weasleys at the shrine
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Harry Leferts
Looking around as they climbed up to where the Shrine was, Arthur adjusted his glasses with a small smile on his face. "So this is the shrine that Ron and the others were talking about?" At Harry's nod as they reached the Torii at the gate, he paused a bit and nodded. "Fascinating."
Ginny meanwhile was looking at everything around in interest. Then she blinked as she spotted someone she was not expecting sweeping the pathway inside. "Um, Natsumi?"
A small smile on her face, Natsumi stopped her sweeping and bowed some. "Ginny-Chan." Then she bowed to the others. "Let me welcome you to the Shrine here on Yokosuka Naval Base."
Hands behind his head, Harry only gave her a small nod. "Hey, Natsumi-Chan." Tilting his head at the Weasleys, he grinned some. "Just showing them around Yokosuka right now and thought that they might want to come here."
Meanwhile, Molly was looking Natsumi over before she shook her head. "What lovely clothes you have on, Natsumi. Is that what is normally worn?" Giving another look, her smile grew a touch. "It is rather pretty."
Leaning against her broom with a chuckle, Natsumi gave a nod. "Thank you, Miss Weasley. And yes, this is traditional wear of Mikos of which I am one." She pointingly ignored Harry's comment of her still being in training before turning to Ginny with a look of concern. "How are you, Ginny-Chan?"
Weakly smiling, the red haired girl gave a small shrug. "I'm doing alright, I guess. Been having some nightmares but still..." Chewing her lip, she looked around. "Should I even be here considering... I mean, from what Percy said impurity is bad and-"
Quickly making her way over, Natsumi placed a hand on Ginny's shoulder before looking her in the eye. "Look at me, Ginny-Chan." Moments later, she continued. "You have nothing to worry about. You are not impure. In fact, you are a wonderful girl who I think that I can count as a friend, correct?" When Ginny slowly nodded, the disguised Kitsune chuckled. "Then trust me when I say that what Tom did, or forced you against your will to do, you carry no karma for."
Suddenly, Haru's voice spoke up from behind the Weasleys causing the red heads to jump. "Well spoken, Natsumi-Chan." The family turned to find Haru there in her own Miko garb and a twinkle in her eye. Harry just barely held back a snort as he figured that obviously the five tailed Kitsune was having a bit of amusement at the British wizards and witches expense. Turning towards Molly, she sighed a bit and bowed. "My apologies, but we're not quite ready for the cleansing ritual for Ginny-Chan, though I hope for it to be ready by tomorrow."
As Molly and Arthur shared a look before nodding, Harry cocked his head to the side in curiosity. "What sort of ritual is going to be performed, Haru-San?"
Chuckling, Haru made a motion with one hand. "While it is no longer June, I have decided that performing a form of Oharae for Ginny-San here." At the worry on the elder Weasleys' faces, she shook her head. "She is in no danger from the ritual. In fact, Harry-Chan here has gone through the simpler version many times over the years."
When they turned to him, Harry gave a small nod. "Yeah, before going to Hogwarts I went through it twice a year. Once in June and again in December." Shrugging, he continued. "It's supposed to purify a person of bad luck and such."
Slowly relaxing, Molly and Arthur sighed in relief before the Weasley Matriarch turned and gave Haru a thankful look. "You have no idea how thankful that we are that you are willing to do this for our Ginny. Thank you."
Haru just waved her off with a smile. "You are very welcome, Molly-San. But I would be willing to do this even if we had only just met today. What happened to her was of no fault of her own besides perhaps placing her trust somewhere it should not have been. She should not suffer his taint though any more." With another small bow, she gestured for the Weasleys to follow her. "Now then, considering events I think that it is best that I both explain what will happen tomorrow and show you what is normally done when one visits a Shinto Shrine."
Both Haru and Natsumi explained normal etiquette for visiting a shrine and guided the Weasleys who had never visited a Shinto shrine through the process. At the back of the group, Amisi had a small smile on her face as the fairy on her shoulder translated what was being said. Much to Percy's surprise, she followed the directions perfectly and he leaned towards her. "May I ask why you don't have any issue with this?"
Once Amisi knew what was translated, she looked him right in the eye and explained that even though they were not her gods, they were still the gods of this land as much as hers were of Egypt. Foreign gods, yes, but ones that should be respected nonetheless. It went without saying that Percy had an expression of bemusement on his face at that.
Meanwhile, Bill was looking at Haru with interest. "From what I am to understand there are gods enshrined here? Which ones?"
Amused, Haru gave him a look. "Here they are called Kami, though I suppose gods are not far off. It's somewhat... complicated. As to whom is enshrined here? One of those Kami enshrined here is that of the sailors who gave their lives during Blood Week and after against the Abyssals." Her smile became a touch melancholy. "Including my own husband."
Gasping, Molly reached over and gently squeezed Haru's shoulder. "Oh, I am so sorry. My deepest condolences."
Not saying anything at first, Haru reached up and squeezed the witch's hand before taking a deep breath and letting it out. "It hurts still, I won't deny. But I will not dishonor his memory by not doing what I can. And I know that some day, I will see him again and until then, I will do what good I can." Blinking away some wetness at the familiar pain, she shook her head. "But as to the others, we have Inari here as is Susano'o, Hachiman, and Owatasumi. Amaterasu is another Kami also enshrined here."
All the older Weasleys did was nod at that.
Later as evening fell, Harry returned and passed by Juuchi before pausing. Turning, he blinked as he noted that she sat on top of a bed of orange peels with her hilt pillowed on a blood orange. For some odd reason he somehow knew she was trying to make some sort of statement being as she was directly in his line of sight upon opening the door. "I would ask, but I think not." Ignoring the smug amusement, he noticed a message on his phone and followed it to a link before blinking. "... You have an account now on SGO? And you posted a picture... Draw you like one of my French Swords..."
Yet again, he raised an eyebrow and gave her a look. The sword gave a rattle while exuding so much smugness that it practically formed a cloud. A cloud of orange scented smug.
Only shaking his head, Harry sighed before frowning, 'What has her in such a good mood, I wonder?' Noticing the door to his room was open, he poked his head into the door before his eyes widened. "Oh. That's why."
In front of his Owl Box was an amused Hedwig who had a polished, wooden package under her.
Several minutes later, Harry had the box on the kitchen table in time for a tired Nagato to enter the apartment. At seeing the box, she gave a small nod. "Dumbledore-San did say that he would be sending her today."
Harry just nodded as he snapped open the container, and could feel the anticipation from Juuchi as he lifted the lid. There, laying cushioned in the box was none other then Tsukiakari no Suzu. Gently, he lifted the blade from inside the container and then pushed the container aside with a small smile. "Hello, Tsukiakari no Suzu, I'm Harry Potter and with me is my adopted Mum, the Battleship Nagato." He then tilted his head towards where Juuchi was. "And I'm sure that you know Juuchi Yosamu already?"
A moment passed before Suzu's blade slid slightly out of it's sheath and Juuchi gave a rattle. Suzu's blade poked a bit more out and Nagato gave it a smile as she sat down. "Good evening, Suzu-Chan. As my Sochi said, I am the Battleship Nagato and allow me to welcome you back to Japan after so long. I've heard what you have done for the Potter family and allow me to say it is a pleasure meeting a fine blade as you."
Within seconds, Harry felt the sheath in his hands warm before he spoke up. "I'd like to apologize to you." Feeling the sword's attention on him, Harry gave a small bow. "When I saw you in the Potter Storehouse, I did not realize how much you have done for my family and I should have removed you then. For that, I am extremely sorry." He ignored the feeling of Juuchi being extremely pleased while he focused on Suzu who clicked herself open and closed while giving off the feeling of being extremely embarrassed. "Tomorrow, I'm taking you to see some people that I know, historians. I'm not ready yet nor do I have the full knowledge to properly maintain you as of yet though I will be learning for both you and Juuchi's sake. You are my family's blades and I will make sure that you are taken care of. In the meantime though , Daichi-San is an expert and will perform any maintenance needed for you."
If Juuchi had been pleased and smug before, the levels she gave off now went through the roof.
However, it was nothing compared to the next morning when Harry brought Juuchi and Tsukiakari to the Archives and walked in along with Kurosawa, Osamu, and Daichi to a sight that made them all blink. When she had gone to meet Harry, Kurosawa had left the computer running. And now they had returned to find Honjo in front of said computer... with an image of Tako to Ama on the screen. Within moments, and unbidden, Harry stared and barely registered his phone being taken before turning and noticing that it was now beside Juuchi and showed that said picture had been uploaded.
Between the mortification, embarrassment from both Honjo and Tsukiakari, pure rage and anger from the first, and extreme amounts of smug from Juuchi, Harry only sighed.
Looking around as they climbed up to where the Shrine was, Arthur adjusted his glasses with a small smile on his face. "So this is the shrine that Ron and the others were talking about?" At Harry's nod as they reached the Torii at the gate, he paused a bit and nodded. "Fascinating."
Ginny meanwhile was looking at everything around in interest. Then she blinked as she spotted someone she was not expecting sweeping the pathway inside. "Um, Natsumi?"
A small smile on her face, Natsumi stopped her sweeping and bowed some. "Ginny-Chan." Then she bowed to the others. "Let me welcome you to the Shrine here on Yokosuka Naval Base."
Hands behind his head, Harry only gave her a small nod. "Hey, Natsumi-Chan." Tilting his head at the Weasleys, he grinned some. "Just showing them around Yokosuka right now and thought that they might want to come here."
Meanwhile, Molly was looking Natsumi over before she shook her head. "What lovely clothes you have on, Natsumi. Is that what is normally worn?" Giving another look, her smile grew a touch. "It is rather pretty."
Leaning against her broom with a chuckle, Natsumi gave a nod. "Thank you, Miss Weasley. And yes, this is traditional wear of Mikos of which I am one." She pointingly ignored Harry's comment of her still being in training before turning to Ginny with a look of concern. "How are you, Ginny-Chan?"
Weakly smiling, the red haired girl gave a small shrug. "I'm doing alright, I guess. Been having some nightmares but still..." Chewing her lip, she looked around. "Should I even be here considering... I mean, from what Percy said impurity is bad and-"
Quickly making her way over, Natsumi placed a hand on Ginny's shoulder before looking her in the eye. "Look at me, Ginny-Chan." Moments later, she continued. "You have nothing to worry about. You are not impure. In fact, you are a wonderful girl who I think that I can count as a friend, correct?" When Ginny slowly nodded, the disguised Kitsune chuckled. "Then trust me when I say that what Tom did, or forced you against your will to do, you carry no karma for."
Suddenly, Haru's voice spoke up from behind the Weasleys causing the red heads to jump. "Well spoken, Natsumi-Chan." The family turned to find Haru there in her own Miko garb and a twinkle in her eye. Harry just barely held back a snort as he figured that obviously the five tailed Kitsune was having a bit of amusement at the British wizards and witches expense. Turning towards Molly, she sighed a bit and bowed. "My apologies, but we're not quite ready for the cleansing ritual for Ginny-Chan, though I hope for it to be ready by tomorrow."
As Molly and Arthur shared a look before nodding, Harry cocked his head to the side in curiosity. "What sort of ritual is going to be performed, Haru-San?"
Chuckling, Haru made a motion with one hand. "While it is no longer June, I have decided that performing a form of Oharae for Ginny-San here." At the worry on the elder Weasleys' faces, she shook her head. "She is in no danger from the ritual. In fact, Harry-Chan here has gone through the simpler version many times over the years."
When they turned to him, Harry gave a small nod. "Yeah, before going to Hogwarts I went through it twice a year. Once in June and again in December." Shrugging, he continued. "It's supposed to purify a person of bad luck and such."
Slowly relaxing, Molly and Arthur sighed in relief before the Weasley Matriarch turned and gave Haru a thankful look. "You have no idea how thankful that we are that you are willing to do this for our Ginny. Thank you."
Haru just waved her off with a smile. "You are very welcome, Molly-San. But I would be willing to do this even if we had only just met today. What happened to her was of no fault of her own besides perhaps placing her trust somewhere it should not have been. She should not suffer his taint though any more." With another small bow, she gestured for the Weasleys to follow her. "Now then, considering events I think that it is best that I both explain what will happen tomorrow and show you what is normally done when one visits a Shinto Shrine."
Both Haru and Natsumi explained normal etiquette for visiting a shrine and guided the Weasleys who had never visited a Shinto shrine through the process. At the back of the group, Amisi had a small smile on her face as the fairy on her shoulder translated what was being said. Much to Percy's surprise, she followed the directions perfectly and he leaned towards her. "May I ask why you don't have any issue with this?"
Once Amisi knew what was translated, she looked him right in the eye and explained that even though they were not her gods, they were still the gods of this land as much as hers were of Egypt. Foreign gods, yes, but ones that should be respected nonetheless. It went without saying that Percy had an expression of bemusement on his face at that.
Meanwhile, Bill was looking at Haru with interest. "From what I am to understand there are gods enshrined here? Which ones?"
Amused, Haru gave him a look. "Here they are called Kami, though I suppose gods are not far off. It's somewhat... complicated. As to whom is enshrined here? One of those Kami enshrined here is that of the sailors who gave their lives during Blood Week and after against the Abyssals." Her smile became a touch melancholy. "Including my own husband."
Gasping, Molly reached over and gently squeezed Haru's shoulder. "Oh, I am so sorry. My deepest condolences."
Not saying anything at first, Haru reached up and squeezed the witch's hand before taking a deep breath and letting it out. "It hurts still, I won't deny. But I will not dishonor his memory by not doing what I can. And I know that some day, I will see him again and until then, I will do what good I can." Blinking away some wetness at the familiar pain, she shook her head. "But as to the others, we have Inari here as is Susano'o, Hachiman, and Owatasumi. Amaterasu is another Kami also enshrined here."
All the older Weasleys did was nod at that.
Later as evening fell, Harry returned and passed by Juuchi before pausing. Turning, he blinked as he noted that she sat on top of a bed of orange peels with her hilt pillowed on a blood orange. For some odd reason he somehow knew she was trying to make some sort of statement being as she was directly in his line of sight upon opening the door. "I would ask, but I think not." Ignoring the smug amusement, he noticed a message on his phone and followed it to a link before blinking. "... You have an account now on SGO? And you posted a picture... Draw you like one of my French Swords..."
Yet again, he raised an eyebrow and gave her a look. The sword gave a rattle while exuding so much smugness that it practically formed a cloud. A cloud of orange scented smug.
Only shaking his head, Harry sighed before frowning, 'What has her in such a good mood, I wonder?' Noticing the door to his room was open, he poked his head into the door before his eyes widened. "Oh. That's why."
In front of his Owl Box was an amused Hedwig who had a polished, wooden package under her.
Several minutes later, Harry had the box on the kitchen table in time for a tired Nagato to enter the apartment. At seeing the box, she gave a small nod. "Dumbledore-San did say that he would be sending her today."
Harry just nodded as he snapped open the container, and could feel the anticipation from Juuchi as he lifted the lid. There, laying cushioned in the box was none other then Tsukiakari no Suzu. Gently, he lifted the blade from inside the container and then pushed the container aside with a small smile. "Hello, Tsukiakari no Suzu, I'm Harry Potter and with me is my adopted Mum, the Battleship Nagato." He then tilted his head towards where Juuchi was. "And I'm sure that you know Juuchi Yosamu already?"
A moment passed before Suzu's blade slid slightly out of it's sheath and Juuchi gave a rattle. Suzu's blade poked a bit more out and Nagato gave it a smile as she sat down. "Good evening, Suzu-Chan. As my Sochi said, I am the Battleship Nagato and allow me to welcome you back to Japan after so long. I've heard what you have done for the Potter family and allow me to say it is a pleasure meeting a fine blade as you."
Within seconds, Harry felt the sheath in his hands warm before he spoke up. "I'd like to apologize to you." Feeling the sword's attention on him, Harry gave a small bow. "When I saw you in the Potter Storehouse, I did not realize how much you have done for my family and I should have removed you then. For that, I am extremely sorry." He ignored the feeling of Juuchi being extremely pleased while he focused on Suzu who clicked herself open and closed while giving off the feeling of being extremely embarrassed. "Tomorrow, I'm taking you to see some people that I know, historians. I'm not ready yet nor do I have the full knowledge to properly maintain you as of yet though I will be learning for both you and Juuchi's sake. You are my family's blades and I will make sure that you are taken care of. In the meantime though , Daichi-San is an expert and will perform any maintenance needed for you."
If Juuchi had been pleased and smug before, the levels she gave off now went through the roof.
However, it was nothing compared to the next morning when Harry brought Juuchi and Tsukiakari to the Archives and walked in along with Kurosawa, Osamu, and Daichi to a sight that made them all blink. When she had gone to meet Harry, Kurosawa had left the computer running. And now they had returned to find Honjo in front of said computer... with an image of Tako to Ama on the screen. Within moments, and unbidden, Harry stared and barely registered his phone being taken before turning and noticing that it was now beside Juuchi and showed that said picture had been uploaded.
Between the mortification, embarrassment from both Honjo and Tsukiakari, pure rage and anger from the first, and extreme amounts of smug from Juuchi, Harry only sighed.