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DC Animated Universe: The RPG (Skyrim!Gamer SI/DCAU Crossover - Haremfic)

Thanks! :)

Yeah, the largest plothole regarding the aliens is The Senator and how he walked around in daylight before (spoiler) showed up.

There's also the question of why Martian Manhunter faked Batman's death. I mean, the Invaders clearly aren't telepathic, why put the team through the pain of losing someone like that?

I mean, the reason is so the audience can have its 'HOLY COW' moment but in universe, it just doesn't make sense.
Thanks! :)

There's also the question of why Martian Manhunter faked Batman's death. I mean, the Invaders clearly aren't telepathic, why put the team through the pain of losing someone like that?

I mean, the reason is so the audience can have its 'HOLY COW' moment but in universe, it just doesn't make sense.
......possibly to prevent any of them (Flash especially) from spilling the beans if caught and tortured?
......possibly to prevent any of them (Flash especially) from spilling the beans if caught and tortured?

Yeah, I thought about that. It just seemed out of blue and on rewatch just kind of seems awkward. I don't know, maybe Jon knows things we don't and is playing around them. I can't figure it out, though.
Best argument I can make for the senator is that disguising as aliens includes adaptation to their environment, but that this disguising isn't something that can be done quickly enough to be on reaction. We never see a disguised alien burn if I remember right.

As for telepathy in the aliens I'd argue their big brained purple thing of a leader is. I mean.... Just look at it? Also if that, at least, doesn't have mind powers how's it significantly hurting a martian with both regeneration, and shapeshifting as base parts of his kit just by putting tentacles in him?

Now these may not be enough to sell you lot on the plot holes, but you gotta admit both those statements which are never conflicted by canon make the arc much more solid.
Chapter 8 - First Night on the Job New
The following is a fan-based work of fiction. Justice League and Justice League Unlimited are all owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros. Animation. Please support the official release.


Quest Added: War of the Worlds!
Stop the Alien Incursion into Sky Peak International Airport: (Incomplete).
Stop the Alien Invasion: (Incomplete).
(Optional) Find Allies: 0/7.

The plan for The Hideout was to give it multiple exits so that if one of the exits was being watched by idle passerby's, I could still get out and do my work for the day. Only thing stopping me was that I wasn't sure how to disguise those exits from common view. I had a few ideas, but completing those exits would have to wait.

As I made my way toward the only exit I had, the warehouse, a drone flew slightly ahead of me, carrying a screen with a news broadcast from Metropolis. On the news feed was a massive, three legged creature shooting a laser beam out of its eye. It was white and it's legs reminded me of massive spider legs, with great hooks at the end.

First thing I noticed is that the military response, missiles and all, were targeting the large head, where likely the armor was heaviest. If they wanted to bring that thing down, they'd have to target the legs, ideally the joints.

I was actually aggravated.

The camera focused on a reporter, speaking into a mic. "This is Snapper Carr, reporting from ground zero of an alien invasion! Multiple towering creatures have laid siege to Metropolis, and…"

He looked off in the distance. "Point the camera, point the camera!"

The camera whirled and focused on a trio of silver and red alien fighters. Triangular, but lopsided with red crystalline structures sticking out of their left side. On the lower corner were a trio of red, circular lenses.

The reporter took to the camera again. "Alien fliers have now descended into Earth's atmosphere and have engaged in combat with the combined military forces of the United States. More news as it breaks!"

Well, today just got really exciting, didn't it?

"Sir, one of those meteorites has landed at the airport," Butler chimed in. "And fliers have followed after it."

"Of course it was at the airport," I grumbled. "That's where all the interesting stuff comes from."

If Butler understood my sarcasm, he didn't comment. "As you say, sir. Shall I open the roof exit?"

"Please do," I said, walking up the stairs into the warehouse proper.

The warehouse itself was now a lot emptier after my more advanced equipment had been moved downstairs. Just my blacksmithing tools were left up here, and they haven't been touched in weeks.

Like Dad said, eclectic but driven. The memory pulled my lips into a frown as I looked to my exit.

Up above, the ceiling entrance I had installed by the drones had opened. It was a mechanical double-door that pulled a pair of cut outs from the ceiling inward. They cutouts had solar panels attached, so anyone looking at it from above wouldn't see the lines.

I activated my cloaking device and flew up and out the roof exit, activating my thrusters when I was high enough and made my way to the airport.

Quickly, it became apparent that flying through an obstacle course and flying out in the open were two, very different things. One was safe, confined and stifling, to be honest. The other? The other was freedom. It was power. The power to rocket through the sky, my thrusters screaming a death metal duet as they carried me in whatever direction I demanded was like nothing I had ever felt before.

My reverie should've been distracting, but no. It only served to sharpen my focus and bring me to my destination with a laser focus. I was free and I had a mission to accomplish.

It was pretty easy to find, the airport. The asteroid was still trailing smoke to the stars from whence it came, and the red flashes in the distance quickly became laser beams from the tall, bone-white alien tripod. Behind it was the asteroid, a black stone behemoth that put many of the surviving buildings in Sky Peak to shame.

Stone broke out from the asteroid, revealing another bone white leg.

Alright, then. Lets take out the first before the second can get its bearings.

As I flew in at high speeds, I drew my blaster, thumbed the hammer down and squeezed the trigger, then repeating that twice more, sending a trio of telekinetic rounds down range. Flying forward made it a little harder to stay on target as the air-resistance exacerbated the recoil, but not enough to actually matter.

I was rewarded for all those hours spent in Nerf wars and airsoft when all three legs of the tripod were blown off at the knees in scarlet flashes of light. The massive, oval-like head fell to the ground like a dropped egg, shattering all over the tarmac in a gooey mess.

The second one was still emerging, and I waited for it to stand upright before also taking out its legs and letting the head drop and shatter into a million pieces like a fruit falling from its tree.

...was that it? Come on, this is supposed to be an invasion! You brought air support and everything. I'm so disappointed.

My question was answered when I felt a cold chill hit the back of my head like a frost laser. I immediately sent my thrusters to maximum power, flying over a crimson beam. I turned in place and saw a quad of those flier, their bottom lens glowing with power.

Alright, out of those three lens-looking things, which one of those is the cockpit?

I took aim and fired at the first flier, trying to hit it's laser cannon dead on, and I don't miss.

It immediately banked to the left, and fired it's own salvo of scarlet blasts.

But they can dodge, can't they?

I flew backward, performing a barrel roll, successfully, circling the energy blasts as they passed me. I looked down behind me and fired off a few blasts and they fliers banked and scurried.

Doing a corkscrew in the air to face downward, I immediately saw that a third walker had emerged from the asteroid. Like shooting fish in a barrel, a trio of blasts destroyed the trio of knees, making for a third, giant, scrambled egg on the runway.

Pulling up at just the right moment, I found myself flying barely a foot over the ground, careening forward like a meat missile. After dodging a flatbed with a lot of luggage piled on it, I pulled back up, banking hard to the right and coming face to face with a flier.

Finding myself in a blizzard pillar courtesy of my danger sense, I pulled over, doing another barrel roll around the thing's burst of red death. I just wanted to find out which one of the two remaining lenses were the cockpit.

I won the game of chicken when my kinetic bubble let me stick to the flier. Immediately, I got an answer to my question; through the opaque ruby lens on the upper right, I saw the opaque outline of an alien flying this thing.

Thanks for contributing to Cloud Guard's knowledge! Have a bullet.

The bolt burned a hole straight through cockpit and immediately the flier took a nose dive. I got off before it could complete it's fiery crash onto the tarmac.

One one, two to go.

A chill flowed over my skin. I deactivated the kinetic bubble and thrusters, dropping, the red glow of their weapons salvos illuminating my boots as I did do. Up above, the twin fighters passed each other with razor precision, only inches between them.

Turning both my gadgets on, I did a small corkscrew as I continued my rapid descent toward the ground. Behind me, the aliens followed, their own crafts silent as they careened through the air after me. An aileron roll, where I turned in place while rocketing forward, kept me from getting shot through as they fired, as they had anticipated a barrel roll instead.

I dove through the destroyed head of one of the walkers, there being a hole just large enough for me to slip through between the main body and a relatively intact piece laying on the ground. Then I rose up and did a corkscrew to dodge a group of scarlet shots determined to end my superhero career before it even began.

Looking back, I aimed my pistol and fired as they were firing at me, sending a bolt right through one of their cockpits, causing it to fall to the ground and crash in a fiery pile of rubble.

Just one more to go!

I cut the thrusters and let my bubble bring me to a stop, causing the fighter to shoot past me, then I activated my cloaking device.

One of the issues with the cloak is that it doesn't do anything to hide my thrusters' azure exhaust, making it look like a blue light was flying through the air instead of me, rending the cloak moot. I couldn't go very fast, in other words, with it on.

The alien ahead of me pitched up until he was facing back toward me and did an aileron to right himself. I aimed and fired, sending a bolt through the cockpit and sending him to join his partners smeared on the tarmac in flaming ruin.

I was breathing heavily, but my mouth was spread into the widest smile I think I've ever had.

There should've been fear. Perhaps terror. This was stressful, far more stress than I've ever had, but I was calm. That means that, with my maxed out Psychology skill, the mental preparations I've been doing since then have done their job. There was no cowering or whimpering, no sadness or overpowering urge to flee.

Only the game.

I was finally playing.

And I was good.

I descended down to the tarmac, where I was met by airport security, the paramilitary organization entrusted with the safety of this place. Their rifles were tightly gripped as adrenaline coursed through their veins, but they weren't pointed at me, so that was a good sign.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked, looking around the airport. I really wished I had room to include a sensor suite, but the mind-link capability took up everything this helmet could do for me.

"We've got a couple wounded taking cover back there." Hey, it's Officer Brown! Malcolm Brown, if I remember right. He was pointing with his thumb back to the airport and honestly, it was kind of nice to see him again, even if he wouldn't recognize me through the mask. "Who are you supposed to be?"

Disguise Check Success: 33/30.

"Call me Cloud Guard," I told him, holstering my pistol so I could unfold the Healer Laser. Armor wouldn't let me unfold the latter while the former was out of its holster. Safety precaution, you know? Couldn't afford a mix up. "I can help the wounded, if you'd lead the way."

"Gotcha," Malcolm replied. He turned to one of the other officers, his voice sounding ragged and barely held together. "Hey, Pedro?"

"Go ahead," one of the other guys, a Latino-sounding man replied with a nod. There was a relief to his voice, something a little bit deeper than because combat simply stopped. "Be fast, though. Don't know if its actually over or if they're regrouping."

"Won't take any time at all," I replied, following after Officer Brown.

The Airport's runway was in shambled. The meteor with its trio of craters where the walkers had emerged from was still smoking, almost darkening the already darkened night sky to a pitch black. We walked past one of the walkers, it's sheer size apparent to me now that I wasn't looking down on it from above. Milky white slime had pooled like an oil-spill around the wreckage. The cheesy pieces of debris were scattered across the tarmac like shattered glass.

These aliens used bio-technology. I wonder how it works? Also, how does it smell? I had a rebreather and a vacuum sealed costume so I couldn't smell anything outside of my suit but if I had to guess, either like spoiled fruit or a rotten egg. Maybe a mix.

We arrived at that flatbed I had passed earlier, and found a trio of officers. One with a white, blood stained bandage tied around his bicep, another was holding their leg. The last was a woman, holding her helmet in her hands, which had a large whole burned through it. On her forehead was a third degree burn.

"I can help," I said. "You won't be able to move for a few seconds, but after that, you'd never guess there was anything wrong. May I patch you all up?"

The three officers gave me nods and soft affirmatives, their exhaustion leaving them with little strength to speak.

The laser unfolded with the crisp snapping of mechanical parts finding their place. The handle had a pair of triggers, the first, larger one was for the telekinetic portion, good for holding people in place and setting bones to prevent them from healing wrong. I pulled that trigger, engulfing the first officer in blue light emitting from the lens on the bottom of the handle. It was then that the second trigger was enabled, which I squeezed, sending a current of golden light to him. It should only take a few seconds...there.

"Alright, how do you feel?" I asked.

"Better!" He said, standing up. "Way better! It was kind of freaky at first but yeah! All patched up."

"Good," I said. I hadn't actually experienced Loh Radiation first hand, so I don't know how it feels. Maybe warm, with some pins and needles? "If you'll stand aside?"

He did, letting me get to the second one. The telekinesis adjusted his leg somewhat, I saw. I imagine that hurt, but he was held in place, so he couldn't wince if wanted too. Once that was done, I sent the Loh Radiation down to them and waited. His expression was invisible behind his helmet. Three...two...one…

"Can you stand?" I asked.

"I think so!" He said, sounding more lively. Then he did. Effortlessly. "Wow! That was amazing! Set my leg and adjusted my spine! How does that thing work?"

"Magic," I replied with a smirk, immediately realizing that I could actually market the healing laser to hospitals or even homes once I figured out how to emulate the Loh Radiation with technology. "Ma'am, are you ready?"

Her words were barely audible. "Just do it."

The laser sheathed her in blue. After a moment for everything to settle, I sent the current of gold down to her and it was amazing to watch it work. The burn started to disappear right in front of our eyes and her eyes started to widen in excitement. I counted down the seconds. "Alright, how does that feel!"

"Holy cow!" She said, standing and picking up her rifle. Grinning from ear to ear, she continued, "I thought I was going to die and you...you just saved me."

She walked forward and kissed my helmet where my cheek was, causing my cheeks to feel warm and fuzzy.

"Thanks, ma'am. Glad to be of help."

Malcolm spoke up, almost sounding awed. "Where you were a year ago?"

"No kidding!" The officer who had the broken leg said.

"Getting ready," I said, smirking.

At the edge of my hearing, there was a person loudly and quickly shoving their way toward me. Turning, I saw that it was a blonde woman in a coat and thick, winter pants, hefting a microphone and trailed by a guy also in winter gear, keeping the camera mounted on his shoulder trained on me.

"Excuse me, sir! Devon Smith, with Channel 9! Would you please offer a comment?" She asked as she drew close. "First off, who are you?"

Then she practically shoved that microphone in my face. "Call me Cloud Guard."

"Where did this alien invasion come from?" She asked rapidly, before, again, aggressively thrusting that mic in my face.

"Space," I replied, my smirk returning. Some of the officers behind me chuckled.

Devon got flustered. "Well, okay, but do you know how they've managed to land on earth without any of our deep space security measures being able to detect them?"

Mic in face.

"I do not."

"Why has our own military failed to deal with the invaders?" Devon demanded. "Why haven't they arrived here in Sky Peak?"

"Presumably, because our nukes were disarmed to appease a bunch of third world, backwater dictators," I said, arching an eyebrow beneath my helmet. "And Red Mountain's military strong holds are either up in the mountains or down in Red Mountain Springs. My best guess is that they're circling the wagons."

"But you don't know," Devon pressed.

"I do not."

"Are you with the military?"

"I am not."

"What is your real name?"

"No comment. Also, that's quite rude, Ms. Smith."

Again, she was put on the back foot. "Well, are you native to Sky Peak?"

"I live here," I said, the air taking on an unnatural chill. "You should get to safety before something else happens."

Devon brought the mic back to her, smiling in excitement and relief. "One more question. Do you truly believe we have a chance at stopping them?"

I looked around at the walker's corpse behind me, placing my hand on my holstered weapon. "Yeah, I think so."

"What-" She was cut off by the sharp sound of a cracking explosion.

Immediately, I turned around. The asteroid which had since been dormant had cracked open like a coconut. Stretching out from the broken stone were black tentacles which looked like they were reaching out from the abyss to pull down the sky. Dark clouds, cracking with electricity, were rising with them.

"Devon Smith with a development," Devon started from behind me. "Having just concluded an interview with Cloud Guard, Sky Peak's new hero, the meteor which initially crashed here at the airport has exploded, revealing alien appendages. Wait, what are they doing?"

The tentacles started to solidify into a structure. A curvy, alien structure with bizarre architecture. Split into two levels, connected by a lopsided, large trunk and two significantly smaller needles. On the bottom layer, a massive drill emerged, and started pounding the ground. Twin scarlet lungs with black veins began pumping. Out the top were streams of dark clouds, lightning coursing through them.

Out from the structure came streaming humanoid figures, except it was like they didn't have skin. White veins with black nerve endings and their heads were amoebic. There were at least fifty or sixty of them and they were hefting dark rifles.

"Get down!" I shouted, drawing my pistol which caused my healer to automatically retract. I fanned the hammer taking down five with perfectly placed head shots, causing them to fall to the floor as black and white puddles.

My danger sense, which I really need to give a proper name, gave me a chill right where my head was and I tilted to the right, allowing a laser blast to pass harmlessly to my left. Turning the bubble on, I started ascending.

Below me, airport security immediately got back to work, taking cover and shooting when they could. Their bullets rang through the air, as did the scarlet lasers returning the favor.

Okay, game plan. Pop the lungs on the first level to slow down their plans to blot out the sky. Then, enter into the first level and do a full dungeon clear and try to learn anything I can. Technology specs, communications, whatever. Then, disable the pollution factory permanently, either by ruining its internals or targeting the structural weak points connecting the first and second levels.

Also, kill every alien invader I see. This is war, not law enforcement.

With that done, I rolled my shoulders, turned on my thrusters and rocketed forward to my first ever dungeon crawl.

...I'm so excited.


Author's Note: FINALLY! We've gotten to the action! Holy cow! For those of you who have actually watched the first arc of Justice League recently, you'll know that it's a little early for the factories to start running. See, their initial plan is to use the walkers to soften resistance and then, when the area is secure, deploy the factory.

However, our boy Cloud Guard here ruined that plan by completely outclassing the relatively immobile weapons platforms with obvious weak points. Then once the fliers were down, they activated the factory early as a last ditch effort before this part of the invasion fails completely.

Hope you enjoyed! I know I did.

Until the next time!

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Kill the Xeno and their disgusting Culture. Then cleanse Mars, as far as i remember Martian Manhunter is the last Martian alive and those Xeno 'Imperium' are not allowed to survive, just because they used their brain and hide some of them in Mars caves, this time.
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Also, kill every alien invader I see. This is war, not law enforcement.
And if the Justice League or any heroes gives him shit over that, J'onn will defend his actions.

Glad to see you writing again Fulcon, I love reading your Gamer Naruto story and was sad that it got discontinued.
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..yeah, Jon/Batsy is DEFINITELY calling for his help, because apparently he's the only one capable of taking these things down, ALONE might I add.

Yeah no kidding. Like... Not only did he successfully fight well as a solo act, that shit was being recorded. Wouldn't be surprised for attempted contact within the hour, and certainly before day's end.

Also if our main character has any sense that barely passing disguise check scared the shit out of him. Were I in his shoes I'd look for a safe way to grind that as soon as the alien invasion is over. As for low stakes ways that might work.... Acting? Definitely something at any rate. Being less than five points from getting made is.... Yeah.
Cloud Guard makes an excellent debut in Sky Peak, during the alien invasion and before Justice league formation arc.
Especially when dealing with Xenomorph rip-off culture
during the Alien invasion on world wide globe .
Continue on
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Kill the Xeno and their disgusting Culture. Then cleanse Mars, as far as i remember Martian Manhunter is the last Martian alive and those Xeno 'Imperium' are not allowed to survive, just because they used their brain and hide some of them in Mars caves, this time.

Beware the alien, the mutant and the heretic. Suffer these not to live, nor any of the unclean. Carry with you the Emperor's light, may it be the fire of your soul. Wield hatred as your sword, and bear contempt as your armor, that none of humanity's endless foes may stand against you.

..yeah, Jon/Batsy is DEFINITELY calling for his help, because apparently he's the only one capable of taking these things down, ALONE might I add.

Yeah no kidding. Like... Not only did he successfully fight well as a solo act, that shit was being recorded. Wouldn't be surprised for attempted contact within the hour, and certainly before day's end.

Now, in defense of the Justice League, it isn't because the MC is overly powerful. In the show itself, when they start targeting the walker's legs, they go down as easily as Cloud Guard took them out in this chapter. The only difference is that the MC identified their weakness faster than they did in the show.

...but yeah, they're definitely calling in for his help. I'm not even done padding Cloud Guard's resume, either. :D

And if the Justice League or any heroes gives him shit over that, J'onn will defend his actions.

Not even Batman will give him guff over this - they killed these aliens indiscriminately in the cartoon itself. What Measure Is a Non-Human is in full effect here.

Glad to see you writing again Fulcon, I love reading your Gamer Naruto story and was sad that it got discontinued.

Glad to be back! That Naruto story...well, I'd do a lot of stuff differently now because I've grown as a person, but I'm not sure anyone would WANT me to do anything different, you know?

Have a cookie.

Mc: I..... Really overleveled for this, didn't I?

Only a little. :p

Also if our main character has any sense that barely passing disguise check scared the shit out of him. Were I in his shoes I'd look for a safe way to grind that as soon as the alien invasion is over. As for low stakes ways that might work.... Acting? Definitely something at any rate. Being less than five points from getting made is.... Yeah.

It hasn't registered, but you're right. The only reason the check was as low as it was is because it's been a while since he met Officer Brown and he was wearing a full helmet which covered everything. Normally, that man is sharp - has to be to be a Security Officer in that particular airport. The one air-port in history where some people honestly think security isn't strict enough.

Cloud Guard makes an excellent debut in Sky Peak, during the alien invasion and before Justice league formation arc.
Especially when dealing with Xenomorph rip-off culture
during the Alien invasion on world wide globe .
Continue on

I intend to continue! Thanks for the kind words. :D
"Are you with the military?"

"I am not."
"Or at least, I haven't been since 1944. When I accidentally fell into an experimental cryogenics capsule, and only was able to escape my confinement a little over two years ago. While I was never officially discharged or declared AWOL, as I have been out of commission for a period of over fifty years I would assume my service has since been terminated at this juncture."

Yes, lies make things difficult to keep straight. But every layer of obfuscation can be nothing but a good thing when trying to upkeep a secret identity. Pretending to be someone that time has literally forgotten might be useful on that kind of front.
"Or at least, I haven't been since 1944. When I accidentally fell into an experimental cryogenics capsule, and only was able to escape my confinement a little over two years ago. While I was never officially discharged or declared AWOL, as I have been out of commission for a period of over fifty years I would assume my service has since been terminated at this juncture."

Yes, lies make things difficult to keep straight. But every layer of obfuscation can be nothing but a good thing when trying to upkeep a secret identity. Pretending to be someone that time has literally forgotten might be useful on that kind of front.

Plus, it makes me laugh. And to be fair, if he's stealing from The Distinguished Competition on one level, what's a little more?

Have a cookie. :)
At first I was sad at the lack of magical skills until I remembered that the DC Universe was primarily a science-fiction setting, so maxing out those fields of scientific understanding was going to be just as good, if not better.
There is plenty of magic in DC, some of the magic like the emotional light spectrum is disguised as tech when it's magic-ish, same for the forces.

Though I think keeping them out of the skills is for the best.

Though I do wonder if he would be able to become a Sword Singer and awaken a Shehai, it should be possible if he operates under the skills of TES.

Quest Added: I need a hero!
Establish a Superhero Identity (Incomplete).
When did quests become a thing? They were not mentioned at all in chapter one till the last line. Were they something always there or new to the system?

I'm really sorry for the long info-dump.
Apart from the quests popping out from nowhere (and not even explaining if they give anything) it was fine.

Please tell me this isn't one of those 'anti-cape'
In DC they actually have a word for it, they use Meta's.

Worm use "Capes".
The Boys use "Sups".
DC use "Meta", well for the most part.

I dug around in my back pocket for the small black book that functioned as my game manual and journal and paged through it.
There it is.
Again not explained in chapter one info dump, or even properly here.

Can he not use his power without the journal? You said he had a HUD.
When did quests become a thing? They were not mentioned at all in chapter one till the last line. Were they something always there or new to the system?

They're a hold-over from my last gamer fic. I kind of assumed they were 'industry standard' as it were.

DC use "Meta", well for the most part.

But not all heroes are metahumans. Some are aliens, others use magic and others still use gadgets. I'll note to adjust the line when I go back and edit this first episode.

Can he not use his power without the journal? You said he had a HUD.

A hud, but no pause menu. Another thing to adjust when I come back for the edit.

Thanks for the help, have a cookie. :)
They're a hold-over from my last gamer fic. I kind of assumed they were 'industry standard' as it were.
Each gamer fic works differently. So when you don't include any quests in the summery of the MC's life for 20-ish years, then suddenly add it, and don't explain anything about them the transition is jarring.

So do they give rewards? If so what did he gain during the 20-ish years of finishing quests?

But not all heroes are metahumans. Some are aliens, others use magic and others still use gadgets. I'll note to adjust the line when I go back and edit this first episode.
Yes, but people don't care about the separation, they are all metas.

Keep in mind that meta might be short for meta human, but using the word metas would just be slang for people who have powers. The same way that not all heroes wear capes (most don't), but it's a term used in worm to refer to individuals with superpowers.

A hud, but no pause menu. Another thing to adjust when I come back for the edit.
Still doesn't explain things though. Does he need a notebook to see skills? Or is it just something he uses to hide that he is reading off a menu?

You could have just made it a mental thing where he is constantly aware of it.
Each gamer fic works differently. So when you don't include any quests in the summery of the MC's life for 20-ish years, then suddenly add it, and don't explain anything about them the transition is jarring.

I honestly didn't think anything about it and you're the first person to raise an issue. Like I said, I'll make some adjustments when the arc is complete.

So do they give rewards? If so what did he gain during the 20-ish years of finishing quests?

As a game, Skyrim typically didn't offer rewards for quests unless it was narratively appropriate. So, sometimes he got money, other times he got a favor, there was even a point where he had a follower, I just decided. But probably not rewards in the way that you're thinking, sad to say.

Yes, but people don't care about the separation, they are all metas.

Hm. Well, I care, and so does Jacob and we're looking at things through his perspective.

Still doesn't explain things though. Does he need a notebook to see skills? Or is it just something he uses to hide that he is reading off a menu?

Again, I'll look at changing things when this current story arc is complete. Until then, it stays that way.

Forgive me, but you seem to be a little hostile.

You could have just made it a mental thing where he is constantly aware of it.

I didn't want to. I like the physicalized journal.
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As a game, Skyrim typically didn't offer rewards for quests unless it was narratively appropriate. So, sometimes he got money, other times he got a favor, there was even a point where he had a follower, I just decided. But probably not rewards in the way that you're thinking, sad to say.
If quests don't serve a purpose for the system (as in no reward) it might fit better if you have the MC just write the quests on a pice of paper himself as his way to break down a problem down to smaller parts and keep the game elements in his brainstorming/planing as a personal quirk (for fun).

Otherwise you would need to come up with 21-ish years worth of quest rewards. Though on the flip side the 21-ish years of quest rewards would give you a lot of creative freedom. It would also allow you to include more Skyrim things down the like, like a quest about learning magic giving him some spell books from Skyrim. He would still need to learn on his own since no skill, but it would be a nice way to introduce spells you like.

Could even introduce some like tier stuff from Skyrim as Mcguffen's later on to save the day, because what's a superhero story without a few Mcguffens.

Hm. Well, I care, and so does Jacob and we're looking at things through his perspective.
That's completely fine, I also care otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up. What I mean is the average person in DC doesn't care. Some probably don't even know hawk woman/man are aliens, or that the green lantern is a space cop. For them a meta is just someone with powers.

When you get into the people more involved or people who actually care or are well informed, they distinguish them.

If you look at the justice league most members don't have capes, with just Superman and Batman as the founding members that have one (man hunter doesn't count since he is shirtless). So term wouldn't have picked up.

It makes sense if the MC thinks the word "capes?, as it's spread from worm on our earth, or even says it to other (they will likely understand what he means), but it's not something people would likely pickup on, as metahuman would be more widespread.

Also while technically metahuman should refer to people with the genetic expression of power (like mutants from Marvel), it actually just refutes to any human with powers regardless of what they are.

And while some of the heroes are not human so it shouldn't fit, or don't even have powers like Batman (good luck convincing people he doesn't have a vanishing power) and green arrow thus shouldn't be called meta, the general public and media in world wouldn't care.

Sorry about the mini rant, didn't mean to go on it, words kinda flowed. Been contemplating etymology lately, specifically in fic (like elemental nations in Naruto fandom and incarnation in fate fandom).

Forgive me, but you seem to be a little hostile.
Sorry, was rushed when typing it, was during a meeting, I had some down time but was about to present something in a bit.

Asking a bunch of questions since was a bit on the fence about the fic (info dump was fine for me, but it seems like a lot of stuff was just skipped over), seems interesting but kinda hung up on a few details that I wanted cleared up otherwise it would keep bugging me. I like DC fic, and gamer fic, but the start seemed rushed so I wanted to clear somethings up.

It's fine if you don't want to answer (specially if you think I am hostile), I'd thank you for answering my questions so farm and part amicably while wishing you good luck with your fic.

Sorry if I came off as hostile, that wasn't the intent.

I didn't want to. I like the physicalized journal.
That's fine, but it brings up questions like how he looked at the menu as a child till he got a journal.

I know it seems like it's a stupid question but when it comes to gamer fic a lot of stuff happens in the background the reader never knows about (or you start getting inconsistencies). I helped a friend write a gamer fic before and damn was there a lot of math in the background. The similar systems like yours make writing a lot easier, and if done right even better for the reader since more immersion (gamify the power or setting too much and it causes problems).
The kink stuff seems sincere - genuine and not a degen thing. I like him having his internal conflict thing and the actual emotion behind it. Does feel like it's written a little flat, but I want to see more stories which go into what kind of person would actually want a harem and what they feel like.
Chapter 9 - Up in Smoke New
The following is a fan-based work of fiction. Justice League and Justice League Unlimited are all owned by DC Comics and Warner Bros. Animation. Please support the official release.


The hail of blaster fire got much, much harder to avoid as I got closer to the smog factory. The walls of guns was extraordinarily angry with me in particular, as most of their destructive wrath was channeled into the sky. It was a pretty hairy, but a fun 'bullet-hell' segment that I honestly wasn't expecting to encounter nor navigate successfully in an RPG of all things. Even through my armor's temperature regulation, I could feel the heat of the bolts as they whizzed past me en masse.

It was fine with me, in all honesty. Down on the ground, airport security was getting it's licks in, avenging anyone whose lost their lives tonight. For me, I was only able to take a shot every now and again in between dodging and twirling around masses of fire, streaking through the air like demonic schools of flying fish.

I found an opening, a lull in fire as the aliens started diverting attention to the security forces on the ground. If I could feel the heat of their weapons fire through my suit, I could only imagine what the normal guys are going through. So, I drew my pistol and fanned the hammer. Ten shots, ten kills in short order.

Eyes up here, jerks.

The aliens looked back up at me and then they started to retreat, running back into the massive, alien structure pumping storm and smog into the air. I dove after them, only for the very entrance to shrink and disappear from view, leaving only a solid wall.

Alright, then.

Tempted to just rip a hole in the wall and chase after them, but I could do better.

I flew around to the giant heart on the first segment of this great factory, twin scarlet pumps with black veins pumping in an easy, steady cadence to create dark clouds to block the sky. Searching with my fingers, I couldn't find a seam where the pump met the walls of the structure.

Thought about just plunging a knife-hand straight into the pump and tearing it open that way, but I thought about what would happen if it was tougher than me. Broken fingers were not something I wanted to ever experience.

But I've got healing powers so, I'll just have to bite the bullet.

Waiting for this half to be collapsed and empty, I plunged a knife-hand into the pump, finding the wall to have the same consistency and feel of muscle fibers, almost like steak. It was thick enough that it took my whole hand to grip it in it's entirety. I pulled, pushing out from the air and tearing the entire pump out of the socket. When I was done, I tossed my prize down on the runway.

Some bits of fleshy pump remained in the socket, but on the inside were pipes going inward. The other pump had stopped working, having inflated and remained the way. I rocketed forward, bringing my fists together and stabbing through the steel walls of the pipe like a harpoon.

Immediately, I found myself in a darker structure. Twin aliens were inside and with startled yelps, they collapsed at seeing my arrival. Their amoebic faces betrayed no emotion to me and I started to believe that they expressed emotion or other communication in ways other than facial expressions.

The aliens reached inside their own chests and each pulled out a black and white rifle. They both aimed at me, the red lenses glowing with power.

Draw, shoot, shoot, holster. Both the aliens collapsed into oozing puddles of black and white goo, having lost the ability to hold themselves together. With them taken care of, I surveyed the room I had found myself in.

It was dark, with little natural lighting. The walls seemed to curve and wave as if they were made of out coral. Next to the exit I made in the pipe was a control panel. The interface was like nothing I had ever seen, circular with red, circular lights of various sizes dotting it like stars in a constellation.

It seemed more like an abstract art piece than a command console. I fiddled with it, pressed the lights and tried to run my fingers over it, but got nowhere. So, I carefully pinched and tore a hole in its chassis with my two index fingers, hopefully without breaking anything important, to see if looking at its internals would provide a hint as to how it functions.

Inside, I found a mess of wires and components. Alien in make and origin, obviously, looking more like wands and tentacles instead of electrical circuits. If I had to hazard a guess, the aliens have some psychic ability, but the actual nature of that psychic ability is beyond my understanding for now.

Not entirely sure how I can jury rig this console to work for me. Even if I could, how would I know what the console is supposed to do? I'm getting nowhere fast, time to move on.

Annoyed that I was no closer to cracking their technology than before, I stood up and placed my fingers on the console, trying to focus my telekinetic power into the console. I knelt back down, checking to see if any of the internals were doing anything...and they were! One of the wands was lighting up orange. On the console itself, one of the lights turned on.

But trying to move my fingers along the console did nothing and the wand stopped glowing.


Okay, figuring out their technology was going to be a challenge. It can be done, though! Lots of questions just waiting to be answered. If I can figure out how their weapons change form, or how this factory was assembled from those tentacles, maybe I could apply that to the rest of my gear, which would make changing in and out of costume a literal breeze.

The Chill, that I just decided to name my danger sense, breezed across my skin through the wall behind me. I turned and drew my pistol right as it opened, letting a trio of aliens in to shoot me. Shot one, jumped up over their attacks and shot another as I landed and planted a solid kick in the third's torso.

I was shocked, though, when it literally deformed into a standing puddle and reformed on the outside of my kick. He aimed his rifle at my head, but I was faster and put it down with a head shot from my pistol.

What in the world? Was not expecting shape-shifting abilities.

I mean, they were amoebic, so it wasn't like it was impossible.

...why do I get the feeling that's going to be important later?

Anyway, fisticuffs are a bad idea. Need specialized weapons to deal with these things. Right now, that's my pistol and only my pistol. I'll have to figure out other weapons later.

Speaking of weapons, I knelt down and picked up one of their black rifles and examined it for a moment. It didn't have a visible trigger or any sights that I could identify. The weapon trembled for a moment in my hand before loudly and almost violently snapping into a dark ball with white veins covering its surface, broken up by the occasional red node.

Handy. I pocketed it for study and moved on.

The hole in the wall was still open, and walking through it brought me to a multi-layered maze of wavy catwalks and porous gantries. It was barely lit with a soft violet light, the source of which I couldn't identify but it seemed to course through the walls like thick, gooey blood.

However, I didn't have any trouble seeing the white, amoebic-humanoid aliens who I now strongly suspected were bio-luminescent as they took positions all around the room. I flew up, taking cover behind a support beam that reminded me of gum stretched between two fingers.

I engaged my cloaking device and flew up, leaving them to shoot the beam I had been taking cover behind to pieces. When they saw I wasn't there, some of them pointed down the hole in the wall where I had come from.

Sneak Check Success: 100/55.

Silently floating through the coral-like structure, I immediately ran into a problem when I had crested the top of a bridge. To the right was a large column with a control panel mounted on it. After a fed moments of observation, it opened up on all sides by itself, no visible seams or anything for the walls to slide into; it was as if the architecture warped to meet the needs of its occupants.

Out of the column walked a pair of the aliens, hefting black rifles, then the column shut, leaving no entrance. I could hear them speaking to each other in their language, which sounded like the syllables had been electronically mixed up and blended in nonsensical means. Down below, other aliens were moving in twos, moving quickly but carefully, their heads moving all around; they had started a search.

That was clearly the elevator to the second section. There was no way for me to open it, I had no idea if it really was just telekinetically operated or if there was a genetic lock on it too. The problem with stealth in real life is that you're on a timer. My cloak will only hold until someone notices my silhouette, which is faint, but there.

Biology Check Success: 100/25.

The aliens are speaking, so they aren't telepathic and they're holding their weapons, so they aren't telekinetic either. Which means their interfaces are keyed into their unique biology, likely some form of shape-shifting, and I don't have that key.

That means the quiet approach is out of the question. I looked down and around, circling the elevator shaft to get a count of how many aliens there were. Let's see...thirty. Thirty by my count and more are in the halls around the room. Okay. Well.

To make this easier on me, I needed to drive them out of their facility where I can deny them the home field advantage of magically changing and warping terrain. If I can't get anywhere through stealth, I'll have to handle this from the outside.

With no more reason to stick around here, I dove down and fled back through the wall I had come through and saw that a pair of aliens were currently using their hands to close the hole I made in the pipe somehow. It was like magic, they were massaging the pipes, their fingers pulsing like a heartbeat over the surface and the steel just closed on its own.


Having forgone the quiet option, I just dove back through the pipe once again, ripping through steel like a bullet. I came face to face with the pump that was slowly starting to close up again as I dove through it.

Okay, well, the pump getting repaired seemed bad, but it wasn't going to matter in a second. I de-cloaked and rocketed up toward the structural support beams which were were a little thicker than my entire body, both of them. With a well placed kick put a dent and knocked some of the steel loose, which I grabbed and flew around the support, tearing out the steel and leaving a gap in the support, exposing a wet, spongy core. A kick toward the lower half knocked the support into two pieces, sending it to the ground.

Oh, that's surprisingly easy. Good!

I flew to the next support and repeated the process. As the second support stopped working, I could hear the building start to creek. With screaming thrusters, I rocketed toward the central pillar, coming to one side and kicking it, causing it to dent. Driving my knee into it finally allowed the steel to come apart, giving me something to grip, and I did.

Flying around, stripping the steel like the plastic guard on the cap of a gallon of milk, I started to hear the steel creaking like a groaning titan who didn't feel so good anymore. Cracks started to emerge in the steel like a rapidly growing spider-web and bits were going flying. With screaming thrusters and a grin on my face, I rocketed up to the second floor on the opposite side and tackled it with a shoulder charge, trying to force it in the direction of the weakened supports.

Health: 99%.

My shoulder throbbed, but I got ready for another charge anyway and launched forward, the force of my impact against the steel, trying to push it instead of pierce through it rattled through my entire frame, causing my bones to shake, but I got up and got ready to do it again.

Health: 98%.

With a final, thunderous impact, the top floor with its non-functioning smoke-stacks toppled onto the first floor and then slid off to the left, landing onto the corpse of a walker, squishing it like curdled milk. The top floor itself broke in half, spilling most of its contents onto the runway.

Wincing at the volume of the impact, I dove down to get a closer, better look at the wreckage. The inside was filled with bridges and platforms, each broken with pieces raining to the floor. Dust clouds had filled the runway, making it difficult to see.

Carefully, I descended into the wreckage, my pistol at the ready. As the dust cleared, I got sight of my milky white targets. They had been thrown around by the collapse and were scrambling to get back to their feet, while the walls and floors were decorated with the black and white slime pools that were their fellows corpses. Some were already standing and had weapons, so they were my first targets. Draw, shoot, shoot…

As I fired on them, the aliens started to run. The only ones who avoided a surprise meeting with their maker are the ones who quickly found cover, but I circled around overhead, my jetpack carrying me screaming through the air like a falcon on crack.

I fanned the hammer of my blaster, firing on them even as they returned fire at me. Dodging the scarlet blasts was easy as the Chill warned me when they had drawn a bead on me and needed to duck or jump. By my count, there were twenty aliens on this floor

The second floor was obviously where a majority of the action happened. I found myself looking at some kind of stasis field with some kind of walnut-shaped crystal the size of my head floating in the center. The stasis field, a red energy bubble, flickered and died, leaving me to catch the crystal.

Well. This was obviously important. But I didn't have anywhere to store the thing. This is one of those times where I wished a had a more video game-y inventory system where things just disappeared into an invisible sack to be retrieved at will.

...I'll ask airport security to hang onto it for me.

With a turn, my thrusters carried me from the ruins and I arced down and landed on the tarmac next to a group of gathered security officers. Malcolm was among them. "Hey, Cloud Guard! Nice work taking that thing out!"

The Chill came back, like a cloud of cold fog on a snowy day and it was coming from the first floor. "Get down and hold onto this for me."

As I handed him the crystal, the first floor opened and out poured laser fire. I returned that fire, taking out one, two, three aliens in quick succession as they took cover. Airport security did like wise, taking cover and firing on them, though with much less success.

I took off, heading for the massive opening the collapse had left for me on the top. Looking down, I recognized the bridge where the elevator was from earlier, the collapse had ripped the shaft right out, leaving me a fantastic perch from which to snipe aliens.

When I landed, I saw a mob of these things. There had to have been fifty of them, crowding around the entrance, taking shots. So, I re-cloaked myself and started taking shots. Immediately, it was confusion. Blaster bolts went up into the air throughout the structure, but few actually went in my direction.

At least, at first, as I approached taking out ten, the Chill started to get much stronger and I found myself leaping down from my perch as the swarm of bolts suddenly filled my position.

How did they-? Oh, they saw my muzzle flare. Right, that makes sense.

One of the aliens grabbed a cylindrical device and chucked it. From my lower vantage point, I saw a smoke screen had been deployed. Immediately, the aliens, with their garbled, distorted language, started running out of the factory at breakneck speed. One tripped and fell, leaving him an easy target I immediately shot, causing him to fall into a puddle.

I chased after them and...saw the aliens had made a mad dash for the airport, running through double doors to get inside. They were shooting at the security forces shooting at them as they retreated from one foxhole to another.

No! No, no, no, no! No, not in there! Not in the airport! Get back here! That's not – there's people in there! You can't go in there!


I should've expected this. I should've known that when their base got compromised they'd just move but no, I was just thinking about how easy shooting fish in a barrel would be! Of all the idiotic strategic blunders I could've made it, it had to be that one!

Flying forward, I arrived at the double doors. They were transparent and the invaders started shooting at me, even though I was cloaked, their red bolts carving through the doors like hot knives through butter.

Taking cover out of their sight picture, I looked around and saw that they weren't shooting at me, there was a security officer behind me. With a single, great stride, I was at his side. It wasn't Malcolm, but given how many holes had been burned through his body by the storm of scarlet projectiles that he was dead.

I let out a deep breath.

This felt like my fault.

I'm the one who chased the aliens from their bunker and I'm the one who couldn't stop them from fleeing to the airport and then this guy chased after them and paid the price.

Yeah, I didn't tell him to chase after them, but the thought wouldn't have even crossed his mind if I was smart and made sure they stayed in their fish bowl as I started shooting. But if I don't keep it together, this death will be the first of many.

When I was going through here last time, I noticed that the windows were always open. Birds tended to fly in and out as they pleased and I even noticed an old lady feeding them birdseed as she sat on the bench.

So I'll just head up there since the front door is being guarded.

I flew up, my thrusters deactivated to avoid making noise and found one such window, propped open, giving me a good view into the terminal, looking at the large staircase going up where a trio of aliens were watching the entrance, each crouched behind cover, such as a pillar or stone plant base. No, four. I count a fourth one, on top of the stairs and aiming down sights.

Draw, fan the hammer, holster. All four were down.

Time to hunt down the rest.


Author's Note: The plot thickens! You know I initially wasn't going to use the whole 'structural vulnerabilities' idea to beat the aliens since it almost undermines the plot of the original episode; why infiltrate the factory if you can just take it apart from the outside. But then, I realized that I really enjoyed it and I didn't think Jacob would like going through an enemy installation if he didn't have to. So...here we are.

Not sure how the plot's going to change. In the original episode, the League was split into teams for the purpose of recovering that walnut-shaped crystal Jacob asked Malcolm to hold onto for the moment. Not entirely sure why, but I think it's because if you reverse the polarity on it, it does a cool blue-beam into the sky and destroys the storm clouds the aliens are trying to make.

I wasn't entirely sure when Batman got the time to create an ion-reversal gadget, but then after watching the show a few times, there's a time-skip implied in between his 'en-deadening' and the final confrontation, so that's when.

But if they don't have to go into the factory's...no, wait, I got it. We're good. Even answers my original question; why infiltrate the factories? I got an answer.

Until the next time!

If quests don't serve a purpose for the system (as in no reward) it might fit better if you have the MC just write the quests on a pice of paper himself as his way to break down a problem down to smaller parts and keep the game elements in his brainstorming/planing as a personal quirk (for fun).

Absolutely not. I think they're essential for flavor and for explaining the MC's obsession with goal - its informed his mental conditioning since it's been active since (re)birth.

Otherwise you would need to come up with 21-ish years worth of quest rewards. Though on the flip side the 21-ish years of quest rewards would give you a lot of creative freedom. It would also allow you to include more Skyrim things down the like, like a quest about learning magic giving him some spell books from Skyrim. He would still need to learn on his own since no skill, but it would be a nice way to introduce spells you like.

No, I don't, because many of those quests didn't have rewards.

Could even introduce some like tier stuff from Skyrim as Mcguffen's later on to save the day, because what's a superhero story without a few Mcguffens.

Nah. I'm just using a bastardized version of the RPG system, adapted to the DC Animated Universe. I don't have to introduce things from Skyrim proper.

It makes sense if the MC thinks the word "capes?, as it's spread from worm on our earth, or even says it to other (they will likely understand what he means), but it's not something people would likely pickup on, as metahuman would be more widespread.

WORM doesn't have a monopoly on the term cape. In fact, the first time I saw it used was in an official Spider-Man novel. Sure, DC uses 'meta', but I can expand their vocabulary per creative license.

Sorry, was rushed when typing it, was during a meeting, I had some down time but was about to present something in a bit.

Asking a bunch of questions since was a bit on the fence about the fic (info dump was fine for me, but it seems like a lot of stuff was just skipped over), seems interesting but kinda hung up on a few details that I wanted cleared up otherwise it would keep bugging me. I like DC fic, and gamer fic, but the start seemed rushed so I wanted to clear somethings up.

It's fine if you don't want to answer (specially if you think I am hostile), I'd thank you for answering my questions so farm and part amicably while wishing you good luck with your fic.

Sorry if I came off as hostile, that wasn't the intent.

Ah, that makes sense. I was just annoyed that 'I'll fix it later' didn't seem to register with you and I got the impression that you wanted me to fix things right now.

That's fine, but it brings up questions like how he looked at the menu as a child till he got a journal.

Again? I'll fix it later.

I just forgot about it is all.

The kink stuff seems sincere - genuine and not a degen thing. I like him having his internal conflict thing and the actual emotion behind it.

Aw, thanks! That was the goal.

Does feel like it's written a little flat, but I want to see more stories which go into what kind of person would actually want a harem and what they feel like.

...I'm trying, I promise. :(

Thanks for the chapter

You're welcome! Have a cookie.
I'm trying, I promise. :(
I'm glad! I think part of what makes it that way atm is that a lot of it just feels like repetitions of the same idea. Whereas the interesting thing isn't the idea, it's the feelings that are caused by the idea, the actions they lead to, how that affects others and has consequences on Jacob, how he and others feel from that, etc.
Some of my favourite scenes so far have been him and the couple in the diner because they feel like real characters and the interactions with them have weight and consequences.

Some of most interesting stuff on the relationships so far to me was when he binged those videos and the feeling of longing and slight sadness to Jacob that that scene had. When there's other people and it's a real thing, not just an idea, I think it might be better

My favourite scene so far was when he was talking about how beautiful goodness and kindness is.
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Thanks for ze chapter!🎂

(THEORY CRAFTING/ IDEA SPITBALLING: You know, I think our boy is gonna end up running his own hero team/group/organisation when not doing JL things. It seems like something he would do, plus networking with all the small time/non-league heroes across the Americas could only give him benefits.

And I fully believe after him giving major assistance in saving the world, and thereby getting a huge boost to his rep, that many heroes/vigilantes wouldn't mind working with/for him, after all, to them he's one the top heroes ,up there with Supe's and Batman in terms of badassery!)
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No, I don't, because many of those quests didn't have rewards.
Fair enough, it's weird that quests don't give anything, but it doesn't actually mess anything up not having rewards.

Nah. I'm just using a bastardized version of the RPG system, adapted to the DC Animated Universe. I don't have to introduce things from Skyrim proper.
Fair enough. A shame since I would have loved to see a sword singer, but eh, you do you.

Though I do have a quark on regarding the system if you don't mind, does reaching 100 mean he can't improve any more, that there is nothing to improve, or that beyond that point it is not aided by the system but he will always have a minimum skill level of beyond mastery.

WORM doesn't have a monopoly on the term cape. In fact, the first time I saw it used was in an official Spider-Man novel. Sure, DC uses 'meta', but I can expand their vocabulary per creative license.
That is fair, and it is a very common thing to borrow words from one thing (or location/language) to another, I was just pointing out how at this stage the media likely uses Meta in fic. If he becomes a popular hero and says cape it would likely pick up traction and slowly mode a (then average people) would shift to it to stay relevant. Like how people use X instead of twitter, or say X formally twitter even though we all know most would rather just say twitter.

It has zero relavent to the story (or the quality of the fic) which you use, I just thought it was interesting (what words are used to refer to supers) and voiced my thoughts.

Ah, that makes sense. I was just annoyed that 'I'll fix it later' didn't seem to register with you and I got the impression that you wanted me to fix things right now.
Definitely a miscommunication going on then, my goal is to clear things up for myself.

Like you say I'll fix that later, my thought is ok, but till then can you explain to me how things work.
I quite like actually paying enough attention during fights to notice mistakes, and even make plans around them. I also find it darkly amusing that the lack of situational awareness, as we have no notification of him taking that class, could be argued to be why he didn't notice a guard behind him. That's like TWO lessons. Keep individual normies, even armed ones, away from powered combat if at all possible. Also all the stealth in the world means shit all if you don't track firing lanes between all combatants.

I can already see Bats training him in how to anticipate an enemy's thought process, and the value of deliberately drawing attention to protect someone even if your stealth is epic tier.

I can also see supes training him in how to safely find the limits of super strength and durability considering he ACTIVELY worried about the durability of his hands.

I can see our beloved martian trying to play therapist on him about that residual guilt, as he often does with any perceived stress past a certain point in this continuity.

Do I know for a fact these hooks are deliberate, or just the result of writing people like people? No, but I'm giving credit for deliberate anyway.

On the opposite side of things it would be very simple for our MC to make the league stronger too. Even if he has less experience, an honest to goodness tinker without the downsides of worm tech can be a nasty force multiplier.

Can you imagine supes with a radiation suit complete with its own air supply, and how that would utterly screw anyone trying to throw green rocks at him? Or bats with an even higher density of hyper space efficient toys in his belt? The possibilities for teammates improving each other in a mutual way is beautiful.
I'm glad! I think part of what makes it that way atm is that a lot of it just feels like repetitions of the same idea. Whereas the interesting thing isn't the idea, it's the feelings that are caused by the idea, the actions they lead to, how that affects others and has consequences on Jacob, how he and others feel from that, etc.

Yeah, I have got to stop structuring arcs around the lone wolf trope. He's not even meant to be a lone wolf, I just defaulted to it because I wanted to show him going out of his way to train his skills.

Something to keep track of.

Some of my favourite scenes so far have been him and the couple in the diner because they feel like real characters and the interactions with them have weight and consequences.

Some of most interesting stuff on the relationships so far to me was when he binged those videos and the feeling of longing and slight sadness to Jacob that that scene had. When there's other people and it's a real thing, not just an idea, I think it might be better

My favourite scene so far was when he was talking about how beautiful goodness and kindness is.

Glad you liked them! They're definitely the highlight of the fic because character interaction is so much meatier than, well, a lone person's thought process.

I'm adjusting my plans, actually, now that I've realized I have this habit.

Thanks for ze chapter!🎂

Why, you're welcome! Have a cookie. :D

(THEORY CRAFTING/ IDEA SPITBALLING: You know, I think our boy is gonna end up running his own hero team/group/organisation when not doing JL things. It seems like something he would do, plus networking with all the small time/non-league heroes across the Americas could only give him benefits.

And I fully believe after him giving major assistance in saving the world, and thereby getting a huge boost to his rep, that many heroes/vigilantes wouldn't mind working with/for him, after all, to them he's one the top heroes ,up there with Supe's and Batman in terms of badassery!)

*nods nods and takes notes*

I'll keep this little ditty in mind. :)

Though I do have a quark on regarding the system if you don't mind, does reaching 100 mean he can't improve any more, that there is nothing to improve, or that beyond that point it is not aided by the system but he will always have a minimum skill level of beyond mastery.

Nothing more to improve. 100 skill points is actual perfection in his chosen field. The issue with things like 'alien tech' is that it requires perks to understand, which IS a potential quest reward. Most quests don't have rewards, but some do. If I said 'no quests have rewards' that was a miscommunication.

It has zero relavent to the story (or the quality of the fic) which you use, I just thought it was interesting (what words are used to refer to supers) and voiced my thoughts.

Fair enough.

Like you say I'll fix that later, my thought is ok, but till then can you explain to me how things work.

But then I wonder why you need me to explain how things work when...to me its self evident? Sorry, part of my problem is that I don't understand how there can be a misunderstanding. Not that there can't be, just that there shouldn't be.

Hmmmmm, my man cant do Skyrim Conjuring no?

Afraid not. One of my earlier attempts with the Skyrim system actually did feature the magical skills and he learned to do things like Bound Rifles and stuff. It...didn't get off the ground.

I quite like actually paying enough attention during fights to notice mistakes, and even make plans around them. I also find it darkly amusing that the lack of situational awareness, as we have no notification of him taking that class, could be argued to be why he didn't notice a guard behind him. That's like TWO lessons. Keep individual normies, even armed ones, away from powered combat if at all possible. Also all the stealth in the world means shit all if you don't track firing lanes between all combatants.

Yeah, he never completed Situationally Aware. Also, I'm glad you liked the chapter! :)

I can already see Bats training him in how to anticipate an enemy's thought process, and the value of deliberately drawing attention to protect someone even if your stealth is epic tier.

*Nods nods*

Yeah, the actual theory isn't something Jacob has a grasp on, even if his mechanical proficiency is S++ tier.

I can also see supes training him in how to safely find the limits of super strength and durability considering he ACTIVELY worried about the durability of his hands.

Another great point! Have a cookie.

I can see our beloved martian trying to play therapist on him about that residual guilt, as he often does with any perceived stress past a certain point in this continuity.

I need to finish watching the show again, there's a bunch of stuff I'm finding that I never noticed before.

Do I know for a fact these hooks are deliberate, or just the result of writing people like people? No, but I'm giving credit for deliberate anyway.

You're much too kind! :D

On the opposite side of things it would be very simple for our MC to make the league stronger too. Even if he has less experience, an honest to goodness tinker without the downsides of worm tech can be a nasty force multiplier.

Batman is getting a nolan-esque batman cape. That lets him glide. Because he nearly fell to his death at one point in Unlimited before Superman saved him and it galls me that it took the first set of films that were actively trying to be realistic to think 'hey, lets make him glide with his cape'.

Can you imagine supes with a radiation suit complete with its own air supply, and how that would utterly screw anyone trying to throw green rocks at him? Or bats with an even higher density of hyper space efficient toys in his belt? The possibilities for teammates improving each other in a mutual way is beautiful.

The cool part would be making it look like a normal or even more stylish Super Suit so that enemies can never figure out why kryptonite has just completely stopped working. I will say that I'm wondering if this Batman has Morrison's Sci-fi closet, the closet where Batman keeps the sci-fi high-tech gadgets he collects over the years, but hates using.
I will agree that the show absolutely deserves finishing, re-watching, and watching analytical youtube content. Implicitly Pretentious has excellent, detailed content, and specifically an entire playlist dedicated to putting various facets of the DCAU under a microscope.

His Playlists

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