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Dump anything identifying me as part of X-com, convince coyote to do the same, then go out to kill a guy.

So much for not committing crimes near the base.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7[/blockquote]

Latewave finds a small radio with a broken antennae that he thinks he can get running again with just a bit of tape. The things people throw away, huh? In a different dumpster, he finds an entire still-warm and freshly abandoned pizza, still in the box, apparently thrown out because the toppings are pineapple and anchovies.

Happery finds a nest of angry, hissing rats. Fortunately, none seem to be rabid, and they're as concerned about him as he is of them, so there's just mutual backing off and you don't want no trabble.


The two of you, Red and Coyote, stash your badges and ID's inside a hollow tree in a small side-park, and make your way to the stated place. As said, your target is in the side alley, smoking and leaning against a wall.


He appears to be looking away, and hasn't noticed you yet. There is a dumpster on the left side of the alley that could offer some cover, and a set of stairs up to a door on the right, which would only offer a little, but better than nothing.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]

You two, roll your initiative.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]
Okay. Looks like your target goes first.

But he still doesn't notice you, and passes his turn calmly and peacefully smoking.

Marked_One. You have two action points, go.
I look around for more junk.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]
John smiles. "A Radio? Better then the rats I found. Least if we're hungry, we now know where to find rat a la natural. Still want to find some chairs or something though. Maybe one of them fold up tables.."

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]
I walk toward the door behind him like while giving the impression that I'm reaching for my key (1 action).
Then I reach out for my gun and shot a single shot toward him. [blockquote]Rolled 2d20+4 : 10, 4 + 4, total 18[/blockquote]
Your shot definitely hits him, but a single bullet from one of these pistols isn't enough to kill anyone immediately without a crit. 14 isn't going to cut it.

If he rolls above a 4, opportunity counter-fire, and he definitely knows people are shooting now, at him specifically.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 19, total 19[/blockquote]
Oh yeah, he turns around and shoots right back at you.

With no cover, your dc is also 10, so if he makes or beats that then he shoots you with his own handgun. Let's see, /his/ accuracy was.... zero.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 8, total 8[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d4 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]

He reels from the bullet, shaking a little, but he's still standing and facing you.

Useless, you have two action points, it's your turn. Remember, if you enter his field of vision, enter a three-tile radius outside of his field of vision, or shoot at him, roll an extra d20 to see if there's opportunity fire.
Move to the other side of the dumpster, end up directly south of him, 4 squares away.

Three rounds rapid.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+3 : 18 + 3, total 21
Rolled 1d20+3 : 9 + 3, total 12
Rolled 1d20+3 : 7 + 3, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d4 : 1, total 1
Rolled 1d4 : 1, total 1
Rolled 1d4 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]
Opportunity fire:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]

Damage if it hits:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d4 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]

Okay, still fully exposed and all, his countershot whiffs and he eats three bullets for his trouble.

But while he's wobbling, he's still standing, barely. And it's now his turn. It doesn't take him but a moment to decide that of the two of you, he'd rather shoot the guy who shot him three times than the one who shot him once.

He uses his first action to burst fire at you, useless. I'd like the both of you to roll your opportunity, since you have him dead in your sights.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 14, total 14[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20-1 : 7 - 1, total 6[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20-1 : 1 - 1, total 0[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20-1 : 11 - 1, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20+4 : 16 + 4, total 20[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d4 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]
Okay. His first shot goes wild.

Your counter-shot doesn't, Red. It drops him right where he stands.

You said you wanted to loot this guy? His gun still has nine bullets in the clip. As you approach him, Marked_One picks it up, and stores it in an inventory slot.

He now has two pistols, one with nine bullets in the clip, one with eleven.

Useless has a handgun with eight shots.

Unfortunately, his wallet proves to be completely empty, and he is carrying nothing of any value on his person.

Behind you, you hear a car pull up to the entrance of the alleyway. Turning, you can see your thug contact step out of the drivers seat. He squints down the alley at you. Then, just for a moment, he grins.

Immediately after this, he starts yelling.

"What the fuck? Boys, these fuckers just killed Shinji! Get out here and waste 'em!"

You have been betrayed.


Two other thugs pile out of the car, taking quick cover behind the dumpster. You're outnumbered, and fully exposed to fire. You should probably retreat, quickly.

Down the alleyway you can see to the side, you can see at this distance that the fence at the end is topped with barbed wire. You aren't getting out that way. But there's a turn-off to the side. Also, there's a door nearby, though you'll be fully exposed going for it. You're fully exposed now, though.

Roll initiatives again, gents.

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]

minion 1
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]

minion 2
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]
[22:04] <+useless101> roll 1d20
[22:04] <qqdice> useless101 rolled 1d20: 12 = [12]

Okay, so the two backup guys go first, then useless, then the thug, then marked_one.
[22:10] <+Chibi-Reaper> Roll 1d20
[22:10] <qqdice> Chibi-Reaper rolled 1d20: 3 = [3]
[22:10] <+Chibi-Reaper> roll 1d20
[22:10] <qqdice> Chibi-Reaper rolled 1d20: 6 = [6]
[22:10] <+Chibi-Reaper> roll 1d20
[22:10] <qqdice> Chibi-Reaper rolled 1d20: 3 = [3]
[22:10] <+Megaolix> wow
[22:11] <+Chibi-Reaper> roll 1d20
[22:11] <qqdice> Chibi-Reaper rolled 1d20: 5 = [5]
[22:11] <+Chibi-Reaper> ..... You /lucky/ motherfuckers.


All right.

The minions /like/ their cover, and they know that their accuracy isn't great to begin with, so they hunker down behind the dumpster and pop a couple shots at you each. The first one targets useless, the second Markedone, and every last one of the bullets goes wide.

Thug isn't happy about this, but can't do anything yet.

You both decided to pass on taking opportunity pot-shots back, probably an okay call since these guys are behind cover, so it's now Useless' turn.

You have two action points.
Run into the alley, and try to leave that way. If it's blocked off then come back out and run for the door on the left with the stairwell.

opp if it's needed:
<+useless101> roll 1d20
<qqdice> useless101 rolled 1d20: 8 = [8]
[22:24] <+useless101> I can still be shot at i think.
[22:24] <+Chibi-Reaper> Because he's in full view of all three of them, yeah.
[22:24] <+Chibi-Reaper> roll 1d20
[22:24] <qqdice> Chibi-Reaper rolled 1d20: 4 = [4]
[22:24] <+Chibi-Reaper> roll 1d20
[22:24] <qqdice> Chibi-Reaper rolled 1d20: 18 = [18]
[22:24] <+Chibi-Reaper> roll 1d20
[22:24] <qqdice> Chibi-Reaper rolled 1d20: 18 = [18]
[22:24] <+Megaolix> yikes
[22:25] <+Chibi-Reaper> Okay, minion two and the thug pop a shot off.
[22:25] <+Marked_One> at least stay alive long enough to tell me if the alley is clear
[22:25] <+Chibi-Reaper> wait, does this dice handle modifiers?
[22:25] <+useless101> nope
[22:25] <+Chibi-Reaper> Right.
[22:25] <+Chibi-Reaper> roll 1d20
[22:25] <qqdice> Chibi-Reaper rolled 1d20: 14 = [14]
[22:26] <+Chibi-Reaper> Oof. That's a hit.
[22:26] <+useless101> I'm also the first of us to take a bullet.
[22:26] <+Chibi-Reaper> roll 1d4
[22:26] <qqdice> Chibi-Reaper rolled 1d4: 4 = [4]
[22:26] <+useless101> So proud.
[22:26] <+Marked_One> so much damage
[22:26] <+Chibi-Reaper> .... That's a heavy hit, from minion two.
[22:26] <+Chibi-Reaper> roll 1d20
[22:26] <qqdice> Chibi-Reaper rolled 1d20: 20 = [20]
[22:26] <+Megaolix> fuck
[22:26] <+useless101> dead
[22:26] <+Chibi-Reaper> Oh fuck.
[22:26] <+useless101> Dead
[22:26] <+Chibi-Reaper> Well, the thug nails you, and hard.
[22:26] <+Latewave> Roll a 1
[22:26] <+Chibi-Reaper> roll 1d4
[22:26] <qqdice> Chibi-Reaper rolled 1d4: 4 = [4]
[22:27] <+Megaolix> dead
[22:27] <+Latewave> Welp
[22:27] <+Chibi-Reaper> Fuck.
[22:27] <+Latewave> GG
[22:27] <+useless101> Marked doesn't get to find out if the alley is clear.
[22:27] <+Latewave> hahahahah
[22:27] <+Chibi-Reaper> Yeah.
[22:27] <+Latewave> I expected to die first
[22:27] <+Chibi-Reaper> Useless, goodbye.

Red starts to run, but then eats four damage from minion number two, and a critical hit multiplying the Thug's bullet into a solid twelve damage that sort of explodes his head right off.

On the plus side, he can't be easily identified with no head, and he's not carrying any identifying information linking him to the organization.

The Thug looks sort of uncomfortable, like he hadn't expected to go into this and personally kill anyone himself, then moves.

[22:36] <+Chibi-Reaper> Hold on, marked.
[22:36] <+Chibi-Reaper> Thug is going to move. You want to take an opportunity shot?
[22:36] <+Chibi-Reaper> roll 1d20
[22:36] <qqdice> Chibi-Reaper rolled 1d20: 14 = [14]
[22:37] <+Marked_One> roll 1d20
[22:37] <qqdice> Marked_One rolled 1d20: 19 = [19]
[22:37] <+Chibi-Reaper> Nice.
[22:38] <+Chibi-Reaper> Roll accuracy and damage.
[22:38] <+Marked_One> roll 1d20
[22:38] <qqdice> Marked_One rolled 1d20: 10 = [10]
[22:38] <+Marked_One> roll 1d4
[22:38] <qqdice> Marked_One rolled 1d4: 3 = [3]
[22:38] <+Marked_One> forgot my modifier
[22:38] <+Marked_One> 4 acc
[22:38] <+Chibi-Reaper> Yeah, that hits.

And for his trouble, he eats three damage before continuing on to duck behind a more solid wall, clutching at the open wound.


Marked it's your move. You have two action points, are armed with a pistol with ten shots, and have a backup pistol with another nine shots.

[22:49] <+Chibi-Reaper> 1d20
[22:49] <Knucklebones> Chibi-Reaper, 1d20: 10 [1d20=10]
[22:49] <+Chibi-Reaper> Okay.
[22:49] <+Chibi-Reaper> 1d20
[22:49] <Knucklebones> Chibi-Reaper, 1d20: 5 [1d20=5]
[22:50] <+Chibi-Reaper> So, marked, roll your own opportunity. The minions still have you covered.
[22:50] <+Marked_One> roll 1d20
[22:50] <+Marked_One> ...
[22:50] <+Marked_One> how?
[22:50] <+Marked_One> 1d20
[22:50] <+Chibi-Reaper> Just the dice for this one, seems.
[22:50] <Knucklebones> Marked_One, 1d20: 3 [1d20=3]
[22:50] <+Megaolix> ...
[22:50] <+Chibi-Reaper> .... Oh dear.
[22:50] <+Latewave> WE are going to have two deaths aren't we?
[22:51] <+Latewave> this is gonna be fun
[22:51] <+Chibi-Reaper> 1d20
[22:51] <Knucklebones> Chibi-Reaper, 1d20: 6 [1d20=6]
[22:51] <+Chibi-Reaper> 1d20
[22:51] <Knucklebones> Chibi-Reaper, 1d20: 11 [1d20=11]
[22:51] == qqdice [~qqdice@c-67-173-236-201.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #questionablequesting
[22:51] <+Megaolix> ...I'm asking teh boss if the police can at least elt us buy pistol clips from them
[22:51] <+Marked_One> crap
[22:51] == qqdice [~qqdice@c-67-173-236-201.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:51] <+Chibi-Reaper> The first minion whiffs. The second nails you.
[22:51] <+Chibi-Reaper> 1d4
[22:51] <Knucklebones> Chibi-Reaper, 1d4: 4 [1d4=4]
[22:51] <+Chibi-Reaper> .... For four damage.

Marked takes a heavy hit from one of the minions, but clears their range of sight even as the thug yells at them to 'just shoot the bastard, go after him!'.

The alley ahead branches off again, but at the moment that's irrelevant. The path ahead is clear, and you can get out home-free if you sprint.

You have 6 movement remaining, and one action point.
[23:01] <+Marked_One> 6 foward to see what in the other alley


The other branch of the alley is also clear, with doors.

If you stuck around, and passed in and out of doors, it's possible that you could pick off the thug and his minions. On the other hand, three against one and already heavily wounded, it's also possible you could just die.

In any case, if you're quick about it, and get out of here before they catch up to you, then there would be no certainty about which way you went.

You have one action point.
[23:08] <+Marked_One> i leave

Burning your second action point, you race out of the area, down 4hp and bleeding, and abandoning the corpse of your comrade in arms. You collect your badge and ID on the way back to the base.

Your inventory is adjusted to Handgun 10/12, Handgun 9/12, --.

Useless is deceased. Next guy on the list will be shuffled in in 'a couple' of days. That's... Biigoh, when the new recruit arrives, I think.
Hey boss, got in little trouble outside. Me and Red tried separeted to find some gun supplier. I found one, but before we made deal, he wanted me to prove myself so he sent me to teach some student their lesson. Since you didn't seem to like that idea, I settled to giv them mild mental trauma. But the dude sent a goon to see what I would do. Since he didn't like it he started shooting me. I kinda won so I took his gun and left before other asshole come investigate. If you see Red, tell him I have to give him some words for ditching me.

You see boss, I was right. If I beaten them up like I wanted at the start, everything would have been better.
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]
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