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A thread to hold sheets made on sites with shit BBcoding


Dual Aurora Wave
May 24, 2013
Likes received
...For all that I love SB, it's current BBcoding makes me want to strangle people. I personally hope this thread hasn't been misplaced, but I have no idea where else to put this...


Majin Lilli Anderson

Time Patroller
Age Fourteen Race: Majin
Height: 4'2" (50") Weight: 75 Lbs

  • Willpower Below Average for a teenager
    Power Level 300,000,000
    Pure Form Power Level 10,000,000,000

      • A series of differing styles from her adopted Father's home timeline, Armsbearer styles combine Ki and martial arts to create a well balanced blend of offense and defense
        Style Skill Description
        Sword Well Trained Techniques preformed with the hands and arms, generally with thrusting or swiping motions. These techniques are designed for close-range, and thus have a very high 'Density' of Ki due to not being needed to be projected out. Sword techniques are designed to cut through and pierce through other Ki techniques, as well as easily rend flesh and bone. Eastern Sword techniques are similar, but focus more energy along the 'edge' of the blade for more powerful slashing techniques.
        - Sword the Joyeuse Trained [REDACTED until use]
        Axe Moderately Well Trained Axe techniques are used with the legs, and could be considered a counterpart to Sword techniques in a way. Axe techniques focus on overwhelming power and speed, relentlessly attempting to split the target in twain. Generally used with the heel, though they are able to be used with the ankle as well. They preform a similar function to Sword techniques, only heavier, harder, and faster. Eastern Axe techniques also allow for the further focusing of force behind a point or crescent shape, usually using the whole of the heel and bottom of the foot or the tip of it.
        - [REDACTED] The [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED until use]
      • Lilli's personal Fighting style that she has began to develop in the time since she joined the Time Patrol. While saying that it has a focus at all would be very inaccurate - the style tends heavily towards offense over defense, relying on Lilli's speed and natural durability as a Majin for defense
        Technique Level of Development Description
        - - -
        - - -

    • Technique Mastery Description
      Kaioken Mastered A powerful Ki ability to double one's power level, at a risk to the user's body
      Kaioken Multiplier X6 Mastered The ability to push the Kaioken even further, multiplying the user's power at an even greater risk to their body
      Kaioken Multiplier X8 Practiced The ability to push the Kaioken even further, multiplying the user's power at an even greater risk to their body
      Kaioken Compression Practiced A technique that Lilli appears to have developed on her own, combining Power Level Suppression, a degree of telekinesis and Kaioken to completely lock down her aura, preventing the Red flame like Aura that Kaioken is known for.
      Crimson Burst Practiced A technique that Lilli appears to have developed on her own, creating "gaps" in the shell of Kaioken Compression, This technique can be used for quick movements, ranging from creating small bursts of power to move the girl in unexpected ways all the way up to attempting to replicate Instant Transmission

      • Technique Mastery Description
        Galick Gun Mastered  
        Kamemeha Wave Theoretically Mastered, but untested  
        Solar Flare Learned  

      • Technique Level of Development Description
        Celestial Flare - -
        Spiral Buster - -
        Crimson Buster - -
        Prismatic Sunrise - -

    • Technique Master Description
      Telekinesis Moderately Well Trained Moving things through Magic
      Transmutation Well Trained Lilli has the ability to reach into matter with her magic, and rearrange that matter at the subatomic level - However, it can be said that she doesn't truly understand what it is that she is doing, but that is more because she isn't the most educated, and has no idea what the word Subatomic even means.
      Shapeshifting Poor/Instinctual An instinctual ability of the Majin Race, wherein their gummy, stretchy body can be reshaped and remade as they see fit. However, something about this ability has never set right with Lilli. Something about it just feels wrong to her.
      Candy Beam Instinctual An instinctual ability of the Majin Race, allowing them to use Magic to reshape things around them into food, particularly candy.
      "Cookie bomb" ??? A Technique that Lilli once accidentally used... somehow, that created a large number of floating, sparkly cookies that acted as high powered land mines. Despite her best attempts, she has been unable to recreate the technique

    • Skill Mastery Description
      Communication Poor Lilli is just so earnest and enthusiastic and bad at talking to people, let alone trying to prevent herself from being talked into things
      Tinkering Calamitous Despite her interest in technology, Lilli can barely manage using her Scouter, let alone anything more (or less, really) complex.
      Cooking Technically Decent
      Since coming to live her Luke, Lilli has learned much about cooking, however no amount of training will fix the biggest problem with her cooking... Lilli's palate is for things that are:
      A: So hot they really should probably be on fire
      B: Spicy enough to kill a cow
      C: Sweeter than Diabetes
      D: Sour enough to stop even Goku from eating her food

  • Time Patroller Guidebook
    A book given to all time patrollers which includes all the rules and stuff
    Karen's Ring of Protection
    A powerful magical ring given to Lilli by Karen, goddess of the lost, which can allow her to call upon the goddess and also can form a powerful armor around Lilli - something akin to a mobile bunker
    One of Luke's bandanas that Lilli borrowed from her father

  • Anderson
    Lilli is now officially the adopted daughter of Luke Anderson, and as such is part of the Anderson Family
    Much to the girl's rather obvious glee, everyone seems to think she's some shade of adorable, even when she tries to be badass
    Time Patroller
    Lilli is an official member of TokiToki's Time Patrol, acting as the eyes, ears, and hands of the goddess of time, making sure that things happen as they were supposed to.
    Dragon Slayer
    A title given to those who slay Dragons. Lilli doesn't particularly remember what happened, but she understands that that is because she went Pure form
    Pure of Heart
    A title spoken of in whispers and children's tales, it is said that only those truly pure of heart can take hold of the power of the first Majin, though such power is dangerous even to the user

    • Lilli's backstory will go here

      • Battle Description
        - -

      • Losses Description
        - -

      • Luke Love
        Lilli's Adopted Father. She would do anything for him.
        Bassoon -
        Mato -
        Bonny -
        Cynthia -
        Matsuba -
        Taka -

      • Chronoa - -
        Trunks - -
        Mr. Buu - -
        Brolly - -
        Frieza - -
        Endivan - -
        Letece - -

      • The Elder - -
        Gladiolus - -
        - - -
        - - -

    • The Time Queen Loath Description go here
      The Enemy Loath Description go here
      Lord Verde Terrified Hatred Description go here
      Verde Empire Hate Description go here
      Gorrak Confused Feelings Description go here
      The Beyonders Dislike Description go here
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Look forward to you finishing it.
I assume that her power level is actually closer to the FPSSJ level by the time of the tourney.
You should probably also include a note about wave extension.
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Yeah, waiting on a reply from Fourth on the discord about how much of a PL gain Lilli got from the last arc before I completely finalize the sheet...

I just can't stand SB's bbcoding
I'm suprised that Lilli is far enough into armsbearer training to be developing her own ultimate weapons, but I guess she always likes to jump ahead.
The name of the ultimate sword doesn't give a ton of info on what powers it actually has, all things considered. The wikipedia article said something about it being a good sword, and that it changes color but...
Why did you redact the other ultimate weapon's weapon base when you gave it a dash underneath ax?
I have both of the ultimate techniques ran by Fourth, but Lilli went out of her way to keep the second one secret from everyone, especially Luke during development because she wants it to be a surprise.
I have both of the ultimate techniques ran by Fourth, but Lilli went out of her way to keep the second one secret from everyone, especially Luke during development because she wants it to be a surprise.
'kay. I was just confused since you formatted it like it was a sub-technique of ax (as you did with the ultimate sword), but didn't call in 'ax the [redacted]'.
Also, you should probably have a spot to put her skill in the foundationals (ki talents, stuff like flight, ki control, and ki sense).
  Age --
Sex --
-- --
Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy -- -- --
Martial -- -- --
Stewardship -- -- --
Intrigue -- -- --
Learning -- -- --
Prowess -- -- --
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Silver Millennium
One day...

Capitol The Crystal Millennium Company Building
Ruler Authority Divine Monarchy Ruler Usagi Tsukino
Population 13 Territory 4000 Square Feet
Employees 8
Attention Rank IV There is a company selling lessons about how to use magic, and it... It isn't like the others that have popped up over the years. This requires a lot of math, and it has visible effects.
Funds 121 Weekly Income
31 (Allowance)
15 (Company)
Weekly Expenses 2 (Candy)
2 (Arcade)
8 (Employees)
Turn Total Income 68
Crystal Millennium Building

Floor Room Tier Effect
Ground Lobby MAX Allows for Interaction with the Public


Toshiyuki Yamankai - Magically Awake, Enhanced by Shapelin
Shizuka Yokoyama - Magically Awake
Senshi Rei Hino, Haruka Tennou
2 Class Room I Unlocks the ability to teach the public
Junnosuke Aoki - Not Magically Awakened
Azumi Fujimara - Not Magically Awakened
Senshi Ami Mizuno, Minako Aino, Artemis
3 Library III
Unlocks Intrigue Training
Scans for Threats
Shigeo Kanai- Not Magically Awakened
Usagi Tsukino, Michiru Kaiou, Luna
4 Conference Rooms II Unlocks Diplomacy Training
Can be Rented out
Masaru Aino - Not Magically Awakened
Osamu Konya - Not Magically Awakened?
Senshi Makoto Kino, Naru Osaka
5 Teleport Beacon I Allows for Ease of Travel
Roof Rooftop Access I Increased Security
Relaxation for the Senshi
Employees Madoka Akimoto
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Usagi Tsukino

Age 14
Sex Female
Personality Traits Emotional Composure
+1 to All, +20% Dip, +2 Dip, +1 Lrn, -2 Int
Heart Flower
It looks like a lotus?
Estranged love?
...That doesn't sound right

Minori Tsukino
Usagi's Daughter and Heir from the future, escaping backwards into the past to escape an unknown threat.
Element: Unknown
Kenji Tsukino
Usagi's Father! Works as an editor for a newspaper.
Element: Paper?
Ikuko Tsukino
Usagi's mother. A housewife who is still coming to terms with magic and all of what it can do.
Element: Wind?
Shingo Tsukino
Usagi's younger brother. May... technically be heir to the Moon Kingdom since Mini hasn't actually been born yet? Or is she... How does time travel effect lines of succession?
Element: Gravity?

Eyes of the Heart
+2 Intrigue
Shows Heart Flowers
Signet Stamp
A magical Signet Stamp that creates a unique signature for every person who uses it.

When used, Magical individuals and societies will be able to tell that messages are not falsified
Emergency Beacon A small crystal device that can be tracked using magical means

If equipped to a character, they will activate the beacon if they end up in trouble and need help
Disguise Pen
A Magic Pen that allows Usagi to transform into near any appearance that she can imagine, with the skills and capabilities that come with the disguise.

When transformed into a alternate form, instead of rolling Intrigue for rolls related to that position, instead roll the appropriate attribute, add Usagi's Intrigue Score, and then multiply by 1.1
Moon Rod
A rod of Orichalcum with a crescent of mithril, the Moon Rod is the symbol of the Princess of the Moon, a unique magical foci created for the original Serenity.

[Planetary] Healing Escalation - A Powerful healing spell that disrupts magical methods of mind control, and is capable of reverting transformed Humans back to their native forms

Beacon of War - Creates a shimmering magical weapon crafted from light that takes on a unique form for each user

Crescent Beam - Fires a beam of light out of the Crystal Rod that can damage the target
Communicators Allows instant communication between everyone who has one

Empathic (1 of 5 Nat 10 Diplomacy Rolls)
The more people that Usagi meets, the more walks of life she interacts with, the more that Usagi comes to understand those around her, a strength mightier than her magic or her muscles, it is the fact that people are people at the end of the day, be the Yokai or human, dark general or dawn goddess... People are people, and that means that despite whatever cruelties that they cast into the world, they are still at their core naturally good, they've just learned to be bad.
+2 Dip
Moon Princess, Waxing Crescent
Usagi has experienced what it meant to truly be the Moon Princess, if only for a moment. Now she has sworn to herself to no longer be just a beneficiary of her friend's talents. It is time for her to lead and inspire them with her own talents
+ 2 Dip

When one of Usagi's base stats is 10 or less, she gains 20% of the appropriate Councilor's relevant stat to her own, marked in brackets [] in her stats.
When Usagi's relevant base stat is 11+, she gains 10% of the relevant stat from the Councilor. All other members of her inner circle except herself and the Councilor gain 10% of Usagi's stat to their own.

[+1] Dip from Naru, [+2] Mar from Makoto, [+4] Ste from Alice, [+2] Int from Luna, [+2] Lrn from Ami
Waxing Lunar Will As the Moon begins to rumble back to life, the connection that the orbiting body has with it's senshi begins to give her more energy and power and life
Gain 0.5 actions to each stat per turn. This combined with Emotional Composure to give a total of +1 action in every category, and 1 free action to eeither Intrigue or Stewardship.
Secretarial Aid Usagi gains 10% of her Secretary's Stats to her own in {} Brackets
{+1} Dip, {+2} Mar, {+1} Ste, {+0} Int, {+1} Lrn
Tech Savvy During an encounter with a device designed by the Dark Kingdom, Usagi has had information related to how to use computers accidentally downloaded into her brain.
+1 Stew, (+2 Lrn when interacting with computers)
Swirling Blade (1 of 4 Combats until Proc)
With each passing battle, Usagi grows better and better with her sword, now having direction to increase her skills
+0 Prowess
Emotional Composure (6 of 15 Non-Diplomacy Attribute Increases until Proc)
Having thrown herself into a crucible of sweat, blood, and tears, Usagi has been heated and hammered out from an ingot into a long bar, but the forging process is yet done. She may be one step closer to becoming the woman she will one day become, but for now, the girl still needs to become well rounded, to strengthen that which she is weakest at.
Usagi gains additional actions for each Attribute whose BASE score = 10+
+1 to All, Increase Diplomacy by 20% (Effective +4)
Tuning III Evolves to Tuning IV on the week of August 3, 1992
The changes are slowing, not because they are weakening, but because with every passing day there is less and less that needs to be changed.
+4 Mar, +4 Base Pro | +12 Transformed Pro
Roiling Mana
Usagi has discovered that she has so much MORE mana to work with than she ever thought she has. When she really gets going, she simply overflows with power
Add 20% of Lrn to Martial
Sliver of Silver (665 of 1000)
Usagi knows that she has far more mana to work with than she ever thought possible. Her attempts to tap the tiniest, most fragmentary trickle of that power and stabilize it for her own use have succeeded! On the other hand, it seems to be stuck that way, at least for now...
+2 Lrn
Impulse Strike Usagi has discovered that letting loose control of her magic at the exact moment that she pushes creates a burst of power that imparts more force than she would otherwise
Add 10% of Mar to Prowess

Name Effect Description SM/UT
Moon Tiara Action +2 Prowess Sailor Moon transforms her Tiara into a magical ring that is able to purify and puree Evil forces SM
Moon Tiara Melee Action +3 Prowess A variation of the Moon Tiara Action that holds onto the magical ring instead of throwing it, treating it as a melee weapon instead SM
Lunar Rainbow Burst +3 Prowess
+1 Pro to Allies
Removes Possession Bonus to Youma
Creates a rainbow colored wave of light that grants a +1 to all allies, and wears away at curses and mind control, while healing the area around the user. SM
Moon Healing Escalation Heals mind control, reverts Youma back to their native forms, and can purify up to medium severity curses Creating a Shimmering ring of light, Usagi somehow... changes the space inside of the light, reverting things back to how they were before. SM
Beacon of War I Either Add +3 to Learning
Only one can be used per combat
Transforms the Moon Rod into a the Moonlight Staff SM
Beacon of War II Add +3 to Prowess
Only one can be used per combat
Transforms the Moon Rod into a long, two handed straight edged blade made of crystal SM
Crescent Beam +2 Prowess Fire a laser from the Moon Rod SM
Moon Sparkling Sensation +2 Prowess, Can set enemies and objects on fire Gathers magical energy between framed fingers to fire a laser of intense Moonlight SM
Sonic Barrage +1 Prowess, Allows usage of 1 Roll against up to 3 Enemies By uncapping the Limits on the Sonic Enhancers that Sailor Moon has for the purposes of Public Speaking, Sailor Moon is able to generate a powerful sonic blast that is capable of causing physical damage through sound waves alone SM
Lunar Healing Burst A spell that heals the target A powerful holy magic that heals and purifies and even repairs the physiciality of all things within it's range SM
Restore Reverts Sailor Moon to pristine condition A powerful spell that can be used once per 24 hours that resets Usagi's body back to how it was at the moment of first transforming SM
Sailor Teleport A spell that teleports the user Shifting into a level of subspace, the user can teleport distances SM
Sailor Side Step +1 Mar, +3 Pro. This spell can be used for free every other found. When this spell is used, the enemy rolls a d6, if they roll a 1 they lose their attack. Allows for short range teleportation during combat, which can occasionally confuse enemies SM
Reformation Reverts Target to how they were an hour ago
10% chance t to forget the events of the last hour
A spell that alters the target's body to the condition in which it was an hour ago. However, this spell is complex and hard to cast. SM

Name Effect Style Description SM/UT
Celestial Maiden Ascends Offending Pervert Roll 2 Prowess Challenges and a Learning Challenge

If all succeed, then target is removed from the field
Venusian Royal Defender Style An originally Venusian creation for the protection of the defenseless Moon Princess, the Celestial Maiden Ascends Offending Pervert technique is not actually magic, but a complex bit of marital arts that taps into the local leylines, finding a point where the Leyline either terminates or turns, and temporarily causing the two points to be connected, allowing an over the shoulder toss the target a great distance away. SM
Training +2 Pro N/A A record of the Prowess Training that Usagi has done  
Usagi's Stats

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 11 +2+2+1+4+2[+1] 23
Martial 11 [+2]{+2}+1+4+1 21
Stewardship 7 +1+1[+4]{+1} 14
Intrigue 5 -2+2+1[+2] 8
Learning 11 +1+1+2[+2]{+1} 18
Prowess 21 +3+2+2+3 31
Sailor Moon's Stat

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 11 +2+2+1+4+2[+1] 23
Martial 11 [+2]{+2}+1+4+1 21
Stewardship 7 +1+1[+4]{+1} 14
Intrigue 5 -2+2+1[+2] 8
Learning 11 +1+1+2[+2]{+1} 18
Prowess 21 +12+2+2+3+3+3+2+2+1+3 54
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Naru Osaka
Age 14
Sex Female
Education --
Personality Traits Calm:
+1 Dip, +1 Int
+2 Dip
+2 Dip, -4 Int
Heart Flower



Mother of Monsters (5 of ??? until Procc)
Naru is the Reincarnation of Tiamat, the mother of all monsters, which is the cause of her mighty hunger, and the very confusing feelings about the Moon Princess
When Naru is greatly stressed, tired, or out of magic, roll d20.
1-8: Naru abandons all actions she was taking in order to try and sate the hunger
9-20: Naru manages to keep her focus, denying the hunger

Add 50% of Learning to Prowess
Speaker of Tongues (6 of ??? until Procc)
It seems that Naru has something of a natural gift with languages... Is this something to do with Pandora?
When Learning a new language, or translating something from one language to another, increase the results of the roll by 10%, and decrease the max total required by 10%
Awakened Magic, Middling
(0% Cumulative)
(30% cumulative chance of upgrading per week)
Naru has reached the point of being practically average with her magic, if not for the hunger
To be entirely honest, Naru's reserves have reached the point of being remarkably only in their unremarkability, matching the power of the mages that Usagi has encountered, but Naru still struggles with the fact that she consumes more magic than she creates

Magical Training Toy A magical training game that uses magical skills

When equipped, adds a cumulative 33% chance to increase Base Learning up to a max of 12
Crystal Guardians

A pair of golems disguised as Hairpieces

+6 Pro

Chance of Prowess increase each week. Max: ??? Prowess
Crystal Rod
A replica of the Original Moon Rod of unknown Origin. Notably, the Crystal Rod cannot handle the power of Senshi level spell casting
Gain the Spells:
[Planetary] Healing Escalation
Beacon of War
Crescent Beam
Beacon of War Rod
The weapon that the Crystal Rod transforms into when Naru casts the Beacon of War spell
While wielding this staff, all of Naru's spells cost half of what they should magic wise, and their effects are increased.

Additionally, Naru gets a +2 to her Prowess Score
Magical Primers Vol 1 and 2

(194 of 300)
Vol 1:+3 LRN, +2 STE
Vol 2: +3 LRN, +3 STE
Once per turn when a LRN roll involving magic rolls a 5 or less, you may reroll and take the higher
Manual of Elemental Animation
+1 Learning
Every turn a 9% Cumulative chance of learning an elemental spell
Emergency Beacon A small crystal device that can be tracked using magical means
If equipped to a character, they will activate the beacon if they end up in trouble and need help
Communicator Allows for instant communication between everyone who has one

+2 Pro

Generate a number of elemental based effects, such as compacting dirt and rubble into stone, creating air, blooming flowers, emiting light, generating shadows, or creating flames
WARNING: Do not use this spell as the only air you breath for prolonged periods, as this can cause effects similar to the Bends
Crystal Walker Cause a Crystal to transform into a basic Quadripedal Golem A spell that creates a very basic Crystal Golem
Basic Biped A simple spell that allows the creation of bipedal Golems A spell that creates a Basic Crystal Golem that is capable of bipedal movement
Terra Healin Escalate Creates a wave of dark shadowy mist that roils out from Naru, healing those she cares about and harming those she does not. Has an unknown effect on Youma One of the Spells contained within the Crystal Rod. The spell functions differently for Naru than it did for Usagi
Beacon of War Transforms the Crystal Rod into a staff taller than the girl, with a weighted head like a hammer, and a bladed base like a sword One of the Spells contained within the Crystal Rod. The spell functions differently for Naru than it did for Usagi
Crescent Beam +3 Prowess Naru draws forth a beam so dark that it is blacker than night, firing it forth from a finger. Somehow, the beam completely ignores those Naru cares about, passing through them without injuring them.

Name Style Effect Description
Awakening Lilim Racial Creates new species By embuing Life Energy or Mana into an object, you can enhance and evolve it beyond what it was and into what it now is
Lilim Mutation N/A +2 Pro Records the changes made to Naru due to her unique powers

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 6 +1+2+2 11
Martial 2 +2 4
Stewardship 7 +2+3 12
Intrigue 10 +1-4 7
Learning 9 +2+2+2+2 17
Prowess 5 +3+2+6+2+7+2 27
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Age 13 (Biologically)
??? (Chronologically)
Sex Female
Education ???
Personality Traits Diligent:
+1 Dip, +1 Mar, +1 Stew, +1 Int, +1 Lrn
+2 Int, +2 Prow, -2 Dip
+3 Mar, -1 Dip, -1 Int

Critical Number: 22
Heart Flower
Thoughts of absent friends
I mourn your absence

Last of their Kind (2 of 10)
Luna and Artemis may be the last of the Mao, a space faring race who were part of the Silver Millennium, this... deeply distresses Luna, a fact that when combined with her building attraction towards Artemis leaves the girl deeply confused and terrified of her future.
Dip rolls towards Artemis are decreased by 10% due to being an emotional mess
DC of Rolls Artemis does against Luna are decreased by 10% due to her emotional state
Shattered Memories Due to the particular method by which Luna was cryogenically frozen, and the method by which she was awoken, her memories are scattered and fragmented
There are a great many things that Luna does not know that she knows/

Out of Place, Out of Time
(0 of 5)
Luna is from the ancient past, and while she has adapted well to the modern age, there are still social mores and cultural differences that she struggles to really understand
(1 of 3 Interactions towards the next Procc)
Diplo / 2 when interacting with modern elected officials unless they have sworn fealty to the Silver Millennium
Awakened Magic Luna is capable of casting magic
Luna knows spells
Mao Luna is a member of the Mao species, who have a very similar appearance to modern domesticated cats.

Emergency Beacon A small crystal device that can be tracked using magical means

If equipped to a character, they will activate the beacon if they end up in trouble and need help

Slip Space A basic teleport spell that works through the usage of a network By setting different beacons throughout Tokyo, Luna is capable of teleporting around, slipping in and out of sight and across the city with ease.

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 13 +1-2-1+2 13
Martial 12 +1+3+2 18
Stewardship 11 +1 12
Intrigue 16 +1+2-1 18
Learning 9 +1+1 11
Prowess 17 -- 17
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Ami Mizuno
Age 14
Sex Female
Education --
Personality Traits Shy:
+1 Lrn, -2 Dip
+1 Mar, +1 Dip, +1 Stw, +1 Int, +1 Lrn
+1 Mar, +1 Dip, +1 Stw, +1 Int, +1 Lrn
+3 Mar, -1 Dip, -1 Int
+2 Int, +2 Prow, -2 Dip

Critical Number: Double Numbers higher than the DC
Heart Flower

Genius Ami is among the most intelligent people on the planet
+5 Lrn
Calculative Combat Ami has learned how to think in the midst of combat, her every move planned out in advance, every action slowly moving enemies towards traps that they cannot escape.
Add 10% of Learning (adjusted value 2) to Martial, and add 10% of Learning (adjusted value 2) to Prowess
Tuning II (2 of 4 Weeks to Tuning III)
Ami body is slowly acclimatizing to the power that she has, allowing her to tap into more of it without being transformed.
+6 Prowess when Transformed, +6 Martial
Awakened Magical Ami has awakened to her magical potential, allowing her to tap into her mana while not transformed
Mercury Super Computer Ami has access to the Mercury Super Computer, giving her access to a massive library of magical texts and resources
For rolls involving Magic, Ami adds half her learning to the roll
eg: (18/2)=9 Lrn

Star Map An ancient crystal slate with an interactive screen that can show the location of the Sol System along with the locations of other polities in the local galactic area
+1 Learning when dealing with stars
Emergency Beacon A small crystal device that can be tracked using magical means
If equipped to a character, they will activate the beacon if they end up in trouble and need help
Communicator Allows for instant communication between everyone who has one

Sabão Spray All Enemies Prowess -2 Sailor Mercury summons forth a thick mist that makes it hard for others to see SM/AM
Sabão Freeze +1 Prowess, One Enemy Prowess -2 Sailor Mercury summons forth a heavy freezing cold mist that makes it harder for others to see, and even coats enemies in frost and ice SM/AM
Sabão πολική δίνη If Ami rolls 10 over the enemy, roll again. If the second roll is higher the enemy roll, that enemy is defeated DESCRIPTION IN PROGRESS

If Ami uses this spell untransformed, she cannot act during the next round
Πανοπλία παγετού υδραργύρου +2 Pro, with an additional +2 when active. This spell is deactivated if an opponent were to roll a +10 success over Sailor Mercury, however it additionally nullifies the enemy attack Ami summons forth an armor crafted entirely out of ice to strengthen and protect her SM/AM
Crash Launcher +1 Prowess, and negates one enemy attack Sailor Mercury fires a blast of water along the ground towards an opponent, when it hits, it explodes, creating the illusion of a leaping Dolphin SM/AM
Mercury Weather: Aurora Cannon +2 Pro, May only be used once per combat. During the round that this spell is cast, ALL ENEMIES ROLL TWICE and take the lower.
When Ami draws on the power of the planet, she can feel it, a glimmering aurora that wraps around the planet, shining at all hours of the day, glimmering with the light and the love and the hopes of it's people.

Those hopes, those dreams they are gone. Yet... Not forgotten. Calling on this power allows Mercury to unleash a beam of brilliant kaleidoscopic force that strikes at the enemy with all the rage of a dead people.
Dual Cast Mode I One time per combat, Mercury can cast two spells during the same round. However, during the next round she suffers from -3 Pro
This isn't actually a Spell, but Ami set the System to cast a spell, while casting another under her own power.

Right now, that causes the Mercury Computer to successfully cast the spell, but it lags up afterwords, and so can only be done once in a combat. Perhaps if Mercury knew more about the Mercury Computer, she could upgrade this.

Name Style Effect Description SM/AM
Break Step [ruby="pygmachía diónysos"]πυγμαχία διόνυσος[/ruby] Enemy attacks targeting her are rolled twice, take the lower Sailor Mercury creates a thin mirage around herself that makes her appear to be roughly two feet to the left of where she actually is SM
Training N/A +2 Pro A register of the Prowess Training Ami has done  
Ami's Stats

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 7 -2+1+1-1-2+2 6
Martial 6 +1+1+6+2+3+2 21
Stewardship 8 +1+1 10
Intrigue 7 +1+1-1+2 10
Learning 12 +5+1+1+1 20
Prowess 21 +3+2+1+2+2+2 33
Sailor Mercury's Stats

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 7 -2+1+1-1-2+2 6
Martial 6 +1+1+6+2+3+2 21
Stewardship 8 +1+1 10
Intrigue 7 +1+1-1+2 10
Learning 12 +5+1+1+1 20
Prowess 21 +6+3+2+1+2+2+2 39
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Makato Kino
Age 14
Sex Female
Education --
Personality Traits Brave:
+2 Mar, +2 Pro
+1 Dip, +1 Int
+2 Int
+2 Ste, +1 Lrn, -3 Int
+2 Dip

Critical Number: 69
Heart Flower
The look like Gladiolus, but they are upsidedown
ɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ ɟo ɥʇƃuǝɹʇs

Unknown Stone
A strange rock that shocks you?
Emergency Beacon A small crystal device that can be tracked using magical means

If equipped to a character, they will activate the beacon if they end up in trouble and need help
Rose Belt
(Not Equipped)
A Jovian Belt that symbolizes that the wearer is interested in finding a romantic partner.
Communicators Allows for instantaneous communication between everyone who has one
Jupiter Guardian Bracelet (x1) A single Bracelet that Luna believes belonged to the last bearer of the Sailor Jupiter Title. Not as powerful as if the full set was there, but still terrifying in scope.
+2 Martial!

Once per combat, the wearer can decide to activate the Bracelets for +10 Prowess in that round

Awakened Magic Makoto is capable of using magic without transforming
Jupiter Serendipity Revelation Makoto occasionally discovers odd and unexpected ways to solve problems.
+2 Stewardship, +10% of each stat is added to the stat above
Delinquent Disposition
(1 of 5)
Maybe it is something about the way the girl dresses, or the way that she moves, but there is something about this girl that makes people think she is a delinquent.
(1 of 5 conversations with affected individuals till next Procc)
Diplo -5 when talking with teachers, Diplo -2 when talking to people who believe her to be a delinquent. These effects do not stack
Tuning 1 (3 of 4 weeks till next Procc)
Makoto body is slowly acclimatizing to the power that she has, allowing her to tap into more of it without being transformed.
+8 Prowess when Transformed, +3 Martial
Junoesque Makoto towers over those around her, and is even stronger than her robust build would lead one to believe.
+5 Pro
Bully Hunter Before becoming a senshi, Makoto experienced far more than her share of fights, often against older and even stronger ones
+1 Mar

Supreme Thunder +1 Prowess, allows Makoto to fight from range Makoto draws upon and absorbs the electrical energy in the air around the girl, before collecting it and firing it at the target. SJ
Thunder Knuckle +1 Pro Enhancing and increasing the electrical energy within her body, Makoto causes her physical strikes to discharge electricity
Chloro Knuckle -1 Enemy Pro By Drawing on the energy of plant-life, Makoto causes her punches to sprout thick vines that try and bind a person in place SJ
Graviton Knuckle If Attack roll lower than target, roll d4. On even #, reduce Enemy roll by 5 and Increase Makoto's roll by 5 Calling on the powers of Gravity, Makoto's punches make the attacker heavier, making it harder for them to attack her back SJ
Electro-Targeting Interference Temporarily prevents the usage of teleportation abilities By slamming her fists together, Makoto generates a massive field of electromagical interference, screwing with the kinds of senses that are required for spatial magics of nearly all kinds, most specifically teleportation. However, a skilled teleporter can account for the interference after a few moments of studying it. Interference is unique per casting, so countermeasures cannot be created
Graviton Field Aegis -10 to Prowess checks against Makoto
-5 Prowess for Makoto due to being unable to move from her position
By layering inverted gravitational layers in front of the herself, Makoto is able to create a layer of spacetime that is nearly solid, heavily reducing the force of blows and attacks going through the shield, however the spell is in it's current state unable to be moved, locking the girl in place. This spell can be improved!

Style Rank Effect Description
Judo Apprentice +2 Martial, +1 Prowess --
Karate Journeyman +2 Martial, +3 Prowess
+10 to Rolls to increase Martial or Prowess
Gainax Galactice Style -- +5 to Rolls to increase Martial or Prowess --

Name Style Effect Description SJ/MK
Inuzuma Kick Gainax Galactic Style Roll Opposed Prowess 3 times
If best of 3, then the target is removed from the fight
Powered by Determination, Guts, and Hard Work, this technique allows Makoto to impart far more force through a kick than should be normally possible. SJ/MK
Training N/A +3 Pro A record of the Prowess training that Makoto has gone through SJ/MK
Makoto's Stats

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 5 +1+2+(2)[+2] 12
Martial 13 +2+1+3+2+2+(1) 24
Stewardship 8 +2+0 10
Intrigue 7 +1+2-3+(1) 8
Learning 10 +1+(3)[+1] 15
Prowess 25 +2+5+1+3+3+(1) 40
Sailor Jupiter's Stats

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 5 +1+2+(2)[+2] 12
Martial 13 +2+1+3+2+2+(1) 24
Stewardship 8 +2+0 10
Intrigue 7 +1+2-3+(1) 8
Learning 10 +1+(4)[+1] 16
Prowess 25 +8+2+5+1+1+1+3+3+(1) 50
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Rei Hino
Age 14
Sex Female
Education --
Personality Traits Wrathful:
+3 Mar, -1 Dip, +1 Int
+1 Dip, +1 Mar, +1 Ste, +1 Int, +1 Lrn
+1 Dip, +1 Mar, +1 Ste, +1 Int, +1 Lrn
+2 Int, -2 Dip
+3 Ste
Heart Flower
Dianthus Superstar
A Pure Love
I'll Never Forget You

Emergency Beacon If equipped to a character, they will activate the beacon if they end up in trouble and need help
Communicators Allows for instantaneous communication between everyone who has one

Awakened Magic Rei is capable of using magic even when she is not transformed.
(3 of 5)
(0 of 5 Successful Interactions till the next Procc)
Due to events in Rei's past, she finds it difficult to interact with and relate to men. There is a part of the girl who feels that every action is transactional in nature.
-4 Diplo
Diplomacy Rolls toward Rei from men have double the DC
Tuning 1 (2 of 4 weeks till Procc)
Rei body is slowly acclimatizing to the power that she has, allowing her to tap into more of it without being transformed.
+8 Prowess when Transformed, +3 Martial
Beautiful Rei is absolutely stunningly beautiful
+5 Dip
The Drums of Mars Rei is a idol by her actions, and a Miko by her training, but there in the depths of her heart and her blood beats the Drums of Mars, the skills and memories of War
When training in a physical way, or when fighting against enemies there is a bonus to increasing stats and learning spells

Name Effect Description SM/RH
Akuryo Taisan +3 Pro against Demonic entities A basic exorcism skill taught to Rei by her grandfather during her time at the temple SM/RH
Burning Spear Roll twice for the last round of Combat, taking the better of the two A rudimentary spell created by Rei as she first transformed. A singular beam of heat and fire that pierce through a target SM
Ofuda Hurricane +2 Pro, +2 Pro against Demons By empowering a number of Ofuda, Sailor Mars is able to create a burning holy whirlwind of razor edged holy sigils SM/RH
Dance of Vermilion! +2 Pro against Non-Demon supernatural entities
+3 if Chinese in origin
An Anti-Elemental Spell that calls upon one of the Four Guardian Beasts of China to purify corrupted elementals and other non-demonic spirits SM/RH
The Honest Flame Counters and removes all illusions and untruths from the area These near pearlescent white flames have the ability to strip away all falsehoods and lies, dispersing with illusions and lies, and revealing the truth to all who stand within the circle they form SM/RH
Accel Can only be used once in a combat. Gain a bonus to Prowess, and Mars's actions take priority during combat. There is a larger bonus to Prowess if this is the first action taken during a combat, or if it it done in the final round By creating a burst of explosive power, Sailor Mars takes advantage of the Third Law of Motion. SM/RH
Veil of Flames By covering the upper half of Sailor Mars's face with flames, the Miko relies on her ability to read the future in the flames for combat
If Rei were to lose a clash, roll again and take the higher of the two.

Automatically Cast at the start of combat. Usable once per every other round.
Tyr Spell Summon a pair of wolves for a teamwork attack Better spell description here SM

Name Style Effect Description
Tai Chi Apprentice +3 Mar, +1 Pro (10 of 12 weeks till Procc)
Having been training in Tai Chi for over 9 months now, Rei has developed some level of skill in the martial art.
Rei's Stats

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 7 -1+1+1-2-4+5+2 9
Martial 12 +3+1+1+3+3+2 25
Stewardship 10 +1+1+3 15
Intrigue 5 -1+1+1+2 8
Learning 8 +1+1+1 11
Prowess 24 +1+2+2 29
Prowess Against Demons 22 +1+2+2+3+3 33
Sailor Mars Stats

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 7 -1+1+1-2-4+5+2 9
Martial 12 +3+1+1+3+3+2 25
Stewardship 10 +1+1+3 15
Intrigue 5 -1+1+1+2 8
Learning 8 +1+1+1 11
Prowess 24 +1+2+2+8 37
Prowess Against Demons 22 +1+2+2+3+3+8 41
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Minako Aino
Age 14
Sex Female
Education --
Personality Traits Lazy (-1 Dip, -1 Mar, -1 Ste, -1 Int, -1 Lrn)
Impatient (-2 Lrn)
Lustful (+2 Int)
Gregarious (+2 Dip)
Gluttonous (-2 Ste)
Heart Flower

Venus Microphone A microphone that is filled with the planetary energy of Venus

Requires setup to use properly. Artemis is keeping it in storage until needed.
Emergency Beacon A small crystal device that can be tracked using magical means

If equipped to a character, they will activate the beacon if they end up in trouble and need help
Communicators Allows for instantaneous communication between everyone who has one.

Fully Tuned Minako has been a Senshi for over a year now, and her body has become fully awakened to its natural power. This allows the true power of the Senshi Transformation to manifest, now that her body is capable of withstanding it.
+10 Martial +10 Prowess when Transformed
Curse of the Lonely Heart
(0 of ???)
(??? of ??? Until Procc)

In her battles against the Dark Agency in London, Minako found herself face to face with the man she was to marry in her last life. In order to protect the present, she smote him down. But as the former human died, the demon he'd become cursed Minako to never find love.
A 'curse' of this particular type is strange and esoteric, it cannot be removed by normal means, but instead must be 'unlocked' by fulfilling the specific requirements hidden within it.
Never Tarnished A quirk of Minako's Sailor glamour usually covers visible evidence of her injuries. Fighting alone against youma has taught her to take advantage of that. Being able to take a beating without showing or admitting weakness becomes an advantage.
+10% of Intrigue (+1) to Prowess in the second round of combat.

+20% of Intrigue (+2) to Prowess in the third round of combat.
Worldly Traveler Minako has traveled across much of the world in her journey to deal with the Dark Agency and its warriors. She's seen different cultures and picked up more than one additional language. Altogether, it gives the girl a distinct edge when it comes to disguising herself as others.
+1 Dip, +2 Int
For the Sake of the World In order to save the world, to face the threats of the Dark Kingdom and the Agency through which it works, Minako sacrificed everything. Going so far as to run away from home, traveling halfway around the world. It has been over a year since Minako has seen her mother or father.
-1 Ste, -1 Lrn

Crescent Beam +1 Pro A beam of brilliant energy that Sailor V fires from a finger SV/MA ???
Venusian Weather: Rains of the Broken Heart +2 Pro, attacks a large area Casting a hand to the sky, Sailor V calls upon the power of her home planet, summoning forth the sulfuric acid rains of Venus SV/MA ???
Love Crescent Shower Purifies Mind altering affects in an area, restores stolen energy, repairs physical damage, removes curses, and purifies toxins A variation of the Rains of the Broken Heart. Instead of summoning forth the physical rains of Venus, Sailor V infuses the air around her with a silver energy that condenses into a rain that heals and repairs the area around her. SV/MA ???
Venusian Weather: Black Heart Snow +1 Pro, attacks a large area Throwing a hand forward, Sailor V summons a burst of the shimmering black metal 'snow' that falls around the poles of Venus, shredding everything in its path SV/MA ???
Venusian Weather: Sulfur Smoke +2 Pro, attacks a large area Throwing a hand forward, Sailor V summons forth a thick heavy fog of the Venusian cloud cover- droplets of sulfuric acid. SV/MA ???
Venus Love Me Chain +1 Pro, make a Pro check between the attacked enemy and Venus, if they fail, they are unable to act during the next turn of combat Collecting her power, Sailor V summons forth a chain of sharped metal hearts that she can control with her mind, wrapping- and, optionally, slashing- an enemy tight." SV/MA ???

Style Rank Effect Description
Venus Knucklevee 'Style' Expert +2 Mar, +2 Pro, Mar x1.2 Minako is an entirely self-taught fighter. Her style seems wild and savage, but has a brutally efficient aspect. And as in all things that Minako does, there is an aspect of looking good built straight in.
Minako's Stats

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 10 -1+2+1 12
Martial 7 -1+2+10+2 x1.2 24
Stewardship 7 -1-2-1 3
Intrigue 9 -1+2+2 12
Learning 8 -1-2-1 4
Prowess 26 +1+2+1+2+1+2 35
Sailor Venus Stats

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 9 -1+2+1 11
Martial 7 -1+2+10+2 x1.2 24
Stewardship 6 -1-2-1 2
Intrigue 9 -1+2+2 12
Learning 8 -1-2-1 4
Prowess 26 10+1+2+1+2+1+2 45
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Age 16
Sex Male
Education --
Personality Traits Calm - +1 Dip, +1 Int
Diligent - +1 Dip, +1 Mar, +1 Ste, +1 Int, +1 Lrn
Patient - +2 Lrn
Cynical - +2 Int, +2 Lrn

Fashion Calamity
(1 of ???)
(1 of ??? until Procc)
Mamoru's sense of fashion is... You would say that it doesn't exist, but that is entirely incorrect. Because it does exist, like a black hole exists, consuming all fashion in the area around it

When dressed in some abomination against Fashion, Mamoru's Diplomacy is reduced by 33%
+2 Mar, +3 Ste, +5 Pro
Alpha-Numeric Mamoru it turns out, is all but a savant when it comes to numbers, he handles stocks as a means of keeping himself afloat, and he notably rarely loses money
-1 Stew, Double Stewardship
Featherstep For all the horrors of Mamoru's fashion sense and how loud he can be when it pokes at Usagi, the boy still has the ability to be all but invisible at a moment's notice. Somehow.
Increase Intrigue by 33% (rounded up)
Heart Flower
Blue Rose

+6 Pro
Emergency Beacon A small crystal device that can be tracked using magical means

If equipped to a character, they will activate the beacon if they end up in trouble and need help

Name Description Effect
Various I haven't written out the specific spells yet Total of 9 Prowess in spells

Name Description Effect
Royal Blade Style Endymion may be a bit rusty, but he is still a Master of the Earth Royal Blade style
+4 Mar
+5 Pro
Endymion's Stats

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 10 +1+1 x0.75 8
Martial 6 +1+2+4 13
Stewardship 5 +1-1+3 x2 16
Intrigue 10 +1+1+2 x1.3 19 (18.6)
Learning 7 +2+2+5 16
Prowess 13 +5+5+6+4+9 42
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Pretty Cure
Cure Black and Cure White
Nagisa Misumi, and Honoka Yukishiro
Age 13
Sex Female
Fairy Companions Nagisa and Honoka travel with a pair of strange creatures who are from the Land of Light
Increase Diplomacy by 20%
Increase Stewardship by 20%

Together Strong
(3 of 5)
(This trait slowly evolves as the relationship between the two grows)
Nagisa and Honoka have gone through trials and tribulations, facing off against Warrior after Warrior of the Dark Zone and have come to trust each other implicitly... There is something more... but they don't yet understand what it is yet...
Teamwork Score set to 0.6
Club Leaders Nagisa is the ace of her school's lacross team, while Honoka is the leader of the school science team
33% of Base Martial added to Learning
33% of Base Learning added to Martial
Together, We Are Pretty Cure! Due to the nature of their powers, there can be no Cure White without Cure Black, and no Cure Black without Cure white
A Pretty Cure team counts as a single fighting unit. When Cures Black and White are present simultaneously and fighting together, they cannot be forced to engage separately against their will without immobilizing one of them. Unless this happens, they will always get the benefit of team combat rules. For multiple opponents to engage them, those multiple opponents must likewise use team combat rules.

Card Communes The Transformation Trinkets that the Two Precure use to transform into their empowered selves
+5 Prowess when transformed

Name Effect Description Civ/PC
Black/White Lightning +3 Pro Following the events of the Museum, and seeing Usagi and Naru use magic without being transformed have awoken Nagisa's competitive nature, and Honoka's analytic mind, together, they have learned how to draw upon the Lightning magics which are used to power the Marble Screw separate from the spell itself.
Marble Screw +5 Pro The Final Technique designed for the Guardians of Light Pretty Cure, by calling on the power of their relationship, Cure Black and Cure White can summon forth an Artillery Beam Bombardment Type Spell Array PC
Black/White Pulsar +1 Pro, Weakens Possession Summoning forth their lightning powers, Cure Black and Cure White are able to generate a pulse of energy that throws objects back and away from them PC
Rainbow Therapy +1 Pro, Removes Possession without damaging the surroundings Upon calling on the powers of the Black and the White Pulsars, the two Cures bring the attacks together, where they overlap and then cancel each other out, generating a wave of rainbow light that purifies everything it touches.
Notable Oddity: Somehow this technique additionally cancels out poisons and purifies tainted water
Cures Black and White Stats

Attribute Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 9 +2 11
Martial 9 +3 12
Stewardship 7 +1 8
Intrigue 7 -- 7
Learning 10 +2 12
Cure Black Prowess 12 +5+3+5+1+1 27
Cure White Prowess 11 +5+3+5+1+1 26
Teamwork Prowess 27 +(26*0.6) 43
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Myriad Taylor Hebert
Age 14
Sex Female
Sync Ratio 27%
TL Formulas X= 1-.(Sync Ratio) RR Formulas X= 1-.(Sync Ratio) *0.8
600 / X sec 300 * X sec
Time Limit 13 Min 41.9 Sec Recharge Rate 2 Min 55.2 Sec

Battle Terror
(0 of 5)
Being in a fight terrifies you, and you do not want to be there again, making it take longer to learn how to fight.
Every Round of Combat, roll a d10. DC starts at 10, and for every failure the DC decreases by 1, until a Success. After which the DC resets, and Battle Terror Procs.
Gain a -1 to Martial and how quickly Prowess increases
Physical Frailty You aren't as strong as others are, a problem which effects your transformations too
Gain a -1 to Prowess with a similar negative to transformations
Hardy Genetics Your Genetic Code is particularly hardy, allowing the Omnitrix to recharge faster.
Changes RR from X= (1-.(Sync Ratio)) to X= (1-.(Sync Ratio)) * .8 decreasing how long it takes the Omnitrix to recharge by 20%
Ergonomic Controls Something about the operation of the Omnitrix just makes sense to your mind, making it easier to learn how to use it
Decreases Mistransformation % from 5% (1 out of 20) to 3.33% (1 out of 30)

Name Effect Description
Melodic Multitool Increases Taylor and Gidget's Effective Prowess by x1.25 A complex multiuse tool that is heavily based on the manipulation of sonic wave forms
Taylor's Stats

Attribute Base Modifiers Final
Diplomacy 12   12
Martial 7   7
Stewardship 9   9
Intrigue 10   10
Learning 11   11
Prowess 9 -1 (x1.25) 8 (10)
  • Sigil



    Double Cortex Your mind in this form is far and above what you have experienced before, to an almost logarithmic level.
    Increase Stewardship by 50% (x1.5)
    Increase Learning by 75% (x1.75)
    Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
    Diplomacy 12 4 -- 16
    Martial 7 - -- 7
    Stewardship 9 12 x1.5 31
    Intrigue 10 7 -- 17
    Learning 11 16 x1.75 47
    Prowess 8 4 x1.25 15
  • Sigil



    Blind Beast Due to the environment of this species's homeworld, Baskerville cannot speak in the same way that others do, and the Omnitrix doesn't seem to have a translator?
    Diplomacy Multiplied by 0
    Immunity to Gaze based abilities
    This species Instincts increase the effects of Prowess by 30%
    Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
    Diplomacy 12 x0 -- 0.
    Martial 7 5 -- 12
    Stewardship 9 -- -- 9
    Intrigue 10 5 -- 15
    Learning 11 -- -- 11
    Prowess 8 20 x1.4 39 = 39.2
  • Sigil



    Flash Fire This form is extremely hot, capable of manifesting flames at a moment's notice.
    50% of Martial added to Prowess
    Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
    Diplomacy 12 4 -- 16
    Martial 7 12 -- 19
    Stewardship 9 2 -- 11
    Intrigue 10 0. -- 10
    Learning 11 2 -- 13
    Prowess 8 20 +9 37
  • Sigil



    Polymorphic form Cellular's entire body is a massive single cell that is able to shift and flow like liquid, capable of moving in ways that most fighters have never learned how to deal with
    Increase Intrigue by 20% (x1.2)
    50% of Intrigue added to the first round of combat
    25% added to all subsequent rounds
    Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
    Diplomacy 12 1 -- 13
    Martial 7 1 -- 8
    Stewardship 9 3 -- 12
    Intrigue 10 13 x1.2 28
    Learning 11 2 -- 13
    Prowess 8 5 +6 19
  • Sigil



    Hyperspatial Calculations This form is capable of rapidfire mathematical and physics based calculations, granting it the ability to generate the greatest amount of force and power with the least amount of effort, along with a great but lesser ability to study the actions of those around it, creating an almost precognitive ability to predict their actions.
    Stewardship increased by 50% (x1.5)
    Learning increased by 20% (x 1.2)
    25% of Stewardship added to Prowess
    Trait Name I am still working on the description of this new trait
    This form can be used to learn at an enhanced rate. When attempting this, there are small bonuses to the rolls to increase Attributes below 12, no effect to increase Attributes between 13 and 16, and for every 3 points about 16 the roll to increase attribute gains a -1 to the roll
    Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
    Diplomacy 12 2 -- 14
    Martial 7 1 -- 8
    Stewardship 9 16 x1.5 38
    Intrigue 10 2 -- 12
    Learning 11 12 x1.2 28
    Prowess 8 5 +9 22
  • Sigil



    Aquatic Superiority This form is all but built to live in the water, with razor sharp jaws designed to rip and tear, and the ability to form it's legs into a tail (or maybe it's the other way round)
    Half all stats when outside of the water
    Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
    Diplomacy 12 2 /2 7
    Martial 7 12 /2 9
    Stewardship 9 4 /2 6
    Intrigue 10 10 /2 10
    Learning 11 2 /2 6
    Prowess 8 30 /2 19
  • Sigil



    Sleeping Dust This species's wings sheds a thin shimmery dust that interacts with the biology of most humans by putting them into a dream-like trance state, though which Titania can interface her mind with the target's allowing her to see into the 'dream'
    Roll Intrigue check, if successful, you can put a single target to sleep
    Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
    Diplomacy 12 8 -- 20
    Martial 7 2 -- 9
    Stewardship 9 1 -- 10
    Intrigue 10 16 -- 26
    Learning 11 4 -- 15
    Prowess 8 6 -- 14
  • Sigil



    Accelerated Everything You are so INSANELY FAST. The all but comes to a stop when you start to rush, and that means that those you are against are in for a bad time.
    At the start of each round of combat, Roll (4d6+6)/6. Roll that many times for your actions, and take the two best rolls, then average them ouit and gain that many additional rolls
    Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
    Diplomacy 12 3 -- 15
    Martial 7 11 -- 18
    Stewardship 9 3 -- 12
    Intrigue 10 6 -- 16
    Learning 11 8 -- 19
    Prowess 8 15 -- 23
  • Sigil



    Mobile Laboratory This forms body appears to be some kind of mobile chemical laboratory, capable of generating near any mix of organic compounds that you can imagine
    Prowess is a function of Learning
    Add 33% of Martial to Prowess (x1.34)
    Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
    Diplomacy 12 7 -- 19
    Martial 7 8 -- 15
    Stewardship 9 3 -- 12
    Intrigue 10 2 -- 12
    Learning 11 5 -- 16
    Prowess 8 15 +4 27
  • Sigil


    Terrifying PreZence There is' Something about this form that makes you cruel and angry not like you are normally, and that leaks into your actions and speech
    Add Intrigue to Diplomacy and Prowess
    Intangibility Zoinks'! ThiS transformation kan change your density to allow you to remove yourself from dangerous situations
    If someone rolls higher than you on a Prowess roll, roll a d6. If you roll a 1-2 automatically avoid all damage for the round. on a 3-4, reduce the amount of damage taken, on a 5 take regular amount of damage, and on a 6 take double damage
    Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
    Diplomacy 12   +23 35
    Martial 7 12 -- 19
    Stewardship 9 5 -- 14
    Intrigue 10 16 -- 26
    Learning 11 2 -- 13
    Prowess 8 10 +23 41
  • Sigil



    -- --
    Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
    Diplomacy 12 10 -- 22
    Martial 7 4 -- 11
    Stewardship 9 -- -- 9
    Intrigue 10 10 -- 20
    Learning 11 4 -- 15
    Prowess 8 12 -- 20

Hidden Bonuses and Maluses:
+2 For rolls related to the Omnitrix
2 Wrong Transformation of 10 before Auto proc of +1% Sync
2 of 10 Banshee transformations
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Hyperspatial Calculations This form is capable of rapidfire mathematical and physics based calculations, granting it the ability to generate the greatest amount of force and power with the least amount of effort, along with a great but lesser ability to study the actions of those around it, creating an almost precognitive ability to predict their actions.
Stewardship increased by 50% (x1.5)
Learning increased by 20% (x 1.2)
25% of Stewardship added to Prowess
Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 4 2 -- 6
Martial 5 1 -- 6
Stewardship 8 16 x1.5 36
Intrigue 7 2 -- 9
Learning 10 12 x1.2 26
Prowess 3 5 +9 17
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Double Cortex Your mind in this form is far and above what you have experienced before, to an almost logarithmic level.
Increase Stewardship by 50% (x1.5)
Increase Learning by 75% (x1.75)
Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 4 4 -- 8
Martial 5 - -- 5
Stewardship 8 12 x1.5 30
Intrigue 7 7 -- 14
Learning 10 16 x1.75 45
Prowess 3 4 -- 7
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Translator Failure Due to the hyper complexities of this species native language, you are incapable of communicating with others while transformed
Divide Diplo by 0
Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 4   /0 ERROR
Martial 5 8 -- 13
Stewardship 8 1 -- 9
Intrigue 7 5 -- 12
Learning 10 3 -- 13
Prowess 3 12 +10 25
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Flash Fire This form is extremely hot, capable of manifesting flames at a moment's notice.
50% of Martial added to Prowess
Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 4 4 -- 8
Martial 5 12 -- 17
Stewardship 8 2 -- 10
Intrigue 7 0. -- 7
Learning 10 2 -- 12
Prowess 3 16 +9 28
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Polymorphic form Cellular's entire body is a massive single cell that is able to shift and flow like liquid, capable of moving in ways that most fighters have never learned how to deal with
Increase Intrigue by 20% (x1.2)
50% of Intrigue added to the first round of combat
25% added to all subsequent rounds
Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 4 1 -- 5
Martial 5 1 -- 6
Stewardship 8 3 -- 11
Intrigue 7 13 x1.2 24
Learning 10 2 -- 12
Prowess 3 5 +6 14
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Aquatic Superiority This form is all but built to live in the water, with razor sharp jaws designed to rip and tear, and the ability to form it's legs into a tail (or maybe it's the other way round)
Half all stats when outside of the water
Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 4 2 /2 3
Martial 5 12 /2 8
Stewardship 8 4 /2 6
Intrigue 7 10 /2 8
Learning 10 2 /2 6
Prowess 3 22 /2 12
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Sleeping Dust This species's wings sheds a thin shimmery dust that interacts with the biology of most humans by putting them into a dream-like trance state, though which Titania can interface her mind with the target's allowing her to see into the 'dream'
Roll Intrigue check, if successful, you can put a single target to sleep
Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 4 8 -- 12
Martial 5 2 -- 7
Stewardship 8 1 -- 9
Intrigue 7 16 -- 23
Learning 10 4 -- 14
Prowess 3 6 -- 9
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Accelerated Everything You are so INSANELY FAST. The all but comes to a stop when you start to rush, and that means that those you are against are in for a bad time.
At the start of each round of combat, Roll (4d6+6)/6. Roll that many times for your actions, and take the two best rolls, then average them ouit and gain that many additional rolls
Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 4 3 -- 7
Martial 5 11 -- 16
Stewardship 8 3 -- 11
Intrigue 7 6 -- 13
Learning 10 8 -- 18
Prowess 3 15 -- 18
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Mobile Laboratory This forms body appears to be some kind of mobile chemical laboratory, capable of generating near any mix of organic compounds that you can imagine
Prowess is a function of Learning
Add 33% of Martial to Prowess (x1.34)
Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 4 7 -- 11
Martial 5 8 -- 13
Stewardship 8 3 -- 11
Intrigue 7 2 -- 9
Learning 10 5 -- 15
Prowess 3 15 +4 22
Other important notes:
Lead based Polyp lifeform
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Terrifying PreZence There is' Something about this form that makes you cruel and angry not like you are normally, and that leaks into your actions and speech
Add Intrigue to Diplomacy and Prowess
Intangibility Zoinks'! ThiS transformation kan change your density to allow you to remove yourself from dangerous situations
If someone rolls higher than you on a Prowess roll, roll a d6. If you roll a 1-2 automatically avoid all damage for the round. on a 3-4, reduce the amount of damage taken, on a 5 take regular amount of damage, and on a 6 take double damage
Attribute Taylor Base Effects Functional
Diplomacy 4   +23 2
Martial 5 12 -- 17
Stewardship 8 5 -- 13
Intrigue 7 16 -- 23
Learning 10 2 -- 12
Prowess 3 10 +23 36
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