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Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

Should I post 2.9 a week early or keep to the normal schedule? 2.10 will be on 11/13 regardless.

  • Yes, post 2.9 on 10/23

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • No, wait until 10/30

    Votes: 14 51.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't know, Heromaker's Legacy and Taylor Varga both use a similar format, and neither loses out on the "magical" factor.
I don't remember when I dropped out of Heromaker's Legacy. (I have a vague sense that I should pick it up again.) On the other hand, I know when I dropped Taylor Varga, and it has nothing to do with the kind of stuff Guardian54 is talking about. So... I think that just goes to reinforce your point? I'm pretty sure?
1. The credits pit she has dug herself into is like starting with -150 credits in difficulty.
Hard difficulty starts at 0 credits, -150 credits is the "slave to the show" difficulty option.

And to, yet again, reinforce the point both me and the author have made SEVERAL times... (using your emphasis system) Nothing is set in stone, nothing is decided, nothing is irreversible (other than Taylor's forced participation apparently), not a single point has been spent or deducted.
1b. Huh, I've just been using it as highlighting keywords/phrases (because an exploit to store battle planets inside your boobs to have a good selection of weapons to fire through the nipple portals is "obviously" a key phrase/concept when discussing reasons why a sane woman might want "Fuckable Nipples"). My actually raving tone is, well, generally ALL CAPS plus whatever other emphasis level, such as BOLD FONT SIZE 6+ or something.
You don't "highlight keywords/phrases", you bold every other paragraph.

And regardless of your personal habits dictate, you come off as aggressive and insulting because your person habits are different from what 99% of the rest of the internet uses.

Here is the proper way to emphasis key words and phrases in both a grammatically and socially acceptable way:
(an exploit to store battle planets inside your boobs to have a good selection of weapons to fire through the nipple portals)
Notice that it's actually only key words and phrases emphasised, not the entire sentence/paragraph. This like bolds and caps should be used sparing, if at all.
Nothing is set in stone, nothing is decided, nothing is irreversible (other than Taylor's forced participation apparently), not a single point has been spent or deducted.

Notice that it's actually only key words and phrases emphasised, not the entire sentence/paragraph.

1. Yeah, yeah, we know that. *Nail-biting GIF here*

2. Duly noted.
I think Guardian54 is referring to the fact that Taylor is set something like 140 credits back by having to choose Secret Society.
-110 points, because it's -150 for SSM, but +40 points from New Home.

That said, I just made a completely sex-free build on hard (it helps that punishments like Body Writing, with the Souvenir mod, can be taken for +10 extra points, but will never actually be applied, because we won't be having sex, likewise for the climax control chip with the edging mod and controller option for +40 points). It's taking SSM and New Home (fully decked out with luxury setups) with the Lifelong Learning Entertainment option. It also has 18 unspent points, which is enough for a number of beneficial body mods.
Why exactly did Taylor choose Secret Society anyway?
So she could get more than one reward that helps her in her plan to become the best (lewdest?) heroine ever to hit Earth Bet.
Also because that's the only way to wrangle things such that she becomes Slut Life's representative and casting agent for her Earth Bet, as opposed to the asshole who roped her into this whole thing.
Why exactly did Taylor choose Secret Society anyway?
Taylor was hung up on the "Was it all a dream?" reward, because of Trichter's machinations. SSM + New Home + 'Was it all a Dream?' was the only way Cindy could think to wrangle getting Taylor home when they took her while still retaining her memories.

I could actually do it with 1 reward option, powers: Time Travel + Dimensional Teleportation + whatever you want for the 3rd power.
Taylor was hung up on the "Was it all a dream?" reward, because of Trichter's machinations. SSM + New Home + 'Was it all a Dream?' was the only way Cindy could think to wrangle getting Taylor home when they took her while still retaining her memories.

I could actually do it with 1 reward option, powers: Time Travel + Dimensional Teleportation + whatever you want for the 3rd power.

Cindy is surely bullshitting. SSM + Powers + Was It All A Dream would be more than enough to get the job done.

Or just get a time-travelling/universe-hopping power. Has Taylor NEVER seen ANY fantasy/sci-fi in her life???? (Then again there's a certain early-trigger fic where Emma, still the BFF, ends up absorbed by Taylor for a while while testing Taylor's power, and people said it was typical of teen girl decision-making abilities, so...)

This is not the "tries to exploit for more HEROING power" Taylor Hebert we are generally accustomed to.
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On the plus side Taylor does learn a few valuable life lessons for when she gets back to Earth Bet.
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That setup would have the contestant lose their memories of the show, from the 'was it all a dream?' reward.
Would that really be so bad? The reason she was gotten to sign up was primarily financial concerns, so if they're taken care of, she should be able to "endure" the mental pain, assuming QA doesn't remember. Also, if she gets back even just 6 months after the locker, there are going to be quite a few questions asked, and that may lead to the situation at the start of Canon altering drastically (No Taylor Saving Undersiders -> Coil not having either of his thinkers to provide reason for the Travelers to go to BB + No ABB rampage -> Leviathan attacking Boston... et cetera). Therefore, I think that it's likely that the author will have Taylor decide on "Was it all a Dream", so as to have a recognizable situation in BB.
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Would that really be so bad? The reason she was gotten to sign up was primarily financial concerns, so if they're taken care of, she should be able to "endure" the mental pain, assuming QA doesn't remember.
Actually, it wasn't as much the fiscal concerns, as it was the mental ones driving her crazy for a week or two while she acclimated; and all progress on that front would be lost if she couldn't remember it.

That said... Taylor actually probably would have been fine had she told Trichter to shove it. IIRC canonically the vast majority of Taylor's time in the psych ward was before she knew what all those new sensations were, once she made the connection to understand her new senses were from bugs, she was out within a day or so. Yes, she wouldn't have had any actual experience with the bug senses and such, but knowing what they were before being bombarded with them alone would probably keep Taylor out of the psych ward.
That said... Taylor actually probably would have been fine had she told Trichter to shove it. IIRC canonically the vast majority of Taylor's time in the psych ward was before she knew what all those new sensations were, once she made the connection to understand her new senses were from bugs, she was out within a day or so. Yes, she wouldn't have had any actual experience with the bug senses and such, but knowing what they were before being bombarded with them alone would probably keep Taylor out of the psych ward.

Reminds me of a discussion on PTSD I read recently on SB... something about the fallacy of control. IIRC it read something like "Getting a good meal and then marching off to battle alongside your friends? Humans are generally okay with that. Suddenly artillery or bears? Not so much."

In other words, I agree with your claim that "I know it's bugs" leads to "I wonder which bug feels like it's tasting purple?" Instead of "AHHHHHHHHH WHY DO I TASTE PURPLE !)#*$%&@!T(@C N#MX )*QED"
overall interesting approach to the idea...
looking forward to see where this will go
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In other words, I agree with your claim that "I know it's bugs" leads to "I wonder which bug feels like it's tasting purple?" Instead of "AHHHHHHHHH WHY DO I TASTE PURPLE !)#*$%&@!T(@C N#MX )*QED"
Puts you more into to the "Oh my, listen to those beautiful colors!" kinda zoned out acid trip, rather than the "Why is that sound so bright!" kinda freaking out bad shoom trip.

(it says 360 VR, but displays fine, if slightly distorted, on a PC screen, and there's a little arrow d-pad thingy in the top left corner for when it tells you to turn around)
Recruitment 1.6
Recruitment 1.6

"Hello everyone," Professor Moshe Darwin began, looking over the veritable sea of fellow men, women, and others of science, both in person and on screens. "We have something of an oddity to discuss."

"You're referring to Slut Life's new contestant, yes?" one of the other scientists asked.

Darwin nodded in his direction. "That is correct. Taylor Hebert has already proven to be quite the interesting specimen. As I am sure most of you are aware, she is from a section of the multiverse we have not previously examined. This, in and of itself, is nothing new. For those who have not been following recent developments as closely as others, she has an extradimensional probe implanted in her brain, leading back to a parallel world. This probe is only a minuscule fraction of what we have determined to be an organic supercomputer the size of a continent." He paused for a moment to let the excited muttering subside.

"Is it causing any undue influence on the subject?" called out one of the scientists, who was fingering her Trilobite pendant.

"We suspect so," Darwin confirmed, "though we are unsure to what extent. So far, all we have observed is that the subject is capable of directing every arthropod within her radius and receives sensory data in return. However, based on the preliminary reports concerning her world, it seems likely that the connection promotes violence to some unknown end."

Clearing his throat, Darwin continued. "Now, this selection process is going to be slightly different than usual. I know we usually all submit our ideas to a panel and have them select what they think would be most useful for the show or what would get the best ratings. This time, however, they want us to be more focused on analyzing this anomaly than testing any new procedures."

"Do we know where she's going to be based?" a scientist with floating lightning bolt epaulets asked over one of the video screens. "It would be a shame if she were based in the Xaglerth sector. We wouldn't be able to learn anything there."

"No," Darwin replied. "We have no plans of sending her to Xaglerth or any of the other more restrictive sectors. We might not even be able to get her off of Earth, actually," he admitted. "That is going to be the first challenge for whoever takes this assignment, along with anyone else who would like to add their expertise to the attempt."

"Is the issue with Miss Hebert or with the organic supercomputer?" another scientist asked, tipping his green and white striped hat back.

"If it's with the computer," the scientist with the epaulets commented, "I may be able to help with the transport, though I am, unfortunately, unable to devote myself to a long term research project at this time."

"Ah, thank you, Captain Andreyasn," Darwin replied. "That would be much appreciated. Now that transportation has been taken care of, we'll still need to make sure transporting the computer won't cause any major errors. It'd be horrible to get it moved and then have it stop working because it has an equivalent to DRM."

"I might know a someone," a wrinkled old man announced. "He's a bit of a whippersnapper, but he should be able to do the job."

"And he's not here?" another scientist called out mockingly. "What good could he be?"

"He's the best hacker I've ever met," the wrinkly man insisted. "He's also even lazier than my damn great grand uncle. But he'll help us, if we pose it as a challenge."

"Good, now that that's been settled," Darwin began, stopping anyone else from posing any objections, "who here is interested in a long term research project? Please indicate if you are."

About ten hands went up. "Alright, the lot of you, work out who'll be the lead scientist and contact point for Miss Hebert. The rest of you can either follow their lead or wait until we get another project."

One of the ten held up a hand again and called out, "How are we going to ensure we will have access to the subject?"

"Oh, that part will be simple," Darwin replied. "We're going to bribe her."

Once Taylor and Cindy were seated comfortably in the main room again, they got right down to business. "Now, I don't have any say in who is worth how much," Cindy began, "but I have to admit I find it strange that we only have two owners worth ten credits each, and I don't think you'd be interested in either of them. First we have the Pet Owner. They are very into pet play and will treat you like a dog or a cat or something. Sure, you'd get lots of attention and affection, but they also tend to take their pets for walks in the park… naked and on all fours, leash included."

"I'm definitely not interested in that," Taylor agreed.

Cindy nodded, moving on. "And the other ten credit owner is a yandere."

"What is a yandere?"

"I'm not sure the best way to describe it," Cindy replied. After a few moments of thought, she tried, "Basically, a yandere is one of those creepy stalker types. If you pay attention to them, they'll be all sweet and pleasant, but they do not like it if you have any other owners. Or friends. Or a job that takes you away from them. And when they're unhappy, they tend to get violent."

Taylor blinked. "Why is that even an option?"

Cindy shrugged. "Like I said, they're rather sweet so long as you don't push any of their buttons. Some people like that kind of thing and it can be good for ratings."

"But… why?" Taylor asked. Even with how lonely she was she wouldn't want someone like that as a best friend. Probably. Not if she had warning before hand and other choices, at least. "Don't answer that. Let's just move on. What's next?"

Scrolling down the screen, Cindy said, "We've got five owners worth fifteen credits. First we've got a horny old man, whose primary concern would be to fuck you as much as possible. They tend to be a bit dirty and smelly, and generally unpleasant. If you want a thorough dicking, they're not the worst choice, but there's still better choices. Next we have a former empress. I'm not sure why we have so many of them floating around, but they're all bossy and feel superior to everyone else. They've… also left a note saying that if you select one of them, someone would be provided but they ask that you look elsewhere if at all possible. Huh. Odd."

"I seem to be getting that reaction a lot, too," Taylor griped sourly.

"Moving on," Cindy said, "we've got two monster-types. First is a slime girl. They're all fairly interchangeable and are kind, cheerful, and playful. The only problem is that their idea of play usually involves engulfing you and filling any orifice they can find. Not unpleasant, necessarily, but it's definitely a different experience. Still, they're fairly easy to deal with. The other monster type is a tentacle monster. They're very much plant like, and have vine-like tentacles that seek out moisture, which, in practice, means they'll fill every hole and try to milk any dicks you might have and will go after your tits if you're lactating. Of the two, I'd pick the slime girl. She'd be much more gentle and can kind of be considered a form of massage."

"I could probably put up with the slime girl," Taylor decided after a few moments of consideration. "I'm not sure I'd enjoy the others you've mentioned so far from this batch. What are the other two options?"

"First we have a witch," Cindy continued. "For some reason, a lot of them end up cursed, enchanted, or something, with an extremely overactive libido during the early years of their training. They tend to be sexually demanding and can tire most people out. It also doesn't help that they still like to practice their magic whenever they can. It can get pretty surreal at times. It's lot of fun for someone who's fairly adventurous, but keeping up with a witch is definitely a chore."

"I'll pass for now," Taylor dryly said. "What's the last option?"

"Siblings," Cindy said bluntly before elaborating. "If you want, our scientists can take some of your DNA, modify it a little, and grow you two new siblings. We'll also implant them with information based off of your memories so that it'll be like they actually grew up with you. If you've ever wanted a little sister or brother, it's a pretty good deal, and with the setup we're using for you, they shouldn't have any difficulty in going back home with you, if that's what you and they want."

"That… I'm not really sure I like the sound of that," Taylor hedged. "Is it really alright to make people just for the show?"

"If it were just for the show, I'd say no," Cindy replied, "but you've already decided to keep your apartment when your year is up, so you can just as easily have your new siblings stay on. Besides, even if a contestant decided to not keep their siblings, it' not like we kill them or anything. They're still people. We train them up and get them jobs."

"I did always want a sister," Taylor admitted. "I mean, growing up there was always..." she trailed off sadly. "Still, having siblings could be neat. Can you add them to my maybe list?"

"Sure, no problem," Cindy said, making a note. "That also finishes off the fifteen credit owners. Do you want to take a break or push through the five twenty credit owners?"

Taylor shifted a bit in her seat, testing how stiff she was. "I'm good to go on. What's up for the next batch?"

"Well," Cindy began, looking over the screen. "The first one is a tentacle monster… because I misread the form earlier. Maybe we should take a break after this set, because I don't want to be misreading things and giving you bad information."

Taylor shrugged. "I guess we could take a break, if it'll help. If you want to finish up these ones first, that's fine."

"Let's get through this section and see how we both feel," Cindy decided. "First up we have a supervillain… who is worth no credits. Really? Why is he even in this section? So, I guess covering him in bees or something could be amusing, but I don't think it's worth any consideration, especially if they aren't even going to bother giving you anything for putting up with that nonsense." She scrolled the screen up and down for a moment before saying, "And next up we have a brand new sexbot, straight off the production lines. They're part of our generic production model, so they all have a fairly basic AI and need to train on actual people to refine their code. It's not too bad of a gig, though it may be a bit on the rough side starting out."

"They can't just fix the bugs on one and copy that programming to the others?" Taylor asked.

"Most people prefer a more natural sexbot," Cindy explained, "which you can only really get by having them learn organically."

"I guess that makes sense. So, who else is in this set?" Taylor asked.

"Next up, we have four different flavors of dominatrices, including one in the twenty-five credit bracket," Cindy replied. "And they left a note. Apparently, they don't think they'd be able to work with you appropriately, though the Engineer Dominatrices are interested in having you stress test some of their equipment at some point. Apparently they've had trouble with ants causing shorts in the past and think you'd be able to help them improve their products."

Taylor blinked in confusion. "How often do entire groups of people decide they don't want to deal with someone?"

"Not terribly often," Cindy admitted. "It's usually only when they think they'd cause more harm than good, or when they think the contestant could be dangerous to them. Even then, you're a special case. No amount of tying you up or restraining you in exotic materials is going to stop you from being able to retaliate if they push you the wrong way and don't notice in time." She smirked and continued, "That's why only the engineer is at all interested in working with you. They can conduct their work from a mile away without any issue, while the others would need to be in the same room as you. And half of what the engineers want you for is making their equipment more robust." After a moment of thought, she added, "I'm sure some of the other groups will still nominate somebody, just in case you want them as your owners."

"Oh… that's nice." Taylor looked over the images still on the screen before asking, "So, since none of them are interested, what's next?"

"Right," Cindy said, scrolling the screen down. "Next up we have the agents. I'm reasonably sure most of them are not actually working for the government, but you never know for sure. They'd act as your handler, sending you out into the city to conduct missions, that are basically excuses for some exhibitionist behavior. They tend to get more and more extreme as time goes on, but, with just a year, they probably wouldn't have time to get too far… or they'd speed up their timeline. All in all, it can be a lot of fun, but you definitely need to be into that kind of thing to get the most out of it."

"That doesn't sound particularly fun," Taylor decided. "I think I'll pass."

"Right. Well, next up is… come on, really?" Cindy demanded. "Who drew up this contract, anyway? This is what I get for grabbing the current standard contract."

"What's wrong?" Taylor asked.

"The next one up is an amazon, who also isn't worth any credits," Cindy spat. "Seriously, why didn't they put all of the zero-credit choices together? Anyway, the amazons are into dominance play, so they'll tend to pin you down and force you to get off. On the bright side, they'd probably consider the bugs a challenge."

Taylor blanched. "Why aren't they worth some amount of credits?" she asked. "That sounds a lot more intensive than some of the others you mentioned."

Cindy shrugged. "I don't know. It could be a typo or programming error, but, unfortunately, I don't see that changing anything in your contract. I will definitely be bringing it up later to see what is going on with it, though."

"That's good," Taylor said. "Where were we again? We're part way through the twenty-five credit owners, now, right?"

"Yes," Cindy confirmed. "We have three more listed, but one of them is grayed out, which is unprecedented, as far as I know. Let's see why." She clicked on the grayed out option and a popup flashed across the screen.

"Option restricted due to safety concerns?" Taylor asked incredulously. "It's because I control bugs, isn't it?"

"Well, yes," Cindy agreed, "though this time it wasn't the owners making the choice. That's an Executive Lockout." She looked at the option again before adding, "I think it's because you might be able to, how did you put it, Master an Insect Queen, and we have no idea what effect that would have on either of you."

"Insect Queens are literal insects, aren't they?" Taylor asked.

"Yes, yes they are."

"Probably for the best, then," Taylor decided. "What's next?"

"Next up is a zookeeper," Cindy continued, moving to the next graphic on the screen. "It's definitely a good choice if your into beasti… and you're obviously not," she trailed off noticing Taylor's sickened expression. "Moving on, we have a collection of mad scientists."

"They're looking for an experimental subject, aren't they?" Taylor asked.

"Usually," Cindy agreed. "If it helps, they're contractually required to return you to normal. Eventually. If you want them to." Looking at the screen, she noticed a flashing icon. "Hang on for a moment, it looks like they have a message for you." She clicked on the icon, causing video to start.

"Good day, Miss Hebert. My name is Professor Moshe Darwin, and I am the Dean of Mad Science, for lack of a better word," the man began. "Typically, this message would include some of the more interesting experiments and procedures we would like to test on you and rely on your sense of scientific or morbid curiosity to have you select one of our number. If you were a normal candidate, the scientist who had the most interesting ideas would be here suggesting them." He paused for effect before continuing. "Frankly, my dear, you are not a typical candidate. No, you represent something very unusual and much more interesting. You, young lady, are an oddity."

"Wonderful," Taylor muttered to herself in the pause Professor Darwin had left.

"To that end, we have decided that you represent a much better opportunity for research than for experimentation," Darwin continued. "As such, if you deign to select this option for your owner, Dr. Patience Warner will head a team of ten scientists to conduct the research." He paused for a moment and continued, "We've already learned some fascinating things about the source of your abilities, and we are very much interested in learning more. We would, of course, share any findings with you. And, to sweeten the deal, we've come to an arrangement with the Slut Life executives."

"Due to some potential… issues…" the scientist began, "revolving around the source of your powers and their intention to continue having candidates from your corner of the multiverse, we'll be able to supply you an additional twenty credits if you sign on with us. Additionally, if you agree to test a few of our more… risky… theories, we will increase your reward by another twenty credits. If you need any more details while making your decision, don't hesitate to contact me. We look forward to working with you in the future. Thank you for your contribution to Multiversal Science."

Taylor stared at the screen as the video stopped. "That's not normal, is it?" she asked.

"No, it really isn't," Cindy agreed. "I can't remember it ever happening before." Standing, she continued, "I need to check with my boss to see if this is legit. I'll be back shortly, alright?"

"Yeah, alright," Taylor agreed. "And see if you can find out what they'd want to test, alright? I'd rather have a decent idea of what I'd be getting into before I make any decisions about that."

"Will do," Cindy asserted, quickly packing up her equipment and making her way to the door. "I'll be back as soon as I can with some answers for you."
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"Do we know where she's going to be based?" a scientist with floating lightning bolt epaulets asked over one of the video screens.
"I have shaped the destinies of worlds, of nations, of galaxies. I have created and I have destroyed. I have followed and I have led. I have known love and it has known me right back. I flirt with death for a living and I have cheated the reaper more times than I can remember."
"Let's get through this section and see how we both feel," Cindy decided. "First up we have a supervillain… who is worth no credits. Really? Why is he even in this section? So, I guess covering him in bees or something could be amusing, but I don't think it's worth any consideration, especially if they aren't even going to bother giving you anything for putting up with that nonsense."
That's a mistype on that COYA form, all the other SL COYA's I've found have Supervillain as 20 points.
"Right. Well, next up is… come on, really?" Cindy demanded. "Who drew up this contract, anyway? This is what I get for grabbing the current standard contract."

"What's wrong?" Taylor asked.

"The next one up is an amazon, who also isn't worth any credits," Cindy spat. "Seriously, why didn't they put all of the zero-credit choices together?
And again... 25 points.

"Oh, that part will be simple," Darwin replied. "We're going to bribe her."
And, to sweeten the deal, we've come to an arrangement with the Slut Life executives."

"Due to some potential… issues…" the scientist began, "revolving around the source of your powers and their intention to continue having candidates from your corner of the multiverse, we'll be able to supply you an additional twenty credits if you sign on with us. Additionally, if you agree to test a few of our more… risky… theories, we will increase your reward by another twenty credits. If you need any more details while making your decision, don't hesitate to contact me. We look forward to working with you in the future. Thank you for your contribution to Multiversal Science."
It should be more than possible to come to an agreement that nothing sexual happens during the research if they want her that badly. And that could be setup before the contract is signed as well, at the same time Taylor calls to ask about those "risky" theories.

"My dear, if you weren't interested in anything sexual, why did you sign up for Slut Life?"
"I was kidnapped, manipulated, lied to, then tricked into signing the registration form without know anything about what I was being roped into, disregarding the fact that I'm not even old enough to sign a legally binding contract without parental consent... And they're forcing me to participate despite all that. The ONLY thing I want is to just go home..."
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The ONLY thing I want is to just go home..."

...AFAIK, Someone who won't trade a Brute package including eternal youth for being fucked (safely) by a dragon really deserves to be shuffled off this mortal coil. So Taylor wants CONSIDERABLY more than just going home.

Someone telling you "Oooh but you'll regret it" with respect to eternal-youth-type immortality is in the "I prefer deciding to have the option of being alive to regret it over your proselyting, now fuck off." category for the overwhelming majority of people.

"Next up is a zookeeper," Cindy continued, moving to the next graphic on the screen. "It's definitely a good choice if your into beasti… and you're obviously not," she trailed off noticing Taylor's sickened expression.

Once again, if it comes particularly down to the wire (which it shouldn't), then someone who refuses to take eternal youth at the cost of a year of being fucked harmlessly by a dragon deserves to die. And yes, I mean very literally.
Too bad about the Insect Queen, but I'm really liking the look of these scientists. The fact that they have Captain Andreyasn working with them boosts my estimation of them by a lot.

And the fact that none of the former empresses want to deal with her made me laugh. She is the Queen Administrator. She will be respected.
one of the scientists, who was fingering her Trilobite pendant.
That's no scientist that's a SCIENTIST! She's a Spark! The difference is one actually studies the universe and gives that to an engineer, chemist, or otherwise while the other seduces the universe into divulging it's secrets before Plowing it into the ground till it Mind Breaks. Sparks Fuck Space, Time, and Reality as a form of living. If anyone could figure out how Shards work at a glance and then figure out how to build a better Shard it would be a Spark.
Also that may or may not be Agatha since she's the only female Heterodyne that isn't The Other and give The Other is basically the technological form of The Butcher and in Agatha's body she would have motivation to help Taylor both at the prospect of SCIENCE and because of the influence.
"Basically, a yandere is one of those creepy stalker types. If you pay attention to them, they'll be all sweet and pleasant, but they do not like it if you have any other owners. Or friends. Or a job that takes you away from them. And when they're unhappy, they tend to get violent."

Well that's one type of Yandere... And from the picture on the CYOA the type they used.
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"Do we know where she's going to be based?" a scientist with floating lightning bolt epaulets asked over one of the video screens. "It would be a shame if she were based in the Xaglerth sector. We wouldn't be able to learn anything there."

"No," Darwin replied. "We have no plans of sending her to Xaglerth or any of the other more restrictive sectors. We might not even be able to get her off of Earth, actually," he admitted. "That is going to be the first challenge for whoever takes this assignment, along with anyone else who would like to add their expertise to the attempt."

"Is the issue with Miss Hebert or with the organic supercomputer?" another scientist asked, tipping his green and white striped hat back.

"If it's with the computer," the scientist with the epaulets commented, "I may be able to help with the transport, though I am, unfortunately, unable to devote myself to a long term research project at this time."

"Ah, thank you, Captain Andreyasn," Darwin replied. "That would be much appreciated. Now that transportation has been taken care of, we'll still need to make sure transporting the computer won't cause any major errors. It'd be horrible to get it moved and then have it stop working because it has an equivalent to DRM."
Well, hello, Kevyn.

"Yeah, alright," Taylor agreed. "And see if you can find out what they'd want to test, alright? I'd rather have a decent idea of what I'd be getting into before I make any decisions about that."
Oh, good. She can learn to ask that particular question.

That's a mistype on that COYA form, all the other SL COYA's I've found have Supervillain as 20 points.
And again... 25 points.
Makes me wonder if someone didn't rewrite those forms to make sure Taylor wasn't tempted to take certain options ...

It should be more than possible to come to an agreement that nothing sexual happens during the research if they want her that badly. And that could be setup before the contract is signed as well, at the same time Taylor calls to ask about those "risky" theories.
Well, given that Kevyn is on that board, the moment Taylor says that she isn't a willing participant, I can see her being teraported on to his ship.

"My dear, if you weren't interested in anything sexual, why did you sign up for Slut Life?"
"I was kidnapped, manipulated, lied to, then tricked into signing the registration form without know anything about what I was being roped into, disregarding the fact that I'm not even old enough to sign a legally binding contract without parental consent... And they're forcing me to participate despite all that. The ONLY thing I want is to just go home..."
... and the same again with this.

Kevyn is a man of ethics. No matter how interesting the subject, if she's also a teenage girl, I know which side of matters he'll come down on.

Also, I noted that Cindy didn't mention that the siblings will also want to fuck her brains out.
...AFAIK, Someone who won't trade a Brute package including eternal youth for being fucked (safely) by a dragon really deserves to be shuffled off this mortal coil. So Taylor wants CONSIDERABLY more than just going home.
a) Most people just don't think of it, or don't get the implications.
b) Mind-break can be considered a form of personality-death. Trading future eternal youth for present death is inadvisable.
c) This specific version of SL seems to allow infinite re-selections. There is little benefit into going fast.
d) I'm not actually sure what triggered your comment. How does it relate to Taylor wanting to go home? what "considerably more" does she want?
Also, I noted that Cindy didn't mention that the siblings will also want to fuck her brains out.
It seems to have been implied from the context of the discussion. After all, it's not like she had to explain what the dominatrices do.
It also the fact that most of the options have something related to sex in them.
d) I'm not actually sure what triggered your comment. How does it relate to Taylor wanting to go home? what "considerably more" does she want?


And it's wordplay. "If you can't be bothered to choose immortality, you deserve to die... EVENTUALLY" is the idea (technically correct, the best kind of correct).
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I more curious about the secret group Taylor might join after the show is done. How will they react to cauldron will they treat it like a threat or just a minor annoyance.
It seems to have been implied from the context of the discussion. After all, it's not like she had to explain what the dominatrices do.

It also the fact that most of the options have something related to sex in them.
The Cutie didn't.

Siblings usually don't want to have sex with you. All the owners relating to sex were spelled out in detail, leading Taylor to reject them. Her reaction to this one? "I always wanted to have a sister."

Having siblings is one thing. Having siblings who want to have sex with you is a WHOLE other thing, and one which Cindy should've explicated. Sure, she could say later "it was understood from context" but it would be a little late if Taylor's sister is getting her broken nose seen to after having tried to initiate sex-play with Taylor.

Cindy didn't say so, and Taylor didn't act as though she realised the implications. Simple as that.
It seems to have been implied from the context of the discussion. After all, it's not like she had to explain what the dominatrices do.
Insest is not the first, second, third, or even 100th thing you'd think about when told you can have a sibling genetically cloned from you.

Now when Taylor's going over the contract before signing, and sees the description of the Sibling owner...

*other side of the compound*
I more curious about the secret group Taylor might join after the show is done. How will they react to cauldron will they treat it like a threat or just a minor annoyance.
I'd imagine they'd take one look at Cauldron's goals, what they'd accomplished and done to achieve it, and the level of control they exert, and promptly say, "Aww, how cute... They think they're people."

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