[Vatpire] Ehren Erwacht! 5 (Honor Awakened)
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A.N. -- As always, Wolff is a massive monster as were the Nazis, but no ITG or derails. The plot thickens!
Ehren Erwacht! (V)
August 10th, 2014
Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central Africa (1300 miles upriver)
"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil water-way leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky--seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness." -- Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Niobe grimaced in relief as she maneuvered through the crowds toward the dock on the river.
The flight into Kisangani had been terrifying.
The ancient turboprop airliner (her shaking engineer announced that it had been built in 1954) was overloaded with passengers and cargo, including crates of live chickens and a goat. Add in that as a shipgirl she would have preferred to sail upriver rather than fly and the resulting three hours of terror lasted for an eternity as the plane flew over trackless jungle.
Colombe, damn her eyes, had spent the flight napping apparently unconcernedly only to wake up as the plane began to descend to the runway hewn out of the jungle at this inland port at the base of a stretch of rapids.
Another divination with the pendulum while here had further narrowed down the location of Ehren to someplace northeast of Kisangani.
Which led to the next part of Colombe's plan.
They reached the stained concrete dock and the Frenchwoman began to haggle expertly with several merchants who appeared out of nowhere. Terms were met and a small fishing canoe was produced in exchange for a stack of bills. Colombe got into it alongside Niobe.
They paddled out into the broad mud-covered river and then Colombe grinned smugly at Niobe as she cast several obscuring charms as they floated downstream. "So, ready to do some real sailing?"
Niobe grinned back and then stepped onto the river as she rigged up, easily keeping pace with the canoe. "Oh, it's about time."
Spoiler: Steam Pinnace
Aboard her, her bosun snapped out orders and one of her steam pinnaces that she carried as picket boats was launched from her davits, manifesting next to Colombe with a boat crew on board. Colombe stood and caught the thrown line to be hauled aboard. "Good, because that canoe leaks and I'd hate to have to fight off a hippo attack in it. Once was more than enough!" With that she began more concealment spells.
Spoiler: Up The River
Niobe climbed aboard her pinnace which began to gather steam as they sailed downriver. The Kaiserliche Marine naval battle ensign fluttered proudly in the wind of their passage at the masthead as the pinnace built to full steam ahead and fresh coal and logs were tossed into the firebox by the crew. The shipgirl smiled proudly, remembering her first life under the Reichadler as she spread the glories of her homeland abroad.
Niobe pulled out the other weapons from her hull who manifested one by one. Toku looked around wide-eyed in impressed awe. Norimune rubbed her chin with a smug grin as she walked to the bow to catch the breeze in her hair. Kasuyu made a visual sweep of the water and then grunted in satisfaction. Nongqawuse silently walked to the fuel bunker and cast a Duplicating Charm to replace the fuel being used.
"Won't we get into trouble for being nearly invisible and not registered?" Niobe asked with curiosity as a shimmering magical veil of mist obscured them and they headed on.
Colombe shook her head. The Muramasa rapier then pointed to a massively overloaded boat passing them that was extremely low in the water. Niobe began to swear in German as Tokunotakai stared in disbelief. "They would be more pissed about us not paying bribes, honestly."
Spoiler: Boats On The Congo River
Niobe shook her head and muttered. "I don't.... words fail me. Das ist nicht in Ordnung."
Colombe scowled, joined by Nongqawuse and Kasuyu. "This place was run like a giant slave labor camp by the colonial authorities. We could have spent the time to try to improve things, but it was all about enriching the few while oppressing the many with the manacles, the whip, and the gun. It was poorly run when Belgium was directly involved and then when we pulled out...." Colombe sighed and shook her head as she watched the overloaded barge pass them and then resumed speaking in a voice filled with controlled anger. "What happened here sickened me then and still does now. We... Belgium,... and I include myself since some of my money and my family's influence contributed to what happened here, did terrible things and the stain still exists. Back a hundred years ago it was ivory tusks from elephants, and then rubber from the vines here. Now it is gold, diamonds, minerals but the culture we taught the locals has poisoned it. We destroyed rather than built and I don't know if it will ever be fixed."
Toku laid her hand on Colombe shoulder as the rapier stared into the jungle vacantly. Colombe finally placed her hand on Toku's and squeezed. "It's a hundred twenty five kilometers downstream to the Aruwimi River where we head east up toward the highlands. I'll take first watch and cast spells to watch for danger. Sandbars, crocodiles, and especially those damn hippos. Things are a menace. Then Kasuyu or Father can relieve me. Once we hit the Aruwimi's rapids, we start in overland, that's pretty clearly where Ehren is. Somewhere up there."
Colombe looked down the sluggish river. "In the Heart of Darkness...."
August 11th, 2014
Khohlo ea Marena a Mararo, Central Africa
Ehren buttoned her black and silver tunic and then examined her appearance in the mirror in her room. Brightly polished black jackboots tuched into black trousers with razor-sharp creases, white shirt with black tie, the siegrunen and single pip of an officer cadet on her coat collar.
Alles in Ordnung.
For a SS-Junker officer cadet.
She hid her scowl behind an impassive cool expression, and ignored the fatigue of the workout that Vati had done with her this morning. This was a necessary step, to gain the information that she needed to survive and cultivate the trust needed to get the resources to escape.
Mutti, please hurry, Ehren thought to herself as she closed her eyes and breathed in and out. As she opened her eyes, she stared in shock.
The mirror was reflecting her mother standing in the bow of a small ship sailing down a river in the jungle.
The war ensign of the Kaiserliche Marine fluttered proudly over her head with red, white and black, the Iron Cross and the crowned Reichsadler Prussian eagle causing her heart to swell with pride. Niobe stood there alongside Tokunotakai, Grandmother Norimune, and Kasuyu, all staring at the swinging pendulum in Mutti's hand.
Behind them all, Nongqawuse's scarlet eyes met hers and the African spirit winked before the vision faded. Ehren breathed a sigh of relief.
They are coming.
Spoiler: Morning Inspection
Then her ears heard the footsteps that she expected and she assumed the proper position for room and uniform inspection as her face shifted to the expected stoic military bearing.
Ehren's spine stiffened and she snapped to rigid attention as Cortana entered the room, dressed in an identical uniform same for the double pips of a Sturmführer. The elder sword checked off the details of her exacting inspection of her bed, uniform, and possessions on a clipboard held by a subordinate NCO. Then she paused and gestured to the NCO. "Wait outside for me."
Ehren's heart raced as the sergeant, black skin gleaming in black and silver wool marched outside.
Cortana looked her over and then her eyes unfocused and looked at the far wall. The sword spoke with some strain in her words in a monotone. "You should be honored, Ehren. Our Master intends to Embrace you to purge any lingering impure blood and grant the immortality that he has. This will also blood bond you to him as a loyal subordinate and beloved daughter. He only does this with the finest and most suitable humans, and it is a great honor to be initiated into his elite. For me... he had to use other means since the Embrace and blood bonding did not affect me after I swore my oath to serve him loyally as a weapon and to be the perfect wife and mother for his family. You... I am proud to have you as a daughter, Ehren."
Ehren's heart raced as the sword finished. "Be strong, do not show the pain, and show him and the rest how you are committed to the cause body and soul so he will be happy with you."
Ehren snapped to rigidly perfect attention and saluted Cortana. "Jawohl, Sturmführer! I shall not disappoint my Vater by flinching or crying out as he makes me one of the Herrenvolk!"
"Good, follow me, Cadet!" Cortana ordered and Ehren fell into step precisely one pace back and to the right. Ehren's eyes gleamed as one hand slid to the SS-Ehrendolch on her hip and caressed her hilt for an instant before resuming her perfect and precise military bearing.
A.N. -- As always, Wolff is a massive monster as were the Nazis, but no ITG or derails. The plot thickens!
Ehren Erwacht! (V)
August 10th, 2014
Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central Africa (1300 miles upriver)
"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil water-way leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky--seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness." -- Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Niobe grimaced in relief as she maneuvered through the crowds toward the dock on the river.
The flight into Kisangani had been terrifying.
The ancient turboprop airliner (her shaking engineer announced that it had been built in 1954) was overloaded with passengers and cargo, including crates of live chickens and a goat. Add in that as a shipgirl she would have preferred to sail upriver rather than fly and the resulting three hours of terror lasted for an eternity as the plane flew over trackless jungle.
Colombe, damn her eyes, had spent the flight napping apparently unconcernedly only to wake up as the plane began to descend to the runway hewn out of the jungle at this inland port at the base of a stretch of rapids.
Another divination with the pendulum while here had further narrowed down the location of Ehren to someplace northeast of Kisangani.
Which led to the next part of Colombe's plan.
They reached the stained concrete dock and the Frenchwoman began to haggle expertly with several merchants who appeared out of nowhere. Terms were met and a small fishing canoe was produced in exchange for a stack of bills. Colombe got into it alongside Niobe.
They paddled out into the broad mud-covered river and then Colombe grinned smugly at Niobe as she cast several obscuring charms as they floated downstream. "So, ready to do some real sailing?"
Niobe grinned back and then stepped onto the river as she rigged up, easily keeping pace with the canoe. "Oh, it's about time."
Spoiler: Steam Pinnace
Aboard her, her bosun snapped out orders and one of her steam pinnaces that she carried as picket boats was launched from her davits, manifesting next to Colombe with a boat crew on board. Colombe stood and caught the thrown line to be hauled aboard. "Good, because that canoe leaks and I'd hate to have to fight off a hippo attack in it. Once was more than enough!" With that she began more concealment spells.
Spoiler: Up The River
Niobe climbed aboard her pinnace which began to gather steam as they sailed downriver. The Kaiserliche Marine naval battle ensign fluttered proudly in the wind of their passage at the masthead as the pinnace built to full steam ahead and fresh coal and logs were tossed into the firebox by the crew. The shipgirl smiled proudly, remembering her first life under the Reichadler as she spread the glories of her homeland abroad.
Niobe pulled out the other weapons from her hull who manifested one by one. Toku looked around wide-eyed in impressed awe. Norimune rubbed her chin with a smug grin as she walked to the bow to catch the breeze in her hair. Kasuyu made a visual sweep of the water and then grunted in satisfaction. Nongqawuse silently walked to the fuel bunker and cast a Duplicating Charm to replace the fuel being used.
"Won't we get into trouble for being nearly invisible and not registered?" Niobe asked with curiosity as a shimmering magical veil of mist obscured them and they headed on.
Colombe shook her head. The Muramasa rapier then pointed to a massively overloaded boat passing them that was extremely low in the water. Niobe began to swear in German as Tokunotakai stared in disbelief. "They would be more pissed about us not paying bribes, honestly."
Spoiler: Boats On The Congo River

Niobe shook her head and muttered. "I don't.... words fail me. Das ist nicht in Ordnung."
Colombe scowled, joined by Nongqawuse and Kasuyu. "This place was run like a giant slave labor camp by the colonial authorities. We could have spent the time to try to improve things, but it was all about enriching the few while oppressing the many with the manacles, the whip, and the gun. It was poorly run when Belgium was directly involved and then when we pulled out...." Colombe sighed and shook her head as she watched the overloaded barge pass them and then resumed speaking in a voice filled with controlled anger. "What happened here sickened me then and still does now. We... Belgium,... and I include myself since some of my money and my family's influence contributed to what happened here, did terrible things and the stain still exists. Back a hundred years ago it was ivory tusks from elephants, and then rubber from the vines here. Now it is gold, diamonds, minerals but the culture we taught the locals has poisoned it. We destroyed rather than built and I don't know if it will ever be fixed."
Toku laid her hand on Colombe shoulder as the rapier stared into the jungle vacantly. Colombe finally placed her hand on Toku's and squeezed. "It's a hundred twenty five kilometers downstream to the Aruwimi River where we head east up toward the highlands. I'll take first watch and cast spells to watch for danger. Sandbars, crocodiles, and especially those damn hippos. Things are a menace. Then Kasuyu or Father can relieve me. Once we hit the Aruwimi's rapids, we start in overland, that's pretty clearly where Ehren is. Somewhere up there."
Colombe looked down the sluggish river. "In the Heart of Darkness...."
August 11th, 2014
Khohlo ea Marena a Mararo, Central Africa
Ehren buttoned her black and silver tunic and then examined her appearance in the mirror in her room. Brightly polished black jackboots tuched into black trousers with razor-sharp creases, white shirt with black tie, the siegrunen and single pip of an officer cadet on her coat collar.
Alles in Ordnung.
For a SS-Junker officer cadet.
She hid her scowl behind an impassive cool expression, and ignored the fatigue of the workout that Vati had done with her this morning. This was a necessary step, to gain the information that she needed to survive and cultivate the trust needed to get the resources to escape.
Mutti, please hurry, Ehren thought to herself as she closed her eyes and breathed in and out. As she opened her eyes, she stared in shock.
The mirror was reflecting her mother standing in the bow of a small ship sailing down a river in the jungle.
The war ensign of the Kaiserliche Marine fluttered proudly over her head with red, white and black, the Iron Cross and the crowned Reichsadler Prussian eagle causing her heart to swell with pride. Niobe stood there alongside Tokunotakai, Grandmother Norimune, and Kasuyu, all staring at the swinging pendulum in Mutti's hand.
Behind them all, Nongqawuse's scarlet eyes met hers and the African spirit winked before the vision faded. Ehren breathed a sigh of relief.
They are coming.
Spoiler: Morning Inspection
Then her ears heard the footsteps that she expected and she assumed the proper position for room and uniform inspection as her face shifted to the expected stoic military bearing.
Ehren's spine stiffened and she snapped to rigid attention as Cortana entered the room, dressed in an identical uniform same for the double pips of a Sturmführer. The elder sword checked off the details of her exacting inspection of her bed, uniform, and possessions on a clipboard held by a subordinate NCO. Then she paused and gestured to the NCO. "Wait outside for me."
Ehren's heart raced as the sergeant, black skin gleaming in black and silver wool marched outside.
Cortana looked her over and then her eyes unfocused and looked at the far wall. The sword spoke with some strain in her words in a monotone. "You should be honored, Ehren. Our Master intends to Embrace you to purge any lingering impure blood and grant the immortality that he has. This will also blood bond you to him as a loyal subordinate and beloved daughter. He only does this with the finest and most suitable humans, and it is a great honor to be initiated into his elite. For me... he had to use other means since the Embrace and blood bonding did not affect me after I swore my oath to serve him loyally as a weapon and to be the perfect wife and mother for his family. You... I am proud to have you as a daughter, Ehren."
Ehren's heart raced as the sword finished. "Be strong, do not show the pain, and show him and the rest how you are committed to the cause body and soul so he will be happy with you."
Ehren snapped to rigidly perfect attention and saluted Cortana. "Jawohl, Sturmführer! I shall not disappoint my Vater by flinching or crying out as he makes me one of the Herrenvolk!"
"Good, follow me, Cadet!" Cortana ordered and Ehren fell into step precisely one pace back and to the right. Ehren's eyes gleamed as one hand slid to the SS-Ehrendolch on her hip and caressed her hilt for an instant before resuming her perfect and precise military bearing.