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Opening Post


Well worn.
Aug 15, 2015
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Ivalice, a land of stories and legends. It has its fair share of stories, tales of rising clans that battled away the darkness and fought monsters to write their names on the land. It is a world far different from the one that we know, with new races, locations, from high mountains to dark caves, from volcanoes to the tundra. No matter what one might expect, Ivalice will always stand through history.

This story....is not about Ivalice.

Instead, this story is about the land of Eorzea, one which has been ruled as a single kingdom for as long as anyone can remember. It has the same geographical diversity as Ivalice, from tundra in the south to more moderate climate in the north, with the same races as well. Indeed, commerce does exist between Eorzea and Ivalice, though it is relatively limited due to the danger of the journey. They even hold to the same system of Laws and Clans, like Ivalice.

The land of Eorzea is under the domain of the Kingdom of Alenard, which has stood for hundreds of years. It has stood in a time of wealth and prosperity, the frontiers quiet. The economy flows as Clains hold a dominant influence, doing jobs and services, fighting monsters, clearing the wilderness, and playing an integral role, while the government busies itself with the enforcement of laws.

Recently, King Alaric II passed away in his sleep, allowing his son to ascend to the throne. Yet for all the glad tidings that come with it, this is not necessarily a good thing. King Alaric III is young, ambitious, seeking to write his place in legend and in history. How he will do that is still a mystery, yet rumors say that his gaze has, for lack of external foes, begun to drift to the internal disunity of his kingdom.

Meanwhile, the Red Wings clan, previously a scourge upon the realm, has at last been removed, banished across the sea to never be seen again. With them gone, new Clans have risen up to fill the void they left. Whether this will come out to good in the end remains to be seen.

But those are things to worry about in the future. For now, life goes on. Adventurers join Clans, working for common interest and striking out to make a profit, to write their legend on the history of the land, and to accomplish their own goals. Whether it be for good or evil though, that is up to them.

Locations of Interest:

-Ishgard: The capital of the Kingdom of Alendard, Ishgard is a bustling city, home to all the races and a significant economy. It is located on the plains, near the center of the kingdom.
-Kiskarl Mountains: Home to the former capital of the Kingdom, this mountain range runs along the southwest of the nation, and sport significant mineral resources, though they are also home to many monsters.
-Ul'dah: Located in the Sondiq deserts, Ul'dah is a hub for those seeking to cross the desert, and sports a significant Bangaa population. Nonetheless it is known for its wealth, affluence, and various fighting related forms of entertainment.
-Vystrain Forest: a sprawling expanse of wood, the Vystrain Forest and the cities within are the home of the Viera in the Kingdom. They stand in more seclusion, and generally have more autonomy due to their aloof nature. Nonetheless, they are still members of the Kingdom, since it provides more benefits than it does negatives.
-Walse: A major port on the northern coast of Eorzea, it is from here that one would travel to Ivalice if they wanted to make the journey. Home to more than its bit of lawlessness, it nonetheless sees a lot of travel and trade.

Your character has found themselves, whether simply waking up one morning or via some other event in the land of Eorzea. Whether they have their memory or not, what you do is up to you. Will you fight to return home, or accept the world for what it is, and all that it has to offer? Or will you carve your own path, and change the destiny of this world forever.

The Races:

Humes: Also known as Humans, the Humes are the most versatile race in Eorzas. While not particularly good at any one thing, they are overall balanced, qualifying them for a wide range of jobs, which they can use fairly effectively, though they may be outmatched by the more specialized races. They can reside in a myriad of climates, and are the ones who make up a significant portion of the Kingdoms administration.

Nu Mou: The Nu Mou tend to have caninelike features, and are a very long lives species. They are very skilled at magic, and in turn are fairly weak at melee combat. This means that they are best suited for jobs that can take advantage of their magical skills, supporting allies from the rear. They tend to dwell near mountains and are a more isolated race, though they will not entirely shun outsiders.

Viera: The Viera have leporine traits, and are known for their beauty as well as their speed. The Viera are a divided species, with males and females living in separate communities deep within the forest. They are well suited to jobs that involve speed and agility, though they are versatile in other jobs as well. Noticeably, they also have the ability to communicate with the spirit world, granting them access to abilities that the other races lack.

Moogles: The moogles are a small species bearing rabbit-like traits. Due to their size they tend to be best suited for jobs that gear towards dexterity and engineering, though they are by no means inadequate at melee and magic related jobs. They tend to gravitate towards humes, and have no real preference in terms of terrain or climate. They are inordinately proud of their poms.

Bangaa: Bangaa are a strong race, sporting mainly reptilian features. They are the most physically capable of all the races, and are well suited to jobs that involve brute force. Conversely, they have difficulty spellcasting, though they aren't completely incapable of doing so. They tend to dwell in hot areas, and are one of the races most integrated with humes, in spite of the racial tension on both sides.

Jobs: Each character must have a job, which indicates their particular area of expertise. There are several jobs amongst each race that can be done by anyone, while there are others which require more skill. Jobs can be changed, but characters will be less effective in those without significant experience

If you do not fit into one particular race, just go with the one closest to your species. Here's a helpful list if you don't know the Jobs in FFTA, and what they do.

Skills: Skills are abilities that one gains from their particular jobs, usually via experience. They can be transferred between jobs. Most of the time these will be geared for combat, and you start with two of them. Custom skills will be accepted pending my approval, and otherwise here's a list of skills in the game that you can draw on.

OCs and crossovers are allowed, though I reserve the right to nerf and buff as I see fit. Respect general courtesy, don't do anything too crazy, and have a good time.

Character sheet

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Humes: Also known as Humans, the Humes are the most versatile race in Eorzas. While not particularly good at any one thing, they are overall balanced, qualifying them for a wide range of jobs, which they can use fairly effectively, though they may be outmatched by the more specialized races. They can reside in a myriad of climates, and are
And are what?
Hmmm... having a bit of trouble fitting things into the system, since some abilities don't seem to be particularly supported.

... permission to import from other Tactics games for a broader base to work from?
Hum, hum... I have an idea, but...
Is the fact that the world isn't really real gonna come up at any point?
Sheet submission!

Name:Sir Not Appearing in this RP
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Species: Hume
Job: Paladin
Series: Monty Python
Bio: Who cares? He's not appearing in this RP.

Can we have skills from other jobs? For example, to be an Assassin, one must have been a Sniper in the past, and an Assassin just isn't an Assassin without Vanish.

I shall let this post stand as a monument to my idiocy.
So... Are we going to undo the world change and Iget to run with my selfish Mordred plot, or should I just submit Mordred from the KH verse to fuck with Bondo?
... You realise your volunteering the parties end goal to be return the world to normal, right, Foxy?
Can we have skills from other jobs? For example, to be an Assassin, one must have been a Sniper in the past, and an Assassin just isn't an Assassin without Vanish.

Yes, you can have skills from other jobs if it makes sense.

So, I notice Shadowbind's 1 range.
Would it be possible to pin a target's shadow to the ground with an arrow instead?

Sure, I suppose you can have that as a skill.

Hey hey hey, how much nerfing would one get if they send in these guys?

Well, I'm afraid I'd have to axe stealing people's hearts, the Guardian, laser spam, anything related to transformation, and giant health draining death balls. Flying, Teleporting, barriers, and the like are possible under, ironically, white magic.
Yes, you can have skills from other jobs if it makes sense.
Especially since in FFTA you can have skills from outside your job, from other jobs you have done in the past, albeit only one auxiliary skillset at a time.

Will you be waiving that restriction, then?
Well, I'm afraid I'd have to axe stealing people's hearts, the Guardian, laser spam, anything related to transformation, and giant health draining death balls. Flying, Teleporting, barriers, and the like are possible under, ironically, white magic.
I wouldn't expect any otherwise. :V

Does Man Sheet incoming on the Weekend. :V
Especially since in FFTA you can have skills from outside your job, from other jobs you have done in the past, albeit only one auxiliary skillset at a time.

Will you be waiving that restriction, then?

Yes. Game mechanics shall bow to the superiority of logic. The restriction is just for the beginning, so you have something to build up to.
Alright, found an appropriate class from the list of classes only used by enemies in Final Fantasy Tactics: Sorcerer.

... sadly, it looks like Flight might just be a property of certain monster classes, or at least I'm not finding it, and teleport doesn't quite fit thematically... homebrew?
Alright, found an appropriate class from the list of classes only used by enemies in Final Fantasy Tactics: Sorcerer.

... sadly, it looks like Flight might just be a property of certain monster classes, or at least I'm not finding it, and teleport doesn't quite fit thematically... homebrew?
Well, you can cast Float to aggressively float at people I guess.
Alright, found an appropriate class from the list of classes only used by enemies in Final Fantasy Tactics: Sorcerer.

... sadly, it looks like Flight might just be a property of certain monster classes, or at least I'm not finding it, and teleport doesn't quite fit thematically... homebrew?
Flight is an original FFT Bard ability. Since skills from other FFT games are okay, it should be as well.
It'd probably be one of your two original skills, mind. But then again, in FFT A2, Gria can fly, they're recruitable, and it doesn't use an ability slot for them, so maybe not.
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