Air Defence Princess recognises an IFF
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Harry Leferts
Plowing through the waves, Air Defense Princess softly sighed as she tapped one clawed finger on her throne of sorts. She was... bored. Her last fight was against those fleets sent out from Iwo Jima by the now dead Fortification Princess. Since then she had spent her time tracking down stragglers and the odd Abyssal Q-ship. Said Princess was among those that killed her Little Laughter after all. But it had left her bored as she had been cruising around this area of sea for over a month.
Soon though she was brought out of her thoughts as a rumble beside her caused her to turn and look at the Abyssal Destroyer that had made it's way close to her. Reaching out, she rubbed it gently on the head much like her own Princess had done so long ago. Especially now that they were close to the time her Princess had often given her fleet gifts. While another rumble came from the Destroyer beside her, ADP smiled down at it. Part of her could still remember coming across the group of feral Destroyers.
And much to her surprise they started to follow her right off the bat with just a command.
With a chuckle, she shook her head as she turned her head and looked back in the distance where she could see a floatplane high above the water. "Ignore them, they have done nothing to us so far. Why, I do not know but it is best not to go looking for trouble."
There was still a frown on her face as she watched the distance aircraft, it's shipgirl somewhere much further. For the past day or so she had been shadowed by them, though why was beyondd her. And it was not just her as her Destroyers had picked up Submarine contacts at the edge of their sonar, only for them to disappear. It was rather odd that they just shadowed her and her Destroyers at the edges of their radars. Not attacking, just... watching.
Needless to say, it was getting rather annoying and she kept having to fight down the urge to head over to them and demand to know why.
However, she shoved down those urges each time they popped up. If they were willing to leave her alone, she would let them. After all, she just had a handful of Destroyers and-
Suddenly, her head whipped around with her musings cut off as she focused in on one of her Destroyers performing a patrol with her sister. They were fifty miles away and steaming through the cold, North Pacific waters. Just close enough to get radio signals from the Japanese mainland. But it was not those signals that caught said Destroyers' attention though, rather they picked up an Abyssal signal. Slowly, a grin spread across ADP's face as she turned her head in that direction. "Fufufufu. So one snuck close, so one snuck close. And without the shipgirls knowing? How interesting... But I wonder which fleet..."
Eyes narrowing, it was only the work of moments for her to connect to the mind of the distant Destroyer. When she had first used the connection that Princesses and Demons had with their fleets, she had been shocked. Then, ADP had been happy at feeling how her Destroyers felt towards her care. At times, she wondered if that was how it felt for Little Laughter when she had done the same. Right now though, she could feel the warmth of the Destroyer surrounding her own mind as she used it's senses as her own. Pure joy at the attention being given to it. With a mental pat, she focused on the signal itself and froze.
No, it couldn't be.
From the Japanese mainland came a signal from someone that belonged to the same fleet she had. The fleet of the Northern Princess from the Bering Sea. Except besides the impossibility of there being other survivors, something she had hoped for, it was more that the signal identified the owner as being an Abyssal Demon. And ADP knew for a fact that there was no such thing in her Princess' fleet. Her Princess had used Flagships to handle the duties normally assigned to Demons in other fleets. And yet, there it was, a slowly fading IFF with distance, but sure it enough it was a friendly one. Impossible...
Her hands clenching, ADP glanced at them and froze as she remembered the fact that she was a Princess now. Who was to say that others like her did now exist? Survivors who had become more then they had been? And maybe they might join her in her fight against those who slew Little Laughter. It was all too soon that the signal faded away and she called back her Destroyers as she continued to stare in the direction of the islands, all boredom gone from her thoughts. Perhaps... she would stay for a time.
Perhaps, and find the source of the signal which made her heart ache.
Meanwhile, a large distance away, Enterprise leaned back in her seat with her arms behind her head. Looking up in the rearview mirror, she just blinked a bit before smiling. "How you holding up there, kiddo? Bored yet?"
With a blink, Harry turned his attention back to Enterprise and snorted. "Nope! Haven't been around here for years though, Enterprise and it's kind of neat seeing things again."
Only tilting her head to the side, Enterprise hummed a bit. "Well, glad to see that you're enjoying yourself then. Though why Princess won't let me continue to drive is beyond me. Honestly, I don't see why you exploded at me back there."
Eyebrow twitching, Yamato turned and gave the famour Carrier a glare. "That is because, E, you somehow got us on Shikoku when we were heading for Kure! I, Yamato, cannot believe how you got lost when the route we were supposed to take was written down! And now I may be late for Yahagi's Awakening!"
Slowly blinking, Enterprise waggled her little finger in her ear. "Yeah, yeah. Not my problem that the route was written in fucking Moon Moon. You know that I barely read that shit and we'll still get there from here in plenty of time since it connects to Hiroshima. Besides, it's not like you're much better or do I need to remind you of that time you got us lost in California and we ended up in Death Valley of all damn places when I fell asleep?"
Cheeks reddening and puffing out, Yamato turned narrowed her eyes at the smirking Enterprise. "It was not my fault that you Americans labeled your roads so odd! Several of them had the same names, not to mention you all drive on the wrong side unlike civilized people which made it more confusing!"
Just snorting, Enterprise gave her a look. "It was totally your fault, Princess. I had the whole route marked on a map. Also, what civilized people? If Japan was civilized, they would drive on the right like normal people, not on the left."
Listening in as the two bickered back in forth, Harry grinned a bit. 'So tsun tsun.' With a shake of the head, he looked out the window at the countryside of Shikoku as they drove along. Movement in his arms though caused him to look down at the form of Barghast who was there before he pulled out a bag of peanuts. "Want some?"
Quickly, the Abyssal Hellcat nodded before tilting it's head back and opening it's mouth wide. Chuckling, Harry poured the bag of nuts into the fanged mouth as Yamato glanced in the mirror and ignored her argument with Enterprise. "Anyways, Harry-Chan. I, Yamato, would like to mention that we'll be entering Imabari then on to Onomichi soon."
With a nod, Harry shot her a grin. "Cool! And I can't wait to see Kawa-San again either. Hopefully she likes the supplies I made for her."
There was a small smile on Yamato's face as she sped along the road, just below the speed limit. "I am quite sure that Kawa-San will enjoy it." Eyes drifting to the locked storage box secured out of the way, the Battleship nodded. "After all, you did put your heart into it."
Also looking back, though leaning out of her seat to do so, Enterprise frowned slightly as she took in Barghast. She still could not believe the argument that Hoppou had put up to get her brother to take said Hellcat with them, not that she was too bothered by it. Rather, her interest laid in something else. "So, Kiddo, what's the deal with you wearing that bracelet that your sister made you? Kind of odd bringing it along, you know?"
Glancing down at the black metal that made it up, Harry shrugged. "It makes it easier to control Barghast when I wear it. So that he doesn't go and wander around freaking people out. Also, I've been practicing with it."
Eyebrow raising, Yamato hummed a bit. "Oh? How so?"
On Harry's face there was a smile as he lifted up said arm. "Well... I can switch off the other ones if I need to since Wanko added that to it. I can choose to have them all on or just one. Especially since having all of them on can creep people out." With a shrug, he lowered it. "Right now, I got Hoppou's going since I got Barghast with us."
Thoughtful, Enterprise nodded as she moved fully back into her seat. "Huh, Hoppou's? That's the one that gives you the IFF of a Demon from her fleet, right? Or something like that anyways."
Harry nodded with a shrug. "Yeah, pretty much."
With a small frown on her face, Yamato cleared her throat. "Just remember, Harry-Chan, please leave that bracelet and Barghast well away from the Summoning area while we Awaken Kawa-San into Yahagi, okay? We do not want to chance it interfering somehow in the process."
Nodding, Harry gave her a salute. "Hai, Yamato-Oba!"
That brought a small smile to Yamato's face while Enterprise shook her head. With a chuckle, she held out her hand. "Hey, kiddo, I'm a bit hungry so mind passing me one of those sandwiches in the cooler? Preferably with a Coke?" Moments later, she had said sandwich in hand and placed the can into the holder to leave it settle a bit. "Thanks, Kiddo."
His smile growing a bit, Harry just nodded while ignoring Yamato giving the Carier an eye roll. "You're welcome, Enterprise."
Plowing through the waves, Air Defense Princess softly sighed as she tapped one clawed finger on her throne of sorts. She was... bored. Her last fight was against those fleets sent out from Iwo Jima by the now dead Fortification Princess. Since then she had spent her time tracking down stragglers and the odd Abyssal Q-ship. Said Princess was among those that killed her Little Laughter after all. But it had left her bored as she had been cruising around this area of sea for over a month.
Soon though she was brought out of her thoughts as a rumble beside her caused her to turn and look at the Abyssal Destroyer that had made it's way close to her. Reaching out, she rubbed it gently on the head much like her own Princess had done so long ago. Especially now that they were close to the time her Princess had often given her fleet gifts. While another rumble came from the Destroyer beside her, ADP smiled down at it. Part of her could still remember coming across the group of feral Destroyers.
And much to her surprise they started to follow her right off the bat with just a command.
With a chuckle, she shook her head as she turned her head and looked back in the distance where she could see a floatplane high above the water. "Ignore them, they have done nothing to us so far. Why, I do not know but it is best not to go looking for trouble."
There was still a frown on her face as she watched the distance aircraft, it's shipgirl somewhere much further. For the past day or so she had been shadowed by them, though why was beyondd her. And it was not just her as her Destroyers had picked up Submarine contacts at the edge of their sonar, only for them to disappear. It was rather odd that they just shadowed her and her Destroyers at the edges of their radars. Not attacking, just... watching.
Needless to say, it was getting rather annoying and she kept having to fight down the urge to head over to them and demand to know why.
However, she shoved down those urges each time they popped up. If they were willing to leave her alone, she would let them. After all, she just had a handful of Destroyers and-
Suddenly, her head whipped around with her musings cut off as she focused in on one of her Destroyers performing a patrol with her sister. They were fifty miles away and steaming through the cold, North Pacific waters. Just close enough to get radio signals from the Japanese mainland. But it was not those signals that caught said Destroyers' attention though, rather they picked up an Abyssal signal. Slowly, a grin spread across ADP's face as she turned her head in that direction. "Fufufufu. So one snuck close, so one snuck close. And without the shipgirls knowing? How interesting... But I wonder which fleet..."
Eyes narrowing, it was only the work of moments for her to connect to the mind of the distant Destroyer. When she had first used the connection that Princesses and Demons had with their fleets, she had been shocked. Then, ADP had been happy at feeling how her Destroyers felt towards her care. At times, she wondered if that was how it felt for Little Laughter when she had done the same. Right now though, she could feel the warmth of the Destroyer surrounding her own mind as she used it's senses as her own. Pure joy at the attention being given to it. With a mental pat, she focused on the signal itself and froze.
No, it couldn't be.
From the Japanese mainland came a signal from someone that belonged to the same fleet she had. The fleet of the Northern Princess from the Bering Sea. Except besides the impossibility of there being other survivors, something she had hoped for, it was more that the signal identified the owner as being an Abyssal Demon. And ADP knew for a fact that there was no such thing in her Princess' fleet. Her Princess had used Flagships to handle the duties normally assigned to Demons in other fleets. And yet, there it was, a slowly fading IFF with distance, but sure it enough it was a friendly one. Impossible...
Her hands clenching, ADP glanced at them and froze as she remembered the fact that she was a Princess now. Who was to say that others like her did now exist? Survivors who had become more then they had been? And maybe they might join her in her fight against those who slew Little Laughter. It was all too soon that the signal faded away and she called back her Destroyers as she continued to stare in the direction of the islands, all boredom gone from her thoughts. Perhaps... she would stay for a time.
Perhaps, and find the source of the signal which made her heart ache.
Meanwhile, a large distance away, Enterprise leaned back in her seat with her arms behind her head. Looking up in the rearview mirror, she just blinked a bit before smiling. "How you holding up there, kiddo? Bored yet?"
With a blink, Harry turned his attention back to Enterprise and snorted. "Nope! Haven't been around here for years though, Enterprise and it's kind of neat seeing things again."
Only tilting her head to the side, Enterprise hummed a bit. "Well, glad to see that you're enjoying yourself then. Though why Princess won't let me continue to drive is beyond me. Honestly, I don't see why you exploded at me back there."
Eyebrow twitching, Yamato turned and gave the famour Carrier a glare. "That is because, E, you somehow got us on Shikoku when we were heading for Kure! I, Yamato, cannot believe how you got lost when the route we were supposed to take was written down! And now I may be late for Yahagi's Awakening!"
Slowly blinking, Enterprise waggled her little finger in her ear. "Yeah, yeah. Not my problem that the route was written in fucking Moon Moon. You know that I barely read that shit and we'll still get there from here in plenty of time since it connects to Hiroshima. Besides, it's not like you're much better or do I need to remind you of that time you got us lost in California and we ended up in Death Valley of all damn places when I fell asleep?"
Cheeks reddening and puffing out, Yamato turned narrowed her eyes at the smirking Enterprise. "It was not my fault that you Americans labeled your roads so odd! Several of them had the same names, not to mention you all drive on the wrong side unlike civilized people which made it more confusing!"
Just snorting, Enterprise gave her a look. "It was totally your fault, Princess. I had the whole route marked on a map. Also, what civilized people? If Japan was civilized, they would drive on the right like normal people, not on the left."
Listening in as the two bickered back in forth, Harry grinned a bit. 'So tsun tsun.' With a shake of the head, he looked out the window at the countryside of Shikoku as they drove along. Movement in his arms though caused him to look down at the form of Barghast who was there before he pulled out a bag of peanuts. "Want some?"
Quickly, the Abyssal Hellcat nodded before tilting it's head back and opening it's mouth wide. Chuckling, Harry poured the bag of nuts into the fanged mouth as Yamato glanced in the mirror and ignored her argument with Enterprise. "Anyways, Harry-Chan. I, Yamato, would like to mention that we'll be entering Imabari then on to Onomichi soon."
With a nod, Harry shot her a grin. "Cool! And I can't wait to see Kawa-San again either. Hopefully she likes the supplies I made for her."
There was a small smile on Yamato's face as she sped along the road, just below the speed limit. "I am quite sure that Kawa-San will enjoy it." Eyes drifting to the locked storage box secured out of the way, the Battleship nodded. "After all, you did put your heart into it."
Also looking back, though leaning out of her seat to do so, Enterprise frowned slightly as she took in Barghast. She still could not believe the argument that Hoppou had put up to get her brother to take said Hellcat with them, not that she was too bothered by it. Rather, her interest laid in something else. "So, Kiddo, what's the deal with you wearing that bracelet that your sister made you? Kind of odd bringing it along, you know?"
Glancing down at the black metal that made it up, Harry shrugged. "It makes it easier to control Barghast when I wear it. So that he doesn't go and wander around freaking people out. Also, I've been practicing with it."
Eyebrow raising, Yamato hummed a bit. "Oh? How so?"
On Harry's face there was a smile as he lifted up said arm. "Well... I can switch off the other ones if I need to since Wanko added that to it. I can choose to have them all on or just one. Especially since having all of them on can creep people out." With a shrug, he lowered it. "Right now, I got Hoppou's going since I got Barghast with us."
Thoughtful, Enterprise nodded as she moved fully back into her seat. "Huh, Hoppou's? That's the one that gives you the IFF of a Demon from her fleet, right? Or something like that anyways."
Harry nodded with a shrug. "Yeah, pretty much."
With a small frown on her face, Yamato cleared her throat. "Just remember, Harry-Chan, please leave that bracelet and Barghast well away from the Summoning area while we Awaken Kawa-San into Yahagi, okay? We do not want to chance it interfering somehow in the process."
Nodding, Harry gave her a salute. "Hai, Yamato-Oba!"
That brought a small smile to Yamato's face while Enterprise shook her head. With a chuckle, she held out her hand. "Hey, kiddo, I'm a bit hungry so mind passing me one of those sandwiches in the cooler? Preferably with a Coke?" Moments later, she had said sandwich in hand and placed the can into the holder to leave it settle a bit. "Thanks, Kiddo."
His smile growing a bit, Harry just nodded while ignoring Yamato giving the Carier an eye roll. "You're welcome, Enterprise."
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