moving, heading to the point that was closest to the Federation's box from this one. I had little doubt the extra droid was the one who'd attack, but nothing – be it something I could see or sense – hinted at which droid was the primary threat.

What I was beginning to realise was that I was right to think Valorum wasn't the primary target. No, the droids would likely fire on him, and in the confusion, turn on the Federation Directorate. Well, all of them bar Gunray and Dod if I had to guess.

"Cameron," I turned back as Palpatine spoke, though only far enough that I didn't lose sight of the Federation's box, "is something the matter?"

I smiled as I replied. "Just a potential security breach, Senator. Nothing to alarm yourself about currently." I turned back, taking my time to appear as if I was looking at other delegations. I wasn't sure if Palpatine believed me or not, but I remained as calm as I could, both physically and within the Force.

"Very well. Though I do hope you'll inform me if the matter becomes serious." I gave him a nod, my sight passing over the delegation from Kashyyyk.

While I was trying to appear calm, I was already running through options in my head. The problem with each was that they took time for me to reach or interact with the droids. Time that the droids could use to enact their programming.

The simplest option was to grab them with the Force and toss them away. However, that wouldn't stop them from firing and would result in civilian casualties. Which would then, in the aftermath, further degrade the public's opinion of the Jedi Order. Crushing them was doable, but I'd never attempted to crush so many targets so quickly, and there was the chance the droids or their blasters might explode as they were compacted. Electrokinesis was also out for the same reason, plus a stray bolt might incinerate a member of the Directorate. Ionize was another option, but I'd used that so sparingly that I wasn't sure if it would take out the droids without causing them to do something unexpected like spasm and continue firing.

The distance between this box and the Federation's was small enough that I could make it with a Force-boosted jump. However, beyond the sight of a Jedi leaping toward the droids – which if timed wrong would look belligerent – the issue was time. Even if I moved before as soon as the droids drew their blasters, it would still take precious seconds to reach them.

With all those ruled out, I was left with one option that, while it carried risk, should be possible. Teleporting. Yes, there was a moment when I reappeared where I was disorientated, but if I timed the move right, then I could have my lightsaber out and active to engage three, perhaps four droids before I was sure of my location. Still, I'd have to get the timing and location near perfect as the droids would likely target me the moment I appeared.

Just as the orchestra below shifted to a new piece, I saw a concerned Human approach Gunray. The others in the box could hear, but even with the Force boosting my hearing, I couldn't make out what was being said over the sounds lifting from below. I removed the Force-boosted hearing, grimacing at having the bad timing to enhance it just as the orchestra reached a crescendo.

As I watched Gunray, I saw him speak with one of the Human directors, and then he and Lott Dod stood. I gripped the hilt of my lightsaber as I watched the pair follow the grovelling Human from the balcony and activated my array of combat-oriented Force powers.


I ignored Palpatine, focusing on the Federation's box, on the thirteen droids, waiting for any movement from them that I could use as an excuse. A familiar stillness passed over, reminding me of those moments before a mission before the storm that was about to be unleashed. I waited patiently for the signal to act, to unleash hell on my targets, and found myself missing this serenity.

Movement high above caught my eye. I glanced up as the Force shifted, filling the hall with a sense of anticipation. Streaks of red moved around a shaft of green as two figures, the second clearly a Jedi fought. My attention returned to the Federation box, waiting for the slightest movement from the droids.

Everything in me screamed to go, to move before the signal was given, to break the calm before the storm. Yet I waited. Even if I hated everything about it, I had my orders. Plus, I was concerned at how much canon might change this close to the invasion if I moved too early.

This conference was the reason the Federation would invade Naboo, the reason Sidious could manipulate Gunray into doing his bidding. Yes, allowing it to happen would cost thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, their lives, but if I acted too rashly, too quickly, then I could alter the Sith plan, and I wasn't willing to risk that. Not now, at any rate. I was set in my belief that the war needed to happen, for the Republic to undergo strife in the hope it might emerge stronger and fitter, provided I was able to stop Sidious from founding the Empire.

Plus, on a more personal level, without the invasion, people like Padmé would never break from their blind idealism and faith in the Senate and the Republic. They would never question the ways things worked or demand change. By allowing the invasion to happen, by forcing her to confront the problems in the galaxy, and then by being there as a friend to offer solutions during and after, I hoped to gain her support for a more aggressive approach. I knew she'd never become pro-military, but the passive, peaceful girl she was now wasn't the strong-willed and demanding woman she should be.

All that meant that, as much as I hated it, I wouldn't act early. Instead, as much as it galled me, I'd allow Sidious' plan, whatever it was, to occur and then hope to stop it. I'd allow Gunray to slip away into the night to be there to invade Naboo at some point next year. And all of that sickened me, but it was for the greater good. Or at least, the good I wanted to bring about.

A voice rang out in the hall. Others joined in panicked screams. The orchestra stopped. The Force moved. One of the Human directors of the Federation stood and spoke. This was the moment.

My lightsaber slid into my hand, I sensed Palpatine move, and the world around me started to turn silver.

Yet, just as the silver engulfed my entire vision, I jerked. I felt a trillion volts of raw, unrestrained power slam into every fibre of my being. My skin went numb, I lost all sense of smell as every nerve in my body flared as if dipped in acid, and I stumbled back.

My hand twitched, my lightsaber falling from it as my legs stopped working. As my skull crashed against something, and my eyes flickered closed, I saw shadows move around me, above me. I wanted to scream, yet my throat refused to work.

Even as my body reacted as if it was dropped into the power core of a star destroyer, I felt something against my arm, and a moment later, the sweet, calming peace of darkness engulfed me.

… …

… …

As the darkness retreated, and I felt my eyes flicker open, I groaned. The light of the room hurt my eyes and every part of me felt tired, as if I'd run a triple-marathon without the Force to help. I moved, trying to sit from wherever I was only to feel a hand on my shoulder. The force kept me in place as a voice spoke out.

"Easy there. You were severely burnt when whatever you tried failed." I turned my head toward the voice, blinking to clear the blurry images I was seeing. Once my eyes were working properly, I realised it was Qui-Gon who was standing over me, a kind smile on his face. Behind him, closer to the far end of the room, I saw Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon seemed relaxed, but I could sense agitation from his Padawan.

"Wh…" I stopped, my lips hurting from how dry they were. After licking them tenderly, flinching as moisture reached them, I tried to speak again. "What happened?"

Qui-Gon's smile fell, replaced by irritation. "The droids were the key; however, we had the wrong target."

I groaned and leaned back, looking up at the clean white roof of the room, and from what I sensed I knew I was back in the Temple. "The Directorate?"

"Yes. It seems that one of their number activated an energy shield around their balcony. The moment that happened, the droids drew their weapons, turned, and fired upon the Directorate." I groaned again. I'd suspected that was Sidious' plan, but I'd not known about the forcefield, which must've been what interfered with my attempted Teleport. I'd remember that the next time I was faced with a shielded target because I had no interest in experiencing that pain again. "There was nothing we or Eriadu security could do to stop the massacre until the shield was lowered. Once it was taken down, security forces were efficient in destroying the droids."


"Yes. And with the droids reduced to scrap metal, there is little to be gained from them, meaning the investigation has achieved little in the week since it began."


"The reason for his and Senator Dod's departure was genuine. However, with the Viceroy now being the sole remaining Director of the Federation, and with diplomatic obstacles in place for questioning a sitting senator, that avenue of investigation is bogged down in legalities."

"Never changes," I muttered as I closed my eyes, the light from the room slowly giving me a headache. Even in this galaxy, those in power always found ways to keep themselves unavailable whenever the winds blew against them. And since the Federation had their greedy little hands controlling many Senators and other officials throughout the galaxy, it would remain that way until much, much later. Still, it was something I might be able to use in the years before war broke out.

"Sadly, yes," Qui-Gon agreed, and I sensed him move back. "As for you, whatever it was you tried…"


"Ah, then that explains why it looked like you'd been exposed to a raw powercore. I assume the reaction was due to the forcefield around the Trade Federation's balcony being active?" I nodded, not wanting to delve too deeply into that at the moment. "Hmm. Well, when your teleport failed, you collapsed on the floor, your robes and skin severely burnt. If not for the swift actions of Senator Palpatine and his aides, I doubt you would've survived long enough for medical personnel to reach you." I nodded at that as well, knowing I'd have to thank Palpatine for saving me, and wondered how much he'd use that to further attempt to ingratiate himself with me. "The Senator also arranged, along with Governor Harro, your travel back to the Temple once your injuries were healed enough to allow transport. While he couldn't have known, it was a good thing he did. It seems that your tuk'ata and ship, along with Master Fay and others, sensed your pain. While the tuk'ata didn't hurt anyone, several members of the Order were concerned it might snap if your injuries became critical. Indeed, I'm told that Master Yoda was forced to stun the tuk'ata to avoid an incident and until now, the beast is being kept under sedation in a room nearby."

I frowned at hearing that. Both Raven and Fenrir sensing my injury made sense, but the fact Yoda had felt the need to stun Fenrir wasn't going to be easily forgotten by the tuk'ata. Now, I could understand Yoda's logic, but I doubted Fenrir was so uncontrolled that Fay, Simvyl – and possibly even Serra – would be unable to keep him from going too far. While I doubted I'd learn why Yoda had done that, I did plan to ask him once I was able to.

As for Serra, while it was reassuring to not hear Qui-Gon mention her name directly, I suspected she was in the 'others' category. Hopefully, she didn't let on about how close we'd become as I'd rather not get a lecture from the Council on the dangers of attachment.

"Why the Federation?" I asked, wondering if Qui-Gon could offer any other insight beyond my thinking that the attack was to give Gunray complete control of the mega-corporation.

Qui-Gon sighed. "It seems that the one responsible for the attack, the one who had hired Cohl as a diversion, had ulterior motives. He was a member of the Nebula Front, but he was also an Eriadu native who had been a vocal critic of the Federation before joining the Front. He used the summit taking place on Eriadu, and his connections in the Front, to his advantage. Along with directing attention to the Chancellor so we and security forces wouldn't see the true danger until it was too late."

I nodded, accepting that even if I wondered how much of this Sidious had controlled, and how much of it he'd adapted to suit his goals. The man was playing hundreds of simultaneous inter-connected games of holochess while the Jedi and Republic were, at best, playing just one. Frankly, it was scary just how good he and Plagueis were at doing this.

"While I and Obi-Wan are glad you have awoken, we are needed elsewhere." I felt Qui-Gon grip my shoulder. "I will inform Master Fay of your rec…" he was cut off as the doors to the room opened and I sensed Fay enter. "Or not as it seems." The amusement in his voice was easy to pick up. "Since you no doubt wish to speak with her, we shall leave you."

"Can I see the report?" I doubted there was anything there worth learning, but I wasn't going to leave anything unturned.

"I will have your name added to the data so that once one arrives from Eriadu, you will be informed." There was a slight edge to his tone, almost as if he was annoyed about something to do with the report. Still, I nodded my thanks and lay back, waiting for the doors to close as he and Obi-Wan left.

"How are you feeling?"

I opened my eyes and smirked at Fay. "Like I just lost a fight with a power station." My former master smiled, pleased to see my humour had survived. As she moved closer, bringing a chair with her, my mind turned to other things.

I opened the various notices I had, discovering that I was almost fully healed. No major damage had been done, or at least none that bacta and the Force couldn't heal, so I should be free of the bed soon enough. Once I was, after talking with Serra and making sure she, Fenrir, and Raven were okay and knew that I was well, I needed to leave the Temple.

My first step would be finding a broker and placing a large wager on Padmé becoming queen of Naboo. Hopefully, I could get a bet in before she announced her intention to run so I could secure more favourable odds. After that, I needed to make plans to depart the planet. My first stop would be Mandalore.

With Naboo – and the threat of Maul – just around the corner, I wanted my armour. I might also pop in on Anakin, and make sure that he was kept busy enough that he was not inclined to go anywhere near Naboo.

… …

… …
A/N: While it should be clear in the last scene, the reason Cam was burnt wasn't Sidious, but the energy shield that was active around the Federation's balcony when he attempted to Teleport.
This story is crossposted on Fanfiction.net, Archive of our Own, and now Royal Road.
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And of course;

May the Force be with you. Always.
Feels like a railroaded failure.
Even as my body reacted as if it was dropped into the power core of a star destroyer, I felt something against my arm, and a moment later, the sweet, calming peace of darkness engulfed me.

Any idea what this was? Did Palpatine take a blood sample? Are we going to see Dark Cameron clones? Will the rest of the galaxy discover the glorious name of Count Phillip Dooku?

Find out in the next episode of

DRAGON BA- sorry


Also, thank you for the chapter.
Are we going to see Dark Cameron clones?

I doubt we'll see them, but not because palpatine wasn't going to try. Dude clones everybody plus a clone, or just samples from one, could be used to frame Cameron somehow. Even if Cameron gets cleared it adds additional pressure on him and stresses his relationships while it's being resolved.
Thanks for the chapter.

Some things can't be changed.( Gurnay assuming control of Trade Union )
But considering that we have been looking forward to the start of canon, it's good to see that.

Cam's inability to break past whatever ceiling he has related to lightsaber combat is becoming bit forced/ cumbersome.
Will trust that you guys have a plan for it. Else Maul will really maul him.

Bo, Naz, hopefully more would join in on the fight. Should be interesting.
Thanks for the chapter.

Some things can't be changed.( Gurnay assuming control of Trade Union )
But considering that we have been looking forward to the start of canon, it's good to see that.

Cam's inability to break past whatever ceiling he has related to lightsaber combat is becoming bit forced/ cumbersome.
Will trust that you guys have a plan for it. Else Maul will really maul him.

Bo, Naz, hopefully more would join in on the fight. Should be interesting.
Ya we have a plan
Well, that sure nerfs his Teleport skill lol sounds like it stung a bit..... I thought maybe Palpy saw him about to fuck up his plan and just used his raw Force strength to physically hold his ass there, despite him trying to Port, but this works too.

Solid chapter, I really liked seeing the Lokella again and getting to learn about how they are building up their power. Sounds like they've got a big ass city and pretty sweet little fleet going now. I'm looking forward to Cam doing some world hopping soon. He's a Knight now, so hopefully he'll be able to wander a bit more than before, let him have some fun cruisin' the galaxy nailing space hoes before he saddles himself with a Padawan. He's still pretty young.

That being said my only negative about this chapter is I am beyond tired of him bashing his head against this block on his lightsaber fighting that seems to continuously get no better and hasn't for like 20 chapters now. If he's fighting Maul in a few months its needs to be solved. Like next chapter, or he's fucked, since he needs time to develop once the block is gone. I get that you included it as a way to slow down his growth, but honestly I think its way overstayed its welcome, to the point where its extremely annoying to read about now. Like I had to take a break at that part and come back to read the rest of the chapter later I was so annoyed with it still being a thing. I wonder if learning the 7th form would somehow unlock a new general light saber skill that would then allow him to level up his own style or something...... I'm just really hoping your answer to this problem isn't that he has to turn off his system for him to be able to fight decently with a lightsaber..... as that's just ANOTHER way to nerf him and frankly at this point in the story, given how deep we are, I think everyone is beyond tired of those. We'll see I guess.
Well, that sure nerfs his Teleport skill lol sounds like it stung a bit..... I thought maybe Palpy saw him about to fuck up his plan and just used his raw Force strength to physically hold his ass there, despite him trying to Port, but this works too.

Solid chapter, I really liked seeing the Lokella again and getting to learn about how they are building up their power. Sounds like they've got a big ass city and pretty sweet little fleet going now. I'm looking forward to Cam doing some world hopping soon. He's a Knight now, so hopefully he'll be able to wander a bit more than before, let him have some fun cruisin' the galaxy nailing space hoes before he saddles himself with a Padawan. He's still pretty young.

That being said my only negative about this chapter is I am beyond tired of him bashing his head against this block on his lightsaber fighting that seems to continuously get no better and hasn't for like 20 chapters now. If he's fighting Maul in a few months its needs to be solved. Like next chapter, or he's fucked, since he needs time to develop once the block is gone. I get that you included it as a way to slow down his growth, but honestly I think its way overstayed its welcome, to the point where its extremely annoying to read about now. Like I had to take a break at that part and come back to read the rest of the chapter later I was so annoyed with it still being a thing. I wonder if learning the 7th form would somehow unlock a new general light saber skill that would then allow him to level up his own style or something...... I'm just really hoping your answer to this problem isn't that he has to turn off his system for him to be able to fight decently with a lightsaber..... as that's just ANOTHER way to nerf him and frankly at this point in the story, given how deep we are, I think everyone is beyond tired of those. We'll see I guess.
Ok lets tackle it 1 by 1

Palpatine is smarter than that :D
And as for needing his teleport, ya it does a bit but the thing is this is a limitation in Cam and the system(which will be fixed later)

He is young but little time to waste y'know, he isn't in a time where he can take that vacation to Zeltros without worry

As for his saber form I feel there may be some miscommunication, he isn't really blocked and is getting better, it just takes awhile to build your combat style, do you think Windu made Vapaad in a month or a year? Granted Cam isn't doing anywhere close to that but still it just takes some time
As for his saber form I feel there may be some miscommunication, he isn't really blocked and is getting better, it just takes awhile to build your combat style, do you think Windu made Vapaad in a month or a year? Granted Cam isn't doing anywhere close to that but still it just takes some time
Cameron is also completely unskilled with juyo form 7 so it could weaken his final form if he doesn't gain sufficient skills in juyo before completing his personal form
Cameron is also completely unskilled with juyo form 7 so it could weaken his final form if he doesn't gain sufficient skills in juyo before completing his personal form
Well the Jedi certainly arent gonna ok him learning Juyo and it's not really necessary to complete your skillset, would it be useful to wrap his saber skills in a Juyo ferocity? Oh absolutely, and if he turns to the darkside that will certainly happen
Strange Bedfellows
As always, thanks to those helping me write and plan out this story and checking it for continuality and logic errors.

This chapter was released at least 2 weeks ago to my Patreons (with them seeing a draft version around 2 months ago) and on the story's Discord server (in GDoc form) about a week ago.
Links for both are at the end of the chapter.
Hopefully, all the little mistakes have been found and removed.

Current Date: <1 year until the Invasion of Naboo

Strange Bedfellows
... ...

As I felt Raven's landing struts touch down on the ground, I eased back gently on the power flow to her manoeuvring thrusters. I chuckled at the disappointment I felt radiate through our bond. "Perhaps later, girl," I commented as I stroked her hull just above the console, letting my hand glide over her organic texture. "I doubt I'll be here long."

I stood and turned, sensing Raven's anticipation for what may come, and then left the cockpit.

"How long will this meeting take?" Simvyl asked as I stepped into Raven's common area to find him lounging at one of the luxurious sofas, a datapad in hand.

"Don't know for sure, but I doubt it'll be more than an hour or two. Though the Senator isn't one to waste his time or mine on unnecessary meetings, so whatever the summons was for, it'll be important." Then again, since I was sure Palpatine wanted to keep me close and maintain the idea that he was something of a benevolent uncle for me, it could be as simple as him wishing to check up on me personally.

It has been his request that resulted in me being on Eriadu for the summit, so he might well try and use that to slide further into my good graces by offering a sincere apology for what happened. Perhaps even gift me something to help strengthen the bond between us. I'd take the gift, depending on size, but since I knew what he was doing, I would be able to – I felt – avoid letting him gain any real connection to me. At least not something he could use to tempt me into becoming a Sith.

Yes, it was a dangerous game to keep him close, but it was better than antagonising him early before I was ready or able to counter the Sith plan.

"Should I have the droids refuel Raven?"

"Aye, why not," I replied as I left the common area. It took about a minute to reach the landing ramp. When I reached it, I sighed. "No, you can't come." Fenrir's ears drooped and he lowered and tilted his head. I chuckled at the behaviour as he was as tall as me already, yet it was easy to forget he was still a pup and acted his age at times.

Of course, this behaviour rarely worked with me, but with others – particularly Serra, who Fenrir considered part of our pack now – it was far more successful. Force, I'd even seen him use it successfully on Jocasta Nu after he'd run into the Archives one day. That hadn't saved me from having to clean up the mess he'd caused without using the Force.

"No. I don't want to get hauled in front of the Chancellor when you invariantly give some poor Senator a heart attack." I paused and rubbed my chin. "Although, depending on the Senator, I might not mind." Senator Dod and a few others came to mind, that was for sure. Fenrir's amusement flowed through our bond, and I chuckled again. "But no, not today."

Seeing him sulk, I reached out with the Force and opened a storage compartment. One that had no external lock. Fenrir's ears perked up as he heard it open, and then his tail started swishing around, making me glad there wasn't anything loose around the room as the tail would've destroyed it. A large chunk of Ewok jerky came out and as I floated it in the air, Fenrir leapt and grabbed it. Though to be fair, at his size, it was more a bounce-step than a leap. Still, the jerky was in his maw as he raced away, heading back for his quarters to devour it.

I shook my head and laughed as I pressed the button to lower the ramp, wondering what meat the jerky was really made from. There was no way it came from Ewoks as, from what I knew, they were from a planet that few, if any, had heard of on the very edge of Republic space, yet the jerky was relatively easy to find on most major planets, which I was grateful for since both me and Fenrir had developed a taste for it.

I blinked as I exited Raven, even as I fiddled with the controls of my vambrace, adjusting to the midday sun that was shining down on the Senate building through crystal clear skies. While I disliked Coruscant, I couldn't complain about having the weather be so clearly defined. Yes, it was entirely artificial, but it still generated some breathtaking sights, something Serra had commented on during our last trip in Raven.

Thinking of Serra, I turned to look toward the Temple. I could sense her inside, and I wondered what she was doing. My thoughts then shifted to Bultar Swan. I'd spoken with her not long after returning from Zygerria, and then again before going to Eriadu. She'd been taken on by Plo Koon to finish her training, and while she seemed to be doing well, I'd asked Serra to keep an eye on her simply because Master Giiett had been, along with Serra, the first to make me feel welcome in the Order.

I turned back to the Senate building. It glistened in the light, drawing attention to it, and in theory, showed the beating, beautiful heart of the Republic. Of course, when a large vessel passed overhead, the building was engulfed in shadow, revealing the fact it was a façade, much like everything and everyone within.

A squad of Senate Guards approached, resplendent in their blue uniforms though the rifles they carried always made me scoff. The sheer size of them made them look impractical as hell, and in a tight space, if the weapon couldn't be unhooked, then they'd need to resort to hand-to-hand.

"Master Jedi," the lead guard said once the squad was close enough. "This way. Senator Palpatine has requested we escort you directly to him."

I nodded in acceptance and fell in behind him. One guard walked at his side while the other pair followed behind me. I noticed people around the private landing platform looking my way, no doubt wondering why a Jedi needed an escort. I paid them no mind though, nor the trio of droids that moved toward Raven, one dragging a fuel hose behind it, even as Raven closed her ramp.

As we passed into the shade provided by the Senate, I let my thoughts drift to why I might be here. It'd been just over two weeks since I'd woken after the summit on Eriadu, though Palpatine had already reached out to me before requesting an audience. I'd managed to delay it until now as the Healers wanted me to remain within the Temple for observation as there were scant few records detailing how a Jedi recovered from teleporting into an active energy barrier.

The two weeks had passed quickly enough, as I'd spent most of my time helping Battlemaster Drallig with training Initiates – something I enjoyed – sparring with my friends, or prepping for Naboo.

While Padmé wasn't yet queen, she had become the strong favourite, which made me glad I'd been able to place a wager on the matter not long after waking. The odds I'd gotten for my hundred-thousand credit bet was five-to-one. While that was good, if I'd been able to place a bet earlier, like just after the summit before it was official that Veruna had abdicated, I'd have gotten odds of over twenty-to-one. Still, a half-million credits weren't something to sneeze at, even if I had around a billion stored in my account, a pittance compared to what I would eventually need but a good start.

As we entered the building proper, I saw the corridors were far quieter than I was used to, though that might be because, this time at least, I wasn't entering from the main entrance but from a private platform. That was one benefit of having a vessel the Council were happy to let me keep for myself. Minus the times they wished for me to take them out in it, which Saesse Tiin and Plo Koon did more than others. Still, the emptiness of the corridors, and what lay ahead, focused my thoughts once more on why I was here.

This was the second time in a month that I'd been summoned by Palpatine, and while he might wish to privately apologise, or even ask for my help on another Senatorial venture, I felt that wasn't the case. No, while he'd not outwardly confirmed it in our calls, he had hinted at wanting to discuss a possible threat he'd been made aware of, one that lay on the edges of the Republic. That had me pondering whether this meeting was to discuss the Vong, and I could only hope that he had some ideas to implement for preparing the galaxy – whatever state it may be in – to face the Vong when they invaded.

If that was the case, I had some suggestions for countering them in combat. Those had come from HK, who – after approving of the Vong's ability to counter Jedi – had revealed he'd analysed the recordings Bo had left extensively. As he rattled off ideas, I felt like a fucking moron for not consulting him more on Zonama Sekot as he'd seen more combat than Bo and I had combined. Even when factoring in my former life. Of course, since we didn't have a way to restore power to his brain while acting as resistance, I'd felt it safer to keep him offline and secure than risk damage to his memory circuits. It had worked out in the end, but I wondered just how things would've gone with HK serving as an advisor.

Still, I couldn't help but shake my head as I entered an elevator with my escort. If I'd been told before I'd been reborn, or just after I'd arrived in this galaxy, that I'd actively work with Darth Sidious against a common threat, I'd have laughed in the face of the messenger. Then likely shot them. Yet, I'd actively chosen to take the matter to him when the Jedi Council had publicly dismissed my concerns. Now, that wasn't to say some of them didn't agree with me, in part, but since the consensus was that the Vong weren't a large-scale threat, it left me shouting into the wind to warn of the danger the Vong posed.

Plus, by staying close to Palpatine, by appearing as an ally, not only would I keep his focus off Anakin, but I might be able to glean something I could use to counter him when war broke out. It was a long shot that I'd learn anything, but it was better than staying away and wondering what he was up to. As was keeping his focus away from Anakin as long as possible, so he couldn't ingratiate himself with the true Chosen One.

My musings were abruptly interrupted as we emerged from the elevator, and an air of tension permeated the surroundings. Puzzled, I furrowed my brow, confused for a moment as to the cause behind the heightened alertness. We had arrived at Palpatine's office, and there stood Kinman Doriana, a familiar face. Yet, it was not Doriana that captured my attention, nor that of the Senate Guard present. Our collective gaze fixated upon the quartet of formidable figures clad in resplendent golden armour, their presence serving as an impenetrable barrier to anyone seeking entrance into the esteemed office. Sensing our approach, their postures stiffened, and as one of them began to advance toward us, I used Observe and blinked in shock at what it revealed.

Alac Larkid
Race: Thyrsian
Level: 32
Health: 100%
Age: 30
Force Potential: Minimal
Threat Potential: High
Reputation: Disliked
Affiliation Loyalty: Sun Guard (100%), Hego Damask (65%)
Emotional State: Cautious/Distrustful/Curious

Alac is careful as his employer, Hego Damask is located nearby with clear instructions to limit who may enter the area.
Even though you match the description of the expected guest, he isn't willing to allow you entry without a challenge. The hints of Mandalorian armour you wear make him even more cautious.
That said, he wishes to test himself against you if the chance should arrive as he feels the Sun Guard are superior to any Mandalorian.
A surge of tension coursed through my veins as the realization dawned upon me. If the Sun Guard was present here, it meant that Hego Damask, Darth Plagueis, was in that office alongside Palpatine. My throat tightened, and a profound alarm echoed through my being as Alac advanced, engaged in a charged standoff with the Senate Guard. In that moment, I steeled myself for the impending confrontation.

I stood on the precipice of what Windu would likely classify as a shatterpoint, poised to come face-to-face with not one, but two Sith Lords. I knew all too well that my survival depended on concealing the knowledge that now gnawed at the recesses of my mind. Revealing even a fraction of my awareness would result in devastating consequences and if they decided to kill me I likely wouldn't even have time to draw my saber.

Reluctantly, the senate guards yielded, granting passage as Alac drew nearer. His voice radiated with authority as he demanded, "Your arm." Raising an eyebrow, I couldn't help but question whether he was genuinely foolish enough to issue orders to a Jedi, or simply unaccustomed to encountering individuals who would defy his commands. "To ascertain your identity," he clarified, sensing my hesitation to comply with his demands.

Complying with his request, I extended my arm, submitting to the scrutiny of the scanning device. At that moment, a flicker of contemplation and battle lust danced within me. How long would these four guards endure if I were to draw my lightsaber? Undoubtedly, they had been honed and trained to engage Jedi adversaries, as most of the highest elites in the galaxy were. Yet, a profound sense of confidence welled within me, whispering that I could dispatch them in a single minute if not less. Perhaps two minutes, should I aim to minimise unnecessary collateral damage. Even if this was some sort of trap to capture me – a far-fetched idea, but one I couldn't entirely dismiss – the Sith wouldn't reveal themselves. Plus, before coming I'd made sure Serra and Fay knew where I was heading. Force, I'd promised Serra another 'spaceflight' as a way of having to cancel a private meditation session we'd planned in the Jedi gardens.

Once Alac was satisfied, he stepped back without saying anything. That was when Kinman nervously paced forward. "Knight Shan, I'm sorry about the security, but the Senator has a rather important guest he wishes you to meet."

"With all due respect, Magister Damask, am I correct?" I chuckled lightly, noting the subtle arch of Kinman's eyebrow. "I remember seeing several dead guards attired like this lot in Keldabe. While the Sun Guard aren't exclusive to the Magister, I know he is friends with the Senator, so it seemed a logical choice."

"Yes, quite." Kinman gestured to the entrance even as his brow creased. "They await you in the study, Master Jedi."

The doors gracefully parted, granting me passage into the compact antechamber that served as a threshold to Palpatine's office and study, I considered for a moment withdrawing a thermal detonator from my Inventory. However, I pushed away that idea. Not only would the distinct beeping of an activated explosive betray my intentions, but I had little doubt the Sith could survive one exploding at their feet. And of course, should the attack succeed or fail, the fallout wasn't something I was equipped for yet.

Before stepping into the study, I wondered how the pair would spin this. Hego Damask was insanely powerful, and I had a connection to him because of the Battle of Keldabe, but that didn't feel like enough of a reason to bring him in on the Vong threat. Oh, Plagueis would be aware of the threat, but Damask wouldn't.

However, before I could consider what story they might spin, the door to the study slid open. "Ah, Cameron my boy," Palpatine began as he saw me standing in the foyer. "I was beginning to wonder how much longer you would be." He stepped back and gestured into the study. "Please, come in and make yourself comfortable."

I stepped forward and shook his hand, avoiding stepping into the study for the moment. "Sorry, uncle," as expected, that increased the size of his smile, "While I was making my way to the Jedi hangar, I ran into my former Master. She wished to speak with me about a private matter, and it took me a moment to extract myself." Truthfully, I'd sought out Fay, but by saying it this way, I hid the lie in the truth and made it clear someone in the Temple knew where I was.

"Of course," Palpatine replied as we stopped shaking hands and he once more gestured into his study. "Though on the matter of former masters, have you spoken to Master Dooku recently? I had hoped to speak with him regarding a private matter, however, he's been unavailable for some time."

"Master Dooku is dealing with a personal matter. One that is keeping him away from the Temple and Order." I smiled as I stepped into the study. "Though I do believe he isn't at all bothered by that development." That earned a small chuckle from Palpatine, as I'd planned. There was little doubt Palpatine and Damask knew of Dooku's issues with the Order as they'd existed before my arrival, as had his friendship with the hidden Sith Lords.

"Yes, I do recall him hinting at disagreements with the direction of the Order." As he spoke, a figure in the study stood, dwarfing the pair of us.

I moved forward and bowed slightly. "Magister Damask, if not for the Sun Guards outside, I would be surprised to see you here."

Damask chuckled, which sounded as off as always because of his mask. "Yes. I do hope they didn't inflict too severe of a security check on you. They've been cautious for the last month or so due to personal concerns."

My brow rose, wondering who would be dumb enough to target someone of Damask's power. "No. While blunt, they were professional." As I replied, we shook hands, his long fingers curling menacingly around the back of my hand. "Though I'm still at a loss as to why the Senator has requested us both to be here."

Damask glanced at Palpatine just before he answered. "The Senator brought your concerns about these Vong to me. As a concerned and loyal citizen of the Republic, I shared those concerns and requested a meeting so that we might speak at length about your experiences dealing with the Vong." As he explained the public reason for why he was here, my eyes noted that not only did his skin seem healthier, having regained some of its colour, the scars around his mask and neck had faded. Either he'd used the Force to heal himself – something rather alarming as the dark side was not famed for its ability to rejuvenate a user – or had hired some very expensive privatised healthcare. Why he'd only done so after the Battle of Keldabe wasn't something I could answer, though, from some simple research, I knew he'd been wearing the mask for a while beforehand.

I smiled and nodded as we stopped shaking hands. "I'm glad the Senator was able to find another concerned citizen. Particularly one as influential as yourself, Magister. Though I hope I wouldn't be out of line to wonder if your concern was more business-inclined than say the Senator's political inclination."

A chuckle escaped Damask's lips once more, sending a subtle shiver down my spine. I couldn't help but tense, acutely aware of the unnerving quality that accompanied that peculiar sound. "Indeed," he responded, his voice laced with a discernible mixture of amusement and underlying motives. "While I cannot deny that I hold a preference for the Republic to maintain its current state, with its steady influx of credits and thriving trade networks, I must admit that the prospect of war has its own appeal from a business standpoint. Naturally, this hinges on the condition that it does not fracture the galactic economy or jeopardise my existence. Does this pose a problem for you?"

"Not at all, Magister," I said as Palpatine silently suggested I sit on one of the sofas. "Just because I value a strong and secure Republic as a Jedi doesn't mean I expect everyone else to share those views." I moved around and took the sofa Palpatine was suggesting, one that left me between the two Sith like a bark rat between two nexu. "When I was young, my grandfather – a former Chancellor of the Old Republic – often said that not everyone will share my ideals, however, the trick is finding common ground where various ideals and beliefs intersect." He'd never said anything of the sort, but there was no way for either to prove that, and it was a good reason as to why I was apparently comfortable with this meeting between a Senator, a Jedi and a banker.

Damask nodded. "It sounds as though Vaner Shan was a wise man. One worthy of the office of Chancellor." He glanced at Palpatine, and I wondered if this was some sort of stage event to show a differing opinion regarding Chancellor Valorum, who'd earned his position, from what I understood, due to his name as much as his skill.

"The flaws of the Republic's current leadership aren't why we are here today, Magister," Palpatine replied, confirming my suspicions. He then turned to me. "If I might ask, how are you recovering from events on Eriadu?"

I smiled in thanks at his concern. "According to the Order's healers, I'm fully healed and able to take missions again. Hopefully, my next one won't be quite as painful." Palpatine moved to speak only to pause as I chuckled. "Then again, the mission before Eriadu resulted in a conflict that is why we're here today. To say nothing of my missions involving the Bando Gora and the Mandalorians." Truthfully, looking back on events, it was almost as if the Force or some higher power was throwing me into the fire to test me. So far, I'd emerged tempered from each event, but I did wonder how much longer my luck would hold.

"I was told the conference on Eriadu hadn't had any injuries beyond the Trade Federation's Directorate." I looked at Damask as he spoke. "Was something withheld from public knowledge?" His confusion appeared genuine, yet there was no way he didn't know about what had happened, which only showed how skilled the man was. And along with Palpatine, how dangerous they were.

"During the recent summit, Cameron attempted to do something to stop the droid attack," Palpatine began. "However, the forcefield had already been raised and whatever he attempted failed, resulting in Cameron being badly wounded."

The pair looked at me, and I saw no need to hide the details. Palpatine knew I could teleport as he'd have seen the recording of the obstacle course back when I'd been just an Initiate. "I attempted to use the Force to move instantly. However, as the Senator stated, the forcefield… interfered with what I attempted. So much that, if not for the quick actions of Senator Palpatine and his aides, I'd have likely died." Palpatine offered a smile and nod at that even as I continued. "What still irks me, is that we knew the droids were the threat, but the Council members present prevented me from moving against the droids before they attacked."

"I was unaware the Jedi knew of the threat to Chancellor Valorum before it commenced."

I nodded at Palpatine, letting some of my annoyance at the choice made by Master Gallia show on my face. "We were, however, the Masters present were insistent that we not move early, lest we bring the impartiality of the Order into question." I scoffed. "Something I doubt many in the Rim regard as true about Jedi."

"Sadly, that is true and regrettable. I know of many, and not just in the Rim, who feel the Jedi are nothing more than servants of the Senate and the veiled interests that control it." I gave Damask a nod, signalling my agreement.

"I wouldn't say the Senate is under the control of outside interests, though I will admit that some within this building have focuses other than the betterment of those they serve."

"Eh," I muttered, not wanting to entirely agree with Palpatine. "Anyway, while the droids were stopped, the Directors were killed; well, all bar Viceroy Gunray." I paused and frowned. "It is odd that both he and Senator Dod were called away mere moments before the droids attacked."

"The timing is unfortunate, however, their reason for leaving was confirmed by Eriadu security as genuine." I had little doubt it was, though again, when Palpatine spoke there was no hint of deception even though I knew he'd arranged it so they could be called away before the attack happened.

"It was," Palpatine cut in as I took a sip of the cup of tea he'd poured for me. "However, I'm led to believe that, beyond a basic statement, there is little Eriadu security, or even the Senate or Jedi can do to investigate the incident further. The Viceroy, beyond now being the sole leader of the Trade Federation, has diplomatic immunity. While Senator Dod could be called before a tribunal over this, the Federation has enough support in the Senate to ensure that will not happen. Not without valid proof that he was somehow involved in the attack."

My brow creased as Damask spoke. "The Viceroy has had a very fortuitous career over the last few years. Becoming the first Neimoidian to sit on the Directorate in almost a hundred years and now having all but total control of one of the galaxy's largest conglomerates."

As an oddly comfortable silence fell over the room, and I continued to sip at the tea – which, even if I wasn't much of a tea drinker, was remarkably good – I couldn't help but mentally chuckle at the situation. Not only was I sitting in the room, enjoying a civil chat with two Sith Lords, but they were able, with entirely believable faces, to sit there and ponder on how Gunray rose to prominence without ever hinting that it was because of them that he had.

I lowered my cup and turned to Palpatine. "Before the attack, I heard you mention to Senator Taa that King Veruna had abdicated. Might I ask if you've heard anything on who is likely to replace him, uncle?"

I smiled lightly at the way Damask frowned at my referral to Palpatine as my uncle. "While we refer to each other by such terms, I assure you there is no blood connection. Several years ago, young Cameron posed as my nephew to investigate the disappearances of children of prominent citizens across Coruscant. He was able to capture those involved and free many of the children, though we have maintained the terms as something of a private joke."

"Ah." Damask's eyes shifted from Palpatine to me and back as if trying to reconcile this apparently new information. There was no way he didn't know this already, but watching him and Palpatine dance around the truth was a masterclass in deception and misdirection.

Palpatine turned his gaze back to me. "As for Naboo, the current favourite is someone from the Tapalo family, however, he is fast losing ground to someone I believe you are familiar with; Padmé Naberrie."

I chuckled at that, wondering how much effort it was taking to ensure Padmé became queen. "That is good to hear. I'll admit that while not something the Order will approve of, I placed a decent wager on Padmé to win. If it pays off, I'll likely donate the winnings to the Refugee Relief Movement, or a local charity of her choice."

Palpatine smiled warmly. "A noble gesture, and one I'm sure she would appreciate." He leaned forward and his gaze narrowed. "If you weren't a Jedi and one I trust at that, I'd almost wonder if perhaps you are seeking some positions of power on my homeworld. Perhaps even as Royal Consort?"

A boisterous laugh escaped my lips, accompanied by a dismissive shake of the head. "You wound me, uncle!" I held a hand to my chest. "Padmé is years younger than me, and as a Jedi, I took an oath to not form bonds such as those." An oath I'd broken twice now with Serra, and multiple times with Bo though there wasn't as strong a Force connection between us as existed between myself and Serra. In this situation though, The Jedi Code was, to me, little more than a set of guidelines for those unable or unwilling to control their baser impulses.

"Understandable, even if I feel you might be one the Order could make an exception for. Like they have with Master Ki-Adi Mundi." I wondered where Damask was going with that, as in Master Mundi's case, it was due to issues with his species and not him proving he could handle having wives and children. "However, I also wonder if you might donate some of your proceeds from your holonovels to support the new Queen." I was glad I wasn't sipping my tea as I'd have likely spat it out in shock. However, even without the spit-take, my reaction made the Munn chuckle. "I was only recently able to link the Lord of the Rings trilogy to you, and only then due to Damask Holdings being a partner in several companies involved in converting the works into holomovies."

I blinked, processing that Darth Plagueis knew about my hidden stash of credits. Or at least the larger, more public one. With little effort, he'd easily be able to link me to funding the Lokella and possibly determine their location. That was a concern as it might lead him, and Sidious, to Anakin, which would fuck up my plan of placing him with the Lokella to keep him safe and hidden.

As for the credits, of which there were about a billion now, I could easily move them into other accounts. The one on Mandalore for Clan Shan would be an option as I doubted it was with the IGBC or an offshoot. The other easy choice would be to use my Inventory. However, if I pulled all the credits, or even a large enough minority of them, soon after this meeting, then Plagueis might get suspicious. I'd have to work slowly, filter them through various other dummy accounts and then withdraw and deposit in new, hopefully, untraceable accounts across the galaxy.

"I think," I began slowly, "I might need to speak with my publisher and his company. I was assured that my name would never be linked to the works until I wanted them to be."

Damask raised a hand, palm facing me. "I assure you that neither he nor the publishers revealed this information. At least not directly." Damask spoke slowly, though it was clear he was amused at my reaction, not understanding my pause was me panicking about the Sith knowing of my money. "I simply wished to learn who the author was after discovering the novels and enjoying them immensely and then learning my company was involved in their adaptation." He leaned forward, hints of a smile showing around his mask. "Perhaps, at a later date, I might even trouble the author for a set of signed copies? No doubt their value will increase when the movies are distributed, and perhaps more so if the author is ever revealed to be a Jedi."

"Of course." I paused and then looked at Palpatine. There was some surprise on his face, more than likely meant to show he didn't know of my credits. However, as always, it was impossible to tell if the shock was genuine or not. "With your permission, uncle, I'll have the copies delivered here." I turned back to Damask. "Since I have no idea where to send them otherwise."

"You may send them to the penthouse of Kaldani Spires here on Coruscant," Damask began with an odd amount of amusement and pride. "My former residence was recently damaged in an act of corporate sabotage, though it only served to hasten my move to Coruscant. I have come to understand that being closer to the corridors of political power has many financial benefits, and in preparation for the move, I purchased Kaldani Spires. It will also allow me to return from my self-imposed isolation at a time of critical need."

I wasn't sure how much of that was true, but his moving to Coruscant made sense if, as I suspected, the plan was for him to become some sort of advisor to Palpatine when he became Chancellor. While Kaldani Spires weren't as impressive as 500 Republica – where Palpatine had a suite – or within the Senate District, I knew they were considered some of the finest suites on the planet. That Damask would simply buy the entire building was hardly a surprise. "I'll arrange for your copies to be sent there, then."

"Thank you. Although," he paused and tapped his mask. "It occurs to me as we speak of the Spires that it would behove us if you also had a place of residence there."

My jaw involuntarily dropped, stunned by his proposition. Not only would such an arrangement situate me near Darth Plagueis, but the opulent suites within the Spires commanded exorbitant prices, numbering in the hundreds of millions of credits for even the most modest. Yet here he stood, casually offering me one. "Th-that's not necessary," I spluttered.

Damask waved his hand. "But it is. If not for your actions on Mandalore, I would have long left this mortal coil. For that alone, even ownership of the entire building would be a small price to pay."

My mouth fell open once again, stunned by what I had just heard. That grand structure must have been worth well over three hundred billion credits, and yet he spoke of granting me its rights as if it were spare change. While I had been aware of his immense wealth, witnessing it in action was a stark reminder of the Sith's formidable power, even when masked by their public personas. Composing myself, I managed to find my voice amidst the astonishment.

"I…There's really no need for such a gesture, Magister," I replied, working to keep my voice steady. I couldn't help but notice the smug smirk playing on Palpatine's lips as he observed my reaction. "The blade you bestowed upon me was more than generous for the completion of my duties, Magister."

As tempting as it would be to take a suite, never mind the whole damn building, the place would be bugged from here to Kashyyyk and back again.

"If I might ask, what blade is this?"

Both Damask and I turned to face the Senator. "An artefact from my collection. After the events on Mandalore, I considered for some time what would be a suitable gift for not just a Jedi, but a Mandalorian." Palpatine nodded in understanding of what was said so far. "Pondering it, my mind turned to a blade once used by Jedi before the advent of lightsabers. Since I knew he carried a Mandalorian beskad already, I felt it a suitable gift."

"I must confess, Magister, that I still find myself unworthy of such a historically significant gift," I admitted, my tone genuine and humble. "Had you personally extended the offer, I would have insisted on refusing it. However, given the circumstances, I found myself with little choice but to accept, and for that, I am eternally grateful."

Pausing for a moment, I continued, "That being said, I have taken great care to keep the blade safely stored within its case. While the temptation to wield it is undeniable, I cannot ignore the nagging concern that even the slightest mishap or excessive force might risk damaging this priceless artefact."

By explaining my cautious approach, I hoped to dispel any inquiries he might have regarding the blade's continued confinement within its protective casing. It was undoubtedly bugged, and the desire to test its capabilities burned within me. However, I knew I had to exercise prudence and find a suitably secluded location where I could assess the case and blade meticulously, searching for any hidden tracking or surveillance devices that might have been concealed alongside it.

Palpatine's chuckle drew my attention back to him. "Yes, I can understand that reaction." He gave Damask a nod. "I believe I know of the blade you speak of." He turned back to me. "I saw it several times when I spoke with the Magister at his former residence. I am relieved that not only did it survive the sabotage there, but that it has found its way into the hands of a worthy inheritor."

I bowed a fraction in thanks for the compliment before I let my brow crease. "If I might ask, how did you two first meet? Details of your acquaintanceship are common knowledge on the Holonet, but I don't recall reading about how and when you first crossed paths."

The pair shared a look before Palpatine responded. "It was many years ago when I was not much older than Miss Naberrie is now. The Magister had arrived on Naboo to begin negotiations with the candidates for the throne over the plasma reserves recently discovered on Naboo. It was, I believe, a chance encounter when the Magister became lost on the Legislative Youth Program's campus in Theed and needed directions to return to his quarters."

"Yes, that would've been our first encounter," Damask cut in with what felt like practised ease. "Though it wasn't until many years later when Palpatine became an aide to the former Senator of the Chommell sector that we began a regular correspondence, and I took him under my wing. And even after becoming friends, I dare say we've disagreed at least once every few months over various proposals and issues facing the Senate and Republic. Still, he is one of the few people I consider a genuine friend."

As I watched, Palpatine nodded in thanks and agreement. Nothing stood out about the interplay to suggest it wasn't the truth, once more proving just how kriffing skilled the pair were and hiding facts within fiction. Even if nothing was decided about the Vong from this meeting, it was a masterclass in how to say one thing and mean another while making everything seem true.

"Ah. My thanks for indulging my curiosity," I said with a smile. One returned by Palpatine while Damask nodded. "With that settled, should we perhaps move on to the reason I was summoned?"

… …
(Sidious' POV)
"Yes, of course," Sidious began. He placed his cup of Karlini tea down, and after glancing at his Master, continued. "I've spoken with the Magister about your report, and what you told me. However, we would be interested in hearing a more detailed recounting. One that, unlike the formal report, would cover everything that happened with the Vong. We hope that by hearing such a retelling, we might be able to determine elements about their society, culture and thinking to better prepare for them when their threat is revealed to the wider galaxy."

Cameron nodded and lowered his cup. Sidious had considered adding some serum to make the young Jedi more inclined to speak truthfully, however, he had decided against it. Most Force-sensitives, even Jedi Padawans that would never become Knights, would sense such a thing, and since Cameron was as far beyond those Padawans as Sidious was beyond all but a handful of Jedi Masters, it would be an insulting blunder to have done so. "Certainly. Where should I begin?"

Sidious watched as his master leaned forward. "You mentioned in your report that these Vong are immune to the Force, that they cannot be sensed by Jedi. While I know some of how the Force works," Sidious cackled internally at how far from the truth that was, "I'm confused as to what exactly you mean by this."

Cameron paused and leaned back, taking time to consider his words. To Sidious, this was a clear sign of Dooku's influence. The elder Jedi was deliberate in his actions as well as his word choices and it appeared much of that had rubbed off on Cameron. Which would make it easier for Sidious and his Master to see through any attempted deceptions.

Yet Sidious pushed that aside as, for the briefest of moments, he sensed anger – no, delicious, unbridled fury – emanating from Cameron. The feeling vanished almost as soon as it came, but what drew Sidious' attention, and no doubt that of Plagueis, was that Cameron didn't release that rage into the Force as a Jedi was trained to do. No, instead he seemed to push it down, as if unwilling to let go of the emotion. "The Vong aren't immune to the Force per se. Much like a taozin, which I had the unfortunate luck to encounter not long before travelling to Zonama Sekot, the Vong present as… for lack of a better term, a null presence within the Force. The very fact they cannot be sensed means they can be detected, though I admit it took me time to fully understand how to do so." Sidious nodded, understanding what Cameron was implying, though he wondered when and where the Jedi had encountered a taozin. The creatures were believed to be extinct, and Sidious did not doubt that, if it could be recovered, Plagueis would want a sample for research. "They are though immune to directed Force abilities."

Sidious felt the Force shift around Cameron, though it reacted slightly faster and oddly to what Sidious would expect from a Jedi. With but the slightest movement of his fingertips – a sign of his skill with telekinesis – Cameron lifted his cup. "When I attempted this common Jedi trick on the Vong, it failed as if nothing was there. The same was true of using the Force to generate a barrier which I tried to use in my first encounter with Vong warriors. However, while the Force cannot be used directly on them, I could still, if one was present, toss the cup at them with enough kinetic impact that it might stagger them."

"There are certain species, like the taozin you mentioned – and I would be curious to hear where and when you encountered such a beast – that are, from what I understand, difficult for Jedi to manipulate. The Hutts are the example most would choose. However, they, and the others I know of, could still, from what I believe, be affected by direct application of the Force, could they not?"

Sidious was glad Plagueis had brought up the taozin. Such a creature, if it could be studied, could be a useful tool for eliminating Jedi.

"I can't say I've ever tried lifting a Hutt. That much bulk would no doubt cause problems," Cameron replied with an amused chuckle. "To say nothing of the smell." At that Sidious allowed himself to grimace. He'd had the misfortune to once encounter a Hutt and be forced to kill them. While far harder to eliminate than most sentients believed, they were still susceptible to the Force. Though Cameron was right to say that moving them with the Force did release some rather unpleasant odours. "But yes, I believe they could be lifted. Or Toydarians, who are also highly resistant to mind tricks. The Vong are… something else. Even concentrated Force energy used akin to a blaster bolt did not affect them."

Plagueis leaned back and castled his fingers, resting his chin on the tips. "That is most concerning. While I do not claim to know how the Order teaches a Jedi to fight, from what I have observed, using the Force to move objects is a default practice for many." Cameron nodded even as Sidious snarled internally at the narrow-mindedness of the Jedi. The Force was capable of so much more if they only opened their eyes and saw that it should serve them. "How, then, did you survive your first encounter with the Vong?"

"I almost didn't," Cameron replied with a dark chuckle. Sidious found that interesting, as it showed that perhaps, Cameron found being almost killed amusing, or perhaps even challenging. Something to learn from and ensure never happened again. A lesson he had instilled in Maul just as Plagueis had instilled in him. "After my attempted barrier had no effect, and I felt Master Fay's attempted push come to nothing, they closed on me." Cameron paused here and looked away as Sidious felt the return of that rage from earlier, along with some hesitation. As if there was something Cameron had left out of his report. If he was a lesser being, Sidious would've leant forward, curious about what was brewing in the Young Jedi. Thankfully for him, the Sith and the Grand Plan, he wasn't. "I'm unsure of how much you understand Magister, Senator, but the Jedi rely on the Force to guide them. To warn them of danger. Now, that… sensation isn't perfect. A kill shot from one who can mask their thoughts, or one the Jedi considers a friend, from what I understand, can occur before the Jedi senses the shift. However, in active combat, until Zonama Sekot and the Vong, I'd never known it to not warn me of danger. Yet against the Vong…" Cameron sighed, the sense of conflict within him growing stronger and further intriguing Sidious. "It failed entirely. If a Vong wasn't in my line of sight, I didn't know what they were doing."

… …
(Plagueis' POV)
Plagueis sat quietly for a moment, considering Shan's words. He pushed his curiosity about the faint tremors of rage he sensed from the young Jedi. While that was interesting, the fact these Vong were not just immune to manipulation, like the Yinchorri, but confirmed to not be affected by direct applications of the Force was troubling. In his decades of research, he'd never come across such a species, and from all he had learnt, it simply should not be possible. Even those species like the Hutts which were immune to mental manipulation were still connected to the Force. These Vong, apparently, weren't.

While they were undoubtedly excellent warriors, they posed a threat not just to the Jedi, but, in large enough numbers and skill, potentially to him, Sidious and the Grand Plan. That concern was his primary reason for arranging this meeting, one that now pushed the secondary reason of observing Shan at close quarters with Sidious, further to the periphery.

"You are saying that these Vong are immune to everything a Jedi can do?" He asked. Even if aware they were not, he wanted to learn in greater detail what techniques Shan had developed to counter the Vong. From there, Plagueis knew he would be able to devise at least a dozen theorems to counter the Vong. Though most would only be applicable in smaller-scale combat.

"No," Shan replied with a quick shake of his head. "Anything directed against them, or their weaponry at least, that uses the Force won't work. However, as I mentioned with the cup, applying Force techniques in more brute-force methods was effective. Often to begin an ambush, I'd use the Force to accelerate a few dozen decently sized rocks at the Vong. While their armour would weather the attack – bar the odd case where I struck something like an eye – it would knock them off-balance."

"Something akin to a scatter gun?" Shan nodded, confirming the concept. "Interesting." He tapped his chin as he considered this. It was a very crude way to control the Force, but against a large group, such approaches often had their appeal. However, it wasn't the only method Shan mentioned as being successful. "In your report, and the recording you provided Senator Palpatine, you used something akin to electricity against them." Plagueis was well aware of the Jedi's inferior imitation of Sith Lightning, however, if the Jedi's imitation could, as the recording suggested, drive back and stun a Vong, then Sith Lightning could undoubtedly kill them.

"I call it Electrokinesis; as in the ability to control and manipulate electricity." Plagueis nodded. The name was suitable and hinted that Shan saw other uses for the power than simply combat applications. Additionally, it sounded better to Plagueis' ears than what the Kel Dor Council member called it. "Master Plo Koon uses something similar, though he terms it Electric Judgement." And there was that pathetic name. Plagueis could respect the Kel Dor Jedi as, like Plagueis, he applied science to the Force. Sadly, the being was too deeply rooted in the illogical ways of the Jedi to understand the truth. "Other abilities, such as those that enhance my body, also worked. Which is a good thing as the Vong are stronger, faster and more agile than most other sentients I've encountered."

Plagueis felt the Force shift as Shan stopped. The hints of rage within him flickered as if calling out to the Jedi to take control of him. No, as Plagueis watched, Shan took control of that anger. Most interesting. He had not expected the young Human to have the understanding to control the Force, and the rage one needed to bend it to your will, so easily.

"There was one other power that I used that worked." Shan's voice was quieter now even as the fury inside became clearer. The temptation to reach out and sense the source, the reason for the fury was there. However, Plagueis did not. He and Sidious needed Shan to trust them, to work with them for the Vong threat. If, over time, Shan proved himself, then perhaps he might, as Sidious implied, have a purpose in the Grand Plan. Or at least one outside of Plagueis' standing interest in how the Human had increased his midi-chlorian count. "When Master Fay fell… I," Shan sighed loudly and looked away for a moment to steady himself. Around him, around the room, Plagueis could feel the Force moving. Something about this moment was critical. "I lashed out. She… I thought she was dead. Her blood… It dripped from the tip of the Vong's spear to the ground. In that moment… I lost control. Rage the likes of which I'd never felt before rushed through my veins, telling, demanding, that I kill all those who killed my Master."

Plagueis felt himself lean forward, savouring the emerging hints of rage and power that were slowly seeping out of Shan into the Force. His count had indicated his potential, but the hint of power Plagueis was sensing now was on another level entirely. Easily comparable to Sidious when Plagueis first pushed him to the very edge of losing control. Yet what truly caught Plagueis' attention was that this fury that he felt was not something summoned in the moment. No, it was tied to the Vong, and the injury Master Fay had taken. Nearly a year later, Shan still held it, and it seemed he had learnt to bury it so deeply that neither the Jedi Council nor he or Sidious had sensed it until the seal upon it loosened.

"How exactly did that affect your battle?" Plagueis glanced at Sidious, grateful his apprentice had prodded for further details as he did not want to shift his focus from Shan. Not when, as subtlety as he could, he was probing the darkness coming from the descendent of Darth Revan. The ancient Sith most responsible for Bane adopting the Rule of Two.

Shan gulped and looked down at his hands as if ashamed of his actions. No. Plagueis sensed he was not ashamed of them, merely conflicted about revealing what he had done. Intriguing. "I… I don't fully understand what happened," Plagueis sensed the deception there, but it was understandable a Jedi would not want to admit to knowing what he had done. Even to non-Jedi. "But the rage… it strengthened my Electrokinesis. Darkened it. When it struck the Vong, they were flung back, some dying on contact." Shan lifted his head and Plagueis saw the confusion in his eyes even as conflict swirled around him in the Force. "I… What I did wasn't what a Jedi should do, but they hurt my Master. And if I hadn't… others would've been hurt."

A flash shot through Plagueis' mind. The Mandalorian girl. Duke Adonai's daughter. Hmm, so Shan was close to her. That would require discussion with Sidious to see how she, and her people, might be adapted into the Grand Plan. For now though, Plagueis stayed focused on Shan.

Before this meeting, he and Sidious had spoken of Shan's potential for the Dark Side. Not only was it, if such a thing existed, in his blood, but he had endured much before Zonama Sekot that would break lesser Jedi. The methods the Bando Gora used to create converts were primitive and imprecise, but still effective. That Shan had survived months under their mercies spoke to a strength of will few Jedi younglings possessed, yet Plagueis remembered vividly the tremors he had sensed when Shan had been freed. He had not sensed such tremors from Shan on Zonama Sekot, but as the report stated the planet was strong in the Force, perhaps it had masked Shan's reaction. And possibly more than one as this event that Shan was admitting to occurred within the first battle of a nearly year-long insurgency.

"I was unaware a Jedi could do such things," Sidious spoke, playing the role of a scared and concerned adult figure to perfection as he reached out tentatively for Shan's hands. "Did you speak to the Council about this?"

"No. If I had… What I did was against the Code, but I had no choice." Shan's head lifted and Plagueis stared into the Human's soul. "If I hadn't… Fay would've died, B… the others would've died. I would've died." Plagueis smiled internally. Yes, Shan was not ashamed of what he had done, only that he had lost control. This was highly encouraging and not something he had anticipated learning today. "It was one moment in a battle where I lost control, a moment of weakness. But, if I had to do it again, I would." Plagueis sensed Shan was holding back something else, something more. However, he knew that it would not be revealed today.

"Do not fear, for we won't reveal this to the Council," he offered sincerely. No, doing that would only result in the Jedi imprisoning him in one of their nigh-unknown locations. At that, Shan would be removed from the galaxy, and his potential, his power, and his ability to alter his midi-chlorians would be lost.

On the other side, Sidious nodded. "Yes. Anyone faced with such a situation would do whatever they must to ensure the survival of their friends and loved ones."

Even as Shan weakly smiled his thanks, Plagueis was beginning to consider possible uses for the Human. Shan was not as fully corrupted by the Jedi's teaching as someone like Dooku or C'baoth, however, he also lacked the gravitas due to his youthful age. It would be easier, in theory, to instruct Shan in the correct way to use the Force, to reveal the underlying power of the Dark Side when one bent it to their will. Plagueis was unwilling to share power with another so close to the Grand Plan entering its final stages. Yet, once the Plan had finished, and the Jedi and Republic replaced by a new order, there would be a need for those beneath himself and Sidious.

If Shan could be turned before the Plan ended, then not only could he be of use against the Jedi, but it would allow Plagueis to examine the Human and learn how he had managed something that shouldn't be possible. However, before all that could occur, the boy would need further testing; further challenges that would force him to draw upon the Dark Side. If he survived those encounters, then Shan would turn to the two beings he could trust to talk about further lapses in judgement: Sheev Palpatine and Hego Damask.

Perhaps Shan might even one day be tested against Sidious' assassin, Maul. Yet, when Plagueis' thoughts turned to the Zabrak, he remembered the recent report the assassin had submitted. While the alien Maul had fought on Cog Hive Seven was unknown to him, based on the report, Plagueis believed, and Sidious agreed, that it was likely a Vong. Sadly, for Plagueis, Cog Hive Seven, and the dead Vong, were gone, depriving him of a new subject for experimentation.

Plagueis' thoughts returned to the present as Shan stood slowly. "If I might have a moment."

… …
(Cam's POV)
"Certainly," Palpatine replied as Damask nodded in agreement.

I moved slowly away, making sure to let hints of my rage leak out. While I'd have liked to watch their reactions as I told them I'd used Force Lightning – though not with that term – I felt it better to play the part of a slightly confused and concerned young Jedi. Thus, I'd kept my head down and let my genuine worry about what I was doing seep out. From what I could tell, they had bought the performance, though I worried they might've sensed more than what I wanted them to.

The reason I'd revealed this was two-fold. First, it was simple logic. The Vong were more vulnerable to Force Lightning than Electrokinesis and that needed to be known. I wondered what other Dark Side-aligned powers might work as well, but the battlefield wasn't a place to test out new theories when you were continuously outnumbered when entering combat. I was sure the pair would know of other powers that might work against the Vong, and while having them improve themselves for a potential invasion was only going to make taking them down that much harder, the benefits still outweighed the drawbacks. If only just.

The second reason I'd done this was Anakin. Or more specifically, to keep the Sith focused on me and not him when he finally was revealed. There was no way they wouldn't be interested in him due to his count, however, the longer they failed to see he was the true Chosen One, the less chance there was for him to become Vader. Of course, this made the idea of taking Anakin as my Padawan – which I'd been toying with for a while now – a more dangerous option, however, there might be a way to use it. If I hid Anakin's power behind mine and passed off his impressive growth as a result of my teaching – at least with a lightsaber that would be believable I felt – then it might just work. Additionally, after Naboo, I wanted to spend some time travelling. Not just to potentially gain allies for the war to come, but to learn more than what the Jedi taught. There were other Force-sensitive groups in the galaxy that might know something useful. If I took Anakin as my Padawan after Naboo, then slipped into the ether, it would be harder for the Sith or Jedi to realise who Anakin was and would be.

Figuring I'd taken long enough, I took a deep breath, pushed aside the wisps of anger I'd released and brought myself back under control. While I could use Player's Mind, they'd sense its activation, and other than wondering why I'd suddenly blocked my emotions, might grow concerned that I knew more about them than I should.

"Ok," I muttered as I returned to my chair, giving the pair a weak smile.

"How much more effective was this… anger-driven lightning compared to your Electrokinesis?"

I turned my attention to Damask as he spoke. "When I lost control, I don't exactly know the specifics. However, Bo-Katan Kryze, who was travelling with me at the time, was able to use the sensors in her armour to compare the first battle to later ones. From what she showed me, it was clear this… darker variant of the power was several orders of magnitude more dangerous to the Vong." Or to anyone really. "However, since I was… ashamed of drawing on that rage or losing myself in my desire for vengeance for what they did to Master Fay, I didn't risk using that anger again."

The pair were silent, likely seeing the holes I wanted them to see in my story. I'd not let go of that anger. Even now, it was still there, though that was heavily influenced by my Eidetic Memory bringing the raw emotions to the forefront the moment I thought about those events. I knew it was dangerous to keep hold of it, to bury it deeply, but I understood that if I tried to let go of it in the Force, then the next time I encountered a Vong, I might be overwhelmed by those emotions all over again.

"It is good you restrained yourself," Palpatine commented. "Since we all agree these Vong pose a serious threat, losing control of yourself in battle would've been… fatal. Apart from that meaning we wouldn't now know of the threat; it would also have resulted in your death. Something I for one would deeply regret."

I nodded in thanks for his assurance, however, I stayed silent. What I'd revealed on a personal level was as far as I was willing to go. At least regarding how I'd drawn on the Dark Side. There was no way in hell I'd ever bring up having King Adas' holocron, though as I thought about that, I realised it had been some time since I'd last spoken to the first Sith King. While understandable since I'd not had any time away from Jedi – even my excursion to the ShaDo system had been with Dooku – I needed to spend more time speaking with him before Naboo.

"Returning to the primary topic, I'm curious how you, and Miss Kryze, would rate their combat tactics," Damask said methodically. "How a military operates can often provide insight into their culture, especially if it is one orientated toward battle."

"Aye, that's true." I looked away for a moment to collect my thoughts. "Ignoring that first battle, as it was chaotic, most of our encounters took place in ambushes. Initially, their patrols were small, no more than four beings, and kept to set paths. Once we started to have success against them, the size of the patrols grew, and they varied their routes enough that there were times when we couldn't ambush them due to them choosing a different path."

I stopped there for a moment and sipped the tea. "Eventually, they learnt enough from our tactics to prepare a counter-ambush, and we lost an Antarian Ranger along with a unit of locals in that battle. It was also when I encountered what I considered their elite warriors."

"The ones who you referred to as clawed-Vong?"

"Yes," I replied with a nod at Palpatine's question. "Like all Vong we encountered, they'd undergone modifications to their bodies, though for them it was their hands, and the claws they'd had attached that stood out."

"How would you rate these elites compared to their base soldiers?"

I leaned back and pondered Damask's question for a moment. "To start, I'd rank a base Vong as good as, if not better, than a comparably aged elite soldier. Different armaments, yes, but similar tactics. Though the Vong are superior to a baseline Human in every physical way. When using the Force to engage them – and as my report mentioned, they favour close-quarters-combat over ranged assaults – I became able to handle three to four base warriors with relative ease. The appearance of just one clawed-Vong changed that entirely. When fighting that one, I struggled to deal with even a single regular warrior. Though I will admit that I only had one encounter with an elite before the invasion reached its climax."

"From this, and your report, it seems safe to assume that the Vong are highly trained with a preference for engaging an enemy personally." Damask paused and tapped his chin just below the mask. "For now, using a baseline built from shared ideals of groups such as the Mandalorians, Trandoshans, the Sun Guard and other warrior cultures would allow us to generate a very simple outline of their combat doctrine." His eyes narrowed as he continued. "Though this… choice to alter themselves is most peculiar. While there are some species that I know of that have ritualistic self-mutilation, the Vong seem to use it to increase the combat efficiency of their warriors. Most concerning."

"And dangerous," I added with a chuckle remembering how close I'd come to losing an eye in my duel with their leader, my hand gesturing toward the scar I bore from that battle. "Their armour is also an issue. Like certain alloys and elements, such as beskar and phrik, it is resistant to lightsabers, though it can be pierced with effort. However, my beskad was able to pierce their armour easier, even if it could get lodged in place."

"So not only are the Vong seemingly impossible for a Jedi to sense, but their famed weapon has reduced efficiency against a Vong's armour. That is extremely concerning." Damask rested his chin on his fingers which he had once more interlocked. "How would you compare a squad of Vong against a Mandalorian one?"

I took my time to consider the hypothetical. I understood why he was using Mandalorians, as it was the culture – outside of the Jedi – that I knew best, but I was worried he was also using it as a way to judge my opinion about the Mandalorians. "In full armour, I'd say it would be a close thing. Vong are stronger, and faster but Mandalorian armour and weaponry could give them an advantage as long as they maintained their edge. The acid shot from the Vong's staff weapon had a negligible effect on Bo-Katan's beskar armour, though it caused considerable damage to durasteel when it struck that."

"Very well. This can be used to further the model." Damask leaned forward. "We could be looking at an invasion comparable to the Mandalorian one that your ancestor fought against. Perhaps more as if these Vong come from, as you suggest, beyond the known galaxy, they may well have ships of a size hereunto unseen in Republic space."

Even as Palpatine gulped, I nodded, aware of that idea. If the Vong were from outside the galaxy, and I had little reason to doubt Sekot's words when he referred to them as from Far Outside nor that the Interface was being accurate in saying the came from the Void, then they'd need ships capable of travelling through the void between galaxies. To say nothing of them also being able to support an entire civilisation. Assuming that they came from a galaxy at least the size of one of the companion galaxies to this one and that they held at least one planet – which was probably a massive underestimate – then the invasion force would number in the tens of billions at least. And be aboard ships massive enough to carry them.

"Moving on slightly. I'm curious as to why, when you and Master Fay spoke to the Vong leadership, you felt a challenge was the correct approach to take."

"After we approached their base, and Master Fay had begun her attempts to seek a peaceful resolution – something I was aware would never work," I added with a smirk, "the way the Vong spoke drew my attention. Not only did they seem to have religious reasons for the occupation of Zonama Sekot, but there was enough there that hinted at it guiding their society. Sensing the Force react to that thought, and drawing on what I'd learnt on Mandalore, I pushed for the challenge." A chuckle escaped my lips. "That said, I may have insulted their sense of honour to goad their leader into accepting."

Palpatine smirked at the image while Damask nodded. "Something I have learnt in my many years is that sometimes what one person considers underhanded or dishonourable is entirely acceptable to another." That made perfect sense in a galaxy full of over a million differing species, many with variant values depending on the world they came from. Honestly, I wasn't bothered about insulting the Vong. Even if it hadn't worked, it was fun to screw with them like that. "Though on the topic, I must ask how, beyond a general sensation from the Force as you put it, you deduced such an approach would draw a response. And what you could infer from that, and other encounters, about the Vong's culture. Specifically, why Zonama Sekot was important to them."

"That was the only time I spoke with a Vong. At least beyond cursing them and getting something odd and guttural thrown back at me." Even if I didn't know what they'd said, I could remember them and if, as I suspected, many were curses, I planned to use them against the Vong. Provided I lived long enough to face their invasion fleets. "From the short talk, it was clear they placed an almost religious significance on whatever mission they were on and believed that Sekot was their goal. They claimed the planet was a seed, if such a thing is possible, of their lost homeworld. It was implied they felt the planet belonged to them simply because of this almost fanatical belief. That religious element was reinforced by their leader remarking that fighting and dying in the name of their mission was a worthy service to their gods. Though that feeling of importance was what drove me to strike at their honour and openly question its existence. They didn't take that very well." I finished with a grin.

"Yes, I've seen similar tactics employed on the Senate floor. While underhanded, it is often successful in disrupting a debate," Palpatine offered with a grin of his own. "As I'm sure the Magister has seen in various negotiations across his long, expansive life."

"Indeed," Damask commented with a nod. "While your affront to them was a risky manoeuvre given your lack of knowledge, it was successful in drawing their leader into single combat. It also grants us a small insight into the importance of their beliefs, which we may be able to exploit when their fleets arrive in Republic space." He paused and seemed to contemplate something. "We will need to use our limited information to search various religious sects and species within the Republic. Much like with their combat capacity, we can use those that share a similar mindset to generate an elementary template for the Vong.

"I'll leave that up to you and the Senator," I remarked. "I lack the… patience for such a long-term and detailed project. Something my former masters have commented on, and I believe you've observed in our chess matches Senator?"

Palpatine nodded and chuckled. "Yes. While you are improving it's clear you prefer to rush into situations."

"A failing that is sadly common for many Jedi," Damask added. "Though I understand one not shared by either of your masters. While I cannot speak for Master Fay, I have known Master Dooku in passing for several decades and he is a patient, considered individual. Still, that is a side matter. I shall instruct various employees to begin developing these research threads, though I will likely need to reach out for further observations as progress is made."

… …
(Sidious' POV)
Sidious watched quietly as his Master spoke with Cameron. While Cameron had indeed shown a tendency to rush in, there was more to it than Cameron stated. He was rash, arrogant and headstrong. A failing common among the Jedi who'd grown complacent with a millennium without the Sith to challenge them. However, with Cameron, Sidious knew there was more to it. He was aggressive, and from when he'd first spoken with the young Jedi about the Vong, Palpatine had sensed hints of enjoyment when he'd spoken of combat. Much like Maul exhibited, though in a far more restrained manner.

Still, of greater concern was the interest his master was displaying in Cameron. Sidious was secure in his place. He knew that his place beside Plagueis was safe, that when the time came if Sidious was unable to remove Plagueis as the Rule of Two demanded, then they would rule together with him in the light and Plagueis in his shadow.

Yet the interest in Cameron threatened that balance.

Oh, Sidious understood the potential Cameron held for the Dark Side, even before Sidious had tasted the rage within the young man. Yet, the way Plagueis spoke and observed Cameron, it was clear to Sidious that he didn't see him as just a science experiment on how to control and manipulate midi-chlorians, but as a potential third member of the Order of Sith Lords. Perhaps even a replacement for Sidious himself if a need arose. And that was something, no matter Cameron's potential, Sidious wouldn't allow.

Gifting Cameron the blade that had belonged to a member of the Legions of Lettow – a precursor to the Order of Sith Lords that they claimed lineage from – was a powerful move. Though Sidious was pleased to see Cameron be wary of a gift from a man as powerful and connected as Hego Damask. Sidious had coveted the blade for his collection, but he could see the value in gifting it to Cameron. Not only was the Jedi fond of a Mandalorian beskad, but the faint embers of the Dark Side within the blade would help open the crack Cameron had created to the Dark Side, turning it into a fissure through which he could be turned.

"Moving on, you mentioned their technology was heavily organic?"

"Yes, though I'll admit I didn't see everything they had. The armour they wore certainly was, though until we carried out a battlefield autopsy, I'd honestly thought it was just some unknown alloy. Their main base was surrounded by walls that weren't made from the environment, as were the glimpses I caught of buildings and flyers inside, however, I never got close enough to confirm that. The same goes for their starships, as I was only able to perform simple scans when we were engaged as my focus was on surviving and then escaping."

"Yes, I admit I found that part of the report odd. You said the planet warned you to escape, and then when you returned it had seemingly gone to hyperspace." Sidious bit back a snort of amusement. When he'd relayed the report to Plagueis, his Master had seemed genuinely shocked by the revelation that the planet wasn't just strong in the Force, but was in essence alive. At least enough that Cameron spoke of a telepathic conversation he'd shared with the planet before its disappearance. To say the idea caught Plagueis' attention would be like saying a star was dangerous when it went supernova.

"Yes, though even after experiencing it, I'm still struggling to understand how it could be sentient."


Cameron shook his head before he continued. "While the idea that the planet entered hyperspace sounds… insane, the facts support that theory. The area where the planet had been was soaked, to incredible levels, in the residual energy one would expect of something entering hyperspace." Sidious noted that Cameron was slowly becoming defensive of the idea that the planet had escaped into hyperspace, suggesting he was still receiving pushback from within the Jedi over it. That was, potentially, something he and Plagueis could use. "The Vong fleet was still there, and their escape vector toward the Galactic Edge added credence to what Sekot said about them being from far beyond. Yet, the fact that, when you consider there were no remains to suggest the planet had been destroyed, and the gravitational field in the system had shifted rather suddenly, I'm left believing that, however improbable it might be, the planet entered Hyperspace."

While not as scientifically inclined as his Master, Sidious could still understand the sheer power such an action would need. Yet, as Cameron said, based on the facts provided, it was the only logical conclusion. Something he knew Plagueis agreed with.

"There is no need to be concerned about this, after reviewing the sensor data you provided, I concur that the planet leaving into hyperspace is the only logical conclusion to draw. However, I admit I am uncertain if it, and its inhabitants, could survive such a voyage." Plagueis waved a hand, dismissing the matter. "Unless the planet reappears, it is no longer of concern. What is, is the fact that the Vong seemingly use organic technology and weaponry."

"While rare, it isn't unusual," Sidious remarked, re-joining the conversation. "The Gungans of my home, for example, heavily use organic technology, as do many species within and without the Republic." As he spoke, Sidious' thoughts turned to the Gungan's energy balls.

"Yes, though I don't recall hearing of any species that has the technology to counter a Jedi in combat, or use it in place of standard orbital technologies." As Plagueis spoke and tapped his mask, Sidious ran with the thought he'd just had.

Those energy balls – boombas if he recalled correctly – shorted out any piece of technology when they struck, and Sidious wondered if it would work against Jedi. While the Gungans and Naboo were at odds, with the upcoming invasion, it shouldn't take much convincing to ensure the snivelling Neimoidian Gunray acquired examples of these boombas. With that in mind, once this meeting was concluded, he would speak with his agents to further ensure Miss Naberrie was victorious in the election, as, unlike Tapalo, she was young, predictable, and controllable.

"The fact that the Vong consider Zonama Sekot a seed of their homeworld would be something to explore, if not for the planet's disappearance," Plagueis added with a sigh, bringing Sidious' thoughts back to the meeting. "It is a shame that with it gone, and the rare vessels it produces now withered and dead, we lack an example of technology that might share a common ancestry with what the Vong use."

Internally, Sidious smirked. Plagueis had made sure this little trap was ready beforehand, and now was the time to spring it. "I believe that Cameron's current starship is a product of Sekot." With Plagueis he turned and faced the young Jedi, watching as he tensed up. It appeared he was reluctant to let them examine that vessel, however, access to it was something both Sith desired.

… …
(Cam's POV)
As the pair turned my way, I barely resisted the urge to freeze. I knew Raven would come up, but knowing and preparing for it and facing off against two hidden Sith Lords who wanted access to a ship that was, in some way, Force-sensitive, was another matter entirely. Like standing on the surface of a star, or standing in the Oort cloud and comparing the heat.

"The Raven is. However, many of its components, including the powercore and hyperdrive, are mechanical," I spoke slowly, doing my best to refer to her as a machine only. I'd do everything I could to deny access to Raven to these two or let them gain access to her schematics. Yet, there was a valid point in that she was born on Sekot, and should, in theory, share some root similarities with Vong-tech.

"Still, even if your vessel is only partly organic since it is Sekotan built, there will be some shared ancestry between it and Vong biotechnology."

I sighed, accepting the fact. "That is true, though I'm not sure what more I could do beyo…" I cut myself on purpose, drawing on the only way I had to avoid letting either Sith Lord onboard Raven. "The Council requested a full report on Raven. From a mechanical and biological stance, and on any potential Force presence it held." I paused and rubbed my chin. "I'm not sure if the report is finished as even before I left to come here today, there were still technicians and Jedi examining it." I focused on Palpatine. "As a member of the Senate, you should be able to access that report. If not, I can gain a copy and pass it along." After seeing if there was anything I'd rather they didn't learn about Raven and if I could alter the report to hide said information. "I know it's not ideal, but I'd rather not lose access to my ship, and thus an ability to come and go as I please, again."

There were a few moments of silence before Damask lowered his elongated head. "That will suffice, for now, I feel. Though I will admit that I have long held a fascination with Sekotan vessels. Perhaps, if time allows over the next year or so, you might permit me," he glanced at Palpatine, "us, to come aboard and experience a short flight on the Raven?"

"I believe that should be doable, Magister," I replied even as I considered the long list of reasons I already had to delay such a flight. They ranged from anything from needing to spend time instructing Initiates in elementary lightsaber velocities to outright faking a mission and running to the Outer Rim for a few months. Truthfully, I felt I only had to delay the trip until the Invasion of Naboo as after that, whether I took Anakin as my Padawan or not – and the more I considered it, the more the reward was greater than the risk – I planned a long time away from the Core. Hopefully, the Council, or Palpatine after he became Chancellor, wouldn't summon me back until I was ready.

Behind his mask, Damask's face shifted into what looked like a smile. "I look forward to it."

"As do I," Palpatine chimed in. "And while we are on the subject, perhaps you might provide your opinion on the Vong starships? We have read the report and seen the sensor logs; however, I often find hearing someone speak on a matter to be far more illuminating."

"There's little I can add. I was far more interested in guiding the ship I'd just taken control of for the first time away from combat. The only thing I'd draw attention to was the readings that they don't use anything akin to blasters or lasers. From what the sensors showed, and what I observed as we dove between their fire, they used some form of superheated material, akin to plasma weaponry possibly, to target us and Sekot. It might seem primitive compared to turbolasers, but the Raven's sensors suggested we'd have not survived many direct hits."

"Others will undoubtedly see it as primitive, which might be one reason why your Council dismissed the Vong threat, however depending on how exactly they generate this plasma, it might cause Republic vessels problems. Particularly in early engagements." Damask paused and again tapped his mask as he considered something. "Is it safe to assume that, based on what you observed, the Vong ranged weaponry scales with size?"

"Yes, though the largest vessel in their invasion force was perhaps double the size of a Judicial cruiser. I'd consider it a good bet it holds true for large ship classes, but there's no proof they don't have something far more dangerous on their largest warships."

"How expectedly concerning," Palpatine remarked but my attention remained on Damask. He was the one leading this meeting, which made sense as he had less of a read on me than Palpatine did. Plus given the way he spoke, he seemed far more scientifically and logically inclined than his apprentice.

"Yes, but I would consider it more probable they simply scale up their weaponry, much like most vessels go from lasers to turbolasers. That said, while the overwhelming majority of starships built in the Republic use such technology, I do believe there are a handful of specialist manufacturers who use more esoteric technology." That he knew this would be impressive, though I suspected he'd already researched those companies long before this meeting. Just as he likely had for the other topics we'd discussed. "Does your vessel have any such weaponry?"

"No. The Sekotans, at least until the invasion, never considered the need for offensive capabilities on their vessels." That was something that irked me greatly. While the Jedi Council approved of the fact that Raven was unarmed, I hated it. I had some ideas for adding weapons to her, but I'd not had time to examine the technical details of such modifications, though I would admit that, since Vong and Sekotan technology seemed to share a common ancestry, I was wondering about plasma weapons for Raven. Of course, regardless of what weaponry I gave her, or when, I'd have to make sure to do so without telling anyone first. The Council would no doubt complain, particularly if I armed her as much as I wanted – to say nothing of HK's suggestions, which would've given her more firepower than a dozen Judicial cruisers – but she was my ship, and I could apologise after the modifications were done.

"It is unfortunate that they didn't have any vessel comparable to the Recusant or Munificent classes, to say nothing of something akin to the Assertor class. Without those, it will be difficult to convince many of the military threat the Vong pose to the current Republic military?"

A dry chuckle escaped my lips. "What military?" I couldn't help but retort, causing both to turn their attention towards me. I let out a sigh, realising my words might have come across as disrespectful. "Apologies. It's just that I recall, even from my childhood, the sheer magnitude of the fleet stationed around Talravin. And that was merely one isolated world within the Core. But now, apart from key systems like Coruscant, Kuat, and Corellia—all of which are located in the Core—the Republic lacks anything resembling a formidable military force."

"The Senate relies on the Judicial force, supplemented by local defence forces, and the Jedi to deal with incidents inside Republic borders. Though I'll admit they have been found… wanting in anything beyond small skirmishes." Palpatine leaned back in his seat and took a sip from his cup. "As for those systems you mentioned, and others like them, most of their fleets are… limited to intra-system operations. The Ruusan Reformations made clear the limits for any vessel of significant size."

I snorted again and shook my head. "While I understand why, at the time that was passed, the idea was… short-sighted." That was being kind as, if the Republic still had even a basic standing military, it would've helped in hundreds of conflicts over just the last few decades, from the Stark Hyperspace War to the recent issues with the Nebula Front, through wars like that between the Kaleesh and the Yam'rii - which had been brought to an end, badly in my opinion, by the Senate.

That war stuck out in my mind as it was where Grievous was born. However, the war had ended several years ago and from what I could discover, he'd become an agent of the IGBC. If I could, I wanted to eliminate or turn him before he became a cyborg, but details on his assignments were redacted from the Holonet. That made sense as, since he was an agent of the IGBC, he'd be a target for those with grudges against the bank.

"Sorry," I resumed after clearing my head. "I just have a hard time wrapping my mind around why the Reformation was never altered to allow the Senate, or at least the Chancellor with Senate oversight, the ability to call upon a rapid-reaction-force."

Palpatine offered me a sad smile. "It's an entirely understandable reaction. I have lamented on this very issue many times over years working in the Senate." His tone was soft, like a grandfather, and I realised he was using this moment to strengthen the bond he felt existed between us. "There have been many moments where something akin to rapid reaction force as you called it, would have helped. Alas, every attempt has failed, with the most recent being, I believe, the creation of the Outlands Defence Force around a decade ago. No such effort has ever gained enough support in the Senate to even make it to debate, never mind a formal vote."

I barely resisted an urge to roll my eyes. "When the Vong make their presence known, the Republic shall face its inevitable downfall unless it is adequately prepared. Even a solitary fleet bearing a hundred million warriors has the potential to thrust a searing dagger deep into the heart of our Republic, perhaps scorching even the sacred grounds of Coruscant herself." I knew I was being poetic, but I wanted to drive home just how much danger the Vong posed. I knew they were going to invade; I knew it would be more than one fleet, and while I couldn't say as much to others – particularly not the Sith Lords sitting with me – I wanted them to understand how fully I supported a military build-up.

I understood well the sheer insanity of the fact I was in lockstep with the Sith over the need for a military, even if our reasons behind it were vastly different. Yet without the fleets, no matter which of us was still standing when the Vong arrived, the galaxy was doomed. If I could get in with the Sith here and now, I might just get some of the curtain pulled back, perhaps even enough to learn ways to exploit events to my benefit.

"Then we three, and other like-minded individuals that we can find, must prepare for what is to come." I let some surprise creep onto my face at hearing Damask's words. "While I would prefer to reach an agreement with the Vong that could potentially be beneficial to my interests, from all I've read and heard, I can see that won't be possible. Not unless the Republic is able to shatter the Vong fleets almost entirely. What we must arrange, slowly, cautiously, and without drawing the attention of the Senate, the Jedi Council and others who might oppose us, is the development and construction of instruments of war the likes of which the galaxy has not seen for a thousand years."

They were already planning that, but they didn't know I knew, so Damask's pronouncement would, in theory, draw me deeper into an alliance with them. And, as they no doubt hoped, make it easier to slowly manipulate me into turning to the Dark Side. Even knowing this, I understood there was a chance I might fall, but better the devil you know, than the one you don't. Plus, if I played this right, and kept them close but not too close, there were ways I could use this alliance to prepare to counter their plans for the galaxy.

"Can we not count on the Jedi to defend the Republic against the Vong, just as they've defended it against threats for millennia?"

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose to hide my reaction to hearing Darth freaking Sidious suggest, convincingly, using the Jedi to defend the Republic. It was fucking rich to hear him suggest that, when using them to defend it was exactly how their plan would ensure the destruction of the Order and the Republic.

After taking a breath to calm myself, and hoping that they misunderstood my need for a moment, I replied. "While the Jedi will fight for the Republic, our numbers aren't enough, uncle." I shook my head and sighed to hopefully drive home that point. "Even if the Council supported us now, I would say only a third, perhaps at best a half, of the Order, would be ready and willing to fight against the Vong. The majority of the Order aren't Jedi as you'd expect. Most are Initiates, Younglings or assigned to a service corps such as those deemed unable to become a Padawan; never mind a Knight. And even then, of that half that could conceivably fight, I'd say half again wouldn't survive their first engagement with the Vong. We're taught to be defensive, to react to a threat and not go for the kill. That mentality, when combined with the common Force abilities a Jedi would use – such as trying to push back or throw a sentient away – would get them killed within seconds of battle commencing."

"Are you not, perhaps, underestimating the Order? After all, you survived your first encounter with the Vong, and many more thereafter."

"Perhaps I am," I responded with a shrug. "However, I'd rather underestimate than overestimate the Order's fighting ability. That said, I'd expect most Jedi Knights and Masters to fare better against the Vong than I did." I hoped that was true, but I knew many Jedi only learnt enough of the lightsaber to be decent with it, preferring to concentrate on other aspects of the Order. Those Jedi would be slaughtered by the Vong and would be among the first to fall in the Clone Wars.

"Indeed, from the recordings I've seen of many senior Jedi, their skill with a lightsaber is most impressive." Damask shared a quick look with Palpatine when he finished speaking, and I wondered if they truly felt that, or were dismissive of all but a few of the Order's fighters. After all, Sidious had slaughtered three Council members in seconds when they'd gone with Windu to arrest him. "I would also speculate that groups, such as the Mandalorians, Sun Guard, Echani and others would be just as, if not more, proficient against the Vong during planetary combat when compared to a baseline Jedi. However, if we cannot develop the forces to counter their suspected orbital superiority, then any advantages Republic forces might have on the ground would be irrelevant."

"Aye. While Bo-Katan did well enough against the Vong once she'd fought them a few times, she was never able to truly go toe-to-toe with them. However, since we were always outnumbered and she is still a young warrior, I'd rate her as average at best for her people." I mentally chuckled at that comparison as I knew it was untrue, compared to any truly seasoned Mandalorian, Bo still had a lot to learn even with all her talent. "The Antarian Rangers with me weren't as useful, though the surviving member is new to their ways while the Lieutenant was overwhelmed in the Vong's counter-ambush."

"And what of your beast?" Plagueis asked, leaning forward. "How did the adolescent tuk'ata fare?"

I smirked, both thinking of Fenrir and that Plagueis had brought him up. I'd left him off intentionally as I knew the Sith would want to hear how a Sith-created beast did against the Vong but wanted them to mention him. "Like everyone, he struggled in the first battle. While he did kill the beast the Vong had with them, he lost a spinal crest. After that though, he got better and better, even managing to take down two of their beasts in a later ambush with only a few scratches to show for it." I chuckled for a moment. "The only downside is that now, after the battles, he no longer finds the Temple as… comforting as he once did."

"A feeling you perhaps share?"

I smiled at Palpatine. "Maybe, though unlike Fenrir I know that not every problem can be solved by violence. Sometimes you have to use words," I shifted my focus to Damask, "and other times, the promise of financial motivation can gain you what is needed." The pair nodded, seemingly accepting and glad that I understood, I knew that point as Palpatine offered another grandfatherly smile.

Before either could respond, a gentle beep came from my vambrace. I glanced down at it, surprised to see that the timer I'd set as I'd exited Raven had expired. I'd set it to avoid being stuck talking with Palpatine for too long, though now I realised it was cutting short my discussion with him and Damask. "Forgive me, but I must return to the Temple," I began as I turned off the alarm. "The Battlemaster has requested my help with teaching several Initiate clans the very basics of lightsaber combat, and unless I leave soon, I fear I'll miss the class." Even if the alarm hadn't been needed for what I'd expected, it was allowing me to end this unexpected meeting on my terms, which I made clear by standing.

"Of course, of course," Palpatine replied as he and Damask stood as well. "I understand that you couldn't have known why I'd summoned you. I kept my message vague to ensure others didn't learn of the Magister's presence, or the topic of our conversation." He moved closer and shook my hand while gripping my arm near my elbow with his free hand and smiling. "While more time would be useful, what we've covered today allows us to move forward with initial plans, though I expect we'll have to meet again to review how those plans are coming along."

"I would expect the same," Damask added as Palpatine released my arm and hand. "Though I suspect if we continue to meet within the Senator's office, others might grow curious as to why." Even as I shook his hand, I couldn't deny he was right. "Therefore, the suite I offered earlier might be a way to remove some of that issue." I opened my mouth to argue against the idea when he raised his free hand, extending his long, thin fingers. "I understand your reluctance to accept another gift, however, I'm not offering simply for that now. Since I will normally be present within the Spires, it would allow us an easy method to speak privately, away from almost all prying eyes, since I will be located within the penthouse."

As I stopped shaking Damask's hands I sighed, seeing no way to avoid accepting the offer. "Then under that condition, I accept, Magister. Though perhaps you might ensure it isn't placed under my name as I'd rather not have to explain such a place to the Jedi Council."

Damask chuckled, which still sounded strange because of his mask. "Yes. I suspect your Council wouldn't look favourably on ownership of a suite in such an exclusive location. Would placing it under your pseudonym be acceptable?"

"It would, and while my former masters would realise this, I'm more concerned it might draw any fans of my works to the Spires. Especially once the holomovies are released."

"Yes, that is true, though be assured the security around Kaldani Spires is second to none. I wouldn't allow anything less." I nodded my thanks to Damask about that, and so long as no one linked me directly to the stories, the comings and goings of a Jedi would, I hoped, avoid too much scrutiny.

"When the first movie is ready, will you attend the premiere?" Palpatine asked. "And might I request several early tickets to the event?"

I laughed at that. I didn't know if he was a fan of the works – Force I hoped not as the Nazgul were something I hoped they never used as inspiration – but by the time Fellowship came out, he'd be Chancellor. Getting him to attend would drive up interest exponentially, meaning more credits for me to use to, hopefully, counter the Sith plan. "Of course. I'll have to ensure Padmé receives some as well, though if she is Queen then, it might be difficult for her to attend."

"I'm sure she'd make room in her schedule for you," a sly smile crept onto Palpatine's face. "While I've only spoken to her a few times because of the upcoming election, each time she asked after you. It seems your work with the Shadda-Bi-Borans had a greater effect on her than I'd realised."

"I hadn't known you were involved in their relocation," Damask commented.

Palpatine's smile shifted into an amused one. "Yes, that was when Cameron here met Miss Naberrie for the first time, which sparked their friendship." Palpatine turned back to me. "I believe it was you who sent the lightfoil when she became Princess of Theed?"

"It was." There was little point denying it as Palpatine would've researched who sent such a gift already. "Though I haven't managed to return to Naboo to give her any lessons."

"Perhaps, if she is successful, after her coronation? Having the support of a Jedi would help secure her position."

"If time allows, I'll see if I can manage it." Palpatine nodded, no doubt looking forward to it as it would give him an in with Padmé for ensuring my return, and as he said, help secure her position. Though for me, it would allow me to map out the Royal Palace for the invasion, though I wasn't sure how long I had from her coronation until the invasion, and I had certain things to sort out before then.

My vambrace beeped again, making me chuckle as I turned off the secondary alarm. "Right, I really have to leave now." The pair smiled at me. "Still, I'm grateful to both of you for believing in me regarding the Vong threat. It's… comforting to have that after the blunt dismissal the Council gave." Well, the Council had done so as a group, but others including Windu had sought me out for information, letting me know that they agreed the Vong could be a threat. While not what I wanted, it was better than nothing.

As for the Sith, I knew they'd be interested in the Vong as both a threat to their plans and a way to get closer to me. While the former was a risk, the latter was worth it if the galaxy, in whatever state it was in, was ready to face the Vong when they appeared with their full might.

"I'll admit that I'm hesitant to believe they are as great and immediate a threat as you do, however, I can't deny that from this single encounter, they pose a danger. That being said, you've shown a tendency to not overreact to issues, which lends credence to your worries." Damask nodded in agreement with Palpatine's words.

I bowed deeply to the pair, making clear my gratitude for their support. "Senator, Magister, until we next speak, thank you for your time."

After nods from them, I turned and left the study and then Palpatine's office. The Senate Guard were gone, though the Sun Guard were still present and tensed as I emerged and then walked past. I kept my mind still until I'd not only left the floor but had reached the exit to the landing platform where Raven waited. Once I was there, with Raven in sight as the droids moved around her, I stopped to consider the meeting.

I had to chuckle and shake my head at the sheer insanity of the fact I was now actively working with Sith Lords to defend the galaxy, even if this was one of the rare moments where the term 'The Greater Good' could be applied. The Vong were a clear danger to everyone, though I understood enough that by stopping them on Zonama Sekot I'd bought the galaxy several decades, perhaps up to fifty years, to prepare.

That meant the galaxy, whatever shape it was in after the Clone Wars, had to be ready. I fervently hoped I could stop the Sith before things got too insane, or failing that, at least ensure the Empire didn't rise to the same heights nor last as long as canon. However, even if I couldn't, and my actions somehow resulted in the Sith and Empire ruling for longer with a stronger military, I'd take it. For all their flaws, the Empire had to be a better choice than a galaxy dominated by the Vong.

My thoughts drifted to the vision I'd shared with Anakin several years ago. If, as that hinted, we had to shatter the galaxy, the Republic, to save it, then that might well be a better situation than having the Republic survive the Clone Wars, or be reformed after the Empire fell, and had to face the Vong. Smaller states would mean weaker individual navies, but since the galaxy would be unstable, those states would have larger militaries that, when combined, would surely outnumber anything the Republic or its successor might have.

My eyes drifted off, trying and failing to see Kaldani Spires. There was no doubt it would be bugged to hell and back, and it was close to Darth Plagueis. Yet, ignoring all that, the offer made sense. We couldn't keep meeting in Palpatine's office. Especially after he became Chancellor, as that would tie me explicitly to him, which I didn't want. Plus, as we got closer to the Clone Wars, then depending on the situation, I could use the suite to ensure false, or at least not-entirely-accurate, information was overheard by the Sith.

Also, by keeping away from the Senate and Palpatine directly, Dooku wouldn't consider me hypocritical. Back when the Coalition of Jedi was formed to prepare for the coming darkness, he'd wanted to reach out to people like Palpatine. I'd argued against it, so if now, as the darkness grew closer and more encompassing, I spent time with Palpatine, Dooku might begin to doubt my sincerity. Fay could've also been a problem in that regard, but with her now focused on Tython, I wondered if she'd be around as plans began to take shape for the wars to come.

A third advantage of the suite, though I was reluctant to consider it currently as it would give the Sith a hold over me, was that it would no doubt be a wonderful place to retire with Serra on certain days. There'd come a point where taking her into orbit in Raven would draw questions and while not as aggressive about things as Bo, Serra clearly wanted what we had to continue on a more regular basis. Yes, taking her to the suite would bring her to the attention of the Sith, or more so since there was no doubt in my mind that they already knew of her due to our friendship, but I knew she'd love the place. Though before I brought her there for the first time, I'd have to be explicitly clear about what could and couldn't be discussed openly in the suite.

Of course, thinking of Serra brought to mind the last time I'd been with her. The faint squeaks of delight she emitted whenever I nibbled her neck or other points. The way her heart raced when I pulled her close, of how her breath seemed to freeze whenever I captured her lips, or the way…

I shook my head. This wasn't the time nor place to think about her like that, and not just because I was still close enough to the Sith that they might pick up on a stray lustful desire. No, when I returned to the Temple, I'd no doubt end up sparring with my friends, and we had to be mindful of our thoughts within the Temple's walls.

I started moving, letting the sun blaze down on me. A wave to the droids had them removing the fuel hose and other connections to Raven, and as I reached her, and ran my fingers along her hull, I sensed her desire, her need to race between the stars once again.

"Soon, my dear," I whispered as I moved toward the ramp that had just begun descending. "Soon we'll enter the vastness of space, and you can bask in the light of different stars."

On her hull, light patterns raced around my fingers, making clear she understood my comments. I chuckled as I removed my hand and stepped onto the ramp. The meeting today would be playing in my thoughts for a while. I felt I'd seen most of the Sith ploys, but until I reviewed it all again, multiple times, in solitude, I doubted I'd sense all of them. If I ever would.

… …

… …
(Plagueis' POV)
Plagueis sat quietly as the door closed behind Shan. Neither he nor Sidious spoke, which allowed him time to consider the meeting.

Shan was cautious, which was understandable since he had been blindsided by Plagueis' presence at the meeting. However, while Shan had adapted to that rapidly, Plagueis felt there was still something Shan was holding back on. Or at least more so than the faint images of a female he sensed from the Jedi when Plagueis had made the second offer for the suite in Kaldani Spires. However, the female was not Miss Kryze, which was unexpected, yet Plagueis felt certain this female was another Jedi. If the pair were close, it could potentially be used as a way to drive Shan from the Order, though Plagueis felt that it would take far less than a scandalous relationship to eventually drive Shan from the Jedi.

A soft beep drew his attention to the door that led to the short foyer. A second beep, this time accompanied by a light that only stayed active for a moment, was the signal Shan had left the office.

"He has the potential to be a powerful Sith," Sidious offered quickly. "The fury he held within when he spoke of what happened to his former master, and what might've happened to the Mandalorian girl was impressive."

Plagueis inclined his head. "Yes. Beyond his obvious potential with the Force, and the legacy he bears, that instance proves he has already tasted, and dominated the Dark Side. That he admitted it was interesting, but it proves he considers us trusted allies."

"Yes, Master, though I feel he did so more to show that there were ways to hurt the Vong beyond simplistic Jedi approaches. In addition, the choice he's made to maintain, and hide, that anger within instead of releasing it into the Force was unexpected."

"Indeed." Plagueis glanced at the door Shan had left through, his brow creasing. "Still, there is something, perhaps several things, he is withholding from us. I postulate that the exact details of his usage of the Dark Side is one such instance – as there is little need to explain what he did to non-Force-sensitives – I feel there is something else he's keeping from us. Something linked to either his vessel, the planet, or perhaps both."

"Yes, and the way he spoke of the Mandalorian girl, Miss Kryze. He cares for her, and I believe they may have grown close during their months stuck on the planet. I suspect that, if there had been a point where she'd been in mortal danger, Shan would've drawn on the Dark Side again to protect her."

"Yes, the girl might be of use. She is the daughter of Duke Adonai Kryze, correct?" Sidious nodded. "With the recent shift in Mandalorian politics, there may well be a way to either bring the culture into the separatist faction or perhaps use them alone to strike at the Republic as they've done many times in the past. Use them to fuel the flames before war consumes the galaxy."

"There might be another avenue to consider. When he accepted the suite, there were flashes of another, who I believe is a member of the Jedi. A Padawan around his age named Serra Keto." Plagueis' brow rose at this. The Keto family had once, millennia before, allied with Exar Kun against the Republic and Jedi. "The girl came to my attention some years ago, and from what I can gather, while not overly special as a Jedi, she is connected to the Keto family of the Empress Teta system. A lineage with a strong historical link to the Dark Side. When she first came to my notice, she lusted for Shan, and from the glimpses I sensed today, it's clear Shan feels the same way. They may well have already broken their vow of non-attachment."

Plagueis leaned back, his fingers tapping his mask as Sidious spoke. "Hmm, that will require observation. Even if she cannot be used to control Shan, her connection to the Keto family might make her susceptible to conversion into an acolyte. Not on par with Shan or your assassin, but any that we can ensure fall before the Grand Plan's final order could be useful in what will arise from the ashes of the Republic."

Plagueis wondered about the young Miss Naberrie, as from how Sidious and Shan had spoken, it was clear the future queen had an interest in Shan, though there was no hint Shan reciprocated. As Miss Naberrie was nothing more than a pawn to ensure Sidious's rise to Chancellor, Plagueis doubted she would be of any importance. Still, it was another possible tangent for corrupting Shan and showing him the true path was to dominate the Force, not submit blindly to it.

"What if Shan cannot be turned, or even tempted, Master?"

Plagueis allowed a faint smile to come to his face. While Sidious hid it well, he could sense his apprentice's concern. Shan was potentially more powerful than either of them, and Sidious feared being replaced. Even if Plagueis had made clear the Rule of Two would be removed once the Jedi were gone and they would rule as equals, Sidious was still the Apprentice and always at risk of replacement. If Shan could be turned, then Plagueis did not foresee a need to have him replace Sidious. No, Shan would serve as the one directly below them, controlling elements of their new empire that neither he nor Sidious wished to concern themselves with. In time, perhaps Shan would ascend to join them, but by then Plagueis did not doubt that he would have discovered true immortality.

"I have little doubt Shan can be tempted, Sidious. The desire to know more about his new powers will be enough to ensure that. However, even if he cannot be turned fully, he will be of use. An obvious role may well be to assume control of the Mandalorians and ready them for war. Perhaps he might even be able to convince other Jedi to leave with him."

"I don't feel he can cause another schism, master. While powerful, he is young and seen by many in the Jedi as an outsider. Much as Master Dooku is. The chance he could cause enough Jedi to rebel against their council is small enough to not be factored into the Plan."

Plagueis lowered his head, accepting the point, even as he ignored the faint hints of annoyance he felt regarding Dooku. Of all the Jedi that might serve the role of the instigator of unrest, Dooku was the ideal candidate. Well known to many in power, a respected member of the Order, and with a family name that carried weight in the Rim. Dooku would have been the perfect tool to create a force to challenge the Republic. That it was Shan who had inadvertently taken Dooku away from a place in the Grand Plan was not lost on Plagueis. Though he did acknowledge that as the Force hides one path, the Sith forced open others, in this case, Shan and C'baoth.

"Yes, he is still young and unknown to many." Plagueis paused and tapped his mask. "It would benefit us if we might glimpse some of Shan's potential paths. Since we have time on the matter, there is no rush, but before the invasion of Naboo, I require you to perform a ritual and gaze into Shan's future."

"Yes, Master." Sidious.

Plagueis cursed his former Master, Tenebrous. The fool had, with his dying breath, somehow robbed Plagueis of his ability to foresee what was to happen. While that had not disrupted the Grand Plan, it had caused Plagueis issues until Sidious was sufficiently skilled enough to peer into what might and will be. The thought always remained at the back of Plagueis' mind that perhaps, on occasion, Sidious omitted a detail here or there from what he saw. Not enough to affect their plans, but enough that it might place Plagueis in future danger. However, he considered Sidious an equal and knew they would soon rule the Republic, and enter the final stages of the Grand Plan, at each other's side.

"It is unfortunate that your assassin destroyed Cog Hive Seven prison during his escape," Plagueis commented slowly, watching his apprentice for any reaction. "While its destruction helped remove a minor nuisance, from the reports he submitted, I believe the assassin fought and killed a Vong in one of his deathmatches."

Plagueis was sure there was more to that mission than the removal of Iram Radique, but so far he had not found any connection to Sidious. Through either Radique or Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Yet that suspicion that there was more to the mission than Sidious let on remained, even after questioning Sidious for several days.

"Yes, Maul was, regrettably, highly efficient at removing the evidence of his presence with the prison's destruction. Though since we now suspect that it was a Vong, it is possible there are other infiltrators spread across the Outer Rim, learning the strengths and weaknesses of the Republic?"

"That is likely. Cog Hive Seven is far from where Zonama Sekot once was. For the Vong to have travelled there would mean placement on a planet that used the prison. With effort, it might be possible to determine which planet he was captured on, but I suspect that road will lead to nothing substantial."

"I don't believe we will be able to locate other infiltrators, Master. Even if they do nothing to hide their unusual appearance, it is probable that by the time any rumour can be substantiated, they will have moved on."

"I concur; however, we should still send out feelers into the underworld. With the Vong as fearsome as both Shan and Maul contend, there is a chance one or more might be taken on as muscle for powerful figures or cartels. The odds that we will be able to acquire a specimen before the Grand Plan is initiated are slim, but it shouldn't be overlooked."

Regardless of if or when a Vong was acquired, Plagueis would need a new location for his experiments. The loss of Sojourn was unfortunate, but there were several places on Coruscant alone where he might be able to set up a new facility. The LiMerge Building in the Works district was one such option, however, that would be placing it near other critical facilities, and centralising the Sith operations.

"If the Vong are probing our defences, perhaps we might return the favour." Plagueis raised an eyebrow, wondering what Sidious was thinking. "Master C'baoth has spoken rather passionately about a desire to seed colonies in the Unknown Regions. The effort will require significant capital, but allow us, with the right investments, to use this expedition to determine if the Vong are active in the Unknown Regions, or if, as Shan believes, they come from across the galactic void."

Plagueis ran through the scenario in his head. C'baoth was now, with Dooku seemingly no longer an option, the prime candidate to act as the figurehead of an Outer Rim insurgency against the Republic. C'baoth didn't have Dooku's gravitas or flair, but he had a way with words and people that would ensure others rallied to him regardless of the cause.

This expedition C'baoth wished for was a folly, but one that could, if used properly, ensure the removal of a substantial number of Jedi before the Grand Plan entered the endgame. Still, if it was supported, plans would have to be enacted to ensure C'baoth was removed from the vessel before it left Republic space. From there, it could be used to explore the Unknown Regions, however, any outposts it set up would have to be removed when the project outlived its usefulness.

"There may be some value in this project. I doubt C'baoth would take much convincing to expand the scope of it to include a larger contingent of Jedi and exploration and research components. Even if, as I suspect, it failed to make contact with the Vong, an enlarged mission would mean more Jedi could be removed when we inevitably end it. The largest issue though is ensuring we do not sacrifice C'baoth with it." Plagueis nodded. "Reach out to C'baoth and arrange a meeting between us."

"Yes, Master."

"I will take the reports and files Shan has provided and provide them to trusted sources for examination. I'll also enquire for information on all species that either use organic or bio-mechanical technology or are, in some way, immune to the Force. While the Yinchorri have been removed from the board, we cannot discount that a race like them, or the Vong themselves, might not emerge to interfere with the Plan at a critical juncture. "

"And what of Shan?"

"We will continue as we have. Monitoring his movements and actions and continuing to provide an outlet for any resentment he feels toward the Jedi. I suspect he might choose to move his funds now that he knows I am aware of them, however, contingencies are in place to monitor any significant outflow credits and the creation of new accounts with accounts of similar amounts. It is clear that even if he doesn't understand what, he senses change on the horizon. With the right word in his ear at the right moment or the correct reveal of certain information, he can be guided as we need to ensure the Jedi and Republic fall."

Sidious nodded in understanding and Plagueis stood. He left the study and office steadily, his Sun Guard falling into step around him. While they were new, Plagueis was assured that unlike their predecessors they would not commit the same mistakes that led to their forerunners' death when Sojourn was attacked and destroyed.

Still, it should only be a few short years until Palpatine became chancellor. When he did, and named Hego Damask as his primary advisor and co-Chancellor, there would be little any could do to stop them from bringing the Grand Plan into its final stages.

Soon the Republic would burn, and from its ashes, a new Sith Empire would rise. One ruled by himself and Sidious.

… …
(Sidious' POV)
Sidious watched Plagueis depart, keeping his mind calm and centred. Once he was alerted to Damask's transport leaving the Senate, he returned to his office and frowned.

Plagueis hadn't mentioned how Cameron would be used, but it was clear to Sidious that Plagueis was considering Cameron for his own devices. This, Sidious would not allow.

While Cameron was young, his potential, if worthy, would be Sidious' alone to harness. First, though, he would have to be tested. Perhaps during the blockade of Naboo. If, as Sidious expected, Gunray was forced to invade the planet, there was little doubt in Sidious' mind that Cameron would intervene, regardless of what the Jedi Council ordered. From there, it would be a simple matter of ensuring Maul was deployed to Naboo and Sidious would have them tested to determine who was worthy of being his apprentice.

As for Plagueis, while Cameron's actions had brought his master out of his seclusion, the last moments of Plagueis' life were drawing near, though Sidious did wonder if that moment was now further away than it would've been without Cameron's intervention. Still, the day would come, be it in one year, five or ten, when Plagueis would have served his purpose. From then on, Bane's Rule of Two would give way to a new order: the Rule of One.

… …

… …
A/N: Alternate name for this chapter: Deal with the Devils
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Welp. Despite his attempts, the Sith duo managed to glean more information than Cam wanted.

He's still got a long way to go...

And I can't wait for the final and much needed system update. Hopefully he's have what he needs to survive a jealous Maul soon.
explaining my cautious approach, I hoped to dispel any inquiries he might have regarding the blade's continued confinement within its protective casing. It was undoubtedly bugged, and the desire to test its capabilities burned within me. However, I knew I had to exercise prudence and find a suitably secluded location where I could assess the case and blade meticulously, searching for any hidden tracking or surveillance devices that might have been concealed alongside it.
He doesn't realize that says sith sorcery could easily accomplish what technology could easily as well..... maybe not so easily but sith sorcery is well known to be very risky to those who haven't mastered it.

You know I expected that he would give out more information than intended in such a meeting, but it seems that the information that he unintentionally gave out isn't as bad as I would expected.
He doesn't realize that says sith sorcery could easily accomplish what technology could easily as well..... maybe not so easily but sith sorcery is well known to be very risky to those who haven't mastered it.
Nope, Cam hasn't got a clue. Which is down to how little he knows of SW from before being reborn, and what he's learnt in his time there. teaching Padawans about the insane shit Sith Sorcery, or Alchemy, could do is not something the Jedi do.

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