Interlude 7
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Interlude 7
The duke of Robinson maneuvered his wheel chair around the tables as his officers worked processing equipment checks, and across the hard ferrocrete of the yard. "And we're ready?"
"As ready as we can be your grace." Colonel Cameron replied jogging beside the duke. Thirty meters to their right were the massed forces of the Draconis March Militia... or at least the primary striking force.
Battlemechs, and supporting armor, including of course machines that had been pulled from a star league depot that he had been ignorant of.
Part of that complement were Star League Chaparrals, being stood guard over by more recently constructed Enforcer and Centurion BattleMechs... which was what he wanted Robinson Standard BattleWorks to look at... because all of them, and indeed the Mongoose, the Dragoon's mysterious Annihilator, and the venerable Hunchback could all run off the same fusion engine.
He needed the local company to begin manufacturing fusion engines... no what he really needed them to do was to begin producing BattleMechs wholesale. One of the things that had been discussed but that the Prince's Champion had nixed, as not having time, was the refitting of equipment to consolidate a logistical bottle neck in both ammunition use, and for that matter even on lasers.
"Your grace." The head of Robinson Standard BattleWorks was a good hardworking man, but it was clear he'd been overtaxed by recent preparations. There were deep bags developing under the man's eyes and that only accentuated his rail thin frame.
"Mr Surrey its good to see you again, I do apologize for keeping you waiting."
"Not at all your grace."
The papers were handed over, "Can it be done?"
Ultimately it would take time and money. He had known that, and yet the man's pause filled with a sudden inescapable feeling of dread, "Well, your grace, yes the engines, armor, certainly. The Enforcer, and Centurion, are different BattleMechs your grace." He was tempted to hurry the man along, or interrupt him that of course he knew that, and knew that ordinarily the Centurion was finicky with its standard auto cannon, and that whatever else they could just replace the Luxor with the Federated version, "Its true, and well some parts commonality aside, your grace would be better suited attempting to choose one, or the other... and if I may."
"The enforcer," He grunted from his wheel chair. How hard would it really be to just mount missiles in, "But I will want our Centurions refit for the Federated Autocannon as soon as we are able to do so."
"Yes your grace." The man acquiesced forthwith, and they moved along to the other issues. When it was all said and done though the Sandoval duke was sure that given time Robinson would be able to make the appropriate steps, with the appropriate political support to begin expansion... and that his world would be able to produce new BattleMechs for the Draconis March.
A Prospect that would be, he expected, much easier as among the new arrivals he expected were the other dukes of the Draconis March, particularly those of the Elidere system, and the others who had suffered attacks by the 19th Galedon Regulars. He had played the game long enough to recognize having them come in the autumn would keep them on their worlds if reprisals came, but having them not be here with the discovery of the Brian Cache had been its own lucky break.
Within the core of the Eirdani Light Horse's regiments each had a contingent of what were now LosTech machines... carefully guarded once it had become clear that they were harder and harder to repair and replace. He thought of Campbell's Highlander, and shook his head head. He knew, from the records of his predecessors, that at the core of the Azami community was a carefully unbroken chain of descent from soldiers of the Combine's SLDF units who had not for one reason or another left with General Kerensky. He knew that the Highlanders similarly had their own traditions.
That first look suggested that was all it was, especially with Azami troopers in tow. It made perfect sense that Highlanders, and Azami survivors' descendants would have ties of their own. The Eridani Light Horse had accepted the terms of House Steiner through negotiations with former SLDF units, or their descendants in Lyran service. His lyran counterparts had been using it as an old boys club, more than living up to the League's ideals, but that was life.
The mech start up over the channel echoed.
"It's hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead."
The Marauder lifted to full height hull rising over the ferrocrete embankment.
The observation deck's support display listed battle rom data, which was dominated by a truly exhaustive compilation of mech kills of the last two years. "Sir." The staff officer's expression was puzzled and concerned as he toyed with the noteputer. An SLDF IFF wasn't something they'd never seen before, each and every man, and woman in the Eridani Light Horse swore the oaths, that wasn't the problem.
The piloting credentials listed were valid, fair enough. It was the beyond that. The list of credentials was alarmingly complete, but of all the impossibilities there was perhaps the most impossible, that stood out against all the rest. Credentials like Master Gunner qualifications were still issued out by the Eridani Light Horse. They still had the testing, evaluation and issuing ability for that, and plenty of other basic, and some advanced mechwarrior courses.
The tab and scroll which stood out most was for the Advanced Combat and Maneuvering Skills Project.
The Gunslinger Program.
The other impossibility was Service Nationality. The brevet colonel wasn't from the Lyran Commonwealth, the Draconis Combine, the Federated Suns, the Capellan Confederation, the Free Worlds League or any of the territorial states. It listed the Terran Hegemony, listing an HAF service number.
"Command, standing by, LBX 120mm three rounds," The rest of the firing sequence Kersten didn't recognize but he supposed it was a lostech weapon, cluster was an artillery command he was familiar with.
The General Motors rep was all but plastering his face to the transparent aluminum bubble that separated them from the air as the autocannon did its work on the targets. The man might as well have been salivating as the class five autocannon went to work.
He was aware that the other mercenary command had already transferred Star League era samples of the ammunition. There were copies of two different class ten versions apparently, he had seen one of the examples labelled Lubalin Ballistics, the other was apparently a Krupp example. The excitement and the clamor at the test wasn't just GM's reps.
The smaller corporation was here as well, and was looking on in interest. The Marauder, swapped ammunition types back to standard, and then delivered a burst on target in excess of a typical Whirlwind's range. Whether that was showing off or the lostech, or a mix wasn't immediately clear, but it probably didn't matter. The purpose of all this Kersten knew damned well was to show off. This was a dog and pony show to impress General Motors. The first prince was wooing one of his vassals to come around to his point of view, and was offering them the prospect of involvement in some new Davion auto cannon business.
... the davions were famous for their obsession with autocannons, it was almost apart of the national character of the Federated Suns really... and GM would have been insane to step back from involvement in it. This was the carrot that would help entice them, and deter them from the reminder that the First Prince was still a monarch with exceptional powers not counting those that had become normal after the succession wars had erupted two centuries earlier.
The show continued. The mech that they didn't see was Blackwell's Marauder II, but Kersten had been told about it... and also the variants of it that the terran brevet colonel had apparently requested... and there was one other. They had gotten to see the White Horse, but apparently in the constraints of travel the Colonel had left the Black Horse behind.
That was what the news called them. Someone on Elidere had coined it in response to an interview showing previous BattleRom footage. White Horse, Black Horse. He wasn't offended by it, not at all, the parade paint jobs made perfect sense... and when it came to field operations well it didn't seem to be any trouble to apply Star League environment camouflage patterns to them for campaigning... but in today's events the white horse was the white horse, painted white and gray.
The aide had already been attempting to run down whose parade colors, a Hussar unit, possibly, maybe the Combine had been on to something. Maybe not. It wouldn't hurt to look. The 'Devastator' was also in SLDF parade colors, but it had apparently been found by the Lyran. Something to look up, but not a priority... not nearly as much of an anomaloy. LosTech turned up, and sometimes it was a really impressive find like this.
There were rumors going around that they'd found a whole army cache, some division whose depot hadn't been found before now. It would have been nice to have been able to bring some of their units back up SLDF unit specifications. As the years had gone on his predecessors had had to adjust to supply realities. There were still some infantry units fielding the standard issue weapons of the Star League era, but there numbers were a handful of jump infantry companies compared to a time when the RCT would have all had standard Mauser Las Guns. That was long in the past now.
They had lost so much. So much had declined over the centuries.
The door opened to readmit the young mechwarrior, and it seemed to take Field Marshal Yvonne Davion the Prince's Champion considerable effort to keep the GM rep from trying to get to the colonel. What was notable about today, besides the mechs of course, was also the absence of other less grand finds. There had probably been infantry equipment, but the cache had apparently contained significant combat vehicle stocks... but the Eridani hadn't been the ones to locate it... and being upset about it would be counter productive.
The problem would be having a conversation in private. In the last two days there hadn't been a priority there, not with all of the colonel's time monopolized either by the Lyran doctor, or by Davion inquiries, and there hadn't been a pressing need. With as much travel time there would have been time to talk about the contract... but now the Field Marshal's mothering looked different. "I'll try and get you some time on the others," The field marshal was presumably referring to Blackwell's Marauder II mechs.
"I was wondering about that, we're here," At AMA, "I take it we're displacing the students."
"That's true." She replied as they moved to sit back down. "A necessary accommodation for the realm though, I assure you. You could come back here after."
"Lex has mentioned that." He replied.
"And how are you and Alexandria getting along?"
The duke of Robinson maneuvered his wheel chair around the tables as his officers worked processing equipment checks, and across the hard ferrocrete of the yard. "And we're ready?"
"As ready as we can be your grace." Colonel Cameron replied jogging beside the duke. Thirty meters to their right were the massed forces of the Draconis March Militia... or at least the primary striking force.
Battlemechs, and supporting armor, including of course machines that had been pulled from a star league depot that he had been ignorant of.
Part of that complement were Star League Chaparrals, being stood guard over by more recently constructed Enforcer and Centurion BattleMechs... which was what he wanted Robinson Standard BattleWorks to look at... because all of them, and indeed the Mongoose, the Dragoon's mysterious Annihilator, and the venerable Hunchback could all run off the same fusion engine.
He needed the local company to begin manufacturing fusion engines... no what he really needed them to do was to begin producing BattleMechs wholesale. One of the things that had been discussed but that the Prince's Champion had nixed, as not having time, was the refitting of equipment to consolidate a logistical bottle neck in both ammunition use, and for that matter even on lasers.
"Your grace." The head of Robinson Standard BattleWorks was a good hardworking man, but it was clear he'd been overtaxed by recent preparations. There were deep bags developing under the man's eyes and that only accentuated his rail thin frame.
"Mr Surrey its good to see you again, I do apologize for keeping you waiting."
"Not at all your grace."
The papers were handed over, "Can it be done?"
Ultimately it would take time and money. He had known that, and yet the man's pause filled with a sudden inescapable feeling of dread, "Well, your grace, yes the engines, armor, certainly. The Enforcer, and Centurion, are different BattleMechs your grace." He was tempted to hurry the man along, or interrupt him that of course he knew that, and knew that ordinarily the Centurion was finicky with its standard auto cannon, and that whatever else they could just replace the Luxor with the Federated version, "Its true, and well some parts commonality aside, your grace would be better suited attempting to choose one, or the other... and if I may."
"The enforcer," He grunted from his wheel chair. How hard would it really be to just mount missiles in, "But I will want our Centurions refit for the Federated Autocannon as soon as we are able to do so."
"Yes your grace." The man acquiesced forthwith, and they moved along to the other issues. When it was all said and done though the Sandoval duke was sure that given time Robinson would be able to make the appropriate steps, with the appropriate political support to begin expansion... and that his world would be able to produce new BattleMechs for the Draconis March.
A Prospect that would be, he expected, much easier as among the new arrivals he expected were the other dukes of the Draconis March, particularly those of the Elidere system, and the others who had suffered attacks by the 19th Galedon Regulars. He had played the game long enough to recognize having them come in the autumn would keep them on their worlds if reprisals came, but having them not be here with the discovery of the Brian Cache had been its own lucky break.
Within the core of the Eirdani Light Horse's regiments each had a contingent of what were now LosTech machines... carefully guarded once it had become clear that they were harder and harder to repair and replace. He thought of Campbell's Highlander, and shook his head head. He knew, from the records of his predecessors, that at the core of the Azami community was a carefully unbroken chain of descent from soldiers of the Combine's SLDF units who had not for one reason or another left with General Kerensky. He knew that the Highlanders similarly had their own traditions.
That first look suggested that was all it was, especially with Azami troopers in tow. It made perfect sense that Highlanders, and Azami survivors' descendants would have ties of their own. The Eridani Light Horse had accepted the terms of House Steiner through negotiations with former SLDF units, or their descendants in Lyran service. His lyran counterparts had been using it as an old boys club, more than living up to the League's ideals, but that was life.
The mech start up over the channel echoed.
"It's hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead."
The Marauder lifted to full height hull rising over the ferrocrete embankment.
The observation deck's support display listed battle rom data, which was dominated by a truly exhaustive compilation of mech kills of the last two years. "Sir." The staff officer's expression was puzzled and concerned as he toyed with the noteputer. An SLDF IFF wasn't something they'd never seen before, each and every man, and woman in the Eridani Light Horse swore the oaths, that wasn't the problem.
The piloting credentials listed were valid, fair enough. It was the beyond that. The list of credentials was alarmingly complete, but of all the impossibilities there was perhaps the most impossible, that stood out against all the rest. Credentials like Master Gunner qualifications were still issued out by the Eridani Light Horse. They still had the testing, evaluation and issuing ability for that, and plenty of other basic, and some advanced mechwarrior courses.
The tab and scroll which stood out most was for the Advanced Combat and Maneuvering Skills Project.
The Gunslinger Program.
The other impossibility was Service Nationality. The brevet colonel wasn't from the Lyran Commonwealth, the Draconis Combine, the Federated Suns, the Capellan Confederation, the Free Worlds League or any of the territorial states. It listed the Terran Hegemony, listing an HAF service number.
"Command, standing by, LBX 120mm three rounds," The rest of the firing sequence Kersten didn't recognize but he supposed it was a lostech weapon, cluster was an artillery command he was familiar with.
The General Motors rep was all but plastering his face to the transparent aluminum bubble that separated them from the air as the autocannon did its work on the targets. The man might as well have been salivating as the class five autocannon went to work.
He was aware that the other mercenary command had already transferred Star League era samples of the ammunition. There were copies of two different class ten versions apparently, he had seen one of the examples labelled Lubalin Ballistics, the other was apparently a Krupp example. The excitement and the clamor at the test wasn't just GM's reps.
The smaller corporation was here as well, and was looking on in interest. The Marauder, swapped ammunition types back to standard, and then delivered a burst on target in excess of a typical Whirlwind's range. Whether that was showing off or the lostech, or a mix wasn't immediately clear, but it probably didn't matter. The purpose of all this Kersten knew damned well was to show off. This was a dog and pony show to impress General Motors. The first prince was wooing one of his vassals to come around to his point of view, and was offering them the prospect of involvement in some new Davion auto cannon business.
... the davions were famous for their obsession with autocannons, it was almost apart of the national character of the Federated Suns really... and GM would have been insane to step back from involvement in it. This was the carrot that would help entice them, and deter them from the reminder that the First Prince was still a monarch with exceptional powers not counting those that had become normal after the succession wars had erupted two centuries earlier.
The show continued. The mech that they didn't see was Blackwell's Marauder II, but Kersten had been told about it... and also the variants of it that the terran brevet colonel had apparently requested... and there was one other. They had gotten to see the White Horse, but apparently in the constraints of travel the Colonel had left the Black Horse behind.
That was what the news called them. Someone on Elidere had coined it in response to an interview showing previous BattleRom footage. White Horse, Black Horse. He wasn't offended by it, not at all, the parade paint jobs made perfect sense... and when it came to field operations well it didn't seem to be any trouble to apply Star League environment camouflage patterns to them for campaigning... but in today's events the white horse was the white horse, painted white and gray.
The aide had already been attempting to run down whose parade colors, a Hussar unit, possibly, maybe the Combine had been on to something. Maybe not. It wouldn't hurt to look. The 'Devastator' was also in SLDF parade colors, but it had apparently been found by the Lyran. Something to look up, but not a priority... not nearly as much of an anomaloy. LosTech turned up, and sometimes it was a really impressive find like this.
There were rumors going around that they'd found a whole army cache, some division whose depot hadn't been found before now. It would have been nice to have been able to bring some of their units back up SLDF unit specifications. As the years had gone on his predecessors had had to adjust to supply realities. There were still some infantry units fielding the standard issue weapons of the Star League era, but there numbers were a handful of jump infantry companies compared to a time when the RCT would have all had standard Mauser Las Guns. That was long in the past now.
They had lost so much. So much had declined over the centuries.
The door opened to readmit the young mechwarrior, and it seemed to take Field Marshal Yvonne Davion the Prince's Champion considerable effort to keep the GM rep from trying to get to the colonel. What was notable about today, besides the mechs of course, was also the absence of other less grand finds. There had probably been infantry equipment, but the cache had apparently contained significant combat vehicle stocks... but the Eridani hadn't been the ones to locate it... and being upset about it would be counter productive.
The problem would be having a conversation in private. In the last two days there hadn't been a priority there, not with all of the colonel's time monopolized either by the Lyran doctor, or by Davion inquiries, and there hadn't been a pressing need. With as much travel time there would have been time to talk about the contract... but now the Field Marshal's mothering looked different. "I'll try and get you some time on the others," The field marshal was presumably referring to Blackwell's Marauder II mechs.
"I was wondering about that, we're here," At AMA, "I take it we're displacing the students."
"That's true." She replied as they moved to sit back down. "A necessary accommodation for the realm though, I assure you. You could come back here after."
"Lex has mentioned that." He replied.
"And how are you and Alexandria getting along?"