Three Way Dance, Red Alert 3
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Three Way Dance
Harry watched with bated breath as Naka finished setting up things for her livestream. It would be a big event, 6 shipgirls in three teams fighting it out with the most over-the-top Real Time Strategy title of the last years.
After a while, Naka announced that everything was ready, six screens showing duplicates of what New Jersey, Yorktown, Gangut, Verniy, Musashi and Sendai could see.
Naka cleared her throat, bringing the setup banter to a standstill. "Hai, hai, Kantai no idoru Naka-chan desu!" she greeted enthusiastically. "And with me is my esteemed co-host chibi!" she continued, while Jintsuu swung the camera towards Harry.
Harry gave a grin and a wave. "Hai, hai, Harry-chan desu!" he stated and laughed. "And today, we're seeing a massive battle. For those who don't know, things began when Gangut fired the first shot," Harry explained, as Gangut grinned into her facecam. "For those wanting to see it, here!" he announced and a small video started playing.
Gangut was visible, marching through what subtitles helpfully identified as San Diego. She seemed taken with the sights and the people. New Jersey walked next to her, very smug from the looks of it. "So, what do you think of America?" she wanted to know. "Best country in the whole fucking world or best country in the whole fucking world?" she asked with a proud smirk.
Gangut took a drag from her pipe, before blowing out some smoke. "Da. It's a beautiful country of plenty with many good people and beautiful sights. I can not wait for this country to become a part of Soviet Russia," she stated grandly.
New Jersey shorted out at that. Every fuse blew, NewJersey.exe has encountered the fatal error Communist Takeover Imminent, Blue Screen and Red Ring of Death, everything at once.
After a few minutes spent with New Jersey trying to reboot her mental facilities from the horrible throught of America under a Red Flag, NewJersey.exe rebooted. "NEVER!" She roared. "America will never bow to the commies!" she added hotly.
The video paused and Harry grinned. "So far, so good. But things got interesting then," he promised.
"This Musashi concurs," Musashi boomed while striding into view, followed by Sendai and Nevada. "Obviously, America will bow to Japan!" she stated proudly.
For the second time New Jersey shorted out, encountering the fatal error Japanese Takeover Imminent.
"Fuck no!" New Jersey shouted. "We're not going to be beaten by the Ruskies and definitely not by the Japs!" she roared. "I'll fight you both! America will not yield!" she stated grandly, channeling the spirit of Reagan.
The whole picture was disturbed by the hilariously squeaky voice of the bald eagle on her arm. No majestic screech, more of a songbird's trill really.
Of course, this declaration brought out the Coast Guard. "No fighting on the base!" the girls ordered quickly.
New Jersey sputtered before giving both Gangut and Musashi the evil eye."We will fight this out!" she promised grandly.
"This Musashi concurs," Musashi agreed. "Find a suitable venue for Russia, Japan and America to fight and we shall do so. And then you shall have to accept that Japan is objectively superior," she added, her tiny smirk showing how much she enjoyed riling up the overly bombastic New Jersey.
Again, the videoendd, and Naka spoke up. "Things could have taken a less dangerous turn here, but it was not to be. The poor, unwitting instigator of doom is sitting here today, after spending days coaching New Jersey," she announced somberly. Yorktown gave a small wave.
Harry took over. "After hearing of the challenge requirements, she suggested Red Alert 3. A choice enthusiastically backed by Gangut and Sendai," he explained. "Over the last weeks since the challenge was first issued, they have trained hard against the computer and played matches online, to learn the game. They endured humiliating defeats, crushing losses, painful debacles and all other sorts of failure," he announced grandly, while timelapsed videos showing bases getting annihilated played.
"And now, after all the pain and suffering, they are ready. Ready to fight it out. To decide once and for all, which nation reigns supreme!" Naka announced cheerfully. "For Team America, we have USS New Jersey, BB-62. Lover of pies and pie-providing professors. Is a Battleship. This is very important. New Jersey is supported by USS Yorktown, CV-5. Aircraft Carrier. Elder sister to the famous USS Enterprise. Very proficient at micromanaging," she introduced the first team.
Harry took over. "The next team is Team Russia. And in Soviet Russia, team choses you," he said with a chuckle. "First we have Gangut, a battleship named after the Battle of Gangut. Very soviet, that is important. She's in this to prove that one day all shall be Russia. Also very communist," he introduced the first contender. "The second one is a bit of a mix-up. You might have seen Aurora in the announcements, but her and Great Grandmother Mikasa are currently unavailable. They're dealing with three abyssals and we're expecting good results from that. But never fear, for our very own Verniy, formerly known as Hibiki, has decided to join the fray to spread the glory of communism. She is very Khorosho, that is important," Harry explained with a massive grin.
On their face cams, Verniy and Gangut wore matching grins. "The Union shall ever conquer!" they both promised.
"And finally, for Team Japan we have my own Night Battle Maniac of a sister, Sendai. Yasen Baka/10 would cheerfully dump with her crush," Naka continued.
"And finally, for Japan, it is aunt Musashi. She entered the fray to prove that only Japan shall reign supreme. She is a battleship, just like New Jersey and their rivalry is a thing of legends. To date, they have had 46 contests to see who is better, and so far not one of the contests was decisively ended," Harry announced.
Naka gave a massive grin. "And after all this, it is time to say MATCH START!"
A short moment was spent loading up the battles.
"For ease of playing, it was decided to use a map were teams of 2 could work together reasonably well. We're expecting land, sea and air battles and we're quite intrigued as to who will use which tactic," Naka explained. "Furthermore did we put allies next to each other so everyone has one secure flank until people start to get steamrolled. And for those who can't watch this in more than 480 by 360, here's where the players are, clockwise, on this six-armed island. From the north-east it's Musashi, Sendai, Verniy, Gangut, Yorktown and New Jersey," she explained.
Harry took over. "If we take a look, we can see the differences already. Verniy and Gangut have quickly expanded, using the Soviet's ability to speed up building structures by building some crusher cranes. Combat engineers have built up quite a few bunkers, looks like both are setting up for a siege. And yes, they have been focussing on their land units, there's even a few Apocalypse tanks already patrolling," he commented.
"It's quite different with Musashi and Sendai however. Sendai is focussing on defenses, having deployed defensive structures and units even to Musashi's base. And yes, she has Yuriko milling about. Conversely, Musashi focusses on offense, having built the beginnings of a massive battlefleet," Naka continued.
"And then we have New Jersey and Yorktown. A study in contrasts. Yorktown has a layered defense and pretty much focussed on defending against the basically inevitable Soviet ground assault from Gangut. Time will tell if she can withstand Gangut's attacks, but with how her defense is structured, I give her decent odds. Not good ones, mind you, the Allies lack a ground attack helicopter to take out artillery units. It looks like she'll have to substitute Bombers there. At least she can rest assured that her AA will not be broken, Hydrofoils will rip even a massed Kirov assault to shreds. She doesn't have much of an attacking force, it looks like she is in for a siege-type battle that is decided by the use of superweapons and who can damage the enemy's econ the best," Naka explained.
"New Jersey basically threw all into attack. Aircraft carriers, assault destroyers, Mirage tanks and lots of smaller vehicles and infantry. It's a sizeable force, but she will have to ask herself if it is going to be worth it. In a one-on-one the Shogun will destroy a carrier," Harry commented.
"And hostilities have begun at an unexpected place. We had guessed Jersey and Musashi or Gangut and Yorktown to throw down, but neither was correct. Verniy opened hostilities with a surprise dreadnought attack on Sendai. And, oh my, seems like Sendai did not build enough generators! Her defense towers are offline, leaving her defenses considerably weakened!" Naka loudly proclaimed while the stream was treated to seeing a group of quite battered dreadnoughts hammering at Sendai's defenses.
"It was not so much not enough generators, as Verniy making a daring assault, tanking a lot of fire to get to the generators. Her gamble paid off, Sendai was busy setting up defenses in Musashi's base and thus slow to react," Harry gave back.
"And what is this, New Jersey has come under fire from Soviet tanks! Gangut crossed the middle of the Map to get at her rival, completely ignoring the well-fortified positions of Yorktown. I don't know if that was a wise choice, if the attack force gets wiped out, she won't have a whole lot of defending units!" Naka suddenly shouted.
"I don't think that Gangut will have to worry overly much about that, Musashi has just opened fire with the Shogun battleships! Three aircraft carriers were sunk already!" Harry reported. "And, oh my, Yorktown has deployed quite a few units in defense of her battered ally and it looks like Jersey is about to do a massive bombing run on Musashi's fleet. Remember kids, air power wins fights!" Harry replied, getting into it. "Things have ground down to a stalemate at the Verniy-Sendai front, with Verniy being forced to pull back her fleet after Sendai managed to get fast units onto the water. Dreadnoughts are bad at dealing with fast, close units. And those mini subs have taken out a good amount of supporting ships, so if Verniy didn't want to lose her entire spearhead, she needed to pull back. But even so, Sendai will take a while to recover from that assault," he reported.
"That's all well and good, but now watch this!" Naka shouted excitedly. "Yorktown is going to town on the poor Russian tanks and V4 launchers. New Jersey's troops have held out long enough for Yorktown to assault them from the back. As the good gnome says: Surprise Buttsex! I don't think those big, fat, slow and stupid Russian superheavies enjoyed that," she commented gleefully, watching Apocalypse tanks wither under massed infantry fire.
"That's going to land you in so much trouble with mom," Harry said slowly, before looking at the fight again. "Of course, New Jersey is not out of the hot seat, yet. Musashi's fleet is slowly grinding down her fleet and even the continued bombing runs are not doing enough to slow that grinder down," he added.
"Worry not, chibi!" Naka gave back. "For once again, Yorktown is a hero and moves to save New Jersey's bacon. Parts of her fleet have begun to engage Musashi's fleet and it looks like they finally managed to halt Musashi's advance. She's also doing her utmost with micromanagement, using secondary abilities like a madwoman. Quite unlike Jersey, who, in a very Soviet way, works mostly by the Brute Force approach," she observed.
Harry nodded sagely. "Indeed, that she does. She relies on masses of units doing the fighting, following Stalin's credo that Quantity has a Quality of its own. But the Allies are not good at that," he observed, sounding like an ancient wise man.
"Too true," Naka concurred. "The Allies work best by making the best of their special abilities, by using subterfuge and skill. The Soviets are most forgiving of a brute force approach and the Empire can with enough numbers also do the brute force, as Musashi demonstrates. The Allies can not," she explained. "Of course, while we discuss tactics, you might have seen those little timers. That's right, the first superweapons have been built!" she announced.
"And one has already been destroyed!" Harry cut in. That's right, in the Sendai-Verniy battle, Sendai has suffered another defeat. Her hastily contructed defenses and units were not expecting a three-pronged assault. She's reeling!" he reported wildly, almost eating his microphone in the process.
"Sendai is not even the biggest surprise here, Chibi!" Naka shot back. "Yorktown has been outflanked by Gangut. A daring artillery attack followed by a dreadnought rush has damaged her AA-capabilities enough for a Kirov-assault to break through! Her spirited defense of New Jersey has cost her, her base is wide open and unless a miracle happens, she will be the first to fall!" she stated with utter conviction.
"New Jersey should be able to help her, though," Harry gave back. "She might be heavily battered, but Musashi needs to support Sendai or she will fall to Verniy next. She can not focus on taking out New Jersey, only on harassing her," he said, pointing to where a good portion of Musashi's troops was making a beeline towards Sendai's battered positions.
"Those Shoguns will be a continuing headache for New Jersey until she can take them out," Naka replied with a frown.
Harry wanted to say something, but then he fell silent. "Well, looks like we have our first successful capture. Yorktown's second MCV has been taken over by Verniy! At the beginning, she had built it to help with stomping a defense out of the ground, a more expensive way of building up quickly. And now Gangut's troops are doing their utmost to protect that MCV and its retreat into Soviet territory!" he stated excitedly.
Naka nodded in assent. "And even better, her continued fighting in Sendai's base? Little Verniy managed to get an Imperial MCV, too!" she reported.
Harry boggled. "Oh my," he said in the most British manner possible. "This means Verniy might soon unleash the full arsenal!" he stated excitedly.
Naka nodded. "And New Jersey has just arrived, trying valiantly to defend her ally. But it's a case of too little, too late. Yorktown is not just flagging, she's currently going down with all hands," Naka sadly reported. "Same as Sendai, really," she added.
And it was true. Sendai's MCV changed colors as Gangut's engineer entered it and began to move it out of the combat zone. The same happened to Yorktown's MCV, robbing her of her ability to build any new structures. And with her yards and weapon factories under assault it was only a question of time before she would fold.
Sendai was in the end the first to fall. Harry and Naka tactfully deciding to let the slaughter speak for itself. Apocalypse tanks crushed the remaining resistance and when her last generator fell, Sendai gave a small salute.
Yorktown didn't hold out much longer. Her defense was spirited, but in the end futile. Reduced to fighting with infantry and what few vehicles of hers remained, the remnants of her base were ground down beneath the treads of Gangut's Apocalypse tanks.
With a sad shake of her head, she gave up her defense. She had ground down hundreds of units, but it had been for naught.
Both New Jersey and Musashi looked terrified.
Harry started commentating again. "And with that, we're down to New Jersey for America, Musashi for Japan and Verniy plus Gangut for Russia. And things don't look too rosy for America," he stated.
Naka nodded. "Quite right, chibi. Now, Musashi is somewhat battered, but she had put her focus on a fleet. Her land forces are mostly Tsunamis and Tengus with very few heavy land units," she laid out. "Unfortunately for her, she can't take out New Jersey, though judging by the way Gangut's Kirovs are moving, that won't be too much of an issue soon anyway," Naka continued.
Harry nodded. "And if you take a look at Verniy's and Gangut's bases, you'll see mass construction going on," he reported. "Chances are that they will expand into territory formerly held by Yorktown and Sendai. And they're already deploying new heavy units," he continued.
"Oh, that's a sight of beauty!" Naka cooed, directing Harry's and the viewers' gaze to where a massive army of mostly small units began to assault Musashi's base. Quite a few died to the Shogun's guns, but many, many more followed.
Soon the base defenses were overrun and Musashi's base fighting a hopeless fight against a nigh-on endless army.
"There's the artillery!" Harry shouted excitedly as the big guns began taking Musashi's ships under fire.
Structure after structure, ship after ship was dismantled, falling before the might of the combined armies of Verniy and Gangut.
New Jersey didn't have much of a chance to enjoy her enemy's misfortune. Even though Yorktown tried to help her with tips, she knew it was futile. A massive fleet of Kirovs was making its way into her base and from the sea, Gangut's dreadnoughts demanded that she pay the butcher's bill.
A part of her had to admire it. A massive line of Kirovs bombing everything in its path was a thing of beauty. But far more was it a sign of America falling to the Reds. Her only consolation that Mushi-tits was suffering the same fate.
After her MCV died, she gave up fighting back. Musashi had been defeated and having held out to the last against insurmountable odds was not a bad way to lose, she reckoned.
Harry and Naka watched breathlessly. "And that's it!" Naka declared as New Jersey's last ore refinery was blown up. "The battle is over! Winners are Verniy and Gangut!" she declared loudly.
Gangut grinned in her camera, mouthing a very happy "All shall be Russia!"
Verniy on the other hand hid behind her cap.
Sendai and Yorktown commiserated about their allies and Musashi and New Jersey simply sat there, trying to understand.
Naka turned to the camera again. "Well, this was it for the game portion of the stream. And I hate to cut it short, but I feel I need to be there for my sister right now. Also, someone has to take care of New Jersey after she was defeated by the Reds. Come back tomorrow, when I'll finally tackle Old World Blues. Akashi and Yuubari have begged long enough. This is Naka-chan, signing out!" she stated grandly.
Jintsuu cut off the camera feed and started the end-of-stream music.
Naka stretched languidly and looked at her co-host. "You really should congratulate Hibiki-chan on her victory. I think she would be very happy about that," she said with a teasing tone.
Harry nodded, still marveling at the crushing victory he had witnessed. Then he realized something. "You do realize that New Jersey-san will hear about you calling her a Soviet at heart, don't you?" he asked Naka who turned very pale at that.
"I already heard, you fucking traffic cone!" New Jersey suddenly said. "Am I not refined enough to play as an American?" she wanted to know.
Naka sweated while Harry wisely sought greener pastures. While he shared Naka's assessment of the situation, it truly would be better to not tell New Jersey such. She could be surprisingly fragile at times. He made a mental note to have a pie ready for her later.
But for now he had to congratulate Verniy and Gangut. He liked the old battleship, she was quite odd, but also very friendly towards him. He didn't quite get why she had declared that one day he too would join Russia, though.
Three Way Dance
Harry watched with bated breath as Naka finished setting up things for her livestream. It would be a big event, 6 shipgirls in three teams fighting it out with the most over-the-top Real Time Strategy title of the last years.
After a while, Naka announced that everything was ready, six screens showing duplicates of what New Jersey, Yorktown, Gangut, Verniy, Musashi and Sendai could see.
Naka cleared her throat, bringing the setup banter to a standstill. "Hai, hai, Kantai no idoru Naka-chan desu!" she greeted enthusiastically. "And with me is my esteemed co-host chibi!" she continued, while Jintsuu swung the camera towards Harry.
Harry gave a grin and a wave. "Hai, hai, Harry-chan desu!" he stated and laughed. "And today, we're seeing a massive battle. For those who don't know, things began when Gangut fired the first shot," Harry explained, as Gangut grinned into her facecam. "For those wanting to see it, here!" he announced and a small video started playing.
Gangut was visible, marching through what subtitles helpfully identified as San Diego. She seemed taken with the sights and the people. New Jersey walked next to her, very smug from the looks of it. "So, what do you think of America?" she wanted to know. "Best country in the whole fucking world or best country in the whole fucking world?" she asked with a proud smirk.
Gangut took a drag from her pipe, before blowing out some smoke. "Da. It's a beautiful country of plenty with many good people and beautiful sights. I can not wait for this country to become a part of Soviet Russia," she stated grandly.
New Jersey shorted out at that. Every fuse blew, NewJersey.exe has encountered the fatal error Communist Takeover Imminent, Blue Screen and Red Ring of Death, everything at once.
After a few minutes spent with New Jersey trying to reboot her mental facilities from the horrible throught of America under a Red Flag, NewJersey.exe rebooted. "NEVER!" She roared. "America will never bow to the commies!" she added hotly.
The video paused and Harry grinned. "So far, so good. But things got interesting then," he promised.
"This Musashi concurs," Musashi boomed while striding into view, followed by Sendai and Nevada. "Obviously, America will bow to Japan!" she stated proudly.
For the second time New Jersey shorted out, encountering the fatal error Japanese Takeover Imminent.
"Fuck no!" New Jersey shouted. "We're not going to be beaten by the Ruskies and definitely not by the Japs!" she roared. "I'll fight you both! America will not yield!" she stated grandly, channeling the spirit of Reagan.
The whole picture was disturbed by the hilariously squeaky voice of the bald eagle on her arm. No majestic screech, more of a songbird's trill really.
Of course, this declaration brought out the Coast Guard. "No fighting on the base!" the girls ordered quickly.
New Jersey sputtered before giving both Gangut and Musashi the evil eye."We will fight this out!" she promised grandly.
"This Musashi concurs," Musashi agreed. "Find a suitable venue for Russia, Japan and America to fight and we shall do so. And then you shall have to accept that Japan is objectively superior," she added, her tiny smirk showing how much she enjoyed riling up the overly bombastic New Jersey.
Again, the videoendd, and Naka spoke up. "Things could have taken a less dangerous turn here, but it was not to be. The poor, unwitting instigator of doom is sitting here today, after spending days coaching New Jersey," she announced somberly. Yorktown gave a small wave.
Harry took over. "After hearing of the challenge requirements, she suggested Red Alert 3. A choice enthusiastically backed by Gangut and Sendai," he explained. "Over the last weeks since the challenge was first issued, they have trained hard against the computer and played matches online, to learn the game. They endured humiliating defeats, crushing losses, painful debacles and all other sorts of failure," he announced grandly, while timelapsed videos showing bases getting annihilated played.
"And now, after all the pain and suffering, they are ready. Ready to fight it out. To decide once and for all, which nation reigns supreme!" Naka announced cheerfully. "For Team America, we have USS New Jersey, BB-62. Lover of pies and pie-providing professors. Is a Battleship. This is very important. New Jersey is supported by USS Yorktown, CV-5. Aircraft Carrier. Elder sister to the famous USS Enterprise. Very proficient at micromanaging," she introduced the first team.
Harry took over. "The next team is Team Russia. And in Soviet Russia, team choses you," he said with a chuckle. "First we have Gangut, a battleship named after the Battle of Gangut. Very soviet, that is important. She's in this to prove that one day all shall be Russia. Also very communist," he introduced the first contender. "The second one is a bit of a mix-up. You might have seen Aurora in the announcements, but her and Great Grandmother Mikasa are currently unavailable. They're dealing with three abyssals and we're expecting good results from that. But never fear, for our very own Verniy, formerly known as Hibiki, has decided to join the fray to spread the glory of communism. She is very Khorosho, that is important," Harry explained with a massive grin.
On their face cams, Verniy and Gangut wore matching grins. "The Union shall ever conquer!" they both promised.
"And finally, for Team Japan we have my own Night Battle Maniac of a sister, Sendai. Yasen Baka/10 would cheerfully dump with her crush," Naka continued.
"And finally, for Japan, it is aunt Musashi. She entered the fray to prove that only Japan shall reign supreme. She is a battleship, just like New Jersey and their rivalry is a thing of legends. To date, they have had 46 contests to see who is better, and so far not one of the contests was decisively ended," Harry announced.
Naka gave a massive grin. "And after all this, it is time to say MATCH START!"
A short moment was spent loading up the battles.
"For ease of playing, it was decided to use a map were teams of 2 could work together reasonably well. We're expecting land, sea and air battles and we're quite intrigued as to who will use which tactic," Naka explained. "Furthermore did we put allies next to each other so everyone has one secure flank until people start to get steamrolled. And for those who can't watch this in more than 480 by 360, here's where the players are, clockwise, on this six-armed island. From the north-east it's Musashi, Sendai, Verniy, Gangut, Yorktown and New Jersey," she explained.
Harry took over. "If we take a look, we can see the differences already. Verniy and Gangut have quickly expanded, using the Soviet's ability to speed up building structures by building some crusher cranes. Combat engineers have built up quite a few bunkers, looks like both are setting up for a siege. And yes, they have been focussing on their land units, there's even a few Apocalypse tanks already patrolling," he commented.
"It's quite different with Musashi and Sendai however. Sendai is focussing on defenses, having deployed defensive structures and units even to Musashi's base. And yes, she has Yuriko milling about. Conversely, Musashi focusses on offense, having built the beginnings of a massive battlefleet," Naka continued.
"And then we have New Jersey and Yorktown. A study in contrasts. Yorktown has a layered defense and pretty much focussed on defending against the basically inevitable Soviet ground assault from Gangut. Time will tell if she can withstand Gangut's attacks, but with how her defense is structured, I give her decent odds. Not good ones, mind you, the Allies lack a ground attack helicopter to take out artillery units. It looks like she'll have to substitute Bombers there. At least she can rest assured that her AA will not be broken, Hydrofoils will rip even a massed Kirov assault to shreds. She doesn't have much of an attacking force, it looks like she is in for a siege-type battle that is decided by the use of superweapons and who can damage the enemy's econ the best," Naka explained.
"New Jersey basically threw all into attack. Aircraft carriers, assault destroyers, Mirage tanks and lots of smaller vehicles and infantry. It's a sizeable force, but she will have to ask herself if it is going to be worth it. In a one-on-one the Shogun will destroy a carrier," Harry commented.
"And hostilities have begun at an unexpected place. We had guessed Jersey and Musashi or Gangut and Yorktown to throw down, but neither was correct. Verniy opened hostilities with a surprise dreadnought attack on Sendai. And, oh my, seems like Sendai did not build enough generators! Her defense towers are offline, leaving her defenses considerably weakened!" Naka loudly proclaimed while the stream was treated to seeing a group of quite battered dreadnoughts hammering at Sendai's defenses.
"It was not so much not enough generators, as Verniy making a daring assault, tanking a lot of fire to get to the generators. Her gamble paid off, Sendai was busy setting up defenses in Musashi's base and thus slow to react," Harry gave back.
"And what is this, New Jersey has come under fire from Soviet tanks! Gangut crossed the middle of the Map to get at her rival, completely ignoring the well-fortified positions of Yorktown. I don't know if that was a wise choice, if the attack force gets wiped out, she won't have a whole lot of defending units!" Naka suddenly shouted.
"I don't think that Gangut will have to worry overly much about that, Musashi has just opened fire with the Shogun battleships! Three aircraft carriers were sunk already!" Harry reported. "And, oh my, Yorktown has deployed quite a few units in defense of her battered ally and it looks like Jersey is about to do a massive bombing run on Musashi's fleet. Remember kids, air power wins fights!" Harry replied, getting into it. "Things have ground down to a stalemate at the Verniy-Sendai front, with Verniy being forced to pull back her fleet after Sendai managed to get fast units onto the water. Dreadnoughts are bad at dealing with fast, close units. And those mini subs have taken out a good amount of supporting ships, so if Verniy didn't want to lose her entire spearhead, she needed to pull back. But even so, Sendai will take a while to recover from that assault," he reported.
"That's all well and good, but now watch this!" Naka shouted excitedly. "Yorktown is going to town on the poor Russian tanks and V4 launchers. New Jersey's troops have held out long enough for Yorktown to assault them from the back. As the good gnome says: Surprise Buttsex! I don't think those big, fat, slow and stupid Russian superheavies enjoyed that," she commented gleefully, watching Apocalypse tanks wither under massed infantry fire.
"That's going to land you in so much trouble with mom," Harry said slowly, before looking at the fight again. "Of course, New Jersey is not out of the hot seat, yet. Musashi's fleet is slowly grinding down her fleet and even the continued bombing runs are not doing enough to slow that grinder down," he added.
"Worry not, chibi!" Naka gave back. "For once again, Yorktown is a hero and moves to save New Jersey's bacon. Parts of her fleet have begun to engage Musashi's fleet and it looks like they finally managed to halt Musashi's advance. She's also doing her utmost with micromanagement, using secondary abilities like a madwoman. Quite unlike Jersey, who, in a very Soviet way, works mostly by the Brute Force approach," she observed.
Harry nodded sagely. "Indeed, that she does. She relies on masses of units doing the fighting, following Stalin's credo that Quantity has a Quality of its own. But the Allies are not good at that," he observed, sounding like an ancient wise man.
"Too true," Naka concurred. "The Allies work best by making the best of their special abilities, by using subterfuge and skill. The Soviets are most forgiving of a brute force approach and the Empire can with enough numbers also do the brute force, as Musashi demonstrates. The Allies can not," she explained. "Of course, while we discuss tactics, you might have seen those little timers. That's right, the first superweapons have been built!" she announced.
"And one has already been destroyed!" Harry cut in. That's right, in the Sendai-Verniy battle, Sendai has suffered another defeat. Her hastily contructed defenses and units were not expecting a three-pronged assault. She's reeling!" he reported wildly, almost eating his microphone in the process.
"Sendai is not even the biggest surprise here, Chibi!" Naka shot back. "Yorktown has been outflanked by Gangut. A daring artillery attack followed by a dreadnought rush has damaged her AA-capabilities enough for a Kirov-assault to break through! Her spirited defense of New Jersey has cost her, her base is wide open and unless a miracle happens, she will be the first to fall!" she stated with utter conviction.
"New Jersey should be able to help her, though," Harry gave back. "She might be heavily battered, but Musashi needs to support Sendai or she will fall to Verniy next. She can not focus on taking out New Jersey, only on harassing her," he said, pointing to where a good portion of Musashi's troops was making a beeline towards Sendai's battered positions.
"Those Shoguns will be a continuing headache for New Jersey until she can take them out," Naka replied with a frown.
Harry wanted to say something, but then he fell silent. "Well, looks like we have our first successful capture. Yorktown's second MCV has been taken over by Verniy! At the beginning, she had built it to help with stomping a defense out of the ground, a more expensive way of building up quickly. And now Gangut's troops are doing their utmost to protect that MCV and its retreat into Soviet territory!" he stated excitedly.
Naka nodded in assent. "And even better, her continued fighting in Sendai's base? Little Verniy managed to get an Imperial MCV, too!" she reported.
Harry boggled. "Oh my," he said in the most British manner possible. "This means Verniy might soon unleash the full arsenal!" he stated excitedly.
Naka nodded. "And New Jersey has just arrived, trying valiantly to defend her ally. But it's a case of too little, too late. Yorktown is not just flagging, she's currently going down with all hands," Naka sadly reported. "Same as Sendai, really," she added.
And it was true. Sendai's MCV changed colors as Gangut's engineer entered it and began to move it out of the combat zone. The same happened to Yorktown's MCV, robbing her of her ability to build any new structures. And with her yards and weapon factories under assault it was only a question of time before she would fold.
Sendai was in the end the first to fall. Harry and Naka tactfully deciding to let the slaughter speak for itself. Apocalypse tanks crushed the remaining resistance and when her last generator fell, Sendai gave a small salute.
Yorktown didn't hold out much longer. Her defense was spirited, but in the end futile. Reduced to fighting with infantry and what few vehicles of hers remained, the remnants of her base were ground down beneath the treads of Gangut's Apocalypse tanks.
With a sad shake of her head, she gave up her defense. She had ground down hundreds of units, but it had been for naught.
Both New Jersey and Musashi looked terrified.
Harry started commentating again. "And with that, we're down to New Jersey for America, Musashi for Japan and Verniy plus Gangut for Russia. And things don't look too rosy for America," he stated.
Naka nodded. "Quite right, chibi. Now, Musashi is somewhat battered, but she had put her focus on a fleet. Her land forces are mostly Tsunamis and Tengus with very few heavy land units," she laid out. "Unfortunately for her, she can't take out New Jersey, though judging by the way Gangut's Kirovs are moving, that won't be too much of an issue soon anyway," Naka continued.
Harry nodded. "And if you take a look at Verniy's and Gangut's bases, you'll see mass construction going on," he reported. "Chances are that they will expand into territory formerly held by Yorktown and Sendai. And they're already deploying new heavy units," he continued.
"Oh, that's a sight of beauty!" Naka cooed, directing Harry's and the viewers' gaze to where a massive army of mostly small units began to assault Musashi's base. Quite a few died to the Shogun's guns, but many, many more followed.
Soon the base defenses were overrun and Musashi's base fighting a hopeless fight against a nigh-on endless army.
"There's the artillery!" Harry shouted excitedly as the big guns began taking Musashi's ships under fire.
Structure after structure, ship after ship was dismantled, falling before the might of the combined armies of Verniy and Gangut.
New Jersey didn't have much of a chance to enjoy her enemy's misfortune. Even though Yorktown tried to help her with tips, she knew it was futile. A massive fleet of Kirovs was making its way into her base and from the sea, Gangut's dreadnoughts demanded that she pay the butcher's bill.
A part of her had to admire it. A massive line of Kirovs bombing everything in its path was a thing of beauty. But far more was it a sign of America falling to the Reds. Her only consolation that Mushi-tits was suffering the same fate.
After her MCV died, she gave up fighting back. Musashi had been defeated and having held out to the last against insurmountable odds was not a bad way to lose, she reckoned.
Harry and Naka watched breathlessly. "And that's it!" Naka declared as New Jersey's last ore refinery was blown up. "The battle is over! Winners are Verniy and Gangut!" she declared loudly.
Gangut grinned in her camera, mouthing a very happy "All shall be Russia!"
Verniy on the other hand hid behind her cap.
Sendai and Yorktown commiserated about their allies and Musashi and New Jersey simply sat there, trying to understand.
Naka turned to the camera again. "Well, this was it for the game portion of the stream. And I hate to cut it short, but I feel I need to be there for my sister right now. Also, someone has to take care of New Jersey after she was defeated by the Reds. Come back tomorrow, when I'll finally tackle Old World Blues. Akashi and Yuubari have begged long enough. This is Naka-chan, signing out!" she stated grandly.
Jintsuu cut off the camera feed and started the end-of-stream music.
Naka stretched languidly and looked at her co-host. "You really should congratulate Hibiki-chan on her victory. I think she would be very happy about that," she said with a teasing tone.
Harry nodded, still marveling at the crushing victory he had witnessed. Then he realized something. "You do realize that New Jersey-san will hear about you calling her a Soviet at heart, don't you?" he asked Naka who turned very pale at that.
"I already heard, you fucking traffic cone!" New Jersey suddenly said. "Am I not refined enough to play as an American?" she wanted to know.
Naka sweated while Harry wisely sought greener pastures. While he shared Naka's assessment of the situation, it truly would be better to not tell New Jersey such. She could be surprisingly fragile at times. He made a mental note to have a pie ready for her later.
But for now he had to congratulate Verniy and Gangut. He liked the old battleship, she was quite odd, but also very friendly towards him. He didn't quite get why she had declared that one day he too would join Russia, though.