The rat Escapes
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Harry Leferts
Softly growling, Crookshanks stalked in after a very long talking to by Convoy. Something that he was still not very pleased over. At seeing Hedwig perched on a chair, his soft growl became a snarl, "{Hedwig.}"
Opening one eye, the Owl just gave him a look before closing it, "{Crookshanks.}"
A wince escaped him from some of the soreness before he growled, "{Did you have to knock me around? Sirius is innocent after all.}"
Unrepentant, Hedwig's next words caused him to freeze, "{I know.}"
Everything was silent in the empty Common Room before Crookshanks whipped his head around, "{You mean to tell me... you knew that he was innocent?! This whole time?!}"
Cracking one eye open, Hedwig clacked her beak, "{Yes, I knew that he was innocent.}" Jaw dropping, the cat looked at her in utter disbelief. Then he narrowed his eyes to a venomous glare and with a yowl, launched himself at the owl, who dodged, "{Hmm, it seems you are angry about something?}"
There was a glare on the feline's face as he glared at where Hedwig landed on top of one of the armchairs, "{You bitch in heat!}"
Merely tilting her head to the side, Hedwig gave him an unimpressed look, "{You are the pet of a shipgirl and that is the best insult that you have been able to come up with? Disappoint, am I.}" Closing her eyes, she scoffed, "{I have known that the Dog-Wizard is innocent for over a year now. My Master and his Nest-Mother spoke of it.}"
Not even seconds later, she leapt back into the air as a snarling Crookshanks launched himself at her. Landing, she looked down where the dazed cat was now laying on the knocked over chair. With a quick shake of his head, the cat went back to glaring at Hedwig, "{Then why did you attack me!? If you knew that he was innocent, then you should have no problem with helping him!}"
Hedwig turned to him and glared coldly enough that the anger in Crookshanks sputtered and died, "{Because you foolish cat, whether he was innocent or not is not the issue here! It was that you were placing our Masters and Mistresses into danger by what you were doing!}"
Shaking off the fear, Crookshanks met her gaze coolly, "{He was of no danger to our Masters and Mistresses! All he would do is grab the Rat and kill it. And the Rat was a bigger danger then the Dog!}"
If she could have, Hedwig would have rolled her eyes and gave off such a feeling, "{Then you are a fool. Yes, he was innocent, Crookshanks, that I will not deny. But the question is if he is stable! And that one is what decides if he is a danger or not!}"
That made the cat blink in utter confusion, "{What?}"
Yet again, Hedwig gave off the feeling as if she was rolling her eyes, but looked upwards, "{Moon give me strength.}" Turning her attention back to Crookshanks, she sighed as an owl could, "{My Master and his Nest-Mother were both concerned with his mental state. He had been in a place where they tortured him mentally for years. I have seen abused animals who lash out, and did not want such happening to my Master or anyone else! Yet here you are, trying to help it happen!}"
Crookshanks did roll his eyes at this and waved a paw at her, "{Nothing such as that would happen. I have been around him for some time now and he does not seem that way.}"
For several moments, Hedwig was silent. But then she spoke up and caused the feline to sputter in disbelief, "{Then you show that you are a fool.}"
Sputtering, he stared at her before stalking forward and growling, "{WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?}"
However, Hedwig met his glare evenly with one of her own, "{A fool, which you were being. Do you honestly think that just because he seemed fine away from where Peter Pettigrew was that he was truly fine? Hmm? No... it seems that you do think that. Foolish.}"
Lost, Crookshanks blinked in utter confusion, "{What do you mean?}"
The owl shifted her wings some and narrowed her eyes, "{He seemed to be fine as he was away from the Rat and that was all. But how would he have reacted if he got close, hmm? We are speaking of an wizard who could be unstable and obsessed with killing someone who betrayed him and his!}" With a screech, she spread her wings widely, "{THINK! What would have happened if he got in and was ready to kill the Rat, only for a student to get in the way?! Or what if he was chasing Peter and in the panic saw the Rat in the middle of a crowd of First Years trying to run away? Can you honestly tell me that his tunnel vision would not have him fire off a curse just for the chance of getting the Betrayer? CAN YOU TELL ME THAT, CROOKSHANKS!?}"
Opening his mouth to shoot back a reply, Crookshanks paused. Despite everything, and what Hedwig called him, he was not a fool. In his head, he went over the scenarios that Hedwig proposed and internally winced. Yes, even he could admit that Sirius Black was obsessed with catching, or killing, his former friend. And in such a case as the owl had outlined, "{... No, I can not. Though I am certain that he wouldn't.}"
Hedwig clacked her beak at that, "{Oh yes, you are certain that he would not. But I am not and so are many others! If you had gotten him in, who knows what he would have done to get at the Rat! And that is not counting the people who could have been injured by Peter attempting to get away! But you did not care about that at all, or even think about it!}" Giving the owl version of a huff, she turned away, "{And you wonder why I was so angry.}"
Claws appearing and retracting, Crookshanks snarled, "{Yes, angry. But you went too far!}"
Looking back at him, the owl stared before bobbing her head, "{Perhaps you are right and I should not have been so... harsh. But, just the same, I do have my reasons for having a very low opinion of betrayal and going behind one's back. And that is something that I will not speak of to you or anyone as it is private. However, I will apologize just the same and will bring you a nice, juicy fish from Japan.}"
Wind having been taken out of his sails, Crookshanks scoffed, "{Better be a good fish then.}" Then he gave a cat's version of a shrug, "{I still say that no one besides the Rat was in danger. Though it does not matter anymore as the matter is settled and we won't have any further issue from him and there won't be further problems.}" An odd sound made him turn and blink as Hedwig had one wing over her face, "{... What?}"
Moments later, she pulled her wing away and gave him a disbelieving look, "{... Are you, or are you not the pet of a shipgirl?}"
That made Crookshanks give her a look, "{Yeeessssss? What of it?}"
Shaking her head from side to side, Hedwig clacked her beak, "{Then you understand of the one that the humans call 'Murphy', yes? And that you are just asking for problems?}"
Crookshanks scoffed at that, "{That human hogwash? I am not scared of some imaginary human thing. The Rat is in the human's cages and out of sight. What could possibly happen?}"
Once more, Hedwig covered her face with one wing, "{... I do not believe this...}"
Grumbling, Tonks made her way down the corridors of the Ministry of Magic with her hands full of a tray of coffee and a box of donuts. While still in training, she had been given some duties that normally would be given to an Auror that did not need the full training. Usually guard work, or walking down Diagon Alley for instance. Boring things for the most part, but apparently needed to give her experience.
And she was not the only one getting such duties as trainees such as herself all got them in revolving shifts. When she had been growing up, she had dreamt of being an Auror. That was especially true after Blood Week, when she could remember being at the wireless at one of the magical shelters deep inland, listening as Aurors battled Abyssals at the Battle of the Thames and other places. The tales of heroism and the like inspired her, just like the bits and pieces from the fighting against the Death Eaters a few years before this. But Blood Week happened just before she entered her Second Year at Hogwarts.
While she already had her career set as an Auror, that only solidified it.
Tonks had dreamed, when she was a little girl, of fighting bad guys and stopping them. Sometimes those bad guys were evil witches and wizards, others they were magical beasts. Even fighting Abyssals, as foolish as she knew it was, figured in her daydreams about the job. Solving crimes and saving lives aplenty, a true hero. And she would be able to push aside the shadow over her family due to the actions of the Black family, including her cousin Sirius and prove that not all those of Black family blood were evil.
However, not once did she consider that most of the jobs she would have at first would be so damn boring. Standing in Diagon or Hogsmeade to provide a 'Visible presence' for both peace at mind and to deter crime. Or her recent stint at guarding the Hogsmeade Station for Hogwarts... though she had to admit that those Abyssals that followed Harry around had been rather exciting. And that DADA teacher was rather handsome, just like she remembered... Shaking her head free of such thoughts though, she looked down at the food and drinks she was carrying and sighed.
Being an errand witch was definitely not in the job description.
Wand lit, Tonks passed by various empty desks in the DMLE as she headed towards where the cells were. In particular, the ones used to hold Animagi that were awaiting processing. And that thought brought a grimace to her face as she remembered why they were guarding it...
Peter Pettigrew.
For someone who had spent most of her life despising her older cousin for what he was accused of doing, and feeling betrayed as before it he had often visited and kept her laughing even in those dark days, it was a bitter pill to swallow that he was innocent. That in reality, it was someone else who betrayed the Potters, who had killed all those muggles. The fact that her cousin who she had hated was innocent... Bitter did not begin to cover it. Part of her was still amazed that they had even used her for guarding Peter what with her connection. But apparently the issue was that they were still short staffed. And Amelia gave another reason when she had pulled her aside after giving the assignment.
The head of the DMLE had wanted to keep the identity of the prisoner a secret. At least until the trial was set up as she suspected that far too many people who lost someone possibly due to him would want to have a piece of the wizard. Some Death Eaters, too, would be far too likely to want to kill him. After all, he was the one who pointed their so-called Lord at the Potters and ended up with him being killed. Far too many might blame him for such, or want to silence him.
Just as she was about to reach the door to the area of the cells, Tonks paused and frowned. Something... did not seem right. It tickled her instincts at the edges and caused her to narrow her eyes as she looked around in case. Only when she turned to the door to the cells did she realize what it was...
And that was that the door to the cell block was ajar.
It took her only seconds to go over when she had left to get the food and drink. When she had left, Tonks had closed and secured the door behind her as per regulations. Backing away from the door, the trainee placed the food and drink on a desk and then waved her wand in a pattern not normally taught. It was an old spell that her mother had taught her, Andromeda telling her that the Black family often used it due to paranoia. Once she was finished, Tonks gulped as the area of the door lit up in two lines showing that if she crossed them, they would alarm the caster to the fact that someone was there.
Swallowing her suddenly dry throat, Tonks considered sounding the alarm. In particular the one that would be sent to the other Aurors when she remembered that the only ones who knew about Peter were fellow members of the DMLE for the most part. Which meant that very likely the alarm would also let whoever was in place know that someone was onto them. A Catch-22.
Then she pursed her lips and began to wave her wand around in various patterns. Spells that her mother had taught her as part of her heritage as a Black, and ones that Sirius had also taught her as a child in an attempt to turn her into a trouble maker. When in Hogwarts, she had researched those and gotten much better. Soon enough, she managed to breach the spells in such a way that no one would know that she crossed them. With a spell to silence the door, and one cast on her self, Tonks slowly opened it and crept inside. Moments later, she tapped the wand to her head and felt like a cold egg had been cracked on her head.
Quietly, she crept down between the rows of cells. Unlike in a muggle jail for the most part, or pictures that she had seen anyways, none of these had bars. Rather, they were all doors in walls that would seal shut and could only be opened from the outside. Part of her used the lessons that Moody had taught in class about the Disillusionment Charm. Far too many people forgot, he had told them, that if one made their way slowly, it was as good as being purely invisible. Especially if one added silencing charms. Hence, no one would have noticed as she made her way deeper into the cell area.
Finally, she poked her disillusioned head around a corner and blinked. She almost gasped at the sight of the two Aurors assigned as guards slumped against the wall outside Peter's cell. But it was the one wizard who she could see that made her boggle...
Corban Yaxley.
Mouth dropped open, Tonks could not believe that he was there until she heard him hiss into the open cell, "Come on, MacNair! Hurry it up! We do not have all night."
Seconds later, the "Creature Executioner's", as some called him behind his back, voice called out, "Come off it, Yaxley. I want to enjoy the snivelling rat's pain. This bastard is why our Lord was defeated! Admit it, you like seeing him in pain as well."
After a few moments, Yaxley nodded, "I suppose so, always thought him to be a coward. Still... we should be going soon."
MacNair laughed at that and Tonks could imagine the sneer on his face, "We can take our time, Yaxley. Besides, what are you worried about? From what you told me those two are out for the count, though I don't know why you didn't just kill them."
There was a scowl on the visible Death Eater's face, "Because then we would be sensed, MacNair. The spells on this place won't sense anything but someone dying. And once they do, the alarms go off and we have minutes before the place is filling with Aurors. No, best to knock them out and maybe modify their memories. Make it look like one of them was at fault."
Laughter came from inside the cell, "Ha! That will be amusing to see. Almost as much as their reactions when you greeted them... Didn't expect a thing."
With a shrug, Yaxley looked at a pocket watch and frowned, "Of course not, who would ever expect a senior clerk of the DMLE of being with the Dark Lord? That is why our fellows were caught and I never was." A sneer then crossed his face, "And why I am a far better spy then you ever were, Pettigrew."
A lot of things suddenly made sense to Tonks such as the tales Moody told of how Aurors and the like got ambushed. As one of the higher ranked clerks, Yaxley would have known Auror plans and the like, able to warn the Death Eaters of raids and such. He would also be able to gauge response times and the like. Gritting her teeth, Tonks pulled back and looked at a nearby wall. On it, there was a switch that would send a silent alarm directly to the Senior Aurors homes as well as Amelia's via their badges. It was not likely that Yaxley would realize that it was tripped due to it being a different alarm from the others as those would set alarms off in the main area of the DMLE.
Not to mention that he was extremely unlikely to be wearing his badge as the spells around the cell area would tell that it was there. And if he did not want it to be known that he was there, then chances are that he would not have it. Quietly making her way over, concentrating on not tripping or making any other sound, Tonks pulled the switch slowly. Then, she made her way back to the corner and counted off five minutes in her head before stalking closer to Yaxley.
Much to his relief, he did not show a change in his posture that showed that he even knew anything was going on. Something that the trainee was extremely thankful for. It was only when she was within ten feet that he suddenly frowned and glanced around in confusion. Unknown to her, there was something at the edge of his senses that was warning him. Eyes narrowed, he shouted into the cell, "MacNair! Finish up now! We are leaving and I will do so with or without you-"
Before he got further, the sounds of the distant door being slammed open echoed down the hallway making him curse. Then, he hit the ground with the last thing he saw being a red light that struck him. A quick banishment charm sent his body down the hall as MacNair shouted, "FUCK! AVADA-"
Running, Tonks shot a stunning spell into the cell, only to have to dodge a green light that nearly hit her. With a grunt, she hit the ground and rolled as she cast another spell, "LUMOS MAXIMA!"
Inside the cell, MacNair cursed as his vision went white and all he could see was spots, "YOU BITCH!"
Tonks just barely threw up a shield charm as the wall across from her detonated, sending shards of rock flying and hitting the spell. Thankfully for the unconscious Aurors, she was in front of them and kept them from being shredded. Another Killing Curse rang out and struck the wall again as Tonks threw hexes and jinxes into the cell. Even if she had wanted to, they had to keep Peter alive. As Mad-Eye came around the corner, she shouted, "YAXLEY DEATH EATER DOWN! MACNAIR IN CELL!"
With a nod, the veteran Auror scowled and did something that Tonks thought was impossible, he blurred and crossed the distance between where he was and the other side of the door from her. Seeing her look, he grinned, "Old Apparation trick, very short jumps." Then he growled and shot his own spells into the cell, "HEY! READY FOR A REMATCH? I OWE YOU FOR MY LEG!"
A yell of agony could be heard, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD PETER! MY LEG!"
Suddenly, a white blur shot out and they soon realized it was a rat that shot between the legs of the incoming Aurors. Eyes wide, Tonks screamed at them, "STOP HIM! DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY!" A number of the Aurors twisted in place and shot off spells as they headed after the rat, while both Tonks and Mad-Eye attempted to take down the now enraged MacNair.
Softly growling, Crookshanks stalked in after a very long talking to by Convoy. Something that he was still not very pleased over. At seeing Hedwig perched on a chair, his soft growl became a snarl, "{Hedwig.}"
Opening one eye, the Owl just gave him a look before closing it, "{Crookshanks.}"
A wince escaped him from some of the soreness before he growled, "{Did you have to knock me around? Sirius is innocent after all.}"
Unrepentant, Hedwig's next words caused him to freeze, "{I know.}"
Everything was silent in the empty Common Room before Crookshanks whipped his head around, "{You mean to tell me... you knew that he was innocent?! This whole time?!}"
Cracking one eye open, Hedwig clacked her beak, "{Yes, I knew that he was innocent.}" Jaw dropping, the cat looked at her in utter disbelief. Then he narrowed his eyes to a venomous glare and with a yowl, launched himself at the owl, who dodged, "{Hmm, it seems you are angry about something?}"
There was a glare on the feline's face as he glared at where Hedwig landed on top of one of the armchairs, "{You bitch in heat!}"
Merely tilting her head to the side, Hedwig gave him an unimpressed look, "{You are the pet of a shipgirl and that is the best insult that you have been able to come up with? Disappoint, am I.}" Closing her eyes, she scoffed, "{I have known that the Dog-Wizard is innocent for over a year now. My Master and his Nest-Mother spoke of it.}"
Not even seconds later, she leapt back into the air as a snarling Crookshanks launched himself at her. Landing, she looked down where the dazed cat was now laying on the knocked over chair. With a quick shake of his head, the cat went back to glaring at Hedwig, "{Then why did you attack me!? If you knew that he was innocent, then you should have no problem with helping him!}"
Hedwig turned to him and glared coldly enough that the anger in Crookshanks sputtered and died, "{Because you foolish cat, whether he was innocent or not is not the issue here! It was that you were placing our Masters and Mistresses into danger by what you were doing!}"
Shaking off the fear, Crookshanks met her gaze coolly, "{He was of no danger to our Masters and Mistresses! All he would do is grab the Rat and kill it. And the Rat was a bigger danger then the Dog!}"
If she could have, Hedwig would have rolled her eyes and gave off such a feeling, "{Then you are a fool. Yes, he was innocent, Crookshanks, that I will not deny. But the question is if he is stable! And that one is what decides if he is a danger or not!}"
That made the cat blink in utter confusion, "{What?}"
Yet again, Hedwig gave off the feeling as if she was rolling her eyes, but looked upwards, "{Moon give me strength.}" Turning her attention back to Crookshanks, she sighed as an owl could, "{My Master and his Nest-Mother were both concerned with his mental state. He had been in a place where they tortured him mentally for years. I have seen abused animals who lash out, and did not want such happening to my Master or anyone else! Yet here you are, trying to help it happen!}"
Crookshanks did roll his eyes at this and waved a paw at her, "{Nothing such as that would happen. I have been around him for some time now and he does not seem that way.}"
For several moments, Hedwig was silent. But then she spoke up and caused the feline to sputter in disbelief, "{Then you show that you are a fool.}"
Sputtering, he stared at her before stalking forward and growling, "{WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?}"
However, Hedwig met his glare evenly with one of her own, "{A fool, which you were being. Do you honestly think that just because he seemed fine away from where Peter Pettigrew was that he was truly fine? Hmm? No... it seems that you do think that. Foolish.}"
Lost, Crookshanks blinked in utter confusion, "{What do you mean?}"
The owl shifted her wings some and narrowed her eyes, "{He seemed to be fine as he was away from the Rat and that was all. But how would he have reacted if he got close, hmm? We are speaking of an wizard who could be unstable and obsessed with killing someone who betrayed him and his!}" With a screech, she spread her wings widely, "{THINK! What would have happened if he got in and was ready to kill the Rat, only for a student to get in the way?! Or what if he was chasing Peter and in the panic saw the Rat in the middle of a crowd of First Years trying to run away? Can you honestly tell me that his tunnel vision would not have him fire off a curse just for the chance of getting the Betrayer? CAN YOU TELL ME THAT, CROOKSHANKS!?}"
Opening his mouth to shoot back a reply, Crookshanks paused. Despite everything, and what Hedwig called him, he was not a fool. In his head, he went over the scenarios that Hedwig proposed and internally winced. Yes, even he could admit that Sirius Black was obsessed with catching, or killing, his former friend. And in such a case as the owl had outlined, "{... No, I can not. Though I am certain that he wouldn't.}"
Hedwig clacked her beak at that, "{Oh yes, you are certain that he would not. But I am not and so are many others! If you had gotten him in, who knows what he would have done to get at the Rat! And that is not counting the people who could have been injured by Peter attempting to get away! But you did not care about that at all, or even think about it!}" Giving the owl version of a huff, she turned away, "{And you wonder why I was so angry.}"
Claws appearing and retracting, Crookshanks snarled, "{Yes, angry. But you went too far!}"
Looking back at him, the owl stared before bobbing her head, "{Perhaps you are right and I should not have been so... harsh. But, just the same, I do have my reasons for having a very low opinion of betrayal and going behind one's back. And that is something that I will not speak of to you or anyone as it is private. However, I will apologize just the same and will bring you a nice, juicy fish from Japan.}"
Wind having been taken out of his sails, Crookshanks scoffed, "{Better be a good fish then.}" Then he gave a cat's version of a shrug, "{I still say that no one besides the Rat was in danger. Though it does not matter anymore as the matter is settled and we won't have any further issue from him and there won't be further problems.}" An odd sound made him turn and blink as Hedwig had one wing over her face, "{... What?}"
Moments later, she pulled her wing away and gave him a disbelieving look, "{... Are you, or are you not the pet of a shipgirl?}"
That made Crookshanks give her a look, "{Yeeessssss? What of it?}"
Shaking her head from side to side, Hedwig clacked her beak, "{Then you understand of the one that the humans call 'Murphy', yes? And that you are just asking for problems?}"
Crookshanks scoffed at that, "{That human hogwash? I am not scared of some imaginary human thing. The Rat is in the human's cages and out of sight. What could possibly happen?}"
Once more, Hedwig covered her face with one wing, "{... I do not believe this...}"
Grumbling, Tonks made her way down the corridors of the Ministry of Magic with her hands full of a tray of coffee and a box of donuts. While still in training, she had been given some duties that normally would be given to an Auror that did not need the full training. Usually guard work, or walking down Diagon Alley for instance. Boring things for the most part, but apparently needed to give her experience.
And she was not the only one getting such duties as trainees such as herself all got them in revolving shifts. When she had been growing up, she had dreamt of being an Auror. That was especially true after Blood Week, when she could remember being at the wireless at one of the magical shelters deep inland, listening as Aurors battled Abyssals at the Battle of the Thames and other places. The tales of heroism and the like inspired her, just like the bits and pieces from the fighting against the Death Eaters a few years before this. But Blood Week happened just before she entered her Second Year at Hogwarts.
While she already had her career set as an Auror, that only solidified it.
Tonks had dreamed, when she was a little girl, of fighting bad guys and stopping them. Sometimes those bad guys were evil witches and wizards, others they were magical beasts. Even fighting Abyssals, as foolish as she knew it was, figured in her daydreams about the job. Solving crimes and saving lives aplenty, a true hero. And she would be able to push aside the shadow over her family due to the actions of the Black family, including her cousin Sirius and prove that not all those of Black family blood were evil.
However, not once did she consider that most of the jobs she would have at first would be so damn boring. Standing in Diagon or Hogsmeade to provide a 'Visible presence' for both peace at mind and to deter crime. Or her recent stint at guarding the Hogsmeade Station for Hogwarts... though she had to admit that those Abyssals that followed Harry around had been rather exciting. And that DADA teacher was rather handsome, just like she remembered... Shaking her head free of such thoughts though, she looked down at the food and drinks she was carrying and sighed.
Being an errand witch was definitely not in the job description.
Wand lit, Tonks passed by various empty desks in the DMLE as she headed towards where the cells were. In particular, the ones used to hold Animagi that were awaiting processing. And that thought brought a grimace to her face as she remembered why they were guarding it...
Peter Pettigrew.
For someone who had spent most of her life despising her older cousin for what he was accused of doing, and feeling betrayed as before it he had often visited and kept her laughing even in those dark days, it was a bitter pill to swallow that he was innocent. That in reality, it was someone else who betrayed the Potters, who had killed all those muggles. The fact that her cousin who she had hated was innocent... Bitter did not begin to cover it. Part of her was still amazed that they had even used her for guarding Peter what with her connection. But apparently the issue was that they were still short staffed. And Amelia gave another reason when she had pulled her aside after giving the assignment.
The head of the DMLE had wanted to keep the identity of the prisoner a secret. At least until the trial was set up as she suspected that far too many people who lost someone possibly due to him would want to have a piece of the wizard. Some Death Eaters, too, would be far too likely to want to kill him. After all, he was the one who pointed their so-called Lord at the Potters and ended up with him being killed. Far too many might blame him for such, or want to silence him.
Just as she was about to reach the door to the area of the cells, Tonks paused and frowned. Something... did not seem right. It tickled her instincts at the edges and caused her to narrow her eyes as she looked around in case. Only when she turned to the door to the cells did she realize what it was...
And that was that the door to the cell block was ajar.
It took her only seconds to go over when she had left to get the food and drink. When she had left, Tonks had closed and secured the door behind her as per regulations. Backing away from the door, the trainee placed the food and drink on a desk and then waved her wand in a pattern not normally taught. It was an old spell that her mother had taught her, Andromeda telling her that the Black family often used it due to paranoia. Once she was finished, Tonks gulped as the area of the door lit up in two lines showing that if she crossed them, they would alarm the caster to the fact that someone was there.
Swallowing her suddenly dry throat, Tonks considered sounding the alarm. In particular the one that would be sent to the other Aurors when she remembered that the only ones who knew about Peter were fellow members of the DMLE for the most part. Which meant that very likely the alarm would also let whoever was in place know that someone was onto them. A Catch-22.
Then she pursed her lips and began to wave her wand around in various patterns. Spells that her mother had taught her as part of her heritage as a Black, and ones that Sirius had also taught her as a child in an attempt to turn her into a trouble maker. When in Hogwarts, she had researched those and gotten much better. Soon enough, she managed to breach the spells in such a way that no one would know that she crossed them. With a spell to silence the door, and one cast on her self, Tonks slowly opened it and crept inside. Moments later, she tapped the wand to her head and felt like a cold egg had been cracked on her head.
Quietly, she crept down between the rows of cells. Unlike in a muggle jail for the most part, or pictures that she had seen anyways, none of these had bars. Rather, they were all doors in walls that would seal shut and could only be opened from the outside. Part of her used the lessons that Moody had taught in class about the Disillusionment Charm. Far too many people forgot, he had told them, that if one made their way slowly, it was as good as being purely invisible. Especially if one added silencing charms. Hence, no one would have noticed as she made her way deeper into the cell area.
Finally, she poked her disillusioned head around a corner and blinked. She almost gasped at the sight of the two Aurors assigned as guards slumped against the wall outside Peter's cell. But it was the one wizard who she could see that made her boggle...
Corban Yaxley.
Mouth dropped open, Tonks could not believe that he was there until she heard him hiss into the open cell, "Come on, MacNair! Hurry it up! We do not have all night."
Seconds later, the "Creature Executioner's", as some called him behind his back, voice called out, "Come off it, Yaxley. I want to enjoy the snivelling rat's pain. This bastard is why our Lord was defeated! Admit it, you like seeing him in pain as well."
After a few moments, Yaxley nodded, "I suppose so, always thought him to be a coward. Still... we should be going soon."
MacNair laughed at that and Tonks could imagine the sneer on his face, "We can take our time, Yaxley. Besides, what are you worried about? From what you told me those two are out for the count, though I don't know why you didn't just kill them."
There was a scowl on the visible Death Eater's face, "Because then we would be sensed, MacNair. The spells on this place won't sense anything but someone dying. And once they do, the alarms go off and we have minutes before the place is filling with Aurors. No, best to knock them out and maybe modify their memories. Make it look like one of them was at fault."
Laughter came from inside the cell, "Ha! That will be amusing to see. Almost as much as their reactions when you greeted them... Didn't expect a thing."
With a shrug, Yaxley looked at a pocket watch and frowned, "Of course not, who would ever expect a senior clerk of the DMLE of being with the Dark Lord? That is why our fellows were caught and I never was." A sneer then crossed his face, "And why I am a far better spy then you ever were, Pettigrew."
A lot of things suddenly made sense to Tonks such as the tales Moody told of how Aurors and the like got ambushed. As one of the higher ranked clerks, Yaxley would have known Auror plans and the like, able to warn the Death Eaters of raids and such. He would also be able to gauge response times and the like. Gritting her teeth, Tonks pulled back and looked at a nearby wall. On it, there was a switch that would send a silent alarm directly to the Senior Aurors homes as well as Amelia's via their badges. It was not likely that Yaxley would realize that it was tripped due to it being a different alarm from the others as those would set alarms off in the main area of the DMLE.
Not to mention that he was extremely unlikely to be wearing his badge as the spells around the cell area would tell that it was there. And if he did not want it to be known that he was there, then chances are that he would not have it. Quietly making her way over, concentrating on not tripping or making any other sound, Tonks pulled the switch slowly. Then, she made her way back to the corner and counted off five minutes in her head before stalking closer to Yaxley.
Much to his relief, he did not show a change in his posture that showed that he even knew anything was going on. Something that the trainee was extremely thankful for. It was only when she was within ten feet that he suddenly frowned and glanced around in confusion. Unknown to her, there was something at the edge of his senses that was warning him. Eyes narrowed, he shouted into the cell, "MacNair! Finish up now! We are leaving and I will do so with or without you-"
Before he got further, the sounds of the distant door being slammed open echoed down the hallway making him curse. Then, he hit the ground with the last thing he saw being a red light that struck him. A quick banishment charm sent his body down the hall as MacNair shouted, "FUCK! AVADA-"
Running, Tonks shot a stunning spell into the cell, only to have to dodge a green light that nearly hit her. With a grunt, she hit the ground and rolled as she cast another spell, "LUMOS MAXIMA!"
Inside the cell, MacNair cursed as his vision went white and all he could see was spots, "YOU BITCH!"
Tonks just barely threw up a shield charm as the wall across from her detonated, sending shards of rock flying and hitting the spell. Thankfully for the unconscious Aurors, she was in front of them and kept them from being shredded. Another Killing Curse rang out and struck the wall again as Tonks threw hexes and jinxes into the cell. Even if she had wanted to, they had to keep Peter alive. As Mad-Eye came around the corner, she shouted, "YAXLEY DEATH EATER DOWN! MACNAIR IN CELL!"
With a nod, the veteran Auror scowled and did something that Tonks thought was impossible, he blurred and crossed the distance between where he was and the other side of the door from her. Seeing her look, he grinned, "Old Apparation trick, very short jumps." Then he growled and shot his own spells into the cell, "HEY! READY FOR A REMATCH? I OWE YOU FOR MY LEG!"
A yell of agony could be heard, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD PETER! MY LEG!"
Suddenly, a white blur shot out and they soon realized it was a rat that shot between the legs of the incoming Aurors. Eyes wide, Tonks screamed at them, "STOP HIM! DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY!" A number of the Aurors twisted in place and shot off spells as they headed after the rat, while both Tonks and Mad-Eye attempted to take down the now enraged MacNair.