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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

I wonder what Azazel would think about Issei deflowering Akeno, Barequiel wouldn't be amused.

What were the other events in the rolls?
This is the FIRST time I got 1 Xp for Exalted system!
And I have no idea how to use it!
Do we get to use it on something?
by and large it tends to go to the group xp expenditures, because not many people save up enough xp to buy skills or charms, plus if they did want something everyone else didn't they wouldn't be able to spend the xp because learning charms and skills isn't a free action more often than not /laugh
I forget, did we earn xp for that other sex scene? I don't see Alexander mentioning it at least directly.
Excalibur Arc - Part 10
[X] Plan: Appropriate Role Model
Learned Charm:

You Can Be More (Presence)

29 - 8 = 21 Xp

"Please don't misunderstand me Gasper-kun: there is absolutely nothing wrong with you." You declare with cheerful cheer.

"There isn't?" He points at himself.

"There isn't?" Rias wonders aloud.

"There isn't." Because, on second thought, it's a bit presumptuous of you to presume to judge Gasper right now, without having taken time to know him better. It wouldn't be the first time you jump to the wrong conclusions after all. However, there is one thing you are absolutely sure about: "This is merely a case of lacking a proper vampiric ideal to aspire toward."

"Proper vampiric ideal?" Everyone look at the person on their side, but find only more confusion.

"Of course! Tell me Gasper-kun, what kind of person you want to be in the future?"

"Someone who live in a sealed-up room and never come out." He replies in complete honesty.

You smile fell. This is terrible, much worse than you thought. "Alright, you know what? Fuck it. Where do you sleep?"

He shyly points to the coffin. That was a stupid question. "Rias, how complete is your collection of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?" You ask herwhile posting the Dio scroll up in Gasper's room where he'll see it before he goes to sleep and when he wakes up.

"I have all the volumes up to Steel Ball Run of the Grand Collection Edition!" She gives you a thumb-up. "I ever made them basically indestructible and incapable of wearing out with demonic power!"

"I made them you mean..." Akeno mutters under her breath.

"You free this afternoon?"


"Perfect." You turn around and smile at the shut-in vampire. "Gasper-kun, our first training together...will consist of reading manga."

"Eh?" He blinks. "That...doesn't sound so bad?"


"This is bad!" Gasper whines from where he's pinned between you and Rias.

"Oh come on! You're both a Daywalker and a Dhampir, non-direct exposure to sunlight should be nothing!" You point to the curtains put over the window. "Do you know how many of your fellow vampires would give up an arm and a leg to be in your position?"

"I hate daylight! It's better if the sun disappeareeeeeed!"

"So you want to live in an eternal ice age where nothing alive can survive, not even you since there will be no food to be found." You remarked while admiring the volume of Phantom Blood in your hands. Araki's art sure evolved since then.

That shuts him up.

"Shall we begin Gasper-kun?" Rias says with a soothing voice, putting the first volume in the boy's lap and encouraging him to start reading.


Extracts of conversations that happen in the following five hours

"Uhm, isn't this Dio guy...kind of mean?"

"He was young, there will be character development."


"That's a trend when it comes to dogs in JoJo, it's not just Dio. Seriously."

"Uh...Vampires don't work like that..."

"This is fiction, just an original spin to the common legends."

"Vampires don't work like thaaaaat!!! Oh Maou-samaaaa!"

"Sit down! I promise you it gets better."

*chocking sounds*

"You have to admit that was misleading Ise."

"I am the only one who find the ways Pillar Men manipulate their bodies clever?"

"Waah...Lisa Lisa-san is so beautiful!"

"Finally we agree on something!"

"...Hyodo-san, I am by no means an expert or even an amateur...but even me can tell biology doesn't work like that."

"Artistic license, rule of cool and the JoJo world being as weird as fuck."

"Those Stands...they sound cool."

"Oh, you haven't see nothing yet."

"An entire freighter?"

"The Sun Stand...it's the enemy of all vampires!

"Do your best Boingo-kun! I'll cheer for you as a fellow introvert!"

"D-Dio-san...he can stop time too?!"

"That's right: look at what your ability can do if one has the will to control it."


"Are they still at it?" Dohna asks to his fellow Peerage members gathered outside the door.

"Time, stands still!"

"More incisive!"

"Time! Stands still!"


"Time! Stands still!"

"On second thought deeper is just impossible for you. Let's try a different spin."

Kiba removes his ear from the door. "Yes."

"...Gasper-kun is doing the female characters' poses." Koneko comments while looking through the keyhole.

"And how is he doing?" Akeno inquires.

"...He keeps falling to the side."

Issei, Rias and Gasper now share the same Intimacy!

JOJO (Passion)

"So, how did it go with the shut-in, crossdressing vampire?" Mittelt snickers before popping another spoon of ice-cream into her mouth.

"Well, we still need to force him to stay outside his room during the day but I'll count the lack of ridiculous attempts to go back as a success." You reply while helping Asia backing a cake. "But according to Rias he, when nobody is around, plays out his favorite scenes and even makes short trips to buy more merchandise."

"From a shut-in to an otaku." She pulls out the spoon with a 'chuu' sound. "Doesn't look like a big step to me. Can't you just punch him hard enough he becomes a productive member of society?"

You stop, put down the flour, take a step back and finally allow yourself to stumble. "Alright, when exactly did I give the impression I could-"

"Eeek!" Rias runs into the kitchen, with...crying hazelnuts on her hair? What?! "Take the off! Take them off!"

"Did a spell mis-where did my ice-cream go?" Mittelt shouts, staring at the empty bowl.

"Eeek!" Asia cutely yelps when the eggs began to dance in midair.

You blink. "What the-" A shelf opens and a cooking pan hits you in the head. "Ouch!"

[Ah! A Poltergeist! I saw one once: it was the ghost of a girl who couldn't pass on because of the regret of dying as a virgin.]

From which ero-doujinshi did he rip it off? Because you can list at least twenty different ones!

"Master!" Eiko makes her appearance. "It appears your noble residence is experiencing an infestation of small, mischievous youkai."

"How exciting." You sarcastically reply while pulling out the hazelnuts from Rias' hair. The little bastards have hands! And bite! "Do you have a solution?"

"Of course Master. Eiko just has a question." She holds up a few talismans in one hand and Buddhist prayer beads in the other. "Does Master wish the little annoyances to be fried on the spot, or for them to die a slow and painful death to show the folly of profaning your sacred abode?"

[] "Wait! No killing! Just chase them away."
[] "Can you capture them alive instead?"
[] "The first. The second...yeah, too much."
[] Write-in.


"Mh-mh-mh~" Akeno cheerfully humms while sweeping the front of the temple she elected as her residence. "Ise-kun is coming here! Mh-mh-mh~"

She briefly stops before putting both hands on her cheeks and blushing. "Oh, I'm such a dirty girl! To have an illicit, steamy relationship with my best friend's lover." Her lips split into a lecherous grin as her eyes open by a fraction, revealing pure lust. "First is the tea laced with aphrodisiacs, then the rope and the whip...ufufufu~"


Akeno's eyes shoot open in alarm. Whirling around she takes on a defensive stance, looking for the speaker. "Who's there?!"

The ground cracks and breaks as something massive, easily the size of two vans put together, burrows its way out of it. What Akeno sees is a giant turtle with a long tail and neck, the head being a mix between a lizard and an old man.

"Who are you?" She demands, hands sparking with electricity.

"I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO A PEST." It snorts with contempt, hot vapour escaping from his nostrils.

"Do you know who this territory belongs to? You are intruding on the territory of Rias Gremory, daughter of the noble lineage-!" She has to stop and dodges as the giant turtle tries to eat her, its jaws gouging out the ground she previously stood on.


Akeno's face twists into a sneer at the word 'eyesore'. "You first." With that she lets loose her magic, lightning bolts raining down on the turtle one after another. She keeps it up for a whole half minute before stopping, then she waits for the smoke to clear out.

However, her eyes widen when she sees the turtle is completely unarmed. "How?"

"A FILLING BANQUET. YOU MAY YET MAKE A FINE MEAL." It raises its front paws before slamming them down, causing boulders to shoot out of the ground.

Akeno tries to dodge, but with a lucky shot one of the boulders gazes her and sends her flying off-

Directly into your arms. "Need a hand?"

"Ise-kun!" Akeno replies with a smile.

You grin back before looking at the culprit with a scowl. "Tan-ki!" You shout, your sempai having told you about the turtle's true nature. "What is the meaning of this aggression?"


"Who I am you mean!" Setting down Akeno you point an accusatory finger at it. "You're speaking with Hyodo Issei, First Head of the Hyodo Clan. I'm the overseer of this area, appointed by Nurarihyon, the Lord of Pandemonium, himself!"


"First, you will stop calling her 'foreign pest'!" You demand. "Second, she's a guest under my protection so apologize immediately!"

"TRUTH OR FALSEHOOD, I HAVE NO INTENTION OF OBEYING SOMEONE WHO SYMPATHIZE WITH PESTS." It roars before attacking with boulders again, forcing you and Akeno to dodge.

"Sorry Akeno, I'm afraid we need to deal with this asshole first." You materialize Boosted Gear.

"Ufufufu. I don't mind this kind of physical activity as an appetizer." She giggles before her eyes sharpen. "A Tan-ki, uh? I heard they can absorb electricity, so that's why my attacks had no effect. What a bother..."

It's true: since Akeno specializes in lightning attacks, her arsenal has been effectively cut in half. Moreover, turtles are slow but heavily armored.

Choose a battle plan.
[] Write-in.

Fixing Helping Gasper is not easy feat, but that's a step forward I think.
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[x] "Can you capture them alive instead?"

Not sure you can makes a ghost alive but eeeh...

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