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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Ah...please enlighten us on what the actual Vatican would do when this situation arises...
Well, Asia used a power that is demonstrably a gift from God to heal an injured stranger. Said stranger turned out to be a devil/demon.

Now, beyond the theological issue of why that even worked (demons being defined by the rejection of God's gifts, etc., etc.), Asia simply didn't do anything wrong. Rejecting her for that would be a sin.

The real-world Vatican? They'd just sweep the issue under the rug, like they have far worse things.
Ah...please enlighten us on what the actual Vatican would do when this situation arises...

Well considering that humans cannot use mystical powers without God's expressed approval...

Well, Asia used a power that is demonstrably a gift from God to heal an injured stranger. Said stranger turned out to be a devil/demon.

Now, beyond the theological issue of why that even worked (demons being defined by the rejection of God's gifts, etc., etc.), Asia simply didn't do anything wrong. Rejecting her for that would be a sin.

The real-world Vatican? They'd just sweep the issue under the rug, like they have far worse things.

They elected a pirate as pope. A pirate.
I wonder what Heaven thought when they saw what the Vatican did during the Dark Age of the Middle Age?
They elected a pirate as pope. A pirate.
If you're referring to Baldassarre Cossa, he's regarded as an antipope. It was only one side of the Western Schism that "elected" him as such.

Also, he was a bandit. It was his brothers who were pirates.
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Well, Asia used a power that is demonstrably a gift from God to heal an injured stranger. Said stranger turned out to be a devil/demon.

Now, beyond the theological issue of why that even worked (demons being defined by the rejection of God's gifts, etc., etc.), Asia simply didn't do anything wrong. Rejecting her for that would be a sin.

The real-world Vatican? They'd just sweep the issue under the rug, like they have far worse things.
I'm non-denominational and even I knew that.
Right now Issei weakness & dangers that I can think.

-Dragon slaying weapons.
-Social-fu from old beings.
-Gojira Expy decides to attack Issei.
-A "Good" Ninja identifies Homura crimson squad.
-The Hero Faction try to recruit Issei, or try to capture the members of his harem with sacred gears.

-A human begins to investigate Issei life, and discovers many inconsistencies.
-Envious otakus try to attack Issei harem.
-School life.
When I tried to recommend this quest in SB H DXD thread, they rejected it, but they still have in the recomendation a few bad fics.
Why Serafell in particular? I'd think Grayfia would be more dangerous, if not for being herself, then because I doubt Sirzechs would appreciate Issei trying to seduce his wife.

...unless he's into threesomes.
Unless Grayfida is the only women around Issei at the time he won't the kid isn't into NTR.
When I tried to recommend this quest in SB H DXD thread, they rejected it, but they still have in the recomendation a few bad fics.
Part of the quest is NSFW and well besides for the setting as of late we haven't been around much in the DxD world.
I have been wondering what kind of alternate clothes, or costumes would you like to see certain characters using?

We already saw a description of Issei using different costume.
If you're referring to Baldassarre Cossa, he's regarded as an antipope. It was only one side of the Western Schism that "elected" him as such.

Also, he was a bandit. It was his brothers who were pirates.

Ah, my bad. I get them a bit confused. I admit that the schism was where I was a bit weak on. We did not cover it in my Western Civilization class.
Other costume ideas.

Formal wear for all Issei friends.
-Girls: Kimonos, dresses.
-Guys: Tuxedos' suits

Creation First Age clothes.

Martial arts uniforms.


Kamen rider/Super Sentai: Costumes.

JoJo's based costumes.

Yang: Biker suit, Delinquent, a costume based on the second suit (which she only used a few time in RWBY), school uniform, Maid

Ruby: School uniform, Delinquent, Maid

The ninjas: Maid unifo---(a kunai is in the face.), cyber ninjas

Mittelt: A costume based in Suika tastes.

Akeno: Nun,

Rias: Miko.

Asia: Devil
Just for fun here is information, and stats of

The Dread Gear. The Bringer of Death. The Minister of Wrath.

Across the Eight Nations, laborers huddled around their workstations still whisper of the devastating god-machine they call the Bringer of Death, the Dread Gear, or the Minister of Wrath. Only in the archives of the Tripartite is the truth laid bare. 999 years ago, the Viator of Nullspace laid genocidal siege to Autochthonia, massacring its peoples. The massive engine of war stood twelve feet tall, armored in a spiked carapace of soulsteel, starmetal, and black jade, and the obsidian beamklave that extruded from its left hand cut down Alchemical Exalted and subgods alike. Cracked soulgems embedded in its torso glisten menacingly, ripped from the heads of slaughtered Champions.

But Exalted power and heroic self-sacrifice proved enough to defeat the Viator, sealing it back in the nullspace, a conceptual realm that exists only where Autochthon's dreams and nightmares spill out into the inchoate void of Elsewhere. But the ur-destroyer cannot be contained by its void-cage forever. The last time it emerged into the Realm of Brass and Shadows, its ambitions were nothing less than titanomachy—once all within Autochthonia were dead, the Viator planned to forge them into a great soulsteel wedge with which to tear loose the Core, harvesting the mind of the Maker and casting the rest of Autochthon's diseased being into oblivion.

Long exile has driven it to a new purpose. After centuries of exile, the Viator encountered another being exploring the conceptual edge of the nullspace—a vast serpent of emptiness and shadows. The Viator struggled with the exploring titan, in the end perfectly sealing the nullspace in an attempt to trap it—but the serpent's mastery of the art of escape proved peerless, and it fled. In its inadvertent defense of Autochthonia, the Viator learned of the Yozis. It felt Autochthon's suffering at their hands, saw their cosmic power.

Now, the Dread Gear ceaselessly turns its power against its prison, seeking once more to open a rift into the Realm of Brass and Shadows. When it erupts forth in triumph, the world will once again suffer its wrath—but this time, the Viator has a new plan to save Autochthon. It will descend upon the Divine Ministers and remake them through gruesome surgeries, fashioning them into demonic engines like itself. The blood of slaughtered Autochthonians will grease the spiked gears of churning prayer wheels, and their dying voices will sing prayers to their new god. The cities will be rebuilt into a mandala of war. Through the mutilation of his soul hierarchy and the sacrifice of his populace, the Viator of Nullspace will transform Autochthon, fashioning him into a vampiric god-monster of consumption and cannibalistic predation.

On the day when the Great Maker rises again, the skies of Malfeas will burn with new fire, as the massive Uran-drills of the Bleeding Engine's tendrils come down from the sky and burrow deep into the crust of the Demon City.

Motivation: Scourge away the civilization of the Eight Nations, and remake Autochthon as a monstrous Primordial predator.

Attributes: Strength 16, Dexterity 10, Stamina 16, Charisma 8, Manipulation 8, Appearance 0, Perception 10, Intelligence 8, Wits 10
Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 5, Temperance 3, Valor 5
Abilities: Archery 10 (Chakra Points +3), Athletics 10, Awareness 6, Dodge 6, Integrity 10, Lore 6 (Stolen Memories +3), Martial Arts 10 (Crippling Attacks +3), Melee 10 (Dismemberment +3), Occult 6 (Primordial Metaphysics +3), Performance 8, Presence 8 (Intimidation +3), Resistance 10, War 6

Charms: The Viator of Nullspace is capable of using a wide array of Spirit Charms, almost all of which are All-Encompassing. It lacks any Charms for possessing other characters or objects, shapechanging, predicting the future, or blessing others. The Viator has a Second Excellency for all Abilities, and a full nine purchases of Essence Plethora, Ox-Body Technique, and Reserve of Will. Materializing costs it 95 motes. It also possesses a number of unique panoply Charms, some of which are listed below. Other panoply Charms are capable of disrupting the Essence flows that power Municipal Charms, mentally controlling destroyers and weaker exmachina, and other blasphemous feats.

Consumptive Divinity Void—As a creature of death, the Viator is incapable of respiring motes normally within Autochthonia. However, it gains a single mote each time it kills a living being. Against Primordials, their demons and devas, and the Alchemical Exalted, each successful attack also drains a single mote for each level of lethal or aggravated damage inflicted, which is restored to the Viator's mote pool. Within Blight Zones, the Viator respires ten motes each hour, siphoning Essence from nullspace where the conceptual boundaries of Autochthonia are at their weakest.

Dread Gear Fortification—Should a single attack or environmental hazard deal enough damage to the Viator to fill all its health levels of a certain type (-1, -2, and so on), any damage beyond that amount is prevented. Poison and Sickness effects cannot damage it beyond its -1 health levels. All Shaping effects the Viator suffers are terminated at the end of each scene; Shaping that would instantly destroy it is negated, instead causing the Dread Gear to suffer only a single level of aggravated damage.

Encoded Genocide Patterns— The Viator cannot be argued with, treating all natural mental influence as unacceptable orders. Unnatural influence never costs it more than three Willpower to resist. Influence that aligns with its Motivation bypasses this defense.

Panopticon Lens—The blood-red sphere of the Viator's eye replicates all the benefits of the following Optical Enhancement submodules: Cross-Phase Scanners, Essence Sight Oculars, Flash Shutters, Light-Intensification Filters, Mass-Penetrating Scan, Telescopic Lens, and Thermal Vision (see The Manual of Exalted Power—The Alchemicals, page 158). The lens can also fire pulses of disintegrating essence, detailed in the Viator's attacks.

Reality-Shredding Cascade—Reality seems to ripple and waver around the Viator of Nullspace, maimed by its very presence. This aura of spatial distortion is a Shaping environmental hazard that extends up to five hundred yards from the Viator, with Damage 5L/action, Trauma 4. The Viator can suppress or resume this aura as a miscellaneous action.

Unfolding Nullspace Portal—The Viator can warp space around itself in a blinding display of impossible geometry and rippling white tesseracts. It may pay five motes to teleport to any point it can see within five hundred yards as a miscellaneous action (only one such action can be included in a flurry). It can also pay nine motes in Step 2 of an attack to reflexively teleport in this way, perfectly dodging even if the attack is undodgeable. A surcharge of one Willpower extends this defense to one tick, letting the Viator teleport after each new attack. As an action taking one long tick, the Viator may attempt to teleport to any point in the Pole of Metal that it is familiar with for a cost of 75 motes, 3 Willpower, vanishing at the end of the tick. If it takes any damage before the long tick ends, this long-range teleportation fails; the Viator may use no other Charms while teleporting in this fashion.

Unholy Eidolon—Alchemical Exalted who die at the Viator's hands suffer ultimate desecration, their soulgems and memories absorbed by the destroyer. Whenever the Viator invokes this stolen knowledge as part of a stunt—for instance, navigating a metropolis by calling up memories of its design, or intimidating an Alchemical by recounting the dying thoughts of a fellow Champion—it converts all stunt dice to successes. Stunted social attacks are considered unnatural mental influence and cost three Willpower to resist.

Join Battle: 16
Obsidian Beamklave Armature*: Speed 5, Accuracy 23, Damage 28L, Parry DV 12, Rate 3
Ocular Essence Cannon: Speed 6, Accuracy -2, Damage 30L, Rate 1, Range 125, Rate 1
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 26, Damage 16L, Parry DV —, Rate 1
*See The Manual of Exalted Power—The Alchemicals, page 210 for beam weapon traits. The Viator need not pay to attune to or deploy the beamklave armature; it is a natural extension of itself.
Soak: 32L/40B (Five-Metal Bulwark 24L/24B)
Hardness: 15L/15B
Health Levels: -0/-1x16/-2x15/-4/Incap
Dodge DV: 13
Willpower: 10 (19 points)
Essence: 9
Essence Pool: 230


The origins of the Viator of Nullspace remain an unsolved mystery. It might be a forbidden Divine Minister, or a misbegotten artifact of destruction forged in Autochthon's wrath. Perhaps it is a temporally splintered hekatonkire-soul of the Neverborn that the Great Maker might one day become, or a hideous amalgam of po souls ripped from Alchemical Exalted lost in the Far Reaches. Some thought it a Void Lord, but the manic zeal with which it destroyed Apostates and gremlins the last time it was free suggests this is not so. It claims to have been hand-crafted by Autochthon.

Mechanically, the Viator is a spirit of extreme power, comparable to a Third Circle demon, with certain traits disturbingly suggestive of Alchemical origins. It is not affected by Axiomatic or Holy magic, although it is a creature of death. Individual Storytellers who have picked a specific origin for the Viator are encouraged to alter these details and its other traits to fit their decision for their own games.
That's interesting, though.

I assume it wasn't canon to Exalted?

I'm new to the Quest and have been liking it so far, however, something has occurred to me that I wanted to bring up. So far, Issei's harem is only made up of women who have been open about their affections. They always make the first move and he reciprocates. Save for Akeno, there are two others who are not as open with their feelings - Irina and Koneko - something will have to change before their feelings can be reciprocated.

If he's going to learn how to properly seduce/date, there is one other who he can do so with. Though she is one who's affections I'm unsure about - Ruby.

She's the only one, who, though living in our house is not actually part of the harem. Issei doesn't need to overtly seduce her or anything, but he can tell her that he's attracted/likes her. If she's willing to try it out, they can play the slow game, go on dates and the like. More can happen if she ever wants it to, and if she finds out she doesn't then they can drop it.
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I'm new to the Quest and have been liking it so far, however, something has occurred to me that I wanted to bring up. So far, Issei's harem is only made up of women who have been open about their affections. They always make the first move and he reciprocates. Save for Akeno there are two others - Irina and Koneko.

But there is one other who's affections I'm unsure about - Ruby.

She's the only one, who, though living in our house is not actually part of the harem. Issei doesn't need to overtly seduce her or anything, but he can tell her that he's attracted/likes her.
Actually Issei seduced Mittelt first, then the tiny Fallen/Oni went with ancient traditional rites of marriage and tried taming us.

We let her sleep after round 3 she was a little out of it by then.

As for Rias, Yang, Eiko, and Aika all four girls are strong and relatively powerful women and Issei hits on their buttons for a satisfying mate. Rias's case is Issei doesn't lie at all about himself he's true to everything he loves, especially if its about his love for breasts. Yang is a bit different she likes Issei because the idiot is strong, stronger than her to boot and mature for his age, experience in bed and good reviews from Mittelt helped. Eiko was drawn to Issei because of his intimate relationship with Sol not our Sun but, to the dawn crow it didn't matter, sleeping with him was the logical next step. Aika is by far our most adrupt relationship, partly based out of her sexually deviant nature, she became enamored with our body and only grew to love Issei after, mostly because of their many shared interests.

Asia isn't included because she was pressured into advancing her platonic relationship into more by Aika and Mittelt, our Harem Manager and her loyal assistant, she liked Issei and it was technically love but, there was a real chance of making Asia into a Sister instead of a Lover had she not been pushed by the two deviants. She was perfectly fine in keeping her feelings hidden.

Also in a harem its pretty important to have your feelings known to your haremsisters. They are women you would be spending the rest of your life, with sharing your husand. Each girl was marking her territory in the increasingly popular Issei harem.

It helps that also Issei likes girls that are fiery themselves and willing to take charge.
Actually Issei seduced Mittelt first, then the tiny Fallen/Oni went with ancient traditional rites of marriage and tried taming us.

We let her sleep after round 3 she was a little out of it by then.

As for Rias, Yang, Eiko, and Aika all four girls are strong and relatively powerful women and Issei hits on their buttons for a satisfying mate. Rias's case is Issei doesn't lie at all about himself he's true to everything he loves, especially if its about his love for breasts. Yang is a bit different she likes Issei because the idiot is strong, stronger than her to boot and mature for his age, experience in bed and good reviews from Mittelt helped. Eiko was drawn to Issei because of his intimate relationship with Sol not our Sun but, to the dawn crow it didn't matter, sleeping with him was the logical next step. Aika is by far our most adrupt relationship, partly based out of her sexually deviant nature, she became enamored with our body and only grew to love Issei after, mostly because of their many shared interests.

Asia isn't included because she was pressured into advancing her platonic relationship into more by Aika and Mittelt, our Harem Manager and her loyal assistant, she liked Issei and it was technically love but, there was a real chance of making Asia into a Sister instead of a Lover had she not been pushed by the two deviants. She was perfectly fine in keeping her feelings hidden.

Also in a harem its pretty important to have your feelings known to your haremsisters. They are women you would be spending the rest of your life, with sharing your husand. Each girl was marking her territory in the increasingly popular Issei harem.

It helps that also Issei likes girls that are fiery themselves and willing to take charge.

I agree with this, but I still think that Issei is just reacting when a girl approaches him and is not actively trying to seduce anyone. He's rather dense in that way. Unless a girl shoves their interest in his face he just won't get it, and will rationalize it away (such as when Koneko started up magical training once she heard Issei would be there and he rationalized it away as a coincidence). I think Ruby would be a good starting place - we can find out from Yang just what her sister thinks of Issei.
I agree with this, but I still think that Issei is just reacting when a girl approaches him and is not actively trying to seduce anyone. He's rather dense in that way. Unless a girl shoves their interest in his face he just won't get it, and will rationalize it away (such as when Koneko started up magical training once she heard Issei would be there and he rationalized it away as a coincidence). I think Ruby would be a good starting place - we can find out from Yang just what her sister thinks of Issei.

I would rather go after Koneko and Akeno next. We are going to be hanging them. Plus, it would be awkward to pursue a relationship with Ruby while dating her sister.

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