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Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again)

Huh. this is probably going to wind up as vote-by-plan, isn't it? The purchase decisions in particular have too many moving parts to be anything else.
Bah. Fine, then. Vote change.

[x] Kinematics

because even though I do have a few tweaks I'd like, it's pretty solid overall, and my vote isn't likely to goi anywhere.
Vote Tally : Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again) | Page 15 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.5.3
Task: Stat Points
[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] Mingle with adventurers. Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
No. of Votes: 3
[X][Stat Points] Bread and Butter
-[X] Strength
-[X] Toughness
[X][Skills & Job] Plan Placeholder
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Save remaining Shards
[X][Misc] Spend No more than 3 shards on Food/Drink.
[X][Action] Social Activity!
-[X] See if you can't find Murdan or someone else that seems interesting and have a chat.
[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
No. of Votes: 2
[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will
[X] Bring our Oni Warrior to C
[X] Bring our Greatclub to C
[X][Misc] How much will you spend on food and drink?
-[X] 2 Shards (NO ALCOHOL)
-[X] Mingle with adventurers. Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] Pay 2 shards.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
[X][Skills & Job] - 30
-[X] Oni Warrior D - 5
-[X] Oni Warrior C - 10
-[X] Greatclub C - 10
-[X] Steel Stomach D - 5
[X][Potions] - 2
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make or if you can stash Ingredients with the Apothecary
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner & breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
[X][Action] Mingle with Adventurers
-[X] Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] - 2
-[X] Yes - 2
No. of Votes: 1
[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
[X][Skills & Job] - 50
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge C (15)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 4
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x2 - 4
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] Mingle with adventurers. Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] Sleep by yourself. Free.
-[X] Offer to let Linnea and Shadow join you if they want. If they're going to buy protection, you certainly won't try to convince them otherwise, but if they're not, then there's a bit of safety in numbers. You're not too worried about yourself, but youd rather they wake up okay. They're good kids.
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 7
because even though I do have a few tweaks I'd like, it's pretty solid overall, and my vote isn't likely to goi anywhere.
I was actually contemplating your setup, to compare with my own proposal. Hadn't made any real decisions, though.

Mine has:

Food - 5
Sleep - 2
Potions - 7
Skills - 40

Total: 54/59; 5 left over

Giving up the Berserker's potion would give enough to upgrade Warrior's Challenge to C, which would drop us to 0. With nothing left, no real point on spending money on having someone guard us, so could spend those 2 shards on another minor potion, giving us a total of 3. Have 1 shard left in the morning, for breakfast.

Nothing wrong with the idea, though it pretty implicitly needs us to bring Linnea with us tomorrow. Mine just has a bit of extra margin for buying another couple minor potions (or one full potion) tomorrow, if we can't get Linnea in tomorrow's group. That would give a total of 4 minor potions, plus the Berserker's potion, which is a fairly decent amount of healing (15 HP). Not as good as Linnea, but enough for a reasonable non-healer run.

Of course if we want to get back to those tunnels with the silver runes and stuff, definitely need Linnea. If we can't get her, a basic farming run would easily be covered by a handful of healing potions.

Overall, it's enough on the edge of the purchasing decision that I don't feel particularly compelled to go one way or the other, so will just sit with what I have now.

Also, mrttao, be better to partition by block and group things by task. Everything is nicely marked (except for part of Arkeus vote), so it's pretty easy to put the tally together in an easy-to-read format.

Vote Tally : Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again) | Page 15 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.5.3

[X] Bring our Oni Warrior to C
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Bring our Greatclub to C
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Action

[X][Action] Mingle with Adventurers
-[X] Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
No. of Votes: 6

[X][Action] Social Activity!
-[X] See if you can't find Murdan or someone else that seems interesting and have a chat.
No. of Votes: 2

Task: Misc

[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
No. of Votes: 5

[X][Misc] Spend No more than 3 shards on Food/Drink.
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Misc] How much will you spend on food and drink?
-[X] 2 Shards (NO ALCOHOL)
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Potions

[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
No. of Votes: 3

[X][Potions] - 2
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make or if you can stash Ingredients with the Apothecary
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Potions] - 4
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x2 - 4
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Skills & Job

[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
No. of Votes: 3

[X][Skills & Job] Plan Placeholder
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Save remaining Shards
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Skills & Job] - 30
-[X] Oni Warrior D - 5
-[X] Oni Warrior C - 10
-[X] Greatclub C - 10
-[X] Steel Stomach D - 5
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Skills & Job] - 50
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge C (15)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Sleep

[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
No. of Votes: 7

[X][Sleep] Sleep by yourself. Free.
-[X] Offer to let Linnea and Shadow join you if they want. If they're going to buy protection, you certainly won't try to convince them otherwise, but if they're not, then there's a bit of safety in numbers. You're not too worried about yourself, but youd rather they wake up okay. They're good kids.
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Stat Points

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
No. of Votes: 5

[X][Stat Points] Bread and Butter
-[X] Strength
-[X] Toughness
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 8
Aren't you buying a bunch of potions?
For the variant that leaves us with no money, we'd have a total of just 3 minor potions. Not what I'd consider noteworthy in value (total of 6 shards' worth).

It's my version (not the one the quote is referring to) that has us with 2 minor potions and a Berserker's potion overnight, and the option to go to 4 minor (or 2 minor + 1 normal) potion plus the Berserker's in the morning. Max value of 14 shards.

I thought we were voting by entire plan this time
I thought 'by plan' was still separated by task (ie: skill buys have to be treated as a complete group, but can be independent of potion buys). Social activity and stat buys are independent of shard spending, and only one combination of tasks can put us over our shard total (and that combo requires taking the most expensive parts of two entirely separate overall plans).
...If you guys choose to go that way...?
Now that I am done sqeeing over it, I guess I might have over reacted to the shiny. I still want us to have some "light" elements of that, heck it will be highly practical for reaching the higher levels. But I still want the main focus to be on reaching the top and becoming queen
[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will

Arkeus' stat choices.

[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2

-[X] Mingle with adventurers. Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).

Kinematics' spending and action.

[X][Sleep] Sleep by yourself. Free.

Paying for guarded sleep is a waste at this point.
Kinematics, why the decision to spend all the shards, before we take a look at any Skills that the Job leveling might net us?
[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will

The vote shards seem more or less in order, and it's an inherently accessible, if much-demanded, resource. So I wont bother with that. Stat points though... Strength is a given, as it increases our dice pool. The two stats that have benefit at odd numbers are Toughness and Will because they increase HP. From that perspective, they are the same. The difference is what they're used to defend against; Toughness protects from physical attacks while Will shields from non-physical ones. Right now, we have 2 auto-successes from gear + 2 dice from Toughness vs. physical attacks. On the other hand, we have 1 die vs. non-physical attacks. That's a 60% chance of soaking the damage straight with our HP. This is kind of worrying, especially given the +3 target priority we run with by default. We can probably still tank the hits better than squishier party members, but it hurts our physical tanking to lose that health. Especially if the attack has added effects like the strength debuff we got hit by after, by my interpretation, actually managing to roll a success against it.

We need higher Will. Raising it by one this level wont give us more dice, but it will give us just as much HP as Toughness, that also wont give more dice this level, and sets us on the road to a Will 4 next level.
[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] See if you can't find Murdan or someone else that seems interesting and have a chat.
[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] See if you can't find Murdan or someone else that seems interesting and have a chat.
[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] Mingle with adventurers. Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
No. of Votes: 6
Minion #Q

[X][Stat Points] Bread and Butter
-[X] Strength
-[X] Toughness
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Misc] Spend No more than 3 shards on Food/Drink.
[X][Action] Social Activity!
-[X] See if you can't find Murdan or someone else that seems interesting and have a chat.
[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will
[X] Bring our Oni Warrior to C
[X] Bring our Greatclub to C
[X][Misc] How much will you spend on food and drink?
-[X] 2 Shards (NO ALCOHOL)
-[X] Mingle with adventurers. Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] Pay 2 shards.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
[X][Skills & Job] - 30
-[X] Oni Warrior D - 5
-[X] Oni Warrior C - 10
-[X] Greatclub C - 10
-[X] Steel Stomach D - 5
[X][Potions] - 2
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make or if you can stash Ingredients with the Apothecary
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner & breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
[X][Action] Mingle with Adventurers
-[X] Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] - 2
-[X] Yes - 2
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
[X][Skills & Job] - 50
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge C (15)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 4
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x2 - 4
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] Mingle with adventurers. Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] Sleep by yourself. Free.
-[X] Offer to let Linnea and Shadow join you if they want. If they're going to buy protection, you certainly won't try to convince them otherwise, but if they're not, then there's a bit of safety in numbers. You're not too worried about yourself, but youd rather they wake up okay. They're good kids.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] Mingle with adventurers. Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] Sleep by yourself. Free.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] See if you can't find Murdan or someone else that seems interesting and have a chat.
[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
No. of Votes: 1
Bre Karn

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] See if you can't find Murdan or someone else that seems interesting and have a chat.
[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
No. of Votes: 1
There's a way to get the vote counter to collect all the votes for a certain choice (action, stat points, etc). Use that instead of counting by whole vote. So much easier.
[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] Mingle with adventurers. Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
No. of Votes: 6
Minion #Q

[X][Stat Points] Bread and Butter
-[X] Strength
-[X] Toughness
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Misc] Spend No more than 3 shards on Food/Drink.
[X][Action] Social Activity!
-[X] See if you can't find Murdan or someone else that seems interesting and have a chat.
[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will
[X] Bring our Oni Warrior to C
[X] Bring our Greatclub to C
[X][Misc] How much will you spend on food and drink?
-[X] 2 Shards (NO ALCOHOL)
-[X] Mingle with adventurers. Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] Pay 2 shards.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
[X][Skills & Job] - 30
-[X] Oni Warrior D - 5
-[X] Oni Warrior C - 10
-[X] Greatclub C - 10
-[X] Steel Stomach D - 5
[X][Potions] - 2
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make or if you can stash Ingredients with the Apothecary
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner & breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
[X][Action] Mingle with Adventurers
-[X] Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] - 2
-[X] Yes - 2
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
[X][Skills & Job] - 50
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge C (15)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 4
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x2 - 4
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] Mingle with adventurers. Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] Sleep by yourself. Free.
-[X] Offer to let Linnea and Shadow join you if they want. If they're going to buy protection, you certainly won't try to convince them otherwise, but if they're not, then there's a bit of safety in numbers. You're not too worried about yourself, but youd rather they wake up okay. They're good kids.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] Mingle with adventurers. Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
[X][Sleep] Sleep by yourself. Free.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] See if you can't find Murdan or someone else that seems interesting and have a chat.
[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
No. of Votes: 1
Bre Karn

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will
[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
-[X] See if you can't find Murdan or someone else that seems interesting and have a chat.
[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
No. of Votes: 1
don't cut out the top part of the vote, that includes a special notation of ##### which makes the post in question excluded from other vote counting attempts
Tally broken up by task.

Vote Tally : Dungeon Delver Quest (Original Fantasy... again) | Page 15 | Questionable Questing
##### NetTally 1.5.4

Task: Action

[X][Action] Mingle with Adventurers
-[X] Try to see what kind of groups are forming, as well as look at what support people are potentially not finding groups yet (like Linnea didn't yesterday).
No. of Votes: 10

[X][Action] Social Activity!
-[X] See if you can't find Murdan or someone else that seems interesting and have a chat.
No. of Votes: 2

-[X] See if you can't find Murdan or someone else that seems interesting and have a chat.
No. of Votes: 2

Task: Misc

[X][Misc] - 5
-[X] Food (dinner and breakfast) - 3
-[X] Alcohol - 2
No. of Votes: 11

[X][Misc] Spend No more than 3 shards on Food/Drink.
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Misc] How much will you spend on food and drink?
-[X] 2 Shards (NO ALCOHOL)
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Potions

[X][Potions] - 7
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Lesser Berserker's Elixir x1 - 5
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
No. of Votes: 9

[X][Potions] - 2
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x1 - 2
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make or if you can stash Ingredients with the Apothecary
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Potions] - 4
-[X] Minor Healing Potions x2 - 4
-[X] Check what Bonemeals can make
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Skills & Job

[X][Skills & Job] - 40
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge D (5)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
No. of Votes: 11

[X][Skills & Job] - 30
-[X] Oni Warrior D - 5
-[X] Oni Warrior C - 10
-[X] Greatclub C - 10
-[X] Steel Stomach D - 5
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Skills & Job] - 50
-[X] Greatclub C (10)
-[X] Job C (15)
-[X] Warrior's Challenge C (15)
-[X] Breaker D (5)
-[X] Steel Stomach D (5)
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Skills & Job] - 25
-[X] Bring our Greatclub to C
-[X] Bring our Oni Warrior to C
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Sleep

[X][Sleep] Sleep under guard. Costs 2 shards
No. of Votes: 12

[X][Sleep] Sleep by yourself. Free.
-[X] Offer to let Linnea and Shadow join you if they want. If they're going to buy protection, you certainly won't try to convince them otherwise, but if they're not, then there's a bit of safety in numbers. You're not too worried about yourself, but youd rather they wake up okay. They're good kids.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Sleep] Sleep by yourself. Free.
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Stat Points

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Toughness
-[X] Toughness 2
No. of Votes: 9

[X][Stat Points]
-[X] Strength
-[X] Will
No. of Votes: 4

[X][Stat Points] Bread and Butter
-[X] Strength
-[X] Toughness
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 15
Day 2: Evening
As you head off toward the apothecary you turn your thoughts toward spending the shards burning a hole in your pockets and the potential you gained from 'leveling up'. You can't help but grin as a rush of vitality fills your muscles, beating back the fatigue you built up over the day. It's strange knowing that you could probably take a punch dead on from one of the strongest fighters back home and hardly flinch. You weren't exactly weak mind, Mom never would have stood for that, but you aren't exactly a battle scar faced Bushi either.

Yet, here you are, feeling stronger by the second as shards dissolve away and empower you, knowledge and skill filling your mind far past what someone of your age and experience has any right to have. This place… is pretty scary when you think about it. You continue to weave through the crowd as your thoughts wander, now turning to the skills you've unlocked by raising your job rank. There are a few other weapons to play around with, but you don't pay them much mind. Adamant Body though… that's not a technique you ever thought you'd learn. That's something you've only ever heard of much older more experienced warriors learning, same with Warriors Intent and some of these other skills. Kinda amusing that you unlocked the Brewing skill though, says a lot about your people.

Ugh, too much to think about for now, you'll ponder your unnatural growth later once your done at the apothecary, you can see the peak of her tent over the crowds. Inila's little workshop hasn't changed at all of course, not that you would have expected it to. Dozens of little crystal phials all line the shelves and display cases each labeled in her precise hand, and the apothecary herself perched over a single iron cauldron filled with glimmering red liquid.

"I've got some ingredients to sell," you say without preamble as you wander up to the counter, pointedly ignoring her creepy golem cashier. You figure the tactiturn women will appreciate you getting to the point.

You catch a slight shift of her head, although you can't tell if she's looking at you given the goggles covering her eyes, "Which ones? Bonemeal? Ectoplasm? Something else?"

"Bonemeal," you respond, not really surprised that she's already aware of the ingredient that drops from the most basic enemies, "Kinda curious, what do you use it for?"

"Catalyzing ingredient in the Ironblood potions, replaces certain outside ingredients. It's been useful for decreasing dependence on outside suppliers," she responds absently, "How many, and what potions are you looking for?"

"Six, and I was looking at one of those berserker elixirs," you respond, you're a bit too tall to comfortably rest your elbows on her counter, so you simply rest your hands on it instead. "I need a couple of the minor heals too."

She considers for a moment, although she never stops stirring the now gently steaming mixture in front of her, "For six, you may have the elixir. You know the cost of the others."

"Yup," you respond, it takes a moment to retrieve what you need from your inventory, and another moment to exchange it with the silent golem for your three potions. "I gotta ask, how do you stand hanging around that thing all day," you grumble as you step away from the counter and the smiling doll behind it, already stowing your purchases.

"The golem?" she asks, actually looking up for a moment. "My brothers design philosophy is a bit strange, but it is perfectly functional."

You shrug, guess you just get used to the quirks of family, no matter how quirky they are. Or maybe you're just weird for being creeped out by life sized dolls. "Right, anyway, good doing business with ya." You add as you turn away to go.

"I will be closed tomorrow," her voice reaches your back. "Gemnus and I are going into the tower."

You pause, a little surprised, but shrug, and call back over your shoulder, "Thanks for the heads up." Huh, you didn't really figure them for the type. You should head somewhere to get some eats next, and maybe pick up some local gossip, see what kinda groups are forming up around here. Finding a quiet place to eat isn't hard, a nice cheery little stand with stools of various heights and sizes in front of it is where you end up. It turns out that your budget for food and drink buys you a pretty nice meal, and a bottle of good drink to boot. You don't recognize it, but going by all the consonants on the label you're going to bet it's a dwarf brew.

While you're still enjoying the fruits of the days labor, you simply do a little people watching around camp and listen in on conversations of those nearby at the little food stall you stopped at. It's a little hard to tell really, but it does seem like some of the people around are at least familiar with each other, and now that you're looking you can see it in the crowds. People in pairs and small groups not bigger than four or five people who seem more comfortable in each other's presence than more casual acquaintance would suggest, working their way through the crowds of loners like yourself.

While you can't say it's the most educated opinion, you'd say that's about where things stand right now. There are still a lot of folks just out for themselves and not much in the way of organization. It's actually weirdly peaceful. You would have expected to have seen a brawl or two dozen by now in a gathering of oni this big. You do notice that among the groups you see it seems like folks who look like stereotypical warriors are overrepresented. Although… you suppose it might be that the sort of person with a healers skillset is also not necessarily the sort of person that would seek out one of the Towers. That might explain the rarity too.

There's something else though, it seems like a the guy babbling about a screaming wind wasn't bullshitting, more than one person is talking about how a bunch of folks simply didn't come out of the tower today, or how single remainders of groups stumbled out looking a decade older and babbling about similar stories. Course there's also people just bitching about the sudden upgrade to gear quality all the monsters got, which you have a feeling is you're fault.

Around the time that you're finishing off the last bowl of spicy beef stew that you ordered, someone finally takes the seat next to yours, given how full the place is you're surprised it's taken this long. You glance over at them, and take a minute to try and figure out what they are. They have shiny purple skin that turns out to be real fine scales when you take a closer look. Can't really tell if they're a boy or a girl though, looks mostly human or elfish otherwise though, aside from the lack of hair and short height. They look like a fighter type, going by the leather gear, chainmail and sheathed sword. They're also cradling their head between their hands, looking for all the world like they've got a nasty migraine.

You watch them bemusedly for a minute, before speaking up, "You look like crap." No reason to dance around it.

"Thanks, I couldn't tell," the newcomer responds archly, glancing up at you from the cradle of their hands, "Any other genius observations?"

You snort, "Gonna guess you had some bad luck in the tower, but it couldn't have been too bad since you're in one piece."

They give you a flat look, "The tower's not the problem. It's the people. You would think more people would be grateful to the person empowering them."

You offer a shrug as you finish your stew and wash it down with a swallow of your drink. "People are people. No use in getting worked up over a couple of jerks. Just find a better group tomorrow."
"Easy for you to say," the newcomer finally lifts their head from their hands to sit up straight. "You look like you don't even need a group." They grimace, "I'm… not so great without someone to back me up."

"Guess I could go solo," you muse. If you just wanted to fight basic enemies, you could do so easily. "I think having some backups a good idea though, woulda been in trouble today if I hadn't brought a healer along." You study the other explorer for a moment before adding, "I'm Yuuka by the way. Feels weird not to introduce myself."

"Du F…" they begin. "You know, let's just go with Du," they trail off into a grumble about pronunciations in Tradespeak.

You raise an eyebrow at that but just shrug it off, "So what do you do anyway?"

"I improve equipment," Du responds. "You know, make swords sharper, and armor tougher," they actually seem kinda excited as they continue on. "It's so much more than that though. There are all sorts of utility applications, and I think once I really get the skill advanced I'll be able to do some really interesting things."

Well, you suppose that sounds pretty useful, gear is fairly strong going by the mechanics of this place so anything that can improve it deserves at least some attention, "Sounds interestin'," you respond politely. Only to hold back a wince when your conversational partners eyes light up. Oh dear, you might have unleashed something here.

Well if nothing else, Du is really enthusiastic about their branch of magic, so you deal with becoming increasingly lost as they continue on with explanations and conjecture that mostly goes over your head. You'd feel kind bad shooting 'em down at this point. It's only the arrival of his own meal that slows him down and grants you an opening to make an exit.

You spend a bit more time shopping around for a good place to sleep and chatting with the folks at the various resting points. It seems your general intuition is right, people with healing skills are kinda rare, and even if some disdain 'noncombatants' there are enough savvy folk around that the ones who do show up generally get snapped up right quick. Linnea's situation seems more an issue of her ability to very much not stand out combined with her newness. It's a bit different for those whose skills 'merely' enhance others rather than actively healing. You eventually settle on a roped off campsite guarded by a half dozen mercenary types of varying species and profession. It's a bit nicer than just grabbing a random spot to lay out your bedroll. If nothing else the area has been smoothed over by lots of sleepers, so you won't have any rocks or roots jabbing into your back, you suppose you'll have to consider what kind of group you want in the morning... you still don't really want to go above three people though, seems kinda wasteful given the current difficulty, on the other hand... keeping Linnea around could be all sorts of useful, and she seems like a nice sort.

Select up to three

-Seek out someone you've already grouped with
[] Murdan
[] Linnea
[] Shadow

-Someone else
[] Du didn't seem like a bad sort, seek him out
[] You could use someone magically inclined
[] See who shows up.
[] Write-In
[X] Linnea
[X] See who shows up.
[X] You're curious to see if that Ansom girl is still alive.
[X] Linnea
[X] Shadow
[X] Dufi Hansard
[X] Linnea
[X] See who shows up.
[X] You're curious to see if that Ansom girl is still alive.
[X] Linnea
[X] Du didn't seem like a bad sort, seek him out
[X] You could use someone magically inclined

Get Linnea for heals, Du for support (and getting to know another character) and a mage for ranged DPS (and getting to know another character)

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