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The antagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series who makes some seriously convoluted plans, even for a square enix antagonist.
Each of his 13 incarnations is extremely hammy and has some sort of weird fixation, usually on DARKNESS! or NOTHINGNESS! or KINGDOM HEARTS!
Hmmmm.... I don't think that Archerko would make a good Xehanort...

What's a Xehanort?
This may help.
Hmmmm.... I don't think that Archerko would make a good Xehanort...
It doesn't help at all.
Now I'm even more confused.

Just as Planned.
That's the simplified version, by the way. Here is the full and truly monsterous version.

Edit: tried to put the imsge link here, but that just posted the image for some reason.
Edit 2: Found a working version.
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It doesn't help at all.
Now I'm even more confused.
  • Xehanort is someone who possesses people by the power of darkness.
  • His possession is more duplication than actually possessing. The main enemy of the series is an organization of 13 Xehanorts.
  • There's a new Xehanort pretty much every game.
  • The signs of Xehanort possessing someone are darker skin, yelllow eyes, and white hair.
  • As a side note, X is the sign of Xehanort. He can track anyone with an X on them, their clothing, their name, etc.
Character Sheet: Maxell
I just had an interesting idea for a character. If I fail my will save, I might make a serious submission, but otherwise it could make for an interesting npc, antagonist or whatever.

The central idea for it is this: a man with a false past who was conjured from whole cloth by the grimoire that transformed the world, much like Noi, who accidentally caught enough of a glimpse during worldgen to realise that the world was not really real, and that he was in truth no more than a transient simulacrum.

He was more than a touch cheesed off when he figured that out. I'm thinking he'd be a Blue mage, because hey, if you are going to be enduring the stings and arrows of outrageous fortune anyway, you might as well get paid for it in nifty powers.

Ah, zog it.

Name: Maxell
Race: Hume
Class: Blue Mage

Primary Skillset: Blue Magic(Magic Hammer, poison claw, screch, learning)
Secondary Skillset: Black Magic (Fire, frost, thunder)
Weapon: Blue Saber

According to whatever wrote his memories, Maxell was born and raised in a regional town until his burgeoning aptitude for magic revealed itself, and he was apprenticed to his uncle, a black mage. After completing his training, he joined a clan, and further honed his skills, learning a little white magic from a healer friend. The only thing is, everything up until a few months into his clan career was a lot of bollocks, as he discovered by accident as he was being created. He was none too pleased to learn that he was not really real, and has been quietly angry at whatever made him for making him awry. Knowing he would be taken for a madman, he did not tell anyone about it. His studies into esoteric magic in a search for answers led him to take up Blue magic, partly out of a hope that learning the natural magic of the world might possibly give him a clue, and partly because it is exceedingly rad. He was deeply unsettled by the fact that all of his history with his alleged family and friends never actually happened, and soon found himself making his excuses and leaving the clan. Severing ties with a past he knew was false, he began searching for a new clan, and new friends, whose friendship he could be reasonably confident was more real than him.
Maxell is a little reserved, but reasonably friendly, prone to getting lost in thought, and not overly eager to talk about himself. prior to his creation, he 'fought' for his friends and to exercise his arts for the most part, seldom motivated by any real desire to help people, save in the most affecting cases. Nothing has essentially changed about his character since, but he has no friends to fight for at present and is much more inclined to help apparent crackpots, just in case.
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I just had an interesting idea for a character. If I fail my will save, I might make a serious submission, but otherwise it could make for an interesting npc, antagonist or whatever.

The central idea for it is this: a man with a false past who was conjured from whole cloth by the grimoire that transformed the world, much like Noi, who accidentally caught enough of a glimpse during worldgen to realise that the world was not really real, and that he was in truth no more than a transient simulacrum.

He was more than a touch cheesed off when he figured that out. I'm thinking he'd be a Blue mage, because hey, if you are going to be enduring the stings and arrows of outrageous fortune anyway, you might as well get paid for it in nifty powers.

Ah, zog it.

Name: Maxell
Race: Hume
Class: Blue Mage

Primary Skillset: Blue Magic(Magic Hammer, poison claw, learn)
Secondary Skillset: Black Magic (Fire, frost, thunder)

According to whatever wrote his memories, Maxell was born and raised in a regional town until his burgeoning aptitude for magic magic revealed itself, and he was apprenticed to his uncle, a black mage. After completing his training, he joined a clan, and further honed his skills, learning a little white magic from a healer friend. The only thing is, everything up until a few months into his clan career was a lot of bollocks, as he discovered by accident as he was being created. He was none too pleased to learn that he was not really real, and has been quietly angry at whatever made him for making him awry. Knowing he would be taken for a madman, he did not tell anyone about it. His studies into esoteric magic in a search for answers led him to take up Blue magic, partly out of a hope that learning the natural magic of the world might possibly give him a clue, and partly because it is exceedingly rad.
Maxell is a little reserved, but reasonably friendly, prone to getting lost in thought, and not overly eager to talk about himself. He fights for his friends and to exercise his arts for the most part, seldom motivated by any real desire to help people, save in the most affecting cases.
That'd be hard to be a PC, though, if that's what you were going with with the "Ah, fuck it" and sheet-making.
Mostly because he's already a member of a Clan.
That'd be hard to be a PC, though, if that's what you were going with with the "Ah, fuck it" and sheet-making.
Mostly because he's already a member of a Clan.
Yeah, I was a little fuzzy on the specifics of what state the PCs are meant to be at the start of the story, and how long it has been in actual runtime since the world was created. If it is more convenient for him to be clanless, I can make the addition to his bio: "Freaked out by knowing that all his "prior interactions" with his "friends" never actually happened, he soon made his excuses and left his clan."
I have sudden bouts of inspiration (and thought my character is a bit weak) can I tinker him for a bit?
Also this might sounds stupid but Eorzoa still have Judges right?
One more thing are Jagd a thing in Eorzoa?
I have sudden bouts of inspiration (and thought my character is a bit weak) can I tinker him for a bit?
Also this might sounds stupid but Eorzoa still have Judges right?
One more thing are Jagd a thing in Eorzoa?
Well, no characters have been accepted, so there's no reason why you can't.

Also, yes and probably.
Well, no characters have been accepted, so there's no reason why you can't.

Also, yes and probably.
Actually my character have been accepted.
Also phew that means no permadeath! Now we need only to worry about pesky laws and try to not get jailed in first adventure.
Hope we will meet Ezel equivalent here.
Character Sheet: Xehanort
Name: Young Xehanort
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Hume
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Personality: This incarnation of Xehanort is one who was an empty state with a desire to explore worlds and plagued with wanderlust. He is emotionless, silent and submissive to his older self's orders
Bio: This is Xehanort in his younger years, He was approached by his future heartless to bring every incarnation of Xehanort into the future to fulfil his elder self dream of the Keyblade War. However, something happened when he was about to collect his heartless he was suddenly transported to Eorzea with his abilities greatly weakened.
Job: Time Traveller
1)Space-time manipulation- Once, his power over time is such is that he can manipulate the flow of battle, performing such feats as slowing his opponent or reversing the flow of time to regenerate health and time travel, since arriving at Eorzea, he was weakened to performing the weakest of time magic. Currently he is limited to the following time spells: Haste, Slow, Stop.
2) Power of Darkness- Unlike his heartless he is only limited to the corridors of darkness and it was weakened even further to the point he is unable to use it to get out of this world and the range is greatly shortened. Basically his teleport spell
3) Magic- Like his other abilities this was weakened. List of spells:
  1. Magic Bullet: He fires several magic bullets towards a target/multiple targets. Single Target/Multi Target
  2. Fire Manipulation: He can use the three tiers of Fire.
  3. Ice Manipulation: He is can use the three tiers of Blizzard
  4. Telekinesis: He can push enemies back with the use of a invisible magic blast at point blank range.

Weapon: Ethereal Blades-Glowing Short Blades with hilts, can be combined to make a dual blade and can be turned into a whip ,Grants Speed Boost, Combo Master, Critical Boost
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I took that to mean "Accepted as a valid application", not "Accepted into the RP".

After all, the second would be hasty when he hasn't even gotten all of the applications sent to him yet.

Where'd you get that from?
I see
no permadeath in sense of well... when you defeated in battle not in Jagd area.
I'm sorry its been a long day and I've just got home.
My brain just needs a little whack to fix
I promise I will be more coherent in the morning noon
Character Sheet: Mirvak
Also I edited the wrong post doh.
Name: Mirvak
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Species: Bangaa
Personality: Excitable, loves to fight, loyal to his companions.
"Hmm my ssstory you sssay? I'm once jussst a sssimple Bangaa living on Ul'dah, a sssimple warrior who livesss by the way of sssword."
"No, not like that I'm an entertainer, in Ul'dah an entertainer meansss you are one of the fightersss who participated on variousss challengesss held on weekly."
"Itsss wasss a good life but I admit I get bored pretty quickly."
"I heard that a small Clan was passing by ssso I approached them and sssaid that I would like to join them."
"They rejected me outright, sssaid they didn't need another member."
"Ssso I ssstarted a fight right there on the pub."
"It wasss not my greatessst moment, I sssufferred let me think, I wasss burned, frozen, ssskewered, punched on several placesss and worssse sssomeone puked on me."
"When I woke up I wasss on the jail, ssstayed there for a week before they finally let me out."
"They sssaid to me that my Clan Leader isss waiting for me at the Pub and I ssshould not attempt to fight on the pub again."
"Turnsss out it wasss the clan I fought with, they were on the job and I provided quite a dissstraction for them."
"They offered me a ssspot which I gladly accept."
"There'sss only sssix of usss ssseven with me, Weissss isss the Clan Leader, she is a Nu Mou Alchemist, Horka a Bangaa Templar, Neira a Hume Hunter, Sssofia is an Elementalissst, Artez is a Juggler and lassstly Barzak a Dragoon.
"Long ssstory ssshort I ssstayed with them for 7 yearsss, learned how to punch people real good from Horka wasss going to try how to be a Dragoon when we...have our disssagreementsss."
"All of usss went ssseparate waysss, I ssstill keep tabsss on them."
"I went back to Ul'dah for a year before I got bored and wandered away."
"Here I am again about to join a clan."
"Hopefully this one will be better than the lassst time."
Job: White Monk
Skills: Battle Tech (First Aid, Magicbreak, Speedbreak) , Monk Tech (Air Render, Earth Render, Chakra, Revive, Whirlwind, Exorcise, Far Fist, Holy Sign)
Reaction: Reflex
Weapon: Kaiser Knuckles
Other: Feels lost without his friends, loves to cook.
I have amended the sheet I posted.

Metraxa, Is it within the bounds of possibility, or too off the wall?

It wouldn't surprise me if it conflicted somewhat with your vision for the RP, but I, at least, think it a cool idea. (Also, he need not necessarily be right in all lf the conclusions he drew from his accidental insight.)
Name: Maxell
Race: Hume
Class: Blue Mage

Primary Skillset: Blue Magic(Magic Hammer, poison claw, screch, learning)
Secondary Skillset: Black Magic (Fire, frost, thunder)
Weapon: Blue Saber

According to whatever wrote his memories, Maxell was born and raised in a regional town until his burgeoning aptitude for magic magic revealed itself, and he was apprenticed to his uncle, a black mage. After completing his training, he joined a clan, and further honed his skills, learning a little white magic from a healer friend. The only thing is, everything up until a few months into his clan career was a lot of bollocks, as he discovered by accident as he was being created. He was none too pleased to learn that he was not really real, and has been quietly angry at whatever made him for making him awry. Knowing he would be taken for a madman, he did not tell anyone about it. His studies into esoteric magic in a search for answers led him to take up Blue magic, partly out of a hope that learning the natural magic of the world might possibly give him a clue, and partly because it is exceedingly rad. He was deeply unsettled by the fact that all of his history with his alleged family and friends never actually happened, and soon found himself making his excuses and leaving the clan. Severing ties with a past he knew was false, he began searching for a new clan, and new friends, whose friendship he could be reasonably confident was more real than him.
Maxell is a little reserved, but reasonably friendly, prone to getting lost in thought, and not overly eager to talk about himself. prior to his creation, he 'fought' for his friends and to exercise his arts for the most part, seldom motivated by any real desire to help people, save in the most affecting cases. Nothing has essentially changed about his character since, but he has no friends to fight for at present and is much more inclined to help apparent crackpots, just in case.

I see
no permadeath in sense of well... when you defeated in battle not in Jagd area.
I'm sorry its been a long day and I've just got home.
My brain just needs a little whack to fix
I promise I will be more coherent in the morning noon
I recall something about operating outside the aegis of the judges opening you up to true death as well.
I like the expanded bio, by the way.
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I have amended the sheet I posted.

Metraxa, Is it within the bounds of possibility, or too off the wall?

It wouldn't surprise me if it conflicted somewhat with your vision for the RP, but I, at least, think it a cool idea. (Also, he need not necessarily be right in all lf the conclusions he drew from his accidental insight.)

I recall something about operating outside the aegis of the judges opening you up to true death as well.
I like the expanded bio, by the way.
Can you elaborate on that? I admit I never finished the game.
Also thanks!
Metraxa, Is it within the bounds of possibility, or too off the wall?

I feel the need to point out "his burgeoning aptitude for magic magic" in his bio. :p Other than that, I suppose I would be willing to allow it.

Can you elaborate on that? I admit I never finished the game.
Also thanks!

In Tactics Advance there are areas you can go to called Jagds. While normally the Judges oversee battles and make sure that nobody dies, they don't operate inside the Jagds. As a result, a Jagd is the only place where permanent death is possible, and there are no rules.

Alternatively, the universe is a lie. Take your pick :p

Also, updated sheet looks good.
In Tactics Advance there are areas you can go to called Jagds. While normally the Judges oversee battles and make sure that nobody dies, they don't operate inside the Jagds. As a result, a Jagd is the only place where permanent death is possible, and there are no rules.

Alternatively, the universe is a lie. Take your pick :p
I have no idea what you're talking about... Well, Illya won't have any idea either, so I guess it's alright.

When will you start the RP?
I have no idea what you're talking about... Well, Illya won't have any idea either, so I guess it's alright.

When will you start the RP?
Whenever a battle starts, a Judge appears. If you break the Law in battle, they teleport you to jail.
However, they prevent damage from being fatal, resulting in lethal blows just knocking the target out instead.

There are some areas where Judges won't appear, though.

Also, surprisingly hyped for the RP. Usually, OCs don't come easily to me.
Whenever a battle starts, a Judge appears. If you break the Law in battle, they teleport you to jail.
However, they prevent damage from being fatal, resulting in lethal blows just knocking the target out instead.

There are some areas where Judges won't appear, though.
And once the battle is over?
I mean, if we fight someone and beat them do we take them as prisoners, or can we kill them? Please tell me that we can at least take their stuff.

Being a heroine of justice is going to be hard if you can't actually deal with evil people.

If you break the Law in battle, they teleport you to jail.
What kind of law? No attacks below the belt?
I feel the need to point out "his burgeoning aptitude for magic magic" in his bio. :p Other than that, I suppose I would be willing to allow it.
Nah, y'see magic magic is the best kind of magic, and is an entirely separate kettle of fish from mundane magic. :p

(will amend. Have amended.)


Do they decide these kind of arbitrary limitations on random?
In the games, they very much do.
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