[ kami-con] Kami Politics
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Harry Leferts
Piece of pocky in, currently, her mouth, Inari blinked at one of her Myōbu that had come up, "Hmm?"
The fox spirit bowed some to the Kami, "Inari-Sama, you have visitors waiting."
Nodding as they finished chewing their pocky, Inari raised an eyebrow, "Visitors?" At the nod, they smiled, "Well, send them in."
With another bow, the Myōbu walked off and soon the doors to the room opened to reveal Amaterasu there with Uzume. A slight smile on her face, Amaterasu had to hold back the giggles that threatened to escape her at the sight that met her. Mainly, that of Inari sitting at a low table with a game system on it while a large screen showed their character making its way through a level, "Good evening, Inari-San."
A grin on their face, Inari gave a small laugh and bowed, "And a good evening to you as well, Amaterasu-Sama, Uzume-Chan. Come and have a seat."
Simply giving a small wave, Uzume smiled back as the two female Kami made their way to sit down, "I think that I will, Inari-Han." Once she was down, she cocked an eyebrow as she noticed that the game system had a fox tail, "I take it that is one of your followers?"
Humming, the fox Kami nodded some before gesturing at the screen, "And so is that." Both Amaterasu and Uzume could see the fox ears and the swishing fox tail, "Sort of hard to play my games normally after all here due to lack of electricity. So I make do and they don't really mind all that much."
Then she reached for a piece of fried tofu and flicked it towards the screen, a fox's head appearing from the top of it and snapping it up before disappearing back into it. Meanwhile, Amaterasu flicked open her fan and hummed a bit, "That is true enough. And if there is one thing that you love, it is games."
Just nodding, Inari completed the level with a small cheer before giving a grin to their fellow Kami, "What can I say? Games are pretty damn fun after all..." Then they pouted, "Except for when the Gatcha goes against you. Rate up is a fucking damn dirty lie."
Mock sighing, Amaterasu gave her a look, "Oh, but a Kami such as your august self acting in such a manner..." All three held in for a couple of minutes before they broke into laughter. Shaking her head, the Solar Kami smiled and wagged a finger, "But you are right that rate up is a lie. Trust me, I know that for a fact."
With a chuckle, Inari smiled a bit, "It is indeed."
Leaning forward with a sparkle in her eye, the third Kami there grinned, "I wonder what people would think if they knew that you were a hardcore gamer, Inari-Han. Or that you spend most of your time playing them."
Rather than be insulted though, Inari smiled and shrugged, "Probably not that all that odd after all. Besides which, I got to fill my time somehow and I've made enough investments and the like that I will never need to worry about running out of funds for what I love. One of these days you two really need to come over to see my gaming rig, it is literally divine, and I am not kidding about that. And yes, I can run Crysis on it before you even ask."
Needless to say, that got snickers from the other two. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Amaterasu looked over her shoulder, "Ah, and that should be the others."
Seconds later, the door opened to reveal Tsukuyomi who took in what was going on and sighed with a twitch of his eyebrow, "Must you?"
Grinning, Inari gave him a victory sign, "Yes, yes I do." They then raised their finger, "This was a triumph, I am making a note here, huge success. It is hard to overstate my satisfaction. Inari Enterprise, we do what we must because we can."
As they continued to sing, both Amaterasu and Uzume laughed themselves and fell over as Tsukuyomi's eyebrow twitched. Behind him, Susanoo was giving a thumb's up and mouthing "Good job" to the Kitsune Kami. Moments later, his brother, without looking, reached back and smacked him upside the head before entering and sitting down as dignified as he could. Glancing around, he ignored the still snickering form of his brother as well as a grinning Hachiman. Turning, he gave a look to Ryuujin, "Are you not going to say something?"
There was an expression of thought on the dragon's face before he nodded, "As a matter of fact, I am." On Tsukuyomi's face was an expression of smugness that got wiped away by Ryuujin's next words as he turned to Inari, "Any luck on getting them to release Half-Life 3?'
Dramatically sighing, Inari shook their head sadly before shrugging which did... interesting things to their chest, "Unfortunately not. I think that there are some things even us Kami cannot do."
Ignoring the smug looks and smirks around him, Tsukuyomi took a deep breath before turning to his sister who was now sitting up, breathless, "Was there a reason that you called us all here?"
With a glance at the screen, Fujin hummed before turning to his brother, "Are we having another game night? Because-"
Inari shot him a look at that, "We are not playing Mario Party or Mario Kart. Especially after what happened in '09. By our Names, that was horrific."
Arms crossed, Hachiman grunted, "I swear, all of you are assholes. Every damn one of you kept shooting me with damn Blue Shells. Fuckers..."
Giving him a small glare, the dragon Kami growled some, "Well, if someone did not keep stealing all the damn stars..."
Face held in his hands, Tsukuyomi sighed to himself, 'And Chichi-ue wonders why I sometimes wonder aloud about them... Or how they can even make it out of the bedroom in the morning.' Pulling his hands away from his face as the various Kami began to argue about who did what years ago, he cleared his throat to catch their attention... and not because he did not want a repeat.
Or of that time with Monopoly when Susanno had suggested it for "Family Bonding"... the clean up from that took some time.
Now that they were turned to him, he raised an eyebrow and was about to speak when Inari perked up, "Oh! Foods here!" Turning to the door, Tsukuyomi felt his blood pressure rise some as pizzas were brought in and laid before them along with beer, "Ah, now who wants what?"
Looking it over, Amaterasu rubbed her hands, "Do you have any Meat Lovers? And how did you even get these here?"
In reply, Inari waggled their fingers, "Mysterious Kami powers." At the looks though, they shrugged, "Actually, I've had my cooks learn how to make them. Some of those gaming marathons really take it out of you after all."
That got her nods from both Amaterasu and Uzume who were grinning. Meanwhile, Ryuujin raised a clawed finger, "You don't happen to have any pineapple, do you? Because I could use some."
Moments later, a box was tossed at him and he opened it while Hachiman gave him a disgusted look, "How can you eat that...?"
About to reply with a piece halfway in his mouth, Ryuujin was cut off by the Moon Kami, "Is there a reason why we're all here. Because I do have duties."
Sharing looks, they all turned to Amaterasu who finished off her slice with a slight smirk. One of her favorite things to do was get under her Ex's skin at times after all. Swallowing the bite though, she hummed, "We here to discuss what happened earlier today."
With a hum, Ryuujin frowned as he washed down the pizza he ate with some beer, "What's to discuss? Shiromizu-San managed to win when most of us did not expect her to. More than that, she also raised her profile." Raising an eyebrow he gave Amaterasu a knowing look, "Which, I assume, is what you planned to happen at some point."
Hands in front of her face as she leaned forward, said Kami hummed, "I will admit that I did have plans that were somewhat similar to this. Not the way that it happened there would be how it was brought about, but I was always going to have her show off a bit."
Taking a swig of beer, Hachiman frowned some, "That she did. More then a few of the lesser Kami are wondering what tricks she has up under those sleeves of hers." With a glance at Ryuujin, he raised an eyebrow, "After all, everyone could tell she did not show off everything."
Softly snorting, Fujin glanced at his brother and shook his head, "You don't know the half of it. Most of the Oni under both of us-" He made a gesture at the thunder Kami beside him, "Are wondering about that. Especially as she did not transform into her full dragon form. And for most Mizuchi, human and near human forms are their weakest ones."
Once everyone turned towards him, Ryuujin frowned and gave a shrug, "I can't help there as I have not seen her form fully as she has not shown it off. But it is impressive as it is a massive serpent and she is definitely coming into her heritage with each passing month. I don't think that she realizes the difference in power between the two states."
Blinking, Inari took a sip of beer as they continued to play their game, "Perhaps make a note to Jin-San that maybe she should explain that to her." Head tilted to the side, they gave an inquiring look to Fujin, "Speaking of the fight, what happened in the infirmary afterwards?"
The others turned to the wind Kami who hummed in thought, "The two of them had a small talk while healing and he stated that if she ever wants another real fight, look him up." At the looks, he gave a toothy grin and shrugged, "Oni, what can you do? A good fight in front of them is more then enough to catch their attention and she proved herself as being worthy of respect." His expression then changed to a frown, "I am still not happy with him in the end..."
When he glanced at Ryuujin, the other Kami waved him off, "Don't worry about it, in the end nothing more is still hurt expect perhaps some pride. I am just thankful that it did not blow up further as more then a few in my Court were... quite displeased with some of the insults that they heard he had used."
Grumbling, Hachiman clenched his fists tight enough that all there could hear the tendons in his hands creak, "Meanwhile, I have been dealing with the instigators of the whole thing. I have left them in the care of Tōgō-San and Nogi-San to deal with their... re-education. And neither are too pleased with how they acted."
More then one of them winced a bit at imagining what was likely happening to the group in question before shrugging it off. Raijin then spoke up with a frown directed towards Amaterasu, "If I may be so bold... why are you so interested in Shiromizu-San? Yes, she is a new Kami, but still."
Not speaking right away, Amaterasu set down her beer bottle, which was soon replaced, "I have a number of reasons in regards to Shiromizu-San."
Eyebrow raised, Tsukuyomi frowned, "Does it have to do with Potter-San? She has claimed him as her Otouto, though I do not think that either quite realize what that means in the end."
Airily waving a hand in the air, Susanoo chuckled from where he was now seated next to Inari playing a two player version, "I am looking forward to when they do clue in with regards to that. Not for a couple of decades though, I think at least." He then gave his sister a look, "Though I still wonder how you managed to pull that off."
Bemused, the Sun Goddess gave him a look, "Pull what off?"
From where she was seated beside her long-time friend, Uzume smiled a bit, "I think he means poaching him from the Celts. That was rather impressive after all and I would have thought that they would try to hold his destiny more to themselves."
Lightly laughing, Amaterasu gave them a smile that was all teeth, "What makes you think that they had the choice." Seeing the widening eyes, her smile widened into a predatory grin, "Unlike Zeus and the others, I saved the many, many IOUs from Lugh in regards to what Morrigan has done in lieu of us killing her. And I still have a number left."
Whistling softly, Hachiman shook his head at that, "What I would not have given to be there when you brought that up. Lugh could not have been happy."
Eyes glowing softly, the highest ranked Kami there chuckled, "Oh, he was certainly not. But the very Geas that he placed on himself to repay reparations for what Morrigan has done as long as the payment does not harm either him or his did not let him deny me. It is why at the last meeting he was so... annoyed and quite frustrated in my direction." Waving a hand in the air with some wisps of solar fire coming from her finger tips, she hummed, "And now, Japan will benefit from where before it would have been Britain. With all it taking was a strike of hunger pain at exactly the right time to have him whimper when Nagato-San was within hearing range."
His own eyes narrowing, Hachiman stared at something higher Kami could see and grunted, "Though at least we're giving him the chance to get more support then he would have." A grin then crossed his face, "Especially with the ripples which are bringing a lot of good."
Taking a long drink of beer, Raijin pulled it away and laughed some, "It is going to be interesting when he joins us, that is for sure. Sure, that might be centuries away depending on how he lives his life, but..." He snapped his finger which caused a crackle of electricity, "With everything? Kid is going to go far."
Voice rumbling like the clash of armies, Hachiman gave a nod, "I got a bottle of sake waiting for that day to be shared."
Leaning forward, the Moon Kami was deep in thought. With a hum, Tsukuyomi raised an eyebrow, "Though with him being adopted by a Mizuchi, I do wonder what form he will be able to take when the time comes. Perhaps a Mizuchi himself..."
Softly chuckling, Inari spoke up, "Or a fox, it is not like we're limited by such and while I can become a fox, I can also become a serpent."
Amused, Amaterasu wagged a finger in the air, "As much fun as this is, we're drifting off course which has to do with what happened earlier. Now, as to the question of why the interest? There are several reasons... I am sure that you have noticed the reactions that various attendants have been having towards her? Polite and humble, while also being very respectful of them. Something that they have noted, as have others..."
Chest rumbling, Ryuujin grinned a bit, "Indeed, a number of my own Mizuchi and the like have started to think in regards to such. She may not have noticed that she has been getting much better service then usual. But a number of those in my Court has also realized that fact and begun to consider the reasons why."
There was a grin on Hachiman's face as he made a motion with his hand, "Yes, and so have a number of my Court as well. I suspect that it is much the same elsewhere." Various nods have met him and his grin became a smile, "And I have hope that it will stick with a number."
With a nod, Amaterasu ticked off on another finger, "As well, while neither she nor Jin-San may know, both of them are among our more powerful agents in the Material Realm. The Accords may limit the rest, but those two, among others, are flesh and blood and so can slip by with being able to do whatever they really want in the end without repercussions. We just have not needed to ask of them anything because what they are doing works perfectly well just by being them in the end. It helps that neither are actively looking for worship unlike some possible candidates, so one cannot argue that they are trying to gather faith." A third finger joined the other two, "However, there is also her village."
Stealing one of her slices of pizza, Susanoo dodged around the swat before biting into it, "Okay? What about her village? It is rather nice I suppose, but..." At the looks, he raised an eyebrow, "What? I dropped by incognito to check the place out. They're building it up, but still."
Much to his confusion, Uzume grinned and leaned forward, "That is exactly why it is a reason for interest from us." Seeing how they were still lost, she chuckled, "It is a majority Yokai community with some humans living among them. When the Statute comes down in a few years, it will be almost immediately open to the wider non-magical portion of Japan. Her village is not like the dirt poor communities of the Reserves which will be having problems for years and perhaps decades. Nor will it be like the hidden communities around Japan built to hide among the humans. No, it will be a community built, designed, and inhabited by friendly Yokai with tourists from all over Japan visiting. Imagine... you're someone unsure of how Yokai are and you visit. But instead of monsters, you find yourself in a town that mixes fantasy and the past with modern times filled with friendly people. A place with magic all its own in the end, with adventures exploring and the like. Somewhere that will have Yokai and human living together in harmony... In such a case, are you going to head home still worried about Yokai, or are you going to think of said place and think of most of them as just being people with odd features and powers?"
With a slow blink, Susanoo's eyes widened, "Holy shit..." He turned to his sister and her friend with shock, "That is what you're planning, to have the place be something of a showcase of how Yokai and human can work, live, and play together without the baggage of being a town where until recently they were hidden..."
Pausing their game, Inari stared at them before giving a laugh, "That's brilliant! No, seriously, it is! How many places like that are there in Japan? Especially ones built specifically around that fact? Not too many, I can tell you that." Grinning widely, they shook their head, "It is sort of like... a real life Gensokyo."
Amaterasu blinked at that and tilted her head as everyone could see she was thinking, "You know... in an odd way you're right." Raising a finger, she hummed, "This bears some thinking..."
His arms crossed, Tsukuyomi frowned, "Well, the place would be missing Danmaku." Noticing the looks, he flushed before grumbling, "Corrupting..."
Lips twitching, his sister made a motion with her finger and they all watched as a screen appeared. On it was shown Harry, Natsumi, and Asuka the Tengu all in a "Spellcard Duel". After it reached the end, Amaterasu raised an eyebrow, "Perhaps not... Still, all is going according to Keikaku."
From where they were seated, Inari held up a sign: 'Kami Translator's Note, Keikaku means plan'.
The only thing that Tsukuyomi did was sigh and pinch his nose.
Piece of pocky in, currently, her mouth, Inari blinked at one of her Myōbu that had come up, "Hmm?"
The fox spirit bowed some to the Kami, "Inari-Sama, you have visitors waiting."
Nodding as they finished chewing their pocky, Inari raised an eyebrow, "Visitors?" At the nod, they smiled, "Well, send them in."
With another bow, the Myōbu walked off and soon the doors to the room opened to reveal Amaterasu there with Uzume. A slight smile on her face, Amaterasu had to hold back the giggles that threatened to escape her at the sight that met her. Mainly, that of Inari sitting at a low table with a game system on it while a large screen showed their character making its way through a level, "Good evening, Inari-San."
A grin on their face, Inari gave a small laugh and bowed, "And a good evening to you as well, Amaterasu-Sama, Uzume-Chan. Come and have a seat."
Simply giving a small wave, Uzume smiled back as the two female Kami made their way to sit down, "I think that I will, Inari-Han." Once she was down, she cocked an eyebrow as she noticed that the game system had a fox tail, "I take it that is one of your followers?"
Humming, the fox Kami nodded some before gesturing at the screen, "And so is that." Both Amaterasu and Uzume could see the fox ears and the swishing fox tail, "Sort of hard to play my games normally after all here due to lack of electricity. So I make do and they don't really mind all that much."
Then she reached for a piece of fried tofu and flicked it towards the screen, a fox's head appearing from the top of it and snapping it up before disappearing back into it. Meanwhile, Amaterasu flicked open her fan and hummed a bit, "That is true enough. And if there is one thing that you love, it is games."
Just nodding, Inari completed the level with a small cheer before giving a grin to their fellow Kami, "What can I say? Games are pretty damn fun after all..." Then they pouted, "Except for when the Gatcha goes against you. Rate up is a fucking damn dirty lie."
Mock sighing, Amaterasu gave her a look, "Oh, but a Kami such as your august self acting in such a manner..." All three held in for a couple of minutes before they broke into laughter. Shaking her head, the Solar Kami smiled and wagged a finger, "But you are right that rate up is a lie. Trust me, I know that for a fact."
With a chuckle, Inari smiled a bit, "It is indeed."
Leaning forward with a sparkle in her eye, the third Kami there grinned, "I wonder what people would think if they knew that you were a hardcore gamer, Inari-Han. Or that you spend most of your time playing them."
Rather than be insulted though, Inari smiled and shrugged, "Probably not that all that odd after all. Besides which, I got to fill my time somehow and I've made enough investments and the like that I will never need to worry about running out of funds for what I love. One of these days you two really need to come over to see my gaming rig, it is literally divine, and I am not kidding about that. And yes, I can run Crysis on it before you even ask."
Needless to say, that got snickers from the other two. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Amaterasu looked over her shoulder, "Ah, and that should be the others."
Seconds later, the door opened to reveal Tsukuyomi who took in what was going on and sighed with a twitch of his eyebrow, "Must you?"
Grinning, Inari gave him a victory sign, "Yes, yes I do." They then raised their finger, "This was a triumph, I am making a note here, huge success. It is hard to overstate my satisfaction. Inari Enterprise, we do what we must because we can."
As they continued to sing, both Amaterasu and Uzume laughed themselves and fell over as Tsukuyomi's eyebrow twitched. Behind him, Susanoo was giving a thumb's up and mouthing "Good job" to the Kitsune Kami. Moments later, his brother, without looking, reached back and smacked him upside the head before entering and sitting down as dignified as he could. Glancing around, he ignored the still snickering form of his brother as well as a grinning Hachiman. Turning, he gave a look to Ryuujin, "Are you not going to say something?"
There was an expression of thought on the dragon's face before he nodded, "As a matter of fact, I am." On Tsukuyomi's face was an expression of smugness that got wiped away by Ryuujin's next words as he turned to Inari, "Any luck on getting them to release Half-Life 3?'
Dramatically sighing, Inari shook their head sadly before shrugging which did... interesting things to their chest, "Unfortunately not. I think that there are some things even us Kami cannot do."
Ignoring the smug looks and smirks around him, Tsukuyomi took a deep breath before turning to his sister who was now sitting up, breathless, "Was there a reason that you called us all here?"
With a glance at the screen, Fujin hummed before turning to his brother, "Are we having another game night? Because-"
Inari shot him a look at that, "We are not playing Mario Party or Mario Kart. Especially after what happened in '09. By our Names, that was horrific."
Arms crossed, Hachiman grunted, "I swear, all of you are assholes. Every damn one of you kept shooting me with damn Blue Shells. Fuckers..."
Giving him a small glare, the dragon Kami growled some, "Well, if someone did not keep stealing all the damn stars..."
Face held in his hands, Tsukuyomi sighed to himself, 'And Chichi-ue wonders why I sometimes wonder aloud about them... Or how they can even make it out of the bedroom in the morning.' Pulling his hands away from his face as the various Kami began to argue about who did what years ago, he cleared his throat to catch their attention... and not because he did not want a repeat.
Or of that time with Monopoly when Susanno had suggested it for "Family Bonding"... the clean up from that took some time.
Now that they were turned to him, he raised an eyebrow and was about to speak when Inari perked up, "Oh! Foods here!" Turning to the door, Tsukuyomi felt his blood pressure rise some as pizzas were brought in and laid before them along with beer, "Ah, now who wants what?"
Looking it over, Amaterasu rubbed her hands, "Do you have any Meat Lovers? And how did you even get these here?"
In reply, Inari waggled their fingers, "Mysterious Kami powers." At the looks though, they shrugged, "Actually, I've had my cooks learn how to make them. Some of those gaming marathons really take it out of you after all."
That got her nods from both Amaterasu and Uzume who were grinning. Meanwhile, Ryuujin raised a clawed finger, "You don't happen to have any pineapple, do you? Because I could use some."
Moments later, a box was tossed at him and he opened it while Hachiman gave him a disgusted look, "How can you eat that...?"
About to reply with a piece halfway in his mouth, Ryuujin was cut off by the Moon Kami, "Is there a reason why we're all here. Because I do have duties."
Sharing looks, they all turned to Amaterasu who finished off her slice with a slight smirk. One of her favorite things to do was get under her Ex's skin at times after all. Swallowing the bite though, she hummed, "We here to discuss what happened earlier today."
With a hum, Ryuujin frowned as he washed down the pizza he ate with some beer, "What's to discuss? Shiromizu-San managed to win when most of us did not expect her to. More than that, she also raised her profile." Raising an eyebrow he gave Amaterasu a knowing look, "Which, I assume, is what you planned to happen at some point."
Hands in front of her face as she leaned forward, said Kami hummed, "I will admit that I did have plans that were somewhat similar to this. Not the way that it happened there would be how it was brought about, but I was always going to have her show off a bit."
Taking a swig of beer, Hachiman frowned some, "That she did. More then a few of the lesser Kami are wondering what tricks she has up under those sleeves of hers." With a glance at Ryuujin, he raised an eyebrow, "After all, everyone could tell she did not show off everything."
Softly snorting, Fujin glanced at his brother and shook his head, "You don't know the half of it. Most of the Oni under both of us-" He made a gesture at the thunder Kami beside him, "Are wondering about that. Especially as she did not transform into her full dragon form. And for most Mizuchi, human and near human forms are their weakest ones."
Once everyone turned towards him, Ryuujin frowned and gave a shrug, "I can't help there as I have not seen her form fully as she has not shown it off. But it is impressive as it is a massive serpent and she is definitely coming into her heritage with each passing month. I don't think that she realizes the difference in power between the two states."
Blinking, Inari took a sip of beer as they continued to play their game, "Perhaps make a note to Jin-San that maybe she should explain that to her." Head tilted to the side, they gave an inquiring look to Fujin, "Speaking of the fight, what happened in the infirmary afterwards?"
The others turned to the wind Kami who hummed in thought, "The two of them had a small talk while healing and he stated that if she ever wants another real fight, look him up." At the looks, he gave a toothy grin and shrugged, "Oni, what can you do? A good fight in front of them is more then enough to catch their attention and she proved herself as being worthy of respect." His expression then changed to a frown, "I am still not happy with him in the end..."
When he glanced at Ryuujin, the other Kami waved him off, "Don't worry about it, in the end nothing more is still hurt expect perhaps some pride. I am just thankful that it did not blow up further as more then a few in my Court were... quite displeased with some of the insults that they heard he had used."
Grumbling, Hachiman clenched his fists tight enough that all there could hear the tendons in his hands creak, "Meanwhile, I have been dealing with the instigators of the whole thing. I have left them in the care of Tōgō-San and Nogi-San to deal with their... re-education. And neither are too pleased with how they acted."
More then one of them winced a bit at imagining what was likely happening to the group in question before shrugging it off. Raijin then spoke up with a frown directed towards Amaterasu, "If I may be so bold... why are you so interested in Shiromizu-San? Yes, she is a new Kami, but still."
Not speaking right away, Amaterasu set down her beer bottle, which was soon replaced, "I have a number of reasons in regards to Shiromizu-San."
Eyebrow raised, Tsukuyomi frowned, "Does it have to do with Potter-San? She has claimed him as her Otouto, though I do not think that either quite realize what that means in the end."
Airily waving a hand in the air, Susanoo chuckled from where he was now seated next to Inari playing a two player version, "I am looking forward to when they do clue in with regards to that. Not for a couple of decades though, I think at least." He then gave his sister a look, "Though I still wonder how you managed to pull that off."
Bemused, the Sun Goddess gave him a look, "Pull what off?"
From where she was seated beside her long-time friend, Uzume smiled a bit, "I think he means poaching him from the Celts. That was rather impressive after all and I would have thought that they would try to hold his destiny more to themselves."
Lightly laughing, Amaterasu gave them a smile that was all teeth, "What makes you think that they had the choice." Seeing the widening eyes, her smile widened into a predatory grin, "Unlike Zeus and the others, I saved the many, many IOUs from Lugh in regards to what Morrigan has done in lieu of us killing her. And I still have a number left."
Whistling softly, Hachiman shook his head at that, "What I would not have given to be there when you brought that up. Lugh could not have been happy."
Eyes glowing softly, the highest ranked Kami there chuckled, "Oh, he was certainly not. But the very Geas that he placed on himself to repay reparations for what Morrigan has done as long as the payment does not harm either him or his did not let him deny me. It is why at the last meeting he was so... annoyed and quite frustrated in my direction." Waving a hand in the air with some wisps of solar fire coming from her finger tips, she hummed, "And now, Japan will benefit from where before it would have been Britain. With all it taking was a strike of hunger pain at exactly the right time to have him whimper when Nagato-San was within hearing range."
His own eyes narrowing, Hachiman stared at something higher Kami could see and grunted, "Though at least we're giving him the chance to get more support then he would have." A grin then crossed his face, "Especially with the ripples which are bringing a lot of good."
Taking a long drink of beer, Raijin pulled it away and laughed some, "It is going to be interesting when he joins us, that is for sure. Sure, that might be centuries away depending on how he lives his life, but..." He snapped his finger which caused a crackle of electricity, "With everything? Kid is going to go far."
Voice rumbling like the clash of armies, Hachiman gave a nod, "I got a bottle of sake waiting for that day to be shared."
Leaning forward, the Moon Kami was deep in thought. With a hum, Tsukuyomi raised an eyebrow, "Though with him being adopted by a Mizuchi, I do wonder what form he will be able to take when the time comes. Perhaps a Mizuchi himself..."
Softly chuckling, Inari spoke up, "Or a fox, it is not like we're limited by such and while I can become a fox, I can also become a serpent."
Amused, Amaterasu wagged a finger in the air, "As much fun as this is, we're drifting off course which has to do with what happened earlier. Now, as to the question of why the interest? There are several reasons... I am sure that you have noticed the reactions that various attendants have been having towards her? Polite and humble, while also being very respectful of them. Something that they have noted, as have others..."
Chest rumbling, Ryuujin grinned a bit, "Indeed, a number of my own Mizuchi and the like have started to think in regards to such. She may not have noticed that she has been getting much better service then usual. But a number of those in my Court has also realized that fact and begun to consider the reasons why."
There was a grin on Hachiman's face as he made a motion with his hand, "Yes, and so have a number of my Court as well. I suspect that it is much the same elsewhere." Various nods have met him and his grin became a smile, "And I have hope that it will stick with a number."
With a nod, Amaterasu ticked off on another finger, "As well, while neither she nor Jin-San may know, both of them are among our more powerful agents in the Material Realm. The Accords may limit the rest, but those two, among others, are flesh and blood and so can slip by with being able to do whatever they really want in the end without repercussions. We just have not needed to ask of them anything because what they are doing works perfectly well just by being them in the end. It helps that neither are actively looking for worship unlike some possible candidates, so one cannot argue that they are trying to gather faith." A third finger joined the other two, "However, there is also her village."
Stealing one of her slices of pizza, Susanoo dodged around the swat before biting into it, "Okay? What about her village? It is rather nice I suppose, but..." At the looks, he raised an eyebrow, "What? I dropped by incognito to check the place out. They're building it up, but still."
Much to his confusion, Uzume grinned and leaned forward, "That is exactly why it is a reason for interest from us." Seeing how they were still lost, she chuckled, "It is a majority Yokai community with some humans living among them. When the Statute comes down in a few years, it will be almost immediately open to the wider non-magical portion of Japan. Her village is not like the dirt poor communities of the Reserves which will be having problems for years and perhaps decades. Nor will it be like the hidden communities around Japan built to hide among the humans. No, it will be a community built, designed, and inhabited by friendly Yokai with tourists from all over Japan visiting. Imagine... you're someone unsure of how Yokai are and you visit. But instead of monsters, you find yourself in a town that mixes fantasy and the past with modern times filled with friendly people. A place with magic all its own in the end, with adventures exploring and the like. Somewhere that will have Yokai and human living together in harmony... In such a case, are you going to head home still worried about Yokai, or are you going to think of said place and think of most of them as just being people with odd features and powers?"
With a slow blink, Susanoo's eyes widened, "Holy shit..." He turned to his sister and her friend with shock, "That is what you're planning, to have the place be something of a showcase of how Yokai and human can work, live, and play together without the baggage of being a town where until recently they were hidden..."
Pausing their game, Inari stared at them before giving a laugh, "That's brilliant! No, seriously, it is! How many places like that are there in Japan? Especially ones built specifically around that fact? Not too many, I can tell you that." Grinning widely, they shook their head, "It is sort of like... a real life Gensokyo."
Amaterasu blinked at that and tilted her head as everyone could see she was thinking, "You know... in an odd way you're right." Raising a finger, she hummed, "This bears some thinking..."
His arms crossed, Tsukuyomi frowned, "Well, the place would be missing Danmaku." Noticing the looks, he flushed before grumbling, "Corrupting..."
Lips twitching, his sister made a motion with her finger and they all watched as a screen appeared. On it was shown Harry, Natsumi, and Asuka the Tengu all in a "Spellcard Duel". After it reached the end, Amaterasu raised an eyebrow, "Perhaps not... Still, all is going according to Keikaku."
From where they were seated, Inari held up a sign: 'Kami Translator's Note, Keikaku means plan'.
The only thing that Tsukuyomi did was sigh and pinch his nose.