Aso - Caregiver
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Harry Leferts
Above Kure, the Moon was barely a sliver and thus the night was dark upon the base. And with eyes looking outward, it was dark enough that many people missed the form making it's way through the base. Eventually, it reached the point near a boat launch area that was unused by the base itself. Then the figure pulled down her hood to reveal the form of Aso who glanced around. Not seeing anyone, she calmed down some and nodded. 'Good, no one suspects a thing.'
Despite everything, the Carrier did not feel like smirking. Nor did she feel like performing any of the actions that she might have back before. Instead, she checked her watch quickly and frowned. Her sisters were out on patrol as was Kaylee, and Houshou was with her husband out on a date. Hence, for the first time in weeks, she was able to slip out. And she was taking the chance handed to her.
Thus, summoning her rigging, Aso stepped out onto the surface of the water and made her way out of the waters around the base. Unnoticed to her, a small head rose up and Maruyu frowned some. Not saying a word though, Maruyu followed Aso as the Carrier made her way along. Part of her mind went back to the debrief she had when she had first returned to Kure. Admiral Shimada had explained things and what had happened to Aso in more complete information then the little Submarine had known.
What she had not expected though was for Admiral Shimada to give her an order. Said order being to follow Aso and keep a eye on her. It did not help matters that those watching Aso reported that she had gone out and bought various items. And it being an almost moonless night, it was the best time for Aso to make a move.
All of this was unknown by Aso as she moved through the night. The Carrier did not turn on any of her lights at all, using all the skill she had to move unobserved. Behind her, Maruyu followed as they crossed the Inland Sea. Less then two hours later the Submarine watched as Aso reached what looked like a small, abandoned village. However, after reaching the shore, she just stood there for several moments.
Maruyu then heard the sounds of footsteps and could see candles in the night before her eyes widened. In the flickering candlelight she could see the nearly demonic faces of various Kijo. And then she realized that some of them were not adults, but children. Children that as soon as they saw Aso rushed over and practically tackled her with cries. "ASO-SAMA!"
On Aso's face was a soft expression as she crouched down and gave hugs to the various children before smiling a bit. Her smile being a lot less brittle then it had been for the previous weeks. "Well, hello little ones. And how have things been for you?"
Looking up at her with happy smiles, they just giggled before one of the older ones spoke up. "Things are really, really good, Aso-Sama! We get to play all the time and Kaa-San and our Oba-Sans are happy too! Because all the bad men are gone and can't hurt us!"
Simply nodding, Aso reached over and stroked the young Kijo's head. "I see, well, that is good then."
When she looked up at the older ones, the one who stepped forward nodded her head. "As Mitsune said, things have been going much better. We're all doing much better now, Aso-Sama." Her smile then widened a bit. "Especially with how you have gone out of your way to bring us supplies..." Placing a hand on the shoulder of her obvious daughter. "Or items for the children."
Lips curling, Aso blinked away some wetness at the looks being given to her. "I... I'm happy to hear that." Noticing one of the girls shiver, Aso pulled off her hoodie and then gave it to the little girl who seemed to be swamped in it. But the bright smile that she was given warmed her more then the hoodie ever did. With a shaky breath, she let it out. "Now, I brought some more items to help you all..."
As they watched, Aso pulled out various trunks of different sizes and placed them down. A smile on her face, she opened one of them and pulled out various large bags which the adult Kijo blinked at and examined. "What are these now?"
Patting one, the Carrier smiled at them. "These are bags of garden soil and manure, so that you can start growing your own food here." Once more reaching into the trunk, she pulled out several garden tools as well. "These can also help with that. I also brought several seed packets as well for vegetables."
Various other Kijo murmured as they examined the tools before their leader nodded some before hugging Aso. "These will all help us greatly, Aso-Sama. Thank you."
For a few seconds, Aso froze in place before she relaxed and then hugged her back. "You are very welcome." Pulling back, she gave them all smiles. "Now, I have several other items. One of these trunks has fishing gear as well as a small, steel boat. And others have lumber to repair some of the homes here while I will leave some of my crew behind who have experience in building and construction..."
Out in the water, Maruyu had a smile of her own as she watched silently.
It was not until the early morning that Aso left, though not before getting hugs from all the children as well as promises to come back as soon as she could. And as she moved out of sight of the place where the Kijo had settled, the Carrier felt a little bit more of the weight she had fall away leaving lightness. Yes, most of her comrades still had issues with her. But they she could deal with. Especially as she now had something that she could keep close and would keep her head above the water.
And when she got back and slipped into bed, she slept easy and with happy dreams.
Sitting across from his friends at the Gryffindor Table, Harry had a grin on his face. Confused, Neville gave him a look. "Uh, what are you grinning about, Harry? I mean... you haven't stopped."
Hermione didn't glance up from her book. "Mainly due to Ron getting a visitor." At Neville's look of interest, the Light Cruiser rolled her eyes. "Apparently Duke of York is going to be coming and staying over for the weekend. Partially so that she can watch the game tomorrow. The rest?" She shrugged. "To spend some time here."
It took a few moments before Neville raised an eyebrow and looked at Harry. "Ah, I see. Pot meet kettle?"
Even as Hermione snickered and nodded her head, Harry blinked with his grin falling away for the first time in a bit. "Uh, what?"
Neither giving him an answer, they just shared a look and shook their heads. About to ask again, Harry's attention was instead grabbed when the doors to the Great Hall opened and Hoppou came bouncing in. Looking around, the Abyssal spotted him and ran towards the Gryffindors. "Big Brother! Big Brother! Hoppou is here!"
Laughing, Harry held out his arms and caught Hoppou as she cleared the table in a single jump. "And I'm glad to see you, Little Sis." Unnoticed by either of the two, various girls smiled at him while some of the boys rolled their eyes. Harry then looked back to the door and smiled as Nagato walked through. "Mum!"
A small smile on her face, Nagato just gave a nod. "Harry, I told you that we would be here." She then glanced behind her. "You can all come in now."
Much to Harry's surprise, Aeroprin walked through and then looked around in awe. Several people did freeze at the sight of the unknown Abyssal. Within seconds though, she spotted Harry and rushed over. Pulling him into a hug, she smiled. "Uncle Harry! We all came to watch you play! To watch you play!"
Surprised, Harry hugged her back with a smile. At the same time though a large number of people were looking between Harry and Aeroprin in shock. Up at the staff table, Snape was coughing while a piece of meat fell from Lockharts fork as even Royal Sovereign boggled at what just happened. Meanwhile, Harry pulled back from his hug and smiled. "So you're coming to see me play as well, Blackie Smokie?"
With a shy smile, Aeroprin nodded. "That's right, Uncle Harry. We all came to see you play."
It was then that Harry spotted the human avatars of Aeroprin's Destroyers. However, their real bodies were nowhere to be seen though each one had a large backpack where the cords that extended from their necks went. Before Harry could ask though, they also rushed him and glomped him with hugs and identical cries. "UNCLE HARRY!"
Alicia blinked as she looked at her teammate and then sniffed her drink. Frowning, she turned to Angelina beside her. "The Twins didn't slip me something, did they?"
For her part, Angelina shook her head slowly. "Not that I know of..."
Glancing at them Katie cleared her throat and caught Harry's attention as well as those of the Abyssals. Briefly, she flinched a bit at their glowing eyes turning to her. But then she rallied her courage and took a deep breath. "Uh, Harry? Why are they calling you uncle?"
That caused Harry to blink before he shrugged, but it was Aeroprin who answered as she pointed at Hoppou. "Mommy made me, she made me. I became strong and a Princess after being a Destroyer. Mommy says that Uncle Harry is her big brother, that means that Uncle Harry is my Uncle."
Much to Harry's amusement, nearly everyone looked from Hoppou then back to Aeroprin. They did this several times before Dean slowly nodded. "Ah, that... makes sense?"
If anything, Harry only became more amused before shaking his head. Then he grinned and waved over the others who had come with them, mainly Ryuuhou and Taigei who were watching the free entertainment of various wizards and witches having their brains broken. "Taigei-Chan! Ryuuhou-Chan! And you brought along Shimushu-Chan and Kunashiri-Chan!"
Saluting, Shimushu grinned nearly as wide as Harry was. "That's right, Su! We're here to watch you play!"
Chuckles rose upwards and Harry's expression brightened still further as Ooi and Kitakami walked in. The brown haired Torpedo Cruiser giving Harry a wink. "Don't forget about me or Kitakami-Sama. We're here to see it as well."
Head tilted somewhat, Kitakami nodded a bit. "That's right, and I can't wait to see it in person." Looking around though, her attention was caught by the ceiling and she let her jaw drop a bit. "Oh wow..."
Nodding, Ooi looked up as well. "I know, this is pretty amazing." Then she grabbed Kitakami's hand and began to pull her to the Gryffindor table where people were already making room for them. "Anyways, we should grab something to eat. And trust me, you'll love the beds here."
All Kitakami did was nod at that as she let herself be pulled along. It did look like a very interesting time when all was told. Besides... she knew that Ooi was even more excited then she was to see her "Otouto" play. Though Kitakami would be lying if she said that she was not interested herself...
Above Kure, the Moon was barely a sliver and thus the night was dark upon the base. And with eyes looking outward, it was dark enough that many people missed the form making it's way through the base. Eventually, it reached the point near a boat launch area that was unused by the base itself. Then the figure pulled down her hood to reveal the form of Aso who glanced around. Not seeing anyone, she calmed down some and nodded. 'Good, no one suspects a thing.'
Despite everything, the Carrier did not feel like smirking. Nor did she feel like performing any of the actions that she might have back before. Instead, she checked her watch quickly and frowned. Her sisters were out on patrol as was Kaylee, and Houshou was with her husband out on a date. Hence, for the first time in weeks, she was able to slip out. And she was taking the chance handed to her.
Thus, summoning her rigging, Aso stepped out onto the surface of the water and made her way out of the waters around the base. Unnoticed to her, a small head rose up and Maruyu frowned some. Not saying a word though, Maruyu followed Aso as the Carrier made her way along. Part of her mind went back to the debrief she had when she had first returned to Kure. Admiral Shimada had explained things and what had happened to Aso in more complete information then the little Submarine had known.
What she had not expected though was for Admiral Shimada to give her an order. Said order being to follow Aso and keep a eye on her. It did not help matters that those watching Aso reported that she had gone out and bought various items. And it being an almost moonless night, it was the best time for Aso to make a move.
All of this was unknown by Aso as she moved through the night. The Carrier did not turn on any of her lights at all, using all the skill she had to move unobserved. Behind her, Maruyu followed as they crossed the Inland Sea. Less then two hours later the Submarine watched as Aso reached what looked like a small, abandoned village. However, after reaching the shore, she just stood there for several moments.
Maruyu then heard the sounds of footsteps and could see candles in the night before her eyes widened. In the flickering candlelight she could see the nearly demonic faces of various Kijo. And then she realized that some of them were not adults, but children. Children that as soon as they saw Aso rushed over and practically tackled her with cries. "ASO-SAMA!"
On Aso's face was a soft expression as she crouched down and gave hugs to the various children before smiling a bit. Her smile being a lot less brittle then it had been for the previous weeks. "Well, hello little ones. And how have things been for you?"
Looking up at her with happy smiles, they just giggled before one of the older ones spoke up. "Things are really, really good, Aso-Sama! We get to play all the time and Kaa-San and our Oba-Sans are happy too! Because all the bad men are gone and can't hurt us!"
Simply nodding, Aso reached over and stroked the young Kijo's head. "I see, well, that is good then."
When she looked up at the older ones, the one who stepped forward nodded her head. "As Mitsune said, things have been going much better. We're all doing much better now, Aso-Sama." Her smile then widened a bit. "Especially with how you have gone out of your way to bring us supplies..." Placing a hand on the shoulder of her obvious daughter. "Or items for the children."
Lips curling, Aso blinked away some wetness at the looks being given to her. "I... I'm happy to hear that." Noticing one of the girls shiver, Aso pulled off her hoodie and then gave it to the little girl who seemed to be swamped in it. But the bright smile that she was given warmed her more then the hoodie ever did. With a shaky breath, she let it out. "Now, I brought some more items to help you all..."
As they watched, Aso pulled out various trunks of different sizes and placed them down. A smile on her face, she opened one of them and pulled out various large bags which the adult Kijo blinked at and examined. "What are these now?"
Patting one, the Carrier smiled at them. "These are bags of garden soil and manure, so that you can start growing your own food here." Once more reaching into the trunk, she pulled out several garden tools as well. "These can also help with that. I also brought several seed packets as well for vegetables."
Various other Kijo murmured as they examined the tools before their leader nodded some before hugging Aso. "These will all help us greatly, Aso-Sama. Thank you."
For a few seconds, Aso froze in place before she relaxed and then hugged her back. "You are very welcome." Pulling back, she gave them all smiles. "Now, I have several other items. One of these trunks has fishing gear as well as a small, steel boat. And others have lumber to repair some of the homes here while I will leave some of my crew behind who have experience in building and construction..."
Out in the water, Maruyu had a smile of her own as she watched silently.
It was not until the early morning that Aso left, though not before getting hugs from all the children as well as promises to come back as soon as she could. And as she moved out of sight of the place where the Kijo had settled, the Carrier felt a little bit more of the weight she had fall away leaving lightness. Yes, most of her comrades still had issues with her. But they she could deal with. Especially as she now had something that she could keep close and would keep her head above the water.
And when she got back and slipped into bed, she slept easy and with happy dreams.
Sitting across from his friends at the Gryffindor Table, Harry had a grin on his face. Confused, Neville gave him a look. "Uh, what are you grinning about, Harry? I mean... you haven't stopped."
Hermione didn't glance up from her book. "Mainly due to Ron getting a visitor." At Neville's look of interest, the Light Cruiser rolled her eyes. "Apparently Duke of York is going to be coming and staying over for the weekend. Partially so that she can watch the game tomorrow. The rest?" She shrugged. "To spend some time here."
It took a few moments before Neville raised an eyebrow and looked at Harry. "Ah, I see. Pot meet kettle?"
Even as Hermione snickered and nodded her head, Harry blinked with his grin falling away for the first time in a bit. "Uh, what?"
Neither giving him an answer, they just shared a look and shook their heads. About to ask again, Harry's attention was instead grabbed when the doors to the Great Hall opened and Hoppou came bouncing in. Looking around, the Abyssal spotted him and ran towards the Gryffindors. "Big Brother! Big Brother! Hoppou is here!"
Laughing, Harry held out his arms and caught Hoppou as she cleared the table in a single jump. "And I'm glad to see you, Little Sis." Unnoticed by either of the two, various girls smiled at him while some of the boys rolled their eyes. Harry then looked back to the door and smiled as Nagato walked through. "Mum!"
A small smile on her face, Nagato just gave a nod. "Harry, I told you that we would be here." She then glanced behind her. "You can all come in now."
Much to Harry's surprise, Aeroprin walked through and then looked around in awe. Several people did freeze at the sight of the unknown Abyssal. Within seconds though, she spotted Harry and rushed over. Pulling him into a hug, she smiled. "Uncle Harry! We all came to watch you play! To watch you play!"
Surprised, Harry hugged her back with a smile. At the same time though a large number of people were looking between Harry and Aeroprin in shock. Up at the staff table, Snape was coughing while a piece of meat fell from Lockharts fork as even Royal Sovereign boggled at what just happened. Meanwhile, Harry pulled back from his hug and smiled. "So you're coming to see me play as well, Blackie Smokie?"
With a shy smile, Aeroprin nodded. "That's right, Uncle Harry. We all came to see you play."
It was then that Harry spotted the human avatars of Aeroprin's Destroyers. However, their real bodies were nowhere to be seen though each one had a large backpack where the cords that extended from their necks went. Before Harry could ask though, they also rushed him and glomped him with hugs and identical cries. "UNCLE HARRY!"
Alicia blinked as she looked at her teammate and then sniffed her drink. Frowning, she turned to Angelina beside her. "The Twins didn't slip me something, did they?"
For her part, Angelina shook her head slowly. "Not that I know of..."
Glancing at them Katie cleared her throat and caught Harry's attention as well as those of the Abyssals. Briefly, she flinched a bit at their glowing eyes turning to her. But then she rallied her courage and took a deep breath. "Uh, Harry? Why are they calling you uncle?"
That caused Harry to blink before he shrugged, but it was Aeroprin who answered as she pointed at Hoppou. "Mommy made me, she made me. I became strong and a Princess after being a Destroyer. Mommy says that Uncle Harry is her big brother, that means that Uncle Harry is my Uncle."
Much to Harry's amusement, nearly everyone looked from Hoppou then back to Aeroprin. They did this several times before Dean slowly nodded. "Ah, that... makes sense?"
If anything, Harry only became more amused before shaking his head. Then he grinned and waved over the others who had come with them, mainly Ryuuhou and Taigei who were watching the free entertainment of various wizards and witches having their brains broken. "Taigei-Chan! Ryuuhou-Chan! And you brought along Shimushu-Chan and Kunashiri-Chan!"
Saluting, Shimushu grinned nearly as wide as Harry was. "That's right, Su! We're here to watch you play!"
Chuckles rose upwards and Harry's expression brightened still further as Ooi and Kitakami walked in. The brown haired Torpedo Cruiser giving Harry a wink. "Don't forget about me or Kitakami-Sama. We're here to see it as well."
Head tilted somewhat, Kitakami nodded a bit. "That's right, and I can't wait to see it in person." Looking around though, her attention was caught by the ceiling and she let her jaw drop a bit. "Oh wow..."
Nodding, Ooi looked up as well. "I know, this is pretty amazing." Then she grabbed Kitakami's hand and began to pull her to the Gryffindor table where people were already making room for them. "Anyways, we should grab something to eat. And trust me, you'll love the beds here."
All Kitakami did was nod at that as she let herself be pulled along. It did look like a very interesting time when all was told. Besides... she knew that Ooi was even more excited then she was to see her "Otouto" play. Though Kitakami would be lying if she said that she was not interested herself...