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Create-a-Cape! Post Your Worm OCs and Alt Powers Here

Kortik V: A Cabal of Child Assassins.

Name: Atyanas | Alias: Kortic Ahdin
Affiliation: Kortik | Alignment: Monstrous Villain
Gender: Female | Age: Child | Build: Petite
Ethnicity: East European | Hair: Ponytail Blond | Eyes: Green
Class: Master, Striker
Power: Atyanas has the ability to create perfect copies of both objects and living beings. The duplication requires sacrifice however, the closer the payment is to the result the easier and quicker the effect takes place. Beyond a certain level of separation duplication is impossible. This ability is ability is able to even clone Parahumans, including their memories and personality. Alterations can be made to the copy, but only in allowing it to retain some properties of the original sacrifice.

Name: Aelita | Alias: Kortik Dvah
Affiliation: Kortik | Alignment: Monstrous Villain
Gender: Female | Age: Child | Build: Petite
Ethnicity: East European | Hair: Curly Blond | Eyes: Green
Class: Stranger, Thinker, Mover
Power: Aelita is able to make invisible insubstantial copies of herself that exist just slightly out of phase with reality but are able to observe it. There is no limit to the copies that can be made, nor the distance they can travel. All clones share the same long term and short term memory but do not have linked thoughts. Each clone is in the exact same condition as when they were created, including any equipment they may have. Aelita can switch her consciousness at any time with any of her clones, bringing it into reality while the old body becomes a phantom.

Name: Anya | Alias: Kortik Tris
Affiliation: Kortik | Alignment: Monstrous Villain
Gender: Female | Age: Child | Build: Petite
Ethnicity: East European | Hair: Long Blond | Eyes: Green
Class: Master, Stranger
Power: Anita has the ability to enter and take over the bodies of others, be they alive or dead, human or animal. Anita has perfect control of the body even as the host is conscious beneath the surface. She is also capable of placing other people into the bodies of others, when done on a Parahuman the Parahuman is still capable of using their powers.

Name: Anita | Alias: Kortik Neljä
Affiliation: Kortik | Alignment: Monstrous Villain
Gender: Female | Age: Child | Build: Petite
Ethnicity: East European | Hair: Short Blond | Eyes: Green
Class: Breaker
Power: The ability to leave "Solid" afterimages, made of real flesh and blood. The exact nature of the effect is hard to describe and harder to watch. Alita is capable of moving limbs "out" of limbs leaving an "afterimage" in their place, the act even healing her in the process. So long as she is still alive she can recover from any injury or escape any restraint simply by pulling herself out of her own body. If the limb remains in contact with her body she can control it, though has no enhanced ability to multitask. She is able to use this ability to propel herself to an extent. Her ability does not duplicate or bypass solid objects above a certain thickness, doppelgangers eventually turn into dust once left behind or if she wishes.

Name: Arya | Alias: Kortik Viis
Affiliation: Kortik | Alignment: Monstrous Villain
Gender: Female | Age: Child | Build: Petite
Ethnicity: East European | Hair: Extremely Long Blond | Eyes: Green
Class: Brute, Breaker
Power: Arya is capable of Layering Duplicates. Every few seconds she is capable of creating a clone of herself occupying the same space as her own body, increasing her density and physical abilities. This clone is itself also capable of cloning itself. The clones can be kept out of phase, not increasing her abilities and being held in reserve. In the event that Arya's body is killed or under the effect of certain abilities and Arya has some bodies in reserve it will automatically be dispelled, along with any attached duplicates and any effects linked to the body will instantly be negated. The reserve body will appear where they was last standing in the event that the body is moved from it's location by the effect that dispels it. The body can be manually dispelled, but will again remove any duplicates attached. All duplicates are controlled by one mind, meaning taking different actions including duplicating at different times causes mental strain, and the more layered duplicates there are the harder it becomes for Arya to coordinates herself. Arya is able to use this ability on objects as well but not other living beings.
Name: Willow Collins | Alias: Genoscythe
Affiliation: NA | Alignment: Monstrous Rogue
Gender: Female | Age: Late Teens | Build: Tall/Thin
Ethnicity: White | Hair: Black | Eyes: Brown
Class: Striker 10, Breaker, Tinker?
Power: Genoscythe is a Striker with two distinct abilities, one following the other. The first is is a striker ability allowing her to easily rip through flesh and bones with her own hands. Regardless of the target's durability if it is organic living material Genoscythe can easily cut through it using her bare hands or the product of her second ability. Wounds inflicted this way are noted to not be as painful as they appear, some even saying they'd not even realized a wound hand been inflicted until several seconds or even minutes afterwards. The second ability however is what earns Genoscythe her high rating, Genoscythe is capable of crafting living flesh, including her own, into weapons and if the flesh is taken from a parahuman the weapon displays a similar ability to the the cape it originated from. The strength of the effect is proportional to the mass of flesh and how important it is (Eyes and organs being worth more than equal amounts of simple muscle). These weapons can be fused together as well, Genoscythe's main weapon being a scythe formed from the flesh of many parahumans. Genoscythe is also able to heal herself to a limited degree thanks to her second ability, simply reforming flesh to knit it together or replace missing mass.

Scythe: Genoscythe's weapon displays various abilities of it's own and a limited sort of awareness and intelligence. Known abilities: Similar cutting abilities to that of Genoscythe herself, Ability to shift it's form and size, impacts stronger than it's mass and the speed would normally produce, fire proof, a sort of independent tracking, an automatic defense separate from the wielder's ability, enhanced durability, enhanced striking speed. The weapon has several eyes, mouths, and what may be ear holes, the eyes appear to be functional and while the weapon has never spoken it has been known to make screams and screeches both randomly and tactically.
Anton | Valor
BirdCage most wanted | Villian, Rogue
Male | 22 | slim
Caucasian | brown | green and blue
From one of the other earths. He is less than average adult who never had the skill or abilitys to really do anything great and was always at the back of the group or in the background. He was mugged one day by a group of rogue capes. He was beat nearly to death until he gained a hand killing one of the capes. He triggered then giving him a sort of power well of abilitys. His power allows him an offensive ability and defensive ability. He can call to will any he chooses, but has to drop the ones he had been previously using. After he chooses a power as soon as he discards it he cannot call it back. His powers caused a surge and disconnection in his brain. He sees the world as all evil and fights the good guys and the bad guys.
Name:Sarina Talone
Alias: Deep One
Affiliation: Rogue
Alignment: Moral
Gender: F
Age: 16
Build: [NA]
Ethnicity: Indiscernible
Hair: None
Eyes: Pure Red
Class: [N/A]
Power: [N/A]

Was on a plane that was hijacked. She tried to calmly talk the Hijackers down while obeying most of their orders calmly. The talking down was to try and lighten the Hijackers sentences in case capes showed up. The hijackers decided to blow up the plane when a cape did show up and she fell into the ocean from a good height.


Was thinking Aquatic-theme with major body overhauls because she fell into the ocean.
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Name:Sarina Talone
Alias: Deep One
Affiliation: Rogue
Alignment: Moral
Gender: F
Age: 16
Build: [NA]
Ethnicity: Indiscernible
Hair: None
Eyes: Pure Red
Class: [N/A]
Power: [N/A]

Was on a plane that was hijacked. She tried to calmly talk the Hijackers down while obeying most of their orders calmly. The talking down was to try and lighten the Hijackers sentences in case capes showed up. The hijackers decided to blow up the plane when a cape did show up and she fell into the ocean from a good height.

still needs a theme or a class so I know how to build it.
Name:Sarina Talone
Alias: Deep One
Affiliation: Rogue
Alignment: Moral
Gender: F
Age: 16
Build: [NA]
Ethnicity: Indiscernible
Hair: None
Eyes: Pure Red
Class: [N/A]
Power: [N/A]

Was on a plane that was hijacked. She tried to calmly talk the Hijackers down while obeying most of their orders calmly. The talking down was to try and lighten the Hijackers sentences in case capes showed up. The hijackers decided to blow up the plane when a cape did show up and she fell into the ocean from a good height.


Was thinking Aquatic-theme with major body overhauls because she fell into the ocean.
Can't be overly specific, so Aquatic then.

Class: Changer 4
Power: An alternate form that can be taken, somewhat reptilian in appearance with inhuman biology. When taking this form it can take queues from creatures in the area as to how to adapt to a situation or environment and alter the form to take advantage of it. However these changes are not so easily mixed and matched, weaknesses can be exposed, certain abilities being mutually exclusive with others, or certain adaptions my just be too far from what is possible to achieve within it's limits such as flight. Generally anything that would drastically alter mass or body shape would be impossible to fully utilize. Any physical abilities granted to creatures that are supported by powers cannot be copied.
Gonna try this separately and probably mess up some where

Name: Taylor Hebert | Alias: Basalisk
Affiliation: Wards(Probational) | Alignment: Moral Hero
Gender: Female | Age: 15 | Build: Lithe
Ethnicity: White | Hair: long curly brown | Eyes: Yellow
Class: Brute 2, Blaster/Shaker 7 (ocular)
Power: heightened strength and claws for brute package. Eyes are constantly on with Paralysis or Petrification gaze. Anger is a noted trigger for Petrification.

Triggered in a locker filled with bio-waste. Thinker tanks all believe her brute package is a second trigger. Her lower body was still growing when the PRT arrived on scene. The locker was destroyed by her increased length and strength. The first noted use of her Ocular Powers left three Petrified (presumed dead) students including a Ward, as well as over 3 dozen paralyzed students.

Debrief reports stated that Miss Hebert was seen still covered in the aforementioned waste and somehow naked with her eyes covered with her hands. She did willingly let herself be brought in to the PRT HQ asking what was going to happen to her now.

We now understand that the Paralysis effect lasts only 3 hours. She did honestly believe she had killed all of the paralized students as well as the three Petrified. She has shown remorse towards the Paralized students and contempt towards the Petrified stating: "They deserve to rot for what they put me through." Collected notes from her home and texts on the phones of the Petrified students point to a long-term bullying campaign against Miss Hebert.
Name: Jack Conner | Alias: Alpha One
Affiliation: Self | Alignment: Lawful Evil
Gender: Male | Age: 17 | Build: Skinny
Ethnicity: White | Hair: Black | Eyes: Lime Green
Class: 7 Tinker 1-5 Thinker
Power: Jacks Tinker speciality is Self-replicating machines, early on in build his first machines he was hit with the idea that if he could make a mental connection to the robots then he would be able to use their process power and the larger the number of robots in his control with the limit being the amount of information his mind can take in before being damaged. But even then the number of robots can still increase only he does not gain any extreme mental processing.
Have a couple of OCs I dreamed up for a Worm fanfic I'll probably never write.
I hope this counts as a contribution worthy of the sin of necromancy.

Name: William McDonald | Alias: Black
Affiliation: Self and the Marche | Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gender: Male | Age: 45 | Build: fit, if slightly malnourished
Ethnicity: White | Hair: brown | Eyes: brown
Class: Brute 5, Blaster 3
Will's power is to generate a a blob of mass ( about half a litre) that he can freely shape and move around as long as it stays connected to him. The mass is black and has glowing green/blue veins through it.
The mass can also "consume" anything it touches, moving through most solid matter easily, leaving nothing behind, although Will has to consciously make it do so.
Whenever it consumes something, it boosts Will, giving him a slight brute rating. Depending on how much is consumed, Will will get stronger, faster, harder to injure and even starts regenerating wounds. The powerboost fades soon however, and continuosly consuming matter will quickly hit diminishing returns which means he will never get as strong as somebody like Lung.
The power is manton limited, asuring that he can never harm himself or others directly with it.
Handling the mass was soon learned and quickly became instinctive, like moving one of his own limbs and he can spread it thin enough to cover most, if not all of his body. (He can use it as a shell if he curles up, but not as armour for example)

William lived around the time when Taylor's dad was still young. His wife and child died in a car accident.
Completely devastated, William broke down and couldn't muster the will to do much of anything anymore. After a while he lost his job, his friends moved on and not being very rich to begin with he was soon living on the street.
One night, while mourning at their graves, something broke in him and he triggered with his powers.
Eventually he joined the Marche under Marquise.
He tangles with the other gangs and slowely moves up the ranks, finding new friends and a new purpouse in life.
Sometime along the way he got in a fight with Orlando Peterson.

Name: Orlando Peterson | Alias: Jammer/Distortion
Affiliation: Self, money, and later the Marche | Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gender: Male | Age: 36 | Build: stocky
Ethnicity: White | Hair: blonde (bald, bearded) | Eyes: blue
Class: Trump 5, Stranger 1, Thinker 1
Orlando's power is to mess with other powers and turn them against their user by rendering them dangerous and unpredictable. By tapping into the connection between the shard and the parahuman and "twisting" (he can't describe it any better, but thats what it feels like to him) he can change how it expresses itself. That means the power changes. All manner of changes can happen, it can alter range, strength, manton limitation, or even change the power's effects completely. The shard stays the same though, so all variations of the power will follow a certain theme.
Although the power remains under the users control, the sudden shift is disorientating and using the new version of their power is often hard at first.
While twisting powers is easy for Orlando, twisting them into something specific is not. Orlando himself has no idea what the power will end up as, and changing the power into something specific takes concentration, practice and lots of time to get it right and then hold it there. Powers revert to their original state when he no longer consciously warps them.
Once he gets a feel for a power after working on it long enough he can usually quickly change it to states he has memorized. This, however, takes days of practice.
Fighting him is dangerous, as powers that grant you flight might suddenly end up doing something completely different, pyrokinetis might start being burned by their own flames, a thinker might suddenly get confusing and unexpected imput, and a master's minions might suddenly go berserk or warp into horifying monsters.
In addition to his trump power, Orlando has a thinker power that lets him reccognize others as parahumans as long as they are using their power.
Also, when he starts using his power focusing on him is difficult for some reason, it is possible, but it is mentaly tiring to pay attention to him.
Countless scuffles over the years made Orlando into a competent fighter. He isn't a martial artist, but he knows how to handle himself and carries a gun as a last resort. Combined with his powers, that makes him a pain to deal with.

Orlando doesn't talk about his trigger, and othe capes know not to press him on it. He comes from new Orleans and moves around a lot.
He is a merc, offering to fight other capes for money.

When he came to Brockton Bay, somebody hired him to target the Marche, and he fought Black. Eventually they called it a draw, and both fled the scene of the battle, bodies and pride wounded.
After fighting Black again and winning, Jammer was later doublecrossed by his employer and imprisoned alongside Black. They set aside their differences and tried to escaped together.
During their incarceration, Orlando found that he could twist Will's power into reversing the manton limit, allowing it to consume only living matter (it even slowly ate at Will, where it touched him).
Working together they managed to free themselves and Orlando joined the Marche afterwards.

All these shenanigans might cause the timeline to change a bit, and might even go so far as to cause Danny to trigger. If he got a simmilar expression of QA as Taylor did (perhaps controlling rats instead) he would be an interesting enemy for Black to fight, since his power would help little in stopping an avalanche of living matter.
Having Black fight Danny was one of the first ideas I had that led to these characters. I was wondering how it would be to fight Skitter, and what power it would take to make the fight interesting.
And a young and idealistic Danny striking out as an independant hero during a time where BB was still prosperous seemed like a good antagonist/frenemy for Black.

If anybody wants to use these in a story, you are free to do so, but please notify me. I'd like to read it :)
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Name: Thomas Jones | Alias: Upgrade
Affiliation: Wards | Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Male | Age: 17 | Build: Lanky
Ethnicity: White | Hair: Black | Eyes: Brown
Class: Tinker 1~5
Power: Addition to Base Value
Unlike most Tinkers Thomas can't invent new things from the parts. He can't pick apart a toaster to make to laser gun, or take apart a car to make power armour. Instead his powers only give him the ability to maximise the usage of whatever technology he has. With the added advantage of it being almost anything.

Say he gets a lighter, after Tinkering with it he now has a miniature flamethrower. A switchblade would become an extendo blade that could fold a sword into a small space and have it spring out with a flick of a switch.

Thomas can also chose how he wants to upgrade them. A flashlight can be Tinkered so that it can either be a miniature spotlight in his pocket or be used as a reusable flash grenade. A taser can be turned into a either a miniature tesla coil or just straight up plasma gun.

1. What has been upgraded by his power, can't be upgraded again. So he can turned the Tinkered lighter into an ever more powerful flamethrower.
2. He needs something with a base value to add, he can't use the schematics of say the extendo blade without the base item that's the switchblade.
3. Something like the miniature flamethrower still needs fuel. But he can get this with the use of a miniature fuel tank attached to it.

Thomas' Trigger was an event that happened because what he had during that time wasn't good enough. The stuff that he using to either save someone or a very important project failed on his because they weren't good enough.

The Shard then gives him the ability to fully maximise whatever tech he can get his hands on.
Hi, I've recently got into worm and I wanted a character to call my own (even if I'm terrible at writing backstory and stuff), so I thought I'd see what squirrel could make with my jumbled mess of a character idea!

1. In one of the people that Bakuda ALMOST got and got targeted by the A.B.B, constantly being tracked and chased.
2. Something based based around ropes or string (mover to escape/shaker to restrain or subdue)?
3. Rolled 16.
4. Anyone.
5. Caring.
6. Villain (doing good outside the law).
7.(Group overlooked by Coil)

Have fun making use of this!
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Just curious as to what I could cook up for a worm OC maybe SI, who knows was a attempt at a thought experiment.
Step 1: Case 53, wake up looking different and with a migraine.
Step 2: https://images.app.goo.gl/NHb1PGuKdpYAt1tn7
Step 3: [dice]19199[/dice]
Step 4: GM/Other
Step 5: Neutral Good
Step 6: Hero
Step 7: Independent
the image is of the Warrior Form from Breath of Fire 3.
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Name: Caamen

Age: ???

Origin: Chicago Case-53
7+: Horrific change. Not hide-able, changes are noticeable from 1 city block away without difficulty. Body parts may well be alien in nature (tentacles, forearms arms three times the usual length with claws in place of hands), assume a permanent breaker state, or more. Loss of normal human functioning is likely, depending on the parts in question (may be unable to speak, require different diet, etc)
1: Head: Lizard like head, can deflect bullets, teeth can bite through steel, able to hear long distances with head on a solid surface, scales regrow, green eyes can see in the dark and have a pair of see through bullet proof eyelids. colored like human skin.
11: Hair: long Spiked horns instead of hair that grow back when cut off immediately, reaches the floor able to have a sense similar to a snake, Bullet proof.

The Tower
Dark Knowledge. You took a unique path, and in the process, you picked up on something, and people know it. This might be the identity of a Cauldron cape in a powerful position, knowledge about shard, or knowledge about Cauldron. Reprisal from powerful people is coming, it's just a question of when - the later it is, the worse it will be. The knowledge could catapult you to a better position or give you the tools you need to be great, or sharing it could ruin you and everything you could care about.

Skills, Powers, Abilities:
4-7: 2 power categories
9-10: thinker
13-14: shaker
Precog Planning Psychokinetic, while planning able to set up situations through use of his powers but if he physically moves the plan will need to be readjusted when he is still. He can use his powers without the precog function, he prefers not being involved and actively avoids people.
Supplies and Gears:

7-8 - Roll on Advantage and Disadvantage: Life tables
The Stars
Exile. A group, place, organization, your family, or something drove you out, and you need back in (to get something, to reclaim something, whatever else). Cost: You have large amounts of money/equipment/reputation tied up somewhere and you can't get it (extensive police record, death threats, etc) The Elite
Your organization is a big asset in some respect, or you've just got more combat-fu than most. (Either a legit organization or add 10 points to preparation time [see next section]) Cauldron
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Name: Jackson Baker
  • Age: 24
  • D.O.B: 07/19
  • P.O.B: NYC Manhattan
  • Location:
  • Build: Athletic
  • Height: 5.10
  • Eyes: Pale Blue
  • Hair: Light brown
  • Skin color: Tan
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Occupation: Journalist/Blogger/Writer
  • Cape Name: Wonderlust
  • Affiliation: Indy Hero/Rogue
  • Riot gear under a dress shirt and tie and dress pants a few size bigger with steel toed boots. He wears a trench coat with metal plates helmet and fedora. The trench coat holds his gear.
A thrill seeker at heart, he loves to throw himself into the thick of things and works to come out on top. He also loves to seek out the truths of the world and expose them. He hates when people try to restrict him from releasing his info and made the blog to do so. Find money a tool for the truth and nothing more and often breaks the hands that try to get him to disavow what really happened.

Was doing a job Downtown delivering papers Triggered age 13, it was just sunrise as two capes crashed to the ground behind him. one was a local Protectorate hero another a known villain.
He was a mundane teen, with a bit of jittery. He wasn't strong, he wasn't skilled at anything, he could barely talk without a stutter. He froze with several people walking by, the villain was the first to realize where they were. The hero just shot a blast of heat, it missed the villain, but vaporized his bike and papers. The shockwave knocked him off his feet.
It was a like a switch as the panic caused people to run. The villain growled in a voice that sounded like gravel ", 'ey, hero, you almost killed a kid." Jackson froze the hero just slammed into the villian. It was moving so fast, the fighting caused them to smash into the houses.
There were screams as more people were getting hurt. It was insane, they were fighting in a suburb just waking up. this time another blast flew past Jackson.
He was barely on his feet, he was too afraid to move. He was trembling at almost being killed twice by a hero. Gulping he tried to move forward, but his legs wouldn't stop shaking.
He felt the air move around him again and saw the villain staring at him in shock. "What the hell-Kid move!" Jackson was trying, but he was just too afraid after nearly getting fried twice.
They were surrounded by smoke.
"What the- Crap!"
The villain actually covered him with his body as another blast hit the villian head on. They were sent flying through the air, the villain was keeping him from getting hurt.
When they hit the ground the villian just grumbled ", if someone says move, move k..id.."
Trigger Event.
The villain passed out with Jackson under him.
The hero tried to talk to him, Jackson just told him ", get away from me you psycho." Jackson ran off, he later found out that the hero was praised for his actions. But he wrote on PHO what really happened, how the villain was the one mitigating the damage. At first he was called a lying idiot but when people were claiming their homes were destroyed the next few days. The PRT giving a public statement about the property damage and apologies to the affected families. Of course reparations were made and he was visited by a PRT rep about the wards Program.
He refused.
As time went on he made preparation for his first night out for three years. Waiting until he was black belt in karate, gathering money for a tougher costume, taking self-defense courses against weapon, and learning how to shoot a gun himself.
His first night, in his opinion, was a disaster sure. Sure he saved people from being kidnapped and shot, but he almost got killed. A bullet had grazed him, he had to go to a paramedic of the PRT. He had told his parents he was doing this and they were going to freak. He got the Wards pitch again from several people.
When the hero who caused him to trigger in the first place came to give the pitch Jackson said ", almost killed anymore kids lately?"
The hero tried to strangle him, had almost died by the time the team got. He later found out that yes the hero got one of the Wards killed last week against a known violent villain.
They tried to get him to sign an NDA, he told them to shove it and left.
Later he moved to a different city, went out on the weekend, reported activities to the police and chose his fights carefully. He started the blogging during college, he founded his cape site on a separate machine. He gained a following, the PRT discredited him a lot, but when he carried cameras that video taped or had authentic pictures they shut-up. His sites are shut down alot but he kept it up, he worked as a shadow writer and independent journalist since age 19.

Stats ( if older trigger make stats first then add :current age - trigger age)+ 11
  • Brawn:6 +2= 8
  • Athletic:3 +1= 4
  • Wits:3 +2=5
  • Dexterity:2 +2= 4
  • Social:2 +2= 4
  • Knowledge:7
  • Guts:2 +2= 4

  • Dodge (Athletic) 2
  • Driving (Dex/Wits) 2
  • Empathy (Social) 2
  • Investigation (Wits) 3
  • Computers (Knowledge) 3
  • Street Smarts (Knowledge) 2

  • 2 Powers
  • Stranger/Trump
  • Send out two affects heightens or dampens emotions through line of sight or hearing, anyone hit with this who has a power he gains a weaker version of those powers. Has a brute 1 rating, danger sense, a Hyper awareness of things in his vision with a heightened reactionary response.

  • Stranger 4
  • Blaster 3
  • Trump 4
  • Shaker 3

  • Fairies
  • Volcano
  • Antarctica

  • 78 Advantage, and one Disadvantage: Life

  • 15 Temperance (Old) You have multiple small powers and one good one. (ie. you were present at a multitrigger).
  • 7 Lovers
  • It's about ili-advised trysts. A romantic partner on the other side of the hero villain divide, an ex relationship with someone who knows enough to fuck up your life, a person you just can't say no to/break up with for good. Cost: Irregular, lowlevel, really inconvenient interference. A baby daddy
Gear & Supplies:
  • Tier 3: At Tier three, equipment is essentially at the point where it passes muster. Though only a partial step up from Tier 2, comes with the benefit that one's reputation won't suffer for being seen wearing this, and the drawback that, at this stage, acquiring the costume requires one go through more particular channels (at a risk of being found out) or put it together themselves. Costs $200-5000, half this price for components if crafting Three points of advantages. Examples: Plate mail, brigandine, form fitting armor, spike studded pads, durable skintight suit, ninja clothes.
  • Advantage: Armor Dampen heaviest blows, and sustains wounding damage in place of the player. Adds to armor weight.
  • Storage More pockets/belts for utility.
  • Durable Equipment stands up well to conventional wear and tear. Effectively more hit points for the gear.
  • Prevention Built In attention to preventing one deleterious effect, delaying onset by one turn, preventing it entirely if source can be avoided. Examples include being on fire, bleeding, suffocation, damp. Bleeding
  • Strappy Can be easily held, breaking holds is hard, and may snag on terrain features.
  • Finicky Equipment functionality is easily lost. Stuff gets broken off, or it might be hard to keep positioned. Benefits are lost readily, needing a partial round's or full round's actions to adjust or fix.
Name: Tabitha Lily(Lillianna) Parker
  • Age: 21
  • Location:
  • Build: Husky beauty
  • Height: 5.7'
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Blond
  • Skin color: Creamy
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Occupation: Nurse
  • Affiliation: Independent Hero
  • Appearance: wears a black and white checker styled jumpsuit with armor under a matching metal plated trench coat has a mask with her hair tied in a bun
  • Personality: Normally a chipper and generous person, she does her best to be kind like her parents taught. She tends to be that person who wears their emotions on her sleeves. she can't really be angry, but she has codependent tendencies. She doesn't like being the center of attention.

She thought it was love, it felt like a connection, but it wasn't.
Just a clingy delusion, he was anything a girl would want tall, dark, and handsome. He was independent, had a great job, his own place, his own car. She thought it might be different, sure she had a little bit to drink, but so did he!
She had the excuse that her parents died a few weeks ago with her hoping that they survived the tragedy.
They woke up in his apartment, with his car barely parked right outside. So he was drunk too, luckily they didn't crash, right?
So she tried to be what he needed, she sure projected on him alot. She cooked, she cleaned, she made sure that gold digging tramp, whom she followed, and saw that she was a nympho-ho messing with boys for cash when looking like she didn't have a good paying job nine to five.
He didn't listen to her side though, then she found out about the restraining order...
She was just trying to-sh-she didn't realize she was coming off that way.
She decided to get a fresh start, but first she needed to break it off. So in her barely there head, she went to try and get his parents to tell him for her. But after hearing her story they said she needed to make the effort to end it. She asked if she could use their phone...
He hung up before she could say anything else, she tried again, but just got voice. after telling the parents, she left and thanked his parents for hearing her out and told her try grief counseling, The mother gave her a number and told her to give it a try.
A few months later she was so sure the counseling helped her get through it.
Until police came to her door, took her down to the station and she was steamrolled into a five week trial, where the boy she projected her grief on continuously made her think about everything she thought was over.
Never stopping,
Trigger Feb 21 200X
Until she woke up, feeling better, in her new apartment she had to moved into a week ago.
After having a restraining order on her....
....She felt, not the best, but better. Based in Texas.

  • Brawn:2
  • Athletic:2
  • Wits:2
  • Dexterity:3
  • Social: 2
  • Knowledge: 5
  • Guts:2

  • Medical (Dexterity/Knowledge) 3
  • Empathy (Social) 2
  • Administration (Know) 2
  • Awareness (Wits) 2
  • Dodge (Athletic) 1

  • Three Powers
  • Striker/Trump/Breaker
  • She gains the powers of whomever she touched, makes a copy out of white light, take in the copies, and glows luminescent white when using her powers. she can keep these powers for about a week before she fizzles out and needs to recharge. She also has line of sight parahuman sensing.
  • Oh and it stacks. Her upper limit is five at a time and yes she gets 100% full powers at 2, 75% at 3, 50% at 5.


Luck 12
7 Lovers You've got a partner, and they're roughly as powerful as you are.
12 Strength Your power is just a little bit stronger
Disadvantage: N/A
Gear & Supplies:
Tier 3: At Tier three, equipment is essentially at the point where it passes muster. Though only a partial step up from Tier 2, comes with the benefit that one's reputation won't suffer for being seen wearing this, and the drawback that, at this stage, acquiring the costume requires one go through more particular channels (at a risk of being found out) or put it together themselves. Costs $200-5000, half this price for components if crafting Three points of advantages.
Examples: Plate mail, brigandine, form-fitting armor, spike studded pads, durable skintight suit, ninja clothes.
  • Advantage Armor Dampen heaviest blows, and sustains wounding damage in place of the player. Adds to armor weight. Protection Added protection against _____, one damage type, reducing the effect by one step. Examples include heat, cold, electric, slashing, piercing, impact.
  • Prevention Built In attention to preventing one deleterious effect, delaying onset by one turn, preventing it entirely if source can be avoided. Examples include being on fire, bleeding, suffocation, damp. Privacy Helps hide identity more than standard clothing might.
  • Disadvantage Inconvenient May take additional time to put on or take off, may need to be removed to perform simple tasks, like using a computer or performing first aid.
  • Fragile Equipment is easily broken, torn, or otherwise ruined
Name: Davan Rouchette
  • Age: 28
  • D.O.B: July 7
  • P.O.B: France
  • Location: nomad
  • Affiliation: Indy Villain
  • Build: Burly
  • Height: 6.4'
  • Eyes: Pale Green Eyes
  • Hair: Glossy Black Hair
  • Skin color: Dusty
  • Ethnicity: Immigrant
  • Cape Name: Nanodroid
  • Personality: A loner by choice, he doesn't like crowds, doesn't like interacting, he doesn't like talking at all really. When he does he is curt and doesn't want any conversation. He has improved somewhat, but he still prefers to be alone with his thoughts, but he has a weakness towards the opposed gender for not being so harsh with them. He likes to be with his thoughts and tinker, all he wants to do is tinker. He is fairly logical and all he really knows is technology given, his skills are known through computers he's eaten. His entire mindset is stunted, and can't truly act like society wants . To understand others he creates algorithms set to interact with them. He has curiosity of course he wants to know more about the world. His biggest defect is his fixation on his youth and a bad habit of going for teenagers. Yes this guy is a creep.
  • Appearance: Covered head to toe with sleek futuristic armor, all black, with his eyes glowing bright bright blue in standby, green when in social, pink when amused, and red in combat.
A kid who escaped one of the Slaughterhouse nines hits. He was a poor single son of a family, his home was ravaged, parents dead, and he was missing an arm and leg. He dragged himself away as quietly as he could through the pain, the loss, and trauma until he couldn't move. when he stopped he didn't want to die....he didn't...wa..n.t...t.o.....
When he woke up he noticed he had a shiny new arm and leg. He didn't know where he was but he felt great and he had ideas....lots of ideas. (He did in a lot of tech and getting rid of obstacles i.e people)
He was 10 yrs old.
A-class nomadic threat that occasionally fought villains, he was rated as do not engage since he ate and reproduced containment foam.
triggered 1996.
joined the wardens in October 2013 A survivor of GM if post worm

Stats ( if older trigger make stats first then add :current age - trigger age)+ 18
  • Brawn: 3 + 4 = 7
  • Athletic: 3 + 4 =7
  • Wits: 2 +4 =6
  • Dexterity: 4 +3 =7
  • Social: 1
  • Knowledge: 40( in information)
  • Guts: 2 +3 =5

  • Investigation (Wits): 3
  • Brawl: 5
  • Grappling (Brawn):5
  • Accuracy (Dexterity) 5
  • Acrobatics (Athletics) 5
  • Administration (Know) 5
  • Awareness (Wits) 5
  • Barrage (Dexterity) 5
  • Command (Social) 1
  • Computers (Knowledge) 5
  • Craft (Dex/Knowledge) 5
  • Endurance (Athletic/Guts) 5
  • Threaten (Social/Other) 5
  • Willpower (Guts) 5
  • Withstand (Guts) 5
  • Martial Arts (Brawn/Knowledge) :5
  • Medical (Dexterity/Knowledge) 5
  • Subterfuge (Social) 1

  • 4-7: 2 power categories
  • 20: Changer/Tinker- His powers allows him to fuse all tech with his body and appearing as if he hadn't, but his true danger is that the tech is highly adaptable and improves. He also has his own tinker affinity for modes with this he creates suits that he absorbs that have combat, standby, and defensive modes; that he is powered through the perpetual motion of his molecules and can mod his tech during battle even create new things in his body using his already absorbed tech in combat, this includes bio-tech if it was made by a tinker. He is a mix of Crawler and Dragon... Think Tinker tech Alex Mercer, if there is just a piece of him left he can survive. If his emotions runs high his flight or fight instinct becomes fight fight FIGHT! Until his opponents are eliminated.
  • Changer 7
  • Tinker 8
  • Thinker 4
  • Breaker 9
  • Trump 7
  • Danger
  • Transaction
  • Use
1-2 - Roll on both disadvantage charts.
Advantage: N/A
  • Disadvantage:
  • 21
  • The World (20)
  • Roll a d20. You're powerful and your power is destructive. This number determines how much. At the low end of the scale, you've lost shelter or possessions because of your power (reduce starting cash or equipment), or you have an ongoing cost to your power that costs you funds. If resources aren't in question, then reputation may suffer. At the high end of the scale (20), you're a force of nature and a threat to anyone you run into. Discuss with GM about how this number will be implemented (increasing range, effects, gain of or interaction with other powers, etc.) This will usually be BAD for you, either by warping you physically or mentally or making you a huge target for everyone. It is possible to turn this to a strength however... 19
  • At GM's discretion, for storyline purposes, you may be new to your powers, and you scale up steeply over time.
  • Bad attitude. You have crippling anxiety issues, abrasiveness, or other issues that make you very hard to get along with. Unlike the Emperor, your issue doesn't necessarily cause trouble with reputation, but it does cause trouble with peer interaction.
  • Cost: Trouble amassing contacts or allies.

Gear & Supplies:
  • Tier 5: Tier five equipment is power granted/created. Tinker equipment, or otherwise fabricated using unconventional means. May be reliant on a successful crafting check, degrading to Tier 4 at creation if rolls fail. Costs vary wildly but are typically equal to or above the cost of Tier 4, depending largely on the creator's whim Five points of advantages, may have less points but built in features (ie. jetpack offers flight)
  • Protection x2 Added protection against _____, one damage type, reducing the effect by one step. Examples include heat, cold, electric, slashing, piercing, impact. Impact, Radiation
  • Prevention Built In attention to preventing one deleterious effect, delaying onset by one turn, preventing it entirely if source can be avoided. Examples include being on fire, bleeding, suffocation, damp. Everything
  • Influence - Influence specific reputation (+fearsome, +noble, +trustworthy)

Name: Lacey(Lucrecia) D.(Dani) Makarov
  • Age: 17
  • D.O.B: May 4th
  • P.O.B: Montreal, Canada
  • Location:
  • Build: Slim
  • Height: 5.2'
  • Eyes: Red-Brown Eyes
  • Hair: Light Brown Hair
  • Skin Color: Tanned
  • Ethnicity: French Canadian
  • Affiliation: Guild Associ. (security primarily)
  • Cape Name: Sentry
  • Appearance: wears a backpack that generates a shield with a skin tight bullet resistant jumpsuit with various chrome armor bits. She has a bunch of matching add-ons that she picks out depending pn her mission so be creative
She was a smart kid who got her high school equivalent at age 13. She was in college at age fourteen and was working towards her associates in IT and English.
Her roomy brought in her boy toy of that week and asked if ", the little girl could leave the room."
Lacey saved her paper in her cloud drive and found her phone was missing. She asked her roommate ", have you seen my phone?" Her roommate asked the same question.
The boytoy said ", actually that's been happening a lot lately."
Lacey just headed to the library, she finished her paper and went back to her room and found it ransacked. She searched for her family heirlooms that she bought for comfort gone. Her mother's necklace, her father's ring, and her grandma's bracelet gone.
Triggered: it was finals week, her roommate was one of those party jerks, her teachers were giving her a hard time, people treated her like an idiot, her only living relatives health was waning, her dorm room had been broken into a number of times and losing several precious items from her departed family
She started getting ideas on how to stop the stalker or burglars from getting into her dorm.
She programmed an alarm system, since turrets and mines were too messy. Her criminals were caught by the blare of the alarm and she was paid back for the damages by their parents.
She also got her heirlooms back.

Trigger May 16th 2009 (16yrs)
joined the wardens in july 2013 A survivor of GM if post worm
A bookworm who loves to blather on about what she reads. She can be awkward and stutter, but when she gets mad be prepared for her tiny teenage fury. She loves people, but is ignored often, she is quirky, loves sightseeing, a glutton who loves meat and pastries. She's a sweetheart and she knows it, she loves projects, and has a habit of liking older men than those her own age. Can't cook and knows that black smoke emitting from an oven is her fault.
Wears a full body suit with the glowing multi spectrum outlines,a set of armored chrome gauntlets and boots, with a matching breastplate and helmet combo, her hair tied with a braid,a jetpack on her back. Her gauntlets are large with a mini monitor that fire finger lasers, taser palm blasters, and mini mines/bombs. Her helmet has feminine robotic face with pink glowing eyes that act as a hub for just about everything.

Stats ( if older trigger make stats first then add :current age - trigger age)+ 2
  • Brawn:2 + 1 =3
  • Athletic: 4
  • Wits:8
  • Dexterity:6
  • Social:4
  • Knowledge:15
  • Guts:2 +1 =3
  • Acrobatics (Athletics) 3
  • Administration (Know) 3
  • Awareness (Wits) 2
  • Barrage (Dexterity) 2
  • Command (Social) 3
  • Computers (Knowledge) 5
  • Craft (Dex/Knowledge) 5
  • Driving (Dex/Wits) 4
  • Empathy (Social) 3

  • 10: roll again, add one to result
  • 4-7: 2 power categories
  • 5-6: blaster/13-14: shaker/7-8: tinker
  • Area of effect Tinker tech; everything from Bakakuda, but with field set-ups to go with bombs and less megalomania, and lasers that cause the effects too. Includes such feats as personal shielding, emps, sleep blasts, machine gun lasers with varying effects, and rocket launchers. The more people she bounces ideas around with the more she will get builds, she'll get ideas just not as much as a normal tinker without input from others, tinkers work the best. Builds faster and more efficient than most tinkers when fully inspired

  • Tinker 7
  • SunBlaster 4
  • SubShaker 4

  • Permission
  • Group
  • Degree

  • Luck
    9-10 - Roll on Advantage and Disadvantage: Powers tables
  • Advantage:
  • 9 Justice
  • Your power is just a little bit more versatile (you decide, GM veto). Avoid increasing raw power if possible.
  • Disadvantage:
  • 6 Lovers
  • Your power is dependent on the proximity of others, or you use others to channel it more than usual, or there's some set condition that must be met before you can use your power (fire present before spawning fire, opponent feeling an emotion before you can amplify that emotion, etc.)
Gear & Supplies:
  • Tier 5: Tier five equipment is power granted/created. Tinker equipment, or otherwise fabricated using unconventional means. May be reliant on a successful crafting check, degrading to Tier 4 at creation if rolls fail. Costs vary wildly but are typically equal to or above the cost of Tier 4, depending largely on the creator's whim Five points of advantages, may have less points but built in features (ie. jetpack offers flight)
  • Influence Influence specific reputation (+fearsome, +noble, +trustworthy), Noble
  • Armor - Dampen heaviest blows, and sustains wounding damage in place of the player. Adds to armor weight.
  • Prevention- Built In attention to preventing one deleterious effect, delaying onset by one turn, preventing it entirely if source can be avoided. Examples include being on fire, bleeding, suffocation, damp
  • Protection - Added protection against one damage type, reducing the effect by one step. Examples include heat, cold, electric, slashing, piercing, impact. Impacts
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Name: Calvin Rosarito
  • Age: 17
  • Build: Heavily Muscular
  • Height: 6.0
  • Eyes: Dark Hazel
  • Hair: Brown
  • Skin color: deeply tanned
  • Ethnicity: Mexican/Caucasian American
  • Cape Name: El Leon
  • Location: California
  • Affiliation: Hero

A quiet nerd who has a crazed, veteran uncle, who had a bit of brain damage; is always on him for being so "Wimpy."
His parents avoid dealing with him preferring to dealing with his other siblings still in grade school, but the uncle is always coming by to try and 'toughen' him up with exercise equipment.
One day his uncle thought it was a good idea to break his limit before his parents came home on the week end. His spoiled sibs had cut him out of the equation… again.
Calvin already started to beef up a while ago and gained a sort of apathy to Uncle Bran's brand of insanity and went along with it.
But as time went on he started getting tired, his uncle yelling at him to keep going; forty laps around the backyard with a high fence, 300 squats, 100 push ups; he was starting to feel light headed as he continued with his weight set but dropped ended up tripping and slamming head first into his set.
He triggered on Aug 17, 2006, and healed without a scratch with his uncle mother henning him. He never told his parents and swore his uncle, who he realized favored him, to secrecy.
Independent with Dama Blanch.
Joined the Wardens on with Dame Blanche post GM.
(His Cape I.D is his lil bro's favorite hero.)
Wears an ornate golden furred lion mask that covers the top half of his face, gold colored gauntlets with fur at the ends, a skin tight orange-red bodysuit with a mask that covers the bottom half of his face with a mane reaching to his upper back, golden-brown loincloth with a lion belt buckle, he has on boots that have golden metal claw like toes at the tip.
He's usually very calm and bright, he has a bit of awkwardness. He jumps right in knowing he can take it. He finds fights exciting and fun. He loves his girl and is easily embarrassed when it's bought up. Privacy is what he prefers when intimate. Enjoys grandstanding and attention when masked; current leader squad leader of his team.

  • Brawn:14
  • Athletic:14
  • Wits: 4
  • Dexterity: 6
  • Social: 2
  • Knowledge: 5
  • Guts: 12

  • Medical (Dexterity/Knowledge): 2
  • Computers (Knowledge):3
  • Presentation (Social) 2
  • Brawl: (Brute) 2
  • Grappling (Brawn):1
Powers(roll for sub 1-2 for no 3-4 for yes )
  • Brute/Breaker: Able to take tank bullet fire with bruising and punch through steel, he would heal a serious wound in a matter of hours, and run for hours, power ramps as he gains muscle mass and exorcises. A personal projected field that takes the shape of a lion with wings like shield that grows out of his core and can make it grow to the size of a two story building and bigger with practice and to much will give him a headache, his brute strength is scaled as the shield grows. Note: If he doesn't use this power regularly he has starts getting agitated easily and unusually aggressive where even he questions what's wrong with him.
  • Brute 5
  • Breaker 6




You've got a partner, and they're roughly as powerful as you are.




Otherworldly issues - your passenger. Your passenger is impacting your ability to function. If you're young, it's likely affecting you in a core emotional way based on your powers, altering your mindset (a pyrokinetic might be very inclined toward destruction or recklessness).
If you're older, it's more deep-rooted and subtle (a 30 year old pyrokinetic might have frequent cathartic dreams where they burn their enemies to death, getting more intense, pleasurable, and stronger until they follow through). Either way, it's shaping your actions and pushing them towards one particular concept or objective.
Cost: Failure to attend to the passenger's overall goal/drive with some regularity may cause passenger to take over briefly, making decisions of its own whim. This could be a full-body takeover (as with the young) or cases where the power extends a little too far or crosses a line (for older parahumans).

Gear & Supplies:
  • Tier 4: Tier four equipment is essentially custom made by experts. Members of the Protectorate andWards will have this equipment by default, and others will likely pay out the nose for it, if they don't make it themselves. Costs $5000+, half this price for components if crafting four points of advantages.
  • Combat Added spikes or built in weapons for brawling.
  • Durable Equipment stands up well to conventional wear and tear. Effectively more hit points for the gear.
  • Influence Influence specific reputation (+fearsome, +noble, +trustworthy)
  • Flowing Flowing aspect (cape, scarf, sleeves) helps in distraction, masking movements, and make actual body harder to target. Easier to grab.
  • Privacy Helps hide identity more than standard clothing might.
  • Inconvenient May take additional time to put on or take off, may need to be removed to perform simple tasks, like using a computer or performing first aid.
  • Flashy noise, colors, or other elements make stealth harder.

Name: Monica Gramme
  • Age: 17
  • Build: Slender beauty
  • Height: 5.6'
  • D.O.B: Feb 28
  • Eyes: Hazel Eyes
  • Hair: Short Silver Hair
  • Skin color: creamy/pale
  • Ethnicity:Caucasian - Australian
  • Location:
  • Cape Name: Dama Blanch
  • Personality: A bit craven, she is clingy and a little unhinged, she can fake being calm and unbothered with practiced ease, she is also good at charming others, she prefers peace and quiet but can be quite the debeautant girl and social, she can be a bit vindictive and tends to be nice when it suits her fancy. She can stir up a crowd when on stage, she likes to tease Leon as much as she can.
  • Appearance: A white mardi gras face mask covering the top part of her face with a veil covering the bottom half of her face and a white shawl covering her hair, a flowing white dress like cardigan buttoned until her midriff, top veil like skirt that splits mid-thigh, knee length grey boots and matching gloves,with a silver grey Armored full body suit under it.
Her real story is she was the niece of one Alan Gramme, formerly known as Sphere, AKA Mannequin on his wife's side. Her parents were at Canberra (13)when the Simurgh hit. Leaving her to receive their money from the patents made by Uncle Alan; who passed the ownerships to them; life insurance, and savings. She knew to trust no one and went to school online as she hid from the public eye. Her paranoia caused her to experience Marie Antoinette syndrome turning her hair prematurely gray, as Mannequin caused damage.

She used Lawyers as her situation was questionable as a minor with full access to the funds through her parents will. She was able to lay low for a long time but now she finds herself in the arms of a man helped her get out of there. Partnered with Leon, she now tries to find a use of her powers and hopes to leave her gray existence.

Rich girl who got kidnapped and tried to fight her way out and instead triggered with a vague dream of tearing her kidnappers apart. There she met Leon and asked him to not leave her alone and he didn't.

March 3, 2010 Joined Wards (16)
March 3, 2014 Joined Wardens (20)Post GM
  • Brawn:2
  • Athletic:3
  • Wits:3
  • Dexterity:3
  • Social:4
  • Knowledge: 5
  • Guts:1
  • Empathy (Social): 2
  • Computers (Knowledge): 2
  • Finesse (Dexterity): 1
  • Presentation (Social): 2
  • Dodge (Athletic) 3
  • Sneak (Dexterity): 5(Strangers)

  • Stranger/Changer/Shifter (Powers related to stealth, infiltration and subterfuge.)(Shape shifting and alteration of the self's PHYSICAL form.)(Shape shifting and alteration of the self's PHYSICAL form.) - able to blend into the background like a chameleon and be inaudible while doing so. Able to take on any form in her imagination while invisibility and inaudible, but the more she changes from a human form, the more her cognitive ability and emotional state become unstable, she'll eventually snap out of it, but she will only have dream like memories of her time as whatever she becomes if she goes too far. She won't harm those she cares for. Her Clothes shift with her.

  • Stranger 6
  • Changer 8
  • SubBrute/Breaker 4

  • Love
  • Hearing
  • Mass

4 Empress
  • Either your family is a big asset in some respect (giving you money, time, resources, connections) or you've just got more social-fu than most (start with a small collection of contacts, many of which will be lower in rank/power). Think friends in the justice system or ties

3 Priestess
  • Your powers are reliant on the passenger; you can guide them, but they handle the specifics w/o you. Expect collateral damage.

Equipment & Gear

Tier 4: At Tier three, equipment is essentially at the point where it passes muster. Though only a partial step up from Tier 2, comes with the benefit that one's reputation won't suffer for being seen wearing this, and the drawback that, at this stage, acquiring the costume requires one go through more particular channels (at a risk of being found out) or put it together themselves. Costs $2005000, half this price for components if crafting Three points of advantages. Examples: Plate mail, brigandine, form fitting armor, spike studded pads, durable skintight suit, ninja clothes.

Armor Dampen heaviest blows, and sustains wounding damage in place of the player. Adds to armor weight.

Flowing Flowing aspect (cape, scarf, sleeves) helps in distraction, masking movements, and make actual body harder to target. Easier to grab.
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Name: Deborah (Deb) Stockly
  • Age: 13
  • Origin:
  • Build: slender
  • Height: 5.0
  • Eyes: Hazel eyes
  • Hair: wavey brown hair
  • Skin color: light brown
  • Ethnicity: Mixed Asian/African American
  • Cape Name: Vermillion
  • Location: Florida
"Scrawny" "shorty", "shrimp", "bug", "beanpole", "freak".
He could never catch a break can he.
"Girly-girl", "chump", "wear any skirts lately", " Hey debbie."
He was short, scrawny. fae faced, with long dark hair his mom wouldn't let him cut.
"Hey if you want you could barrow my lipstick", "hey why don't you and Bart go out he likes girls with long hair".
His mom wanted a daughter and dad was gone, killed by cape's rampage.
"I-I uh sorry but I'm not into girls"......
......"I AM NOT A GIRL"..
..I-I'm not!!
Trigger 2007
Personality: Outgoing but still on the quiet side, likes being treated like a guy. Hates it when he's treated like girl, wants to be independent.

  • Brawn:2(14)
  • Athletic:3(14)
  • Wits: 4(10)
  • Dexterity:2(14)
  • Social: 2(10)
  • Knowledge:4(10)
  • Guts: 4(20)

  • Administration 3
  • Command 3
  • Awareness 3

Powers(roll for sub 1-2 for no 3-4 for yes )
  • Master/Changer/Shifter -Creates a glowing red avatar, can shape his avatar, usually as a brutish older version of himself. Stores his real body in a pocket dimension. Operates body remotely with concussive blasts, brute rating, flight, and can pull off random powers, hyperawareness, fast reflexes, usually depending on who is in the area.
  • Master 3
  • Changer 5
  • SubTrump 3

  • 3 Priestess You and your power are in sync. Treat this as luck or periodic power boosts. The duration before this is available again isn't necessarily known to you.
  • 9 Justice Your power is just a little bit more versatile.
Gear & Supplies:
tier 1
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Name: Ryan Baston
  • Age: 24
  • D.O.B:Jan 21, 1989
  • P.O.B:
  • Location: Louisiana
  • Build: Muscular
  • Height: 6.3
  • Eyes: Blue grey
  • Hair: Brown
  • Skin color: deep tan
  • Ethnicity:Caucasian
  • Occupation: Warehouse Associate/ Senior Med student
  • Cape Name: Brigand
  • Affiliation: Indy Hero/Vigilante
Dressed in a reinforced indigo ninja suit, flak jacket and combat boots and a full face mask with purple war paint on it with a respirator. Has metal 5 inch needles strapped to his arms, torso, wrists, ankles, and legs. Metal studded gloves
In civi he's all smile, a person you don't think has a mean bone in his body. In cape he's silent and stoic, he doesn't aim to crack jokes, just get the job done as best as he could manage, with as little casualties as possible.
Abusive household which he destroyed at age six when he triggered after getting a severe beating.
He sent his father smearing into the attic with everything in the living room. His mother grabbed him and his 16 year old sister, his father's money and ran. They laid low into another state where he practiced his powers in secret giving him comfort. But never wanted to use the firing people method again. He did what he could to help, taking down gangs stealing their money to pay bills despite his mother telling him not to.
He did this for a few years with his sister researching the local gang climates and criminology in general feeding him info.
Eventually his sister joined the F.B.I and urged him to think about his future more and suggested the Wards program. He declined and struck out on his own, working a warehouse jobs by day, going to school at night, and on the weekends he hunted down gang members and other parahumans that broke the law.
After GM he took to slowing down and was considering the Wardens, but eventually he just started doing his own thing again.
But he wondered how being in an actual team would be like.
Triggered Feb 26, 1995

Stats ( if older trigger make stats first then add :current age - trigger age)+ 14
  • Brawn:2 + 3= 5
  • Athletic:4 +1= 5
  • Wits:3+ 1= 4
  • Dexterity:3+1= 4
  • Social:2 +2= 4
  • Knowledge:5+ 5= 10
  • Guts:3+ 1 = 4

  • Street Smarts (Knowledge) 1
  • Sneak (Dexterity) 2
  • Reflexes (Wits/Dex) 2
  • Medical (Dexterity/Knowledge) 3
  • Investigation (Wits) 2
  • Endurance (Athletic/Guts) 2
  • Dodge (Athletic) 1
  • Brawl (Brawn) 2
  • Barrage (Dexterity) 2
  • Accuracy (Dexterity) 3

  • 2 Categories
  • Mover/Striker
  • Can blast anything from a range of five feet away from himself at varying speeds, can also teleport non-organics toward himself at one foot from his skin. He has to have touched the inorganic object if it's not line of sight otherwise he could be tearing off someone's clothes or costume. As long as he's aware of it and it's not organic he can teleport it, now if he's firing a organic it will go flying like everything else he used his power on. His powers also stunted his ability to feel empathy to subjectively viewed horrible people. So if your a 'villain' in his books your dead to him. Can fire himself too, but he is only protected from air resistance, marginally protected from impacts.
  • Shaker 2
  • Mover 3
  • Blaster 5
  • Striker 6

  • Runway
  • Airplane
  • Traffic

12 Roll on both disadvantage charts.
  • 2 Magus Mental issues, stemming either from powers or something prior to the powers, make your life harder. Includes developmental delays, neuroses, psychological issues, or your powers just discombobulated your brain somehow. Cost: Impaired judgement or functioning.
  • 18 The Stars Your power works on others but not on yourself, or there's a 'blind spot' of a sort, limiting where your power can be applied. (ie. Not near people, or only people who are separated from others). Can include severe Manton effect (ie. can't affect/target organic beings) or range limitations (ie. inability to affect anything within 5' of you).
Gear & Supplies:
  • Tier 3: At Tier three, equipment is essentially at the point where it passes muster. Though only a partial step up from Tier 2, comes with the benefit that one's reputation won't suffer for being seen wearing this, and the drawback that, at this stage, acquiring the costume requires one go through more particular channels (at a risk of being found out) or put it together themselves. Costs $200=5000, half this price for components if crafting Three points of advantages. Examples: Plate mail, brigandine, form fitting armor, spike studded pads, durable skintight suit, ninja clothes.
  • Durable Equipment stands up well to conventional wear and tear. Effectively more hit points for the gear.
  • Influence Influence specific reputation (+fearsome, +noble, +trustworthy) Fear Covert Allows freer, quieter movement and action (less visual footprint, quieter footsteps).
  • Storage More pockets/belts for utility.
  • Strappy Can be easily held, breaking holds is hard, and may snag on terrain features.
  • Inconvenient May take additional time to put on or take off, may need to be removed to perform simple tasks, like using a computer or performing first aid.
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Name: Kathy (Katherine) Marchelle
  • Age: 19
  • D.O.B: May 17, 1996
  • P.O.B: Brockton Bay
  • Location:
  • Build: Athletic
  • Face Shaped: angular
  • Height: 5.7'
  • Eyes: Hazel Green
  • Hair: Hot Pink(Brown)
  • Skin color: Chocolate
  • Ethnicity: Haitian/Native American
  • Occupation: Computer repairs/ IT Girl
  • Affiliation: Indy Hero
  • Cape Name: Codeswiper
Wrist computers with linked to a power source in her breastplate and leg armor, with a helmet constantly giving her info with dread like network adapters.
Pretty abrasive with others and tends to have a vindictive streak when pushed. She can be sympathetic and is a sucker for romance, but denies that she's like that. Hates the popular crowd and is biased against them. Works hard to get by in life, does have consideration for others. She prefers not being directly involved and being a behind the scenes person.
It was just party he said, there was just gonna be a few kegers. Dropping that jerk was the best move of my life. I hated parties, I hated talking to these shallow losers. the only reason I came to this school was because of track.
The only reason I was here was because this rich guy was cute, but the glamor was wearing off. I just wanted to watch a movie, snuggling up on a couch.
I took the drink he handed me like always and took a long gulp, it was pretty much mechani.....wah....
What happened I thought waking in a shower naked. my legs hurt, I felt like throwing up. It was the girl's bathroom in the lockers. I found a duffel bag that had a tag with my name on it. it had my clothes from the party, but with a sweater, sweatpants, and my cell. It was Sunday....the party was on Friday. I felt sick again but held it down.
I got to my dorm, my roommate eyed me, I ignored it. My roomy was transferring out after break was over, so whatever. I went to give the dirtbag a call, he didn't pick up she went to text, but noticed a message without a name. I told my roommate that I was headed to the bathroom.
I asked around, but no one I knew was at that party. That was a stupid mistake.
In a stall I opened the text and noticed that they were pics of me. Me being - I threw up in the bathroom, the granola bar, ginger ale, and protein shake I ate being regurgitated. I got a text saying 'meet us tomorrow behind the lockers or we'll put all these pics online;}'
I - how-how was I going to fix this, how, how, how how.
Should've dumped the jerk before the party like I planned to, I couldn't just let those pics leak, I could get kicked off the team and goodbye scholarship. Mom could barely keep herself afloat let alone pay for a ritsy uni like this. Damnit, could I go to the police, wait how'd they know I found the text in the first place. Were they stalking me....
I cracked opened the stall and noticed my roommate on the phone whispering frantically and crying.
.....Wait, wa-wasn't my roomy the one who introduced me and that, that.....no.....NO....no.
My roommate just said with her free hand to her face "your going to keep your promise right?" I couldn't help but watch and listen from my stall wondering why my roomy was still there talking ",'sniff' you'll let me go like the other girls right....'sniff....okay thanks."
I stopped myself from breaking out and beating her like a pinata at 'like the other girls right'. I had a sick feeling in my stomach again.
My roomy turned off the phone and started talking ", I got together with that monster last year," I didn't move from my stall...did she even check if no one else was around. "It was cool at first, movies, gifts, clothes, the works. Then he started taking me to places I wouldn't go, not without a few of the girls. He got me my favorite drink at one and... he talked like no other guy, right?"
Girl apparently had a broken BS detector, tch' like I was one to talk.
"Then I blacked out, I woke up in the boys locker room, the coach...the coach was the first guy they sold me to."
.......WTF...my coach did eye me when he thought I wasn't looking...Did he?!...
"I thought about going to the police, 'sniff', too bad a few of them came in a day after the coach...."
"I gave up, had to drop all my friends, but even then there were guys from the frat eyeing me, one in all my classes.....you either transfer out and say nothing or suffer in silence and if..."
...The frat? Which girl? Wait, what came after 'and if'?
" I'm sorry sniff' but I can't take it anymore, bye Kathy," she jogged out of the room. Found out later she transferred to some place in Oklahoma. But I stayed in the stall, wondering what to do, didn't want to deal with the media who might have ties to this..I stayed there for hours wondering who could help me what can I do?
Then I got ideas. Lots of ideas! And how to make those ideas work for me.
Triggered March 11 2010.
Those guys were found out with multiple pics of them doing stuff to blurred out images of girls, their bank accounts drained, more secrets online, all on their instagram, twitter, and facebook accounts. Several parents who were wondering why their girls transferred out to a lesser college received answers.
Also I found out what came after the 'and if'. sold into slavery. There were several missing cases across the country solved, with each yelling for the heads of the perps who did it, seriously a good chunk of these guys were chicks, who are now ruined for life. Had to go into hiding for a few months so I didn't get blasted out at the international news. A certain fraternity was also disbanded as their members and Alumni were exposed all across the country. Each were also charged with conspiracy and several videos came out with a few senators being put on blast. Can't have trash like that in the white house.
It took a week of humiliation, but taking those losers down was worth it. It was sweet, very sweet....hm, wonder what should I do with this power?
Love, Codeswiper
P.S Careful what you put online and networks, ya'll ^_~
Was a Brockton Bay resident

  • Brawn:3
  • Athletic:4
  • Wits:3
  • Dexterity: 8
  • Social: 2
  • Knowledge:15
  • Guts:4

  • Computers (Knowledge) 5
  • Craft (Dex/Knowledge) 5
  • Administration (Know) 4
  • Dodge (Athletic) 2
  • Endurance (Athletic/Guts) 2
  • Finesse (Dexterity) 1
  • Gunfighting (Dexterity/Wits) 1
  • Investigation (Wits) 2
  • Medical (Dexterity/Knowledge) 1
  • Reflexes (Wits/Dex) 1
  • Street Smarts (Knowledge) 1
  • Willpower (Guts) 2
  • Acrobatics (Athletics) 1
  • Empathy (Social) 1
  • Endurance (Athletic/Guts) 1

  • Two
  • Tinker/Thinker
  • Adaptive programing and technology and a thinker power that gives her insight on how to use her tech to solve the problems she is given. She basically has Tattletale on a laptop and phone....She might have world ending capabilities.
  • Programs capable of gaining intelligence more and more, of course she keeps them from being actually autonomous. But she is curious about making an A.I. And her brain can intake mass amounts of information when using her tech, other tinker tech, or just mundane tech. Her mind is her own personal cloud backup, and it grows the more she use her power, her mind was calculated as having a few dozen extra terabytes of storage by several of her programs. When it comes to other forms of tech she can figure out how to use it and add to hers from it.

  • Animals
  • Luck
  • Trumpet

11/12 Two advantages
  • 12 Strength
  • Your power is just a little bit stronger
  • 14 Death
  • Your power inspires changes in a good way. There's longlasting, advantageous benefits to using it. Maybe it's a little stronger with successive uses. Maybe it affords another option in terms of increasing your number of followers or resources.
Disadvantage: N/A
Gear & Supplies:
  • Tier 5: Tier five equipment is power granted/created. Tinker equipment, or otherwise fabricated using unconventional means. May be reliant on a successful crafting check, degrading to Tier 4 at creation if rolls fail. Costs vary wildly but are typically equal to or above the cost of Tier 4, depending largely on the creator's whim Five points of advantages, may have less points but built in features (ie. jetpack offers flight).
  • Armor Dampen heaviest blows, and sustains wounding damage in place of the player. Adds to armor weight.
  • Lightweight Affords benefits of having negligible weight without losing functionality or hampering movement.
  • Prevention Built In attention to preventing one deleterious effect, delaying onset by one turn, preventing it entirely if source can be avoided. Examples include being on fire, bleeding, suffocation, damp. suffocation bleeding
  • Protection Added protection against _____, one damage type, reducing the effect by one step. Examples include heat, cold, electric, slashing, piercing, impact. Impacts
  • Fragile Equipment is easily broken, torn, or otherwise ruined
  • Flashy noise, colors, or other elements make stealth harder.
  • Inconvenient May take additional time to put on or take off, may need to be removed to perform simple tasks, like using a computer or performing first aid.
Name: [Jorge Ossa (George Otxoa/Otsoa)] | Alias: [Anya]
Affiliation: [Rogue,Hero] | Alignment: [neutral/chaotic good]
Gender: [male] | Age: [at the start 15 years] | Build: [endomorhp (rectangle like torso)]
Ethnicity: [Chilean, but loks mostly european(Basque) Caucasian] | Hair: [mostly pure black if he hasn't been out in the sun, light black and somewhat redish hair if he has been in the sun] | Eyes: [green, almost brownish]
Class: [Brute, Trump, basically every other category, in time of course, ¡because magic!]
Power: [No worm power as normaly, but the powers of a baby D&D god, mainly based on the Monk, and wizard/magic users of the 1st, 3rd and 5th Editions:
Becomes stronger the more he trains, the more he experiences.]

He comes from southamerica, Chile, almost looks european 'cause that's were his grand-grandparents came from. His mother came to the United States because of security and work, as his two sisters died and father died in a car accident and they had no more family in their country of origin.

trigger: Jorge has had almost no problems with the local students, but he feels socially separated from everyone in boston and doesn't really care about school wich he thinks is almost an obstacle to learning most of the time. He also thinks that being insane and mantaining it a secret, wihtout respite from all the stress of his new life isn't healthy for his psyche. He really wishes he could just kill someone and relax.

sorry if I got something wrong, i speak spanish :)
Name: Lao Yu | Alias: None
Affiliation: ? | Alignment: ?
Gender: Male| Age: 21 | Build: athlete
Ethnicity: Asian| Hair: Gray| Eyes: any
Class: ?
Power: Probably shaker, breaker, stranger and master

Step 1: Lost everything because of a cape fight (family, friend, lover, home, identity [the world thought you are dead]), he want to have it all back
Step 2: i wan't it non heroic looking if you can
Step 3: Roll 1d20, got 20
Step 4: ?????
Step 5: Have honor, but merciless and fair to other sex, ( he will never harm children and bystander, no matter what did they do to him, but adult and teenager are free estate)
Step 6: None, he want none of that, he lose everything because of them
Step 7: some kind of rogue that collect every cape that doesn't want to fight (their shard conflict engine doesn't exist)

his power them would probably overlord like, he take all, but he protect and care about what he take.
he always take what other have because he have nothing, and his power will always prevent him from losing anything or anyone again
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Interesting thread! Sadly never read Wildblow's actual work, nor planning to, really...so here goes nothing! (I don't even know how to roll but here goes!)

Name: Rajesh Mahajan | Alias: PainWave

Affiliation: mercenary/hitman/ 'interrogation expert for hire'

Alignment: Jerk/chaotic evil/neutral Villain

Gender: Male Age: 29

Build: Average height, mostly overweight, yet slightly starting to show some muscle

Ethnicity: White | Hair: Black | Eyes: Brown

Classification: Blaster/Master/Thinker(?)

Power:- Sensory manipulation usually relating to pain sensation: PainWave has the power to manipualte the receptors and all other sensory nerves of a human body to percieve pain/physical damage in the body that is not actually there. He can also inhibit all pain sensation of a person's body regardless of the extent of injury/damage to them. Painwave's power can usually emit it's effects on anyone, regardless of age, at the same time within 5 meters of his location. However, Painwave can 'pick and choose' with his line of sight to affect people in a crowd to either be exempt or be attacked by him. If PainWave spends more than 30 minutes within a person's/crowd's presence while within 15 meters of them, he can then assign a mental/psychic signature to the person's presence, being aware of their location from almost 30 meters away and exert his sensory attacks upon them, regardless of physical obstructions in the way. Painwave's powers are extremely deadly, capable of killing anayine with the right applications of painful sensation, inducing illusions and halluciantions and even attaining pure 'Master effect' over a person, gaining complete puppeteer-like control over a person's motor functions after fine-tuning his powers after near 5 years of 'experiments' with unwilling subjects. Paineave also has the power to 'share' his pain with other people's minds Eg: If Painwave has been stung by a wasp in his arm or is suffering from food posioning, he can make other people suffer these sensations depsite not actually suffering from the actual physcial presence of these things. Painwave is capable of inflicting death with enough simulated pain upon someone, capable of sending a perfectly healthy adult into cardiac shock, respiratory failure via chicking sensations and then actual choking, false sensation of
cerebral haemorrhage and casuing actual internal bleeding from burst blood vessels that were formerly intact. Conversely Painwave can 'mute' feelings of damage in others (eg: loss of fingers/whole limbs, massive blood loss, third degree burns, sensory deprivation like loss of hearing, etc.) by usually imparting sensations of his own healthy state on his target. Usually he uses it for furhter torture in creative manners.

Yeah yeah, it's shit. Don't have to tell me twice...

Edit: It's time to add some personality to my edgy fuckface here...:D

Bio: Rajesh Mahakan was born to two Indian expatriates who'd settled in Los Angeles, USA from India. Leading an utterly mundane life of constant failures, letdowns and disappointments, Raj tried to commit suicide one day, putting aside all the love and support of his family and few friends. To his horror, he found that he was unable to feel the pain of electrocution in his bathtub while hearing horrific screaming from all around him. Unknown at the time to him, he'd triggered from the sheer self-entitled, moody depression and fear he was suffering manifesting his power to 'make everyone atleast for one moment feel his hate and pain' and transmitting it subconsciously to his suburbian neighbors and his parents, all convulsing and feeling pure electric shock through their bodies. Raj ran away, wandering the streets of LA aimlessly, before failing to mug some innocent people after failing to stop other muggings and play hero. Raj often caused mayhem with his pwoers, unintentionally killing many innocent people by 'experimenting', to his horror. Soon enough, he started to enjoy the sadistic torture he could inflict on anyone he kidnapped, often targeting people by their lonesome on near empty streets and neighborhoods, becoming a night terror for the LAPD, the resident PRT and Protectorate stations. Soon enough, he started working with a murderous drug trafficking gang not too dissimilar to the Archer's Bridge Merchants of Brockton Bay city called 'The Red Droves', only murdering them after one month of working with them.
Raj would come into contact with organized crime rings in LA, working as hired muscle and an 'interrogation expert' for the Elite whenever his services were required. Soon enough, he moved up the social criminal ladder, amassing enough weapons, money and rations to no longer depend solely on the Elite's services and 'generosity' and moving to greener pastures. Taking up the name 'Painwave', Rajesh Mahajan was now a permanently sadistic, bloodthirsty, possibly cannibalistic (rumors obviously. No one would consume human flesh for pure psychological tactics) serial killer/mercenary/assassin. Uncertain rumors state that his powers can supposedly not work on children under the age of 12-14 (or this could be a possibility of Painwave still having some lingering morals and enough of his (formerly) heavily bleeding heart of not wanting to ever harm children and most people believing this to be a possible case. Made shaky hoever by how monstrous his perversions on his victims are and that he's willing to hit crowds of children if they annoy him or just irritate him by being too close). Supposedly Painwave can be contacted in montreal city, Canada despite no city sightings of Painwave's known costume, his known profile or any murders matching his usual MO.
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Cape: Moribundus/ Death Grip
Name: Alexander Corvinus
Alignment: Rogue
Affiliation: N/A(But does Work with Others at times)
Gender: Male
Build: Swimmers Body
Ethnicity: Hispanic/White
Age: 17
Hair: Black(White after Trigger)
Eyes: Red
Class: Striker 10(Might be able to Decay other Powers)
Power: Decay Anything he Touches at first he's power was Weak Striker 4 at best however the more he practiced the stronger now he is able to Decay Cities if he wants and anyone who's caught in he's power will also be Destroyed.
Other Notable Skills: Martial arts and Speed Training Will Try to make Deals with Panacea or Bonesaw for Body Upgrades.
Personality: Alex is the type that sees life as a game he doesn't care much for Rules however he's also not completely Bad he just does what he wants Chaotic Neutral is best explanation.
Trigger Event: He was 6 when a couple of Boys Killed He's Dog in front of him he triggered and Killed all of them Noone ever found out since the boys just Disappeared and there was noone around.
Cape: Moribundus/ Death Grip
Name: Alexander Corvinus
Alignment: Rogue
Affiliation: N/A(But does Work with Others at times)
Gender: Male
Build: Swimmers Body
Ethnicity: Hispanic/White
Age: 17
Hair: Black(White after Trigger)
Eyes: Red
Class: Striker 10(Might be able to Decay other Powers)
Power: Decay Anything he Touches at first he's power was Weak Striker 4 at best however the more he practiced the stronger now he is able to Decay Cities if he wants and anyone who's caught in he's power will also be Destroyed.
Other Notable Skills: Martial arts and Speed Training Will Try to make Deals with Panacea or Bonesaw for Body Upgrades.
Personality: Alex is the type that sees life as a game he doesn't care much for Rules however he's also not completely Bad he just does what he wants Chaotic Neutral is best explanation.
Trigger Event: He was 6 when a couple of Boys Killed He's Dog in front of him he triggered and Killed all of them Noone ever found out since the boys just Disappeared and there was noone around.
Shigaraki ?

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