Meeting the Caldera Ships
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Harry Leferts
His wand moving in circles, Harry slowly smiled as the last bit of the stone merged together before nodding as he stopped. "And there we go, now we just got to fill it with soil." Looking over his shoulder, he smiled at Sakura and Ume who were watching him. "Give me a moment and I'll pull out the bags."
All the two did though was nod as they continued to observe with awed expressions. Just as Harry finished his work, the two of them bowed to him with bright smiles on their faces. "Thank you for this, Harry-Chan. We both appreciate all that you have done for us in this."
With a spell to clean his hands, Harry just shrugged as he put away the empty bags. "It's not big deal, I just thought that the two of you should have something here where you rest." Seeing the teary looks in their eyes, he got up and walked over to them. "Did I do something wrong?"
To his confusion, the two just hugged him tightly before Ume spoke. "No, no you did nothing wrong, Harry-Chan. You have done so much for the two of us since we met you and... it makes us happy that someone cares."
Seeing that he was still confused, Sakura gestured at the small courtyard where the two were buried. Inside, within the stone boxes sprouts of wildflowers could be seen and there was now a bench of sorts along one wall. But what had made them tear up was the additions that Harry had made on the outside opposite of one another. "You created this spot in our honor, Harry-Chan. Just what you had done before was far more then we had. But now? You added two trees on either side, a sakura tree and an ume tree. To represent us."
Just scratching his cheek, Harry chuckled some. "Well... it seemed right somehow I guess." Tilting his head, he looked from one of the small trees to the other. "Hopefully they grow nice and big. Then they'll shade it and when they blossom..."
Ume's eyes had a far off look to them. "And then their petals will swirl around this area. That is a lovely image..."
Moments later, the two Hitobashira took his hands and they stood there with smiles before Sakura shook it off and looked at the black haired boy. "So what do you wish to do, Harry-Chan? From what you have stated there is still some hours before you leave."
Nodding, Harry frowned some. "Yeah, today is my last full day before heading back to Hogwarts." Then his eyebrows furrowed some as they started to walk. "Kind of wish that I could learn that spell that Haru-San knows. The ones that can show my memories."
Confused at this turn in the conversation, the two spirits blinked. "Show your memories, Harry-Chan? But why?"
Harry just looked at the two and chuckled. "Well, so that I can go and show you two Hogwarts. And maybe other places as well since... you know."
Both Sakura and Ume had wide eyes before they thought it over. Then their expressions softened at the thought. "That would be quite nice. We could see the world as it is now and see a school of magic. Something that we never got to see because we were born with such low amounts that we could not be accepted at such a place."
Frowning, Harry snorted some. "Which was stupid. So what if you can't perform magic openly? You could still go and learn potions or history. Or let you go to any school really."
Unable to help herself, Sakura giggled. "Perhaps that is true, Harry-Chan. But that was not the way that things were done. And our family was... traditional, to say the least."
Still frowning, Harry only shook his head. About the only member that the two mentioned in their talks was their little brother and that was about it. And neither of the two were sure that he still lived despite everything. Shaking it off, he let out a huff. "Anyways, as to what I want to do? Not a clue."
Needless to say, that sent the two spirits into giggles once more before they began to consider things. Humming in thought, Ume looked towards her sister. "Perhaps show Harry-Chan more of our island? There is much that he has not seen after all."
Cocking his head to the side as Sakura nodded, Harry raised an eyebrow. "Really? Like what?"
For several moments Sakura considered the question before slowly nodding. "There are many places, such as on the rim of the crater." She then pointed at one spot in particular. "Such as right there is one place."
More then a little curious, Harry looked and could just make out what looked like a collapsed steel structure there. Whatever it was looked like it was broken in half by something. "What is that? A radio tower?"
Slowly, Sakura shook her head. "No, that would be where the airships once moored."
That made Harry blink before he turned and looked at her. "Airships? They used to come here?"
Head tilting to the side, Ume frowned. "How much do you know of the war, Harry-Chan? On the magical side?"
Frowning himself, Harry shook his head. "Besides what you told me? Not too much. I mean, Haru-San doesn't really talk about it and while Junyou-Oba and Ryuujou-Oba know some stuff, there's not a lot that they told me... though I really never asked. And the books at Hogwarts mostly deal with what happened in Europe."
Just nodding to herself, Sakura looked up at the mooring tower in silence before speaking. "You must understand, Harry-Chan, the war's coming was not a surprise. It was in fact a long time in coming as horrible as it was both on the magical and non-magical sides. On our side, we began to prepare and one of those ways was to construct a number of Airships."
Eyebrows raised, Harry looked at her. "But why would they construct Airships? I mean, I would assume that they would be magical."
Looking at one another, the twins nodded before Ume took over. "You likely know that long distance broom flying is extremely hard to do. As it turns out, so is regular flying for beings like Tengu. The Airships had broom fliers and flying Yokai on board them. They would fly high above the clouds and the fliers would search out for any possible enemy magicals in the area. Special spells made them light up when they noticed something and so the Airship would get a warning of someone in the air or in the area."
Suddenly, Harry froze as something occurred to him. Slowly, he turned to the two spirits and frowned. "These fliers... did they ever do stuff like follow non-magical aircraft from close up?"
Both Ume and Sakura blinked at this before nodding. "Hai, they did so. Not just American, but also Japanese as well." Furrowing their eyebrows, they frowned. "But how did you guess?"
Only sighing, Harry shook his head. "Way back in the Second World War, American pilots reported seeing odd lights in the sky. Ones that often followed them around. Since they didn't know what the lights were, they called them 'Foo Fighters' or UFOs, Unidentified Flying Objects. From what I read, they thought that they were some Japanese weapon, but Japanese pilots reported them and thought that they were American. After the war, some people thought that they were aliens..."
It took a few seconds before the Twins realized what had happened and began to giggle. Holding a hand to her mouth, Sakura's eyes twinkled in mirth. "O-oh my! I ever expected such a thing to have happened, Harry-Chan. That is quite humourous. Did they really believe such?"
When Harry nodded, Ume's smile became a grin. "Nee-Chan is right, that is amusing."
Lips twitching, the wizard shook his head. "Yeah, it is pretty hilarious. Some of Enterprise's pilots reported them... I can't wait to see her expression when I tell her what must have happened."
After their snickers and giggles died down, Sakura hummed some before shaking her head. "Perhaps though we should see the mooring another day. I think that there is somewhere else you might wish to be." She then turned to Harry and smiled. "Do you have your broom with you?"
Eyebrow raised, Harry nodded before gesturing to their small hut. "I have it back at your home, why?"
Slowly, Ume bowed. "If you wish, I can go and bring it to you." When Harry nodded, she disappeared to his surprise. Before he could say anything though, he could see his broom heading towards him. Within moments, Ume landed and handed it to him. "Your broom, Harry-Chan."
Taking it, Harry got onto it and held out a hand. "Want some help getting on?" Both spirits smiled and took his offered hand and once they were settled in, Harry rose up some. "Mind telling me where we're going?"
In reply, Ume raised her hand and pointed. "Could you head for the ships, Harry-Chan? And land upon the Carrier?"
Not sure what was going on, Harry nodded some. "Um, sure? I can do that." It was less then a minute later that he landed on the unfinished Carrier and looked around. "Well... here we are. But why..."
All Harry could do was trail off as another ghostly apparition appeared. Said teen girl looked a lot like Taihou, except her hair was reddish-grey and she had a ponytail not unlike Fubuki's. Part of Harry also noted that she was also a bit bustier then her older "Sister" as well. Bowing, the apparition smiled. "A good day to you, Harry-San. Welcome to my hull."
Eyes wide, it took a moment for Harry to reboot before he bowed back. "It's an honor to be here, Denryuu-San. Thank you for welcoming me here..." Pausing, the wizard realized something and blinked. "Does this mean that you are close to being summoned?"
Frowning, Denryuu looked off into the distance before chewing her lip. "I am... unsure of that, Harry-San. But perhaps?" Just shaking her head, the frown became a smile again as she turned back to Harry. "However, I wished to see you and to thank you."
Unsure, Harry tilted his head to the side in confusion. "To thank me?"
Taking a step forward, Denryuu nodded as she came to a stop in front of him. "Hai. It is thanks to you placing those Ofuda within my hull that I am finding myself... lighter, then I was before. The darkness is lifting with each day for which I am truly grateful." Then her lips twitched a bit and she glanced to where the two B-65 wrecks were. "And I am not the only ones either."
With a blink, Harry turned and found that both hulls also had female apparitions on them. Both of them stood there in uniforms not unlike the Yamatos, but their uniforms were black colored instead of white. Another difference was their pink hair with one wearing it in a pageboy style and the other letting hers flow down til it reached the small of her back with a single ribbon keeping it up. Raising his hand, he gave them both a wave. "Hi?"
Smiling brightly, they waved back to Harry with the one with short hair excitedly jumping in place as she beamed at him. Cupping her hands to her mouth, she shouted over. "Hello, Harry-San!"
Then the wizard looked to the opposite side where Akashi's sister laid just under the water and noticed the apparition there. Said woman had on a uniform like Akashi's and had steel grey hair as she sat upon where one part of the wreck broke the surface. Seeing Harry was looking at her, she gave a wink and a wave. Blushing at the attention, Harry rubbed his neck. "Heh... never really expected this sort of thing when I came today."
Moments later, he blinked as Denryuu gave him a gentle hug. "Perhaps you should have. Especially with how thankful we are with what you did when you..." A blush could just be seen on her transparent cheeks. "When you went into our hulls to help cleanse us. Something that we can never say thank you enough for."
It was then that the short haired B-65 cupped her hands to her mouth again with a grin. "BUT WE'LL CERTAINLY TRY! AFTER ALL, UME-SAMA AND SAKURA-SAMA STATED THAT YOU'RE GOING TO BECOME A TEITOKU! AND EVERY TEITOKU NEEDS A GOOD FLEET!"
Amused, Denryuu shook her head some. "While I would not put it as... excitedly as Miitake-Chan has, she does have a point." She then turned back to Harry who's jaw had dropped and was now looking at a blushing Sakura and Ume. "They spoke to us about how you already have several ships for a fleet for when you become a Teitoku. Hopefully, when you do, we can find a place there to help you in thanks for what you have done for us."
Chuckles made him turn to where Mihara was with said shipgirl nodding. "Besides, every fleet needs a Repair Ship. Hopefully you'll consider me when the time comes."
Just scratching his cheek, Harry gave a chuckle. "Maybe..."
However, the moment was ruined as Miitake shouted again. "HEY! HEY! DON'T HOG HIM! HARRY-SAN, COME OVER HERE! I WANT TO HUG YOU LIKE NEE-SAN DID!"
Facepalming, Denryuu sighed and shook her head even as Harry rubbed his neck while Ume and Sakura giggled. Not helping matters was how the now blushing Ishikari was glaring at her sister. "What the heck is that supposed to mean!?"
If anything though, Harry and the two Hitobashira became more amused as the two B-65s bickered with each other. Part of it was that Harry was actually pretty happy that things were turning out well and that the spirits of the wrecks were slowly becoming more happy as their hulls became purified. His blush though was mainly because of how Shioi, who was back on shore, was currently rolling around in laughter while RO grinned. Both of them having followed at a distance as they were taking their turn to watch over him on a visit...
His wand moving in circles, Harry slowly smiled as the last bit of the stone merged together before nodding as he stopped. "And there we go, now we just got to fill it with soil." Looking over his shoulder, he smiled at Sakura and Ume who were watching him. "Give me a moment and I'll pull out the bags."
All the two did though was nod as they continued to observe with awed expressions. Just as Harry finished his work, the two of them bowed to him with bright smiles on their faces. "Thank you for this, Harry-Chan. We both appreciate all that you have done for us in this."
With a spell to clean his hands, Harry just shrugged as he put away the empty bags. "It's not big deal, I just thought that the two of you should have something here where you rest." Seeing the teary looks in their eyes, he got up and walked over to them. "Did I do something wrong?"
To his confusion, the two just hugged him tightly before Ume spoke. "No, no you did nothing wrong, Harry-Chan. You have done so much for the two of us since we met you and... it makes us happy that someone cares."
Seeing that he was still confused, Sakura gestured at the small courtyard where the two were buried. Inside, within the stone boxes sprouts of wildflowers could be seen and there was now a bench of sorts along one wall. But what had made them tear up was the additions that Harry had made on the outside opposite of one another. "You created this spot in our honor, Harry-Chan. Just what you had done before was far more then we had. But now? You added two trees on either side, a sakura tree and an ume tree. To represent us."
Just scratching his cheek, Harry chuckled some. "Well... it seemed right somehow I guess." Tilting his head, he looked from one of the small trees to the other. "Hopefully they grow nice and big. Then they'll shade it and when they blossom..."
Ume's eyes had a far off look to them. "And then their petals will swirl around this area. That is a lovely image..."
Moments later, the two Hitobashira took his hands and they stood there with smiles before Sakura shook it off and looked at the black haired boy. "So what do you wish to do, Harry-Chan? From what you have stated there is still some hours before you leave."
Nodding, Harry frowned some. "Yeah, today is my last full day before heading back to Hogwarts." Then his eyebrows furrowed some as they started to walk. "Kind of wish that I could learn that spell that Haru-San knows. The ones that can show my memories."
Confused at this turn in the conversation, the two spirits blinked. "Show your memories, Harry-Chan? But why?"
Harry just looked at the two and chuckled. "Well, so that I can go and show you two Hogwarts. And maybe other places as well since... you know."
Both Sakura and Ume had wide eyes before they thought it over. Then their expressions softened at the thought. "That would be quite nice. We could see the world as it is now and see a school of magic. Something that we never got to see because we were born with such low amounts that we could not be accepted at such a place."
Frowning, Harry snorted some. "Which was stupid. So what if you can't perform magic openly? You could still go and learn potions or history. Or let you go to any school really."
Unable to help herself, Sakura giggled. "Perhaps that is true, Harry-Chan. But that was not the way that things were done. And our family was... traditional, to say the least."
Still frowning, Harry only shook his head. About the only member that the two mentioned in their talks was their little brother and that was about it. And neither of the two were sure that he still lived despite everything. Shaking it off, he let out a huff. "Anyways, as to what I want to do? Not a clue."
Needless to say, that sent the two spirits into giggles once more before they began to consider things. Humming in thought, Ume looked towards her sister. "Perhaps show Harry-Chan more of our island? There is much that he has not seen after all."
Cocking his head to the side as Sakura nodded, Harry raised an eyebrow. "Really? Like what?"
For several moments Sakura considered the question before slowly nodding. "There are many places, such as on the rim of the crater." She then pointed at one spot in particular. "Such as right there is one place."
More then a little curious, Harry looked and could just make out what looked like a collapsed steel structure there. Whatever it was looked like it was broken in half by something. "What is that? A radio tower?"
Slowly, Sakura shook her head. "No, that would be where the airships once moored."
That made Harry blink before he turned and looked at her. "Airships? They used to come here?"
Head tilting to the side, Ume frowned. "How much do you know of the war, Harry-Chan? On the magical side?"
Frowning himself, Harry shook his head. "Besides what you told me? Not too much. I mean, Haru-San doesn't really talk about it and while Junyou-Oba and Ryuujou-Oba know some stuff, there's not a lot that they told me... though I really never asked. And the books at Hogwarts mostly deal with what happened in Europe."
Just nodding to herself, Sakura looked up at the mooring tower in silence before speaking. "You must understand, Harry-Chan, the war's coming was not a surprise. It was in fact a long time in coming as horrible as it was both on the magical and non-magical sides. On our side, we began to prepare and one of those ways was to construct a number of Airships."
Eyebrows raised, Harry looked at her. "But why would they construct Airships? I mean, I would assume that they would be magical."
Looking at one another, the twins nodded before Ume took over. "You likely know that long distance broom flying is extremely hard to do. As it turns out, so is regular flying for beings like Tengu. The Airships had broom fliers and flying Yokai on board them. They would fly high above the clouds and the fliers would search out for any possible enemy magicals in the area. Special spells made them light up when they noticed something and so the Airship would get a warning of someone in the air or in the area."
Suddenly, Harry froze as something occurred to him. Slowly, he turned to the two spirits and frowned. "These fliers... did they ever do stuff like follow non-magical aircraft from close up?"
Both Ume and Sakura blinked at this before nodding. "Hai, they did so. Not just American, but also Japanese as well." Furrowing their eyebrows, they frowned. "But how did you guess?"
Only sighing, Harry shook his head. "Way back in the Second World War, American pilots reported seeing odd lights in the sky. Ones that often followed them around. Since they didn't know what the lights were, they called them 'Foo Fighters' or UFOs, Unidentified Flying Objects. From what I read, they thought that they were some Japanese weapon, but Japanese pilots reported them and thought that they were American. After the war, some people thought that they were aliens..."
It took a few seconds before the Twins realized what had happened and began to giggle. Holding a hand to her mouth, Sakura's eyes twinkled in mirth. "O-oh my! I ever expected such a thing to have happened, Harry-Chan. That is quite humourous. Did they really believe such?"
When Harry nodded, Ume's smile became a grin. "Nee-Chan is right, that is amusing."
Lips twitching, the wizard shook his head. "Yeah, it is pretty hilarious. Some of Enterprise's pilots reported them... I can't wait to see her expression when I tell her what must have happened."
After their snickers and giggles died down, Sakura hummed some before shaking her head. "Perhaps though we should see the mooring another day. I think that there is somewhere else you might wish to be." She then turned to Harry and smiled. "Do you have your broom with you?"
Eyebrow raised, Harry nodded before gesturing to their small hut. "I have it back at your home, why?"
Slowly, Ume bowed. "If you wish, I can go and bring it to you." When Harry nodded, she disappeared to his surprise. Before he could say anything though, he could see his broom heading towards him. Within moments, Ume landed and handed it to him. "Your broom, Harry-Chan."
Taking it, Harry got onto it and held out a hand. "Want some help getting on?" Both spirits smiled and took his offered hand and once they were settled in, Harry rose up some. "Mind telling me where we're going?"
In reply, Ume raised her hand and pointed. "Could you head for the ships, Harry-Chan? And land upon the Carrier?"
Not sure what was going on, Harry nodded some. "Um, sure? I can do that." It was less then a minute later that he landed on the unfinished Carrier and looked around. "Well... here we are. But why..."
All Harry could do was trail off as another ghostly apparition appeared. Said teen girl looked a lot like Taihou, except her hair was reddish-grey and she had a ponytail not unlike Fubuki's. Part of Harry also noted that she was also a bit bustier then her older "Sister" as well. Bowing, the apparition smiled. "A good day to you, Harry-San. Welcome to my hull."
Eyes wide, it took a moment for Harry to reboot before he bowed back. "It's an honor to be here, Denryuu-San. Thank you for welcoming me here..." Pausing, the wizard realized something and blinked. "Does this mean that you are close to being summoned?"
Frowning, Denryuu looked off into the distance before chewing her lip. "I am... unsure of that, Harry-San. But perhaps?" Just shaking her head, the frown became a smile again as she turned back to Harry. "However, I wished to see you and to thank you."
Unsure, Harry tilted his head to the side in confusion. "To thank me?"
Taking a step forward, Denryuu nodded as she came to a stop in front of him. "Hai. It is thanks to you placing those Ofuda within my hull that I am finding myself... lighter, then I was before. The darkness is lifting with each day for which I am truly grateful." Then her lips twitched a bit and she glanced to where the two B-65 wrecks were. "And I am not the only ones either."
With a blink, Harry turned and found that both hulls also had female apparitions on them. Both of them stood there in uniforms not unlike the Yamatos, but their uniforms were black colored instead of white. Another difference was their pink hair with one wearing it in a pageboy style and the other letting hers flow down til it reached the small of her back with a single ribbon keeping it up. Raising his hand, he gave them both a wave. "Hi?"
Smiling brightly, they waved back to Harry with the one with short hair excitedly jumping in place as she beamed at him. Cupping her hands to her mouth, she shouted over. "Hello, Harry-San!"
Then the wizard looked to the opposite side where Akashi's sister laid just under the water and noticed the apparition there. Said woman had on a uniform like Akashi's and had steel grey hair as she sat upon where one part of the wreck broke the surface. Seeing Harry was looking at her, she gave a wink and a wave. Blushing at the attention, Harry rubbed his neck. "Heh... never really expected this sort of thing when I came today."
Moments later, he blinked as Denryuu gave him a gentle hug. "Perhaps you should have. Especially with how thankful we are with what you did when you..." A blush could just be seen on her transparent cheeks. "When you went into our hulls to help cleanse us. Something that we can never say thank you enough for."
It was then that the short haired B-65 cupped her hands to her mouth again with a grin. "BUT WE'LL CERTAINLY TRY! AFTER ALL, UME-SAMA AND SAKURA-SAMA STATED THAT YOU'RE GOING TO BECOME A TEITOKU! AND EVERY TEITOKU NEEDS A GOOD FLEET!"
Amused, Denryuu shook her head some. "While I would not put it as... excitedly as Miitake-Chan has, she does have a point." She then turned back to Harry who's jaw had dropped and was now looking at a blushing Sakura and Ume. "They spoke to us about how you already have several ships for a fleet for when you become a Teitoku. Hopefully, when you do, we can find a place there to help you in thanks for what you have done for us."
Chuckles made him turn to where Mihara was with said shipgirl nodding. "Besides, every fleet needs a Repair Ship. Hopefully you'll consider me when the time comes."
Just scratching his cheek, Harry gave a chuckle. "Maybe..."
However, the moment was ruined as Miitake shouted again. "HEY! HEY! DON'T HOG HIM! HARRY-SAN, COME OVER HERE! I WANT TO HUG YOU LIKE NEE-SAN DID!"
Facepalming, Denryuu sighed and shook her head even as Harry rubbed his neck while Ume and Sakura giggled. Not helping matters was how the now blushing Ishikari was glaring at her sister. "What the heck is that supposed to mean!?"
If anything though, Harry and the two Hitobashira became more amused as the two B-65s bickered with each other. Part of it was that Harry was actually pretty happy that things were turning out well and that the spirits of the wrecks were slowly becoming more happy as their hulls became purified. His blush though was mainly because of how Shioi, who was back on shore, was currently rolling around in laughter while RO grinned. Both of them having followed at a distance as they were taking their turn to watch over him on a visit...