Haruto - Healer, Reserves 1
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Harry Leferts
"Dammit, someone get the kid out of here! Who even lets their kids near these monsters!"
Struggling against his mother's arms, a young human boy reached out towards the three teary Kitsunes, "ONEE-CHAN! LET MY ONEE-CHANS GO! THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!"
With a sniffle, the one with near blonde hair shook her head, "It's Haruto-Kun, we'll be okay... Just promise your Onee-Chans that you will grow up to be a strong man."
The red haired Kitsune beside her also nodded, "And... and to be kind as always."
Crying, the young boy struggled all the more as he reached for them, "I PROMISE! PLEASE, DON'T GO, ONEE-CHAN! I NEED YOU! PLEASE!"
Each of the Kitsune were openly crying, their expressions stating that they wanted nothing more than to be able to comfort the boy. His last sight of them before they were gone was the three Yokai being roughly hauled to their feet by Aurors from the Magical Diet. Then in a gust of wind, they were gone. The last of the Aurors, their leader nodded towards an older teen with a smile, "Good work telling us about these three. Unregistered Yokai are dangerous after all, both to us humans and the Statute." He then smiled a bit, "You're going to go far, kid."
With another nod, the leader was gone leaving behind an empty home, silent except for the sound of sobs. A glare on her face, the woman glared at the teen, "Ichiro-Kun! How could you!? You know that those three were harmless!"
Adjusting his glasses, the teen looked down at his mother unrepentant. In fact, he had a bit of a sneer on his face, "Harmless? Hardly. The three of them should have been in the Reserves where they belong. I do not know why you and Otou-San allowed those... things, to babysit Otouto and having him call them Onee-Chan?" Shaking his head, Ichirou snorted, "You and Otou-San may not care about our family's reputation, but I do. What I am doing is for our family!"
Now it was his mother's turn to sneer at her oldest, "No, what you are doing is for you and you alone. Not for our family."
Only shaking his head as if she was a child, the teen walked away, "Believe what you will, but Otou-San's reputation in the Diet is almost mud compared to what mine shall be. And I will make it better. Hate me, but in the end I am simply doing what needs to be done to improve our standing."
Unknown to him, his little brother was glaring at him with a look of pure and utter hate in his eyes. He would never forgive his older brother for taking away his Onee-Chans! Never!
And he would also look for his Onee-Chans. One day, he would find them too! Then they would all be happy...
Being shaken, the sixteen year old blinked some and turned as a soft voice spoke, "Haruto-Kun? Are you alright?"
Just blinking, Haruto turned and gave a thin smile to the Yokai next to him as they stood on the shore with the horizon gradually lightening, "Hai. I am alright, Mie-Chan." Looking away, he didn't notice said Inugami blush, "Just... thinking of the past."
A near twin to the Inugami snorted some and grinned before shaking her head, "You need to stop worrying so much about the past, Haruto-Kun. And more about the present." Poking him, and getting a wince, she frowned, "Especially about taking care of yourself."
Hissing a bit, Haruto shook his head, "I'm fine, Ichika-Chan." At her raised eyebrow and crossed arms, which empathized her bust, he coughed, "No, really, I'm fine."
Unseen by him, both Inugami shared a look and shook their heads.
Meanwhile, Haruto continued to look out to sea as he stood on the shore. His eyes continually scanning the horizon, only to blink as Ichika spoke up, "I could send out one of my planes, you know." At his look, she shrugged, "It is getting lighter. Or maybe one of my broomstick riders or even a Tengu. They would be able to spot them."
Biting his lip, Haruto considered what she said, only to shake his head, "No, I don't think so. Too risky, we can't have the Diet find out that you five are here. If they find out, they'll stop at nothing to bring you in at least, and possibly try to kill you in the process for resisting."
Slowly nodding, Mie frowned as she looked at her twin sister, "Haruto-Kun is right, Ichika-Chan. If they even catch a whiff of us being here then many Yokai in the reserve might get hurt just to bring us in."
All Ichika did was scowl heavily before kicking a stone, with it shooting out across the water like a cannonball, "Yes, and that sucks to no end! Those fucking bastards... where were they when Blood Week happened? Huh? When you, me, and the others had to defend everyone! Then once things calmed down, they waltzed back in and stated that they were still in charge! Fuckers... especially..."
Pausing, she bit her tongue at the last moment. However, Haruto had his own angry look on his face, "My asshole of an Onii-San." Closing his eyes, he sighed and shook his head even as his hands clenched into fists, "I can only hope that in the end, he gets his."
Gently, Mie took one of his hands in hers and held it. When he looked at her, the Inugami Carrier only smiled, "Yes, but you, Haruto-Kun, are better then he is. A better man especially, for all your Nii-San has ambition, that is it. You, on the other hand, care for others and have a big heart to go along with your kindness and intelligence."
Lightly blushing, Haruto nodded some, "T-thank you, Mie-Chan." The Inugami in question bowed slightly, but did not let go of his hand, her thumb tracing along the knuckles. For a few seconds, the sixteen year old boy looked her over. Mie wore a rather fancy Kimono, though modified as she her arms were bare for the most part, with a cloak. On her Kimono, one could see cranes and the night sky. Her sister, Ichika, wore a similar Kimono though it was modified so it was mostly a top with a red skirt and white, thigh high socks. Both Inugami though had ribbons around their ears. Realizing that Mie was blushing and chewing her lip from his staring, Haruto looked away, "S-sorry."
Only shaking her head, Mie finally let go of his hand and held them in front of her against her body, "Y-you have nothing to be sorry about, Haruto-Kun."
Unseen by said boy, Mie's sister had a massive grin on her face and was about to open her mouth to tease them both, when she spotted something on her range finders. Blinking, she looked out over the water and nodded, "Ah! Here they come now."
Strain practically bleeding from his body, the sixteen year old turned back to the waters and relaxed as he spotted three forms come into view.
All three of them were Kitsune, though of different colors and their uniforms being somewhat different. What was similar though was their rigging, like many shipgirls it took the form of their bows being split with them standing between the two halves. Even from where he was, Haruto could see two of their three turrets visible as well as their underwater torpedo tubes for two of them. All three of them wore Obi and like with Ichika, their tops were highly modified Kimono, though for two of them cleavage was highly visible which always made Haruto blush some as much as they teased him.
Besides that, they wore short skirts of somewhat different design and color. From what he knew, that was mostly due to differences between their original hulls. But for the most part, Haruto ignored that as he was just glad that they were okay. Upon seeing him, the three Kitsunes' expressions all lit up and they sped up some. Reaching the shore, they dismissed their rigging and hugged him, "Haruto-Kun!"
Wincing a bit, he gave a nod and smiled at them best that he could, "Good morning, Onee-Chans."
Yes, the three were the Kitsune that he knew from his childhood and had been taken to the Reserves. His father and mother had found out where, secretly. The reserve in question being the Ryukaku one, and his father was planning on paying to get them snuck out. But before anything could be done though, Blood Week occurred and it took two years before the Diet was able to reach the island. Most everyone expected those there to be dead, wiped out by the Abyssals. Yet... they were alive. Despite questioning, none of the Yokai ever said how it was that they drove off the Abyssals.
It was years later, when Haruto arrived searching for his "Onee-Chans" that he found out the truth.
The Abyssals had attacked the island reserve with the aim of killing everyone there. But the three Kitsune had turned out to be Natural Borns and awoken alongside Mie and Ichika. Working together, they drove the Abyssals off time and again. The Yokai had realized well before this point what would happen if the Diet found out and hid that fact from them. It had taken Haruto some time searching the island under the suspicious gazes of both the guards and the inhabitants, to find the three Kitsune. As soon as they smelled his scent though, the three had jumped him with hugs...
Hugs which the teenager found were... far more enjoyable then he had as a child, much to his embarrassment.
For some time after, Haruto had visited the reserve with food and the like under the excuse of humanitarian efforts. Nothing big, just rice and the like which he risked his life getting to the town. Unknown to most, it was to meet with the three Kitsune and, later, the two Inugami. It helped that despite the destruction of Mahoutokoro, which Haruto barely escaped as a First Year, he had rapidly advanced in his studies and graduated only a few months ago as a fully qualified medic. His older brother had offered to find him a spot at a prestigious hospital.
Said brother's expression when Haruto turned him down and moved to the Reserve full time was one that he treasured. A wince brought him back to the present though and the Kitsune with the hair the color of honey frowned and looked up to give him a narrowed eyed look. Yes, the three were short, enough so that they had to look up at him despite looking to be around eighteen to nineteen years old. Something that never failed to annoy or fluster them.
At another slight squeeze, the teenaged boy winced again, which made the Kitsune scowl, "Haruto-Kun..."
Coughing, Haruto looked away, "Ah, it is nothing, Hachimitsu-Onee-Chan."
Her arms crossed, Ichika snorted some and shook her head, "Haruto-Kun was bringing in some supplies earlier and the guards roughed him up some." Seeing him give her a look of betrayal, she pointed one finger at him, "If you are not going to tell them the truth, I will."
Tail puffing up, the crimsoned haired of the Kitsune sisters scowled, "Those bastards! If I could, I would kick their asses! How dare they hurt you, Haruto-Kun!"
Lightly laughing, Haruto brought one hand down between her ears and rubbed her head, "Ah, it is okay, Haruhime-Onee-Chan. I'm big and strong after all."
Pulling back some, the blue haired Kitsune narrowed her eyes, "Still, if we get our hands on that bunch..."
Only sighing, Haruto shook his head, "Mikage-Onee-Chan..." Softly smiling, he pulled them into a hug as he ignored the slight ache that made, "Its okay you three."
Just glaring up at him, Haruhime scowled as she tried to ignore how nice the hug felt. How right his arms felt around her and her sisters. Instead, she focused on something else, "We're your Onee-Chans though! It is our job to take care of you just like we did when we babysat you!"
Lips curling up into a smirk, he hummed, "Well, considering that I am bigger then you..."
That got him three flustered Kitsune telling him not to call them short, while the two Inugami simply shook their heads with smiles.
"Dammit, someone get the kid out of here! Who even lets their kids near these monsters!"
Struggling against his mother's arms, a young human boy reached out towards the three teary Kitsunes, "ONEE-CHAN! LET MY ONEE-CHANS GO! THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!"
With a sniffle, the one with near blonde hair shook her head, "It's Haruto-Kun, we'll be okay... Just promise your Onee-Chans that you will grow up to be a strong man."
The red haired Kitsune beside her also nodded, "And... and to be kind as always."
Crying, the young boy struggled all the more as he reached for them, "I PROMISE! PLEASE, DON'T GO, ONEE-CHAN! I NEED YOU! PLEASE!"
Each of the Kitsune were openly crying, their expressions stating that they wanted nothing more than to be able to comfort the boy. His last sight of them before they were gone was the three Yokai being roughly hauled to their feet by Aurors from the Magical Diet. Then in a gust of wind, they were gone. The last of the Aurors, their leader nodded towards an older teen with a smile, "Good work telling us about these three. Unregistered Yokai are dangerous after all, both to us humans and the Statute." He then smiled a bit, "You're going to go far, kid."
With another nod, the leader was gone leaving behind an empty home, silent except for the sound of sobs. A glare on her face, the woman glared at the teen, "Ichiro-Kun! How could you!? You know that those three were harmless!"
Adjusting his glasses, the teen looked down at his mother unrepentant. In fact, he had a bit of a sneer on his face, "Harmless? Hardly. The three of them should have been in the Reserves where they belong. I do not know why you and Otou-San allowed those... things, to babysit Otouto and having him call them Onee-Chan?" Shaking his head, Ichirou snorted, "You and Otou-San may not care about our family's reputation, but I do. What I am doing is for our family!"
Now it was his mother's turn to sneer at her oldest, "No, what you are doing is for you and you alone. Not for our family."
Only shaking his head as if she was a child, the teen walked away, "Believe what you will, but Otou-San's reputation in the Diet is almost mud compared to what mine shall be. And I will make it better. Hate me, but in the end I am simply doing what needs to be done to improve our standing."
Unknown to him, his little brother was glaring at him with a look of pure and utter hate in his eyes. He would never forgive his older brother for taking away his Onee-Chans! Never!
And he would also look for his Onee-Chans. One day, he would find them too! Then they would all be happy...
Being shaken, the sixteen year old blinked some and turned as a soft voice spoke, "Haruto-Kun? Are you alright?"
Just blinking, Haruto turned and gave a thin smile to the Yokai next to him as they stood on the shore with the horizon gradually lightening, "Hai. I am alright, Mie-Chan." Looking away, he didn't notice said Inugami blush, "Just... thinking of the past."
A near twin to the Inugami snorted some and grinned before shaking her head, "You need to stop worrying so much about the past, Haruto-Kun. And more about the present." Poking him, and getting a wince, she frowned, "Especially about taking care of yourself."
Hissing a bit, Haruto shook his head, "I'm fine, Ichika-Chan." At her raised eyebrow and crossed arms, which empathized her bust, he coughed, "No, really, I'm fine."
Unseen by him, both Inugami shared a look and shook their heads.
Meanwhile, Haruto continued to look out to sea as he stood on the shore. His eyes continually scanning the horizon, only to blink as Ichika spoke up, "I could send out one of my planes, you know." At his look, she shrugged, "It is getting lighter. Or maybe one of my broomstick riders or even a Tengu. They would be able to spot them."
Biting his lip, Haruto considered what she said, only to shake his head, "No, I don't think so. Too risky, we can't have the Diet find out that you five are here. If they find out, they'll stop at nothing to bring you in at least, and possibly try to kill you in the process for resisting."
Slowly nodding, Mie frowned as she looked at her twin sister, "Haruto-Kun is right, Ichika-Chan. If they even catch a whiff of us being here then many Yokai in the reserve might get hurt just to bring us in."
All Ichika did was scowl heavily before kicking a stone, with it shooting out across the water like a cannonball, "Yes, and that sucks to no end! Those fucking bastards... where were they when Blood Week happened? Huh? When you, me, and the others had to defend everyone! Then once things calmed down, they waltzed back in and stated that they were still in charge! Fuckers... especially..."
Pausing, she bit her tongue at the last moment. However, Haruto had his own angry look on his face, "My asshole of an Onii-San." Closing his eyes, he sighed and shook his head even as his hands clenched into fists, "I can only hope that in the end, he gets his."
Gently, Mie took one of his hands in hers and held it. When he looked at her, the Inugami Carrier only smiled, "Yes, but you, Haruto-Kun, are better then he is. A better man especially, for all your Nii-San has ambition, that is it. You, on the other hand, care for others and have a big heart to go along with your kindness and intelligence."
Lightly blushing, Haruto nodded some, "T-thank you, Mie-Chan." The Inugami in question bowed slightly, but did not let go of his hand, her thumb tracing along the knuckles. For a few seconds, the sixteen year old boy looked her over. Mie wore a rather fancy Kimono, though modified as she her arms were bare for the most part, with a cloak. On her Kimono, one could see cranes and the night sky. Her sister, Ichika, wore a similar Kimono though it was modified so it was mostly a top with a red skirt and white, thigh high socks. Both Inugami though had ribbons around their ears. Realizing that Mie was blushing and chewing her lip from his staring, Haruto looked away, "S-sorry."
Only shaking her head, Mie finally let go of his hand and held them in front of her against her body, "Y-you have nothing to be sorry about, Haruto-Kun."
Unseen by said boy, Mie's sister had a massive grin on her face and was about to open her mouth to tease them both, when she spotted something on her range finders. Blinking, she looked out over the water and nodded, "Ah! Here they come now."
Strain practically bleeding from his body, the sixteen year old turned back to the waters and relaxed as he spotted three forms come into view.
All three of them were Kitsune, though of different colors and their uniforms being somewhat different. What was similar though was their rigging, like many shipgirls it took the form of their bows being split with them standing between the two halves. Even from where he was, Haruto could see two of their three turrets visible as well as their underwater torpedo tubes for two of them. All three of them wore Obi and like with Ichika, their tops were highly modified Kimono, though for two of them cleavage was highly visible which always made Haruto blush some as much as they teased him.
Besides that, they wore short skirts of somewhat different design and color. From what he knew, that was mostly due to differences between their original hulls. But for the most part, Haruto ignored that as he was just glad that they were okay. Upon seeing him, the three Kitsunes' expressions all lit up and they sped up some. Reaching the shore, they dismissed their rigging and hugged him, "Haruto-Kun!"
Wincing a bit, he gave a nod and smiled at them best that he could, "Good morning, Onee-Chans."
Yes, the three were the Kitsune that he knew from his childhood and had been taken to the Reserves. His father and mother had found out where, secretly. The reserve in question being the Ryukaku one, and his father was planning on paying to get them snuck out. But before anything could be done though, Blood Week occurred and it took two years before the Diet was able to reach the island. Most everyone expected those there to be dead, wiped out by the Abyssals. Yet... they were alive. Despite questioning, none of the Yokai ever said how it was that they drove off the Abyssals.
It was years later, when Haruto arrived searching for his "Onee-Chans" that he found out the truth.
The Abyssals had attacked the island reserve with the aim of killing everyone there. But the three Kitsune had turned out to be Natural Borns and awoken alongside Mie and Ichika. Working together, they drove the Abyssals off time and again. The Yokai had realized well before this point what would happen if the Diet found out and hid that fact from them. It had taken Haruto some time searching the island under the suspicious gazes of both the guards and the inhabitants, to find the three Kitsune. As soon as they smelled his scent though, the three had jumped him with hugs...
Hugs which the teenager found were... far more enjoyable then he had as a child, much to his embarrassment.
For some time after, Haruto had visited the reserve with food and the like under the excuse of humanitarian efforts. Nothing big, just rice and the like which he risked his life getting to the town. Unknown to most, it was to meet with the three Kitsune and, later, the two Inugami. It helped that despite the destruction of Mahoutokoro, which Haruto barely escaped as a First Year, he had rapidly advanced in his studies and graduated only a few months ago as a fully qualified medic. His older brother had offered to find him a spot at a prestigious hospital.
Said brother's expression when Haruto turned him down and moved to the Reserve full time was one that he treasured. A wince brought him back to the present though and the Kitsune with the hair the color of honey frowned and looked up to give him a narrowed eyed look. Yes, the three were short, enough so that they had to look up at him despite looking to be around eighteen to nineteen years old. Something that never failed to annoy or fluster them.
At another slight squeeze, the teenaged boy winced again, which made the Kitsune scowl, "Haruto-Kun..."
Coughing, Haruto looked away, "Ah, it is nothing, Hachimitsu-Onee-Chan."
Her arms crossed, Ichika snorted some and shook her head, "Haruto-Kun was bringing in some supplies earlier and the guards roughed him up some." Seeing him give her a look of betrayal, she pointed one finger at him, "If you are not going to tell them the truth, I will."
Tail puffing up, the crimsoned haired of the Kitsune sisters scowled, "Those bastards! If I could, I would kick their asses! How dare they hurt you, Haruto-Kun!"
Lightly laughing, Haruto brought one hand down between her ears and rubbed her head, "Ah, it is okay, Haruhime-Onee-Chan. I'm big and strong after all."
Pulling back some, the blue haired Kitsune narrowed her eyes, "Still, if we get our hands on that bunch..."
Only sighing, Haruto shook his head, "Mikage-Onee-Chan..." Softly smiling, he pulled them into a hug as he ignored the slight ache that made, "Its okay you three."
Just glaring up at him, Haruhime scowled as she tried to ignore how nice the hug felt. How right his arms felt around her and her sisters. Instead, she focused on something else, "We're your Onee-Chans though! It is our job to take care of you just like we did when we babysat you!"
Lips curling up into a smirk, he hummed, "Well, considering that I am bigger then you..."
That got him three flustered Kitsune telling him not to call them short, while the two Inugami simply shook their heads with smiles.