tasty dinner
Well worn.
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Harry Leferts
Taking off his slippers, Harry stepped into the tatami dining room along with his family and glanced around in curiosity. Like much of the house, it was done in the Sukiya style. Over in the tokonoma, Harry could see that the pillar for it was burnt wood with bark still on it. Notcing the direction that he was looking Naoki's expression became saddened. "The wood comes from a tree upon this property that was planted by my ancestor who was the Kitsune sochi of the Foxwife of Ono. When the rest of our family was massacred, those who did so burnt the tree. That is a branch from the great tree which fell. But! Look outside, Potter-San, over there and what do you see?"
With a blink, Harry did so and noticed a large, scarred tree in the courtyard near where he could see the family Shrine. Around it, there was a Shimenawa around it. "Wait, is that...?"
Now nodding, Naoki smiled. "The very same tree? Yes. Despite the damage it took, the tree yet lived! Much like my own family, Potter-San, they thought that they killed it when it returned. Since then, we have honoured that tree and used the branch that fell when we drove the Usurpers that killed my family out as part of the tokonoma so that we may always remember." Then he clapped his hands and chuckled before winking. "But I think that the wall scroll is much more interesting..."
Confused, the wizard looked at it closer and his eyes widened even as part of him noted that Hoshi made a choking sound. The picture on the scroll showed four adult Kitsune, proud and filled with joy. Within their tails were three younger Kitsune, one of whom was only a kit of one of the female Kitsune. Glancing out the corner of his eye, he caught Kensuke shooting Naoki and Chiyo looks, with the two raising their eyebrows in return. Rather then comment on that, Harry smiled and bowed slightly. "A lovely wall scroll, Ono-San-"
Before he could get much further, Chiyo made a scoffing noise. "Bah! Call us Chiyo-San and Naoki-San, otherwise it could get confusing..." Then her eyes twinkled a bit. "Or perhaps Obaa-San and Ojii-San if you would prefer~"
This time it was Natsumi who choked a bit before Harry chuckled and shook his head. Naoki then gestured at the low table in the room with cushions around it. "Please, come and sit down honoured guests. Food will be served soon."
Once they sat down, the food was brought out with Nagato's eyes widening some at what was placed in front of them. The rice was to be expected, as was the fried tofu, but the rest? "Is this...?"
Amused, Kensuke grinned as he rubbed his hands. "Takayama ramen with Hida beef? Hai." Then he blinked and his grin widened some. "Oh, and some Kei-Chan chicken as well! And ordinary Hida beef!" Moments later, he winced as Hoshi gripped one of his ears with a frown and pulled it. "Ow!"
Still frowning, she huffed some. "Behave, Ken-Chan." Ignoring the whine as he rubbed his ear, she gave her two friends a smile. "It looks lovely as always."
Lips twitching, Naoki hummed some before snapping a fan open in front of his face. "Indeed it does! Our cooks do good work and expected people with large appetites." His smirk growing a touch, he gave Taichi a look. "Especially considering what might happen in the future... Taichi-Kun, we expected some friends of yours to come as well."
Cheeks reddening, Taichi looked around but before he could say anything, Nagato bowed with a twinkle in her eye. "Sadly, Akagi-San and Kaga-San were both needed to be out on patrols. I am sure that otherwise they would be here though."
Pinching his nose, the eighteen year old Kitsune let out a small groan as there were chuckles from the various adults. Then he perked up and looked at Natsumi. "So..." When she looked up after swallowing her food, her brother grinned. "What are you doing with Harry-San tomorrow? The festival is the day after you know."
Not missing a beat, Natsumi gave a shrug. "Actually, I was going to show Harry-Chan around town. Get all the sights and such in..." Then she smiled at said boy who was sampling some of the Hoba Miso. "In fact, we'll be gone all day. We're going to Yuina's sandwich shop for lunch, the food there's great!"
With a blink, Harry swallowed and tilted his head. "A sandwich shop?"
Humming as she ate some fried tofu, his best friend's smile grew. "You'll really like it, Harry-Chan. She's a Kitsune and married an American GI after the war and they settled here. They made a sandwich shop here in town that's really popular, all fifties style on the inside. Most of the meat are local including venison from a deer farm nearby."
That made Nagato raise an eyebrow before she glanced at Natsumi's grandparents who nodded. "There's a deer farm nearby?"
Simply nodding as she ate, Chiyo chuckled. "Hai, we used to get plenty of meat from the wilderness nearby. Even when eating meat was banned, we were, ah, one of the major sources of 'Medicine' from boars and the like. But with the war and rationing, we all tightened our belts but some of ours came up with the idea to farm deer on the outskirts within an old underground quarry. With magic, we managed to light the entire place up as well as reinforce it and they do not know the difference after we put soil down there as well as brush. It is but another source of food for those in the town."
Nagato considered that before smiling. "I suppose that does make sense."
Meanwhile, Taichi internally smirked some. "Well, that sounds like a date, Kaiju." Then he winced as Natsumi reached below the table and pinched his leg hard. 'GAH!'
Other then that, she mumbled a bit. "Not a Kaiju."
It was then that she noticed all the adult Kitsunes looking directly at her. Eyebrow raising, Naoki looked at Harry and hummed some. "A date, you say? With Harry-San?"
As Harry was about to say something, Natsumi gave a shrug and spoke up. "Hai, a date. A date between friends, Ojii-San."
Rather amused, the two older Kitsunes shared a look and chuckled before Chiyo grinned. "My, my, so straight forward."
Eyebrow raised, Natsumi pointed at Harry. "Blame Harry-Chan, he's like that naturally. What did they call it at Hogwarts? Being a Gryffindor?"
Snickering, Harry gave a nod. "Among other things about being Gryffindor."
With a nod, the thirteen year old Kitsune's eyes twinkled. "Hai, such as how to walk around without clanging in one's pants or shirt for girls." Ignoring the choking sound from her father as well as the sputters from her brother, Natsumi took a piece of beef. "Or that is what they said."
His shoulders shaking in silent laughter as he glanced at both his son-in-law, currently having his back pounded, and grandson, who was wiping his nose, Naoki gave the best serious look he could. "I see then." Once more, his fan opened. "I approve!"
Both Haru and Sakuya shook their heads at that and sighed.
Once dinner was done, Harry left briefly and returned with one of the cake boxes that he placed before Naoki and Chiyo. Lifting it to reveal the peanut butter cake, he smiled. "This is my Ultimate Peanut Butter Cake, Naoki-San, Chiyo-San."
The two Kitsune stared at it with wide eyes before bowing to Harry who had retaken his place, Chiyo smiled. "Thank you, Harry-San. This looks delicious."
Soon, the cake was cut into slices and everyone had a piece. Part of Harry was amused by how Asuka and Rei were acting, though he looked at Natsumi who was practically gobbling hers. "Enjoying it?"
With a swallow, Natsumi snorted some. "When wouldn't I, Harry-Chan? All your treats are wonderful!" Sighing as she took another bite, she shook her head. "I could eat them for the rest of my life and be happy."
Blushing, Harry gave her a smile. "Thanks, Natsumi-Chan."
There was a flash and they turned to see both her grandparents in a pose, beams of light behind them and fans in either hand as kabuki music played. "We approve and fully back you in this endeavour, Natsumi-Chan!"
Fan snapping close, Naoki looked at the now empty plate and got him another slice. "Though we shall have to plan first. For one thing, we must have this was the main cake... or cakes."
Licking some frosting from the side of her mouth, Chiyo gave a nod. "Yes, there would be more then one needed there..."
Her face now red, Natsumi only facepalmed. 'I should have known that they would do this, I should have known it...'
Sipping tea under the Moon, Naoki smiled at Hoshi who sat down near his wife. "A shame that Tsuki-Chan was unable to make it this year. It would have been nice to have all of us together once more."
With a sigh, Hoshi only nodded. "Agreed on that. Though..." Lips curling upwards some, she looked up to the stars. "I did speak with Tsuki-Nee when we were at Hogwarts together."
Head tilted to the side, Chiyo narrowed her eyes some. "Ah, yes, dealing with that disgusting thing called itself a trickster spirit." Snorting, she scowled. "Even Nogitsune are better then such a thing."
Naoki did not say anything, because he was in full agreement with his wife. When he heard what that "Peeves" had done, the only thing that kept him from heading to Hogwarts alongside Chiyo was that it was already dealt with. After all, it would have hurt their granddaughter if Harry had been killed due to it.
In which case, they would have been there and would have made sure that the lesson would stick even more.
Placing his cup down to be refilled, the male Kyuubi hummed. "Speaking of, Natsumi-Chan gave us some very interesting pictures." Expression softening, he gave his old friend an understanding smile. "What she brought about, must have meant so much."
Gaze travelling to the pond with the night sky reflected in it as fireflies drifted through the garden, Hoshi nodded before speaking with a soft voice. "Far more then you would know, Naoki-kun. To be accepted by beings of such pure spirit..." Eyes closed as small tears dripped down, she sighed. "It was wonderful."
A small, understanding look on her face, Chiyo placed one arm around Hoshi's shoulders in a hug as well as placing a tail around her waist. "That is our Natsumi-Chan, it would seem. And she has grown so much as well."
Yet again, silence fell on them as each one considered those words and the meaning unsaid. Looking up at the stars she was named for, Hoshi nodded. "Hai. And I feel that our Natsumi-Chan will go further then we ever thought before." Turning, she had an interested look on her face. "And what do you think of her friends?"
Taking up his now refilled tea, Naoki's gaze met his wife's as a silent conversation happened. "Nagato-San is truly a good Okaa-San to her children, a strong woman. And Hoppou-San is also strong as well. Not just due to the obvious love that we have heard her own children have, but also other things. We heard that when the first word came in of an Abyssal attack, she sat down in front of her school ready to defend it, yes?"
Hoshi nodded as she took up one of the peanut butter treats and nibbled it. "Indeed, I saw it myself. From what I saw, she would have forced any hostile Abyssals to go through her first before allowing harm to come to those under her care. And now our Asuka-Chan and Rei-Chan are under that umbrella as well. With Hoppou-San's power... there are few threats that one would need to be worried about in such a case."
Also nibbling a treat, Chiyo hummed. "Very true. One would underestimate just how powerful she is. Perhaps though, that is what she wants? To not have people fear her for what she truly is? Not that I believe that either of the twins would care."
Chuckling, Naoki gave a shake of his head. "Though there is something bothering her. But in either case, I believe that we shall leave finding out what to our granddaughters." Now turning his attention to some shadows, he frowned. "Now Harry-San, what are your thoughts on him, Kogitsune-Chan?"
Said sword stepped out into the moonlight and smiled. "I must admit, he is interesting." They then bowed to Hoshi. "And I must apologize, Hoshi-Sama. While you stated he was able to control Juuchi-Chan, I believed that it could not be her or possible. Yet, it is true."
Just smiling, the Kitsune waved it off. "There is no need to apologize, Kogitsune-Chan. If I had not seen it myself, I would not have believed it." Sipping her tea, she hummed. "Though I suspect that aggravating Juuchi-Chan so much was part of your test."
Amused, the sword winked. "Partially, but it is always fun to tweak her nose or that of her sisters." Chuckles escaped from the Kitsune there before Kogitsune became serious. "However, I did want to see how he handled her. And more then once, Juuchi let out some bloodlust. Yet... it simply washed off her Master easily. To have such will and strength of soul in one so young, I wonder how much more that will be as he grows. He shall be an interesting one to be certain." Their expression then softened. "But it does do my heart good that Juuchi-Chan found a family to serve, and who is loyal to her. I suspect that they have healed some of the hurts done to her by Kyoshu-Teme."
With a sip of tea, Hoshi shook her head. "Ah, yes, Kyoshu-Teme. I remember that time she came around here and you decided to treat her as a child. From memory, you spanked her, and quite literally from that. Though I prefer Kyoshu-Chi over Kyoshu-Teme. And the other blades?"
Head tilted to the side, the sword considered that. "Tsukiakari-Chan I am not sure about yet, I have yet to get her measure. Though rumour has it that she fought on even ground with Norimune-Chan, and even scratched her actual form. Which speaks well of her power, but outer and inner for scratching a Muramasa blade's true form is no easy feat. She is loyal to her family though as she should be, that I can tell from what little I have seen. As for the dagger that Natsumi-Chan has which Harry-San gave her... he is... most interesting. Rarely have I met a blade so old and powerful. He is steeped with legend and myth." Slowly, they grinned. "I look forward to taking his measure when I speak to them later tonight."
Each of the three Kitsunes nodded at that, as it did confirm their own thoughts. Both Chiyo and Naoki were impressed with the blade given to their granddaughter. One that they could tell was of legend few others had. At the patter of feat though, they all turned to find a young, slightly glowing child with fox ears and tail running up to them. Cheeks pinkened, she ran up and hugged Hoshi who chuckled. "Well, hello there, Akemi-Chan. And how are we tonight?"
The spirit looked out from her spot between the Kyuubi's tails and giggled. "I'm good. Oh!" Her eyes widened some. "I was just meeting Harry-San though I spotted him and Natsumi-Nee-San kissing!"
Needless to say that got amused looks from all the adults there with Chiyo grinning predatorily. "Really now? You say that Natsumi-Chan was kissing Harry-San? On the cheek, or...?"
Akemi giggled a bit. "She kissed him right on the lips, mwa! But it was really short though."
Sharing looks and filing that information away, Naoki leaned down to the Zashiki warashi. "I see. So what do you think of Harry-San himself, Akemi-Chan?"
For a moment, Akemi frowned and tilted her head in thought. Then she opened her eyes and smiled. "I really like him, he's nice. When he saw me in his room, he gave me a smile and asked what I was doing there, no anger or anything. And I told him that I wanted to meet him and..." As the Kitsune listened, the spirit told them of everything that happened before finishing up with a large smile. "... Then when I told him that I was going, he gave me some nice cookies! So he's a really good person, though..."
When she trailed off, the Kitsune frowned with Kogitsune clearing their throat. "Though what, Akemi-Chan?"
Eyebrows furrowing, she shook her head. "Um, I'm not sure. There's a darkness, but its in that weird scar. I don't like it, its bad and icky and wants to hurt Harry-San and others, but its held back by the light that surrounds him that's made of love. I think that his Kaa-San is protecting him, though she's not here anymore."
It took only a few seconds for Hoshi to translate that and she grimaced. "Yes, I know what that is and it is something that I will speak to Naoki-Kun and Chiyo-Chan as well as Kogitsune-Chan. It is a very bad thing, but not something that Harry-San did. Rather something done to him, and it is best that you do not know."
Confused, the Zashiki warashi just shrugged before snatching another treat and running off with a giggle. As they shook their heads, the adults turned back to their conversation and what the elder Onos as well as Kogitsune found out about Harry's scar disgusted them and also made them angry for Harry's sake. At the same time though, they were also now more interested in him potentially joining the family due to living with such and not giving into the darkness.
Harry, for his part grumbled in his sleep and turned over in his futon while dreaming of an older him and Natsumi sitting on the porch and drinking tea.
Taking off his slippers, Harry stepped into the tatami dining room along with his family and glanced around in curiosity. Like much of the house, it was done in the Sukiya style. Over in the tokonoma, Harry could see that the pillar for it was burnt wood with bark still on it. Notcing the direction that he was looking Naoki's expression became saddened. "The wood comes from a tree upon this property that was planted by my ancestor who was the Kitsune sochi of the Foxwife of Ono. When the rest of our family was massacred, those who did so burnt the tree. That is a branch from the great tree which fell. But! Look outside, Potter-San, over there and what do you see?"
With a blink, Harry did so and noticed a large, scarred tree in the courtyard near where he could see the family Shrine. Around it, there was a Shimenawa around it. "Wait, is that...?"
Now nodding, Naoki smiled. "The very same tree? Yes. Despite the damage it took, the tree yet lived! Much like my own family, Potter-San, they thought that they killed it when it returned. Since then, we have honoured that tree and used the branch that fell when we drove the Usurpers that killed my family out as part of the tokonoma so that we may always remember." Then he clapped his hands and chuckled before winking. "But I think that the wall scroll is much more interesting..."
Confused, the wizard looked at it closer and his eyes widened even as part of him noted that Hoshi made a choking sound. The picture on the scroll showed four adult Kitsune, proud and filled with joy. Within their tails were three younger Kitsune, one of whom was only a kit of one of the female Kitsune. Glancing out the corner of his eye, he caught Kensuke shooting Naoki and Chiyo looks, with the two raising their eyebrows in return. Rather then comment on that, Harry smiled and bowed slightly. "A lovely wall scroll, Ono-San-"
Before he could get much further, Chiyo made a scoffing noise. "Bah! Call us Chiyo-San and Naoki-San, otherwise it could get confusing..." Then her eyes twinkled a bit. "Or perhaps Obaa-San and Ojii-San if you would prefer~"
This time it was Natsumi who choked a bit before Harry chuckled and shook his head. Naoki then gestured at the low table in the room with cushions around it. "Please, come and sit down honoured guests. Food will be served soon."
Once they sat down, the food was brought out with Nagato's eyes widening some at what was placed in front of them. The rice was to be expected, as was the fried tofu, but the rest? "Is this...?"
Amused, Kensuke grinned as he rubbed his hands. "Takayama ramen with Hida beef? Hai." Then he blinked and his grin widened some. "Oh, and some Kei-Chan chicken as well! And ordinary Hida beef!" Moments later, he winced as Hoshi gripped one of his ears with a frown and pulled it. "Ow!"
Still frowning, she huffed some. "Behave, Ken-Chan." Ignoring the whine as he rubbed his ear, she gave her two friends a smile. "It looks lovely as always."
Lips twitching, Naoki hummed some before snapping a fan open in front of his face. "Indeed it does! Our cooks do good work and expected people with large appetites." His smirk growing a touch, he gave Taichi a look. "Especially considering what might happen in the future... Taichi-Kun, we expected some friends of yours to come as well."
Cheeks reddening, Taichi looked around but before he could say anything, Nagato bowed with a twinkle in her eye. "Sadly, Akagi-San and Kaga-San were both needed to be out on patrols. I am sure that otherwise they would be here though."
Pinching his nose, the eighteen year old Kitsune let out a small groan as there were chuckles from the various adults. Then he perked up and looked at Natsumi. "So..." When she looked up after swallowing her food, her brother grinned. "What are you doing with Harry-San tomorrow? The festival is the day after you know."
Not missing a beat, Natsumi gave a shrug. "Actually, I was going to show Harry-Chan around town. Get all the sights and such in..." Then she smiled at said boy who was sampling some of the Hoba Miso. "In fact, we'll be gone all day. We're going to Yuina's sandwich shop for lunch, the food there's great!"
With a blink, Harry swallowed and tilted his head. "A sandwich shop?"
Humming as she ate some fried tofu, his best friend's smile grew. "You'll really like it, Harry-Chan. She's a Kitsune and married an American GI after the war and they settled here. They made a sandwich shop here in town that's really popular, all fifties style on the inside. Most of the meat are local including venison from a deer farm nearby."
That made Nagato raise an eyebrow before she glanced at Natsumi's grandparents who nodded. "There's a deer farm nearby?"
Simply nodding as she ate, Chiyo chuckled. "Hai, we used to get plenty of meat from the wilderness nearby. Even when eating meat was banned, we were, ah, one of the major sources of 'Medicine' from boars and the like. But with the war and rationing, we all tightened our belts but some of ours came up with the idea to farm deer on the outskirts within an old underground quarry. With magic, we managed to light the entire place up as well as reinforce it and they do not know the difference after we put soil down there as well as brush. It is but another source of food for those in the town."
Nagato considered that before smiling. "I suppose that does make sense."
Meanwhile, Taichi internally smirked some. "Well, that sounds like a date, Kaiju." Then he winced as Natsumi reached below the table and pinched his leg hard. 'GAH!'
Other then that, she mumbled a bit. "Not a Kaiju."
It was then that she noticed all the adult Kitsunes looking directly at her. Eyebrow raising, Naoki looked at Harry and hummed some. "A date, you say? With Harry-San?"
As Harry was about to say something, Natsumi gave a shrug and spoke up. "Hai, a date. A date between friends, Ojii-San."
Rather amused, the two older Kitsunes shared a look and chuckled before Chiyo grinned. "My, my, so straight forward."
Eyebrow raised, Natsumi pointed at Harry. "Blame Harry-Chan, he's like that naturally. What did they call it at Hogwarts? Being a Gryffindor?"
Snickering, Harry gave a nod. "Among other things about being Gryffindor."
With a nod, the thirteen year old Kitsune's eyes twinkled. "Hai, such as how to walk around without clanging in one's pants or shirt for girls." Ignoring the choking sound from her father as well as the sputters from her brother, Natsumi took a piece of beef. "Or that is what they said."
His shoulders shaking in silent laughter as he glanced at both his son-in-law, currently having his back pounded, and grandson, who was wiping his nose, Naoki gave the best serious look he could. "I see then." Once more, his fan opened. "I approve!"
Both Haru and Sakuya shook their heads at that and sighed.
Once dinner was done, Harry left briefly and returned with one of the cake boxes that he placed before Naoki and Chiyo. Lifting it to reveal the peanut butter cake, he smiled. "This is my Ultimate Peanut Butter Cake, Naoki-San, Chiyo-San."
The two Kitsune stared at it with wide eyes before bowing to Harry who had retaken his place, Chiyo smiled. "Thank you, Harry-San. This looks delicious."
Soon, the cake was cut into slices and everyone had a piece. Part of Harry was amused by how Asuka and Rei were acting, though he looked at Natsumi who was practically gobbling hers. "Enjoying it?"
With a swallow, Natsumi snorted some. "When wouldn't I, Harry-Chan? All your treats are wonderful!" Sighing as she took another bite, she shook her head. "I could eat them for the rest of my life and be happy."
Blushing, Harry gave her a smile. "Thanks, Natsumi-Chan."
There was a flash and they turned to see both her grandparents in a pose, beams of light behind them and fans in either hand as kabuki music played. "We approve and fully back you in this endeavour, Natsumi-Chan!"
Fan snapping close, Naoki looked at the now empty plate and got him another slice. "Though we shall have to plan first. For one thing, we must have this was the main cake... or cakes."
Licking some frosting from the side of her mouth, Chiyo gave a nod. "Yes, there would be more then one needed there..."
Her face now red, Natsumi only facepalmed. 'I should have known that they would do this, I should have known it...'
Sipping tea under the Moon, Naoki smiled at Hoshi who sat down near his wife. "A shame that Tsuki-Chan was unable to make it this year. It would have been nice to have all of us together once more."
With a sigh, Hoshi only nodded. "Agreed on that. Though..." Lips curling upwards some, she looked up to the stars. "I did speak with Tsuki-Nee when we were at Hogwarts together."
Head tilted to the side, Chiyo narrowed her eyes some. "Ah, yes, dealing with that disgusting thing called itself a trickster spirit." Snorting, she scowled. "Even Nogitsune are better then such a thing."
Naoki did not say anything, because he was in full agreement with his wife. When he heard what that "Peeves" had done, the only thing that kept him from heading to Hogwarts alongside Chiyo was that it was already dealt with. After all, it would have hurt their granddaughter if Harry had been killed due to it.
In which case, they would have been there and would have made sure that the lesson would stick even more.
Placing his cup down to be refilled, the male Kyuubi hummed. "Speaking of, Natsumi-Chan gave us some very interesting pictures." Expression softening, he gave his old friend an understanding smile. "What she brought about, must have meant so much."
Gaze travelling to the pond with the night sky reflected in it as fireflies drifted through the garden, Hoshi nodded before speaking with a soft voice. "Far more then you would know, Naoki-kun. To be accepted by beings of such pure spirit..." Eyes closed as small tears dripped down, she sighed. "It was wonderful."
A small, understanding look on her face, Chiyo placed one arm around Hoshi's shoulders in a hug as well as placing a tail around her waist. "That is our Natsumi-Chan, it would seem. And she has grown so much as well."
Yet again, silence fell on them as each one considered those words and the meaning unsaid. Looking up at the stars she was named for, Hoshi nodded. "Hai. And I feel that our Natsumi-Chan will go further then we ever thought before." Turning, she had an interested look on her face. "And what do you think of her friends?"
Taking up his now refilled tea, Naoki's gaze met his wife's as a silent conversation happened. "Nagato-San is truly a good Okaa-San to her children, a strong woman. And Hoppou-San is also strong as well. Not just due to the obvious love that we have heard her own children have, but also other things. We heard that when the first word came in of an Abyssal attack, she sat down in front of her school ready to defend it, yes?"
Hoshi nodded as she took up one of the peanut butter treats and nibbled it. "Indeed, I saw it myself. From what I saw, she would have forced any hostile Abyssals to go through her first before allowing harm to come to those under her care. And now our Asuka-Chan and Rei-Chan are under that umbrella as well. With Hoppou-San's power... there are few threats that one would need to be worried about in such a case."
Also nibbling a treat, Chiyo hummed. "Very true. One would underestimate just how powerful she is. Perhaps though, that is what she wants? To not have people fear her for what she truly is? Not that I believe that either of the twins would care."
Chuckling, Naoki gave a shake of his head. "Though there is something bothering her. But in either case, I believe that we shall leave finding out what to our granddaughters." Now turning his attention to some shadows, he frowned. "Now Harry-San, what are your thoughts on him, Kogitsune-Chan?"
Said sword stepped out into the moonlight and smiled. "I must admit, he is interesting." They then bowed to Hoshi. "And I must apologize, Hoshi-Sama. While you stated he was able to control Juuchi-Chan, I believed that it could not be her or possible. Yet, it is true."
Just smiling, the Kitsune waved it off. "There is no need to apologize, Kogitsune-Chan. If I had not seen it myself, I would not have believed it." Sipping her tea, she hummed. "Though I suspect that aggravating Juuchi-Chan so much was part of your test."
Amused, the sword winked. "Partially, but it is always fun to tweak her nose or that of her sisters." Chuckles escaped from the Kitsune there before Kogitsune became serious. "However, I did want to see how he handled her. And more then once, Juuchi let out some bloodlust. Yet... it simply washed off her Master easily. To have such will and strength of soul in one so young, I wonder how much more that will be as he grows. He shall be an interesting one to be certain." Their expression then softened. "But it does do my heart good that Juuchi-Chan found a family to serve, and who is loyal to her. I suspect that they have healed some of the hurts done to her by Kyoshu-Teme."
With a sip of tea, Hoshi shook her head. "Ah, yes, Kyoshu-Teme. I remember that time she came around here and you decided to treat her as a child. From memory, you spanked her, and quite literally from that. Though I prefer Kyoshu-Chi over Kyoshu-Teme. And the other blades?"
Head tilted to the side, the sword considered that. "Tsukiakari-Chan I am not sure about yet, I have yet to get her measure. Though rumour has it that she fought on even ground with Norimune-Chan, and even scratched her actual form. Which speaks well of her power, but outer and inner for scratching a Muramasa blade's true form is no easy feat. She is loyal to her family though as she should be, that I can tell from what little I have seen. As for the dagger that Natsumi-Chan has which Harry-San gave her... he is... most interesting. Rarely have I met a blade so old and powerful. He is steeped with legend and myth." Slowly, they grinned. "I look forward to taking his measure when I speak to them later tonight."
Each of the three Kitsunes nodded at that, as it did confirm their own thoughts. Both Chiyo and Naoki were impressed with the blade given to their granddaughter. One that they could tell was of legend few others had. At the patter of feat though, they all turned to find a young, slightly glowing child with fox ears and tail running up to them. Cheeks pinkened, she ran up and hugged Hoshi who chuckled. "Well, hello there, Akemi-Chan. And how are we tonight?"
The spirit looked out from her spot between the Kyuubi's tails and giggled. "I'm good. Oh!" Her eyes widened some. "I was just meeting Harry-San though I spotted him and Natsumi-Nee-San kissing!"
Needless to say that got amused looks from all the adults there with Chiyo grinning predatorily. "Really now? You say that Natsumi-Chan was kissing Harry-San? On the cheek, or...?"
Akemi giggled a bit. "She kissed him right on the lips, mwa! But it was really short though."
Sharing looks and filing that information away, Naoki leaned down to the Zashiki warashi. "I see. So what do you think of Harry-San himself, Akemi-Chan?"
For a moment, Akemi frowned and tilted her head in thought. Then she opened her eyes and smiled. "I really like him, he's nice. When he saw me in his room, he gave me a smile and asked what I was doing there, no anger or anything. And I told him that I wanted to meet him and..." As the Kitsune listened, the spirit told them of everything that happened before finishing up with a large smile. "... Then when I told him that I was going, he gave me some nice cookies! So he's a really good person, though..."
When she trailed off, the Kitsune frowned with Kogitsune clearing their throat. "Though what, Akemi-Chan?"
Eyebrows furrowing, she shook her head. "Um, I'm not sure. There's a darkness, but its in that weird scar. I don't like it, its bad and icky and wants to hurt Harry-San and others, but its held back by the light that surrounds him that's made of love. I think that his Kaa-San is protecting him, though she's not here anymore."
It took only a few seconds for Hoshi to translate that and she grimaced. "Yes, I know what that is and it is something that I will speak to Naoki-Kun and Chiyo-Chan as well as Kogitsune-Chan. It is a very bad thing, but not something that Harry-San did. Rather something done to him, and it is best that you do not know."
Confused, the Zashiki warashi just shrugged before snatching another treat and running off with a giggle. As they shook their heads, the adults turned back to their conversation and what the elder Onos as well as Kogitsune found out about Harry's scar disgusted them and also made them angry for Harry's sake. At the same time though, they were also now more interested in him potentially joining the family due to living with such and not giving into the darkness.
Harry, for his part grumbled in his sleep and turned over in his futon while dreaming of an older him and Natsumi sitting on the porch and drinking tea.