Highland Faire 17
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Highland Faire 17
The first bouts were.. weren't scripted per se, but they much more formalized than the free for all format that the melee's clearing houses had been in. For one the participants had been expected to follow civil etiquette and salute one another from their respective starting position. It wasn't specifically a Davion thing but he suspected that it was more part of the spectacle than anything else. The sets were tallied up by points won in the free for all... and that meant most though not all of the competitors who had advanced were pilots who hadn't been knocked out during those first four scrums.The matches Monday had themselves averaged a surprising between five and seven minutes. The scoring was a bit more game like and there was more play in the bout. It was easier to focus on just the one guy in front of you. While not alphabetical, the first two scrimmages had been organized close enough, first half of the alphabet, second half, the latter two had originally been lower half, and the top scorers. That had turned into something of a scandal because the subsequent knock out of pilots in Friday's match had eliminated pilots who likely would have gone on, by points.
The games were an important ritual though, and they went on, even if there had still been some grumbling about it. Gene put the comms transcript aside, and looked at the surly teenager. Then to the Rasalhague Assault Mech pilot.
Soren piloted ... well what had started life as a Ymir 3 Alfa but the last two hundred years hadn't been good to the machine as it had sort of backed tracked along the way to its 2 Echo roots. Yusuf had said the Hermes 360 in the Machine had a manufacturing date from 2601 and had probably come out of a Hegemony Militia Mech. It had a pair of Fusigon PPCs as its primary armament, and ran hot even with DHS installed.
He wasn't surprised that the Griffin pilot had actually challenged her opponents in order, or that she'd gone into the match with that in mind... with that sort of plan. She seemed confident bordering on unreasonably cocky that she'd make the finals. He suspected that was probably in part based off of having survived starting in the deep end with the top ranked pilots, but it certainly reminded him of Rio's attitude.
That was only part of the problem. Free Rasalhague was the other one. Rasalhague had been one of those by products of the exodus from terra in the 23rd century, a blip that might have faded into history if what might have just been seen as queer early exodus colonial parochialism that might had turned into a national identity that had never existed historically. That was to say that Combine had through a pattern of cultural repression and driving a literate educated populace underground had insured that the idea of a rasalhague national identity had survived. More than survived thrived as an expatriate community, a literary movement, and militant factionalism.
The combine's attempts to go out of their way to crush competing social identities the more hardy those identities became... self defeating was maybe was the best even description...
That said it was still a little difficult to take seriously claims to represent the Principality in Exile... especially when the claims on what world were natural Rasalhagian was somewhat grandiosely nothing short of the entire Military District.
Of course it was entirely possible that Soren's bosses were banking on talking big would win them points, or that it would cause them to be taken more seriously. There was no telling how real their profession of local support was... but they did have money, and manpower and equipment and they had support from other groups. The azami endorsement of their character was a plus, at least so far as he believed Pasha in that the old JumpShip captain held that it was sincere.
He was also pretty sure that Soren Holmgren was volunteering for this because if they succeeded in taking Dieron it might not only win Davion support for their political ambitions... it would them kudos and recognition more broadly. A rasalhague contingent at Dieron, a victory or even just a presence against the combine would be a statement. A political statement. A potentially very loud political statement.
In order to participate though they needed a structure. There were no shortage of mercenaries in the inner sphere, and as in the star league era before it the succession wars had plenty of mercenary outfits that were little more than private military arms of the patron noble house or corporation that sponsored them... actually that was perhaps both more or less common now depending on how one looked at it. The more things changed the more things stayed the same, but again the problem was that Rasalhague wasn't a recognized government. The movement to which Holmgren and friends belong also couldn't just register as mercenaries for a corporation that might being paying them either... not unless they were willing to risk their backers getting the full attention of the ISF or possibly even combine regulars.
That left enrolling as mercenaries under an existing company for the purpose of learning the trade, and in truth learning the trade of arms to ideally serve as the center piece of a future free Rasalhague state. How much they'd been banking on riding out into the periphery with the azami going out there to work in the periphery, a distance out from Combine scrutiny and presumptive retaliation was unclear but a chance at an active strike at the dragon was probably too good to pass up.
This was in what history, what annals, and chronicles of the company... a Highlander brought in tradition would record as establishing Bardiche. In historical record more broadly it would be the day that the Rasalhague government reaffirmed its signature on the Ares Conventions originally signed as a nominally independent power in 2412... though its signatore had been a member of House Kurita... which of course no one had been ass enough to bring up.
"We'll start intake procedures for pilots, your mechwarriors will go through the same familiarization course as the highland cadets. With minor modifications to accommodate for outfitting the Battalion. I'll have you a berth aboard the San Saba prepared."
Septim looked like he was going to break the stylus as he attempted to compose the monograph, presumably to his kinsmen back home. The Highlander officers were currently engrossed in a conversation over the contents of the caches here and on Robinson, and on Elidere with Bard as the rain continued to shake the windows.
Considerations for the expansion of the unit were going to be complicated... Gene had to question why the Hegemony had never acted more forcefully to encourage the break up of the Combine. It made little sense. The limits of KF drives and the perpetual belligerence of the Combine had always been topics of discussion. The lack of a clear indictment over who was responsible for the assassination of the second to last Star Lord, and the previous Davion succession crisis had been too late to effectively act on... the Hegemony had lacked strong leadership by the end. By 28th century the Hegemony had been too unwilling to act, and whether the Hegemony even could have been saved was a pointless what if.
What was left were the Hegemony's weapon stocks and that they could be used against the Combine... maybe Rasalhague could succeed, become independent. Maybe the Azami too. Maybe it'd just weaken the combine more. The odds were too hard to calculate but they were still favorable enough in terms of making the combine's life hell that Dante was willing to throw the dice.
"Even distributing some of the Rasalhague pilots with the Storm hunters, we don't have enough assault mechs to stand up another Dragoon Battalion." It wasn't as if the Rasalhague didn't have some mechs of their own to contribute, but they'd most likely have organize those into Scout Lances, which would overlap them with the lighter mechs that the Azami would likely be adding... that was actually probably a good thing... but Pasha was still in conference with the exodus fleets elders about where they stood with their own forces.
He'd seen estimates for exactly how many civilians were up there... and transporting that many people to the periphery was going to put them on a time table just for the simple facet of keeping them fed, and also with regards to water... but also staying in one place for too long might attract unwanted attention from the combine.
Mercenary units were rarely mono ethnic in the periphery. People came out to the periphery in order to get out of the Inner Sphere... there was a little more homogeneity in the Inner Sphere, but that got back to how many merc units were corporate security or some noble's private bully force Active working mercs were more likely to be a combination of different national origins, but there was that and then there was... well there set up.
Dieron would be the real test.
"There is also the matter of hiring pilots into the company itself."
They had slots open, and she was just talking mechs never mind the whole armor issue. "I know." He replied to Bahar's statement, "What's your opinion?"
"She's reckless. I think she has great potential, but she's very angry, and that could get her killed in a real fight."
He tapped the application for hiring the Griffin pilot, and her surviving retainer. "Is that a yes?"
"Its a yes."
They'd been planning originally to make hiriing offers to the participants after the the games concluded but nothing about this trip was remaining static in terms of planning. "I'm not entirely comfortable at this stage reading her in on events that lead into the first succession war."
"It probably wouldn't matter. The dragon has committed an extreme breach of personal honor in its actions, I doubt she's at a stage where she's consciously processed that misfortune never mind crimes committed by generations past." He nodded in concession to the point even as he thought back to telling Septim about the the things during the lead into the battle for Elidere IV. It was not unreasonable to assume that regardless of present employment or indeed perhaps because of it, the Lyrans military and intelligence services would want statements.
They weren't likely do anything untoward, but Septim would probably be asked questions about the success of Elidere, and the condition of the Combine's forces in real combat. Only Septim would know how he was going to answer those questions. It was a risk, but throwing a look up towards orbit, and the artificial stars in the afternoon sky. "We have a lot of people who are going to need to be moved." That meant supplies, an exodus from the inner sphere, meant a lot of supplies. He was sure that the Azami had made progress towards that, but he also knew that the road to Alamut was long, and that they were hoping to pad that reserve out, so they'd need time, after Dieron.
Notes: Dieron as I've said is going to be a fairly short arc, it covers a small chronological period of time, but it has a significant outsized effect on what it sets up for. It is among other things a demonstration that Elidere was not some fluke. It is also a major feather in the FedSuns cap for other reason and it has major knock on effects in the wider Inner Sphere and in particular for going forward.
While its not definitive, the outlines are not concrete yet, the events on Dieron shape how the 4th Succession war plays, it shapes the clan invasion when that occurs... at least it does in the current versions, and we will get to that.
And regarding the clan invasion what will probably happen is that there will be a breakdown of large polities into smaller ones because Jihad... but more of that will be set up for in, hinted at in Smoke Jaguar 2 in the extras segment because well decade in the future.
But yeah post dieron there are some travel stuff, and then a time skip to allow for Jump Travel distances to the periphery and what not and the pirate wars start. While the Pirate Wars are going on we will probably get some follow on from the Davion side of things from Yvonne and Kersten (we're actually missing a few Kerston segments that just never got finished) as well as ComStar and Wolf Dragoons stuff.