Dove and Hound
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OMAKE-Dove and Hound
Castle Moulbaix, Belgium 1946
Rain pattered on the windowpanes as the storm lashed the darkened grounds of the ancestral home of the du Chasteler family. The castle was darkened and brooding, with only one window lit the cheery red and yellow of firelight.
Inside the study, the firelight flashed gold letters from the leatherbound spines of books and caused the African masks and weapons that hung between the bookcases in displays to seem to move. The gods, spirits, and demons of the peoples of the Dark Continent danced in the firelight as the flickering flames caused the bold carvings to acquire a life of their own.
Spoiler: Tribal Mask
In the corner, an antique Bösendorfer grand piano played a soft, sad melody unattended by visible hands at the magical command of the castle's owner as the rain drummed the windowpanes in counterpoint.
Spoiler: Drunk Dove Music
The only occupant slumped in an overstuffed armchair before the fire, with a discarded newspaper at her feet next to several empty brandy bottles. One hand swirled a half-empty brandy snifter as she stared into the flames, while the other absently tapped out the notes of Clair de Lune on the hilt of the rapier leaning against her chair.
The flames flickered green, then back to warm gold as Delilah de Breuil Flooed into the castle. Delilah raised an eyebrow at the disheveled appearance and tear tracks of Colombe as her half-sister raised the snifter slightly before taking another drink. "God, Sis, you look like death warmed over. So you heard too?"
"Oui." Colombe replied in a hoarse voice, nudging the newspaper with her foot. The headline for the paper screamed about the sentencing of several prominent magical war criminals for atrocities committed during their service to Japan.
Delilah picked it up and rapidly scanned the article as she pulled a matching chair to sit across from Colombe. "I see. Want to talk about it, Sis?"
"Not particularly, no." Another swig of brandy. "But you didn't come here just to help me finish off the 1887 Baronne Jacques de Saint-Pastou bottles that I found while checking the castle cellars after the liberation. Hippolyte was a traitorous parricidal bastard, but he did know his brandies."
Delilah nodded, and gestured with her wand, floating a bottle of brandy and a second snifter to the table before hanging her shoulder harness containing her revolver on the chair back. "To answer the obvious question, Jackie doesn't know yet. She's shipping supplies to St. Brendan's purchased with her bounty money, so is someplace on the high seas. Mère knows and is... Mère. Something's up there, but I don't know what. She says that what reached the papers isn't the whole truth. Not by a long shot"
Colombe barked a bitter laugh and threw back the last of her brandy in the snifter. "You hardly need to tell me that, Del. Remember you are talking to your big sister who 'started the Great War', after all. If you listen to the ICW's description of that clusterfuck in Sarajevo. If the Daily Prophet said that the sun would rise tomorrow, I'd still check."
"Words to live by, yes." Delilah paused while pouring herself a quantity of brandy, and at Colombe's nod, refilling her sister's snifter. Delilah sipped then made a happy sound. "If any of this is left after tonight, I'll have to lean on you to take a bottle home to share with Mère and try to show Jackie that she doesn't need to drink that godawful rotgut all the time."
"Be my guest. You're family after all." A muffled sob as Colombe hunched a bit more deeply into her armchair and choked out a pained whisper. ""
Delilah nodded and opened her mouth to speak then closed it as Colombe suddenly jerked upright and hurled the brandy snifter into the flames with a crash of shattering glass. Behind the sisters, the piano shifted into the Moonlight Sonata at a unvoiced command from its owner.
Spoiler: Angry Dove Music
"Family! And I should have been there for her! Damn Norimune for running off and leaving me...and damn me for not being there for her! Damn me for not being there for her...." Colombe snarled in rage as the flames burned blue from the spilled alcohol, then subsided as tears traced down her cheeks. "I could have been there for her if I was better. But no. If I had won that duel I could have stayed in Japan, and met her." Colombe choked out between sobs as she shuddered.
Delilah placed her snifter on the table and hurried over to cradle her sister. The elder sword clung to her and tears soaked the shoulder of her blouse. "You never told me about this. What happened?"
Colombe gave a pained laugh. "I was so close, so close! It was '64, Japan had just been opened to the West, and I didn't have her name yet, but I knew her description and that she was from Japan. I went there on one of Jardine's ships, and started making inquiries. Got a lead to a nearby temple that had information on swords."
Delilah nodded as her sister pulled away to look into her green eyes with red-rimmed blue. "Went there and the meekoh they call them. Instructor there, one of us, and the most arrogant prissy bitch I ever met told me to get out because us gaijin shouldn't defile the home of the Gods. Or something like that, my Japanese wasn't the greatest. Still isn't. Anyway, she told me to get screwed, I told Meekoh Punchable Face that she wasn't very hospitable and she needed to stop playing with herself and find a man or four, and one thing led to another. She finally told me to put up or shut up, and we drew."
Delilah mentally facepalmed, all too aware of Colombe's acid tongue as the older sword smirked. "Oh she was good. Very good. I was better on that day, it was one of my good days you see. Anyway, I pinned her blade Corps à corps and then kneed her in the groin. You should have seen her shocked face!"
Colombe gave a smug giggle. "That gave me the chance to load up a Bijalee Kee Mutthee and deck her. Wiped that smug right off her face when it landed and she dropped like a ton of bricks." Colombe disengaged from her sister's embrace, and flexed her left hand, surrounding it with a corona of crackling electricity. "Remind me to teach you this one, it can come in handy."
Delilah nodded. "Yeah. Looks like it, although I prefer to fight at range. If they are that close, they are too close. Fair fights are for morons after all."
"Tell me about it. Anyway, I was on top of the world. Then this old fellow came out and said that he would challenge me. If I won, he would guide me to Norimune, but if he won, I had to promise to leave Japan "until the Children of the Abyss join hands with the humans in peace". Whatever that shit meant. Means. Anyway, he took a training blade from one of the students and then we had at it."
Colombe looked very distant. "He was good. Very very good. Best I ever saw, really. I tried everything, even burned all the luck I had joy. He knocked me down seven times...and I only got up six. Dammit. Yeah, I thought Grandpa would be a pushover until he moved and I mean moved." She shuddered and her hand came up to rub her left shoulder absently. "Anyway, when I hit the dirt the last time, I couldn't get up. Just had nothing at all left in the tank and I hurt places I never knew that I could hurt. Then he apologized to me. I think, my head was ringing after he broke my jaw with that last hit. Said that he was sorry, but this was too soon, and meeting Dad now would just lead to sorrow and death for us. And be patient and I'd be reunited with my true family one day. Guess he meant you although I didn't know about you, Del."
"Anyway, you know how I am about my oaths. Hardest thing I ever had to do was walk back to the docks and take the first ship out of there. Mon Dieu, compared to that walk, walking out of the Congo was easier. Easier on the spirit anyway. At least I had something to look forward to then even if it was a hot bath, fresh clothes, and confronting my bâtard of a nephew."
Delilah nibbled her lip absently, her mind whirring behind her leaf-green eyes. "Sis...that almost sounds like a prophecy. So if that's the case, you will meet Norimune again. And when that day comes, I'll be there alongside you, along with Jackie. I just hope Mère makes it to then."
Colombe nodded slowly. "Yeah. Yeah. If it was a prophecy, that kind of explains how the hell I survived the Congo and then the Great War. So many other people didn't. Too damn many."
Delilah headed over to the liquor cabinet and took a replacement tumbler out. "Too many indeed. Let's drink to absent friends, Sis, and to the family being reunited one day."
OMAKE-Dove and Hound
Castle Moulbaix, Belgium 1946
Rain pattered on the windowpanes as the storm lashed the darkened grounds of the ancestral home of the du Chasteler family. The castle was darkened and brooding, with only one window lit the cheery red and yellow of firelight.
Inside the study, the firelight flashed gold letters from the leatherbound spines of books and caused the African masks and weapons that hung between the bookcases in displays to seem to move. The gods, spirits, and demons of the peoples of the Dark Continent danced in the firelight as the flickering flames caused the bold carvings to acquire a life of their own.
Spoiler: Tribal Mask
In the corner, an antique Bösendorfer grand piano played a soft, sad melody unattended by visible hands at the magical command of the castle's owner as the rain drummed the windowpanes in counterpoint.
Spoiler: Drunk Dove Music
The only occupant slumped in an overstuffed armchair before the fire, with a discarded newspaper at her feet next to several empty brandy bottles. One hand swirled a half-empty brandy snifter as she stared into the flames, while the other absently tapped out the notes of Clair de Lune on the hilt of the rapier leaning against her chair.
The flames flickered green, then back to warm gold as Delilah de Breuil Flooed into the castle. Delilah raised an eyebrow at the disheveled appearance and tear tracks of Colombe as her half-sister raised the snifter slightly before taking another drink. "God, Sis, you look like death warmed over. So you heard too?"
"Oui." Colombe replied in a hoarse voice, nudging the newspaper with her foot. The headline for the paper screamed about the sentencing of several prominent magical war criminals for atrocities committed during their service to Japan.
Delilah picked it up and rapidly scanned the article as she pulled a matching chair to sit across from Colombe. "I see. Want to talk about it, Sis?"
"Not particularly, no." Another swig of brandy. "But you didn't come here just to help me finish off the 1887 Baronne Jacques de Saint-Pastou bottles that I found while checking the castle cellars after the liberation. Hippolyte was a traitorous parricidal bastard, but he did know his brandies."
Delilah nodded, and gestured with her wand, floating a bottle of brandy and a second snifter to the table before hanging her shoulder harness containing her revolver on the chair back. "To answer the obvious question, Jackie doesn't know yet. She's shipping supplies to St. Brendan's purchased with her bounty money, so is someplace on the high seas. Mère knows and is... Mère. Something's up there, but I don't know what. She says that what reached the papers isn't the whole truth. Not by a long shot"
Colombe barked a bitter laugh and threw back the last of her brandy in the snifter. "You hardly need to tell me that, Del. Remember you are talking to your big sister who 'started the Great War', after all. If you listen to the ICW's description of that clusterfuck in Sarajevo. If the Daily Prophet said that the sun would rise tomorrow, I'd still check."
"Words to live by, yes." Delilah paused while pouring herself a quantity of brandy, and at Colombe's nod, refilling her sister's snifter. Delilah sipped then made a happy sound. "If any of this is left after tonight, I'll have to lean on you to take a bottle home to share with Mère and try to show Jackie that she doesn't need to drink that godawful rotgut all the time."
"Be my guest. You're family after all." A muffled sob as Colombe hunched a bit more deeply into her armchair and choked out a pained whisper. ""
Delilah nodded and opened her mouth to speak then closed it as Colombe suddenly jerked upright and hurled the brandy snifter into the flames with a crash of shattering glass. Behind the sisters, the piano shifted into the Moonlight Sonata at a unvoiced command from its owner.
Spoiler: Angry Dove Music
"Family! And I should have been there for her! Damn Norimune for running off and leaving me...and damn me for not being there for her! Damn me for not being there for her...." Colombe snarled in rage as the flames burned blue from the spilled alcohol, then subsided as tears traced down her cheeks. "I could have been there for her if I was better. But no. If I had won that duel I could have stayed in Japan, and met her." Colombe choked out between sobs as she shuddered.
Delilah placed her snifter on the table and hurried over to cradle her sister. The elder sword clung to her and tears soaked the shoulder of her blouse. "You never told me about this. What happened?"
Colombe gave a pained laugh. "I was so close, so close! It was '64, Japan had just been opened to the West, and I didn't have her name yet, but I knew her description and that she was from Japan. I went there on one of Jardine's ships, and started making inquiries. Got a lead to a nearby temple that had information on swords."
Delilah nodded as her sister pulled away to look into her green eyes with red-rimmed blue. "Went there and the meekoh they call them. Instructor there, one of us, and the most arrogant prissy bitch I ever met told me to get out because us gaijin shouldn't defile the home of the Gods. Or something like that, my Japanese wasn't the greatest. Still isn't. Anyway, she told me to get screwed, I told Meekoh Punchable Face that she wasn't very hospitable and she needed to stop playing with herself and find a man or four, and one thing led to another. She finally told me to put up or shut up, and we drew."
Delilah mentally facepalmed, all too aware of Colombe's acid tongue as the older sword smirked. "Oh she was good. Very good. I was better on that day, it was one of my good days you see. Anyway, I pinned her blade Corps à corps and then kneed her in the groin. You should have seen her shocked face!"
Colombe gave a smug giggle. "That gave me the chance to load up a Bijalee Kee Mutthee and deck her. Wiped that smug right off her face when it landed and she dropped like a ton of bricks." Colombe disengaged from her sister's embrace, and flexed her left hand, surrounding it with a corona of crackling electricity. "Remind me to teach you this one, it can come in handy."
Delilah nodded. "Yeah. Looks like it, although I prefer to fight at range. If they are that close, they are too close. Fair fights are for morons after all."
"Tell me about it. Anyway, I was on top of the world. Then this old fellow came out and said that he would challenge me. If I won, he would guide me to Norimune, but if he won, I had to promise to leave Japan "until the Children of the Abyss join hands with the humans in peace". Whatever that shit meant. Means. Anyway, he took a training blade from one of the students and then we had at it."
Colombe looked very distant. "He was good. Very very good. Best I ever saw, really. I tried everything, even burned all the luck I had joy. He knocked me down seven times...and I only got up six. Dammit. Yeah, I thought Grandpa would be a pushover until he moved and I mean moved." She shuddered and her hand came up to rub her left shoulder absently. "Anyway, when I hit the dirt the last time, I couldn't get up. Just had nothing at all left in the tank and I hurt places I never knew that I could hurt. Then he apologized to me. I think, my head was ringing after he broke my jaw with that last hit. Said that he was sorry, but this was too soon, and meeting Dad now would just lead to sorrow and death for us. And be patient and I'd be reunited with my true family one day. Guess he meant you although I didn't know about you, Del."
"Anyway, you know how I am about my oaths. Hardest thing I ever had to do was walk back to the docks and take the first ship out of there. Mon Dieu, compared to that walk, walking out of the Congo was easier. Easier on the spirit anyway. At least I had something to look forward to then even if it was a hot bath, fresh clothes, and confronting my bâtard of a nephew."
Delilah nibbled her lip absently, her mind whirring behind her leaf-green eyes. "Sis...that almost sounds like a prophecy. So if that's the case, you will meet Norimune again. And when that day comes, I'll be there alongside you, along with Jackie. I just hope Mère makes it to then."
Colombe nodded slowly. "Yeah. Yeah. If it was a prophecy, that kind of explains how the hell I survived the Congo and then the Great War. So many other people didn't. Too damn many."
Delilah headed over to the liquor cabinet and took a replacement tumbler out. "Too many indeed. Let's drink to absent friends, Sis, and to the family being reunited one day."