Sentient horror game
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Coil was a careful man. He took risks, yes, but they were always calculated, and his power always provided an out should his risk prove not in his favor. In one timeline, he would be in his base, safely underground and away from the dangers of the world. While at the same time in another, he would be daringly staring down the world's most dangerous villains. His power came with many benefits, benefits he was not used to working without.
So, of course, the time where he needed everything to go perfectly, everything went wrong.
In one timeline, he actually was seated in his chair underneath his base. He watched the live camera feed of Tattletale's interview with his body double, which had gone horribly wrong thank's to the arrival of the rabid cape known as Carmilla.
In his second timeline, the one he'd designated as a 'safe' one, he was narrowly avoiding the destruction caused by Carmilla's battle with the Teeth. On the one hand, it was good to know that the Teeth had officially reached the Bay, but on the other… he didn't like the looks he was getting from Hemorrhagia was giving him.
He heavily considered closing off the timeline where he was staring down the Teeth, before confirming his decision. As much as he would have preferred to have a safe timeline, of the two options he had, the former was much less hazardous to his health than the latter. Focusing back on the hidden camera in the limousine, he sighed as he tried to figure out a way to fix this. Carmilla was being dragged out of the window, with Tattletale beating her furiously. Coil almost would have thought Tattletale hadn't hired Carmilla, were it not for the evidence on her laptop.
His thought's idly trailed back to what had happened with Parian. With the appearance of Carmilla and the destruction she brought to Brockton Bay, he needed all the muscle he could get. He'd already gotten his hands on a few capes now -- Circus for one, the Undersiders for another -- and was working to get others. The few remaining E88 capes would definitely serve his organization well.
Regardless, he had wanted to recruit Parian for a while now, and Carmilla's… bloody, debut had given him the perfect excuse. The fall of the Empire had only tipped the balance, forcing his hand in a way. His body-double had been telling the truth, somewhat, when he'd said Parian's boutique was not supposed to be razed. Unfortunately, not burning it down resulted in Parian being killed by a pair of crazed would-be Merchants that had taken a dislike to her establishment.
The fire in her establishment kept the Merchant's from doing anything other than getting out of the way, and it wasn't until after he'd closed the other timeline that Carmilla had come into the picture.
Regardless, things had not gone well, and now he was forced to deal with Carmilla again.
He split the timeline, in one doing nothing but observing, in the other, he began giving orders to the body-double.
"Assist Tattletale, shoot Carmilla."
In the second timeline, his body-double drew a pistol and began unloading bullets into Carmilla, causing her to lose her grip and fall, being run over by the limousine's back tire. Coil almost wondered if that had been all it took but was soon proven wrong when he was informed by the camera hidden in the costume that not only did Carmilla manage to keep from losing the vehicle, she had actually sunk her teeth into the back bumper.
"Shoot her more, do not let her into the vehicle."
In the timeline he'd left alone Carmilla was slowly climbing her way back into the vehicle through the window, all but ignoring Tattletales furious blows. When she finally got in, she started ranting at Tattletale and the body-double about voices in her head and other such nonsense, making it very hard to send the right orders to his agent.
In the first timeline, he was sad to say that Carmilla had killed his body-double, and was now driving the limousine herself, taking it through the middle of the city weaving through traffic. The driver had been thrown into the back, and Tattletale had climbed her way into the passenger seat and was trying to convince Carmilla to stop. While the situation was admittedly humorous, Coil found that it was a bit… dangerous. That only got worse when Carmilla filled the vehicle with her black mist, cutting off his microphones and cameras.
The same happened in the second timeline, cutting off any visuals he might have had, though this time without the death of his body-double. Coil cursed, trying to figure out some way of salvaging the situation.
Taylor hummed as she drove the limousine through the middle of town, trying to avoid hitting people and other miscellaneous objects strewn along the road. She'd only run over one person! And they'd been a druggie anyway if the smell of cocaine mixed with blood on the windshield was any indication.
"Oh god, you killed him…" Tattletale said as she sank into the seat next to her.
Taylor tilted her head, "Why are you sad about that? Didn't he keep you locked up in a dungeon or something?" she asked. The snake costumed guy hadn't tasted good per se, but he was certainly better than any druggie she'd ever eaten.
"Wha-? No, that person you just ran over! He's fucking dead!"
"... does she know she's pointing out the obvious?"
Taylor snorted, "And? I've killed plenty of Merchants. He wouldn't be the first."
Tattletale blinked, before looking at the blood and then back to Taylor, "How… how the hell did you know he was a Merchant…?" she asked.
Taylor shrugged, "I mean, the cocaine smell made it pretty obvious, plus I'm pretty sure his blood would make me throw up if I tried to eat it." She explained.
Tattletale rubbed her temples "I… I don't even know anymore."
"Well, at least we don't have to worry about the real Coil spying on us." Taylor said, "Silver lining and all that."
Tattletale whirled around to face Taylor, "The real… Fuck! Of course, it was a body-double!"
"She just realized that? The guy practically screamed 'I'm not the real supervillain'... then again, she doesn't have Vampire senses so that may have something to do with it."
Taylor nodded sagely, "Yup. Parahuman's taste different, and I'm pretty sure that guy didn't taste like a Parahuman." she explained.
Tattletale stared at her, her expression going from disgust to awe, to confusion, to understanding, then back to disgust, "Because of course, you can taste the difference…"
"Funny enough Parahuman's actually taste a good bit like that thing that was trying to eat you, Tay-Tay. Tastes pretty good all things considered."
Taylor chuckled, "Yeah, and now that I've blocked out all the hidden cameras and microphones, you can tell me exactly how to get to his dungeon so I can eat 'im."
"How am I supposed to know where his base is!?" Tattletale asked.
Taylor shrugged, "I dunno, you're his prostitute, I'd figured you'd have memorized how to get to his place by now."
"I am not his fucking-! You know what? No! I'm not gonna put up with this! I don't know where his base is, because I've never fucking been there! Isn't that proof that I'm not a prostitute, or sex slave, or whatever other random titles you've associated me with!?" she asked, glaring at Taylor.
"Is it that time of the month for her? Because I don't remember her being this bitchy when you were chatting on PHO."
"Yeesh, calm down, would you? You've made your point, your not his sex slave or his prostitute… still though, if you're not, why the hell do you wear such a sexy outfit?" she asked.
Tattletale screamed, her words becoming incoherent.
"Hmmm… this guy's rich," Alucard commented through Tattletales rambling.
"How do you figure that?" Taylor asked.
"I mean, he's got a limo seemingly on call on top of a driver and a body-double. You kinda need a lot of cash to do that, and I don't really see him being the type to do this as a one-off. That means he needs a lot of cash to pull this off on a regular basis."
Taylor hummed, "Yeah, that makes sense. Any ideas?"
"I do have one. What are the richer local companies? Or, not even strictly local, just ones that operate pretty regularly in the area."
"Well, there's Medhall, I'm pretty sure they're stacked, though I heard that they've been bought out due to the CEO stepping down suddenly for some reason… there's the DWU, but dad runs that…"
"What the fuck are you talking about now!?" Tattletale yelled, cutting off Taylor's train of thought.
"Oh, just trying to figure out which company Coil gets his money from. You wouldn't happen to know any rich CEO's that live in the bay, would you?" Taylor asked.
"I… what? Yeah, there's plenty. Medhall, Fortress Construction, Importaciones Mexicanas, Vape-"
"That's what I was forgetting!" Taylor shouted, smacking the steering wheel.
Tattletale blinked, "Importaciones Mexicanas? The Mexican Import company?" she asked.
"What? No, Fortress Construction! The guys who build Endbringer shelters!" Taylor explained, "What better place for a dungeon than an abandoned Endbringer shelter? Plenty of space for traps, cells, beds, milking stations-"
"Ok, what the fuck is wrong with you!? And- milking stations!? What the fuck does your search history look like!?" Tattletale asked, a distraught look on her face.
Taylor shrugged, "I mean, it wasn't my search history…"
"Hey, don't you dare rat me out!"
"You're lucky I let you search up anything on the internet, Alucard, especially after what you had me search up last time." Taylor berated him.
Tattletale blinked, "... Alucard? Who… who the fuck are you talking to?" she asked.
"Oh, yeah, Alucard's the voice in my head. Yeah, he searches up some pretty messed up stuff. Anyway, what do you think about Fortress Construction? Do you think Coil's got an in with them? Think that's where he gets all his money?" Taylor asked, desperately trying to change the subject.
"I… Maybe? I mean, it's certainly possible… no, that actually sounds pretty likely. If he's getting his money from Fortress construction, then… no, it couldn't be. Carmilla, you don't have a cell phone do you?" Tattletale asked.
Taylor answered by pulling the aforementioned device out of her pocket and handing it to Tattletale, "Just don't open youtube and you'll be fine. That kind of rabbit train is not for the faint of heart."
Tattletale just glared at Carmilla before grabbing the device and opening the search engine, "Okay, let's see… fortress construction… executive members… CEO, Thomas Calvert. Let's see what I can't find on him…"
The two of them sat there for a few minutes, Taylor driving aimlessly through the city, avoiding hitting anybody or running into anything, as well as losing a few cops that had started tailing the limo with bitemarks in the bumper.
"Aha! Here we go!" Tattletale said, holding up the device, "Former PRT agent, dishonorably discharged, now serving as a civilian advisor for the Protectorate ENE! And being the CEO of Fortress Construction, he's loaded! It makes so much sense! He's got moles in the PRT and Protectorate, which is why he's always one step ahead, and he's got the money to keep anyone he wants to be paid off and out of the way, or working under him! It all makes so much sense!"
"Wow, she got all that from just a hunch?" Alucard asked.
"You sure put that together pretty fast. How'd you do that?" Taylor asked.
Tattletale froze, "Well… eh… screw it, you'd probably find out sooner or later anyway. It's my power, basically, it fills in the gaps. Anything sherlock could do, I can do better."
"Accept keep your cool, apparently. Even the best of my jokes hardly phased the man himself."
Taylor chuckled, "Well then, think you could find his base of operations now that you have a lead on who he is?"
Tattletale grinned, "Oh, most definitely."
"Ok, well, you work on that while I drive us somewhere. We have a third person to add to this little revenge quest."
So, of course, the time where he needed everything to go perfectly, everything went wrong.
In one timeline, he actually was seated in his chair underneath his base. He watched the live camera feed of Tattletale's interview with his body double, which had gone horribly wrong thank's to the arrival of the rabid cape known as Carmilla.
In his second timeline, the one he'd designated as a 'safe' one, he was narrowly avoiding the destruction caused by Carmilla's battle with the Teeth. On the one hand, it was good to know that the Teeth had officially reached the Bay, but on the other… he didn't like the looks he was getting from Hemorrhagia was giving him.
He heavily considered closing off the timeline where he was staring down the Teeth, before confirming his decision. As much as he would have preferred to have a safe timeline, of the two options he had, the former was much less hazardous to his health than the latter. Focusing back on the hidden camera in the limousine, he sighed as he tried to figure out a way to fix this. Carmilla was being dragged out of the window, with Tattletale beating her furiously. Coil almost would have thought Tattletale hadn't hired Carmilla, were it not for the evidence on her laptop.
His thought's idly trailed back to what had happened with Parian. With the appearance of Carmilla and the destruction she brought to Brockton Bay, he needed all the muscle he could get. He'd already gotten his hands on a few capes now -- Circus for one, the Undersiders for another -- and was working to get others. The few remaining E88 capes would definitely serve his organization well.
Regardless, he had wanted to recruit Parian for a while now, and Carmilla's… bloody, debut had given him the perfect excuse. The fall of the Empire had only tipped the balance, forcing his hand in a way. His body-double had been telling the truth, somewhat, when he'd said Parian's boutique was not supposed to be razed. Unfortunately, not burning it down resulted in Parian being killed by a pair of crazed would-be Merchants that had taken a dislike to her establishment.
The fire in her establishment kept the Merchant's from doing anything other than getting out of the way, and it wasn't until after he'd closed the other timeline that Carmilla had come into the picture.
Regardless, things had not gone well, and now he was forced to deal with Carmilla again.
He split the timeline, in one doing nothing but observing, in the other, he began giving orders to the body-double.
"Assist Tattletale, shoot Carmilla."
In the second timeline, his body-double drew a pistol and began unloading bullets into Carmilla, causing her to lose her grip and fall, being run over by the limousine's back tire. Coil almost wondered if that had been all it took but was soon proven wrong when he was informed by the camera hidden in the costume that not only did Carmilla manage to keep from losing the vehicle, she had actually sunk her teeth into the back bumper.
"Shoot her more, do not let her into the vehicle."
In the timeline he'd left alone Carmilla was slowly climbing her way back into the vehicle through the window, all but ignoring Tattletales furious blows. When she finally got in, she started ranting at Tattletale and the body-double about voices in her head and other such nonsense, making it very hard to send the right orders to his agent.
In the first timeline, he was sad to say that Carmilla had killed his body-double, and was now driving the limousine herself, taking it through the middle of the city weaving through traffic. The driver had been thrown into the back, and Tattletale had climbed her way into the passenger seat and was trying to convince Carmilla to stop. While the situation was admittedly humorous, Coil found that it was a bit… dangerous. That only got worse when Carmilla filled the vehicle with her black mist, cutting off his microphones and cameras.
The same happened in the second timeline, cutting off any visuals he might have had, though this time without the death of his body-double. Coil cursed, trying to figure out some way of salvaging the situation.
Taylor hummed as she drove the limousine through the middle of town, trying to avoid hitting people and other miscellaneous objects strewn along the road. She'd only run over one person! And they'd been a druggie anyway if the smell of cocaine mixed with blood on the windshield was any indication.
"Oh god, you killed him…" Tattletale said as she sank into the seat next to her.
Taylor tilted her head, "Why are you sad about that? Didn't he keep you locked up in a dungeon or something?" she asked. The snake costumed guy hadn't tasted good per se, but he was certainly better than any druggie she'd ever eaten.
"Wha-? No, that person you just ran over! He's fucking dead!"
"... does she know she's pointing out the obvious?"
Taylor snorted, "And? I've killed plenty of Merchants. He wouldn't be the first."
Tattletale blinked, before looking at the blood and then back to Taylor, "How… how the hell did you know he was a Merchant…?" she asked.
Taylor shrugged, "I mean, the cocaine smell made it pretty obvious, plus I'm pretty sure his blood would make me throw up if I tried to eat it." She explained.
Tattletale rubbed her temples "I… I don't even know anymore."
"Well, at least we don't have to worry about the real Coil spying on us." Taylor said, "Silver lining and all that."
Tattletale whirled around to face Taylor, "The real… Fuck! Of course, it was a body-double!"
"She just realized that? The guy practically screamed 'I'm not the real supervillain'... then again, she doesn't have Vampire senses so that may have something to do with it."
Taylor nodded sagely, "Yup. Parahuman's taste different, and I'm pretty sure that guy didn't taste like a Parahuman." she explained.
Tattletale stared at her, her expression going from disgust to awe, to confusion, to understanding, then back to disgust, "Because of course, you can taste the difference…"
"Funny enough Parahuman's actually taste a good bit like that thing that was trying to eat you, Tay-Tay. Tastes pretty good all things considered."
Taylor chuckled, "Yeah, and now that I've blocked out all the hidden cameras and microphones, you can tell me exactly how to get to his dungeon so I can eat 'im."
"How am I supposed to know where his base is!?" Tattletale asked.
Taylor shrugged, "I dunno, you're his prostitute, I'd figured you'd have memorized how to get to his place by now."
"I am not his fucking-! You know what? No! I'm not gonna put up with this! I don't know where his base is, because I've never fucking been there! Isn't that proof that I'm not a prostitute, or sex slave, or whatever other random titles you've associated me with!?" she asked, glaring at Taylor.
"Is it that time of the month for her? Because I don't remember her being this bitchy when you were chatting on PHO."
"Yeesh, calm down, would you? You've made your point, your not his sex slave or his prostitute… still though, if you're not, why the hell do you wear such a sexy outfit?" she asked.
Tattletale screamed, her words becoming incoherent.
"Hmmm… this guy's rich," Alucard commented through Tattletales rambling.
"How do you figure that?" Taylor asked.
"I mean, he's got a limo seemingly on call on top of a driver and a body-double. You kinda need a lot of cash to do that, and I don't really see him being the type to do this as a one-off. That means he needs a lot of cash to pull this off on a regular basis."
Taylor hummed, "Yeah, that makes sense. Any ideas?"
"I do have one. What are the richer local companies? Or, not even strictly local, just ones that operate pretty regularly in the area."
"Well, there's Medhall, I'm pretty sure they're stacked, though I heard that they've been bought out due to the CEO stepping down suddenly for some reason… there's the DWU, but dad runs that…"
"What the fuck are you talking about now!?" Tattletale yelled, cutting off Taylor's train of thought.
"Oh, just trying to figure out which company Coil gets his money from. You wouldn't happen to know any rich CEO's that live in the bay, would you?" Taylor asked.
"I… what? Yeah, there's plenty. Medhall, Fortress Construction, Importaciones Mexicanas, Vape-"
"That's what I was forgetting!" Taylor shouted, smacking the steering wheel.
Tattletale blinked, "Importaciones Mexicanas? The Mexican Import company?" she asked.
"What? No, Fortress Construction! The guys who build Endbringer shelters!" Taylor explained, "What better place for a dungeon than an abandoned Endbringer shelter? Plenty of space for traps, cells, beds, milking stations-"
"Ok, what the fuck is wrong with you!? And- milking stations!? What the fuck does your search history look like!?" Tattletale asked, a distraught look on her face.
Taylor shrugged, "I mean, it wasn't my search history…"
"Hey, don't you dare rat me out!"
"You're lucky I let you search up anything on the internet, Alucard, especially after what you had me search up last time." Taylor berated him.
Tattletale blinked, "... Alucard? Who… who the fuck are you talking to?" she asked.
"Oh, yeah, Alucard's the voice in my head. Yeah, he searches up some pretty messed up stuff. Anyway, what do you think about Fortress Construction? Do you think Coil's got an in with them? Think that's where he gets all his money?" Taylor asked, desperately trying to change the subject.
"I… Maybe? I mean, it's certainly possible… no, that actually sounds pretty likely. If he's getting his money from Fortress construction, then… no, it couldn't be. Carmilla, you don't have a cell phone do you?" Tattletale asked.
Taylor answered by pulling the aforementioned device out of her pocket and handing it to Tattletale, "Just don't open youtube and you'll be fine. That kind of rabbit train is not for the faint of heart."
Tattletale just glared at Carmilla before grabbing the device and opening the search engine, "Okay, let's see… fortress construction… executive members… CEO, Thomas Calvert. Let's see what I can't find on him…"
The two of them sat there for a few minutes, Taylor driving aimlessly through the city, avoiding hitting anybody or running into anything, as well as losing a few cops that had started tailing the limo with bitemarks in the bumper.
"Aha! Here we go!" Tattletale said, holding up the device, "Former PRT agent, dishonorably discharged, now serving as a civilian advisor for the Protectorate ENE! And being the CEO of Fortress Construction, he's loaded! It makes so much sense! He's got moles in the PRT and Protectorate, which is why he's always one step ahead, and he's got the money to keep anyone he wants to be paid off and out of the way, or working under him! It all makes so much sense!"
"Wow, she got all that from just a hunch?" Alucard asked.
"You sure put that together pretty fast. How'd you do that?" Taylor asked.
Tattletale froze, "Well… eh… screw it, you'd probably find out sooner or later anyway. It's my power, basically, it fills in the gaps. Anything sherlock could do, I can do better."
"Accept keep your cool, apparently. Even the best of my jokes hardly phased the man himself."
Taylor chuckled, "Well then, think you could find his base of operations now that you have a lead on who he is?"
Tattletale grinned, "Oh, most definitely."
"Ok, well, you work on that while I drive us somewhere. We have a third person to add to this little revenge quest."