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Back at the base, John and Jonah have found nothing of any worth.

Coyote stumbles back in with a bullet wound and blusters through a shifty report to the Boss.

".... Do I look like an idiot to you, boy? Multiple discharges of firearms within city limits does not go un-noticed, especially when bodies get left behind. It's all over the police scanners, some kind of gang shootout gone wrong, and it's probably going to make headlines in tonight's news. God, you are so lucky that there's nothing left to implicate us specifically. Get your shirt off, scrub."

Boss continues to bitch Coyote out for what seems like hours before they worm their fingers in enough to get a solid grip on the bullet lodged inside. That gets the bullet pried out of it and the wound is stitched shut. It's disinfected, but there is no painkillers of any sort involved.

Coyote's screams echo through the base through the whole procedure, and he passes out at the end.

With that out of the way, the day ends and you sleep, with only the occasional thought of where, exactly, Ed is.


Morning comes, with most of you in the barracks.

Ed, however, wakes up in a rose-scented boudoir, feeling drafty beneath thin silk sheets, and hung over.

It takes him a few moments to realize that he's staring at a man even bigger than he is, and in a much better tailored suit.

"... I must humbly apologize for my son's impertinence, sir." He says, once he's confirmed that you're awake and conscious. "Please, let us discuss what it will take to prevent this story from spreading around."

Ed, however, wakes up in a rose-scented boudoir, feeling drafty beneath thin silk sheets, and hung over.

It takes him a few moments to realize that he's staring at a man even bigger than he is, and in a much better tailored suit.

"... I must humbly apologize for my son's impertinence, sir." He says, once he's confirmed that you're awake and conscious. "Please, let us discuss what it will take to prevent this story from spreading around."

Ed blinks, slightly confused, head pounding. "Sorry Sir, I'm ain't so sure what happened last night, kinda a haze, do happen to have any lemon tea-hold on, am I naked? Did I...oh darn it, dis hasn't happen sense Basic! I'm jus' as embarrassed as you are, truly!" He runs his hands through is hair. "How about this, I get dressed, an' we can talk about dis over tea. I always have tea in da mornin', Sir."

Ed tries to recall what happened last night:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 8, total 8[/blockquote]
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Try as he might, Ed can't recall any details beyond..... a beautiful french maid and a feather-duster? Faint impressions that...

Nope, nothing.

Meanwhile, the man looks very uncomfortable and calls someone over from outside, quickly whispering something and getting a nod.

The attendant appears in only a few short moments, with Ed's clothes in one arm, and a tall glass of tea on a tray in the other.

"I'll wait a few minutes outside. Everything else aside, I would like to assure you, he will be receiving a very stern talking to about doing this... again." The extra-huge man says, a little stiffly.
Chibi-Reaper said:
Try as he might, Ed can't recall any details beyond..... a beautiful french maid and a feather-duster? Faint impressions that...

Nope, nothing.

Meanwhile, the man looks very uncomfortable and calls someone over from outside, quickly whispering something and getting a nod.

The attendant appears in only a few short moments, with Ed's clothes in one arm, and a tall glass of tea on a tray in the other.

"I'll wait a few minutes outside. Everything else aside, I would like to assure you, he will be receiving a very stern talking to about doing this... again." The extra-huge man says, a little stiffly.
"Thank you, Sir."
Ed takes his clothes and dresses himself, happily drinking his tea as he steps out and nods to the Huge Man.
"Let me introduce mahself, Edwin Ross Shirtz. May I hav' ya name?"
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"Katsukawa Hirotada, of the Katsukawa Dragons." He says, meaningfully, though the name actually means nothing to Ed. "... Discretion in this matter would be considered a... personal favor."
Chibi-Reaper said:
"Katsukawa Hirotada, of the Katsukawa Dragons." He says, meaningfully, though the name actually means nothing to Ed. "... Discretion in this matter would be considered a... personal favor."
"Trust me sir, I will keep it between you, your son, and I. I don't wanna tell nobody nothin' ether. Honestly? I feel like I should be the one repayin you, Sir, not doin nothing whist I slept. Ya are a good man, an honorable one from what I know of ya."
Ed sets his tea down on a near by table.
"But, ya seem insistent on it, so tell ya what, logically, ya musta looked trough mah things for I woke up ya must have seen mah badge, you know who I am, and who I work for, the Global Assault Recon Tactical Force, think...weird stuff Interpol." Ed takes a breath, sighing.
"We deal with zombies, aliens, alternate universe invasions, Da crazy stuff, and we gets next to no funding. Mostly cause nobody wants ta pay for it, I would very much like if ya were to help mah base along, the only one in Japan, to stop zombies and world ending doom, and what not. I'd put priority in keepin you and yours safe if dat makes ya feel better, Sir."
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Hirotada cuts you off partially through your rambling, rubbing his head.

"Unlike certain elements, like the Tigers or other such scum, I prefer to solve my problems with violence as a final resort. I'll give you the standard hush payment for when... this happens, and my most sincere apologies. I only request that you keep in mind that violence is a resort, final though it may be. Jeeves, please see the good man out."

Befuddled, Ed is escorted from the premises with a small carrying case, which he later opens to realize that he has just doubled the base's current funding, if he tells anyone about it.


On that note, I think I'm going to put this on a temporary hiatus, because I'm already seeing an issue rising. I have very much underestimated how tedious it is to run a battle of individuals with an MSpaint map. This is going to have to go on hold at least until I find some better way of doing that.
Roll20 has everything, I think, It would move most of the game off the forum, however. Which is something I'm sure you don't want to do.
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