The Submarine's plan continues
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Harry Leferts
Legs slowly kicking at the water as she propelled herself along, Iku hummed as she reached the Uraga Channel at the mouth of Tokyo Bay. Above her, the waves sparkled under the warm, late July Sun, casting dappled sunlight over everything below as she swam. The smile on her face was only partially because of that. Honestly, she never got tired of seeing the beauty and peace under the waves.
That said? Another part of it was due to the fact that she was done one of her short patrols and thus had a few days off for leave. Days which also included Harry's birthday.
As per usual, the thought of the black haired teenage wizard caused her to feel a warmth from her engines and she kicked a bit harder, though she didn't go much faster than her usual cruising speed. Part of the Subgirl mused on that feeling inside her. After spending time in the cold, dark depths of the ocean, knowing that Harry was waiting for her was a wonderful thing. It made so much of a difference knowing he would be there when she returned home. Of knowing that she had someone waiting.
Just the same, however? Most of the current smile on her face was due to the thought of once more spending another birthday of Harry's with him and their friends. It was something that she cherished after all.
Part of her was thinking about what would happen, of course.
Like the year before, it had been decided to have a beach party on Sarushima for his birthday. And, much to her relief, the weather seemed to be holding out for such. Her and the other Submarines were actually going to be making the cake this year for his birthday, and hoped that he enjoyed it. They had been taking lessons from Barb after talking with her in regards to baking and cake making.
Granted, that involved some trading done between them, but none of the Submarines minded too much. And the cost was fresh fruit gathered by them and made into preserves. Once more, not that big of a cost and they had learned how to do so from Harry years ago.
Though all of them were somewhat weirded out by the large amount of toilet paper that the American Subgirl also wanted as payment.
But, in the end, it all worked out. Each and every one of the Submarines were considered to be "Adequate" to Barb's standards of baking. Which, of course, put them rather high up considering the skill of the American. And they were all looking forward to Harry's expression when they presented the fruits of their efforts, though RO was going to be making more German bread among other things as well.
Her lips curling into a smile, Iku licked them a bit even as she ignored the saltiness of the water with normal experience. With all that they had gathered, it was going to be a real blast. Especially when one considered some of their other plans for said day as well. A quick check with her amused quartermaster for what seemed like the fifth time (it was, in fact, far more than that) told her that the ingredients that she had gathered were still good inside the magical ice boxes within her hull.
And that was something else that she was thankful to Harry for. One of the gifts he had given to all the Submarines were expanded trunks and ice chests which ran on magic. And since the inside of each chest was equal to a small refridgerated room, it meant a lot. Not just for bringing food from different ports back home, but also because all the Submarines usually fished at night as they waited for their diesels to charge up, especially when they were a day or so outside of Yokosuka. Then, the fish would be placed in the ice boxes to keep until they got hiome.
It made it all the easier and cheaper to keep themselves and others fed that way.
Just ignoring her crew's mutters about shark steaks, Iku blinked as she became aware of a distant clamor and slowly ascended until she breached the surface and looked around. Glancing at the sky, she could see that it was late in the afternoon. A hum escaped her as she looked further north and could just make out the work being done where the old No.3 Taisho fort had been in the bay. She had never seen it personally, except for the ruins that barely stuck above the water. It had been one of the victims of the Great Kanto Earthquake, having sunk beneath the waves and leaving a scheol in it's place.
Before Blood Week, there had been talk of removing the whole thing with some work being done. However, the Abyssals had attacked and any work had been put off indefinitely. Construction then took place on Forts No.1 and No.2 with modern guns placed there as well as anti-ship missiles to fortify Tokyo Bay as well as coastal artillery. Then, the decision had been made to rebuild Fort No.3 with modern materials. Most of the old ruins had been removed and currently, the reinforced concrete now rose above the waves even as work continued.
Eyeing it for a few minutes as she continued her way towards the naval base, Iku only nodded to herself as already, she could see where the positions where the railguns would be installed. Much bigger and more powerful versions of what the Fubuki had, they could badly hurt or even kill Battleship Princesses. And they were capable in anti-air as the hypersonic projectiles could be broken up after firing creating a shotgun-like blast. From what she had heard, it could even be used as an ABM system covering much of the Tokyo Area as the slugs could reach and hit orbit. Even lasers were being emplaced with power supplied via undersea cable under the bay's floor.
Soft smile on her face, the Subgirl dove under the waves, heading towards the bottom.
Not long after, Iku found herself swimming into the Submarine Pens and reaching the metal ladder that extended down to the bottom before swimming upwards. Once she breached the surface, she climbed the ladder upwards until her wet feet touched the smooth concrete there. Softly sighing, the Subgirl stretched as she heard a few satisfying pops escape from her joints. With that done, Iku made her way over to the small shower at one end of the dock area and turned it on.
Humming softly, the blue haired girl scrubbed herself over with her bare hands and ruffled her hair to get the saltwater off before turning off the water. Stepping out of the basin, Iku wrung her hair of as much water as she could before heading to the entrance to the living quarters. As she walked into said quarters though, she paused as she noted Hachi practically bouncing in place.
For a brief moment, Iku watched in amusement before noting that the other Subgirls were there.
Placing her hands on her hips, the Subgirl cleared her throat, "What has you all excited now, Hachi-Chan?"
Upon hearing her voice, Hachi came to a stop before turning and running at her. Enveloping her friend, the blonde haired Submarine grinned, "I got great news for you, Iku-Chan!"
Lips curling into a smile, Iku hugged her friend rather enjoying the closeness, "Great news, hmm? What sort of news?"
Bringing over some snacks, Taigei gave the two Submarines an amused look as she set them down, "She wouldn't tell us until you arrived, Iku-Chan. Though we suspect it has to do with the date that she was on with Harry-Chan." Reaching into her apron, she pulled out a towel that she tossed to the blue haired Subgirl, "Here you go, dry off a bit."
Just catching the towel, Iku took a step back as she began to do just that. Granted, her gaze kept going back to Hachi as was bouncing around with a gleeful look on her face. Part of the reason for her gaze was the fact when hugging her, the blonde Submarine's white shirt had gotten damp on the front.
Which... the Subgirl didn't mind in the slightest.
Shaking off the thoughts about one of her best friend in question for later, Iku draped the towel over her shoulders and gave her a curious look, "So, what happened, Hachi-Chan?"
Hachi took a deep breath before letting it out, "Well, like Taigei-Nee-Chan said, I was on a date with Harry-Chan. We went to Kyoto to pick up Kenshō -Chan from Umitsubame-San's... Oh! Remind me to show you the video I took, it's adorable and Harry-Chan really shows that he will make a good Otou-San for any children that are lucky enough to have him as theirs."
Intrigued, the blue haired Subgirl nodded, though RO gave a light snort at that as she crossed her arms with a smile, "As if we did not know that before, Hachi-Chan. Harry-Chan will make for a very good Vati, ja." A light blush sprang up on her cheeks as well as the others' at her next words, "Hopefully our own."
Chewing her lip, the blonde Subgirl gave a hum even as her cheeks burned, "H-hai, I hope so too. Though seeing it..." As she trailed off, the others nodded before she shook her head, "A-anyways, I found out something from Harry-Chan that means that we will have to change some things regarding the plan."
That got her blinks from everyone as they looked at her first and then at each other in utter confusion. Clearing her throat, Ryuuhou frowned a little, "Change some things about the plan, Hachi-Chan?"
With a happy smile, Hachi gave a nod as she wagged a finger at the Light Carrier, "Hai! Some great things actually happened with Ume-San and Sakura-San." Suddenly, she hummed a little, "Which reminds me, we shall need to set up a meeting with them. I think that they could be very helpful."
Now all of the others there were confused, but also intrigued. Slowly, Shioi raised her hand, "Uh, Hachi-Chan? What happened? And why does it have you all excited?"
Blushing as she realized that she had not explained anything, Hachi scratched her cheek, "Um, right, sorry. I'm just excited for what this means..." With a deep breath, she let it out as she walked over to a footstool and sat down on it, "Well.. as you all know, Harry-Chan went to Gion Matsuri with Sakura-San and Ume-San as well as staying at their home in Kyoto for three days. According to Harry-Chan, their Otouto told him that the bathroom that was in the corridor he was staying in was a mixed one as it could also be used by the Twins. So, that night, he went to take a bath and they walked in on him."
Eyebrows raising, Imuya frowned, "That... sounds like something from an anime. You know, where the girl clobbers the guy she walked in on about being a pervert, even though it was all her fault to start with?"
Grimace on her face, Maruyu scowled, "I hate that trope, it is so stupid! If I walked in on a guy, I wouldn't blame him for it or call him a pervert, Mogu Mogu!"
That only got her nods from the others before RO leaned forward, "I take it that is not what happened with Harry-Chan, hopefully?"
Needless to say, the last bit carried a little hint of a threat in it's tone. However, they all relaxed as Hachi shook her head, "Nein, that is not what happened." Raising her finger, she shook her head, "Now, like the gentleman that he is, Harry-Chan quickly got up and told them he was sorry and would leave... but Ume-San and Sakura-San told him it was fine and he didn't have to as it was a mixed bath. Then, once they had prepared for their bath and such, they asked him if Harry-Chan wouldn't mind if they did his back and hair, with him doing the same to them."
More than one set of eyes widened at that and Iku stared. Chewing her lip, she blinked some, "Well, I take it that Harry-Chan did so? And that they washed his back and hair?" At Hachi's nod, she leaned back, "Wow..."
Adjusting her glasses some, Hachi smiled, "Once they were all washed, they then got into the bath together and soaked as they were cuddled up to him. And they did the same thing each of the three days with the second having Natsumi-San join them to do the same thing!"
Frown on her face, Maruyu thought over what she just heard even as the others whispered to each other excitedly, "Skinship." Everyone quietened and looked at the former IJA Submarine as she nodded before she looked at Hachi, "That's what it was, skinship. Intimate without being... you know."
Bright smile on her face, the glasses wearing Submarine nodded, "Hai, it was. And it's done good for Harry-Chan! He... he initiated a kiss with me." Cheeks hot and steam coming from her ears, Hachi held her hands clasped before her mouth, grin visible behind them, "He kissed me, placed his hands on my hips... and even deepened the kiss!"
Jaws dropped at that and Imuya swallowed, "Y-you mean it, Hachi-Chan? Harry-Chan, um..." Deeply blushing, she was unable to look at the others, "Made out with you?"
Chewing her lips a little, Hachi shook her head, "I-I can't say that it was making out exactly. B-but he held me close with hands on my hips, though more towards the back. And the kiss was deeper than others we've shared." Poking her fingers together, she looked down, "S-so kind of?" The Subgirl smiled wider and let out a small squee even as she ducked her head, "I-it was really nice."
Each of the others became thoughtful at that before Iku got up and sat down with Hachi and hugged her, "That's great news, Hachi-Chan!" Giving her a kiss on the corner of the mouth, she turned to the others, "Isn't it?"
As they nodded, the blonde Submarine nodded and returned the short kiss on the corners of Iku's lips with a happy smile, "Well... that's not all that happened." At their looks of interest, she continued, "Harry-Chan had a... relevation of sorts after the first time..."
The others listened intently, eyes widening and smiles broadening as Hachi explained about it and what she had told Harry. For a minute or two, there was utter silence before it was broken with happy squeals and the like. It went without saying that they all agreed to speak with Sakura and Ume to bring them into The Plan. And possibly bring in Natsumi as well, since she was involved already.
Later that night, Iku had her arms behind her head as she looked at the ceiling above. Around her, she could feel most of the other Submarines slumbering with happy smiles as they dreamed. Which was not to say that she did not have a happy smile herself, because she did, in fact, have one. Glancing to the side, she hummed a bit, "Hachi-Chan? Are you awake?"
Humming, said Submarine looked over her shoulder a bit, "Hmm? Something wrong, Iku-Chan?"
With a brief glance at the others, Iku shook her head, "Not really, but... do you think that Harry-Chan will kiss me? Like he did with you? Not to mention doing, you know..."
Moments later, Hachi twisted around until she was facing Iku with a smile on her face. Reaching up, she cupped the other Submarine's cheek, "Hai, I'm sure that Harry-Chan will kiss you like he did myself. I even told him that you would not mind that."
Petal shaped pupil glowing slightly, her friend hummed happily as she scooted over so that the two were pressed up against one another as she pulled Hachi close, "Thank you."
Softly smiling, Hachi nodded a little, "You're welcome, Iku-Chan."
Briefly, she paused before moving forward and, for a second or two, Iku could feel a featherlight touch of the other Submarine's lips on her own before her friend pulled back. Lips curling into a happy grin, she leaned forward and returned it before pulling back slightly, foreheads touching, "We're going to get it in this life, our happy ending."
Just nodding slightly, Hachi gave a sigh, "Hai, and with someone that we love and who loves and cares for us." Her eyes meeting Iku, she was not surprised that the other girl's eyes were moist, because she knew that her own were. Suddenly, she gave a giggle as a thought occurred to her, "Hey, Iku-Chan?" Getting a hum, Hachi continued, "When Harry-Chan told me what he did, I was tempted to try skinship for myself, but... it would have been rude as we were at Umitsubame-San's home."
That got her a soft giggle from the other Submarine, "Hai, that's true." Both of them giggled for a few more seconds before Iku's hands shifted them close again and she laid her head in the crook of Hachi's neck, "I'm glad with how things are working out. With Harry-Chan, who we love and care for, and does the same with us. And..." Her eyes met Hachi's, "And how I am with my best friends in the world."
Once more, she gave the blonde a light kiss, which was returned before Hachi whispered, "Hai... same here, Iku-Chan. Same here."
With that, the two closed their eyes and cuddled up to each other, happy smiles on their faces and pleasant dreams awaiting them that mostly involved a older version of the boy they cared for, as well as smaller versions of themselves with features from him.
Legs slowly kicking at the water as she propelled herself along, Iku hummed as she reached the Uraga Channel at the mouth of Tokyo Bay. Above her, the waves sparkled under the warm, late July Sun, casting dappled sunlight over everything below as she swam. The smile on her face was only partially because of that. Honestly, she never got tired of seeing the beauty and peace under the waves.
That said? Another part of it was due to the fact that she was done one of her short patrols and thus had a few days off for leave. Days which also included Harry's birthday.
As per usual, the thought of the black haired teenage wizard caused her to feel a warmth from her engines and she kicked a bit harder, though she didn't go much faster than her usual cruising speed. Part of the Subgirl mused on that feeling inside her. After spending time in the cold, dark depths of the ocean, knowing that Harry was waiting for her was a wonderful thing. It made so much of a difference knowing he would be there when she returned home. Of knowing that she had someone waiting.
Just the same, however? Most of the current smile on her face was due to the thought of once more spending another birthday of Harry's with him and their friends. It was something that she cherished after all.
Part of her was thinking about what would happen, of course.
Like the year before, it had been decided to have a beach party on Sarushima for his birthday. And, much to her relief, the weather seemed to be holding out for such. Her and the other Submarines were actually going to be making the cake this year for his birthday, and hoped that he enjoyed it. They had been taking lessons from Barb after talking with her in regards to baking and cake making.
Granted, that involved some trading done between them, but none of the Submarines minded too much. And the cost was fresh fruit gathered by them and made into preserves. Once more, not that big of a cost and they had learned how to do so from Harry years ago.
Though all of them were somewhat weirded out by the large amount of toilet paper that the American Subgirl also wanted as payment.
But, in the end, it all worked out. Each and every one of the Submarines were considered to be "Adequate" to Barb's standards of baking. Which, of course, put them rather high up considering the skill of the American. And they were all looking forward to Harry's expression when they presented the fruits of their efforts, though RO was going to be making more German bread among other things as well.
Her lips curling into a smile, Iku licked them a bit even as she ignored the saltiness of the water with normal experience. With all that they had gathered, it was going to be a real blast. Especially when one considered some of their other plans for said day as well. A quick check with her amused quartermaster for what seemed like the fifth time (it was, in fact, far more than that) told her that the ingredients that she had gathered were still good inside the magical ice boxes within her hull.
And that was something else that she was thankful to Harry for. One of the gifts he had given to all the Submarines were expanded trunks and ice chests which ran on magic. And since the inside of each chest was equal to a small refridgerated room, it meant a lot. Not just for bringing food from different ports back home, but also because all the Submarines usually fished at night as they waited for their diesels to charge up, especially when they were a day or so outside of Yokosuka. Then, the fish would be placed in the ice boxes to keep until they got hiome.
It made it all the easier and cheaper to keep themselves and others fed that way.
Just ignoring her crew's mutters about shark steaks, Iku blinked as she became aware of a distant clamor and slowly ascended until she breached the surface and looked around. Glancing at the sky, she could see that it was late in the afternoon. A hum escaped her as she looked further north and could just make out the work being done where the old No.3 Taisho fort had been in the bay. She had never seen it personally, except for the ruins that barely stuck above the water. It had been one of the victims of the Great Kanto Earthquake, having sunk beneath the waves and leaving a scheol in it's place.
Before Blood Week, there had been talk of removing the whole thing with some work being done. However, the Abyssals had attacked and any work had been put off indefinitely. Construction then took place on Forts No.1 and No.2 with modern guns placed there as well as anti-ship missiles to fortify Tokyo Bay as well as coastal artillery. Then, the decision had been made to rebuild Fort No.3 with modern materials. Most of the old ruins had been removed and currently, the reinforced concrete now rose above the waves even as work continued.
Eyeing it for a few minutes as she continued her way towards the naval base, Iku only nodded to herself as already, she could see where the positions where the railguns would be installed. Much bigger and more powerful versions of what the Fubuki had, they could badly hurt or even kill Battleship Princesses. And they were capable in anti-air as the hypersonic projectiles could be broken up after firing creating a shotgun-like blast. From what she had heard, it could even be used as an ABM system covering much of the Tokyo Area as the slugs could reach and hit orbit. Even lasers were being emplaced with power supplied via undersea cable under the bay's floor.
Soft smile on her face, the Subgirl dove under the waves, heading towards the bottom.
Not long after, Iku found herself swimming into the Submarine Pens and reaching the metal ladder that extended down to the bottom before swimming upwards. Once she breached the surface, she climbed the ladder upwards until her wet feet touched the smooth concrete there. Softly sighing, the Subgirl stretched as she heard a few satisfying pops escape from her joints. With that done, Iku made her way over to the small shower at one end of the dock area and turned it on.
Humming softly, the blue haired girl scrubbed herself over with her bare hands and ruffled her hair to get the saltwater off before turning off the water. Stepping out of the basin, Iku wrung her hair of as much water as she could before heading to the entrance to the living quarters. As she walked into said quarters though, she paused as she noted Hachi practically bouncing in place.
For a brief moment, Iku watched in amusement before noting that the other Subgirls were there.
Placing her hands on her hips, the Subgirl cleared her throat, "What has you all excited now, Hachi-Chan?"
Upon hearing her voice, Hachi came to a stop before turning and running at her. Enveloping her friend, the blonde haired Submarine grinned, "I got great news for you, Iku-Chan!"
Lips curling into a smile, Iku hugged her friend rather enjoying the closeness, "Great news, hmm? What sort of news?"
Bringing over some snacks, Taigei gave the two Submarines an amused look as she set them down, "She wouldn't tell us until you arrived, Iku-Chan. Though we suspect it has to do with the date that she was on with Harry-Chan." Reaching into her apron, she pulled out a towel that she tossed to the blue haired Subgirl, "Here you go, dry off a bit."
Just catching the towel, Iku took a step back as she began to do just that. Granted, her gaze kept going back to Hachi as was bouncing around with a gleeful look on her face. Part of the reason for her gaze was the fact when hugging her, the blonde Submarine's white shirt had gotten damp on the front.
Which... the Subgirl didn't mind in the slightest.
Shaking off the thoughts about one of her best friend in question for later, Iku draped the towel over her shoulders and gave her a curious look, "So, what happened, Hachi-Chan?"
Hachi took a deep breath before letting it out, "Well, like Taigei-Nee-Chan said, I was on a date with Harry-Chan. We went to Kyoto to pick up Kenshō -Chan from Umitsubame-San's... Oh! Remind me to show you the video I took, it's adorable and Harry-Chan really shows that he will make a good Otou-San for any children that are lucky enough to have him as theirs."
Intrigued, the blue haired Subgirl nodded, though RO gave a light snort at that as she crossed her arms with a smile, "As if we did not know that before, Hachi-Chan. Harry-Chan will make for a very good Vati, ja." A light blush sprang up on her cheeks as well as the others' at her next words, "Hopefully our own."
Chewing her lip, the blonde Subgirl gave a hum even as her cheeks burned, "H-hai, I hope so too. Though seeing it..." As she trailed off, the others nodded before she shook her head, "A-anyways, I found out something from Harry-Chan that means that we will have to change some things regarding the plan."
That got her blinks from everyone as they looked at her first and then at each other in utter confusion. Clearing her throat, Ryuuhou frowned a little, "Change some things about the plan, Hachi-Chan?"
With a happy smile, Hachi gave a nod as she wagged a finger at the Light Carrier, "Hai! Some great things actually happened with Ume-San and Sakura-San." Suddenly, she hummed a little, "Which reminds me, we shall need to set up a meeting with them. I think that they could be very helpful."
Now all of the others there were confused, but also intrigued. Slowly, Shioi raised her hand, "Uh, Hachi-Chan? What happened? And why does it have you all excited?"
Blushing as she realized that she had not explained anything, Hachi scratched her cheek, "Um, right, sorry. I'm just excited for what this means..." With a deep breath, she let it out as she walked over to a footstool and sat down on it, "Well.. as you all know, Harry-Chan went to Gion Matsuri with Sakura-San and Ume-San as well as staying at their home in Kyoto for three days. According to Harry-Chan, their Otouto told him that the bathroom that was in the corridor he was staying in was a mixed one as it could also be used by the Twins. So, that night, he went to take a bath and they walked in on him."
Eyebrows raising, Imuya frowned, "That... sounds like something from an anime. You know, where the girl clobbers the guy she walked in on about being a pervert, even though it was all her fault to start with?"
Grimace on her face, Maruyu scowled, "I hate that trope, it is so stupid! If I walked in on a guy, I wouldn't blame him for it or call him a pervert, Mogu Mogu!"
That only got her nods from the others before RO leaned forward, "I take it that is not what happened with Harry-Chan, hopefully?"
Needless to say, the last bit carried a little hint of a threat in it's tone. However, they all relaxed as Hachi shook her head, "Nein, that is not what happened." Raising her finger, she shook her head, "Now, like the gentleman that he is, Harry-Chan quickly got up and told them he was sorry and would leave... but Ume-San and Sakura-San told him it was fine and he didn't have to as it was a mixed bath. Then, once they had prepared for their bath and such, they asked him if Harry-Chan wouldn't mind if they did his back and hair, with him doing the same to them."
More than one set of eyes widened at that and Iku stared. Chewing her lip, she blinked some, "Well, I take it that Harry-Chan did so? And that they washed his back and hair?" At Hachi's nod, she leaned back, "Wow..."
Adjusting her glasses some, Hachi smiled, "Once they were all washed, they then got into the bath together and soaked as they were cuddled up to him. And they did the same thing each of the three days with the second having Natsumi-San join them to do the same thing!"
Frown on her face, Maruyu thought over what she just heard even as the others whispered to each other excitedly, "Skinship." Everyone quietened and looked at the former IJA Submarine as she nodded before she looked at Hachi, "That's what it was, skinship. Intimate without being... you know."
Bright smile on her face, the glasses wearing Submarine nodded, "Hai, it was. And it's done good for Harry-Chan! He... he initiated a kiss with me." Cheeks hot and steam coming from her ears, Hachi held her hands clasped before her mouth, grin visible behind them, "He kissed me, placed his hands on my hips... and even deepened the kiss!"
Jaws dropped at that and Imuya swallowed, "Y-you mean it, Hachi-Chan? Harry-Chan, um..." Deeply blushing, she was unable to look at the others, "Made out with you?"
Chewing her lips a little, Hachi shook her head, "I-I can't say that it was making out exactly. B-but he held me close with hands on my hips, though more towards the back. And the kiss was deeper than others we've shared." Poking her fingers together, she looked down, "S-so kind of?" The Subgirl smiled wider and let out a small squee even as she ducked her head, "I-it was really nice."
Each of the others became thoughtful at that before Iku got up and sat down with Hachi and hugged her, "That's great news, Hachi-Chan!" Giving her a kiss on the corner of the mouth, she turned to the others, "Isn't it?"
As they nodded, the blonde Submarine nodded and returned the short kiss on the corners of Iku's lips with a happy smile, "Well... that's not all that happened." At their looks of interest, she continued, "Harry-Chan had a... relevation of sorts after the first time..."
The others listened intently, eyes widening and smiles broadening as Hachi explained about it and what she had told Harry. For a minute or two, there was utter silence before it was broken with happy squeals and the like. It went without saying that they all agreed to speak with Sakura and Ume to bring them into The Plan. And possibly bring in Natsumi as well, since she was involved already.
Later that night, Iku had her arms behind her head as she looked at the ceiling above. Around her, she could feel most of the other Submarines slumbering with happy smiles as they dreamed. Which was not to say that she did not have a happy smile herself, because she did, in fact, have one. Glancing to the side, she hummed a bit, "Hachi-Chan? Are you awake?"
Humming, said Submarine looked over her shoulder a bit, "Hmm? Something wrong, Iku-Chan?"
With a brief glance at the others, Iku shook her head, "Not really, but... do you think that Harry-Chan will kiss me? Like he did with you? Not to mention doing, you know..."
Moments later, Hachi twisted around until she was facing Iku with a smile on her face. Reaching up, she cupped the other Submarine's cheek, "Hai, I'm sure that Harry-Chan will kiss you like he did myself. I even told him that you would not mind that."
Petal shaped pupil glowing slightly, her friend hummed happily as she scooted over so that the two were pressed up against one another as she pulled Hachi close, "Thank you."
Softly smiling, Hachi nodded a little, "You're welcome, Iku-Chan."
Briefly, she paused before moving forward and, for a second or two, Iku could feel a featherlight touch of the other Submarine's lips on her own before her friend pulled back. Lips curling into a happy grin, she leaned forward and returned it before pulling back slightly, foreheads touching, "We're going to get it in this life, our happy ending."
Just nodding slightly, Hachi gave a sigh, "Hai, and with someone that we love and who loves and cares for us." Her eyes meeting Iku, she was not surprised that the other girl's eyes were moist, because she knew that her own were. Suddenly, she gave a giggle as a thought occurred to her, "Hey, Iku-Chan?" Getting a hum, Hachi continued, "When Harry-Chan told me what he did, I was tempted to try skinship for myself, but... it would have been rude as we were at Umitsubame-San's home."
That got her a soft giggle from the other Submarine, "Hai, that's true." Both of them giggled for a few more seconds before Iku's hands shifted them close again and she laid her head in the crook of Hachi's neck, "I'm glad with how things are working out. With Harry-Chan, who we love and care for, and does the same with us. And..." Her eyes met Hachi's, "And how I am with my best friends in the world."
Once more, she gave the blonde a light kiss, which was returned before Hachi whispered, "Hai... same here, Iku-Chan. Same here."
With that, the two closed their eyes and cuddled up to each other, happy smiles on their faces and pleasant dreams awaiting them that mostly involved a older version of the boy they cared for, as well as smaller versions of themselves with features from him.