FoL Yokosuka and Art
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With Hoppou's time growing up there, the Fleet of Laughter's reemergence in the civilized world, and that odd cult cropping up, Abyssals had become something of a common sight in Japan. They didn't particularly seem to have an eye for fashion, though—which could be excused given their respective circumstances. The Fleet of Laughter had been marooned for the past few years with nothing but the clothes on their back, as skimpy or ragged as those were; and the Mizuchi-worshipping drifters, well, beggars can't be choosers. Really, people had gotten kinda used to it at this point.
This made it such that when passerby spotted a Re-class strolling about in nice-looking clothes that actually fit her, there was some slight confusion.
Regalia wasn't quite sure yet whether she should be happy or concerned with the amount of attention she was getting. This was her first time visiting Japan by herself, to meet with her grandmother for her teachings. She didn't need to worry too much about getting lost—she had a lock on Hoppou's IFF—but there remained the fact that she, a Re-class Battleship, was going to start roaming the streets on a regular basis. Regalia wanted to show the humans that she didn't mean them any harm, so she put on some nice clothes—a simple blouse and jeans—ditched her backpack for an old duffel bag Aunt Ritou had lent her, and unloaded all her guns before heading out. Of course, there was no hiding the tail and hooves that marked her as a Re-class, but beyond that, she was trying her best to present the aura of someone just minding their own business.
Pausing in front of what looked like a convenience store, Regalia debated whether she could stop and grab a drink on her way to Hoppou. She wanted to make sure she was there by the time her grandmother's own classes were over, so she planned to make it a habit of arriving early. Although… if she continued to the school at her current rate, she'd have almost an hour's wait ahead of her. Eventually, she shrugged to herself and stepped through the sliding doors.
A number of gazes met her coming into the store, most of them a mix of shock, confusion, and some other thing she couldn't place. But a few others—children—looked at her almost with wonder. "Um… hi…" Regalia said, holding her hands up innocently. "I was… just hoping to buy a drink. Could someone point me towards wherever those are?" One of the customers wordlessly pointed off to the left, where Regalia could see the refrigerated aisle. "Thank you."
She made her way over to the beverages, spending a minute looking over her options. There were a lot of different drinks to choose from, like juice and punch, different types of soda, and even flavored water… but pretty much all of the labels were Japanese. She could just pick something at random, she supposed, but she might end up with a drink she didn't like.
And then something caught her eye. Oh, hey! They stock Fubuki Milk here!
Regalia quickly bent down and snatched up a bottle of the vanilla flavor. After a moment's thought she grabbed a few more bottles, in hopes of introducing them to Aunt Renita and Fluffy… as well as her new little sister, Marble.
After she'd been properly cleaned off, the newborn Oku-class was actually found to have quite the beautiful shell. A smooth and shimmering black surface, covered in streaks and swirls of whites and greys, it almost looked like it was carved from marble—hence, her name. Marble was already doing well in her sea trials, meaning it wouldn't be long before she was ready to set out on her first salvage mission. Regalia had a feeling she would enjoy something sweet as a reward.
Four bottles of milk in hand, Regalia walked over to the register… where she paused, surprised, as her IFF system told her that the cashier was a light cruiser.
Said shipgirl was similarly stunned, silently blinking at her. "W-well…" she finally said, "This is unexpected. You must be Hoppou-chan's granddaughter."
"Y-yeah… that's me," Regalia replied. "Hey, if you're a shipgirl, then… why are you working at a store?"
The shipgirl, whose IFF pinged her as Kashima, tilted her head. "You could call it a part-time job of sorts. I come here to help out civilians when I have no operations or training planned." She gestured to the bottles of milk in Regalia's hands. "Will this be all for you today?"
"Huh? O-oh, yeah." The Re-class laid out the bottles on the counter. As Kashima rang her items up, she twiddled her thumbs nervously. "I'm not, er, causing a commotion by being here, am I?"
The cashier shrugged. "Not particularly. You've been a model customer so far… even if you are an Abyssal." Her gaze drifted lower, past Regalia, and she smirked. "In fact, it looks like you have a fan."
Before Regalia could ask what she meant, she felt a tug on her jeans. Looking back, she saw a little boy staring up at her with curious eyes. "Are you one of those monster ladies?" He asked.
Regalia blinked. "I-I… well, I guess so, yeah. B-but I'm a nice person. I won't hurt anyone."
"Mu…" The boy tilted his head. "Why does your tail have a head?"
Regalia shrugged. "Honestly, I don't think anyone really knows the answer to that question." She turned a bit, presenting the side of Tippy's head to the boy. "Do you want to pet her? She won't bite."
The child hesitantly raised a hand, nervous that she might make a move of some sort. Eventually though, his hand met the cool steel of Tippy's side turret, slowly petting it. Tippy let out a rumbling purr at the touch, gently nuzzling against the boy's hand. "Wow…" he mumbled.
"See?" Regalia asked. "She's really nice… even if she can get a bit sassy sometimes…"
"SHIRO!" The boy was suddenly yanked away from Regalia by a terrified older woman. "What are you doing!? Don't you realize this woman could kill you?!?" Her gaze snapped up to Regalia's, her expression full of fear. "I'm so sorry, my boy wasn't thinking! Please don't hurt him!"
Regalia shrank back, stricken by the accusation. "But… but I wouldn't hurt him. I don't wanna hurt anybody. I don't mind if he touches Tippy; it's not like he can do anything to hurt us. A-and she enjoys the attention, see?" she gestured to her tail, who had shifted towards the boy almost sulkily—making a clear effort to not point any of her turrets near the people.
The mother paused, staring at her in confusion. "You… you're not upset? Not angry?"
The Re-class shook her head. "Of course not. I'm one of the friendly Abyssals… I was taught to be nice, growing up. I've never even been in a fight in my life!"
Shiro reached out for Tippy again. She responded with a playful chuff, licking his outstretched palm. "Ew, slimy!" he squeaked, giggling.
The mother slowly relaxed, relieved by the fact Regalia meant no harm. But behind her, Regalia could see other curious children drawing closer, eager to see the strange new person and her pet tail firsthand… their own concerned parents close behind.
It was starting to look like she might be late to meet her grandmother… hopefully, she would understand when Regalia explained it.
Not that she minded.
Fluffy had come to like a lot of things about her new home. She didn't have to fear for hers or Renita's safety, anymore; she wasn't forced to forage for scraps to prevent starvation; everyone was friendly; and she got to go to sleep every night in a nice, soft bed. Life was nice, here.
One thing she'd decided she DIDN'T like, however, was silent letters. Those stupid things kept throwing her off.
To her credit, she'd been doing fine with her reading lessons otherwise. While her mind wasn't quite as malleable as when she was a hatchling, she was still a fairly quick learner. Plus, it helped that her speech skills were already fully developed, meaning she could easily link a word to its written form if she could sound it out to herself. But then she encountered the word 'knife', and was introduced to the horror of 'letters that are there for no discernible reason'. Renita had helped her identify some of the words that had silent letters in the previous day's lesson, in hopes that she could start to point them out today.
Stepping up to the door of her and Renita's room, she gave it a soft knock. "Renita? Are you in there?" She wasn't met with an obvious response… but Fluffy did hear a soft gasp on the other side of the door. She pushed her way into their room, and was briefly intrigued by what she saw—Renita sitting cross-legged on the bed and a bunch of mysterious stuff laid out atop the bedsheets in front of her. "Is something wrong, Renita? What is all that?"
Renita let out a soft sigh. "It's… art supplies."
Fluffy came over to Renita's side, looking over the items herself. There were pencils, paintbrushes, jars of ink and paint in all sorts of different colors, and a stack of parchment sheets to write on. "Wow… that's a lot of stuff. Where did it come from?"
"It was a gift…" the Re-class answered. "When my sisters went to check on Uncle Harry… they had the opportunity to take a shopping trip. On top of everything else they brought back for the fleet… they got all of this, just for me."
Fluffy hummed thoughtfully. "That was awfully nice of them." Looking over, she frowned at the sight of her flagship's torn expression. "But why do you seem upset? Is there… something wrong with any of it?"
Renita shook her head. "No… there's nothing wrong. Not with the gifts, at least."
The princess sat down on the bed beside Renita, taking a few seconds to interpret her flagship's response. "You're worried that you… can't paint, anymore?" she guessed.
A slow nod. "My being put back together doesn't erase the past… doesn't erase the fact that almost everything about the girl I used to be, was consumed by Hate. That there are parts of me that will never heal from that."
"Renita, you don't know that—"
"I can't get mad anymore, Fluffy."
Fluffy paused. "…what?"
"I literally cannot get mad, anymore." Renita brought a hand to her chest. "When the Hate died in me… it took my ability to feel anger with it. Now, when something should make me angry… make me want to lash out at the world… there's just this cold, numb emptiness in me. Like I tripped and fell, into a hole in my soul…"
"And… and when you tried to paint, the same thing happened?" Fluffy asked.
Renita shook her head. "…I haven't tried. And I don't think I want to." The hand on her chest clenched tighter. "My art meant so much to me. I could give something new to the world… I could inspire others to do the same… and I could make my family happy—make Mama proud of me. If I tried to paint again, and failed… if I felt that same emptiness, where I used to feel so much joy… I don't want to feel that heartbreak."
Fluffy sighed, shuffling up closer to her flagship. "Renita… I can't stand seeing you broken up like this. Not after three long years of it."
"…I'm sorry."
"No. Don't apologize. But you can't keep torturing yourself over what's happened. The thing that ruined your life… it's dead, dead and gone. It can't hurt you anymore. Can't stop you from putting your life back together." Fluffy huffed. "It's one thing, that your anger is gone. It was the part of you that your hate was connected to the deepest… what it was born from, what it fed on. But your gift, your creativity… it was part of you that made you happy, gave purpose to your life. Do you really think it could have broken you badly enough to take that away from you?"
Renita hung her head. "I… I don't know…" she answered weakly.
"Well, I know you can still be happy. I see it every time you hug your mother, or one of your sisters… that look of peace on your face, like all the awful stuff you've been through stopped mattering, even if it's only for a moment. Because you're finally with your family again, and you know they don't blame you for what happened." Renita flinched lightly when Fluffy reached out and rested a hand atop hers. "I don't want to watch you beat yourself up like this, anymore. I know you're stronger than this… do you really not think the same?"
For what felt like an eternity Renita simply looked down, to Fluffy's hand on her own… until finally, she took a long, deep breath.
Slowly, hesitantly, the pair reached for a brush.
With Hoppou's time growing up there, the Fleet of Laughter's reemergence in the civilized world, and that odd cult cropping up, Abyssals had become something of a common sight in Japan. They didn't particularly seem to have an eye for fashion, though—which could be excused given their respective circumstances. The Fleet of Laughter had been marooned for the past few years with nothing but the clothes on their back, as skimpy or ragged as those were; and the Mizuchi-worshipping drifters, well, beggars can't be choosers. Really, people had gotten kinda used to it at this point.
This made it such that when passerby spotted a Re-class strolling about in nice-looking clothes that actually fit her, there was some slight confusion.
Regalia wasn't quite sure yet whether she should be happy or concerned with the amount of attention she was getting. This was her first time visiting Japan by herself, to meet with her grandmother for her teachings. She didn't need to worry too much about getting lost—she had a lock on Hoppou's IFF—but there remained the fact that she, a Re-class Battleship, was going to start roaming the streets on a regular basis. Regalia wanted to show the humans that she didn't mean them any harm, so she put on some nice clothes—a simple blouse and jeans—ditched her backpack for an old duffel bag Aunt Ritou had lent her, and unloaded all her guns before heading out. Of course, there was no hiding the tail and hooves that marked her as a Re-class, but beyond that, she was trying her best to present the aura of someone just minding their own business.
Pausing in front of what looked like a convenience store, Regalia debated whether she could stop and grab a drink on her way to Hoppou. She wanted to make sure she was there by the time her grandmother's own classes were over, so she planned to make it a habit of arriving early. Although… if she continued to the school at her current rate, she'd have almost an hour's wait ahead of her. Eventually, she shrugged to herself and stepped through the sliding doors.
A number of gazes met her coming into the store, most of them a mix of shock, confusion, and some other thing she couldn't place. But a few others—children—looked at her almost with wonder. "Um… hi…" Regalia said, holding her hands up innocently. "I was… just hoping to buy a drink. Could someone point me towards wherever those are?" One of the customers wordlessly pointed off to the left, where Regalia could see the refrigerated aisle. "Thank you."
She made her way over to the beverages, spending a minute looking over her options. There were a lot of different drinks to choose from, like juice and punch, different types of soda, and even flavored water… but pretty much all of the labels were Japanese. She could just pick something at random, she supposed, but she might end up with a drink she didn't like.
And then something caught her eye. Oh, hey! They stock Fubuki Milk here!
Regalia quickly bent down and snatched up a bottle of the vanilla flavor. After a moment's thought she grabbed a few more bottles, in hopes of introducing them to Aunt Renita and Fluffy… as well as her new little sister, Marble.
After she'd been properly cleaned off, the newborn Oku-class was actually found to have quite the beautiful shell. A smooth and shimmering black surface, covered in streaks and swirls of whites and greys, it almost looked like it was carved from marble—hence, her name. Marble was already doing well in her sea trials, meaning it wouldn't be long before she was ready to set out on her first salvage mission. Regalia had a feeling she would enjoy something sweet as a reward.
Four bottles of milk in hand, Regalia walked over to the register… where she paused, surprised, as her IFF system told her that the cashier was a light cruiser.
Said shipgirl was similarly stunned, silently blinking at her. "W-well…" she finally said, "This is unexpected. You must be Hoppou-chan's granddaughter."
"Y-yeah… that's me," Regalia replied. "Hey, if you're a shipgirl, then… why are you working at a store?"
The shipgirl, whose IFF pinged her as Kashima, tilted her head. "You could call it a part-time job of sorts. I come here to help out civilians when I have no operations or training planned." She gestured to the bottles of milk in Regalia's hands. "Will this be all for you today?"
"Huh? O-oh, yeah." The Re-class laid out the bottles on the counter. As Kashima rang her items up, she twiddled her thumbs nervously. "I'm not, er, causing a commotion by being here, am I?"
The cashier shrugged. "Not particularly. You've been a model customer so far… even if you are an Abyssal." Her gaze drifted lower, past Regalia, and she smirked. "In fact, it looks like you have a fan."
Before Regalia could ask what she meant, she felt a tug on her jeans. Looking back, she saw a little boy staring up at her with curious eyes. "Are you one of those monster ladies?" He asked.
Regalia blinked. "I-I… well, I guess so, yeah. B-but I'm a nice person. I won't hurt anyone."
"Mu…" The boy tilted his head. "Why does your tail have a head?"
Regalia shrugged. "Honestly, I don't think anyone really knows the answer to that question." She turned a bit, presenting the side of Tippy's head to the boy. "Do you want to pet her? She won't bite."
The child hesitantly raised a hand, nervous that she might make a move of some sort. Eventually though, his hand met the cool steel of Tippy's side turret, slowly petting it. Tippy let out a rumbling purr at the touch, gently nuzzling against the boy's hand. "Wow…" he mumbled.
"See?" Regalia asked. "She's really nice… even if she can get a bit sassy sometimes…"
"SHIRO!" The boy was suddenly yanked away from Regalia by a terrified older woman. "What are you doing!? Don't you realize this woman could kill you?!?" Her gaze snapped up to Regalia's, her expression full of fear. "I'm so sorry, my boy wasn't thinking! Please don't hurt him!"
Regalia shrank back, stricken by the accusation. "But… but I wouldn't hurt him. I don't wanna hurt anybody. I don't mind if he touches Tippy; it's not like he can do anything to hurt us. A-and she enjoys the attention, see?" she gestured to her tail, who had shifted towards the boy almost sulkily—making a clear effort to not point any of her turrets near the people.
The mother paused, staring at her in confusion. "You… you're not upset? Not angry?"
The Re-class shook her head. "Of course not. I'm one of the friendly Abyssals… I was taught to be nice, growing up. I've never even been in a fight in my life!"
Shiro reached out for Tippy again. She responded with a playful chuff, licking his outstretched palm. "Ew, slimy!" he squeaked, giggling.
The mother slowly relaxed, relieved by the fact Regalia meant no harm. But behind her, Regalia could see other curious children drawing closer, eager to see the strange new person and her pet tail firsthand… their own concerned parents close behind.
It was starting to look like she might be late to meet her grandmother… hopefully, she would understand when Regalia explained it.
Not that she minded.
Fluffy had come to like a lot of things about her new home. She didn't have to fear for hers or Renita's safety, anymore; she wasn't forced to forage for scraps to prevent starvation; everyone was friendly; and she got to go to sleep every night in a nice, soft bed. Life was nice, here.
One thing she'd decided she DIDN'T like, however, was silent letters. Those stupid things kept throwing her off.
To her credit, she'd been doing fine with her reading lessons otherwise. While her mind wasn't quite as malleable as when she was a hatchling, she was still a fairly quick learner. Plus, it helped that her speech skills were already fully developed, meaning she could easily link a word to its written form if she could sound it out to herself. But then she encountered the word 'knife', and was introduced to the horror of 'letters that are there for no discernible reason'. Renita had helped her identify some of the words that had silent letters in the previous day's lesson, in hopes that she could start to point them out today.
Stepping up to the door of her and Renita's room, she gave it a soft knock. "Renita? Are you in there?" She wasn't met with an obvious response… but Fluffy did hear a soft gasp on the other side of the door. She pushed her way into their room, and was briefly intrigued by what she saw—Renita sitting cross-legged on the bed and a bunch of mysterious stuff laid out atop the bedsheets in front of her. "Is something wrong, Renita? What is all that?"
Renita let out a soft sigh. "It's… art supplies."
Fluffy came over to Renita's side, looking over the items herself. There were pencils, paintbrushes, jars of ink and paint in all sorts of different colors, and a stack of parchment sheets to write on. "Wow… that's a lot of stuff. Where did it come from?"
"It was a gift…" the Re-class answered. "When my sisters went to check on Uncle Harry… they had the opportunity to take a shopping trip. On top of everything else they brought back for the fleet… they got all of this, just for me."
Fluffy hummed thoughtfully. "That was awfully nice of them." Looking over, she frowned at the sight of her flagship's torn expression. "But why do you seem upset? Is there… something wrong with any of it?"
Renita shook her head. "No… there's nothing wrong. Not with the gifts, at least."
The princess sat down on the bed beside Renita, taking a few seconds to interpret her flagship's response. "You're worried that you… can't paint, anymore?" she guessed.
A slow nod. "My being put back together doesn't erase the past… doesn't erase the fact that almost everything about the girl I used to be, was consumed by Hate. That there are parts of me that will never heal from that."
"Renita, you don't know that—"
"I can't get mad anymore, Fluffy."
Fluffy paused. "…what?"
"I literally cannot get mad, anymore." Renita brought a hand to her chest. "When the Hate died in me… it took my ability to feel anger with it. Now, when something should make me angry… make me want to lash out at the world… there's just this cold, numb emptiness in me. Like I tripped and fell, into a hole in my soul…"
"And… and when you tried to paint, the same thing happened?" Fluffy asked.
Renita shook her head. "…I haven't tried. And I don't think I want to." The hand on her chest clenched tighter. "My art meant so much to me. I could give something new to the world… I could inspire others to do the same… and I could make my family happy—make Mama proud of me. If I tried to paint again, and failed… if I felt that same emptiness, where I used to feel so much joy… I don't want to feel that heartbreak."
Fluffy sighed, shuffling up closer to her flagship. "Renita… I can't stand seeing you broken up like this. Not after three long years of it."
"…I'm sorry."
"No. Don't apologize. But you can't keep torturing yourself over what's happened. The thing that ruined your life… it's dead, dead and gone. It can't hurt you anymore. Can't stop you from putting your life back together." Fluffy huffed. "It's one thing, that your anger is gone. It was the part of you that your hate was connected to the deepest… what it was born from, what it fed on. But your gift, your creativity… it was part of you that made you happy, gave purpose to your life. Do you really think it could have broken you badly enough to take that away from you?"
Renita hung her head. "I… I don't know…" she answered weakly.
"Well, I know you can still be happy. I see it every time you hug your mother, or one of your sisters… that look of peace on your face, like all the awful stuff you've been through stopped mattering, even if it's only for a moment. Because you're finally with your family again, and you know they don't blame you for what happened." Renita flinched lightly when Fluffy reached out and rested a hand atop hers. "I don't want to watch you beat yourself up like this, anymore. I know you're stronger than this… do you really not think the same?"
For what felt like an eternity Renita simply looked down, to Fluffy's hand on her own… until finally, she took a long, deep breath.
Slowly, hesitantly, the pair reached for a brush.