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Glop. [Multiverse, Self Insert]

To be honest, I crave some good Inspired Inventor story.

[X]Inspired Inventor SI.

An kid wakes up in the an Sentinel and Guide universe. But with a trick up their sleeve. (NSFW)
I got the chapter for tomorrow ready finally. I'm surprisingly happy with how it turned out. The End of the Warhammer arc is coming.
Warhammer 17
We were only a few days away from the other end of the tunnel. An armada of Glops constantly pushing forth into the Immaterium. There were of course issues on the material side of the universe. But I didn't see those problems, I just kept spreading my influence and conquering the immaterium. One step at a time. Constant, consistent progress to the next step. Events had come and gone. With numerous worries. What was the obelisk from Dead Space doing here, and what had happened with it? That was a pressing issue in my mind. But it wasn't even the peak. I was constantly pushing, constantly taking that next step.

It helped that I had managed to get the Imperium on my side for the most part. Well, not all of the Imperium. Some still dislike me. Mostly the anti-mutant and anti-ab-human groups. I just had a good portion of the imperium on my side. Mostly those in power as well. I had the inquisition constantly debating my existence.

It didn't take long, I had made it. The other end of the webway. There were thousands, no, billions of daemons constantly trying to get into the webway at a suicidal rate. Most were succumbing to the Golden Rays that came from the webway. A pulled a large amount of myself together, a massive glop big enough fully cover the tunnel. Then it happened. As my glop pushed in, a massive Daemon appeared. Then three more appeared. The Avatars of Khorne, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, and Nurgle.

"Ah, Glop. So misguided. Maybe we can turn you into something more useful." Slaanesh said, laughing and licking their lips.

"Slaanesh, stop with your childish urges. Glop, you should stop here. There isn't a point to this you know. It won't change anything. The End is Coming. Regardless of who is in power." Tzeentch. Knows the universe is collapsing.

"I WILL RIP OUT YOUR GUTS!" Definitely an Avatar of Khorne.

"My children would have to suffer longer if the emperor is allowed to return, so I'll have to stop you here Glop," Nurgle spoke with finality.

I grinned, my best grin, as a new Golden Glop took to the field. Smaller than the four avatars. The Giant Glop moved to block the entrance as the Golden One Approached. The part of me within the Glop began to speak.

"Fascinating, it seems you are all here to try to stop us… Well, good luck with that." Then the remaining glops began to combine into the Golden Glop. It seems the Emperor is a better teacher than I thought. "Allow me to erase you, foul abominations." The fight began.

The Golden Glop was using Glops as overpowered weaponry, forming tentacles that would attempt to rip apart the bodies of the Avatars of the Chaos Gods. Those bodies would immediately reform that lost part, before striking back. The Glop would then reform the lost mass due to the simply uncountable amount of reinforcement Glops. Then, the tricky part began. A simple ritual, one screwing with time. It was all that was needed.

The area of the fight changed as time was slowed within it. A plot, a plan. Coming straight into fruition. For them, only a few minutes to days could pass… but on this side? Years could pass. The Chaos Gods put all their focus on dealing with me as well, meaning they won't realize the passing of time. Their spirits were concentrated within these avatars. Heh, my first time messing with Chaos Magic, and I decided to go big.

Then I focused on preventing any more chaos from bothering the Emperor. The Emperor would recover while I distracted the chaos. Intricate plans have many possibilities for mistakes, so many possibilities. But when they are successful? They are game changers. Sometimes KISS isn't the right strategy. Especially when dealing with chaos.

There is a LOT that can go wrong with this plan. And if it does fail I'll just have to fight a prolonged battle regardless. But as long as I'm careful I should be able to do everything that is needed, the things that can interfere and prevent my body-blocking for the Emperor are rare. The Behemoths were something I could deal with using a large amount of mass, and the webway tunnel was officially blocked. The Emperor has already begun the recovery process. Building up their Psychic power as fast as possible.

In the meantime, I focused on reinforcing this position as much as possible. All I did was buy valuable time, I needed to take advantage of that time to make it impossible to get to the webway. There are a few people that could hurt this plan. Abbadon, Magnus, and the Eldar. But plans were in place to deal with all three. Abaddon had been spotted and was currently dealing with an Imperial Fleet who was using Glop assistance to basically nullify the Chaos Psychers. Causing the Chaos Fleet Abaddon had been building up to start falling into pieces.

The Eldar? Well, I did a little Farseeing and put the pieces in place for an Orkish Horde to relentlessly pester the Eldar. Much to the Eldar's frustration, I had started to block their attempts in Farseeing. Course I wasn't merciless. They would still win against the Orks. But the Orks would prevent the Eldar from doing anything that would hurt our efforts against the chaos.

As for Magnus? Well, he was not a fan of Jaghatai Khan barreling down his door. He tried to use chaos magics to escape and Khan did something that really surprised me. He threw my glops at Magnus's face. I can still remember the outcries of rage. 'GET THIS ABOMINATION OFF OF ME! OH TZEENTCH IT IS IN MY MOUTH!'. Regardless with him basically slimed it only took a few moments to completely restrain him. My slimes were acting as a barrier from the warp preventing him from using chaos magics. Although I will say his raw psychic potential was rough to deal with. Kept having to cover him with Glops till he couldn't fight back anymore. Khan was just laughing the entire time as he tossed more and more Glops at the mass. Regardless, that meant that Magnus was basically dealt with for now. Much to his annoyance.

Time passed. It took a month before the Chaos Gods realized what was up. For them it was only an hour, but still. They dispelled the time bubble to see something rather intensive. Time passed extremely slowly in the bubble, and they were rather shocked by the changes that they were seeing when they came out of it. I had turned the other end of the Webway tunnel into a Fortress. A massive untouchable fortress. My influence over the warp had also grown considerably. I now covered most of the warp and the effects could be seen all over the warp. More and more souls were now going to my heavens instead of the Chaos Gods' embrace. The Eye of Terror had completely dissipated as the number of warp storms started to get less and less.

My standing with the Administratum had changed. The Emperor was now able to communicate, for some reason the Emperor had chosen not to talk to me yet. Why? I have no clue, I've been sitting in anticipation for him to finally contact me. But he hasn't, and now I was in a full-blown total war with what remains of the Chaos Gods' forces. Solo. The Lamenters and Salamanders had to be sent back to the materium with how dangerous it was getting for non-soul entities. I continued to pressure and relentlessly attack the forces of the Chaos Gods, who were rapidly declining day by day. They didn't have an uncountable number of forces anymore, as they couldn't replenish their forces fast enough, and I had too much coverage over the chaos. What's funny is that if I really wanted to, I could shift my entire mass and end this in an instant, at the cost of every soul within my body. Not an appealing thought.

Something caught my interest. I shifted into the glop on the furthest corner of the immaterial realm. And I glanced up. A tear in reality. Leading directly out into the Blind Eternities. It was getting bigger. It stretched endlessly, and somehow in a 3d manner, it extended downwards into material realm. I could see space through the cracks on the floor. Huh, the universe was going to collapse… A depressing thought. I delved into the past, using Farsight. Then I blinked, this is where the Black Library was supposed to be.

"Surprising isn't it?" A clown walked up next to my Glop.
"No matter what you do, it will be pointless. This universe is collapsing." He said, sticking up a middle finger to the Blind Eternities, before sighing.

I glanced at it. There was a way. "It won't collapse."

He laughed, "How will it not collapse? This crack has been expanding over years, it already started to consume other timelines. I saw my own death."

I decided to not answer, but show instead. My Glops began to change, turning transparent. I knew I could mimic materials using my soul, including fictional ones. I didn't know to the extent though. So I was trying something. I was making a Self Replicating Universe Restoration Glop. It would change into the material that made up the barrier, and patch up the cracks in reality. The glops began to deform, melting into a line along the crack of the blind eternities. It began to expand, slowly. I could see it. It worked, to a degree. It made no sense whatsoever, but it did function. So I kept doing it. The SRURG would continue to patch up the cracks until it completely repaired this universe.

The Clown's eyes were wide as they stared at it. "How… how is that possible?!"

I shrugged. "No clue. But as long as it works. It works."

Then he sighed, "Eventually the cracks from the other timelines will leak into here as well."

I shrugged and responded. "And? The Glops will just spread from this timeline to that one, fixing the cracks in those timelines. This universe is on the path to recovering regardless of what others intend."

He was silent. Before taking a seat.

"What are you doing?" I ask, glancing at him confused by his actions.

"I'm watching, everything I had was taken, my followers were here when the crack formed. They are gone, erased. They couldn't survive the environment of the realm beyond. Least I can do is watch it get fixed. Then when it is almost done, I will leave as well."

I widened my glop eyes. "What?"

He laughed, "There isn't much for me to do in this realm anymore. My friends are gone. The Eldar that worships me won't be going to me. Everything I stand for is disappearing from my grasp, and I just… don't want to exist anymore. You've done more for me than anyone else has. You take care of the dead regardless of their former allegiance and you have literal heavens, and I'm tired Glop. I've been around for a long time. I did my part a long time ago. Since you are here? I can relax… and I can go."

I tested the waters, "Why not just go to one of my heavens? You could stay in one."

"I appreciate the offer, but no. I'm simply done."

"You know it will take years, if not centuries for the crack to be fully repaired right?"

He grins. "I have a lot to think about."
Thank you for the updoot!

What is Big E planning?
Cegorach giving up it seems, kinda surprising, what about Isha or the shards of Kaine?
Not going to reference those for now. I might do a revisit to the Warhammer verse in the future, but we are approaching the end of the arcs for Warhammer.
I don't know why but I was thinking that when cegorach trys to jump into the blind Eternities he would get isekaied somewhere and now the idea of him getting thrown into danmachi as another God setting up a Familia is absolutely hilarious
Huh, seems we are in-between Drone Wars and Inspired Inventor for Tuesdays story. Anyone wanna be a tie breaker?
Should I post the Drone Wars chap as soon as it is done, or wait till Tuesday?
I am going to go ahead and give a warning. The next chapter will have a large time skip with not much explanation. It will be explained later on, but not immediately. I know that will likely annoy some people but please give it a try for narrative sake.
Halo 18
The turbulence was insane, the ship was breaking to pieces, and the people inside? Well, they were fine, for the most part. May have had a few injuries. Turns out that the blind eternities were NOT kind to non-soullike materials, and my armor on the Ark fell to pieces. Disintegrating into the Blind Eternities. Luckily my soul coated the rest of the internals of the ship, we just lost most of our external weapons.

"How're things going out there Uncle Glop?" The Space Marine, Captain Jillan spoke. Jaghatai and the Chapter Masters could not come with us on this expedition, as they were trying to get the imperium under control now that the main Glop personality had restricted the actions of the chaos.

"Could be better, we lost all external weapons and are relying just on the Glop external body currently. The Blind Eternities is apparently very anti-non-soul-like material." I replied, examining the damage.

The Captain sighed, "How far are we from the next multiversal bubble in that case? I lost all access to external vox casters so I can't get a look."

I glanced, we had three universes in viewing range, and the Eldritch horrors were also fascinated by my existence. I gave them a little wave and they waved back before getting back to watching the Warhammer verse slowly repair itself. They were fascinated by the process apparently. They are surprisingly friendly, not extremely hostile as long as they were within the blind eternities.

Regardless, this expedition was to set up a colony in the closest universe and discover if there was another humanity there. My universe existed somewhere out there in the blind eternities, so it would make sense for there to be more possible universes with humanity within.

"I'd give it somewhere between one day and sixty years depending on the filler," I replied in a joking tone.

"Can I get a more precise answer Uncle?" The Space Marine asked, slightly annoyed.

"It was a joke Jillan, anyways we should arrive in an hour."

The man raised his eyebrows. "That's much faster than expected."

I'd shrug, but I can't do that without shaking the entire ship. "The Blind Eternities doesn't really have a concept of time and distance beyond our own. I have to apply metaphysics just so we will arrive at our destination. It actually only took us a second to arrive outside of the next universal bubble, but in our perception of time it will take around an hour to actually enter the said universe."

He nodded… before he spoke again, "I have no clue what you meant by that except that we will be there in an hour."

I sighed, "We really need better schooling in the Imperium again. Hopefully, the Emperor gets on that soon."

We began to pass through the barrier between the Blind Eternities and the Universe, originally this would be solid to me, but metaphysics makes no sense. I perceive a passageway into the universe so I'm able to enter and leave the said universe. I suspect it has to do with my former exposure to the Blind Eternities, giving me similar abilities to a planeswalker, which could be why I'm able to replicate any material I can imagine. The science side of Glop is researching as much data as possible, a split personality of that Glop came with me to this universe. They would be assisting with research and reverse engineering anything we get along with the Tech-Priests.

A few more minutes pass before we pass through into the universe. We of course land in this universe's version of the Warp. I leave an offshoot Glop that will grow here and then enter the verse. A single Glop should be enough to grow into something like the Warhammer verses version of Glop in a few years.

We arrived. "Good news Captain Jillan, we arrived. Let's get the Navigators up and moving so a colony can get started. We got the Emperor's will to execute, let's go!" Then activity began. The Navigators began to identify reliable worlds with the Magos to find a suitable spot to start a colony and a Forge World.

I sighed examining the damage to the exterior of the ship. The Magos back home are going to have my hide for not warning them about the dangers of the blind eternities, even though I didn't know of them myself. I focused, listening to the instructions of the machine spirits and the navigators, guiding the Ark to its destination. It doesn't take long for us to arrive at a star system with a habitable world. Hopefully, there isn't anything extremely dangerous in the world. The internal hangars of the Ark opened as colony ships and space marine ships exited the Ark and began to set up a presence in the system. The ship designated by the Mars forces started to set up on the moon starting the groundwork for a forge world. It will probably be a few months before everything is perfectly set up. The STC recovery in the other world definitely helped massively.
sorry about the size, I had to scrap the original chapter after further reviewing it.

Edit: I am heading to sleep. If you wish to support me you can leave me tabbed on twitch. It provides a bit of ad revenue that does actually help me out. The stream is currently on the break screen but even just leaving it tabbed in the background can help me out.

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Halo 18.5
Sila Veer, the newest Frontier Colony of the Imperium and the stepping stone to making an impact in this new universe. Science Glop was already attempting to see if they can make it possible for communications to extend from this universe to the Warhammer Verse. Meanwhile, I was working with the rest of the people here to extract materials and such that would help greatly increase the production of the colony. STCs brought us to Dark Age Colony status luckily. So we were rapidly adapting this new world into something actually useful for the Imperium.

The Space Marines were here as a failsafe measure for if the Imperial Guard we brought with us had problems, and the Inquisition which had somehow not been wiped out by the Imperium had sent their own forces with me as well. The hope was, that along with possibly contacting another humanity, we could also build up an army that can assist the Imperium away from prying eyes. That way if the Tau somehow actually managed to pressure the Imperium or another Eldar plot was executed we could actually do something about it.

We hadn't fully adapted Glop Eezo and Glop Redstone to Warhammer ships yet, there were projects for it back in the Warhammer verse, but not here. Yet. The hope was we could get some more scientific-minded humans from this colony in the future to power a think tank that could possibly assist us in the future. I observed the flurry of the Warhammer verse humans as they started up construction and worked on making the Hive City.

Glop material was actually used in the construction of the Hive City. Apparently, people like to come to me and relax, I offset the worries in their minds… What they don't know is that I'm legitimately eating their depression. I have no plans on telling them that of course. It's a great source of Glop material, which gives me a net positive in terms of Glop material gain. I watched as time passed, and I wonder when the Glop in the Warp will contact me.
With the Glop in the same universe as the Flood AKA the former Precursor survivors, I wonder what they would perceive of the other when they meet. I imagine the Flood would be seen as a strange overlapping of metaphysical and physical while Glop would be seen as similar to their original form or straight-up eldritch. Just something I thought would be interesting to consider.
Glop material was actually used in the construction of the Hive City. Apparently, people like to come to me and relax, I offset the worries in their minds… What they don't know is that I'm legitimately eating their depression. I have no plans on telling them that of course. It's a great source of Glop material, which gives me a net positive in terms of Glop material gain. I watched as time passed, and I wonder when the Glop in the Warp will contact me.

Ah yes, the exclusive Glop Depression Destroyer! Go to your nearest Glop if you feel sad or glum, for with Glop you will never be Chaos chum!
I am going to be working on a chapter for this after I get off work. If you wish to support me you can leave me tabbed on twitch with adblock disabled. You can mute the tab if you need to.
Halo 19
With the colony underway and growing rapidly. Expansion was a pipe dream. I didn't have the resources my other body had to rapidly expand, my expansion in both the materium and the immaterium in this world was extremely slow. Meaning I'll have to backpack on the people I brought with me from the Warhammer verse to start with. Due to this, I was constantly focusing on research and development over the need to expand. It would likely take dozens of years before I can get to the level I had reached in the Warhammer universe. Honestly, all I can do is sigh at that.

"Problems Uncle Glop?"

I jiggled the Glop body. "Yeah Captain Jillan. My expansion isn't fast enough, which I suppose is a good thing."

"I see. So you are running into an issue of not knowing what to do?" The Space Marine asked, swinging in his chair.

"If only. I have plenty to do, I've been assisting in the development of the colony, researching different aspects of Glop Material, and I've been learning from the Mechanicum Tech Priests that came with us. I just feel like we should be expanding, but I suppose that is just habit."

"Habit? Why would you say that?"

"Simple, when I was in our universe I was dealing with opponents that could only be dealt with using numbers and expansion. So that is what I did. Constantly. I was non-stop expanding cause that was the only thing I knew could help us back there. Hmm… Regardless we should probably see if Earth exists here. We should be able to use our star charts to track down the earth in this universe. Unless it's completely different than our own universe, which isn't always the case."

He nodded, "Our forces are at your disposal. The Emperor's mission must be completed."

I nodded. "We can't forget the Emperor's other mission, we need to develop this colony into a full-on expansion of the Imperium. We got many worlds to build colonies on. The problem is that everything takes time."

He nodded before we were interrupted by some Imperial Guardsmen.

"Sir! Reporting in, we found something. Ruins on the surface of Sila Veer."

I quickly shifted googly eyes on my glop and raised its brow. The people in the room all just stared at me.

"This isn't the time Uncle." Captain Jillan said, unamused.

I'm not apologizing. Or getting rid of them. "Continue Guardsman."

"There were Xeno ruins on the surface of Sila Veer, the Guardsmen on the ground are keeping their distance, but we found it important to report." The Guardsman spoke, keeping his tone respectful. I could feel his worry though, I was eating it. The effects caused the Guardsman to start calming down.

"Get a hold of the Magos, Grant! You get the sixth company ready. Glop, do you have a legion ready?" Captain Gillan took charge, his emotions had turned tense seeing as it was a similarity to the Necron tombs.

"Always." I nodded, putting serious eyes on the Glop, as a legion of a thousand Glops gathered within the Ark.

Sila Veer, Ruins.

The Glops were rolling along with the Space Marines and Tech-Priests, slowly going into the ruins.

"Magos Reveer, do you recognize any of these symbols?" The Company Leader, Steve spoke.

The Tech-Priest grunted in static. "No. It is a completely unknown language. It will take time before we can turn it into anything legible."

The architecture of this place was extremely familiar to me. Despite the location of the place being unfamiliar, they bore a stark resemblance to Forerunner structures in Halo. Worth considering the possibility of this universe being a Halo variant like the Warhammer one? Yes definitely. If it happened once, it can happen again.

If so, a flood infestation could be possible. Though it would be unlikely. "Space Marines. Keep your guard up. I recognize this architecture. If it is what I'm thinking of this could either be peaceful, or extremely dangerous. If you see small creatures crawling at you shoot them." They all focused on me.

Steve spoke first, "Small creatures?"

I nodded, "They would have tentacles extending out of them and will head straight for you. If it happens, kill them. They have similar properties to a Genestealer cult but are more on the infectious side. They are quite small, so keep an eye out." I'm not keeping this bit of meta-knowledge to myself. If the flood is here, it would be quite dangerous.

We went deeper into the structure. A lot of the place was barren, but the more I explored the more similarities I saw with the Forerunners, and the more sure of what universe I was actually in.

I felt a connection form with the Glop of the immaterium.

I took a deep breath as information passed to me. "Alright, I just got information from the Immaterium. This place was built by an ancient race in this universe known as the Forerunners. Fortunately, there isn't much actually from that race here, this structure is only an outpost to observe the unique crystals in the caverns."

"So there isn't a need to be tense?" Steve spoke relaxing before I dashed his hopes.

"Nah, that thing I spoke about? It does exist. I don't know if there is any here, but we will have to search this world to make sure there isn't any here. Fortunately for you lot, I will be the one doing that. Go report back, I've already informed the Captain." They nodded, except for the Tech-Priest.

"Sir Glop, what if there is Xeno tech here, you will need me in that case."

I nodded. "Could be, you can keep exploring if you wish. I'll have an escort following you just in case." I then split off. Letting another Glop personality take my place as I took greater control of the Glop Mass.

The Halo Verse, that is worrying. We will need to make our way to Earth ahead of schedule. There is no telling if the Human-Covenant war has already started yet or not. I felt an echo of annoyance from the me in the immaterium. I could feel them start expanding to a specific point… where are they going, oh maybe they are trying to go to the location of Terra in the Warhammer verse? Would be a good place to start.
Oh no. As if Tyranids aren't enough of a terror in the freaking galaxy. I hope Glop can steamroll the Flood.
Won't be an update this coming Saturday. I am still probably going to be writing, but I want to put a little more focus into World Factory. So I will likely update that instead on Saturday instead of this.

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