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One of the best and most interesting Star Wars fanfiction stories, Keep up the good work dude. :D
Thanks for the chapter.

I wonder if he is going to end up like Jedi Master Atris, that is to say his fall is going to be silent and unnoticed untill it is too late.

And maybe have an epic fight against Anakin, where at the end when he is about to kill him there is a convenient mirror that he looks at and realize what monster he become. And leaves for seclusion for a much needed introspection.

Which is why I hope he lose gamer mind. Either now or in the future. Simply so there would be a much harsher consequences for his actions.

Since sometimes it feels like he is a tourist telling a native how they know more about their country/culture then them, I can't help it, it really feels like it sometimes. But good story either way.
Lots of interesting stuff in this chapter.... its a real shame Shmi had to die... I kind of like stories that let her live. I'm glad the Lokella didn't take it too hard on the chin though... seems like they'll recover.

I was surprised when you talked about the sheer power and danger of Plageuis in combat..... whats that based on? I've never seen anything that says he was a master of combat... I've never even read anything about him using a lightsaber.... to me he always seemed more an intellectual type, a Force Scientist and Schemer of Politics. I mean.... Sheev just walked in and shanked him in his sleep.... thats a pretty pathetic way to go out, not exactly a master warriors death.

I was expecting the system to evolve again, but I'm honestly confused... how can the option he picked limit his skills, but also he can reach heights unimaginable as well... that seems counter-intuitive. I did get a chuckle out of you pretending he was struggling with which of the two options to pick lol you've been trying to remove the Gamer from this Gamer story for years now haha... point being, I wasn't in suspense wonder just what he'd evetually choose lol
Always love catching up on this story. Love seeing cams adventures. Thank you for the update!
I was surprised when you talked about the sheer power and danger of Plageuis in combat..... whats that based on? I've never seen anything that says he was a master of combat... I've never even read anything about him using a lightsaber.... to me he always seemed more an intellectual type, a Force Scientist and Schemer of Politics. I mean.... Sheev just walked in and shanked him in his sleep.... thats a pretty pathetic way to go out, not exactly a master warriors death.
Did you not read the Plaguies novel? Plaguies as a combatant is capital D Dangerous
I was surprised when you talked about the sheer power and danger of Plageuis in combat..... whats that based on? I've never seen anything that says he was a master of combat... I've never even read anything about him using a lightsaber.... to me he always seemed more an intellectual type, a Force Scientist and Schemer of Politics. I mean.... Sheev just walked in and shanked him in his sleep.... thats a pretty pathetic way to go out, not exactly a master warriors death.
His novel does a good job of showing how dangerous he is with a saber, but his most dangerous power imo are his illusions which even palpatine could not overcome.

also he did not simply die on his sleep, once palpatine became chancellor they were celebrating and high on victory and palpatine was making him drink alcohol in vast quantities and finally went for the kill with force lightning damaging the mask he had for breathing.
Did you not read the Plaguies novel? Plaguies as a combatant is capital D Dangerous
Ahh, yeah I'm hit and miss on the novels, never read that one. I figured bare minimum his Force Powers would make a fight tough, but I guess he had some saber skills too. Makes sense I guess.... someone had to turn Sheev into the Jedi Blender that he was.
Here is my guess is that Cam is going to be hunted by the witches for killing her adopted son.
I recall Talzin is mentioned in the Darth Plagueis novel by Maul's mother. She doesn't want Maul to live as a slave to the Nightsisters as her two other sons are, which is why she gave him away to Palpatine.
Yes and that was one of the most robotic and forced thing in that book with no Luceno love made to accommodate Filonis shit, Mauls backstory was different before Filoni got his grubby mitts involved
I do believe that it's soon to be time too bust out some old star charts from when our main character from early in this story
However, just before they left, I managed to uncover a survivor. Dorgo was alive, barely. He was missing an arm, while both his legs were shattered, but the far greater blow was seeing the body of Korkie. Dorgo had tried to shield his son with his body, yet it hadn't been enough, and a falling piece of debris had crushed the child's skull.

You killed off Satine and Obi-wan's son? That was...bold...
3.01 Evolution and Adaption
And so begins Book 3 The Reforged Path.
If you look a few posts up you'll find an opening crawl for the Book.

A/N: Thanks to those helping me write and plan out this story and checking it for continuality and logical errors.
This chapter was released at the beginning of the month to those who support my writing (with every level above tier 1 having seen a draft version, and the highest level seeing the redrafted form, around 2 months ago), and then about 2 weeks ago to those on the story's Discord server. Or at least those who are sufficiently active enough to have the required rank to see early bird releases.
Links for supporting my writing, or joining the Discord server, are at the end of the chapter.

3.01 Evolution and Adaption
... ...

I stood in silence, leaning against a wall in the training room aboard the Raven. Originally one of the ship's two sizable cargo holds, Bo had swiftly transformed it into a training space, a modification I chose to keep. At the moment, my role was merely that of an observer. In the centre of the room, Anakin was diligently practising a series of basic Jedi combat techniques that I had taught him sporadically over the past few years.

The situation had evolved since those early days, most notably because he was now my Padawan—a fact unbeknownst to the Council. The primary change in his training regimen was his use of a blinded helmet, forcing him to depend on his other senses to navigate the intricacies of the combat form. Demonstrating proficiency under these conditions was his gateway to training in the two Mandalorian martial Arts, Beskar'pel and Beskar'rev. The former was based on mobility and was generally used by children and adults of smaller physical builds. The latter was based on strength and was generally the form used by males.

Typically, a Padawan wouldn't be introduced to a non-Jedi style of combat until their teenage years. However, Anakin was an exceptional case, which is why he was undertaking this exercise as a form of Moving Meditation, or Alchaka, as Fay and the Jedi formally referred to it. My decision to have Anakin engage in this particular exercise was driven by a need to help him divert his attention from his mother's death—his grief was palpable, even without the aid of the Force. This need became especially pressing after Dooku shared a story with me just before the invasion of Naboo.

My old Master had sought Anakin out for a training session that the boy hadn't arrived for when he was meant to. He had found Anakin in one of the hangar bays on Mtael's Gift. However, instead of instantly berating the boy for missing a session, Dooku had watched Anakin as the boy disassembled, cleaned, and then reassembled various blaster rifles belonging to the Lokella. In and of itself, that wasn't surprising, as Anakin, like his mother, had a knack for technology and often improved it in slight ways others might miss.

Dooku had paused as he'd sensed the Force moving around Anakin, being drawn upon by the boy as he concentrated on nothing but his work. My Master had asked the boy about this later, to which Anakin had been surprised as he'd not actively drawn on the Force, instead saying he simply found it relaxing to do simple tasks like cleaning blasters repetitively.

That was, in essence, what Alchaka was, which was why, only a day after leaving the Naboo system, I'd already altered his training schedule to include the advanced form of meditation. And it seemed, as he pushed through one velocity and flowed gracefully into the next, that it had been the right call.

While I'd been on Naboo dealing with the Jedi Council, Palpatine, and other matters, Bo had begun teaching Anakin the basics of Beskar'pel and had been insistent that I continue my son's training. Instead of doing that right away, I was trying to find a balance in his training. While most would be, for now, centred around Jedi techniques, I allowed some time so Anakin could begin his Mando'ade training.

Bo hadn't been overly pleased with that but accepted that An'ika – her nickname for the boy that meant Little Ani – was mine to train and that he needed training as both Jedi and Mando'ade. Her need to give him a nickname, along with an insistence to be kept in the loop regarding his training and our adventures let me tease her about having a soft spot for the boy. Though when I'd suggested that she might like a child of her own, she'd denied it and demanded a spar to settle the matter.

As with every other spar we'd had since Zonama Sekot, that had ended with us sparring in more personal ways after I'd proven my dominance once more. Though the sounds she made in the personal section of the spar made it clear she didn't mind losing to me or letting me dominate her.

I was broken from thoughts of Bo, and the smile that thinking about her brought on when I spotted a mistake. "Stop," I said as I pushed off the wall. Anakin did so, and turned my way, though he remembered to keep the visor that restricted his vision in place. "Your arm should be slightly higher," I explained, my hands moving the offending limb to the correct position, feeling the rapid beating of his heart from over an hour of the exercise. "This allows you to flow easier into the next element of the velocity."

With his arm in the correct position and my words heard, I stepped back.

"C-can. I. Stop?" He asked, taking long, deep breaths between each word.

"You can still talk, correct?" I asked, a wicked smile creeping onto my face. He couldn't see that, but he did nod in affirmation. "Then you've not finished the exercise." A faint groan slipped from his lips as his shoulders slumped. "Be mindful of your stance. Now, resume."

He did as I said, and continued from where he stopped as I continued to move back.

I turned before the door opened, and saw Simvyl in the doorframe. He waited until I'd approached, taking soft, quiet steps, before speaking. "You're sure you're not pushing him too hard?"

"This is nothing compared to what Master Dooku and others subjected me to," I replied in a hushed tone, careful not to distract Anakin. "Besides ensuring his mind isn't preoccupied with thoughts of his mother, Anakin is special—far more than others perceive me to be. He has a pivotal role in the impending darkness, and I am determined not to fail in my duty to prepare him for what lies ahead."

My eyes never left the boy as I spoke, and I watched as he moved fluidly, cleanly now I'd fixed the slight mistake, through the velocity. As I'd said to Simvyl, Anakin was important, but the first reason – that of distracting Anakin – was my primary reason for pushing him so much this early on.

Done correctly, Alchaka required complete focus and mentally and physically drained a practitioner. The practitioner emerged from the meditation refreshed with their mind cleared of distractions. Now, I'd not truly experienced that, as the Interface prevented me from truly sinking into the Force, but others had seemed that way while working through various forms of Alchaka, and I hoped it would do the same for Anakin, though it would only be a temporary measure.

We were on our way to the ShaDo system to attend the funeral of several members of the Lokella, with our focus being on Shmi. However, before we could initiate the last leg of the journey, we'd stopped for a refuel. The short voyage here had seen Anakin distracted by his feelings toward his mother. I'd pushed him hard in his training, though until we'd started using Alchaka there'd been little success in distracting his thoughts.

I had considered taking him to find a lightsaber crystal, but I dismissed the idea quickly. The logical place to go was Ilum, and that required clearance from the Council; something I wished to avoid. There were other worlds to find a crystal on, and I had several in my Inventory, but I also felt it was better to wait for such an important moment in his training until he'd moved past the death of his mother.

"The engineers report we're fully fuelled and cleared to depart whenever you wish," Simvyl said, revealing the reason for his arrival, though he could simply have called over the intercom, or to my vambrace which I still wore. "The local officials have a desire to ensure we were serviced quickly and leave with haste."

I chuckled at that, sensing his confusion and concern regarding the situation. "Most officials, be they from a Core world or one deep in the Outer Rim, like to keep the Order happy. For some, it might be because they respect the Order, but I think for most it's to get us away from whatever they're involved in that they wish to remain hidden. Regardless, I'm not going to turn down preferential, and essentially free, service."

"While I wasn't with the Rangers long, I'm enjoying the faster service, though if we didn't have other business to attend to, I feel we should stay and see just why the locals want you gone quickly."

"I have little interest in sticking my nose in everyone's business-" Simvyl snorted, suggesting he didn't believe me, "-but I agree that, if time allowed, at least a cursory exploration of the station might be interesting. However, we do have other matters to handle," I added as I watched Anakin continue his moving meditation. "Keep an eye on him and let him stop when it's clear he can't go further. However, make sure either you or Fenrir are with him." The tuk'ata was, from what I could sense, lazing around the central area – likely resting on one of the sofas after pushing many, if not all, of the cushions off it.

Simvyl nodded, accepting my instructions, and I turned and slipped past him, leaving the training area. While he was a capable pilot, Raven was prickly about who she allowed to fly her. The only people other than me and Simvyl that she allowed to pilot her were Fay and Bo. Fay, because she shared a bond with Raven – though it would be some time before my former Master would get the chance to sit in Raven's cockpit as she was still searching for Tython – and Bo because she was close to me and had spent a lot of time on Raven. That said, like with Simvyl, Raven disliked allowing Bo to do anything but the simplest of actions.

As my hand ran along a wall, Raven reacted by having the lights around my fingertips blink and pulse in soothing patterns. I wondered how the bond I shared with her – and others – would change after the Interface had evolved and the Force was freed from being filtered by it.

… …

… …
"I miss her."

"I know," I replied as I walked with Anakin back to Raven. It was a few hours after the cremation service for Shmi and some others had taken place, and we'd just come from the wake. While it had been a sombre affair, the fact that the Lokella chose to celebrate the lives of those lost, and not mourn them had, I felt, helped Anakin greatly.

While we'd left Naboo after Validus and the Lokella, who had chosen not to stay for the celebrations, we'd arrived before them, even when considering we'd stopped for a refuel in the Core. That had given Anakin about a day to spend with Ferox and his sister, Lia Skywalker.

The ceremony itself had been a quiet affair, the bodies burned in groups though separately so those who wished to spread the ashes of a loved one could do so. As the bodies burnt, Baalta had read a eulogy for them all, talking about how they may have lived and been born slaves, but they had died free. She spoke of how their souls had returned to the Great Spirit, which I assumed was a Togrutan name for the Afterlife or the Force. Those words, and the promise that so long as everyone at the ceremony remembered them, then those who had perished would never truly die.

This was further assured by the names being added to a large display the Lokella had crafted not long after they'd won their freedom. The display, which took up almost an entire wall, dominated the bay in which I'd fought and defeated Girk Saxon. The mural that had been painted there remained, but now in front of it was a statue - one made of marble - showing a variety of races fighting against an unseen threat.

That statue replaced the previous one of my battle with Girk - which had been moved down to Gaia - and dominated the bay that had been converted into a memorial for all who had fallen in defence of freedom. After the most recent attack, every new name had been added, each getting a small plaque to mark their passing, and commemorate their live and death.

Baalta's words, the plaque for his mother, spending time with his sister, and the remembrance wake had eased some of Anakin's pain, and I felt he'd begun the journey to accepting and moving on from Shmi's death. Though I knew it would be some time before he was able to not dwell on his feelings regarding her death, or showing anger toward those who'd taken her from him.

Before the ceremony, Baalta had inquired whether I would speak, but I declined. Although I played a significant role for many of the Lokella, I wasn't personally close to any of the deceased, including Shmi. Moreover, while the original Lokella members held me in high esteem, I was aware that the later arrivals attributed some blame to me for the unfortunate events—a sentiment I understood and accepted. I hoped this might moderate the excessive reverence held by the group's longstanding members towards me.

During the wake, Anakin spent considerable time with Lia while I engaged in conversation with Ferox. Despite Lia lacking the potential to fully harness the Force—her capabilities being roughly equivalent to Bo's—she remained Anakin's sister. I had no intention of depriving him of time with his mother's last remaining connection.

As we sat in reflective silence, occasionally interrupted when someone approached to offer their condolences, Ferox shared his decision to step back from combat operations. With a daughter to raise, he planned to dedicate his time to training the Lokella warriors. However, he made it clear that he would rejoin the front lines when the moment arrived to confront Decca. This was in line with my expectations, and I assured him that, barring a galactic conflict, Anakin and I would stand with him in the fight against Decca and those complicit in orchestrating the attack on the Lokella.

I'd not commented on the fact that, with Anakin by my side, I'd also be stepping back from battle for a few years. Mainly because I knew that, regardless of my personal goals, The Force would have plans for me. As might TPTB, though I hoped both would allow me time to train Anakin so that when the time came to take him into battle, he was ready for it. He might be a child now, but I knew that within a decade he'd be involved in war, so the more battles he saw between now and then, the more prepared he'd be for the chaos and carnage of warfare.

What I had promised Ferox was that, when we could, we'd return to the system so Lia could know her brother. I was sure the Council, if they learnt of this, would blow a gasket, and claim it was infringing Anakin's training as a Jedi, but given what fate awaited the Order – something I wasn't sure I could truly stop – and that I'd adopted Anakin as my son, they'd have other things to concern themselves with. It also depended on when they learnt about Anakin, as I had zero intent of going anywhere near Coruscant in the next few years.

The other side was that no matter who trained him, Anakin was the sort of person to seek out, make, and protect his friends and family. While many Jedi would have issues with that, and it was how Sidious wormed his way into the boy's confidence, I didn't. Force, I would probably strengthen it as it was a 'flaw' that I also held. Plus, I'd accepted recently that I'd never be a good Jedi; at least not how the council and many of the Order would define one.

I was drawn from my thoughts as we entered the small hangar housing Raven, and I sensed a familiar presence nearby – along with one I'd rather not face again. "Go on," I said to Anakin, letting go of his hand and gently pushing him toward Raven. "I need to speak with someone before we leave."

Anakin looked up at me, confusion in his eyes, though that faded as I sensed him reaching out through the Force. A moment later, his gaze shifted behind me, toward the entrance where I knew Dooku was approaching. After returning his gaze to me, he nodded, wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his robes, and then walked toward our home.

Once he was on board, I turned and headed toward the door, my hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of my beskad as it swung open to reveal Dooku and Vosa. The former leader of the Bando Gora, responsible for the suffering I had endured at their hands, stood a step behind Dooku. Her hands were clasped in front of her—likely at Dooku's instruction—and her gaze was cast downward. However, this did little to quell the surge of fury that overwhelmed me upon seeing her for the first time since my escape from the Bando Gora.

The temptation to use the Force to drag her across the bay, to me, and crush her throat with my bare hands was overwhelming. A thousand other methods of making her pay for the agony she had inflicted upon me flashed through my mind. I could hear the faint, unmistakable whispers of the Dark Side, promising the power to achieve everything I desired—and to inflict even greater suffering on her and anyone else who had wronged me. It urged me to shatter their minds, bodies, and souls for having the audacity to harm me. Only when they fully comprehended the gravity of their mistake would I grant them the mercy of death. Yet, such mercy would be neither swift nor clean.

I closed my eyes, inhaled deeply, and pushed those desires, those thoughts as far away as I could. If I was a good Jedi, I'd let them go, but I couldn't, and not just because of Eidetic Memory but because they were mine and I refused to let them go. Thus, I did all I could to silence those voices, and those requests, and push them back into the small, isolated section of mind where they dwelled.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Dooku had approached, and thankfully Vosa had remained near the door, though there was an odd look in her eyes. Putting that aside, I bowed as Dooku came closer. "Master."

"Cameron, I hope this is a respectable time for a conversation. I had avoided you and your Padawan earlier to not intrude on his period of personal reflection." His voice carried a slight tone, but its cause was unclear to me.

"Anakin has returned to Raven," I replied, which elicited a small nod from Dooku. "We're planning to leave shortly."

"How is the boy?" Dooku inquired.

"He's managing as well as could be expected," I responded. I gestured towards a path leading away from Raven and Vosa, and Dooku agreed with a slight nod. "He's grieving for his mother, and I've been trying to find activities and training exercises that will both challenge him and help distract his thoughts as much as possible."

"A wise decision. While he, like you, possesses great potential, he is more prone to forming deep connections with those around him, to the extent that I fear he might prioritize their lives over his own, regardless of the situation."

"That's a concern I share, Master," I said with a smirk. Although Dooku hadn't spent much time around Anakin, he had seen enough to identify what was, in Jedi terms, the boy's most concerning issue. "The saving grace is that Anakin has a way of getting along with most people, even if it sometimes means going to great lengths to help them."

"A noble trait that many Jedi share. However, his propensity to form bonds and place those he trusts above his own well-being is something you'll need to monitor closely during his training. I sense that the loss of his mother has inflicted a deep wound within him. One that, if not properly addressed, could fester and lead him down paths we'd both prefer he avoid." He paused as we reached the bay's wall, an area devoid of workers as they had chosen to find other tasks upon our approach. "I assume this concern influenced your decision to adopt him?"

"I know it's not the usual Jedi way..."

"Something you have never been, nor shall you ever be," Dooku interjected.

"...but it felt like the right decision," I concluded, choosing to overlook Dooku's soft, almost teasing remark.

"Yes, I was there and sensed the shift in the Force when you made your decision. Because of that, and a feeling that it was the correct one, I chose not to question it at the time. With space to meditate on the matter, I can see why you feel it was the correct choice, and how it might help the boy. However, I caution you to be mindful that the bond you share with Anakin doesn't draw out your shared tendencies to find yourselves in dangerous situations."

"I'm aware of that concern, Master. I hoped that having someone to train and protect might temper my more… rambunctious tendencies."

"One can only hope." The response was dry and entirely devoid of emotion. Yet, I ended up chuckling at it and his delivery. "I won't ask you of your plans, as that is between you, Anakin, and the Force, but I hope that all we've spoken of, ever since you first became my Padawan, remain in your thoughts as you train the boy and yourself into the beings I believe you both should be."

"They will, Master, and thank you for all the advice you've given. Even the parts that, at the time, I failed to understand, or am still working to decipher."

Dooku gave a nod, indicating the matter was settled. He then turned and looked toward where he'd just come from, and where Vosa still stood, her eyes watching us – watching me – intently. "I am aware of your opinions on Komari, and that you feel unready to face her given what you endured. However, she was adamant to see you and Anakin depart." My brow rose at hearing of her interest in Anakin, and my remaining hand went to my beskad. "When she met you, as… shall we say, unbalanced as she was, she saw something in you. The same spark that I and Master Fay saw. Since the death of Shmi Skywalker, Komari has become convinced that the same spark of potential resides in the boy. She has even spoken of seeing… glimpses, visions perhaps, of you and him when you're both older. As much as it pains you to hear this, those glimpses align with those we, Masters Sifo-Dyas and Nilas, and others have glimpsed."

"That is concerning," I muttered, feeling the need to remove Vosa from the board growing stronger, regardless of Dooku's opinion on the matter.

"Yes, it might well appear that way. I, however, sense it might also present an opportunity." He held up a hand, stopping me from commenting. "Before you concern yourself, I'm not suggesting you allow Komari to accompany you." If he had, I'd have made sure she was jettisoned into space once we were far enough away from the station that she couldn't somehow return. "Since she glimpsed Anakin's potential, Komari has gained a new, seemingly controllable, focus. It is almost as if she feels she might have some role to play in what is to come, to work toward bringing about what she'd seen in her visions."

"That," I paused, taking a moment to collect my thoughts before I said something I couldn't take back. "I will trust your judgement in the matter, Master. However, I have grave reservations about allowing her anywhere near myself or Anakin."

At first, I'd wanted to dismiss the idea entirely, but then I remembered my intentions regarding Maul. Even if he only became a source of information on Sith activities, he could be of use, and there was a chance – however small – that Vosa might also have some use. That didn't mean I was willing to listen to them now, however, nor might I ever be. But as I'd said, I was willing to trust Dooku on the matter. He had hoped to turn Vosa into something of use, so if this was what allowed him to achieve that, then I wasn't going to deny him the chance.

"I expected you would. However, it was something that you needed to be made aware of. In addition, you should also know that, as Shmi Skywalker was one of the few Lokella to offer Komari kindness without sympathy or dismissal, Komari had an interest in protecting her during the battle. Because she failed, Komari now sees that interest transfer to Shmi Skywalker's children; with a greater focus on Anakin because of his Force potential."

I kept my gaze on Dooku, not wanting to let my eyes drift toward the deranged bitch that stood far to my left. "I… I cannot stop you from trying to redeem her, Master, nor have I ever tried to do so. That said, I know that I'm far from ready to face her, let alone allow her near my… near Anakin. However, I know that, if he wishes to speak to her whenever we return, I won't deny him the opportunity. Though I will insist that you remain present for any such meeting."

"I admit, that is a far more considerate response than I expected. A sign of maturity coming from having a Padawan, I suspect." The corners of his lips twitched, suggesting he found the fact I wasn't rushing to judgement amusing. "That you are willing to at least consider allowing her the chance to speak, and that you can stomach being in her presence – even if it is at some distance – is a sign you are slowly recovering from your ordeal. That, perhaps, is something I am more grateful for than your acceptance of Komari's wishes." He looked behind me, toward Raven. "Have you given any consideration to where you will take your Padawan to begin his training?"

"I have, though I have several errands to run first," I raised my arm, the one missing a forearm, ignoring the phantom pain that came whenever I thought about the limb. "And even then, I can't say with certainty where we will head."

I could've told him my plans, or at least the general ideas of it, but I felt better not doing so. It was unlikely the Council or the Sith would try and force that information from him, but if either wanted to know where I was and couldn't locate me, Dooku and Fay would be their first port of call. With Fay somewhere in the Deep Core, Dooku would be their primary source, thus it was better to simply not give him any information.

"That is often what the Force wishes; regardless of how it can often leave us searching to determine the purpose for our movements," Dooku said, unaware of the momentary consideration I'd given to revealing my plans to him. He stepped forward and after giving me a look over, nodded. "While you have far to go in your training, you have travelled a great distance already, and I am proud of my role in helping shape you into the man you are slowly becoming. Wherever you go, may the Force be with you, Cameron."

"And with you, Master," I replied, smiling.

With that, we turned and walked to our separate destinations. I could've continued talking with him, as there were things I might enjoy discussing, but Anakin was waiting for me on Raven, and the longer I dallied outside, the greater the chance he might emerge and seek to speak with Vosa. Until I was ready for that, or for her to be in my presence, that would be something I'd be avoiding.

… …

… …
"Will there be anything else, Master Jedi?"

"No, that will be all. Thank you for your help," I replied to the Rodian custodian who had guided me to this private terminal room. I settled into the seat in front of the terminal.

"Very well. I will head over and keep an eye on your Padawan and pilot." I waved almost dismissively at the Rodian as I examined the terminal in front of me. It was modelled on the ones in the Temple—or perhaps they were modelled on it—so figuring out how to use it wasn't a problem.

Currently, I was in the Celebratus Archive on Obroa-Skai, a place widely regarded as the foremost library in the Republic…at least outside of the Jedi Temple or the Senate library, though having enjoyed exploring the Archives' public displays – and some of the private ones – with Anakin for a few hours, I wondered if perhaps Coruscant was overplaying the importance of the facilities on the Republic capital.

The Archive had hundreds of relics, many of which were Jedi or Sith in origin – though several of the ones I'd Observed had been mislabelled as Jedi when they were Sith, or vice versa – and there appeared to be more here than in the Temple. However, I did wonder if perhaps many of the more interesting relics and the like, both here and in the Temple, were restricted to Jedi Masters.

Those mislabelled artefacts and a few others had been added to a datapad I kept stored in my Inventory in case the chance to research and examine them later was ever possible. This was the same datapad that held, among other things, the hyperspace routes to Dromund Kaas and other Sith worlds that I'd taken from the nav-computer during my trip forward in time.

It was still odd to me that, during the fight with the Sith Acolyte, the only part of the controls that had been damaged was the Hyperspace regulator, which was what regulated temporal control while in hyperspace. Or that such a small, seemingly insignificant part of the system was vitally important. Still, the fault – or design if the Force and TPTB had been involved – had given me coordinates to worlds that, in this day and age, were either lost or restricted, though I couldn't be sure of which was the case as the details of those worlds were restricted to even Jedi Knights by the Council.

I planned to return to the worlds of the former Sith Empire, the same one my many-times grand-niece had helped defeat, within the next five to ten years, and not just because failure to complete the quest linked to Dromund Kaas would result in Sidious growing even stronger. While the technology there was undoubtedly old, given it had been thousands of years since that Empire ruled half the galaxy, I had a feeling that information there was lost to the wider galaxy. Perhaps even to the Jedi and Sith.

Activating the terminal, I confirmed that whatever I searched for would be destroyed when I logged out. The Custodian had assured me of that, saying that absolute privacy was assured for those the Custodians deemed worthy of using a private terminal. But even seeing the evidence of that on the terminal, I had to wonder if that was the case. Computers, even with their memories wiped, could still, in theory, have the data recovered if no one reused the sections that had previously stored information, which was why I had plans to ensure most of my searches wouldn't be linked back to me.

Reaching out with Detection, I quickly sensed Anakin. He was with Simvyl back in the public areas of the Archive. We'd spent a few hours exploring the Archives before I'd left to carry out my research, and the boy was enjoying the information at his fingertips. Hopefully, Simvyl and the Custodian would ensure my ad didn't get into any trouble.

Returning my focus to the room I was in, even as I carried out my first search – looking up information on Onderon – I probed my more immediate surroundings, determining the locations of anyone else within a few hundred metres of me. Based on the floorplan that I'd seen, and what was added to the minimap as I was escorted to this room, it appeared there were several floors of private terminals. Most were empty, but the fact there were so many was something that would be useful.

Using Force Sight, I examined the power and data lines in the room and the walls around me. As promised, there wasn't anything that stood as a recording or monitoring device, meaning I was truly alone in the room. Save, perhaps, if someone was monitoring my searches and how long I spent on any given file.

After browsing the records on Onderon I closed the file and powered down the terminal. I then turned it back on and confirmed that, at least publicly, the search history was gone. I reopened the files on Onderon and resumed skimming them even as I downloaded everything there to a datapad I'd entered the room with.

While that was happening, I pulled up the data on Ossus, before standing and stretching my legs. Or at least it appeared as if that was what I was doing. What I was really doing was planning out my next few steps and ensuring that there were no motion sensors in the room.

When nothing caught the attention of Force Sight, I knew I was clear to proceed with my plans. Sitting back down, I browsed the files on Ossus, the location of the Jedi Temple before it was moved to Coruscant when the surface of Ossus was seemingly destroyed in the Great Sith War; something that happened before Revan.

Nothing there was particularly interesting, save that the world wasn't as destroyed as had been believed, though any plans to go there were shelved as it was monitored closely by the Republic and Jedi. Many had tried, and failed, to locate Jedi relics. Still, it was another world that, if I could do so without attracting attention, I'd like to explore.

As the data on Ossus was downloaded to the datapad, I opened files on Kashyyyk, though once they were displaying, I moved toward the wall to my left, and after confirming the room next to mine was empty, Phased through the wall. There I found another terminal, this one turning on when I sat in the chair.

At this new terminal, I began the first of my true searches, looking up everything available on Dagobah; my first choice of where to store the Scimitar. The world had managed to hide Yoda from Sidious and Vader for decades, so it was a logical place to consider when seeking a place to store a vessel with strong Dark Side connections. Yoda might not have been using the Force while in exile, but it had hidden him from the searching tendrils of the Emperor. The Scimitar would, in theory, be similarly well hidden from any efforts by the Sith to locate it. At least until I was ready to devote time to searching the vessel's databanks and capabilities.

Dagobah, it seemed, wasn't a world naturally strong in the Force – like Ossus or Ruusan – but the survey team had claimed it was teeming with life. So much so that it was odd the planet wasn't ecologically unbalanced. That abundance of life must've been what Yoda used to hide, and while not perfectly what I was after, it certainly made the world a good candidate. However, it wasn't the only world I was going to consider or search for from this terminal, and after transferring the data about Dagobah to a pad – not the one given to me by the Custodian, but an empty one that had come from my Inventory – I searched for Yavin IV.

I already knew that Yavin IV had been a base for Exar Kun during the Great Sith War – something I'd discovered by accident while a Padawan and randomly searching the Jedi Archives – but discovering that the world had been cleansed in fire by the Jedi was unexpected. The Jedi records said merely that Kun's bases had been destroyed, but the Celebratus Archive stated the Jedi and Republic had scorched the planet.

The planet had recovered in the millennia since, but it was an interesting thing to note and meant that the Dral'Han wasn't the first, or I suspected last, time that the Jedi had gone to such extremes.

As before, I chuckled when I read about Revan's connection to the world, during the time of the reconstituted Sith Empire. The reference to him being called 'Reborn' was odd, and as I read deeper into it, accessing files I'd not been able to view at the Temple, I sighed in annoyance. "That… that ruins so much," I muttered as I shook my head.

Learning that Revan had a connection to a Sith Emperor – the same one who'd led the Sith Empire several hundred years later during Satele's era – and that this Emperor, who seemingly had different names and bodies, was the reason for Revan's fall was upsetting. It made much of the reasons Revan turned for, which I'd referenced in my Knights of the Old Republic series, seem meaningless, if not downright wrong.

I'd believed Revan had turned to protect the Republic, to strengthen it against a greater threat. That the threat turned out to be the Sith Empire led by this Tenebrae, was fine. Yet here it was stated that he hadn't done so initially, only changing tack after breaking free of whatever whammy Tenebrae had unleashed on Revan and Malak's minds. According to this file, that was believed to be the reason Malak turned on Revan, but I wasn't so sure, as there were a lot of details missing, and several gaping holes left in the logic and reasoning of these reports.

"Kind of wish you'd show up and explain all this," I said to the empty room, half-hoping he'd appear, but knowing that that was a fool's hope. Force, since the cave on Ilum he'd not appeared again, but that was about what I expected from a Force Ghost.

Since I had time, and since this Sith Empire and their emperor came up in my family's history more than I'd expected, I opened the files on them and began reading. There was a lot about this particular Sith empire, which given it had lasted for several centuries, and at one point had controlled Coruscant, wasn't a surprise. Most other Sith empires lasted nowhere near as long, save the chaos brought on by the New Sith Wars, though there, the Sith had united and fractured several times over the millennia.

This Sith Empire had been united from its formation to fall, with most of that time spent under the rule of Tenebrae, at least until his apparent defeat though the files hinted at him reappearing as Emperor of another group – The Eternal Empire – as another person. Force, as another species. That was odd and interesting, and wanting to read on this further, I pulled an empty datapad from my Inventory and then attached it to the terminal.

The files I'd be downloading would take time, so I slipped through the wall returning to my assigned terminal. After spending a minute browsing the files on Kashyyyk, downloading them to a datapad I'd entered the room with, I opened the files relating to Coruscant and covered everything about it from its history and evolution, to what it was now and every rule, no matter how seemingly insignificant. That was then set to download into the datapad here, and while I didn't expect to ever need the information, I wasn't going to turn down the chance to borrow every record I could think of.

That was why, as the download began, I stood and reached out with the Force. Sensing the room below was empty, I Phased again, dropping through the floor to another terminal. At this terminal, which again activated when I touched it and was without monitoring, I began searches with orders to download the data to another datapad, for various worlds that, for various reasons, I'd not examined carefully at the Temple.

Mandalore, Kamino, Ruusan, and a half-dozen worlds that I'd known of before arriving in this galaxy, or had come across at the Temple but avoided delving too deeply into their history and lore for fear of drawing the Council's attention. The data on each world I listed in my search was added to the download queue for another datapad, one that already contained the hyperspace coordinates for Kamino, Korriban, and a dozen other worlds that had been freely available to anyone willing to pay a few credits for them. That, like many of the datapads I was using today, was stored in my Inventory so that no one else could ever know what I knew or planned.

Reaching out with Detection, I located those in the terminal rooms and outside. So far, no one was heading toward the first room I'd shifted to for some unsanctioned downloading, but I knew it was only a matter of time until a Custodian came to see what was going on.

Because of that, I located a nearby terminal room that was occupied, though I didn't Teleport directly there, instead arriving in an empty one next to it. I stumbled as the Teleport faded, having misjudged the floor, and appeared around half a metre above it.

Once I was ready, I walked toward the wall and Phased partially through. Using Observe on the Twi'lek sitting there, I confirmed they were nobody of consequence with negligible Force Potential. I then, while remaining in the wall, used the Force to stun them before entering the room. Taking note of what they were browsing, I lifted them from their seat and accessed the terminal.

With this terminal, I began searching for various Force sects that existed outside the control and close monitoring of the Jedi. Once Natural Evolution was taken, I'd need to relearn how to use certain Force Powers that I was reluctant to lose. Combining that with a curiosity about what else the Force could do, what I might teach Anakin, and the potential to learn abilities that neither the Jedi nor the Sith focused on, meant that this was one search I wanted to not be linked to me, and why a patsy was selected.

The first of the sects to appear was Dathomir, though I blinked as I read the entry to the file regarding the planet and its witches. Unlike what I'd remembered, the planet wasn't composed solely of a tribe of Dark Side-aligned witches, nor was it a red, seemingly dead world. The Nightsisters did exist, and their part of the world appeared barren, but there were multiple tribes on the planet. While that drew my attention, the planet was removed from my list of places to visit due to the various tribes all considering males little more than slaves and breeding stock.

Even if I wasn't planning to visit the planet, the files might be of use, and I had them downloaded to another datapad – once more, pulled from my Inventory – while I began searching for other sects. While I knew of a few from random searches in the Temple, there were more listed here than I'd expected, so I programmed the terminal to download everything it had on each of the sects and the worlds where they were based.

After checking the Twi'lek was still stunned, I Teleported back to my initial room, confirmed the terminal was still downloading, changed the display to another section of a file on Telos, and then Phased through the wall. The terminal there had finished downloading my research to that datapad, and I slipped the device into my Inventory before returning to my initial room and then Phasing through the floor. The terminal in the third room was still running and had time to go, I figured I'd head to another room.

Teleporting back to the room with the Twi'lek, I Phased through three walls, and at the terminal in this last room, or so I hoped, I pulled up another list of worlds. These had come from HK's memory banks and were worlds he knew of that I didn't, nor had considered. This list included Lehon, the home system of the Rakata, and the location of the Star Forge. The system was restricted, something I'd learnt in the Temple, but here I could at least determine details about it along with rough directions to the system.

There were also other worlds, including a few I'd come across when skimming Revan's file earlier that had been prominently displayed. Once again, I set the terminal to download the files for those worlds and sectors to the datapad before Teleporting back to the second room.

The terminal there was finished, and after collecting the datapad and sliding it into my Inventory, I returned to my assigned room. Once more, I spent time browsing the details of the world currently there – that being Nal Hutta – and sat down. The other downloads would take time, and it was better to remain where I was for now.

I could've easily carried out all these searches on this terminal, but not trusting that the records would be properly expunged, and not wanting to leave an obvious trail of breadcrumbs, I'd devised the plan for using multiple terminals. The fact each was inside a secured private room only made it easier for me to carry out my research at seemingly random terminals.

Sensing movement toward the second and fifth terminals I'd accessed, I Teleported to each, removed the datacard – each having completed their downloads – turned off the terminals, and Teleported to the fourth room. There, the Twi'lek was still unconscious though the download was nearing its end.

Once it was completed, I returned the screen to the one it had been on when I'd Stunned the Twi'lek, placed him back in the seat and then Phased into the wall. Just before I left, I used the Force to wake the Twi'lek and then departed.

Once back in my assigned terminal room, I sat down in the chair and allowed myself a smile. From what I could tell, everything had gone as I'd intended and my research, or at least the initial stages of it, was completed. However, not wanting to seem uninterested in the room after requesting one, I sat back and began reading the file currently being downloaded.

That was data about the Empress Teta system, where Serra's family were figures of importance. I had little interest in the system or her family, but harmless searching was precisely what I wanted it to look like I was doing. The various datapads with my true research were now stored safely inside my Inventory for review later.

It was possible that, from browsing those files I might require further data from the Archive, but if that was the case I knew I could gain it without having to ask for a private terminal. Or even enter the Archive officially. Teleport was now in the Savant range, which granted me a range of six kilometres. While that wasn't a large enough range to enter these rooms from outside the building – this place was a marvel stretching over ten kilometres wide though most of the more impressive artefacts, relics, and all the private terminals were located centrally – it would only take a double usage of the power to get here and back.

As such, while I wouldn't be spending too long on the planet, I did plan to delay my departure a few days; at least until I'd managed to browse most of what I'd downloaded. There was enough here, including a Jedi enclave that I was planning to avoid, to keep Anakin busy during the day. At least when I wasn't training him.

Now, I might be acting paranoid, but after Naboo, I knew the Jedi and Sith would be carefully monitoring me; the latter pair more than the former group. Palpatine and Damask would be attempting to track my movements and plans, as I felt they hadn't expected me to gather the force that I did to liberate Naboo. They wouldn't want to make such a mistake again, which was why I was doing my research the way I was.

Now yes, they could, through official and unofficial channels, potentially gain access to everything I'd downloaded today, perhaps everything that was downloaded from every terminal. However, by spreading the research out, and using the Twi'lek as a patsy for some of the work, I should at the very least, delay them from knowing my intentions. Haran, if they only used the data from my terminal, it would lead them on wild goose chases.

With time to kill before I was due to meet Anakin and Simvyl, I took one of the datapads from the Inventory and returned to a topic that had caught my interest earlier, placing another down so I could enter notes of anything else I might want to search for in relation to what I was about to read: the history of the Eternal Empire, their founding Emperor, Valkorion, and their role in the war fought between the Sith and Jedi during Satele's lifetime.

… …

… …
I watched Anakin as he swung the low-powered shoto lightsaber and suppressed a sigh. "Be mindful of your balance," I commented, even as I used my beskad to tap his blade downward. The movement caused him to stumble forward, showing he had over-extended in the attack, leaving himself exposed to an elementary counter. "When you attack, always be mindful not to overcommit. It will often leave you exposed to a quick counter by a skilled opponent."

Anakin grumbled, his annoyance easy to sense, as he reset his position. The velocity he was working through was an early one for Form 1, and I had already shown him before. That he was struggling with it wasn't a surprise, though, as he had only started using a lightsaber for the velocities in the last few weeks. He attacked again, and this time when my beskad blocked his swing downward, he retained his balance; his blade and arms remained closer to his body.

"Better," I said as I took a step back. "Again." As he repeated the move, I began walking around him. "While Shii-Cho is the first, and in many ways, the simplest form a traditional Force User will learn, it's not without its strengths. The Form is based around blade work and thus teaches the importance of good footwork and balance, something that carries over into every other Form you'll learn. However, as you're aware, its nature as the first Form means that not only does every lightsaber wielder know it, but they can also exploit the various issues the Form has because its base lies in weapons fundamentally different from a lightsaber. Now, that isn't to say that a skilled practitioner can't overcome those limitations, and the more advanced velocities of the Form help in that regard as well. However, it will be some time before you learn those velocities or those of other Forms."

I'd given this speech, in differing forms, to Anakin several times over the years, though now he was my Padawan and Ad, their meaning and importance grew. He was now my responsibility and knowing what was to come, I wasn't going to be lax in my training, even if that meant pushing him further and faster than he might otherwise be.

In the other timeline, Anakin had used a Djem-So base, and I felt that would still be the case with him in this timeline, but I wasn't going to assume. Before he reached the point of creating a personal style – in about four or five years I hoped – he'd have solid bases in every one of the six base Forms, their variants, and anything else I trained him in. From there, the choice of style would be his alone, though I'd continue to nurture and guide its development to overcome any flaws I saw within it. And, if the worst happened, know how to overcome him.

A beep from the intercom in the training area drew my attention and I moved toward it. Anakin would continue as he knew to not stop unless told to do so; the times he had in our first week together ensured he understood the consequences of assuming. "Yes?" I said as I answered the call.

"They're here," Simvyl responded from the cockpit.

I resisted the urge to say 'finally'. We'd been in orbit of Dagobah for three days now, waiting for HK and R2 to arrive with the Scimitar and I was beginning to fear they'd gotten into trouble. Or more accurately, HK had incited trouble to amuse himself. "I'll be there shortly," I said before closing the channel and turning to Anakin. While he'd not stopped, he had slowed his movements. "You, however, will remain here training."

"But I want to see HK and R2," he half-whined, though credit where credit was due, he didn't stop.

"I'm aware you do, but life, and the Force, rarely give us what we want, when we want it. Now continue your training." I walked toward the door, not letting him get in a reply, and exited the training area. "And you'll train every day as I instructed until I return," I added before the door closed behind me.

Anakin knew I'd be spending a few days on the planet, though like the others he thought I'd be meditating. Through the Force, as I quickly neared the central area of the ship, I sensed his disappointment and annoyance. However, he didn't dwell on them, which was a good sign.

Passing through the central area, I spotted Fenrir lazing – as usual – on one of the sofas. He lifted his head as I passed, allowing me to give him a quick scratch, but stayed there as I passed. Entering the cockpit, through the viewport I saw the faint, but growing, sight of an approaching vessel, though my attention ended up on the holo-display.

"Query: Might I ask why you chose this pitiful, empty planet to meet, Master?" Even as a small, blue hologram, HK retained his snark and presence.

"Because it's such a pitiful and empty planet, in a sense," I replied as I slipped into the pilot's seat, the chair shifting to welcome me and deepen the connection I shared with Raven. "That vessel, I feel, is important. However, I don't have the time to devote to learning its secrets currently, nor do I wish to lose the pleasure of your and R2's company by assigning you to handle the investigation. And although I could give it to the Jedi," a flicker of HK's visual receptors suggested his thoughts on the matter, "I fear they'd waste the potential the Scimitar contains, or somehow mess it up so badly the vessel ends up back with the Sith."

"Observation: Given what I've discovered about this era's Jedi, I believe you are correct in that assessment, Master. Hypothesis: I would speculate that this vessel returning to the Sith is the more likely outcome."

"Aye," I replied with a chuckle. "Dagobah is, for all intents and purposes, an empty world that no one cares about. It's full of organic life, but few if any ever venture here and it's unknown or ignored by the overwhelming majority of the galaxy, like millions of others. With the system being slightly isolated, that lowers the chance anyone would come here for any reason, making it an ideal place to store the vessel until I have time to examine it fully and repurpose it. Potentially even finding someone I'd trust to fly it for me."

I did hope that Maul might be that person, but I knew the chances of that were extremely low. He'd not have any sentimental attachment to the Scimitar, but if he could, by some miracle, be persuaded to ally with me, then returning his ship would be a good way to secure his support, if not begin to earn his trust. That, however, was a pipe dream for years down the road.

"Analysis: A logical decision, Master. However, I feel there may be better locations where this vessel could be stored. Addendum: It has many enhancements that few other ships would possess. Certainly, more than the flying meat sack you choose, Master."

The lights in the cockpit flared as random, furious patterns flicked and rushed around making clear Raven disliked the comment. It was hardly a surprise though as HK had made similar comments before, but had at least respected Raven for her speed, though he put that down to her mechanical components and me. He wouldn't, however, limit his dislike of her lack of weapons, which was something I agreed with. The issue was her organic frame made it difficult, if not impossible, to add anything without risking damage to her.

The Mandalorian mechanics that had examined Raven before Naboo had agreed with my assessment, though they, like HK, felt cutting through Raven's flesh was necessary. All of them failed to understand that Raven was alive and connected to me in ways they'd never comprehend. That said, I was hoping to find someone capable of crafting a method to add weaponry, even if it was just simple laser cannons, ion weaponry, or missiles, that wouldn't hurt Raven. The issue was finding someone skilled enough to do so, and trustworthy enough to allow them that sort of access to her.

"You and R2 can debrief me on the Scimitar's special features soon," I said as my hand moved over the controls, gently easing Raven closer to the formerly Sith vessel. "Once we're closer I'll come aboard for a tour." With that, I closed the channel and spoke to Simvyl. "As planned, I'll be heading down to the surface with the droids. I don't know what's down there, but between the three of us, I doubt it'll be a challenge. Even as damaged as I am," I added, mocking my injury. "Regardless, I need the privacy, and my presence in the Force should be camouflaged enough in a place where it's so abundant to allow me to meditate on my plans."

"Should I monitor Anakin's training?"

"Yeah. He knows what he needs to do, and how long he has to practise, but like any child, he'll be easily distracted. Something Fenrir will encourage as his boredom grows."

"I suggest you speak with Fenrir before you leave," Simvyl suggested as Raven pulled alongside the Scimitar, and I programmed the docking tube to extend once we were aligned.

"Aye, I'll do that."

Standing, I walked back to the central area and found the tuk'ata still lounging around. He lifted his head when I approached this time as if sensing I wished to speak with him. "I'm going to be gone for a few days and need you to keep an eye on Anakin and Simvyl," I said as I scratched him under the chin, drawing a content growl from him. "Just don't distract Anakin while he trains, and when I've finished I'll let you have some time to see what you can hunt on the planet."

A snort was his way of agreeing, the promise of a hunt helping him accept being stuck onboard Raven for a few more days. With that done, I turned and walked toward the docking ramp. This time I'd be using the docking tube, which was the first time it had been needed since I'd bonded with Raven.

As I neared the docking ramp, I grew curious about what features Maul's vessel contained, and what information the droids had drawn from its databanks. While most would be protected, I hoped some of it could be deciphered to allow me an insight into not only where the vessel had been, but what Sidious' plans were.

… …

"Observation: I find this world reprehensible, Master. It is covered only in flawed, chaotic, organic life." R2 let out a series of low, drawn-out beeps and whistles that I knew meant he agreed. "Addendum: The astromech agrees."

"Yes, I'm aware of that," I replied with a smirk as I moved forward slowly, taking care of my footing. With only one hand to use, I had to ensure my footing was secure before taking each step. "However, for what I need to do, this is exactly what I require," I added, glancing back toward the droids, though my gaze travelled beyond them; toward the mountain range we'd been hiking away from for about an hour.

Well, it was as close to a mountain range as existed near the swamps that covered around half of the planet. The rest of the world was covered by jungles, bayous, or cold bogs with the only difference between the various climates being temperature. For the scans we'd taken in orbit, while the planet had little in the way of lakes or seas, the majority of the land was damp.

Not wanting to store the Scimitar in a swamp, and risk it suffering the same fate as Luke's X-Wing did before Yoda freed it, I'd piloted Maul's vessel down toward one of the few points of higher elevation. Closer scans had revealed some caverns, and while none were initially ideal, one had been discovered that was closer to the size we needed.

Thankfully the cave had been easy enough to enlarge so the Scimitar could slide inside – though it was a tight fit – and the cave wasn't like the one Luke had entered near Yoda's hut. Not that I had any clue where that was on the planet, nor was I interested in discovering it.

Before the Scimitar was placed inside the enlarged cavern, the datacore had been copied to three isolated datapads. Each of those had their ability to connect to nearby networks or the Holonet disabled on the off chance that accessing the data the ship stored resulted in an automated distress signal to Sidious. Those datapads were added to a new slot in my Inventory, and while I still had room if I stored the various datapads in a small sack to take up a single slot in my Inventory, I had enough room to not yet need to do that. Even after Bo had insisted I load up my Inventory on supplies that I and Anakin might need; be that for combat or survival.

The various droids on the Sith vessel had been disabled and scanned as well, and while I had little interest in interrogation or security droids – not with HK around – the probe droids piqued my interest. When time allowed, I planned to stop off somewhere and acquire several models of the small, fast-moving droids. I wasn't sure if I'd have much need for them, at least not after Natural Evolution, but it was better to have them just in case. Plus, I suspected Anakin would enjoy taking a few apart, seeing how they worked, and determining ways to improve them.

HK had pointed out the main droid onboard the Scimitar before we'd descended, even commenting that it was a worthy opponent, and maybe even a useful ally if its programming could be altered. I'd look into that in later years, but for now, it was depowered like the other droids, and as an added protective measure, disassembled and stored in different locations aboard the vessel with the head inside a secured crate that would only open when a very long code was entered into it. Or if someone used a lightsaber or similar device to slice the crate open.

The cave had been sealed first with some larger boulders I'd lifted into place with the Force before HK had used his blasters on a different setting to melt the stones at their edges, all but fusing the cave shut. Over time, the local fauna would grow and cover the clearly sealed cave and hide the location from any that might venture to the planet, and Simvyl had used Raven to lock our coordinates so when I, or someone I sent, came to retrieve the Sith vessel I'd know where to look without having to rely on the Force.

"Query: How long will this process take?"

"I don't know, which is why you and R2 will guard me while I meditate," I replied as I used my beskad to cut a branch that was blocking our path. I could've used my shoto lightsaber but had decided against it. While the plants would grow back, there was always the slim chance that someone would come here and recognise the distinctive way a lightsaber cut and burnt a target. "You're free to eliminate any threats that approach," I continued as I saw that beyond the cut branch was a downed tree; one that I'd not be able to climb over with only one hand. "That said, I'd prefer if you didn't kill everything on the planet while I commune with the Force," I added as I used the Force to jump onto the downed tree before turning back to the droids.

"Clarification: What percentage of extermination would be acceptable, Master?" As HK asked that, I used the Force to lift R2, the astromech beeping worriedly as I did so.

"Any that approach after a warning shot are fair game, but I don't want to awake to find the earth scorched around us." As I set the rules I set R2 down on the other side of the tree. At the same time, HK leapt, the servos in his legs granting him the power to leap clear over the downed tree and me. "However, if your scanners detect a large group of creatures approaching, establish a perimeter with a five-hundred-metre radius minimum around me. Once I awake, if all goes well, I'll have Simvyl land Raven and then you and Fenrir can go hunting if you'd like."

I leapt down from the tree, my boots squelching into the mud, which made me grimace. While I detested sand because of events on Tatooine, my dislike of swamps went back to my former life and every training or active operation that had taken place in swamps, jungles, and the like. Dagobah would be useful for hiding the Scimitar and taking Natural Evolution, but I'd be happy when we left.

"Musing: While the tuk'ata is a quadrupedal meatbag, it is efficient at tracking and removing targets. Addendum: Though I would prefer if you would allow me to burn the world clean of offending organic life, Master."

"Oh, I know that," I said with a chuckle. "But the idea is to hide the Sith vessel on this world, not draw attention to the planet by having it be vastly different from Republic records by letting you be happy."

"Objection: I am a droid, Master, and as such superior to any organic and not ruled by emotions. For which I am eternally grateful." That drew another chuckle from me, though I chose not to teasingly respond that while he might be a droid, he was built by an organic.

My focus turned to the world around us. I'd had Detection on since we'd landed and had been using Sense Force ever since we'd entered the swamp proper to find an area particularly strong in the Living Force. At the same time, I wondered if the Force itself might be trying to guide me. While I couldn't fully interact with it due to the Interface, I suspected the Force wanted the blocks between us removed as well, though I did wonder if its reasoning – if it was capable of such a thing – would be the same as mine.

That concern that after Natural Evolution I'd be open to the Force guiding me places was one that had grown the closer I'd come to Dagobah, but I knew what I was doing was the right choice. The Force had hinted to others that I, alongside Anakin, had a role to play in changing the fate of the galaxy, but I assured myself that I wouldn't become like most Jedi in allowing the Force to blindly guide me toward what it desired. Nor that I'd become like a Sith and bend it to my will. Plus, there was also the fact that if I took Player+ I'd never be able to take on high-level Council members, never mind people like Sidious, Yoda, and Windu.

… …

"You remember your orders?" I said as I settled onto a section of dry ground. That I'd found even that was a small miracle and after a few hours of trekking I'd taken it and sat down upon it in a standard meditation position.

"Mockery: No, Master, I don't. the thirteen previous times you've made clear our orders since you boarded the Scimitar were insufficient for either myself or the astromech." R2 beeped and whistled in amusement at HK's response. While not yet as snarky as he'd become in the other timeline, or even close to HK, the hints of the personality that developed over a decade were there already. Given I had no plans to wipe his memory regularly, as I wouldn't with HK, that made it even more likely he'd develop the expected personality. Not wiping a droid could be a security risk, but given HK and R2 were my personal droids, and the former was skilled in killing everything from a Jawa up to a Jedi, and the latter would learn how to defend himself and be upgraded over the next few years, I felt little concern at the idea someone might learn something I didn't want them to from the droids.

"Very well. I hope you can obey them and not reduce this world to molten rock while I commune with the Force."

After getting the final word, I closed my eyes and accessed the Interface, specifically the notice regarding the upgrade for the Interface and then selected Natural Evolution.

The Interface will be offline while the chosen upgrade is applied.
As this evolution of the Interface will involve considerable alterations to the Interface, and by extension the Player, you will be placed into what appears to be a coma or deep meditation.
How this appears depends on the Player's position and location while the upgrade is applied.
Upgrade chosen: Natural Evolution
This upgrade will render the Player unable to interact with anything around them for a period of between 75 and 150 standard hours.
The variance in time is dependent on the Player's level, age, and the various levels of their Force Powers.
By selecting Natural Evolution, either Player's Mind or Player's Body MUST be removed, and the cost refunded.
The selection has not been made.
Which Player Power do you wish to be refunded?
Player's Mind/Player's Body?
I'd known that choice was coming as it'd been in the description, but I'd not expected it in an error message as I'd not been asked for my choice beforehand. I chose Player's Mind, as while it was a useful Power, it could be interfered with, or even overridden, when in a place strong in the Force. Since I felt I'd be heading to at least a handful of such locations in the near to middle future, and the fact that its other abilities were mimicked by true Force Abilities, I felt it was the better choice to be refunded for. While I would miss the clear-mindedness the Power brought on, so far I'd never changed a decision I'd made after reviewing it with the Power active and I felt it was the more logical Player Power to lose.

Player's Body might seem the less useful of the two in dire circumstances, but it had more obvious and useful everyday bonuses. Beyond the increased Stamina Regeneration it offered, and the fact it meant I didn't actively sweat – something several people had commented on and, if the Power was removed, they would notice – it was because of Player's Body that I was alerted when I was wounded, and was able to push on when anyone without the Power might not be able to do so. Something I'd, unfortunately, seen in a dire situation when I'd lost my forearm to Maul as without the Power, I felt I'd have gone into shock over the injury, and thus lost my duel to the Zabrak.

Player's Mind selected.
A Player Power Point will be refunded to the Player once the upgrade has been completed.
Do you wish to begin the upgrade now?

Once 'Yes' is selected, the upgrade will commence after a short countdown.
This countdown cannot be stopped, so the Player must be sure and be resting comfortably before confirming the upgrade.

That was what I'd expected, as I'd had to sleep off the last upgrade to the Interface, though there I'd not had the choice of how to evolve it. That this one would take longer was entirely logical. Unlike the last one, which seemed to just unlock and adapt a few of the various sections of the Interface, Natural Evolution was going to entirely remove what was in my opinion the most critical part of its function: its regulation of and control of my Force connection.

While things like this, and many of the more technical elements of the Interface, had me still questioning if I was truly sentient, and not just a puppet for some higher power to control and manipulate, I knew there was little I could do about that. Thus, I pressed Yes and took a deep breath as the text shifted around.

Upgrade to the Interface confirmed.
The process will begin in:
… …

… …
I slumped forward, jolted awake, and blinked. My eyes scanned around, quickly finding HK and R2 standing not far away; HK's blaster was held comfortably in his grasp as he and R2 watched the area. My mouth opened to call out, to let them know I was awake, only for the sound to die in my throat.

Instead, a gasp slipped from me as my mind was submerged by… everything.

The world around me was alive, and while I'd known that before, now I could feel it, sense it, experience it. My hands came to the side of my skull as my mind was flooded with the voices(?) of everything around me, of the connection between the sparks of life – be they big or small, flora or fauna, and of every possible kind – held with the Force. And now with me.

Before I'd been able to faintly sense them through the Interface and the Force, but with the former gone, my mind was experiencing the true depth and scale of what an open connection to the Force brought. It was glorious and incredible. Even though I had known that my connection to the Force was muted in comparison to other Jedi or Sith, I had thought that I still understood what it meant to be connected, at least on an academic level.

I had no idea. It was as if I had been calling myself a painter and learning all of the best brush-strokes and techniques, but without being able to actually see any of it. Or as if I had been a musician who thought himself world-class, without realising that he was tone-deaf.

I could feel everything around me as if it was me. The rhythmic pulsing of life from a hundred million creatures, some so small I'd need a microscope to see them, some longer than Raven, was rushing into my mind, overwhelming my defences as I struggled not to become swept away by this rising tide of near-sensory overload.

They were there, I knew that, yet even though the memories of my lessons on the Force over the last decade were still present, whenever I tried to focus on one, the Force seemed to push it aside. Almost as if it wanted to take me over, to become one with me. To make me a part of it.

Somewhere to my left, I felt the exhilaration of moving in for the kill, and panic as I understood something was about to die. My head snapped to that side, wanting to understand where the sensations, the feelings, were coming from.

Instead of finding something to use as a lifeline, I found my thoughts surging outward in a hundred, possibly a thousand different directions. I could feel the wind race over feathers, even as I slid through the mud, my tongue flicking out to find food. I jumped high, clearing something in my way, and then crashed into the water at the same time I experienced my legs, all six of them, moving in sync as I worked with others to rip apart something. I pushed through something thick, almost solid, yet it felt as if I was built to do so. Every memory, every experience happened concurrently as I grasped my skull with my hand.

Rolling to one side, I dry heaved, the sensations slowly drowning me even as I understood I needed this to stop. I needed to regain control before I lost myself in the sensations I was experiencing through the Force.

The ground near me shook, and opening my eyes I saw HK standing over me. I knew he was speaking, and could make out the distinctive, sardonic tone of his vocal actuator, yet the words were lost in the chaotic symphony that was assaulting my senses. Yet, for all that I knew I needed this to stop, I wasn't sure how to do so. I was unable to bring forth the memories of closing myself from the Force to draw on the teachings.

A gasp rushed from me as I felt another presence crash against me within the Force. Yet this one was different and familiar. Locking onto it, using it as a lifeline, I understood in an instant that it was Anakin; the boy reaching out from orbit to help.

His attempt was rushed, unfocused, and unrefined, but incredibly powerful. Even as I used his presence to stabilise myself, I understood that this was what Anakin was. A storm slowly forming on the horizon, one that if unchecked, could bring about untold chaos and damage. Yet, as I slowly felt my mind return to some semblance of control, I saw a way to harness the Force storm that was Anakin. As if with the Interface no longer blocking my connection, I understood what I could help Anakin become, what I could mould him into.

That, however, would have to wait for later. For now, I needed control, and with my thoughts slowly returning to me, with my mind no longer being pulled in a myriad of directions and ways, I knew what I had to do. "E-enough," I growled through clenched teeth even as I sensed other presences with Anakin's; those of Raven and Fenrir.

The word had barely emerged from me before I felt everything dull down. Everything I'd been sensing and experiencing lessened, from the animals whose worlds I'd seen glimpses of through their eyes, the life flowing through the various fauna of the world, and even the lifelines that Anakin, Raven, and Fenrir had thrown me, slipped away. The Force, or at least my connection to it, was blunted and dulled once more and I sighed in relief as my mind was my own again.

I stayed where I was, looking up at the dull, overcast sky of Dagobah and taking long, slow, deep breaths, letting my body recover from what I'd just experienced. I'd known that removing the Interface from my connection with the Force was going to make things different, but what I'd just experienced… words failed to fully describe what it felt like to truly be connected to the Force. However, before I allowed that connection to resume as it should, I needed to train myself to limit the inflow of sensations. For now, the Force would remain distant while I locked myself off from it; held behind the barrier I'd managed to erect after Anakin's lifeline.

"Query: Master? Are you well?"

I turned to look up at the assassin droid, my heart rate returning to normal. "I," even saying the short word hurt and I gulped hard, trying to soothe my throat. I didn't think I'd been exposed to the full brunt of the Force for long, but perhaps it had been longer and more stressful than I'd realised. Not trusting my words for now, I nodded in response and using my arms, eased myself up to a seated position.

Once there, I saw the small flask I'd placed down before meditating, and after popping the cap, took a long but slow sip, soothing the rawness of my throat. "I'm fine, HK," I said once I felt ready to speak again. My voice was hoarse but at least it didn't hurt to speak. "It's just that when I emerged from my meditation, something had changed."

His optical receptors dulled, making clear he was curious or concerned, though the beeping from R2 was only the latter. HK was built to detect lies, so he'd know I wasn't being entirely truthful, but he also wouldn't push unless he felt it was important. Though that ability to sense falsehoods was one I planned to exploit heavily in the coming years, as if I could reach the point where I could convince HK that I truly believed the Republic was run by Ewoks – or something equally as insane – it would do wonders for my Charisma-based social skills, especially Deception. "I think I've overcome the block in my connection to the Force, but I can't say for sure."

"Analysis: I do hope you have done so, Master. While you are skilled, you lack the… flair one would expect of a Jedi. Especially for one descended from the Creator. Addendum: In many ways, the small meatbag designer has a better understanding of how to use the Force in non-mechanical ways than you do."

"Aye, he does. And thanks, I think," I replied slowly. The flask had been placed down while he spoke, and I'd moved around to begin to stand. "How long was I meditating?" I asked once back on my feet.

"Answer: Three days, twelve hours, Master."

"Bit longer than I expected but okay." As I spoke, I stretched my arms, mimicking what I should be doing but that, thanks to Player's Body, I didn't truly have to do so. At least not on a physical level. Three and a half days was around the mid-point of the time the Interface had said it would take to upgrade itself and free the Force from its filtering. "How much of the local fauna and flora have you reduced to atoms?"

"Statement: Not nearly as much as I would have preferred, Master. Most creatures kept their distance after a warning shot. A handful of the larger, more aggressive species failed to heed the caution, and I was most efficient in ensuring they learnt the error of their ways." R2 rocked from side to side and beeped wildly, the volume making me wince. "Amendment: The astromech also drove off several creatures, Master. Though he failed to ensure those creatures were removed permanently."

I chuckled at that and placed a hand on the assassin droid's shoulder. "Not everyone, be they organic or droid, can be as efficient as you, HK. Otherwise, the galaxy would be a far emptier and less enjoyable place."

"Affirmative: Yes, Master." HK looked past me and then R2 before continuing. "Assessment: While I would miss the chance to regularly remove meatbags, I believe those that remained would be a higher quality target. Perhaps sufficiently higher than the less regular combat would be acceptable. Addendum: I am, however, unsure if I would find the longer durations between combat tolerable."

"Speaking for myself, I wouldn't. I'd grow bored as shab with nothing to do."

Before HK could reply, my vambrace beeped. My arm came over instinctively to open the channel, only for me to pause when I saw the missing forearm. Sighing at making that mistake again, and wondering how long it would be until I could get a replacement limb – and if that might remove the phantom pains – I reached into my belt with my hand and pulled out a commlink. "Yes?" I said as I used the commlink, barely able to restrain my annoyance at myself for making the mistake again.

"Well, your response suggests you're at least awake," Simvyl replied, and while I'd limited my connection to nothing more than a trickle, I could faintly sense his amusement. "Anakin, Raven, and Fenrir all reacted badly about twenty minutes ago. Once I'd gotten them calmed down, or at least as much as I could, Anakin told me you were in trouble. Though before then, I'd not been able to stop Raven from descending no matter how much I tried to counter her behaviour."

I laughed softly at the idea my ship had disobeyed orders in an attempt to help. That was exactly the sort of thing I and Anakin would do, so it seemed more of my personality had merged with her than I'd realised. "Something did, and while it was a personal issue and might cause me problems in the short-term, in the long-term I feel it's the first step in overcoming several of my issues. As for Raven, it's fine. She, like Anakin and Fenrir, share a connection to me through the Force and would've sensed my confusion when I awoke." I looked up, knowing instinctively where Raven was, yet through the thick, grey fog that hung over this area of the planet – and possibly most of the surface – I couldn't see her. Before I'd had to actively think about using Detection to be certain where she or others were, but now, even with my connection to the Force restricted by choice, I knew with certainty where she was. Along with Anakin and Fenrir. "Should we remain here, or is there a clearing we should move toward?" I asked, pushing aside any thought of marvelling at the change in how the Force now worked, and how incredible it felt to simply know something without having to consider it.

"One moment," Simvyl said before the channel went silent for about half a minute. "There's a large enough clearing about five klicks southwest of your location. Sending coordinates now."

My vambrace beeped, confirming reception of the data. It then, on programming, displayed our location and our destination. "Got it. See you there. Oh, and tell Anakin I'm fine, and thanks." With that, I closed the channel and slipped the commlink back into its pouch. Simvyl would be confused about the thanks, but Anakin would understand, and it should reassure him that I was fine. Or as fine as I was going to be until I gained a handle on how to properly use and interact with the Force.

"Come on," I said to the droids. "While it shouldn't take us long to reach the RV, the sooner we leave, the sooner we can get off this world." I took a step before pausing and giving HK a wide smile. "If anything gets too close, feel free to respond without a need for a warning shot."

"Affirmative: That is most agreeable, Master. I have grown tired of having to warn such primitive meatbags about their purpose. Musing: I wonder if I might use some of my more advanced armaments. I was unable to use many upon Naboo due to your instructions to avoid civilian casualties and protection of the meatbag ruler."

"Again, so long as you don't level the area we're in, or risk giving way that we've been here, feel free to enjoy yourself."

"Exclamation: Oh, I will, Master, I will."

R2 gave out a long, low, sad beep and I reached over, patting his dome. "It's ok. I'm sure Anakin and HK can suggest modifications so you're better able to defend yourself and assist HK in future." R2 beeped happily at that.

"Agreement: Oh yes, Master. I have many ideas on how to enhance an astromech." I laughed at R2's reaction to HK's comment as it seemed the astromech was suddenly fearful of what the assassin had planned. Keeping the amusing thought in mind, I resumed walking, plotting out the quickest path to the rendezvous location.

As we walked, I started running through the change that had occurred. There were notices about the change flashing in the bottom corner of my vision, but I decided to leave them for a moment, focusing on how it felt as if things had changed. It was clear that with the Interface gone, I'd been blasted by the full, unfiltered connection with the Force that had held, which placed me in a unique position.

Everyone else in the galaxy was born with their connection unfiltered, be they someone with barely any connection right up to beings like Yoda, Sidious, and Anakin. They'd learnt before they could even understand what they were to accept and harness that connection. Sharing a connection with the Force was natural to everything in the galaxy, be they sentient, fauna or flora. Well, except for any race like the Vong, though they seemed to come from beyond the galaxy so perhaps that was why they weren't connected to the Force.

I, however, didn't have that natural, had always been there, connection with the Force. Or at least, I'd not had it until less than thirty minutes ago. That meant I was going to have to learn to process and accept this change, and while it would take time – something I'd expected by my research on Force sects I could visit with Anakin over the next few years – it might allow me a unique perspective and ability.

When we'd shown the Force suppression room aboard Mtael's Gift several years ago, Fay and Dooku had both reacted badly to the sudden suppression of their connections. Dooku had been unbalanced and unnerved – though he hid it well. Fay, however, had reacted as if having a limb torn from her body. Given she'd spent centuries relying on the Force, being in tune with it and having it help her slow her ageing – or so I assumed – the sudden loss of that connection had drawn a major reaction from her.

With me now being able to experience what the Force truly was, or at least have a proper connection to it, I could see how losing that connection would affect those with high Force sensitivity. I couldn't comprehend Fay's pain that day, and I hoped I never did, but I had an idea of what she'd have experienced. The difference was that I knew how to think and work without the Force, and thanks to Eidetic Memory would never forget it. In theory, if I was ever exposed to a field like that about the Lokella station again, then I'd be able to handle the sudden loss of what would feel like part of my soul. Or I would, I hoped, once I'd learnt to control and temper my connection, so it didn't overwhelm me.

I shivered as I realised that, and that with the filter provided by the Interface gone, being fully exposed to the Force – or at least the Living Force on Dagobah – I'd come very close to ending up comatose. It was only through the actions of Anakin, something I had to believe he either knew instinctively or the Force guided him to do, that I didn't and was able to retain just enough control to limit my connection to the Force.

Without knowing or understanding how, he'd reached out from orbit, to help. That spoke not just to how strong his connection was, but how deep my connection to the Force could become – or close to it anyway as I didn't have quite as high a Force Potential as him – how easily the Force came to him, and how strong, after only a few years of limited contact, that our bond had become. And it made me wonder how I'd react when I next saw Serra, as for everyone else that I would encounter, she was the one who I had the deepest connection with and was strong in the Force. However, my focus for now was on Anakin. The level of power he had to, without knowing what he was truly doing, reach out across thousands of kilometres to help me was frightening and possibly terrifying.

Now, differing species and sentients had differing definitions of what terrible meant, but even allowing for that Anakin had the potential for amazing things. Before this, I'd known he was powerful, both from what Observe revealed and from sources before my emergence into this universe, but knowing of it and experiencing it first-hand were two entirely different things. I had my first true glimpse of what he, and possibly I, could do, and the sort of power he held, and could potentially wield… I understood so much more clearly why Sidious was so interested in Anakin. Why the boy was the Chosen One.

While the gap between our midi-chlorian counts was small, at least compared to that of myself and many others, I felt the gap between us, and what we might be able to accomplish could be greater than any I might have with sentients like Yoda or Sidious. The difference there was, at least for now, those two and others like them – such as Fay, Dooku, and Plagueis – was that they had decades or centuries of training and experience to draw upon. All I could do was train Anakin to be what he should be, and at the same time learn from him how to fully understand, accept, and use the Force so that both of us could surpass everyone that had come before.

That realisation brought forth a rush of excitement, along with a hint of terror, as I understood that I had to ensure Anakin was ready for what awaited us. I also had to ensure I was ready as well, though I felt reasonably confident that I could regain my Force abilities over the next few years; training Anakin was going to push me to do so lest I fail him and by extension doom the galaxy to the rule of the Sith.

That was why I'd gone to the Celebratus Archive on Obroa-Skai before engaging the upgrade, not only to find this world but for the locations of possible Force sects and other groups that might be able to help with our training. Knowing now that I'd have to work almost from the ground up to rebuild my abilities, and ensure Anakin was trained, I'd re-examine the sects and determine which order to attend them in. All I'd need was time to do so, and while I felt I'd have that for a few years, I couldn't spend too long with the training otherwise I'd be out of the loop preparing for the wars to come.

"Query: Master, are you perhaps using the Force to ensure we are undisturbed?" I paused at HK's question and turned back to face him, curious what he was saying. "Observation: While we've only travelled one point-zero-two kilometres, the creatures nearby have all chosen to withdraw or remain further away since you awoke. Extrapolation: It appears as if they're afraid of approaching. Theory: Perhaps the change you spoke of has in some way affected the local fauna, persuading them to withdraw. Conjecture: It might also explain the marginal decrease in temperature of zero-point-three-one degrees that has occurred since you ended your meditation."

"I don't thin…" my words trailed off mid-sentence as I understood HK was onto something. "Um, yeah, that might be because of me," I said, changing tack as I worked out what the temperature change and the reason for the local animals withdrawing was.

Without the Interface, I'd lost Dark Side Masking, which meant my ability to hide my, for lack of a better word, taint from everything and everybody. While there were no other Force users around to sense it – at least bar Anakin though he was currently nearby – the beasts of Dagobah would. From what King Adas had spoken of, those strong in the Force and with some experience in bending it to their will could generate a dangerous aura. One that not only persuaded others to stay away but could alter the environment around them.

From what HK was saying, that was what was occurring, but I wasn't doing it consciously, and even with my connection to the Force heavily muted, enough of my power was radiating outward that it was having a marginal effect on the local area.

Closing my eyes, I searched inward, seeking out the Force that flowed through me. Adas had spoken of how to drop out or nullify this ability to project power, but I'd not taken it on fully back then; the Interface simply applied what he was teaching to the Force Powers of Dark Side Masking and Force Suppression. Now, with that all gone, I had to learn to use the ability properly, which with Eidetic Memory ensuring I remembered everything I'd ever seen, heard, or been taught, the lessons were quickly back at the forefront of my thoughts.

The ability to shield and cloak oneself from detection by others in the Force was something I felt Anakin – and possibly Palpatine – could do so naturally that if one didn't know the truth, or had a way to sense Force Potential as easily as I did, then they'd never realise how powerful the person they were speaking with could potentially be. I suspected with the Sith it was a taught ability, one that had evolved from lessons Adas and others had created back when the Sith were a species and not a Force sect as both Sidious and Plagueis could stand before Jedi High Council members and give no hint of the power they wielded.

Listening to Adas' words in my mind, I slowed my breathing, focusing ever deeper inward. Eventually, I felt what I was looking for: The point where it seemed as if I and the Force connected. This wasn't just a single point, but all and none of me as the Force was in everything, yet with the lessons from Adas, Dooku, and a few others to draw on, and knowing the strongest hint of the Force would be centred around my bond to Anakin, I was able to find what I needed.

The connections to the Force, and through it, others, were still there, but as I'd intended earlier, they'd dullened. I wasn't, however, fully cut off from the Force as I could faintly sense Anakin, Raven, Fenrir, and others, though bar the first three everything was far weaker, as they were far more distant or lacked the connection through the Force I shared with that trio. It was around the edges of those dullened connections that I found what I was looking for. I could sense my Force presence slipping out at those edges and permeating with the Living Force around me.

Knowing I was far from skilled enough to entirely shut off the seepage of my taint, I instead focused on dulling my connection to the Force further, though I tried my best to ensure that the link I held with Anakin wasn't affected. I didn't need him or others worrying that something else had happened to me. Concentrating on the Force as it flowed through me, the words Fay had used once to describe the sensation, I slowly sealed off the leakage of my taint into the Force around me. If another trained Force user appeared, they'd be able to sense the taint, but I hoped what I was doing would be enough to end the subtle effect I was having on my surroundings.

As the taint was slowly contained, I sensed a subtle shift through the Force. Though she was perhaps half a galaxy away, I sensed Serra and how her feelings had changed fractionally. That slight sensation was enough for my focus to jump to my bond with her, to the connection we shared that linked us through the Force. She should, from what I knew, be back at the Temple, and while I didn't know who would continue her training, Yoda had promised me that not only would a Jedi Master finish her training, but that she'd get help to deal with the emotions brought forth by Drallig's death.

Part of me longed to speak to her, to reach out through the Force and ease her burden or speak to her, but I knew I couldn't do that currently. Fear that my action would reveal the Dark Side within me to her and others, and that without understanding what I was doing I'd somehow hurt her, stopped me from doing so. Still, as gently as I could, I sent comforting thoughts to her.

While I wasn't going to return to Coruscant any time soon, as I felt her notice my lingering feelings and react, I knew I'd contact her before I left with Anakin to train him and refocus myself after the change in my connection with the Force. The issue was that just talking to her over the Holonet felt wrong, cheap even. As if I was doing her and the memory of Drallig a disservice by not speaking with her in person. However, I didn't want to step back on the Republic capital, never mind enter the Jedi Temple. Not while Anakin was with me.

I could, in theory, drop him with Bo for a week or so, but until I had a handle on the changes I'd undergone, going anywhere near the Jedi or Sith was off the table. That left me with communication through the Force. As Serra's happiness at knowing I was safe, along with confusion and curiosity – suggesting she sensed the change in my Force connection – and some fear travelled to me through the Force, I smiled. Knowing she was as well, or at least as well as she could be, was a relief, though I did note that even at the great distance between us, her feelings came through stronger and clearer. Another little hint at just what the Interface had been restricting.

"Observation: It appears whatever you are doing is working, Master. The local ambient temperature has risen by zero-point-two-seven degrees." That wasn't quite all the way back, but it was close enough for me to be satisfied.

"Hopefully that means you'll get some target practice before we're picked up," I replied as I opened my eyes and took in the dull, damp swamp around us. Nothing appeared different, but I knew I wasn't yet in tune with the Force and myself enough that I'd be able to sense anything amiss.

"Assurance: My accuracy is within acceptable levels, Master. However, one can never be too lax in ensuring quality is maintained."

"Just don't burn down the planet while we're still on it."

"Indignation: I would never do such a thing, Master! Unlike some so-called battledroids, I'm not as clumsily built or fundamentally flawed as to commit such a mistake. Appeasement: I would only burn a world under your orders, Master."

"While I don't want that today, I won't deny there are a few worlds that I wouldn't mind seeing scorched clean," I replied as I resumed walking toward the rendezvous location. "For now, you'll have to restrict yourself to whatever fails to understand that we, not it, are the apex predators of this world."

"Exclamation: I look forward to doing so, Master."

R2 gave out a long, worried beep as he shook slightly from side to side. "Don't worry," I said, stopping and placing my hand on his dome, "if anything somehow gets past HK, I'll ensure it doesn't get to you. You're far too useful to allow some giant snake or reptile to swallow or use as a chew toy. And once we're away from here, HK and Anakin can suggest modifications so the next time we come here you can be as effective as HK in achieving dominance over the locals."

A series of loud, happy beeps erupted from the astromech, which made me laugh. By the time of the Clone Wars, in the other timeline, Anakin had ensured R2 was far beyond a regular astromech. With HK and I here to help, when war finally erupted in this galaxy, R2 would be a match for almost anything the Trade Federation, The Republic, or anyone else could deploy.

Once my laughter had died down, I turned my attention to the notices from the Interface. While I could keep an eye out for local beasts that might be a problem, I felt that would restrict HK's fun and after spending three and a half days watching me meditate in this swamp, he deserved the chance to blow off some steam.

Interface Upgrade Complete!
Having chosen Natural Evolution as the final form of your Interface, the following changes have been made:
1: The Interface will no longer regulate your connection to the Force.
This means that neither your Force Powers nor your FP level will be tracked or displayed by the Interface.
FP will be replaced by a Force Exhaustion percentage so that you can monitor how close you are to hitting that barrier.
2: To use the Force, the Player must behave like any other Force user in the galaxy.
This includes all the benefits and drawbacks such behaviour brings with it.
3: The tracking of the strength and level of your Force Bonds has been removed from REPUTATION.
4: New perks specific to this upgrade have been added to the choices.
Perk Points remain available at every 4 levels.
5: New Player Powers specific to this upgrade have been added to the choices.
Player Power Points remain available every 5 levels.
6: The Player Power, Player's Mind, has been deactivated and removed.
Because of this, the Player Power Point for it has been refunded.
(Currently, you have 2 PPPs available.)
7: The Player is now susceptible to influence by the Force.
This will occur if, like many other Force users, they sink into the Force.
If they don't wish this, then they must influence the Force with their intentions and desires.
8: All skills have had a potential 7th​ tier (Legendary) added.
The Player still has to put in the training and effort to reach it though.
9: The quest Skill to the Max has been altered to be simply to reach the top of the 6th​ tier (Prodigy).
10: No training quests are possible for taking skills beyond Prodigy:100.
11: STAMINA is now calculated as Player Level *(Strength+Vitality+Agility).
This results in a boost to your STAMINA to 1950.
The Player has a STAMINA regeneration rate of (due to selected Perks) 39/min.
Bonuses for levelling, bar STAMINA, remain the same.
These are:
2+INT/20 Stat Points per level.
INT*1 Skill Points per level.
1 PP every 4 levels.
1 PPP every 5 levels.

That was what I'd expected, though the display of a percentage for Force Exhaustion was going to be useful in prolonged combat while the boost in STAMINA wasn't something to sniff at. I was sure Bo, Naz and others wouldn't complain about the increase, and that was before I learned how to properly use the Force to refresh and enhance myself. Being susceptible to the Force was a fear I'd had before choosing Natural Evolution, but given I needed the higher potential power levels for what was to come, I'd have to be cautious about how that went.

Waving away the notification of changes, I opened the next notice waiting for me, discovering it came from TPTB.

We must admit that we are surprised and impressed you chose to remove the protection the Interface grants you in regard to the Force.
Taking NATURAL EVOLUTION places you, and those around you, at far greater short-to-middle-term risk from threats than PLAYER+ would have.
It does, as you have surmised, grant a better chance to survive the coming chaos.
Because of you choosing to take the path of greater risk, and as we are feeling generous, we offer what shall be our final boon.
1 Perk Point has been added to your Interface.
Spend it wisely, or not.
The choice, as always, is up to you.

Unlike the previous message, this one was unexpected. At least regarding the free Perk Point. I'd expected something from TPTB, but they rarely if ever offered gifts, but I wasn't going to complain about it. While Perks weren't as powerful – or broken depending on how I was feeling on a given day – they were powerful and potentially offered me advantages few if any other sentient could achieve.

While I was curious about what new Perks were available to me, with 2 Player Power Points, seeing what was on offer there was my first port of call.

These are powers and skills that are unique to The Player and earned by spending Player Power Points [PPP].
Currently, you have 2 PPPs.
Many Player Powers have requirements that depend on the Player's level, or stat values and will remain hidden until their requirements are met.
Player Powers may grant abilities that mirror, or even surpass, what many consider to be 'Dark-Side Force powers' so be careful when using them around 'Light-Side Force users'.
Currently, you have the following Player Powers:
Heart of the Force [2/2]
Player's Body
Silent Interface
Upgraded Minimap

Available Powers:
Colour Shift
Enhanced Inventory
Greater Minimap Mark 1
Level Boost
Reveal the Hidden
Superior Inventory
Upgraded Minimap Mark 2

My eyes were drawn instantly to the only one I'd not seen before or been altered to appearing: Reveal the Hidden. As I read its description, it instantly went to near the top of the pile for selections, though I wasn't going to make any decision until I'd gone through the Perks list as well.

Reveal the Hidden
This Player Power will allow the Player to see the bonus objectives of all quests granted to the Player by The Powers That Be, or generated in response to the Player's actions/decisions.

For simpler quests, such as training ones – though I'd not taken many over the last year or so as I'd focused on preparing for Naboo over random training of specific Skills or Force Powers – this wasn't a major thing. I'd already determined what the three or four bonus objectives were from having taken and completed – or not – so many training quests previously.

For other quests, such as Tremors of the Ancient Sith Empire, the Changing Fate quests, and quests linked to Bo, Pre Vizsla, Maul and others, it would be a major boon. Knowing what the additional targets were would, I suspect, change how I approached the quests, but it might also grant me insight into what I might have to do to complete the quests.

I wasn't sure how, if at all, it would affect The Promise of the Fallen quest given to me by Revan, as that quest didn't fit into the categories of quests Reveal the Hidden covered. If it didn't reveal anything there, then so be it, but there was a chance I was wrong on this.

Not wanting to dwell on one particular Player Power, I turned my attention to Level Boost, as along with Reveal the Hidden, it was the most likely Player Power to be taken. After reading the description, that feeling was only reinforced.

Level Boost
This Perk/Player Power allows the Player to raise the tier limits of their skills by 3 tiers.
This can either be used to raise 3 Skills 1 tier (to the Paragon tier) or 1 Skill 2 tiers (to the Mythic tier) and 1 Skill 1 tier.
No Skill can be raised more than 2 tiers.
A skill can only be raised once, though 2 tiers can be raised at a single time.
Level Boost tier lifts can be saved, though no more than 5 can be kept at any one time.
If Level Boost is selected again (which is possible once every 10 levels from level 30) as either a Perk or Player Power, and it results in more than 5 tier lifts, the excess tier lifts will be lost.
Level Boost can only be taken once per 10 levels regardless of which category it is taken from.
Therefore, if a Player Power Point is spent for it, it will disappear from both available Player Power and Perk lists.

I'd already known what Level Boost was going to be, but getting the full details made it clear that I'd be taking it. I wasn't yet sure which Skills I'd use it on, but I suspected I'd use it to lift one skill two tiers and then keep the last point back for consideration later.

The other Player Powers, bar Upgraded Minimap Mark 2, were the same as before. Upgraded Minimap Mark 2 extended the ability of the Minimap to locate hidden passageways and alcoves to places hidden by either the Force or other advanced methods. That was interesting, but given what was offered by Level Boost and Reveal the Hidden, it was unlikely I'd be taking it this time.

Before I made sure of my choices, I had to example the Perks available, and after dismissing the Player Powers that was what I examined.

These are earned by spending perk points [which you earn at a rate of 1PP per 4 levels].
Currently, you have 1 PerkP.
Most perks have multiple levels, allowing the Player to take improved versions of a perk if they so wish.
Currently, you have the following perks:
Boosted Growth Mark 2
Eidetic Memory
Enhanced Regeneration [1/3]
Force Prodigy
Heart of the Force [1/2]

Available Perks:
Brainiac Mark1
Cat's Grace Mark1
Cult of Personality Mark1
Dominant Mark1
Enhanced Regeneration Mark2
Giant's Strength Mark1
Healing Acclimatisation
Iron Skin Mark1
Level Boost
Luck of the Force Mark1
Medic Mark1
Mind Abilities Affinity
One with Beasts
One with Nature
Physical Regeneration Mark1
Psychometry Acclimatisation
Seer's Insight
Shatterpoint Acclimatisation
Stellar Ace
Stat Limit Boost Mark1
Style Mark1
Wisdom of the Ancients Mark1

Again, the list was a mix of old and new offerings. Level Boost was, as had been stated after the upgrade to Natural Evolution had been applied, listed as a Perk as well. That was much like Heart of the Force, but for that, I'd needed to spend one Perk Point and one Player Power Point to bring the increase in Force Potential to a level close, but not quite at, Anakin's. Overall, there was a larger percentage of new Perks than new Player Powers and curious about them, I worked my way through their descriptions.

Enhanced Regeneration Mark2 was a simple improvement on Enhanced Regeneration Mark1. It lifted the base regeneration for PP, STAMINA, and Force Regeneration – which was no longer tracked but I felt fed into Force Exhaustion – from two times to four times the base regeneration rates. Having the ability to delay Force Exhaustion, and then recover from it quicker was certainly appealing, but nothing ground-breaking.

Overdrive was something unexpected. It would, when activated, allow me to draw on more of the Force, however, that worked, to the extent I could push beyond the limits of Force Exhaustion. The downside of the perk was that for each minute it was active while I was Force Exhausted, I would damage my body. Any damage taken because of the perk would be immune to accelerated healing, be that from the Force or something like bacta, outside of permanent injury caused by the perk.

The ability to have a way to push far beyond my limits with the Force was interesting, and when fighting against someone on the level of the High Council or a Sith Lord, might well be useful. Though it would be, I hoped, a long time before I had to confront anyone on that level. Additionally, the perk had a time limit of an hour, and if it was active for that long, then without immediate attention, I would die from the damage taken.

It was certainly a perk to consider for the future, but as of now, was not one I was giving any serious consideration to taking. The same couldn't be said of Mind Abilities Affinity.

That perk was if I was reading the description correctly, something beyond a simple ability to use mental Force abilities. It would grant me a natural understanding of how to use the various Force powers that affected the minds of others, most of which, when I went by the old Interface listings, were Dark Side aligned. Since those powers were dangerous to use without proper training, the perk would be a massive boon, though I wasn't the sort of person inclined to manipulate the minds of others. At least not at present, and hopefully never would be.

Stellar Ace was another I'd not expected to see or had considered as possible. This perk would grant me double XP for any skill related to flying or piloting a machine. It didn't matter if the skill applied to starships in space, fighters in atmosphere, or vessels inside a liquid such as water, the XP gains would be doubled. The downside of the perk was that it would half my XP gain for any skill involved in riding a living beast. Since that wasn't something I'd done much, if at all, since emerging into this universe, it wasn't anything more than a minor inconvenience to the perk.

What did stand out about Stellar Ace, was that, if taken and then Level Boost was applied to piloting, I could, in theory, find it easier to match some of the better pilots in the Jedi Order. I didn't think I'd ever reach the level of Saesee Tiin, to say nothing of what Anakin was capable of, but it was an intriguing perk to consider. The same could be said of the Acclimatisation perks. Or at least Shatterpoint Acclimatisation.

Each Acclimatisation perk granted me the equivalent of a natural inclination toward using those powers: Force Healing, Psychometry, and Shatterpoint. It didn't, however, grant an affinity toward them, nor the ability to use the power on an almost instinctual level, such as what Master Windu was said to have with Shatterpoint.

What was interesting was that, from ten levels after taking an Acclimatisation perk, an Affinity perk would be available for it, and a further ten levels from there could offer a Naturalization perk for the power and all sub-forms of it. A further perk, which wasn't detailed or explained, would then come into play twenty more levels later that would make me one of only a handful of beings to ever truly understand the Force ability in question.

While that would be a very long road to travel, it did mean that, in theory, if I reached level 60, I could be as natural at Shatterpoint as someone like Windu. Of course, the chances of me reaching Level 60 were slim at best.

After going over the list of perks, and reviewing the older ones to see if they had changed, I found myself wondering why there weren't any for my more unusual or rare Force Powers like Phase, Teleport, and Inanimate Conversion.

That is because, in our infinite wisdom, we have chosen to be gracious.
At least regarding the majority of those powers.
For most, including Phase and Teleport, since you have shown continual effort to learn and grow those powers, we have granted you a natural affinity toward them equivalent to what you have with Battle Meditation.
Perks to make you a natural are not going to be offered because they are not needed.
With training, dedication, and perhaps a large helping of fortune, you can develop those powers to become one of the greatest to ever wield them.
Inanimate Conversion, however, is an entirely different issue.
That power, and a few like it, were not ones you were meant to discover or use.
In truth, their use aligns with a branch of Force powers commonly referred to as Force (or Sith) Alchemy.
Again, with training, effort, and the right teachers, you can learn to do what those powers once did.
And, perhaps, even more.
That, however, is something you will have to work very hard to achieve and might take you to places you will always be unwilling to go.
In the end, the choice, like it has always been, is up to you.

Not having to spend Perk Points for affinities for powers like Phase and Teleport was a relief, and the TPTB were right that I used them semi-regularly. Losing access to Inanimate Conversion was annoying as I'd hoped, at least before learning about and selecting Natural Evolution, that I could get the power to a point where I could create beskar by simply willing it. That dream was dead, though the pathway to it and other powers was there if I so chose.

Adas had spoken on the benefits of Force alchemy, and from the few records I'd found on him, it was said the axe he used in combat had been enhanced with the Force, so perhaps that was something to pursue at a later date. Oddly though, having to work to recover and reuse that power, and possibly Restore as it might fall under the same category, felt a better choice. Having to earn the right to manipulate objects at the atomic level was something that should be earned, and not simply gained for fun. Plus, as much as it now felt like a mistake, I'd stopped focusing on Inanimate Conversion in the lead-up to the invasion of Naboo.

That, however, was a matter for another time, as was making a final choice on which Perk to take, though I would admit I was leaning toward Shatterpoint Acclimatisation simply because, even at a low level, that power had game-changing potential.

Dismissing the Perks list, I saw that, in the time I'd been splitting my focus between the Player Powers and Perks and hiking, we'd almost reached our destination. I looked up as I felt the approach of a familiar and powerful presence grow stronger.

As I gazed upward, I saw Raven slip through the low-lying clouds and felt her relief at finally being able to sense me optically. Yet, my focus wasn't on that, but on how alive and vibrant she felt. I stopped walking, to avoid stumbling as I felt her relief flood my mind, and a wide smile spread over my face. I'd known that I shared a connection with Raven because of how she'd been created and my actions in saving her when Zonoma Sekot had left, but this was the first time I'd truly felt it and it was an incredible sensation.

Raven was, in a large way, a part of me, and the joy radiating from her had an almost familial sensation to it. While her thoughts weren't clear like those of a sentient, I understood her feelings with ease. Closing my eyes, I reached out through the faint opening to the wider Force that I retained, and let her know I was well and pleased to see her again.

I gasped as an almost overwhelming surge of delight came back. After recovering from the blast, I understood that she was happy not just because I was safe, but because the bond between us was stronger and more instinctual. Lifting my hand, I reached out through the Force – widening my connection to it fractionally – and truly sensed Raven for the first time.

Power flowed through her in ways that while I understood on a technical level, I'd not truly experienced in a metaphysical way. Even a few kilometres from her, I could sense how alive she was, how the power from her core flowed through her organic circuits to the various components – be they mechanical or organic – that composed her frame. How a slight shift in one section of her body shifted the flow of energy toward her anti-gravity generators to help her turn as she descended.

The feeling of the cool, damp air of Dagobah brushing over her skin, and how she enjoyed the moisture and newness of it, was easy to pick up on. As was how she saw the various airborne life on the planet, and how all of them avoided her; understanding that she was beyond them in ways they didn't fully comprehend. Yet under the pleasure of the new experience of the planet, and her joy that I was safe and soon to be reunited with her, the desire to surge between planets, to dance among the stars shone brightly. Raven was born to fly in space, and soon she would return to what she did best, and she couldn't wait to do so.

My smile widened as I opened my eyes, and took in Raven once again. Before this change, I'd known that if Raven had died, I'd have been hurt. Now, however, I understood that if something happened to her I'd burn the cosmos to make those who hurt her, who dared threaten my daughter – which in many ways she was – learn the error of their ways. Raven was something unique, something special that had to be nurtured, treasured, protected, and encouraged to grow. Deep in my soul, I knew that there was little I wouldn't do to protect her from others. A feeling I knew she held for me.

Watching happily, I observed the way she turned in the air, her engines shifting thrusts to ensure when she landed she was facing me. While Simvyl was at her helm, Raven was the one doing the flying. The landing struts, a mixture – like much of her – of organic and mechanical – slipped from her underbelly. The spots they'd emerged from were invisible before their emergence as they blended perfectly into her skin.

As I resumed my approach, I felt her change the flow of power through her frame, reducing thrust to the engines, and she touched down with a grace comparable to any dancer I'd ever seen. The ground gently sunk, accepting her presence without breaking, and as I nodded to Simvyl in the cockpit, I sensed before I heard her ramp descending.

Before it had reached the ground, two figures – one small, the other larger, and longer – emerged from the gap. I shuddered, experiencing Fenrir's delight as he bounded toward me. A delight that his pack wasn't damaged, that his family was safe pushing aside the desire to race off and assert his position as the apex predator of this new world.

"Fenrir!" I called out as I was knocked over by the giant tuk'ata, his tongue lathering my face. "Off!"

He didn't listen, continuing to lick my face and chest as his relief that I was well, and delight flowed around us. Rolling to the side to save myself, I laughed loudly at his behaviour, and at fully feeling the connection I held with him. While I didn't have the same natural connection to Fenrir that I held to Raven, I'd known the tuk'ata longer and he'd been a part of my family, or my pack, for several years.

Even as I enjoyed the increased connection, my remaining hand tried desperately to push him back. Though given his massive bulk – his shoulder stood at my neck, and I felt he still had growing to go – even with two hands I'd struggled to restrain him when he was this happy. Thankfully, after it felt as if he'd drenched every inch of my upper body in drool, he pulled back. My arm came up, wiping at my face just enough to clear my sight, though before I could growl at Fenrir, I was knocked over again.

"CAM!" I winced as Anakin, unintentionally shouted into my ear. A gasp slipped from me as his arms tightened around my neck, though the reaction also came from how powerful Anakin's relief was.

If it had been a river, I'd have drowned in the depth and strength of his presence, and even with my connection to the Force muted, because of our physical contact, I was unable to restrict the onslaught of emotions rushing forth from the boy. From my son.

The same joy and delight, mixed with relief, that Raven and Fenrir had radiated came from Anakin, though under it all, pushed down in the hopes I'd not sense it, I discovered fear. Pushing toward it even as I wrapped my arm around his back, I was assaulted by the source of that fear.

I'd known since Shmi had died, that Anakin had latched onto me, but until now I'd not realised how important I'd become to him. I was, thanks to the adoption, his father – though he saw me more as an older brother and mentor, which I was fine with – and alongside Lia, the only people that mattered to him. With Shmi's death having been so recent when I'd awoken in panic, his fear that he'd lose me had been what had driven him to reach out for my mind.

That decision had saved me, and holding him close, I understood just how powerful Anakin could be, and would be once I finished training him. Yet, under all that, I felt a tiny sliver of terror. Anakin's need, his desire, to help and protect those he cared for was what Sidious had exploited to turn him into Vader. While I'd known it was there, and could easily recall Dooku's words about the danger that Anakin would bring out that concerning tendency of mine to risk it all to help those I cared for, it was only now, with the Force unfiltered and Anakin in my arm, that I felt I fully comprehend just how powerful, and dangerous our shared need to help could be.

However, even though that was an issue, it was one for later. The more pressing one was that, with Anakin hugging me, and Fenrir and Raven close by, I was struggling to limit the emotional overflow coming from them. knowing I had to if I wanted to keep going, to say nothing of entering Raven, I closed my eyes and once more looked inward.

There I felt for the Force again, finding the connection I held with it, and the muffle I'd placed on everything bar the bonds I shared with others. Drawing on my lessons with Fay and others, I slowly followed those instructions to dampen the emotional feedback I was experiencing. I didn't want to entirely shut down the connection I held with others, but I had to dampen the sensations from them that I was experiencing.

It took time, though I couldn't say how much, but slowly I felt the emotional tidal waves coming from the trio lessen; the strength of their feelings sliding back to more manageable levels. Once I felt I'd dulled my connection to the point that I wasn't at risk of being disorientated by sharp, intense bursts of feelings, I opened my eyes and then slowly patted Anakin's head.

"I'm alright. There's no need to worry, An'ika." The word Bo had used to describe Anakin slipping easily from me. As I said it, I swore I felt a gentle, distant shift in the Force. As if it was reacting to my use of the word and, I thought, approving. "I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

Anakin didn't pull back instantly, but after a short time he did, and I saw his face. His eyes were red, and I was sure his tears had mingled with Fenrir's drool as he'd hugged me. "I… I thought I'd lost you. L-like mum." His voice all but died out as he finished, but given he was still all but lying on my chest, it carried to my ears easily.

I lifted my hand from his back and brought it around. Since my fingers were cleanish – Fenrir's drool ending up on the back of Anakin's shirt – I gently wiped his eyes, clearing the tears and drool that had gotten stuck there when he'd hugged me. "I'm fine. I just… for a while now I've been having issues with the Force. As if I've had a block on what I can and should be able to do. During the fight with the Zabrak, just before it ended, I had an epiphany and understood what was wrong. However, to fix the issue I needed a quiet world that was strong in the Force where I could meditate without distraction. When I awoke, the barrier that I'd been experiencing was gone; however, the change caught me unawares, At least until you, Raven, and Fenrir reached out to help."

Anakin blinked; his eyes widening and a frown forming as if he understood something. "That's why you seem different," He muttered.

That comment had me frowning, though it was less that he could sense the change in me, but that he might sense the taint from my usage of the Dark Side over the years. "In what way?" I asked carefully, wondering if I could use him to gauge when I'd recovered the full ability to mask my presence – be it just the Dark Side, or the full breadth of my Force connection – from others.

His frown deepened. "I'm not sure," he began slowly, his face twisting as he thought on the matter, and I struggled to not chuckle at his expression. "It's like, before, even when you were nearby, it felt as if you were, I dunno, distant. What was there was powerful but in a good way. Now though," he paused, his eyes searching mine for something. "It's like I'm standing on a beach on Gaia, looking at an ocean." A flicker of a smile came to his face, as it always did when he thought of seeing oceans. "It's massive, stretching further than I can see but… there's clouds in the distance. A storm brewing maybe. And under the surface… there's something there. Something dangerous." He paused and his eyes widened again. "Not that, uh, you're, um, dangerous. It's, ah, like…"

I lifted my hand to stop his rambling, and as I chuckled at the attempt to pull back his words, ruffled his hair. "It's okay. I get what you're trying to say," I said with a smile, my concern that he could sense the darkness in me easing. Yes, it was still there, but it was distant and indistinct. That I could work with; at least until I fully learnt how to hide the rage buried deep inside. "As I said, I've overcome the block I felt I had. One that, as you and others have noted, kept me distant in the Force. While I've defeated that block, it seems I need to work on tempering my control." I looked around as if searching for something, before leaning forward. "The less others know of what you and I can do, and how I've changed, the less they'll ask about us and the more we can do without anyone watching," I added quietly, in a conspiratorial way that I knew would appeal to Anakin.

"Okay, I think."

I chuckled at Anakin's confusion, which I could see all over his face and sense in the Force. "I'm not sure you do," I said, my hand still ruffling his hair, "but I'll teach you." He nodded at that, and my smile grew as I removed my hand from his head. "Now, I think it's time we consider leaving this world," I added, and he slipped off my chest.

"C-cam," he began as I slowly moved to stand. I looked at him as I shifted to my knees, sensing the fear inside grow stronger. However, as I began to stand, the fear became clearer to sense, and I understood it wasn't centred on the change he could sense in me, but was a more generalised thing. "Idontwanttobeweak."

I blinked, processing what he'd said, and once I had, looked down at him. "What do you mean by weak?" My question was said softly, and while I hadn't expected that statement from him, I had a suspicion of why he'd said it.

He held my gaze for a moment before looking down at the ground. Finding a loose stone, he kicked it, sending it hurtling into a nearby bog. "I… I'm weak. I, I couldn't s-save my m-mu," he said quietly, unwilling, or unable to meet my eyes. "I… I n-need to be st-stronger."

I knelt and placed my hand on his shoulder, and when he finally decided to look at me, I spoke. "Everything dies, Anakin. That's the way of the universe." His shoulders slumped, not liking what I was saying. "However, that doesn't mean we should just roll over and accept our fate; accept that death is coming for us. If we want to do anything or have anything, in this universe, we have to be willing to fight for it, to fight to defend it. No matter what anyone says, be they a Jedi, a politician, or some random sentient you meet on some unimportant planet in the middle of nowhere, everyone seeks to be stronger. However, for those of us able to draw upon and use the Force, we must be careful with how we channel that and other desires. The Force grants us the ability to do wondrous things, but it can also be used to do terrible things. The key is in deciding how and when we wield the Force. Do we use it for personal gain, to enrich and empower ourselves? Or do we use it to protect others, to help them grow strong enough they can defend themselves and those they care about?"

"I don't want to be weak," he repeated, seemingly not getting what I was trying to say.

My hand came to his chin and lifted it so I could meet his eyes. "You're not weak, Anakin. Your mother's death wasn't because you were weak, nor are you in any way responsible for it. The fault, if it lies with anyone, should lie with me as…"

"It's not your fault!" Anakin jumped in aggressively, the Force reacting to the massive, enraged burst of anger. "Me and Mum would've still been slaves if not for you!" I blinked, struggling to comprehend the power behind the voice. While he wasn't doing it intentionally, I could feel the Force in him shifting. As if a storm of unimaginable strength was forming not far from me. Yet, for all I could feel at the beginning, the first true inklings of what that storm might bring, I knew it wasn't ready to be unleashed; that it could still be tempered and focused.

"That is a possibility," I said to Anakin, ignoring the sensations in the Force as best I could. "However, what is certain is that, in my desire to help others, I made a mistake. One that, in the end, cost the lives of many including your mother. I thought," I continued before he could cut me off again, "that because they'd grown strong enough to protect themselves, the Lokella could help protect others. My mistake, and it was one, was not considering how important I am to many of their people. Because of that, they overcommitted to help, and left themselves vulnerable to an attack."

"That wasn't your fault!" Anakin shot back, the brewing storm I felt in the Force slowly shifting around as if changing directions. "It was the Hutts who attacked us! I want them dead!"

I stayed quiet, wanting to see if a moment of silence might settle the rapidly growing fury that radiated from Anakin. Everything about his rage was, in my opinion, justified. The Hutts, specifically Decca, had chosen to attack the Lokella when they were distracted, to strike back at losing control over those he had no right to consider his property. Yet, once more, it wasn't the cause of Anakin's rage, but the raw power that surged from the boy that caught me off guard and, as much as I knew it was wrong, impressed me.

Even now, as a nine-year-old boy, Anakin was powerful, but he was a wild beast, unable or unwilling to harness, to focus that power. He needed to refine and direct it while gaining the disciple to be the one in control, otherwise, it was easy to see what would become of him. Even with his connection to Palpatine unformed, if left as he was, it wouldn't take much to turn Anakin into Vader. Though the Vader I could see in the darkest elements of the growing storm wasn't the cold, calculated one I knew, but instead a wild, untamed monster.

In the corners of my mind, I heard whispers. Faint at first, but growing stronger as Anakin continued to rage. They were louder than before, though because I'd dampened my connection to the Force they should've been weaker, yet it wasn't hard to hear their words, the offer the Dark Side was giving. All I had to do was harness Anakin's rage, to focus it toward my goals, and when combined with my power the galaxy would cower under our weight. If I moulded him to use that anger, to harness it while remaining in control, he would become a dragon of death: He would wield a power few, if any, in the galaxy could stand against.

I blinked, realising the voices in my head, the whispers of the Dark Side were distracting me, tempting me more than I needed. The loss of the Interface now meant those offers of power would be stronger, and while I'd felt muting myself to the Force would hide them, it seemed they were even stronger and louder than before. Looking at Anakin, under the rage toward the Hutts, I saw a faint hint of fear, though I knew it wasn't for himself. No, this fear was for me. Almost as if he had some inkling of understanding of what dwelled within him.

"I know you want them dead, Anakin," I said slowly, being careful of my words. "Yet, while the Jedi would tell you to simply let go of your anger, and your feelings toward your mother, I won't. Nor will I tell you to give in to that anger as a Sith might. What I will do is promise you that, with time and dedication, you can learn to control that rage, to control yourself." That, I could admit, was a bit hypocritical as I struggled with that, but I also knew I had to learn this lesson, so what better reason to have to do so than to protect and help my son? "That day, however, is far from today."

"How long will it take?" He asked; firmness in his voice and certainty in his stance.

"I don't know, but when you've finally learnt to control yourself; when I, HK, Simvyl, Bo and others have finished training you, then know that all of us will stand with you. We will be with you when it's time for you to show the galaxy that the small, scared former slave is gone, and his place stands a warrior ready to do what he must."

Anakin blinked as I spoke, his anger shifting away, though not disappearing. "Isn't that what a Jedi's meant to be?"

"No, it's not," I replied with a chuckle. "At least according to many of the senior members of the Order. However, to me it is what a Jedi should be, what everyone should strive to be. Then again, I'm far from what most of the Order would consider a good Jedi." Fenrir growled in amusement and even though he was further away, I heard Simvyl's snort of agreement.

"Commentary: The Creator wasn't considered a good Jedi in his time, Master, nor would he be seen as one now. However, I believe he would consider you a true Jedi. Musing: Perhaps that is why he so enjoyed educating other Jedi on their inaccurate views."

I bit my tongue, not wanting to comment on the fact that Revan likely carried out those education sessions while a Sith Lord. Still, it was amusing to hear HK believe that Revan would consider me a true Jedi. He had been both Jedi and Sith and while I hoped that wouldn't be my fate, I would accept the compliment HK was offering on his creator's behalf.

Imagining how others in the Order would respond if they ever heard that comment from HK was something I'd enjoy thinking about, though I had no intention of ever sharing it with them. Bo, perhaps, might like to hear it though, as would Naz and a handful of others.

I saw that Anakin was smiling, seemingly happy with HK's remark. He'd read the first of my Knights of the Old Republic series and had asked me questions about Revan and his fate. I'd answered them as best I could without spoiling the story or putting the wrong ideas in the boy's head, but I'd avoided spoiling the surprise that was due to appear in the second book, Shadow of the Sith: that the hero of the story, the one working to save the Republic, was Revan.

Padmé, Serra, and others had asked me for spoilers about the stories as well, but I'd refused to ruin the surprise, and when the book dropped – which should be early next year – I knew I'd been getting a lot of calls about the reveal. Hopefully not from the Jedi Council or the Sith, but I expected Dooku at least to reach out.

I stood, planning to walk toward Raven only to stop as I remembered a promise I'd made. "HK, Fenrir," I said to the assassin and war beast, "we'll be leaving soon, but until then feel free to go hunting. Just don't go too far."

Fenrir howled in delight and raced away, seeking out the first challenger to his position at the top of the food chain. "Affirmative: Yes, Master. I will not take too long. Exclamation: I shall, however, enjoy removing as many detestable bestial meatbags as I can."

I laughed as he turned and raced away in the general direction of Fenrir. While the droid disliked organics, he was impressed with Fenrir's combat efficiency, considering him a useful, if not ideal, combat partner.

Once the droid was a decent distance away, I turned back to Anakin and clasped his shoulder. "Now, while we wait for those two to have their fun, perhaps we might begin your training in earnest?"

"Okay," the boy replied with a wide smile, and we moved toward Raven, R2 at our heels.

As we walked, I opened a new notice, one that had appeared while I'd been speaking with Anakin.

Quest Alert! [¤] [ɸ]
Te Ad's Skira
Rating: A
Train your son to the point where he is ready and capable of gaining revenge for the death of his mother.
:a: Help Anakin reach level 20 before the death of Decca Besadii Diori.
:b: Ensure that Anakin is the one to end the life of Decca Besadii Diori.
:c: Make sure Decca Besadii Diori dies before the outbreak of galactic war.
:d: [?]
:e: [?]
:f: [?]
:a: 2000XP
A decent increase in Reputation with Anakin Skywalker.
Decent Reputation increases with Ferox and Lia Skywalker.
Small increases in Reputation with anyone in the Lokella before you took Anakin Skywalker as your Padawan.
:b: 3500XP
Pass 2 Tests of Friendship with Anakin Skywalker.
A large increase in Reputation with Anakin Skywalker.
Decent Reputation increases with Ferox and Lia Skywalker.
Decent increases in Reputation with anyone in the Lokella before you took Anakin Skywalker as your Padawan.
:c: 2500XP
Variable changes in Reputation depending on how Decca Besadii Diori dies and who kills him.
Potential to pass a Test of Friendship with Anakin Skywalker.
:a: -1000XP
The likely death of Anakin Skywalker.
Variable losses in Reputation with members of the Lokella.
:b: -1750XP
A decent loss of Reputation with Anakin Skywalker.
Variable losses in Reputation with members of the Lokella.
:c: -1250XP
A small loss of Reputation with Anakin Skywalker.
Variable losses in Reputation with members of the Lokella.
It is possible to complete one of the base three conditions of the Quest without completing the others.
In that event, Rewards and Failures will be applied accordingly.
Thus, depending on which objectives are completed, you could complete the quest but end up worse for it.

While the title of the quest and its description were unexpected, and a little concerning, given what I'd said to Anakin, the objectives made sense. And it would be the first of many quests I suspected that revolved around preparing Anakin for the future, and all the chaos it would bring. What was interesting was how the quest spoke of a galactic war without directly calling it the Clone Wars. That suggested that my actions had already altered the course of the galaxy and that the war wouldn't be fought by the same factions as in the other timeline.

However, before accepting it, I wanted to see where Anakin stood and used Observe on him.

Anakin Skywalker
Race: Human
Level: 12
Health: 100%
Age: 9
Force Potential: Extreme
Threat Potential: Low
Reputation: Trusted Confidant
Affiliation Loyalty: Cameron Shan (86%), Clan Shan (86%), Lokella (84%)
Emotional State: Relieved/hopeful/angry
Young Anakin is glad that not only are you safe, but that you will help him become strong.
He hopes that, over the next few years, he can get closer to being strong enough to protect those he loves.
Though his rage toward the Hutts, specifically Decca, colours much of his thinking.

Everything there was about what I'd expected, though seeing his loyalty to me was already beyond that of the Lokella was a little surprising. That there was no mention of the Jedi or Republic in his loyalties was fine, though I wondered where Bo and the Mandalorians ranked in his loyalty scale. Sadly, the Interface only ever provided the top three choices for Affiliation Loyalty; at least where they were over 50%.

Still, the targets for the Te Ad's Skira quests were achievable. Or at least the two of them were. Eight levels of growth wasn't going to be too hard to manage, not when both Anakin and I were focused on making him better and stronger. Therefore, the first objective of the quest wasn't a major issue. Ensuring Decca died before the outbreak of galactic war would also, I felt, be achievable, which left only the one to ensure Anakin was the one to remove the Hutt as a challenge.

On the overall balance, it was a worthwhile quest to take, but as it wasn't time-limited for me to accept, I wasn't going to accept it now. After the mistakes I'd made early on, which I'd paid for with the death of Master Micah Giiett and his linked quest, I'd learnt my lesson.

"Give them an hour to hunt before calling them back," I said to Simvyl as I reached the ramp. He nodded accepting my order as I headed into Raven with Anakin and R2.

Even without taking the quest, I'd be training Anakin to be capable of taking on a Jedi Master before galactic war erupted. The only questions that ran through my head were, with the changes I'd brought forth already, and those I'd cause with training Anakin, what sort of chaos would be unleashed, and how they would affect the galaxy as a whole.

All I could do was work to ensure that whatever happened, it helped with my overall goal of ensuring I didn't die when the Republic fell, and Sidious assumed control of what remained. Preferably without letting the Empire be born as anything more than a state bound to fail before it even emerged.

… …

… …
A/N: Before anyone decides to suggest it, Cam has not been nerfed. While he will have to retrain himself to use the Force, his potential is fully unlocked and, with time, he'll become capable of doing what is needed to not only survive, but potentially defeat the oncoming storm of the Banite Sith and their Grand Plan.
... ...

For that are interested, the possible Perks and Player Powers Can had to choose from at level 30.
Level 30 Perks Descriptions
Level 30 Player Power Descriptions

This story is crossposted on Fanfiction.net, Archive of our Own, and Royal Road.

If you're interested, then feel free to join the Discord server for the story, (link below). There, discussions about the story and canon ASOIAF elements take place. Also, if one is active enough to reach a suitable rank (which isn't that high) they can view the story a week or so before it is released publicly here and on other sites.
For this series: Heart of the Force
For general chaos/Gamer stories: Shiro's Gaming Omniverse

If you wish to support my writing, then follow the links below to either Pat-re-on or Sub-scribe-star. There, even the lowest tier gets the next chapter a few weeks early, while higher tiers get extensive drafts (around 70-80% of the final draft) or a redraft needing a final check, around two months earlier.
Patreon: USSExplorer
SubscribeStar: USSExplorer

Regardless if you join the discord or support my writing, I hope you enjoy the story and suggestions, valid criticisms, and ideas are always welcome.
And of course;

May the Force be with you. Always.
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Can you post a link for your server for those under us that only read on their phone?
Thanks for the update. As always it was a very enjoyable read.
While I like reading your ventures into so many aspects of force, am hoping that there might be some fights as well.
And a return of Bo or Naz or any new female lead would also be nice.

Three days, twelve hours, Master."
Is this a mistake? Even if the world rotates faster, 42 hours means each day was 10 hours long. Then it would have been called 4 days and 2 hours. Just nitpicking.
Alright! Another entry into the best fic on the site! Thank you for all the effort you put into this series, I love every second of it and it's a bright spot to my day every time an update is posted.
Your training as a Jedi is complete… now go assassinate a hutt in his fortres… of course your a Jedi would a Sith reward you with the possibility of getting revenge? Ehh.
A New Player is Star Wars. It is not Disney Star Wars, it is not TCW Star Wars.
A New Player is EU Star Wars.
Bottom line. This is the main issue with readers not liking the writing choices (including myself admittingly, before this helpful PSA) 98% of star wars fans have no knowledge of the books & comics of the EU. Their only exposure to Star Wars is whats seen in the films/series'.
Using Wookieepedia isn't a valid counter as that site has altered much of the EU content since Disney bought LucasFilm to make their narrative fit their ideals.
And this only exasperates things because when something comes up that readers don't know about. First place they go is the wiki.
Obi-Wan was, if not for the will of the Force, bound for the agricorp in the EU. His Force Potential is, by Jedi standards, limited at best.
case in point. I had no idea about this or any of Mauls story pre phantom menace.

I apologise.
Bottom line. This is the main issue with readers not liking the writing choices (including myself admittingly, before this helpful PSA) 98% of star wars fans have no knowledge of the books & comics of the EU. Their only exposure to Star Wars is whats seen in the films/series'.

That is a point that became clear during The Phantom Menace arc. Hence why I made the PSA. The Vong are from the EU, and while many dislike them, they are a part of the lore and one I wanted to use along with Zomana Sekot. If they return muc, much further into the story, then the lore for them can be filled in slowly as Cam learns it, which helps the readers learn about them.
Sadly, that approach can't work for 'movie characters', which links to a later comment you made.

Now, I would share it here, but I suspect it might violate a rule of QQ, but I have a large Mega folder with many of the EU novels and comics. It is available on the story's Discord server.
Some of the books aren't brilliant, but many are brilliant. At the very least, i would suggest everyone reads the novelisation of Episode III.

First place they go is the wiki.

I admit when I started this, I did likewise but stuck to the EU (it's not Legends to me) pages. When something looked off or lacking, I used the ability of the wiki to see older versions of a page. Often, if you go back to pre-2012 (if not pre-Filoni as he changed a lot of great lore to suit his show, if not completely ignored them for the sake of spectacle) you get more detailed pages.

Now, with greater understanding, I place my trust in those helping me as they often can quote the books in question which allows me to search for the knowledge there.

case in point. I had no idea about this or any of Mauls story pre phantom menace.

Like many "named characters", that is understandable. We base much of what we know of any verse from the media that is most common for it. In Star Wars' case, that's the movies, where things have to be slowed down/simplified for the audience. An issue with anything in a visual medium.
3.02 Replacements and Invitations
A/N: Thanks to those helping me write and plan out this story and checking it for continuality and logical errors.

This chapter was released as an Early Bird on the story's Discord server (link at the end of the chapter) several weeks ago to those who are active on the server.
It has been available to those who support my writing (via links that are again at the end of the chapter) anywhere from the beginning of the month to 3 months in advance. For those who support my writing, and join the server, then it is possible to be 4 to 5 chapters ahead of public chapters.
Links for supporting my writing, or joining the Discord server, are at the end of the chapter.

3.02 Replacements and Invitations
... ...

The swirling, twisting vortex of hyperspace was the only view from Raven's cockpit, and while it could be maddening to stare at it for hours or days, today I didn't care. And not just because my eyes were currently closed.

I didn't know how long it had been since we'd left Dagobah, but I was still on cloud nine. I knew that I had to relearn or refocus literally every Force Power I had, but sitting in Raven, being able to fully experience the bond we shared, and her delight at racing between the stars made everything worth it.

Haran, just rising through the damp, cloudy atmosphere of the planet had been incredible. Before I'd known she felt every shift in air current, temperature and humidity over her skin, but now, with the Interface no longer filtering the Force, I could experience it as if it was my skin covering the vessel. That had been amazing, as had the incredible, all-encompassing warmth that came as we broke through the ozone layer and the full might of the solar winds from the system's star brushed against her hull. To be able to feel the shifting magnetic fields of the planets and stars as we moved through the system was beyond incredible. Even if I spent a thousand years searching, I knew I'd never find the words to describe it, nor the sheer, unmitigated joy we shared as I pushed Raven through a series of increasingly complex manoeuvres.

Before the change, Raven had been able to sense what I wanted her to do and react accordingly. Now, with the Interface filtering gone, it was as if, at times, our minds were one. Given how she'd been born, and what I'd then done to save her when Zonama Sekot had departed, there was logic behind why that was. Yet, logic barely entered my mind as Raven twisted, turned, dove, and strafed through the system. Dancing with her as we soared through an asteroid field was an experience that, like much of the short trip so far, was going to remain with me forever.

However, for all the new and incredible sensations I'd experienced as Raven and I worked as one even as she fell through space, it paled in comparison to what she, and by extension I, was feeling now. The twisting, insanely energetic vortex of hyperspace was incredible. Every little spark of energy that touched her skin felt as if it was me the energies were touching. Waves of delight rushed through her and me as the wild, untamed power of faster-than-light travel brushed and caressed her body, bringing her indescribable delight. If not for the fact my connection to her, and the Force in general, was as muted as I could currently make it, I suspected I'd have been lost to the universe: riding on a high that few other sentient beings could ever expect to experience.

Yet, even with the connection muted, I knew beyond doubt that Raven was, in every sense that the Republic classified it, sentient. She might've been grown uniquely – certainly now when any other ship built by Sekot had likely died when the planet had departed – but she was alive and aware. Indeed, more so than some beings I'd have the misfortune to encounter in my travels. However, as much as I was marvelling at this experience, I knew I couldn't spend the entire voyage doing so. Thus, with a reluctant sigh, I opened my eyes.

Looking around the cockpit, I saw I was alone, which I hadn't been when I'd closed them. It seemed that Anakin and Fenrir had grown bored with my unresponsive nature and decided to amuse themselves elsewhere. Before I even understood how, I knew where they, Simvyl, HK and R2 were; Raven supplied the information before the thought was fully formed. That made me smile, though when I glanced at the chronometer, I cringed.

What I thought had been a few hours had been most of the day. Haran, that explained why Anakin and Fenrir were so calm in the boy's cabin. the pair would be sleeping, as likely was Simvyl. The droids were in the main area; both, from what Raven provided, were recharging in their alcoves. That said, I knew HK would be alert. The assassin droid was ever mindful of danger, and after me having gotten lost in Raven's sensations for the day, I was even more glad for that than normal.

Turning my thoughts to Dagobah, I once more marvelled at the changes brought on by Natural Selection. No longer was the Force filtered or monitored by the Interface, now it was free. While I knew it was going to take time to refocus and relearn much of what I knew, or at least how to draw upon the Force to use it in the ways I had before, I already knew I'd made the right choice.

I could feel the Force all around me, flowing through everything. Many of the teachings I'd received in the Temple, or from Fay suddenly made more sense. As if with the Interface gone, the fog that was blocking me from beginning my journey into and with the Force could finally begin. While Dooku had taught such lessons at times, he was a much more practically-minded person, and with those lessons, I'd never had issues understanding and realising his motives and concepts. Which was perhaps why I was closer to the man who'd, in the other timeline, turned to the Banite Sith seeking a clearer path forward.

For how to relearn and refocus my Force Powers, I already had a few ideas, and we were enroute to the first stop on that journey. Or at least we would be after stopping in the Core and refuelling. I knew Raven disliked a lot of the fuelling options in the more remote world in the Mid and Outer Rim, and as our final destination lay along one of the major hyperspace routes, I was willing to pay the extra cost for high-quality fuel. Especially now, with my connection to her so much clearer and stronger, I didn't want to experience her distaste or fury at having to consume low-quality fuel.

As my hand moved over the controls, making sure everything was running smoothly – even if I knew that they were, the action brought an odd sense of comfort – I turned my attention to the other changes that had happened after taking Natural Selection. That being the new Player Powers and Perk I'd taken.

While it could only be applied to two current skills I'd taken Level Boost. The potential it offered was something I wasn't going to turn down, nor that the sooner I took it once, the sooner I could take it again. Getting 10 levels was going to take effort to gain, especially as the required XP was equal to every point of XP I'd needed to get to Level 30, including the XP I'd started with when I'd been inserted into this universe.

I had four skills Maxed out, at least to the base standard now I guessed, but only two, Lightsaber: Form 2 [Makashi], and Lightsaber [Standard], could have the Level Boost applied to them. That was fine as, while I wasn't going to do so now, they were two of the more likely skills to get the increased tiers. The other two skills that were Maxed were Concentration and Meditation, though they didn't have tiers, instead, like a handful of other Skills, they had one hundred total levels.

I was considering using the spare Skill points I had, which stood at 179, and getting an instant boost in Makashi to Tier 8, yet I was reluctant to do so. While using the Skill Points like that was something I'd done – with a focus on making sure I completed a few quests that I wished I'd never taken – doing it for a skill that I used regularly felt like cheating. The increased skill with Form 2 of lightsaber combat would be great, but I wanted to earn that skill, not simply have the knowledge seemingly appear in my mind. It would make the day I finally defeated Dooku in a spar all the more rewarding. Plus, having those Skill Points around meant I could use them to boost skills I either didn't have the time to focus on or to top up any Training Quests I might take in the future. Though dropping them in a skill that would allow me to understand and bond with Anakin better – such as Astrogation or Mechanics – was another option.

While a few of the other optional Player Powers had potential, the clear choice for spending the second Player Point on was Reveal The Hidden. Knowing the hidden objectives of every quest I had was something that seemed insanely useful. However, after taking the Player Power and then reading through the quests where I wanted to use it, I realised it'd made me more apprehensive about certain quests.

The Promise of the Fallen, the quest from Revan, had, as expected, revealed no new details. From the wording of Reveal The Hidden, that was what I'd expected, but I had hoped to be wrong. Sadly, it seemed I was going to have to continue fluttering around aimlessly to complete every part of that quest; waiting for my ancestor to appear again and explain what he wanted. Of course, given he hadn't done so since I'd met him in the Crystal Caves on Ilum, I suspected that wasn't going to ever happen. All I could do was hope that, by doing things like finding the Vault he'd created with Canderous Ordo, and rebuilding HK, I was at least on a path he approved of.

At least with the other quests where it could be applied, Reveal The Hidden showed its use, though for some I wished it hadn't as now I was even more concerned, and curious, about how the quest would go.

Cash in Hand was the clearest and easiest of the quests that had revealed hidden objectives. The initial objective of having a million credits in my name by the time I turned eighteen was already achieved. However, I didn't know if the quest saying 'having the money in my name' meant the money in the account under my pseudonym I used for writing – which was my name from before I'd been reborn in this universe – an account under my real name, or in my Inventory. Because of that, and as the Sith knew of my writing, I was slowly shifting my finances around. While some went to an account with a Mandalorian financial guild under my name and that of my Clan, which I knew Damask would be tracking, most was slowly heading via my Inventory into various dummy accounts.

The amounts in those dummy accounts didn't match the withdrawals from my writing account, nor were they opening in the same system as where I made the withdrawals. I knew that eventually, the Sith would discover those accounts were tied to me, but the longer it took them to find them, the better. Force, they might think it another sign that I wasn't a typical Jedi, and even a potential Sith Lord in the making, that I moved my credits around so cautiously. What they wouldn't know was that the majority of the credits I'd withdrawn, which currently sat at over fifteen million, were in my Inventory.

At the time that seemed enough to complete the bonus objective, but with Reveal The Hidden showing the uppermost objective was for fifty million in my name by the time I was eighteen, I knew I'd have to accelerate the movement of my funds. With around three-quarters of a year until I reached the cut-off, every objective was achievable, and I intend to complete them and get the XP that came with that.

For the other quests, the one that I was closest to completing the bonus objectives was for Changing Fate [Dooku]. I already knew two of those even before taking Reveal The Hidden and the final one, was to have become his Padawan. I didn't know when that quest would be considered complete – perhaps when a replacement Darth Tyrannus rose – but along with Cash in Hand, I'd be within touching distance of Level 31.

Changing Fate [Anakin] was another quest where I'd already completed the bonus objectives. However, here I'd failed one that involved keeping Shmi alive until the outbreak of galactic war. The other two bonuses, which had been to rescue Anakin from Tatooine before the Invasion of Naboo, and taking him as my Padawan or Trainee were both completed. I didn't think the main objective, of preventing him from becoming Darth Vader was at risk of being failed, but given it was one of two S*** quests, I wouldn't be considering it safe until the quest ended.

The other quest linked to Anakin, and my most recently taken quest, Te Ad's Skira, would, I felt, help ensure Darth Vader never rose. I wasn't saying that I could stop Anakin from using and controlling the Dark Side, as it would be massively hypocritical since I'd done so before and suspected I'd do so again. What the quest could do was forge the bond between us so that he'd never be tempted to turn to the Banite Sith.

Te Ad's Skira had three bonus conditions, and the first two revolved around getting Anakin to higher levels – 25 and 30 – before Decca the Hutt was killed. Those should be doable, especially if I focused heavily on pushing him and myself over the next few years. The last bonus objective, however, was going to be a challenge.

Ensuring that Gardulla the Hutt, Decca's mother, and the leader of one of the largest Hutt kajidics – clans – didn't link either Anakin or myself to Decca's death would take careful planning. Now, that bonus only came into effect if one of us killed the giant slug, but since I wanted Decca dead – though nowhere near as much as Anakin – I was reasonably certain one of us would ensure he met the end he deserved. Preferably knowing the face of the one who'd killed him.

If Gardulla learnt that we were involved in her son's death, then hell would be coming for us. It was unlikely the other Hutt kajidics would get involved, at least so long as they didn't see our actions as an assault on the entire Hutt race, but even if it was just Gardulla's clan, we'd be in trouble. She'd throw everything, including the proverbial kitchen sink, at us in an attempt to avenge her son and prove she was still powerful enough to lead the kajidic.

Now, if I had the chance, I wouldn't turn down the opportunity to remove every stinking Hutt from the galaxy, much as with Trandoshans, but I doubted I'd be able to do that. Not unless I had the firepower to rival the GAR and CIS at my full command.

Changing Fate [Miraj], which was my most recent Changing Fate quest, had a single bonus objective. That was, when galactic war broke out, that she and Zygerria aligned with whichever faction I was a part of. Just like with Anakin's quest, the fact it referred to galactic war and not The Clone Wars was interesting. As was the fact the quests seemed to think I would not side with the Jedi and the GAR. While I'd been leaning heavily against standing with the Republic for some time, I knew that, in the form it had taken in the other timeline, I'd not work with the CIS.

If a true alternative to the Republic could be formed, as was hinted at with Senator Bonteri and the Separatist Senate, then perhaps I might stand with them. However, that was something a long way off and not something to concern myself with for at least a few more years. Still, I would reach out when I could and keep in contact. That should let me gain some insight into her intentions for her people, and if I could, direct her toward a change in path.

Changing Fate [Sifo-Dyas] was the last of those quests, at least currently active, and perhaps the one closest to completion. Sifo-Dyas was dead before the Clone Wars had begun, so he was due to meet that fate sometime in the next decade. The bonuses, however, were a little odd. Without even meaning to, I'd completed the first bonus which was to learn who financed the Clone Army. The reward there was to discover Sidious' Master, which I had when meeting Hego Damask, aka Darth Plagueis.

Given his public placement as head of Damask Holdings, moving around the credits to pay for the Clone Army would be trivial for Plagueis. I just hadn't realised that whatever chain of events had resulted in our meeting had meant that even if Sifo-Dyas died and I failed the quest, I'd still complete that bonus objective. What I had determined was that the pair both hoped to, at the very least, use me to bring about the fall of the Jedi, if not make into a new apprentice in the order of Banite Sith.

The other objective involved keeping the Jedi Master alive until the outbreak of galactic war. While that would be useful, I was more concerned that failure to complete the quest would result in the death of someone close to me. As Darihd was Sifo-Dyas' Padawan, that meant he was the likely candidate to die for my failure. The problem was, as things stood I simply couldn't step in and warn Darihd or Sifo-Dyas, or indeed do much to help them.

With me needing to relearn how to use the Force and hide the change in my Force presence, I couldn't risk going anywhere near a Jedi, never mind the Temple and the Senate. As bad as it might sound, I understood that to protect Anakin and have any chance of defeating the Sith, I might have to sacrifice a friend.

The last quest with bonus objectives was, in every way, the single most terrifying quest I had. And that was before I knew of the bonus objectives that awaited me. Tremors of the Ancient Sith Empire was the first true quest I received, and had sat on my quest list for nearly a decade now without any hint of how to complete it. The warnings that had come with it, about not attempting it until I was at least Level 20 and had three other Force users with me, had stuck with me ever since the Quest had appeared and, in a moment of insanity, I'd accepted it.

I couldn't not do the quest, as if I didn't finish it before the Clone Wars – or whatever might replace those – occurred, then whatever was on Dromond Kaas would belong to Sidious. That would only serve to make the future Emperor even more powerful, which was something that would give me nightmares for a long while. Yet, after reading the bonus objectives, I wasn't sure that I'd be able to complete the quest at Level 40 with a dozen Force users at my side.

The first bonus dealt with a group called The Prophets of the Darkside. They, whoever they were, had to be found and then either destroyed or forced to serve me. The latter option, perhaps worryingly, carried twice as much XP for completion than simply murdering every member of the group. I didn't even know who these people were, or what they could do, but the fact that even killing them would bring me 4000XP, without considering combat XP, was a hint that it wasn't going to be easy.

The next bonus had me and my party exploring the Palace of the Emperor and each of the Inner Sanctums of the Dark Council. The simple fact that doing just one of those awarded more than subjugating the Prophets made clear how insanely dangerous that was going to be. Add in the fact that there wasn't a clear indication of how many Inner Sanctums there were, and that objective alone could take months, if not years, to complete.

The other two extra goals were, by comparison, a cakewalk. The first had me having to hide the expedition from Sidious and Plagueis, or rather insanely, reveal it to one or both. I wasn't sure what sort of insanity the Interface, and by extension, TPTB were suffering when they came up with that, though I knew I didn't want to know.

The last extra was to complete the quest before the outbreak of galactic war, which was one I'd be making even if I hadn't known about it. What was interesting was that completing this objective would double all XP gains from the quest. I wasn't sure if that extended beyond the actual objectives, and included combat XP from the planet, then it could be insanely useful. Kriff, even if it was only the other objectives it covered, then I was looking at a minimum of 27000XP for just the two base objectives, up to – assuming four members of this Dark Council – over 120000XP.

That was an insane amount of XP for a single quest, but given the insane difficulty of it – S*** – then it wasn't a huge surprise. Still, 27000 was a little under three-quarters of the full XP needed for Level 31, whereas 120000XP was almost three full levels. And all of that was before any combat XP that the planet would undoubtedly bring.

Dromond Kaas, as the capital of a Sith Empire that had lasted for at least a thousand years, would be littered with other challenges. Anything and everything from simple creatures corrupted by the Force to Sithspawn and Darkside Nexuses would likely cover the planet. That, I expected, would mean anything from two to, potentially, five or more levels was on offer from this one planet.

As insanely tempting as that amount of XP was, the whole quest was beyond insane to attempt. And that was before I'd taken Natural Selection. Now that I had, it would be some time before I dealt with that quest, as both I and Anakin, who I knew would be with me for that, needed to train and prepare for a challenge that, I felt, would show me how ready I was to take on the Banite Sith.

Still, while Tremors of the Ancient Sith Empire was going to haunt my dreams for some time, I was glad to have taken Reveal The Hidden. At least now, for that quest and the others, I knew more, if not all, of what I could expect to complete them, or at least partially complete them. However, I wasn't sure if my choice for my new Perk was the correct one.

While there were more choices for Perks, in the end, I'd gone for Shatterpoint Acclimatisation. From the description, I knew it wouldn't lift me to the point where I could sense shatterpoints in people or events as Windu could, but it was the first step along that road. If I understood it correctly, I should now be capable of getting Shatterpoint back to where it had been before. Then, at its max of Professional:1 allowed me to see weak points in walls and designs, though it took time. While not immediately useful, this Perk was a long-term investment. With time and continual purchase of the next upgrade in the series for the Force Power, then by the time I approached Sidious, Fay, Plagueis, and Yoda in Level, I should hopefully be capable of seeing shatterpoints as Windu did. Hells, even if I only took it to the point where I could spot flaws and weaknesses in plans or defences that others had missed and I could exploit, it would be a worthwhile purchase.

The other Perk I'd considered, and one I was likely to take at Level 32, was Stat Boost. That would, when I took it, lift the combined limit of my Physical Stats – Strength, Agility, and Vitality – to 75 from the current 65. Given that the Human baseline was 55 for those Stats, even without the Force I was above my species, which was a good thing. Humans were, by and large, at the lower end of the spectrum for physical abilities of the races for their approximate size. With the Force, I could likely match a Wookie in a test of strength. Or at least before I'd taken Natural Selection that was possible, now I didn't know, which was why Stat Boost held an appeal.

While thinking about my Stats, I decided that it was time to spend my stored Stat Points. Intelligence was lifted to 45, Wisdom to 35, and Charisma to 40. Each of those was far above the average values of 20 for Humans, and many other species, but it was the extra boosts they'd provided to levelling up skills, which were dominated by one Stat each, and in the case of Intelligence, the increased number of Skill Points each level up brought, that made spending Stat Points worth it.

After those moves, I had 5 Stat Points left over, and figuring I should show it some love, I placed them in Luck. That lifted that score to 5, along with a bonus 10 that came from being Force Sensitive. It was unlikely those points would be useful, but given the luck I'd had with running into dangerous situations that pushed me in ways I wasn't always ready for, I'd take any help I could get. Perhaps it might not be enough to avoid such situations, but it should, I hoped, increase my chances of getting out of them unharmed.

A gentle, warm, comforting presence pushed against my senses, and I knew Raven wanted my attention. Focusing on the controls, I understood that I'd spent longer going over my choices and spending Stat Points than I'd realised as we were now close to exiting hyperspace.

The system we were emerging into was a, relatively speaking, minor one, and not where I planned to refuel or end up, but we had to exit here. It was the intersection with another Hyperspace lane we had to travel, one that would take us closer to our destination.

I supposed I could've headed to one of the various Force Sects I'd learnt about in the Celebratus Archive, but I wanted to head to Kuat first. The Mandalorian engineers and designers who'd examined Raven had been clear they lacked the understanding to add weapons to her without hurting, and potentially damaging her. Instead, they'd given me a list of a handful of companies and individuals that might be capable of helping. While it was unlikely that anyone on Kuat could help, it was worth the visit for Raven and Anakin.

The boy loved starships, even more so than designing droids, and it was an interest I wanted to encourage. I remembered seeing Centerpoint Station in the Corellia system, and the shipyards at Fondor when I'd studied there. Kuat, with a shipyard ring that encircled the planet, was meant to make both look simple by comparison, and I was looking forward to Anakin's face when he saw that, and the myriad of giant warships that Kuat had built over the centuries.

The Ruusan Reformation meant that they lacked the armaments and engines their size meant they should have, but the mighty Procurator-class and Praetor-class star-battlecruisers and the Mandator-class star-dreadnoughts were still considered some, if not the, most powerful warships in the history of the galaxy. Seeing those in the flesh was something I wanted to experience, as much as I wanted Anakin to see them.

A small part of me also wondered if those starships were the precursors of the mighty Executor and the class of Super Star Destroyers. That same part also wondered if, perhaps, learning how such vessels were built, might in some way be useful to me in the future with the war that sat just over the horizon, watching everything like a hungry dragon ready to devour everything that lay before it.

… …

… …
The small holo-display in Raven's cockpit flickered to life, revealing Chancellor Palpatine. "Cameron, my boy, how are you?" he asked with a gentle, grandfatherly smile. The robes he wore weren't easy to make out through the call, but I suspected they were some of the finest in the galaxy: as one would expect of the Chancellor of the Republic.

"Chancellor, what a welcome surprise," I replied, playing with his words during the invasion of Naboo. The slight shifting of his lips suggested he'd caught the reference. "I'm as well as I can be, thank you for asking." When I'd been informed there was a call coming in from Coruscant, I'd had Simvyl make sure Anakin stayed clear of the cockpit. Through Raven, I knew my Padawan was playing with Fenrir in the training hold, so he'd be occupied until after I'd finished speaking with the Sith Lord that led the supposedly free galaxy. "The Force hasn't yet offered me an insight into where my next adventure awaits, so I'm enjoying the freedom of simply travelling and exploring the galaxy."

Palpatine chuckled. "Ah, to be young and with the freedom to move as one likes, how I miss those days. I enjoyed racing speeders in my youth you know, but alas both that and freedom have long since deserted me. Even more so since my elevation to the Chancellorship."

"I wouldn't agree entirely, Chancellor. Anyone willing to take on the responsibility for the Republic must have the energy, and patience, to deal with every sort of person in the Senate and elsewhere. That the person who now holds the office is as trustworthy and patient as you is a relief. After decades, if not centuries, of neglect, it offers me hope for the future." Yes, I was laying it on thick, but the longer Sidious believed I was an ally, or potentially one, the longer I had to prepare for the war between us.

The Chancellor laughed gently. "I'm grateful for the compliment, and the support of the Hero of Naboo, however, I'm struggling to gain any traction to sanction the Trade Federation. They, and the various Senators they either outright or privately control, are fighting hard to ensure their overlords escape justice."

"I would offer my services to help, but I fear I would be censored by the Council, if not imprisoned, for the methods I'd use." Namely that I'd threaten those fools and sycophants with a lightsaber and Force Lightning. As much fun as it would be to fry or execute a large number of the Senators whose only focus was their pockets and not the people they served, spending the next decade or two in a Jedi prison wasn't something I wanted.

"Yes, I fear you would, though I won't deny that the thought of seeing how certain Senators reacted to being faced with an angered Jedi would amuse me greatly." He paused and looked around as if looking for someone attempting to listen in. "Preferably in ways similar to how you handled matters on Naboo."

"How is your home faring?" I asked, changing the topic slightly after a burst of laughter. While the idea of forcing the Senate to act as they should was appealing, it was the road that led Anakin to become Vader. Plus, it would only have Sidious and Plagueis believing that I was on the verge of turning, which wasn't what I wanted.

"The rebuild is progressing, though slower than either I or Queen Amidala wish." The mention of Padmé was deliberate, as it drew my thoughts to her, but it made sense as there was no chance he, and the Jedi Council, hadn't seen the way she acted around me. Especially after Naboo was liberated. "The Federation is fighting with everything they can to avoid paying for the damages, something those allied with them in the Senate are supporting. Still, the credits generated from the salvage of the Federation ship left disabled in orbit are so far sufficient to pay for everything." We shared a look of amusement at the idea the Federation had not just lost three vessels, but the one that had lost its engines was now being stripped apart for salvage. The other two vessels had, officially, vanished though both I and Palpatine knew where they were.

One of the massive ships was with the Lokella who were more likely to simply sell the vessel back to the Federation. At least so long as they were paid in full for it. If not, then it would be stripped for parts that could be used to help the Lokella grow and improve their defences. While not the best fighters around, the remaining Vulture droids added a new element to the system's defence.

The other massive vessel was taken as a war trophy by the Mandalorians, and the last I saw it was orbiting Mandalore. Many were inclined to scrap the vessel, but there was, the last I was on the planet, a growing voice to turn the vessel into a defence platform and training facility. That was my preferred option, and using my position as War Leader, I had expressed that. However, I wasn't pushing the matter as I felt it was a choice for the Mandalorians to make, not me. No matter how useful a defence platform over Mandalore would be with the coming war.

"Queen Amidala has asked me to again relay her thanks for your help in freeing our world, and ask that you might visit when you have time." There was a hint of something in Palpatine's smile. As if he suspected Padmé had ulterior motives for the invitation. "I've been informed that your villa is ready whenever you arrive."

I'd tried to get the pair to not offer me the villa, but they insisted I deserved it. Beyond being officially made a citizen of Naboo, as the Hero of Naboo, I needed an official residence. Palpatine had suggested a villa in the Lake District, somewhere close to where he and Padmé's family had residences. Padmé had agreed instantly with the idea, ignoring my concerns about a Jedi owning property. Thankfully, Palpatine hadn't mentioned the apartment Damask had granted me in Kaldani Spires, but I knew that if I'd protested too much, he'd have found a way to hint at me already having property to my name.

"I will keep the offer in mind, Chancellor. For now, I will simply wait for the Force to offer a hint of where my next adventure lies." I continued to be vague about my location and intentions to not tip my hand. He'd be able to determine which sector I was in by having someone analyse where this communication ended. Amusingly, if he'd called me a few days ago, then I'd have been able to swing over to Naboo. Dagobah was located close, relatively speaking, to the planet, but even if the call had come in then, I'd have likely not stopped by. I didn't want Padmé, or Sabé for that matter, getting the wrong idea.

"On the subject of Naboo and the Federation, I assume you've heard of the accident?" he asked, his smile falling.

"No. I've not spent much time on the Holonet, and mentions of the Federation often have me changing the signal," I replied having been out of the loop for the last few weeks.

"Entirely understandable. However, there has been an important, and unexpected development. Viceroy Gunray is missing and presumed dead along with the security escort."

"What? How?" I asked, curious to learn how HK had pulled the assassination off. Since I didn't know when or how it would happen, keeping my reactions genuine was easy. I'd even gone so far as to insist neither HK nor R2 mention anything about the plan until after it had succeeded. It now seemed that whatever plan, or series of plans as I suspected HK would've had redundancies in place, had worked.

"Can you secure your channel?" Palpatine asked. As much as I didn't want to, as it would grant him my exact location, I did as asked. What I was about to be told was obviously restricted information, and not doing as asked would lead to questions I didn't want to develop currently. After I nodded to confirm the channel was secured on my end, the Chancellor continued. "The details, as you can imagine, are under heavy security restrictions. Publicly, it's known that neither the Viceroy nor his escort and the ship he was travelling on, arrived at Coruscant. That is something my office was forced to confirm was the case. However, what I'm about to tell you cannot be repeated to anyone, not even the Jedi Council." There was the faintest of flickers of his lips, that if I didn't know the truth, might be dismissed as an issue with the Council.

"I don't think that'll be an issue," I replied, knowing full well I had no intention of speaking to any member of the Council for some time.

"The Senate Guard, working with Jedi, have concluded that the Viceroy was assassinated, however without proof of the fate of the vessel carrying him, or testimony from those escorting him, it cannot be confirmed."

"While I can't say I'm surprised that there was an attempt on his life," I said slowly, seeing no need to not be honest, "I'm shocked that it happened so suddenly. Was the ship destroyed in hyperspace?" I asked, postulating an obvious idea for why the security transport was missing and presumed lost.

"As I said, there is no proof currently, but it is the most likely outcome." He paused and looked down as if viewing a datapad or something similar. "About a day after the transport left Naboo, the ship made an unscheduled drop out of hyperspace. It was relayed to my office that the Viceroy had suffered a heart attack. The Jedi assigned to the mission were able to save him, but the preliminary report suggested the attack was the result of poison: one made from plants local to Naboo."

"I assume you've spoken with Queen Amidala and Captain Panaka about this?"

"Yes, and investigators have arrived there to search for a trail to the perpetrators. However, as I noted, the attack failed, and the ship re-entered hyperspace. That was the last time we had contact with the vessel. The working theory is that a secondary method, one that would cause an accident with the hyperspace engines, was activated when the Viceroy survived the first attempt."

I leaned back in my chair, considering the matter. "That seems likely, but that an assassin, one with a clear grudge against the Viceroy, moving from targeting him only to innocent members of the Senate Guard and Jedi Order is a rather large leap." I paused, and after realising what I was doing, pulled my hand from my chin in disgust. "Have the Council offered any insight into the matter?" I was curious as to which Jedi had been assigned to escort the Viceroy. I knew it wasn't Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, but I wondered if perhaps, this incident had resulted in the death of a senior Jedi, if not a Council Member. Regardless of which Jedi had died, I knew HK would be proud that he managed to defeat another member of the Order, though I was sure he'd have preferred to do so directly.

"Beyond being as annoyingly vague as ever," Palpatine started, making me smirk in agreement, "All they have confirmed is that the Jedi Knight assigned to the mission has become one with the Force. Given the difficulty there is in killing a Jedi, that has led me to accept the Viceroy, and the men I assigned to guard him, are already dead."

"I won't comment on the Council's thinking, nor that, as much as they might not like admitting it, Jedi have been dying at a higher rate than normal the last few years," something I knew he was well aware of and was enjoying, "but I'd agree with your logic. If the assassin could kill a Jedi, then the Viceroy and the Senate Guard would be child's play in comparison."

My mind was already playing over what HK had done, and while it seemed easy to consider I knew it wouldn't have been. The poison would've required anonymous contacts with a supplier, along with a dead drop. He'd then have had to find a way to have the poison added to the Viceroy's food; probably by reprogramming the food preparation droids to ensure it passed checks. From there, he'd have had other steps to consider, but a backup to the poison was logical. Haran, I suspected he had several in place, and the destruction of the transport was just the one that had worked.

"Yes, which is why the investigators believe the ship is destroyed and everyone onboard dead. However, without proof, I cannot reveal details to the Senate, the Republic, or the people of my homeworld."

"As a Jedi, I can't find enjoyment in the Viceroy's death," I began slowly, figuring I could use this moment to improve my standing with Sidious. "However, given the suffering he caused on Naboo, and no doubt on other worlds through the Outer Rim, I find it hard to mourn his passing. That said, the loss of innocents to ensure his removal is unacceptable."

"As a son of Naboo, I agree wholeheartedly," Palpatine replied with a nod. "However, as Chancellor, I'm concerned by the impression this gives of the Republic's ability to bring criminals to justice. And of how it weakens my government when we were planning for the Viceroy's trial to be the first sign that we would move to clean up the corruption in the Senate and beyond."

"That's easy to fix," I said with a small smile. "The invasion of Naboo happened under the watch of Chancellor Valorum, as did the Senate not moving to help a sovereign world of the Republic. It is a simple matter to subtly shift the blame to him."

Palpatine nodded. "My advisors had already suggested that approach, though I was reluctant to do so. For all his flaws, Finis did the best he could with the situation in the Senate." He shook his head, a small chuckle slipping from him. "Again, for all your distaste of politics, you show skill for playing the game."

"Less an interest in the game, than the simple offer of advice for a friend," I countered. "I'll leave the screaming masses of self-interested fools to you, Chancellor. I have neither the patience nor way with words to stomach such an audience."

"I suspect you undersell yourself," Palpatine replied with a kind smile. "Still, I'm thankful for the suggestion. On other, happier matters, it might amuse you to know that I have introduced legislation to appoint a co-Chancellor so I might have support for handling the Senate."

I blinked, caught out by the announcement. "Oh? Really?" I gulped hard as a horrid idea came to mind. "Please, tell me you're not going to offer that to me?"

Palpatine's head snapped back as deep, highly amused laughter rushed from him. "Heavens no!" He replied once he'd recovered. "Beyond knowing you would want nothing to do with the position, Republic law forbids any Jedi from holding public office. While it would be amusing to see your daily reaction to the Senate, I have another in mind for the role." As he paused, I felt a shift in the Force and a sudden well of concern formed within me. "There is much that I must deal with each day that any changes I wish to bring forth are already drowning under other minor, inconsequential matters. That is why I wish to split the role between two individuals and appoint someone with the gravitas and strength of will to join me in leading the Republic."

"That makes sense," I replied slowly, the well of concern slowly growing into a pit of despair as the Force continued to shift awkwardly around me. Something was happening that would change the course of history, and while I didn't know what that was, I knew it wasn't going to be good for me.

"It does indeed. And I believe you will approve of my selection: Magister Hego Damask."

My mouth opened, yet no sound emerged as I processed that Plagueis was going to join his Apprentice as the leaders of the Republic. everything I'd been working toward, and planning for had just grown a thousand times harder as now there were two Banite Sith Lords in control of the Republic.

My mind rushed through every interaction I'd had with the Banite Sith. From posing to Palpatine's nephew during a mission, through the seemingly random meeting with Plagueis on Mandalore to our discussions on the threat posed by the Vong. Somewhere along the way, things had altered so that Sidious didn't kill his Master, and now both Banite Sith Lords sat atop the very galactic government they planned to overthrow.

"How… unexpected?" I managed to get out, struggling to comprehend just how fucked I was.

Palpatine laughed loudly again, enjoying my confusion and shock. "It is, and your reaction has won me a very expensive, and very enjoyable casket of wine from the Magister." I blinked as he lowered his head in thanks, shocked that they'd bet on my reaction. That Sidious had predicted my reaction best wasn't a surprise as I'd had more interaction with him over the years. However, that they'd been willing to make such a bet in their public personas – I dreaded to think what they might've bet in their true forms – was unexpected, and perhaps, deeply troubling.

"W-well I'm glad to have helped you there, uncle, though I'm still struggling to understand this change."

"That is very apparent," the Chancellor replied with mirth. "However, thinking about the problems I was facing as Chancellor, and then remembering our discussions about several private matters," that was a clear reference to the Vong, "I felt I could kill two kath hounds with a single shot." He leaned closer and his volume dropped slightly. "When everything has settled down, perhaps we might all gather to discuss our shared concerns and how, with the changes I'm bringing forth, we might address them."

"Of course, uncle."

I would be willing to speak with them, but things for me were unlikely to settle down. At least not for several years as I had every intention of staying as far away from the pair, the Order, and Coruscant, as I could. The plans for myself and Anakin weren't set, but they would keep me busy enough that a trip to the Chancellor's office could be delayed for long enough that, by the time I knew I had to speak with them, I'd be able to hide the changes I'd undergone. Or at least play them off as improvements I'd made while taking my sojourn.

There was the chance that the Force would have plans of its own for me as well, but I felt I could work my current plans around them. Well, unless I somehow got dragged into a quagmire of a war somewhere that I'd never heard of.

Palpatine nodded, pleased at my agreement, and the reference to our faux-status as distant family. "Good. Now, onto other matters, and the primary reason I called." The console for the holo-display beeped, indicating an incoming datapacket. "The designs for your new limb have been finished," Palpatine said as I opened the file and saw four designs appear. "Since I wanted you to have some choice, there are options and for most, various sections are interchangeable. Every design has significant sections internally that have been left empty as I suspect you'll want to add features that weren't suggested for the designs. Much as you have for the Mandalorian gauntlets you wear."

"These… these are impressive," I said as I explained the first two designs. The circuitry, at least what was shown in designs sent over the Holonet, was arranged in ways that I didn't have much hope of understanding. Still, I could see that each design was state-of-the-art. So much so that Palpatine would've had to reach out to some very important and isolated people to have the designs commissioned.

The exact material the designs used for outer shells wasn't clear, but that was fine. I had plans to have those constructed of beskar or phrik; the choice depended on what I could get my hands on. As for the internal spaces, I had some ideas.

"Please, pass along my thanks to whoever you contacted to design these, and accept mine for doing so. I know you are extremely busy installing your people and ideals on the Senate and Chancellor's office." Palpatine bowed, accepting the praise.

"I'm pleased that you're accepting the designs without complaint. The designers are some of the more eccentric individuals I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." It was clear from his tone that he didn't think dealing with the designers was a pleasure, but he'd done so anyway. "Once you've selected your preference, shall I have the designer arrive on Coruscant to help oversee the construction and fitting of the arm?"

"So long as it wouldn't cause you issues, I'd prefer to have the arm built elsewhere," I replied.

"No, there wouldn't be. The designers were informed of this when they received the order, however, each expressed interest in being present for its development. Might I inquire as to where you plan to have the limb built?"

"Mandalore. I hope to convince the ruling figures to allow me to have beskar used in its construction." There was little need to hide that as the moment I asked for further help, or needed to speak to the creator, Palpatine would know where I was. Haran, he probably already expected me to choose Mandalore.

"I had already stated that as the intended destination for the full designs," Palpatine said with a smile. "Once you have chosen the design, I'll inform the creator of your location. I expect they will contact you or Duke Kryze so that they might oversee the creation of their masterpiece."

"Once I decide, I'll alert the Duke to prepare for the creator's arrival," I replied with a nod of thanks. "And again, my thanks."

"As I and Queen Amidala have said several times already, it is we and our people who have and will continue to, thank you for your actions, Cameron. Without them, and the sacrifice you personally made, our people would have remained enslaved and at the mercy of the Federation." I could tell he wanted to ask about Maul, but he couldn't. The matter, while he was aware I fought a Sith, the Jedi Council had, with him present, forbade me from discussing the matter with anyone. While I intended to obey that with most, others – including the Mandalorians and a handful of Lokella who had access to the full Battlenet – were already aware of my duel with Maul. Haran, Osto and others had taken the defeated Sith from the planet before the Council and Chancellor had arrived. "All I ask is that, once the limb is constructed and designed, you allow me to view it. I, and Queen Amidala, will be relieved to know you've been at least partially compensated for your sacrifice."

"Of course, uncle, and again, thank you."

He smiled, and then, understanding the time was up, ended the call. Once the link was closed, I leaned back in my seat and sighed deeply. While the designs for the replacement arm were amazing, and likely far beyond what either Anakin or Luke had used – a part of me was reluctant to accept any gift from Sidious. Or Plagueis for that matter.

Now, the replacement forearm and hand were going to be built by engineers chosen by Adonai and Dred Yomaget from Mandalmotors, but I had no way of knowing if Sidious hadn't instructed the designers to insert some form of tracker. Or possibly a section of code to allow remote access. I didn't think Sidious would stoop to something so simple as a method to track me, but just in case, if it could be wrangled, I was going to have two arms built. The second model would have its wiring and coding, if I could find someone skilled enough to do so, entirely replaced. That way, if the original model was corrupted or infected, I'd have a spare.

Before I could do that though, I had to head to Mandalore. My hand moved over the controls, determining where we'd have to change hyperspace lanes. Once the changes were made, I leaned back, letting my thoughts return to the surprise of Palpatine's call.

Hego Damask becoming Co-Chancellor was, in simplest terms, a fucking nightmare. I'd never know if this had happened, or would've happened if Sidious hadn't killed Plagueis, in the other timeline, but I had to deal with it now. No matter how I looked at it, things had gotten exponentially harder for me to survive what was coming. The future, as people loved to say, wasn't written and always in motion, but having two Banite Sith ruling the Republic was not how I'd ever wanted things to go.

My only hope, which was a slim one at best, was that it would take the pair longer to begin the war that would bring about the destruction of the Republic. That and the fact that I had the Chosen One at my side. It was going to take a fucking miracle to get us both ready for what awaited us on the horizon, and I knew I couldn't slack off in our training. Haar'chak, I'd probably have to find a way to tip over the board before the game began if I wanted any chance to win. The question, and it was going to sit in my thoughts for some time, was how to do that.

… …

… …
I watched as the mechanical fingers responded to my mental commands and slowly clenched and then unclenched. The wrist then moved, rolling around in a fluid imitation of what flesh and blood should do. As with the forearm I'd lost, I couldn't see the joints in the replacement moving, though the surface wasn't solid or covered in synthflesh. Instead, small scales of beskar shifted around. There was a faint sound from them as they rubbed against each other, but not the screeching of metal I'd expected.

The entire surface was covered in beskar, blackened during the forging to give it a colour that matched my armour, though it retained the distinctive patterns of the alloy. For the joints like the wrist, the surface wasn't solid, instead, it was made up of smaller sections that shifted around each other as the hand and fingers moved. As far as I could tell, no matter which way the limb moved – and in theory it could move in unnatural ways but I'd yet to test that – the internal circuitry and servos remained covered and protected.

"How does it feel?"

I turned and looked at the Arkanian designer of the limb, Hakan Ron. The male was an egotistical shebs'palon, yet his blueprint was a masterwork in the field of high-end cybernetic replacement limbs. Even when compared to the designs submitted by other designers. So much so that, from what I'd read on the man, many approached him for replacement limbs even when they didn't need one.

"It itches," I replied as I turned to face the Arkanian, the limb reacting to my thoughts and shifting around to present itself to him.

"That is to be expected," Ron replied with a half-sneer. "While the design is flawless, and the Mandalorian technicians have done an acceptable job of constructing my creation, the phantom, imaginary belief that something is wrong is a flaw of most sentients."

I ignored the insult, aware that Arkanians saw themselves as better than everyone else. Given the race's history of genetic engineering, that was hardly a surprise as through science they'd pushed their genome to its pinnacle. While there were many sub-species of Arkanians, even the lowest of their caste system was superior to the baseline Human in almost every way.

"If I might?" a Mandalorian asked as he stepped forward, medical scanner in hand.

Ron lowered his head and moved to allow the medic, one loyal to Duke Adonai and had been the one to oversee the fitting of Adonai's replacement leg, to come closer.

The scanner ran over my elbow, where the bone had been altered to allow the limb to be attached. I could, if I so wished, remove the limb with my other hand, however, the programming of this limb meant that others couldn't. It needed me to concentrate on commanding the levers that attached the metallic replacement to my elbow, and the beskar covers there, to slide back. Of course, if anyone wanted to remove it without my permission, they could slice through the flesh just above, but given that my armour was being altered to cover the connection area, they'd need to remove the armour to get at the flesh.

"No signs of rejection or infection," the medic said as they examined their scanner, drawing a sneer of contempt from Ron. Thankfully, the Arkanian bit his tongue on whatever insult he had ready for someone questioning his work. The medic looked up at me and smiled. "I'll have some medicine sent to your quarters, with dosages to take over the next week, but with your age, health, and the Force, I suspect I won't have to see you again."

"As much as I'm happy about that doc, thanks for your help."

The medic chuckled and nodded, before turning and walking away. That allowed Ron to step closer, his eyes examining his masterwork. "From what I'd heard about beskar, I didn't think it would be suitable for my creation, but it seems even I can occasionally make a mis-determination."

"I don't think they're going to let you take any of the alloy," I said quietly, a small smirk creeping onto my face.

"Yes, I'm aware of the cultural importance they place on it. Still, it was an interesting experiment to see how it, and our rare materials such as phrik, work for such limbs. It has granted me new insights into my future projects." He paused, his eyes scanning the limb carefully, looking for any flaw in the design. I knew his gaze would focus on the sections of the forearm where a hidden compartment was, but the edges were seamless from the outside.

While those had been in the initial designs because of Palpatine's specifications to the various designers, I'd chosen Ron's not just because it was a masterpiece, but because it had the greatest internal storage. Once the choice had been made, and I'd been placed in contact with the Arkanian, I'd asked what it would take to ensure the various servos and motors could generate enough force to crush durasteel. Ron had taken only an hour to alter the design and resubmit the revised plans to the Mandalorians.

It had delayed the construction of the limb for several days as we waited for the components needed. Several of them were extremely high-end or restricted, but a call to Palpatine ensured they were released for me. Because of those new components, and the beskar casing, Ron believed the limb could remove a blast door from its hinge. The issue, as he was more than willing to point out, was that the rest of my arm lacked the necessary strength to achieve such a goal.

With the Force boosting me, it would be possible for me to duplicate that feat with ease, but I wasn't at that point yet in my retraining. Nor, once I had regained my training with the Force, would I need to use such a crude method of entry. Still, the idea that I could rip such a door from its hinges was not something to ignore. The terror factor for whoever was on the other side of seeing me do that would probably be more frightening than learning I was a Jedi.

The internal circuitry was just as advanced as the servos and overall design. However, I only knew that because Anakin and the Mandalorian designers, once they'd signed agreements to not reproduce Ron's work without his permission, had gone over the design with awe and reverence. Still, even without the experience of the Arkanian, Anakin had seen a few small tweaks that Ron had missed. The Arkanian hadn't enjoyed having a Human child discover the minor – insanely minor in most cases – improvements, though his reluctance had lessened when he learnt Anakin was training to be a Jedi.

The beskar coating ensured that beyond the destructive power the limb possessed, I could use it to deflect blaster bolts and even if needed, grasp a lightsaber blade. And that was just the beginning of the limb's extra features.

A micro-laser capable of burning through anything short of beskar and blast doors, explosive rockets of either micro or super-micro size though they had to be reloaded after one or three shots for each finger, and a data-jack to allow the arm, and the interface built into the upper section of the forearm that connected to my armour's HUD, access to any system were all in the fingers. Hidden inside the palm was a sonic generator that while not capable of killing could disrupt the balance of almost any sentient and could be transmitted through the palm or the back of the hand, along with other, less combat-orientated uses.

The forearm had fewer extras, but that was by design. The underside of the forearm was largely empty to hide whatever I wanted to place there. The section was large enough for even a standard lightsaber hilt, though not for a curved hilt. Once my main blade was rebuilt, I'd be keeping the shoto blade there in case it was ever needed. The upper side of the forearm, apart from having a similar control interface to those found on Mandalorian vambraces, held a small shield projector. The generator in the arm could power that for ten minutes before needing a recharge. Depending on how much of my armour I was wearing, that could be recharged in anything from thirty minutes to just five.

While the additional features of the limb were impressive, they wouldn't have helped greatly against Maul. There, I'd gone in with more intention of taking him down than outright killing him. While that had cost me my arm, I'd managed, just barely, to achieve that.

Maul was currently secured somewhere in the Mandalore sector, though I'd yet to ask Adonai, Torrhen, or Osto where that was. All I'd been assured of was that the location was extremely isolated, had been designed for the detention of any Jedi or Sith prisoners the Mandalorians had taken over the millennia – and from what they claimed, no Force user had ever escaped – and was isolated enough that if Maul did breach containment, the entire facility and everything with a hundred kilometres would be vaporised by the defence systems.

All that had relieved me as I didn't want Maul escaping. Not only would that return him to Sidious' side – at least if he and Plagueis hadn't officially taken on the replacement for the Zabrak and Dooku – but it would make the Banite Sith suspect I knew more about them than they'd currently thought I did. Which was to say nothing whatsoever.

Of course, with Plagueis, via his public persona, about to become Co-Chancellor – the Senate had narrowly voted to accept the change in leadership – I wasn't sure that if he did escape Maul would return to Plagueis' side. Since the Banite Sith worked on the Rule of Two, there was every chance Maul wasn't aware of Plagueis' existence or was promised by Sidious that Plagueis would be killed before Sidious became Chancellor.

It would be some time before I met with Maul, as I had to train myself and Anakin first, but that would be one of the first pieces of information I'd reveal to the Zabrak. I wasn't sure how, if it was even possible, to turn Maul against Sidious, never mind working with me, but if Dooku felt Vosa could be useful, then I was willing to attempt the same with Maul.

"I believe you are free to depart."

I looked at Ron and realised I'd become lost in my thoughts again. "Right, thanks for this," I replied as I lifted my new limb. "Not sure how I'll ever repay you."

"Beyond the considerable payment from the Chancellor's office, seeing the design built, and in the hands of a Jedi, is all the payment I require. Still, perhaps we might keep in semi-regular contact? It is unlikely that the design suffers issues, or that improvements are possible, but I would be remiss to outright reject the possibility."

"Certainly." I reached forward with the limb and gently shook his hand.

"Based on your grip, I would suggest training to determine the required strength needed for various actions." The faintest of smiles came to Ron's face as he spoke. "Though I suspect you and your companions are eager to place the limb through its paces."

"Aye, you could say that," I answered as we stopped shaking hands. Bo, Naz, and Fenrir were all waiting for me outside the clinic/mechanical centre I was currently in. While there was little issue with them being present normally, Anakin's need to ask questions, along with Fenrir's sheer bulk, had resulted in them being asked to wait outside. Anakin had left at some point while I'd been here, HK heading off with him to make sure the boy didn't get into trouble. Or perhaps it was Anakin trying to make sure HK didn't cause issues. Either way, my Padawan – and son – wasn't present, meaning I'd have to hunt him down once I left.

Moving past the Arkanian, I saw an empty cup resting on a surface. Figuring I could test both my control of the Force and grip strength at the same time, I reached out with the limb. Using the Force through the replacement felt odd, with a strange cold sensation. As if the Force disliked the artificial joints demanding it work with them.

The cup lifted from the bench after a moment's delay, something I'd noted was common ever since I'd taken Natural Selection, and moved across the space between the table and me. Unlike the first few times I'd done this – which had taken place in private aboard Raven – the cup didn't approach too fast, or deform when I tried to grasp it with the Force. While that slight delay was something I was still getting used to, it was something all Force users were meant to experience and would lessen with training, and the power I could apply with the Force now felt so much greater. Fine-tuning how much intent I had to use while using Telekinesis was something I was still working on, but as the cup reached my hand I felt I was slowly getting that understanding back. Which, given applying the Force this way was one of the most basic methods of using the Force, was understandable, and a relief that it had recovered as quickly as it had.

The limb grasped the cup, and I could sense in my mind how much pressure was being applied. My grasp was firm, but I stopped before I felt the sensors in the limb suggest the cup was struggling under the strength of the grip. Ron was right that it would take time and effort to find the limits of what a flesh and blood limb could do, and how to safely go past them, but it was just another form of training for me to master over the next two or so years.

Turning the limb around, I examined the cup, checking for any hint of damage from my grip. Finding none, I tossed it into the air and then reached out to grasp the Force with the limb. Again, it felt strange, even more so than how my connection to the Force was since taking Natural Selection, but the cup stopped in the air. It was a little later than I'd have liked, and it wobbled for a few moments until I stabilised, and then floated back to the table it'd come from.

I grunted as the cup clipped the edge of the table, my grasp wavering slightly and the cup drooping low enough to not slide onto the table as I'd intended. That was annoying, but it was another little sign that I had to keep practising my close control with this Force ability.

Once the cup was back on the table I walked toward the door, and the second it opened, a large black mass rushed in. "Fenrir!" I called out, getting my arms up to stop the tuk'ata from launching himself at me, or before he could slobber all over my face. One foot slid back, stabilising me against the mass that slammed into me, yet I was relieved and overjoyed, as for the first time in over two months I was able to keep my face safe from Fenrir's attention.

I pushed him down, using both hands to scratch him, and thus distract him from his attempt to lick me, and then to see Bo and Naz standing in the doorway.

"He wasn't the only one worried about you," Naz commented, a gentle smile on her face. Her eyes, like Bo's, were on my arms, trying to get a good look at my new appendage.

I lifted the limb from Fenrir, who whined about the loss of attention, and held it out for the ladies to inspect. "Almost as good as before," I said, then smirked as I remembered the sonic ability for the hand and thought of an interesting way to apply that. "Perhaps, in some ways, better."

They moved closer, their eyes locked on the patterns in the beskar. "Not many have such a thing made of beskar," Naz said as her fingers came out, tracing the faint lines in the metal. Her eyes darted to mine, and the spark of desire there - which radiated like an open fire in the Force and was mirrored by Bo – made it hard to look away.

"Not many can afford it," Bo countered, forcing me to turn my head to the red-haired warrior that I knew would be sharing my bed tonight. Osik, even if I tried to stop them, I knew there was nothing that would keep both from sharing my sheets or much that would stop me from letting them do so.

What did catch my attention, ever since I'd returned to Mandalore, was that while I'd spent more time with Bo than with Naz, in every way, I felt a stronger draw to the blonde. I could sense her feelings and desires easier than I could from Bo. I put that down to Pre Vizsla's daughter having enough Force potential to at least be considered for training by the Jedi if they'd have discovered her at a young age. Still, I'd have expected a deeper connection with Bo simply because of the time, in combat and elsewhere, we'd spent together. Of course, another part of it could be that Naz was far more emotive than Bo, with the redhead not, in any way, a fan of public displays of affection.

The same was true when we were in private, at least to a degree. Naz was more submissive than Bo, and because of that, seemed more willing to express herself in the bedroom, or any other room for that matter, than our shared lover. Bo had to be beaten, but once that was done she was as pliable as Naz.

Initially, I'd kept the pair away, worried how Serra might react to sensing that I was enjoying myself while she continued to mourn her dead Master. I'd not yet reached out to her but planned to do so soon. Yet, after three days of the pair making it clear I could have them if and when I wanted when they walked onto Raven on my fourth day here – which was the night before – I'd given in and enjoyed an evening with the pair. I might've had to limit what I could do with the Force helping me, but neither had seemed to mind, and both had risen late this morning.

"What does it do?" Naz asked, a curious smirk on her face as her fingers traced along the back of mine.

"I'll keep that a surprise until we get to the training ground," I replied, turning the hand to grasp her fingers between mine. "Where'd Anakin go?" I knew he was with HK, but where in the sprawling Clan Kryze complex we were staying in I wasn't sure of as much of the location I'd not yet explored.

"An'ika?" Bo shot back, her lips twitching. "He got bored of waiting and headed off to a hanger to inspect some of the clan fighters. Don't worry, your war-droid should keep him from trouble."

"More likely HK is going to encourage him to find trouble," I replied, making the redhead chuckle.

"Aye, you're probably right." She moved closer, placing a hand on my flesh-and-blood forearm. "But enough about him. We're more interested in what your new limb can do," she added, whispering into my ear. "On and off the battlefield."

… …

… …
(Anakin's POV)
He was struggling to contain his excitement as he sat in Raven's co-pilot seat. The stars were swirling around as they raced through hyperspace, something Raven enjoyed, yet Anakin couldn't wait for them to emerge. Cam had told him about Kuat, and the shipyards there, and ever since reading up on the system and company, Anakin had been struggling to contain his anticipation.

The slightest amused grunts came from his side, where Cam was flying Raven. While he wore a glove to hide the wizard new arm he'd gotten, Anakin knew it was there. He'd seen the design and still enjoyed going over it, seeing how that strange white-skinned-and-haired alien had created it.

While that alien had been smart, he'd reminded Anakin of many people on Tatooine, before Cam had freed him and his mother. The alien - Cam had said the species was Arkanian - felt himself better than everyone else, and while Anakin understood the alien was smarter than most, the way he behaved wasn't right.

There was a brief moment when, thinking about Tatooine and his mother, where Anakin felt sad. He missed her and wished she could see him now. There was also that flicker of anger to find the Hutt responsible and kill them, but he didn't dwell on that. It wasn't the way a warrior, a Jedi, should think. However, he knew that, once he'd completed his training, and Cam felt he was ready to be a proper Jedi, then he'd help free others. Cam would be with him, as would Bo, Fenrir, and others and they'd make sure that slavery could be driven from the galaxy. Something the Republic, for all its seeming power, couldn't do.

Anakin understood that the Republic had its flaws; Cam's recent mission to Naboo where he'd lost his arm was proof of that. Yet, Anakin still had hope. Not just because he was being trained to be a Jedi, but because Cam had promised him that once he was ready, they'd move against the ones responsible for the death of his mother and others. Bo and some other Mandalorians had even promised to help.

They'd only left Mandalore a few days ago, and Anakin could admit he missed the planet. Or at least time spent with Bo. Unlike many others, she'd never treated him as a child. Instead, she'd shown him how to use blasters, including how to clean and maintain them. The other Mandalorians he'd met on their world, had done likewise, and he'd enjoyed spending time with those his age. They weren't like the children of the Lokella, or the friends he just about remembered from Tatooine. No, they, like him, were training for battle. To fight for themselves, their families – though they called them clans – and others.

It was still odd to hear others call Cam his father, and he knew Cam felt the same. Yet, at the same time, it made sense. From what Anakin had learnt about the Jedi, the Knights and Masters of their Order took younglings as trainees, and helped guide and raise them into becoming full Jedi. Anakin felt that was what a father should – help their child grow powerful enough that they could protect others.

To the Mandalorians, Anakin was one of them, which before Cam had freed him from slavery, Anakin would've found strange. How could someone not born to a planet or species be considered one of the people? Yet, after years with the Lokella, and the mix of races there, he understood the idea now. He knew he wasn't a full Mandalorian, that wouldn't come until he was thirteen and he completed his hunt, but Anakin already knew he would do everything he could to pass that test. Especially as it would force Bo to stop calling him An'ika! He disliked that term, even if he understood she used it because she cared about him.

He wasn't sure if he'd be able to match Cam's kill, but he was going to try. Already he had a list of beasts that, from what the Holonet said, were comparable in danger to a greater krayt dragon, though he'd not shown the list to Cam. He knew his friend… his father, wouldn't approve. The droids did though.

HK-47 was a wizard of a droid. He knew more about combat than even Bo and was happy to teach Anakin, when Cam wasn't around, how to fight against various races and groups. Even mentioning ways that a Jedi could be killed. Anakin had thought that impossible, but Bo had revealed that the Jedi Battlemaster – one of their greatest warriors – had fallen to the Sith that Cam had defeated. While learning that a Jedi could die was shocking, Anakin was proud to be Cam's Padawan. He was learning from one of the greatest Jedi ever!

Now, Anakin disliked being called a little meatbag by HK, but he knew the old droid didn't mean anything by it. It was how he referred to everyone except Cam and the droid's creator. Anakin was amazed that HK had been built by Cam's great-grandfather, and one of the most famous Jedi to ever live. Kriff, Cam had let Anakin read the full Knights of the Old Republic series of holonovels he'd written. According to Cam and HK, who'd been there, the accounts were generally accurate, and Anakin was still struggling to process that Revan, one of the most famous Jedi of all time, had been a Sith.

From what he knew, the Sith were evil, though Cam had warned him not to think in such absolute terms. While Cam was keeping things from him, which Anakin both hated and understood, he had explained the core difference between the Jedi and Sith. The Jedi worked with the Force, accepting its judgement and guidance. The Sith bent the Force to their will and made it do what they wanted.

At the time, Anakin had thought that meant the Jedi served good and Sith evil, but the more he'd thought about it, the less certain he was. The Force, as it had been explained to him by Cam and Master Dooku – one of the few people Anakin willingly called 'Master' without any concern of the term – didn't always want to do what many would consider right. That had Anakin questioning if the Jedi did all they should to protect the galaxy, or if they didn't because the Force didn't want them to.

A faint, but familiar shift in Raven's behaviour, along with a gentle shift in the flow of power through her frame, brought Anakin's mind back to the present. That change in Raven meant they were about to drop from hyperspace.

"Not just yet," Cam said, amusement radiating from his tone and through the Force.

"But we're close," Anakin said as he looked at his father, "I can sense Raven's excitement."

As he spoke, his eyes were drawn to the glove on his left hand. The glove meant those who didn't know wouldn't see it and thus wouldn't ask about it. With the various features the limb had, Anakin understood that applying synthflesh was a mistake as the moment one of those features was activated, the synthflesh would rip.

Anakin had seen Cam practising with the limb before they'd left Mandalore, and while he didn't want to lose an arm, he could see the use of the replacement Cam had. It was like he was wearing part of the Mandalorian armour even when in nothing but Jedi robes! Of course, even under his robes Cam wore much of the armour, but Anakin was happy that even without his lightsaber, though he did have his shorter backup one, Cam wasn't unarmed.

"Fair enough," Cam replied after a moment staring at Anakin before turning his full attention to the controls.

Anakin watched as Cam's fingers moved over the controls. While Raven responded instinctively to Cam's requests, the reverse wasn't quite true. Cam had always been off in the Force, though Anakin was only now beginning to understand that. That he, a child only just beginning to understand and use the Force could sense Raven and Fenrir's feelings better than Cam had always been an odd thing.

However, ever since they stopped on that swamp world, Cam had changed. Or at least how he appeared in the Force had changed. Cam, even with him seemingly closing himself off to the Force – not that Anakin understood how that worked yet – to Anakin, it was as if whatever was blocking him from sensing Cam was gone. Like someone had suddenly thrown open the blinds of the only lit room on the darkest of nights.

Within that light, even now as muted as it was, Anakin could sense something different about Cam. There was danger there, a threat. Yet, for all that he didn't understand where that had come from – either it had always been there, or was only a recent change – Anakin wasn't scared. He knew that the danger radiating from Cam would never be directed at him. That, whatever it took, Cam would protect him, and their odd, extended family.

If Anakin told anyone about those he considered family, they'd think him crazy. While Ferox, Lia, and Cam made sense, the others wouldn't. Yet to Anakin, they were all one giant, if odd, family. From Masters Dooku and Fay down, through Bo, Simvyl, HK and R2, to Fenrir and Raven, Anakin considered them all family. While the first two came from him the rest, even him, were centred around Cam.

Master Fay, before she'd left on whatever adventure she was still on, had explained that Cam had some sort of destiny. That the Force had a plan for him, more so than it did for other Jedi. She'd also hinted that the Force had plans for him, but Anakin wasn't sure if he liked that idea. He'd been under the control of another once before, been forced to do as Watto demanded, and he didn't like nor miss it. Now, he knew the Force wasn't like Watto, but the idea that someone controlled him, and decided what he'd do and where he'd go didn't sit right. And when he considered his mother, and what had happened to her, he found himself unsure about the Force, as if it was guiding him to where it wanted him to go, why had it let her die?

Shifts in Raven's sensations confirmed they were about to exit hyperspace, and Anakin pushed thoughts of his mother and the Force aside. He leaned forward, his hands gripping the top edge of the consoles at his station – not that he used them while Raven was in hyperspace – and felt his excitement growing. An amused chuckle slipped from Cam, meaning he could sense Anakin's joy, but his father didn't say anything, and a moment later, they slipped out of hyperspace.

Anakin felt his eyes widen, trying to take in everything he was seeing. "Whoa," he muttered as their view was taken up by thousands if not hundreds of thousands of starships moving around. They varied in size, shape, colour, and every other way under a sun; almost to the point that the distant star of the system risked being blotted out by the sheer number of vessels moving around. "So many."

"Coruscant's worse," Cam commented, "and more organised."

Anakin ignored the comment. As much as he longed to see the capital of the Republic, to walk through the halls of the Jedi Temple, Anakin knew they wouldn't be going there for a while. Cam was adamant they weren't heading there anytime soon, and while he didn't understand why, Anakin felt he understood Cam's reluctance to be there.

Lines of freighters, ranging in size from about the size of Raven up to massive bulk hauliers, moved to and from the main planet of the system, as if spokes on a wheel extending out into the heavens. A pair of YT2000s broke from one line, heading toward them. No, toward the jump point. Anakin, in a flash of understanding, realised the system would have assigned jump areas for ships to come and go. Otherwise, if they dropped from hyperspace closer to the planet, or one of the long lines stretching out from it, they might cause an accident.

The freighters moved closer, a flight of four escorts moving in behind, as other smaller patrol craft buzzed around the various lines of ships. looking, when seen against the giant bulk freighters, to be little more than flies on a bantha's back.

Anakin's eyes shifted down the spears of ships that extended outward, his gaze turning to the massive metal ring that encircled the planet. "Wizard." He'd read about it on the Holonet, even seen images, but laying eyes upon it was another matter entirely.

Near the ring, rising as if moving to see its domain, the frame of a ship so massive that it dwarfed everything nearby emerged. Anakin strained, trying to see which ship that was, and the Force helped. The lines of the distant vessel became clearer and sharper, and he thrust a finger forward. "T-that's a Praetor-Class!" He called out excitedly, struggling to not jump about in his seat.

The Praetors were massive ships, at one point the largest warships ever built in the Republic at four kilometres in length. Now, centuries after their initial design, they'd been surpassed by others, but that ship dwarfed even Mtael's Gift and the giant ringed ship that was now orbiting Gaia in the ShaDo system.

"Yes, and if you look to the right and further back, that appears to be a Mandator."

Cam's statement had Anakin's gaze jumping around, trying to find the even larger vessel. If not for the belt Cam insisted he wear whenever he was in the cockpit, Anakin felt he'd have jammed his face against the transparisteel viewport to get a better look at the pride of Kuat's designs. "Wizard!" he shouted as he laid his eyes upon the shadow slowly rising over the Kuat ring.

It didn't take him long to see as at eight kilometres long, the Mandator was, according to Kuat Drive Yards, the largest warship in the Republic. It dwarfed even the Praetor as it rose, reminding Anakin of stories where a king stepped onto his throne to survey their domain. Yet, for all its size, the Mandator and those that came before were wrong.

When reading the files on the massive Star Dreadnoughts, Anakin had noted that every one of them was under-armed and underpowered for a ship their size. He'd learnt that this was because of the Ruusan Reformation, and could see the reasons for that law, but it felt stupid to Anakin. What was the point of building something that powerful, and making it unable to do its job?

A beep from the communication console broke Anakin from his thoughts on the mighty vessel, and when he turned, he saw Cam had opened the channel.


The image of a Human man, older than Cam but younger than Master Dooku appeared. The uniform made clear he was some form of security officer. "This is Kuat Yards Fleet Defence. Your ship is an unscheduled arrival in our system. Please state your name, that of your vessel, and the purpose for your visit to the Kuat system." The man paused for a moment. "Failure to comply will result in penalties ranging from expulsion from the system to imprisonment for you and the impounding of your vessel."

Anakin frowned, not liking the tone the man was using toward Cam. Didn't he know he was speaking to a Jedi?

Cam, however, found the greeting amusing and chuckled before answering. "In order, I'm Jedi Knight Cameron Shan. My vessel is named the Jade Raven, and I'm here with my Padawan to explore the system, and if possible, to speak to someone of skill and importance about upgrades and repairs to my rather unusual vessel."

Anakin smirked at the reaction of the man in the holocall. "Ah, I see," he blustered, trying to recover from threatening a Jedi. "My apologies Master Jedi, for my bluntness." Anakin snorted, not buying the change in attitude for a second. "We weren't expecting a member of your Order to arrive. Certainly not on a private vessel." The man paused and turned his attention to something at his end. "Your ship… It fails to match any record we have. Might I request, for our records, where the vessel was constructed?"

"Raven is a unique starship," Anakin agreed happily with that assessment, "so it's not a surprise she's not listed in your records. She was built on Zonama Sekot by the ship creators there." A confused look flashed over the man's face, meaning he didn't know the world. Anakin didn't either, only being aware of its connection to Raven. "I doubt you've heard of it as it's a small, out-of-the-way shipbuilder deep in the Outer Rim." While Cam maintained a calm tone when speaking, Anakin could sense his amusement about some private joke.

"Very well," the officer replied slowly, as if not buying Cam's words. "I'll have your details added to our records and will arrange a flight vector to a Republic hangar for you. When you land, someone will greet you to learn more about your needs. Fleet Defence out."

The channel closed before Cam could reply, and Anakin blinked at the behaviour. "That was rude," he muttered.

Cam started laughing at that, which had Anakin frowning. He disliked private jokes, especially when they were directed against him. As much as he was happy to be a Jedi and Mandalorian, there were times when Cam, Bo, Master Dooku, and others found something amusing, but he didn't know why. It annoyed him, especially when it was a reference to his training with Cam, but he hoped that, when he was older, he'd understand the jokes he was missing out on. Though perhaps not the ones that Bo often made toward Cam and that blonde woman.

"You'll find that, for many, after weeks, months, or even years doing the same thing, politeness is often lost. Too much repetitive work, and not enough satisfaction with their job means that they can barely be bothered to go through the motions." As Cam spoke, one of Raven's consoles beeped, which Anakin knew meant she'd received new flight data. Before Cam could look at the new path, Anakin felt Raven turning, moving toward their new destination.

He'd never spoken to Cam about it, but Anakin had mentioned to Bo that he was jealous of Cam's connection to Raven, and of how the pair seemed to be of one mind at times. Bo had laughed and ruffled his hair – which he normally hated, but didn't mind from Bo or her friend – before explaining that the ship was born with a connection to Cam and Master Fay. She'd not gone into details, but the bond had shifted to Cam and grown stronger due to something that happened. That didn't help Anakin much, but when Bo said she was jealous of Raven as well, Anakin did feel better. Even if he felt she wasn't jealous in the same way he was.

"Still, he could be nicer. We're Jedi," Anakin muttered as he sat back in his seat. The annoyance at the man's behaviour faded quickly as he returned to gazing out of the viewport. While the flight path wasn't anything impressive, Anakin couldn't help but get excited as he realised they were moving closer to the Mandator.

A glance at the display meant he knew they weren't landing on the mighty starship, but they'd fly close enough that he'd be able to make out details. Which, a few minutes later, he would. Still, he understood that without the Force helping him, he'd not be able to make out the details he saw.

The lines along the hull, the various turbolaser, missile hatches, laser cannons, and other emplacements were definable. Anakin also saw slots where he felt there should be more weaponry. That there was nothing there was because of the stupid Reformation, and made the ship, at least to him, feel unfinished. As if it was going outside without all its clothes on.

Smaller ships, perhaps as big as Raven, slipped in and out of the various hangars in the Mandator, though what drew his attention was the massive bulge that rose from the top and sunk beneath the bow. It was large, though less than a quarter of the ship's length and Anakin knew that was the power core of the massive starship. That core was larger than almost all the other vessels in the system and generated enough power to keep a megacity powered for centuries. Or it would, if the core was ever fully powered as there was no need for it to ever be so. It lacked the weaponry and engines to require anything more than half power from the reactor.

Even if the Mandator, the Praetor and the other mighty vessels Kuat had built felt undressed, Anakin longed to get inside them. He wanted, no, he needed to learn how they worked, to see how the various features of such mammoth vessels were configured to work together. Perhaps if they were here long enough, Cam could arrange a tour for them.

The communication console beeped again, and Anakin wondered if the annoying officer was calling them back. Yet when the channel opened, there was a young woman there. She wore some form of uniform, but it was clear to Anakin that she didn't work from the same group as the previous caller.

"Hello there," Cam said with a friendly smile. "How can I be of assistance to a lovely young lady such as yourself?"

Anakin rolled his eyes, not liking Cam's tone. He talked that way with Bo and Naz, and while the blonde Mandalorian liked it, Bo seemed to get annoyed by it. At least that's why he thought they were busy fighting in Cam's quarters most nights. Or he hoped they were fighting as Anakin didn't want another sibling: at least not for a while.

The woman smiled back, one hand coming up to push back some hair. "Master Shan, I'm…"

"I'm not a Jedi Master," Cam cut in, giving her another smile, one that he'd used with Bo, Naz, and others. "Just a simple Jedi Knight, making my way through the galaxy." Anakin knew enough to know Cam did that to make the women happy, but only Bo seemed to not react to it. At least not immediately, but the longer he could go without thinking about what Cam was doing with Bo and Naz, the happier he'd be. All that adult stuff was gross.

"Ah, my mistake," the woman resumed, and while he didn't like seeing Cam behave this way with some random woman, Anakin could enjoy how easily his father could disrupt the woman's thinking. "Just to confirm, you're the same Cameron Shan who recently led the forces that liberated Naboo from the clutches of the Trade Federation? The same man that is friends with the Chancellor?"

"Possibly." Cam's tone was relaxed, yet Anakin could sense amusement rushing from him. As if this was all another joke that only Cam was aware of. Underneath that though, when the Chancellor was mentioned, Anakin swore he sensed something different. Not fear, but concern perhaps. Given the Chancellor was Cam's friend, was new to the job, and Cam held a clear dislike for the Senate, Anakin believed that was simply Cam showing concern for a friend. And if he was a friend of Cam's, then he was a friend of Anakin's.

"If you could manage it I require a more definitive response." The woman's tone had changed, matching the jovial one Cam was using, which meant Cam's approach was working. Anakin might not enjoy seeing this, but it was interesting to see how easily Cam could make the lady like him, and he wondered if it might work for him the next time he wanted Bo or Naz to show him some advanced weapons or technology.

"Then yes, as much as it pains me to be recognized, I'm that Cameron Shan. Though if there's someone out there pretending to be me, I'd like a word or two with them."

The woman smiled widely at the joke. "Then on behalf of my employer, I wish to extend an invitation to you and your crew to have dinner with him. He is most eager to meet the Republic's latest hero."

"If I might know who your employer is?" Anakin leaned forward, curious about that as well. That they'd want to meet Cam wasn't a surprise, as news of what had happened on Naboo was all over the Holonet. And with the changes to allow Co-Chancellors, it had returned, meaning Cam's name was back in the news. Cam disliked the attention, claiming it made it harder to do his job, but Anakin liked it. It meant he was getting trained not just by a friend, but by a hero.

"I represent the president of Sienar Design Systems, Raith Sienar." Anakin gasped, which drew a side glance from Cam. Anakin knew that name! Raith Sienar was regarded as one of the foremost names in shipbuilding, famed for several of the many innovations brought to the market by the parent company Santhe/Sienar Technologies. While SDS, and Sienar Fleet Systems – the company that produced SDS designs – mainly focused on smaller craft, the reactor cores of the Mandator and its predecessors were SFS designs. Anakin had always wondered what someone like Raith Sienar was like, and how he came up with his designs and innovations, and now the man was reaching out to meet Cam!

"I'm honoured that someone as important and respected as Raith Sienar wishes to meet me," Cam replied, keeping remarkably calm for someone learning they were meeting one of the most powerful, and in Anakin's mind impressive, people in the galaxy. "However, I'm curious as to why he wishes to meet a simple Jedi. At least beyond the reasons you mentioned when confirming my identity."

The woman smiled. "It would be better if Mister Sienar explained that to you personally." That was a non-answer, and Anakin hated those. However, if he was going to get to meet Raith Sienar, he could live with it.

Cam glanced at him, and Anakin nodded as slowly as he could, trying to hide his enthusiasm. He knew he'd fail as Cam would sense his excitement in the force, but he still tried to maintain as laid-back an appearance as possible. "Then, on behalf of myself and my Padawan, I accept," Cam said once he turned back to the woman.

"Excellent. I shall speak with Kuat flight control and have your flight vectors updated. While Santhe/Sienar Technologies doesn't maintain a permanent location in the Kuat System, Mister Sienar has rented a private section of the ring. One clear of the prying eyes of others."

"Provided I'm not about to step into a dispute between your boss and KDY, I'm happy to accept the altered flight plans."

The woman nodded, and Anakin sensed, even if she didn't show it, that she was impressed by Cam's response. "I assure you that there is nothing nefarious nor political about the invitation, Master Jedi. Mister Sienar simply wishes to meet not only a member of your Order but the Hero of Naboo."

"And someone he thinks might have the ear of the Chancellor, well one of the Co-Chancellors."

"Yes, that as well," the woman's respect for Cam ticked up slightly at him, displaying more understanding of the situation. Anakin didn't care about politics, but he knew that Cam having connections with Chancellor Palpatine would mean people knew him. He'd just not expected that friendship to result in the chance to meet Raith Sienar!

"Then I look forward to meeting your employer. I await the new flight details, though I hope Mister Sienar won't find my presence, and my lack of understanding about starships, or galactic politics disappointing."

"I assure you that Mister Sienar finds politics as distasteful as you, Master Jedi. He simply wishes to enjoy the company of a famous member of your Order." The console pinged, indicating it had received the new data. "You should have the new coordinates?" Cam nodded. "Then I, and my employer, await your arrival."

The signal cut out, and Anakin leapt. "Woo-hoo!"

"I take it you're excited about this?"

Anakin stared at Cam in disbelief. "Yes! Raith Sienar is one the greatest designers of starships alive today! And he wants to meet us!"

"Yes, he does. And by a chance of fate, SDS is one of the companies I have on my list for speaking to about upgrading Raven. Or at least seeing if it was possible to do so without hurting her." The lights in the cockpit flickered and Anakin sensed Raven's concern. "Don't worry," Cam said, placing his hand – the flesh and blood one – on a section of organic panelling. "I…" He glanced at Anakin. "We won't let anyone hurt you."

"Yeah, that's right," Anakin added, and the lights pulsed as Raven relaxed.

"Now, before we meet Sienar, I need you to be mindful of your words and actions," Cam continued now that Raven's concern was soothed. "As I said, his name, and that of SDS, were on the list given to me by Alor Dred. However, he was meant to be on Coruscant. While his presence here shouldn't suggest something is wrong, I want you to behave when we meet him."

"Yes sir," Anakin replied, even snapping off a joking salute.

Cam rolled his eyes at the action. "If we have time, which I doubt, then you can ask him a few questions about starships. But only if I allow it."

Anakin nodded rapidly. He'd behave. He would. Otherwise, Cam wouldn't let him ask his questions. The problem was he had so many questions he wanted to ask Raith kriffing Sienar that it would be hard to settle on just two or three.

… …

… …
(Cam's POV)
"Now, remember, best behaviour," I reminded Anakin as we walked down the corridor toward our meeting with Raith Sienar. However, unlike what I'd expected when his assistant had called us, we hadn't landed in a private dock, but aboard Sienar's personal cruiser, The Pride of Tion.

From the outside, the ships seemed relatively nondescript. The framework was one designed by Sienar Fleet Systems and appeared unimportant, bar the paint job which marked the ship as very clearly belonging to Santhe/Sienar Technologies. Near the bridge, under the logo for the main company, a smaller logo for Sienar Design Systems, the cutting-edge research branch that Raith had headed up until assuming full control of the company after his father's death six years ago, at the age of just twenty-two.

"I know," Anakin replied with a touch of annoyance. That was entirely unsurprising as I'd made the point to him nearly a dozen times since we'd first spoken to Sienar's assistant. She had met us when we docked with The Pride of Tion, and I'd learnt her name without the need to use Observe. I still had, of course, to see if it gave me any insight into Arle Keer, but nothing stood out beyond a faint hint of attraction. However, I didn't need Observe to sense that, and while there was little outward sign of that attraction, I still played into it while she gave us a tour of the Sienar flagship.

Well, she gave one to me and Anakin. Simvyl remained with Raven, while I'd insisted that HK and Fenrir stay behind lest they cause a scene either through an unadvised comment or action. R2 was given the chance to come with, but the astromech decided to remain on Raven as well.

The tour of the ship was, after a little over forty minutes, finally over and Keer was escorting us to the formal reception and dining section of the cruiser to meet Sienar.

What stood out, as we moved through the corridors, was that while the ship was decorated to an exceptionally high standard, nothing felt extravagant or over-the-top. Yes, the carpets we were treading on were, according to Keer, Wrodian carpets, with each section taking generations to produce. While sections of the corridors held displays of wealth, not every surface was covered with or held a podium for a work of art. Some even held models of vessels that Santhe/Sienar had a hand in developing.

Anakin had loved those, seemingly knowing every model, much to Keer's amusement, and happily answered any question the boy had, though, for a few, she had to turn to a datapad that was constantly in her arms.

The doors of the cruiser were made of chromium, with platinum edging and finishes, which I didn't particularly like as it made them seem like giant mirrors which blinded you if the bright overhead lighting caught them at the wrong angle. They did, however, have the effect of making each corridor seem larger than it was, which I had to believe was intended.

As we neared the meeting, my mind once more played over the chances of meeting one of the names at the top of Alor Dred's list. I understood that the Force tended to place me where it felt I needed to be, but this might be the first time it had – if it had been involved – ensured that I got what I wanted. Still, even accounting for the slight increase in my LUCK, I found it odd that the head of Santhe/Sienar Technologies, which was based in the Tion Cluster, would be met at Kuat. Even if they often collaborated on ship construction and design, SST and KDY were competitors in many of the same fields, so the chances of the head of SST being at Kuat when arrived were slim enough to have not been considered by me when I'd plotted our course for KDY.

As we rounded a corner, I glanced down at Anakin. His eyes were still wide, taking in everything around him, which made sense. Not only was Sienar something of an idol for my Ad, but this was his first official meeting as my Padawan. I'd gone over the rules of what was permissible before we'd left Raven and even reminded him gently at times during our tour. So far, bar his need to point things out and ask questions, he was doing well.

Keer stooped as we reached a set of doors. Unlike many of the others we'd come across, these were considerably larger, and decorated with engravings and inlaid with gems. The display was a touch gaudy to me, but if this was a room used for high-level meetings with VVIPs, then the display made sense.

"Mister Sienar will meet you inside once he has concluded his business," Keer said as he tapped a button on her datapad. The door slid open, exposing a large, almost cavernous room. "If you have any requests, be it for some food and drink or otherwise, please don't hesitate to ask one of the service droids."

"We will," I replied, placing a hand on Anakin's shoulder to stop him from racing into the room to examine the droids. "Thank you for the pleasure of your company," I added with a nod and wide smile.

Keer smiled back and returned the nod. Her outward response was otherwise calm but even with my connection to the Force dulled, I could feel her small interest. I wasn't planning to bed her, but there was no harm in being polite with the help, especially when it was as attractive as Keer.

Anakin raced into the room the moment I released my hold on him, and I chuckled. "Children these days," I said with a shrug before following him into the room. Keer remained behind, but I could feel her eyes upon me as the doors closed between us.

The room was large, with the ceiling two decks, perhaps three, above us. Murals of starships in motion, several of which I recognized as being made, or at least partially made, were dotted around sufficiently to make clear the importance of who we were about to meet. The walls themselves were dark blue, though they didn't appear to be painted but instead, some sort of decoration, while the floor was covered in a dark green carpet that, when combined with the walls, reminded me of an ocean.

In the centre of the room was a large circular table made of wood that reminded me of mahogany. Seats of the same wood, but with cushions of a similar shade to the carpet ringed the table, with each space – which was wide enough for three people to eat comfortably – having plates and cutlery made of either silver or platinum, while in the middle a large crystal starship dominated proceedings, though it wasn't of a size that it would prevent those on opposite sides of the table from seeing and speaking with each other.

"This place is wizard!" Anakin called out, his voice echoing around the room. He turned to me, his arms and with a wide smile, only to stop as I stared at him.

"What did I just say?" I asked as I walked toward him.

"Ah, right," his arms fell to his side while the smile shrunk. "Sorry. It's just that this place is amazing!"

"Yes it is," I said as I placed my artificial hand on his shoulder. "However, you need to remember that not only are you representing the Jedi Order, but our clan. As it's Alor, your failures reflect on me and may make others question our right to be in places such as this."

Perhaps it was a little underhanded to emphasise both roles we currently filled, as Jedi and Mandalorians, but I knew that Anakin had started placing more importance on the latter. Especially now that he was, to any Mando'ade we met, my son. I wasn't comfortable with thinking of him in that way, at least not often, but I expected that would change over the next few years.

"Yes sir, sorry." He looked down at the carpet and lightly shuffled his feet.

"I understand your excitement, but you need to learn to control it, not let it control you." I removed my hand and looked toward the table, wondering what ship the crystal was meant to represent. "Emotions aren't a bad thing, but you need to think before you act. Particularly when around powerful figures such as Raith Sienar."

"That is a title that could apply to you as well, Master Jedi." I turned at the voice, not having caught the faint sound of a door opening, to see a man entering. He'd come into the room from one of a half-dozen smaller doors that dotted the room, and I knew this was our host.

Raith Sienar moved closer, extending a hand as I noted his clothing. While it was of high quality, much like the decorations of this cruiser, it wasn't over-the-top or gaudy. "I'm sorry if I kept you waiting," he said as he extended his hand, "but an important matter of business ran longer than I'd anticipated."

"We've only just arrived," I replied as we shook hands. "That you're willing to meet us at all means waiting is a trivial matter. Someone in your position would, I imagine, find a hundred little matters daily that weren't intended but require your presence." As I spoke, I used Observe to get an understanding of the man, having to trust it alone for now until I felt comfortable using the Force in a complementary manner.

Raith Sienar
Race: Human
Level: 31
Health: 96% (Lack of sleep)
Age: 28
Force Potential: Low
Threat Potential: Low
Reputation: Neutral
Affiliation Loyalty: Raith Sienar (100%)
Emotional State: Curious
Raith is interested in meeting Jedi: particularly the one behind the recent liberation of Naboo and who has a direct connection to the co-Chancellors.
However, that interest is overridden by his desire to examine your starship.
He believed that all Sekotan vessels had failed several years ago and that yours is still working has greatly intrigued him.

Nothing there stood out, bar perhaps him knowing of my connection to Damask. Though that might just be him thinking my friendship with Palpatine would allow access to the Munn as well. A starship designer such as him being interested in Raven wasn't a surprise, and should, in theory, make it easier to discover what, if any upgrades were possible for her.

"Yes, that is sadly true. And while many of those issues require a personal touch, most can be delegated to my assistants or others beneath me," Raith replied, keeping an open, friendly smile on his face as we stopped shaking hands. "Something the Jedi are also known to do."

I chuckled at the comment. "I'm not sure many Jedi would phrase it that way, but you're not wrong. Many, if not most of the Order focus their attention inward on the connection we share with the Force than on the day-to-day activities of those living in the galaxy."

"While I know little about the workings of the Jedi, I do feel that many in the Republic have turned against the Jedi because of their apparent disinterest in others. Though that doesn't apply to you, does it?" he stepped back and seemed to take a second look at me. "The Hero of Naboo; a man whose name is on the lips of figures of power throughout the galaxy, including, from what I understand, that of our new co-Chancellors. One of whom hails from the very world you liberated." He smiled and shook his head. "If you were anyone but a Jedi, many would suspect your actions of having political intentions behind them," he added, gesturing toward the table.

"As I've told others, including Chancellor Palpatine, I have no interest nor patience for politics and would prefer to face off against armies of battledroids than the Senate."

"A wise choice. I personally cannot stand dealing with those who say one thing yet mean entirely another." He turned at that and looked at Anakin. "And who might you be?"

"Anakin Skywalker, nice to meet you!" Anakin blurted out as he took and shook Sienar's hand before it was fully extended.

"You'll have to forgive my Padawan," I began as Sienar smiled at the boy's exuberance. "He has an interest in starship and droid design and so greatly admires you."

"Oh, is that so?" Sienar looked back at Anakin and laughed. "I never thought I'd meet a Jedi who was a fan of my work. I'd have thought you spent more time thinking about the Force than caring about how a starship works."

"I only recently became a Jedi," Anakin said quickly as he released Sienar's hand, a slightly sheepish look my way coming before he continued. "Before that, I helped my mo… others repair and improve the various starships we had. And I helped with Cam's arm!"

Sienar turned to me, an eyebrow rising in curiosity. After giving Anakin a look, suggesting I'd be talking with him about giving away such information so freely, I pulled the glove over the limb, exposing the now black beskar that covered the replacement.

"Hmm, interesting." Sienar took a step closer, his hands moving toward mine, only for him to stop. "May I?" He asked, to which I nodded and as he lifted my hand, I used the other to pull back my robe, exposing the rest of the device. "This appears to be of Adasca design, though I believe I see hints of Xi Char philosophy in the way the sections flow together." Sienar was talking more to himself than us as his fingers moved over the surface of the limb. I knew where he was touching based on sensors in the limb, but only the hand provided more than a general sense of where I was being touched. After spending some time examining the arm with his hands and eyes, he looked at me. "An impressive piece of technology. One that, if I am correct, was rumoured to have been commissioned by Chancellor Palpatine less than two weeks after the liberation of Naboo."

"It was. While I didn't ask or expect it, I'd be a fool to turn down a work of art such as this design, which came from Hakan Ron of Adasca," I added, confirming Sienar's suspicion. "The beskar was a personal touch I arranged through contacts I have in the sector."

"Impressive that they allowed it. The Mandalorians are famously jealous of allowing anyone outside their cultures access to beskar, let alone to use it." He looked me over, wondering what I'd done to earn that right. "I'm sure there is a story there, as to how you became such a respected friend of the Chancellor. Still, I admit I'm more curious about how a Jedi lost an arm. While not invincible, I've been led to believe that defeating a member of your Order is extremely difficult."

"While Jedi aren't as they're often portrayed in the media," that drew a chuckle from Raith, "and we are highly skilled, we are still mortal and can be overwhelmed."

"Yes, I suspect that's true." Sienar returned his focus to Anakin. "Now, young one, might I ask where you studied and what sort of vessels you've worked on?"

"I, um, I learnt from my m-mother." The stutter when mentioning Shmi was understandable, though Sienar wouldn't catch the meaning behind it. "After Cam freed us from slavery, we joined the Lokella, and I got to work with them on their starships. Those varied from freighters to corvettes and even a few larger vessels."

"The Lokella?" Sienar glanced at me. "I don't believe I've heard of them before."

"It's a group of former slaves who formed a community and work to free other slaves." I kept my reply short, not wanting to dwell on the Lokella. While it was unlikely Sienar had connections with the Hutts, I couldn't discount it as those grubby slugs had their hands in many pots.

"Cam founded the Lokella!" Anakin blurted out, wanting to make me sound grander to one of his idols, and in the process, ruining my intentions of keeping the Lokella far from Sienar's thoughts. "It's because of him that they have so many ships and weapons."

"I just gave them the means to remain free," I added quickly, not wanting Sienar to probe much further. "What they've done since then is entirely on them, and I'm reasonably certain Raith Sienar didn't invite me here to discuss the actions of a minor group of former slaves."

Anakin frowned at my blunt dismissal of the Lokella, and I knew I'd have to explain my logic here to him later. For now, I kept my focus on Sienar, and his on me. Our time here was going to be limited, and I needed to get down to my reason for wanting to meet him; something he shared. At least according to Observe.

"While I admit I'd love to hear more, you are correct." Sienar again gestured to the table, and we began the short walk toward it. "I admit that while I, like many, am curious about your Order, and had hoped to speak to one of your Order for some time now. At least outside an official capacity. That I get that chance with the Jedi that dominates the airwaves, the Hero of Naboo, is an unexpected pleasure." An amused smile spread on his face. "Especially when, while reviewing the Holonet, I saw images of the Mandalorian dreadnought in orbit over Naboo along with three captured Lucrehulks." I reached the table, but I waited until Sienar was at his seat as it was bad manners to sit without the host's permission. "While the design lacks grace and style, it more than makes up for in function. At least given the number and variety of weapons that appear to be on its hull. Something that, unless I miss my guess, violates the Ruusan Reformation."

He reached his seat at that point and gestured for us to sit, and after I'd done so, I replied, "The Ne'tra Tal'ade is a relic of the New Sith Wars. Or it was," I chuckled, as did Sienar. "I can't comment on its payload, but I suspect that many in the Senate are concerned to see it combat-ready and violating a ruling that the Mandalorians never agreed to."

"Indeed, the mere presence of such a vessel likely stirs concerns of a Mandalorian resurgence across the galaxy," He acknowledged.

"The Mandalorians of today differ greatly from those of the ancient Crusades," I interjected, a hint of defensiveness creeping into my tone as I spoke on behalf of my people. "While many still yearn for war, our society is fragmented. It has been centuries since a new Mand'alor, a true leader, emerged. The galaxy has little to fear from us, at least for now."

"I meant no offence to your people or their traditions," Sienar quickly clarified, his hand raised in a conciliatory gesture. "I was merely agreeing with your assessment of how various groups, like the Cathar, might react to a Mandalorian warship near a Republic planet. Chancellor Palpatine has addressed such concerns by publicly expressing gratitude for Mandalorian assistance in liberating Naboo. I've heard rumours that he's even granted Mandalorians safe passage in their system. And with Magister Damask now co-Chancellor, I suspect this issue will fade from the forefront, except for the most ardent supporters of the Reformation."

"While the Reformation may have been a necessary political manoeuvre, I believe it was overly restrictive in its scope. The Mandator class, for instance, seems crippled compared to what it should be."

Sienar's smile in response to my critique was unexpected. "It's not often I encounter a Jedi with such views, but I've heard you're anything but typical. But enough about politics and my reasons for inviting you aboard my starship; shall we dine as we continue our discussion?"

"It would be our pleasure, Mr. Sienar," I replied graciously.

"Please, call me Raith," he insisted, his hands coming together in a light clap. "I dislike formal titles; they make me feel older than I am." I couldn't help but smirk at that. It echoed my sentiments about being addressed as a Master Jedi, especially since I hadn't truly earned that title.

"In that case, Raith, please call me Cam, and my Padawan here is Anakin," I suggested, nodding towards my apprentice as a few droids approached. Initially, they seemed like standard service droids, but upon closer inspection, it was clear they'd been customized to serve as waiters and mobile trolleys.

"Care for a drink, sir?" A droid with a copper hue, resembling C-3PO, inquired in a feminine voice as it approached, bearing a tray with three bottles. "Today's selections include Domaine de la Maison sur le Lac, Chandrilan Honey-Rose, or Hapan Gold."

"As much as I've developed a taste for Maison sur le Lac, I wouldn't mind trying something different. How about the Honey-Rose?" I mused aloud.

Maison sur le Lac was a prestigious wine from Naboo, one I'd often enjoyed in conversations with Palpatine. At two thousand credits per bottle, or so it was priced before the invasion, it stood firmly in the upper echelons of Republic wines. I recalled indulging in the fruity libation during Naboo's liberation celebration, seated beside Padmé and Palpatine at the heart of the festivities.

The Council hadn't been thrilled about that, but apart from fulfilling my duties as a focal point, I relished the meal and the company. Palpatine might be my adversary in the grand scheme, but he was a captivating conversationalist, and I considered him a friend—so long as I harboured no doubts about his true intentions and plans.

"An excellent choice," Raith commended as the droid poured the Honey-Rose into my glass. "I prefer the Hapan Gold. And what of your Padawan?"

Anakin shrunk into his chair when I looked at him. "Perhaps one glass," I said with a smile. He might be young, but he was a Jedi and Mando'ade, and I didn't want him to feel left out. "Though he'll sip it slowly and if he doesn't enjoy the taste, ask for something else."

Anakin looked at the droid as it moved closer. "Um, could I try the Domaine?"

I watched in amusement as Anakin watched the wine enter his glass while taking a sniff of my wine. It had a stronger scent than the Naboo wine and was a deep burgundy whereas the Maison sur le Lac was purple.

"Now, while we wait for my chefs to create something for us," I suspected they already had the meal planned out to a T. "Perhaps I might know more about you and your Padawan? Starting, if I might, with your unusual vessel."

I took a sip of the wine, savouring the sweet taste that it brought forth. After swallowing, and getting a slightly flowery aftertaste, I responded to Raith's statement. "You may, but I can't say how much detail my answer will contain."

Raith laughed and raised his glass to me. "A wise and intelligent answer. I see your friendship with Chancellor Palpatine has taught you at least the basics of the game?" I raised my glass to confirm his suspicion. "Such behaviour adds fuel to the rumours I've heard of your position in the corridors of power. While you're young, your name and recent feats – I'm aware you were part of the diplomatic team that negotiated on Zygerria – have many I know wondering if you might seek political office."

"Rules forbid a Jedi from being Chancellor."

"Yes, but only the Chancellor. Not, from what my lawyers have told me, from other positions of importance in the Republic. Perhaps not even from becoming co-Chancellor."

"I've often told Chancellor Palpatine that I'd rather face a rancor in combat than wade into politics," I remarked with a wry grin.

Raith chuckled in agreement. "Indeed! Rancors can be more agreeable than some Senators." Anakin's sudden cough into his glass drew our attention, and he visibly shrank in his seat.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

Raith waved off the apology. "No need to apologize. Might I inquire about the rumours regarding your familial ties to Chancellor Palpatine?"

I chuckled at the question, taking another sip of the Chandrilan wine before responding. Though different from Naboo's offering, it was a delightful beverage. I entertained the idea of acquiring a few bottles for storage aboard the Raven if I could find a suitable broker. Personally, I preferred ne'tra gal or a robust ale or lager, but I understood that not everyone shared my tastes.

"I was born on Talravin, but the records of my birth were altered for a mission where I had to pose as a distant nephew of the then Senator Palpatine. I'm surprised the records weren't changed back, but I suspect that the new Chancellor has likely used that connection to curry some favour with Senators predisposed toward the Jedi."

"I would be shocked if he hasn't. Just as I, if you'll permit it, might mention that we're acquainted with each other."

"I see no issues with you doing so. So long as I might do likewise when your name might open a door that would otherwise remain closed."

Raith stared at me for a moment before shaking his head and laughing gently. "You claim to not wish to play the game, yet understand how it works, and at such a young age as well. You are quite unlike anything I expected from a Jedi."

"Why be like everyone else when I can simply be me," I said in response, which drew a round of applause.

"Yes! Exactly!" Raith took a sip of his wine before he spoke again. "Now, dropping politics and such discussions, at least for now, your vessel has intrigued me ever since I saw it dock." He leaned forward, placing his glass on the table. "Unless I'm grossly mistaken, it was designed and built by the shipbuilders of Zonama Sekot.

"She was," I replied slowly, making it seem I was uncertain how he knew that. While Observe had told me he was interested in her, that he knew of Sekot, at least concerning starship design, made sense. That said, there was a faint sense in the Force that his interest went beyond the professional.

"Then I must ask how exactly it… sorry, she is still flying. I know of several individuals who possessed a ship built by the Sekotans, but around two years ago, if the rumours and snippets of information I've collected are accurate, every single vessel they'd built stopped working. The vessels, as incredible as it sounds, seemed to wither and die."

"I can't go into full details, as the Jedi Council have instructed me to not do so, but I'll reveal what I can." I knew I had Raith's interest, and was quickly determining the best way to use that to my advantage. "There was an incident on the planet as you say about two years ago. The incident was handled, but as we were leaving the planet aboard Raven, something unexpected happened. I don't know exactly what caused the issue, which you're saying happened to every vessel the Sekotan had built, but I felt Raven dying. Due to luck, perhaps some skill, and doing something my Master disapproved of with the Force, I was able to save her, and in the process, save the life of myself, my Master, and those with us."

Raith held my gaze for a while as if searching for what I wasn't saying. "Then it seems the rumours I've heard are true. The Jade Raven is, like other Sekotan vessels, partially organic."

"She is."

Raith leaned back, one hand coming up to rub his chin. "I can't claim to be an expert about the Force, but I understand that it exists in all living things." I nodded, confirming that. "Hmm, then you using the Force to save her makes, from what little I understand, sense. Something that, because they weren't trained as Jedi, none of the other owners of a Sekotan ship could achieve."

"That would be my assumption as well," I said, enjoying talking with Raith. He wasn't what I expected, at least not from the head of one of the largest companies in the galaxy. His interest in Raven made more sense now, and I didn't need the Force or Observe to know his interest in Raven was genuine, and based on a need to understand something unique in his field of interest. "The planet held some form of connection to every ship built there, and when whatever it was that happened, those vessels, for lack of a better term, died."

I'd continue to dance around what had happened on Sekot, but Raith had a far clearer understanding of everything that resulted because of the Vong attacking and then Sekot leaving than I'd expect anyone without official knowledge to have. Perhaps, with his position, he could be brought in on the truth regarding the Vong. The only downside of that would be bringing the man to the full attention of Palpatine and Damask.

He should already be on their radar for the buildup of forces they'd need for the Clone Wars, but I couldn't be sure if it was Raith, and through him, Santhe/Sienar Technologies, that much of the GAR or CIS technology came from. Or if he was a minor player in their plans, and by bringing him to their attention regarding the Vong I'd alter things in ways that would make my mission that much harder. Such as Damask becoming co-Chancellor.

That risk lay with every name Dred had given me, but Raith was one of the more powerful and prominent on that list. Which made this conversation, as oddly enjoyable as it was, far riskier than I'd expected.

"Then, with the Sekotans no longer producing vessels, and all other ships they have manufactured, for lack of a better term, dead, the Jade Raven is one-of-a-kind. There are many, both public figures and those working in the underworld, who would want such a vessel for themselves. Not that I'm one of those, I assure you," he added quickly as Anakin tensed.

"That is a wise decision," I said calmly, having used Observe to confirm he was honest in his assessment. If he hadn't been, then I'd be forced to see just what happened when I used the Force without much ability to control it. "And one I believe to be true."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that. Truly I am. However, while I have no interest in attempting to take the vessel from you, lest I anger both the Jedi and the Chancellor, I wish to ask if, perhaps, I might be allowed to examine your vessel more closely."

Even without the Force and Observe I could see the interest he held toward Raven. "Amusingly," I began as I smirked, "I had planned to seek out those with an interest in examining Raven. Your name was on that list, though I had little expectation of meeting you, it seems the Force felt that we should meet." Raith's brow rose, curiosity easy to see. "While Raven is an exceptional vessel, one I would, if you're interested, be willing to allow you a flight upon, her builders had a strict no-weapons policy. While for most of my work, that is fine, I seemed to encounter hostile situations at a higher rate than even other members of my Order. I'm unsure if weaponry can be added to her without hurting her, I hope to examine my options to increase her survivability."

"Yes, I see what you mean by the Force bringing us together. Most serendipitous but exhilarating." He laughed gently and then lifted his glass. "I eagerly accept your offer of a flight aboard the Raven and offer both myself and the minds at my company's most advanced research laboratories to examine if your wonderous ship might be improved upon."

I lifted my glass, and we clinked them together, confirming the deal, or at least the framework of one. We both knew there was more to be sorted out, but for now, we had an accord.

Just after that, the doors on one side of the room opened, and a trio of droids rolled in. Each carried several plates and behind them came another three models of protocol droids. The aromas from the plates reached us, and Anakin's stomach grumbled loudly, making Raith and me laugh.

"Perhaps," he started as the food reached us, "while we eat, I might ask some questions of a technical nature. That way I can get an inclination toward what Raven is capable of and what you're looking to improve upon."

"Of course. And once we're finished, provided your stomach can take it, I'd be happy to show you just what Raven is capable of when pushed." If things went well, that would be the first of several flights Raith Sienar would take aboard Raven, and I was sure that Raven would want to show off. She might not be sentient in a way many could understand, but she had a sense of pride and proving herself to others was something I felt she'd enjoy doing. Particularly if it led to her being improved without being hurt.

The hyperdrive and various other components the Sekotans had used in her construction were some of the most expensive units on the market, but someone like Raith Sienar would have, in theory, access to parts that weren't currently publicly available. Nor might they ever be so. However, if I could get one or two of those added or swapped into Raven, without hurting her that is, then I'd be more than willing to do so. And if the cost for that was acting as a personal pilot for Raith for a few weeks, and letting him experience Raven's full capabilities, it would be a price worth paying.

Even if, I suspected, I could afford some, if not most, of the parts.

… …

… …
A/N: Sometimes, even when you don't intend to alter events, you do.
This story is cross-posted on Fanfiction.net, Archive of our Own, and Royal Road.
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And of course;

May the Force be with you. Always.
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Always a treat when this story updates.
Can't wait till we get to see what happens to raven!
Also Cam 100% needs to teach Anakin what opsec is.

On a semi related note, how many chapters ahead is the patreon?
So just be clear, there will no more "Stats at the end of **** Arc?"

There will be. I just held it back until after this, as it was a ton of 'system stuff', so having that placed in the latest Stats post made sense.

Either errors or a deliberate nod to GoK.


Yeah, those are slips, I'll see about fixing them.

Unless I misinterpreted that as sometime before the Clone Wars, in Attack of the Clones, Obi-wan confirmed Sifo-Dyas died "over ten years ago." So some time after The Phantom Menace.

Yeah, but Cam's not taking chances with the timeline staying as it is. Which, as is seen later in the chapter, is a wise choice.
Darth Plagueis as Co-Chancellor is Cam's turn to quote to Anakin from ROTS
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On a semi related note, how many chapters ahead is the patreon?

It varies. Lowest tier gets that month's public chapter at the beginning of the month.
Middle tiers get a draft or two (which are ~60-70% of the final length) or are one redrafted chapter ahead.
Upper tiers range from 2 to 3 redrafted chapters ahead on Patreon, and if their Patreon linked to Discord, 4-5 chapters ahead.
Those 2 chapters ahead only get that for this story.
Those 3 ahead get it for all 3 of my stories.

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