[Healer Haruto] fathers visitation
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Harry Leferts
Dishes all done and the table cleaned, which he was not involved in doing at all much to his chagrin, Haruto sighed as he looked at the others, "Guys? I'm fine trust me." Rotating his shoulder, he shook his head, "I just have some bruises left."
Crossing her arms, Hachimitsu frowned at him as her tail swished behind her, "Be that as it may, you are still recovering! And we'll make sure that you take it easy until we are satisfied with it!" She wagged a finger at him, "As the Americans say, 'No ands, ifs, or buts about it!'"
Somewhat confused, Chikako looked behind her where her tails were, 'Butts? What does Onee-Chan mean about my butt? Or does she mean hers?'
Meanwhile, Mikage gave him a small smile, "Onee-San is right, Haruto-Kun. What you need more is rest to recover. Everyone is fine for now and from your training? They can handle the small stuff and only bring you for the large things."
Pressing herself against his back, Haruhime grinned, "So let us pamper you a little!"
With a soft sigh, the Healer looked around and saw that the others were in agreement, "I'm not going to get out of this, am I?"
Soft smile on her face, Mie shook her head, "No, you are not, Haruto-Kun. We'll make sure of it if anything else."
Grin on her face, Ichika let out a bark of laughter, "So just lay back and enjoy us nursing you!"
Blinking, Chikako reached into her pocket before pulling out a nurse's hat which she placed on her head followed by a Nurse's cloak around her, "Nurse Chikako reporting! Willing to take care of Haruto-Nii-San!"
Each of the girls cooed a bit at that as she saluted, with Haruto coughing as he looked away, 'How devastating...'
However, moments later a shiver went down his back as Mikage gained a smirk on her face, "You know... didn't the two of you have nurses onboard, Mie-Chan? Ichika-Chan?"
Both Inugami shipgirls blinked at that before thinking it over. Grins appeared on their faces and they shared looks with the three Kitsune as their tails wagged and they spoke as one, "Why yes, yes we do!"
Needless to say, Haruto shifted a little with a small blush, mainly due to the image that put in his head of his girlfriends in nurse outfits. Something that they knew about, obviously, from the grins that they gave him, 'I'm going to die...' Then he gave an internal shrug and chuckle, 'But I suppose that it would be a good way to go at least.' It was then, however, that the Healer noticed that all the Yokai paused and their ears swivelled to the door, "Someone coming?"
Frown on her face, Mikage nodded, "Hai, someone is walking up to the hut now..." Her nose twitched a bit and she relaxed as did her sisters, "Ah, I think that this is for you."
Confused, the teen got up from the table and walked to the door, reaching it just as someone knocked from the other side. Opening it, however, his eyes widened at the sight of who was there, "Otou-San? What are you doing here?"
Hiashi gave him a small smile as he nodded at his son, "Haruto-Kun... can't an old man visit his son?" Looking past, he gave another nod to the three Kitsune, "Good morning, Haruhime-San, Hachimitsu-San, Mikage-San."
Each of the Kitsune nodded back and bowed slightly, though Hachimitsu gave him a smile, "And a good morning to you as well, Hiashi-San."
Moments later, however, she joined her sisters in blushing at the older wizard's next words, "Hiashi-San? Or should you call me Otou-San as well?"
Glancing at Haruto, Haruhime cleared her throat, "Perhaps in time."
Still confused, the Healer moved aside and motioned him in, "Please, come in, Otou-San." Once the wizard was inside, Haruto looked at him and noticed the tired expression in his eyes. For once, his father looked every bit of his years and the teen's own expression softened, "How are you and Okaa-San doing?"
Lips curling into a sad smile, Hiashi shook his head, "We are doing... as well as can be expected as we lost our first born. Your Okaa-San cries a lot and is still grieving, but... we're slowly getting better. We shall always miss him, and grieve for him, but in the end, he died years ago."
Clencing his fists, Haruto shook his head before taking a breath and letting it out. Then he pulled his father into a hug, "I'm sorry, Otou-San. I... I should be there and..."
Just returning the hug, the older wizard shook his head, "No, my son. You have your own responsibilities right now, though your Okaa-San might one day come by for a visit just the same depending on how things happen in the next little while." Pulling back, Hiashi clasped his son's shoulder, "I'm proud of you, because you are a true man."
Only nodding, Haruto didn't say anything else, but guided him to the table where he sat down at it. Reaching over, Mikage took the older man's hand in hers and smiled, "It is good to see you again, Hiashi-San."
With a chuckle, Hiashi smiled back at her, "And much the same with you as well, Mikage-San. It has been some years, though you are as beautiful as ever as are your Nee-Sans." At that, a light dusting of red could be seen on all three of the Kitsune's faces, though a moment later he continued, "Though I will admit, to go from an 'Onee-San' to my son to his girlfriends? Well..."
Needless to say, the blushes deepened at that and Haruhime looked away, "W-well, Haruto-Kun has grown up to be a fine man, and a good credit to you. The type of man that we... truly like and found we love him."
Rather than say anything, Hiashi simply chuckled again before turning to the two Inugami, "You must be Mie-San and Ichika-San, Haruto-Kun has told me much about you."
It was now the two Inugamis' turn to blush, though Ichika glanced at her boyfriend, "Hopefully good things."
Lightly laughing, the older wizard nodded, "Oh yes, very good things. Though his Okaa-San is looking forward to grandbabies with cute ears and fluffy tails. Hopefully not too soon, however." Once more, all the blushes deepened at that, even Haruto's. However, Hiashi's attention was grabbed as he felt a tug at his sleeve and turned to find Chikako looking at him with a thoughtful expression, "You must be Chikako-Chan... is something wrong?"
However, Chikako shook her head before frowning, "Um... no... But, you're Haruto-Nii-San's Otou-San, right?"
Slowly, Hiashi gave her a nod at that, "Hai, that is correct, he is my son."
Tilting her head, the Neko blinked before humming, "Um... does that mean that I can call you Ojii-San?"
Eyes widening, Hiashi stared at her for a second or two before laughing, "So honest!" Reaching over, he stroked her between the ears, "Yes, you may call me Ojii-San."
Head tilting from side to side, Chikako purred a bit, "Nya... nya... Nyaaaa~" Opening her eyes, she smiled brightly at him, "Okay, Ojii-San!"
Only shaking his head, the old wizard smiled, 'Aoi-Chan will love meeting and spoiling her.' Seeing the bemused expression on his son's face, he turned back to Haruto, "Now, I came by to check up on you, Haruto-Kun. Your Okaa-San is a bit worried after everything that has happened, but as I told her, you were very likely being taken care of by the others."
Smirking, Hachimitsu snickered a bit, "Despite how much he has problems with it."
Lightly chuckling, Hiashi gave her a smirk back, "I can imagine."
Pouring some tea into a cup, Mie handed it over to him, "Um, here you go, Hiashi-San. Hopefully it is good."
With a small nod, he took the tea and sipped it before raising his eyebrows, "It is quite good, thank you." Glancing at his son, Hiashi smirked, "Very good choice."
Ears burning a bit, Haruto internally sighed, 'Otou-San... please stop...' Wanting to change the subject, he cleared his throat, "Have you decided to join the Kyoto Diet, Otou-San? Because you are here..."
Not much to his surprise, however, Hiashi shook his head, "No, I am staying with Tokyo until the very end. Someone needs to turn off the boilers, turn out the lights, and lock the doors after all when it is over." At their nods, he hummed a bit as he took another sip of tea, "That said? I do have friends with Kyoto just the same, and I have heard of some things that they are doing."
Frowning, his son nodded, "Such as bringing in food today as well as livestock such as goats?"
Only humming, Hiashi smiled a little, "Hai, it has apparently been in the planning for some time now. One of the breeds, I have been told, is Nubian goats which produce a lot of milk. Hopefully, it makes your job a little easier... though I have been told that there's other things in the works as well, some of which involve you."
Rapidly blinking, Haruto pointed at himself, "Me? What could involve me?"
Eyebrow raised, the blue haired Kitsune nodded, "Hai, I am wondering myself, Hiashi-San." Furrowing her eyebrows, Mikage glanced at her boyfriend, "Nothing that I have heard about, anyways."
Hiashi shook his head though at that, "It is nothing concrete as of yet, but has to do with how the Statute will fall. One of the ideas is to have a number of No-Maj doctors, interns, and nurses come here to learn from you, Haruto-Kun, in regards to Yokai health. Because the island is isolated enough that no one should notice if they do." With a hum, he smiled a bit, "Which is why I brought a desk for your office up in the fort, a rather nice polished wooden one, and one of those very comfy No-Maj leather chairs."
Amused, Haruto snorted a bit and crossed his arms, "Like the one that you have in your office, Otou-San?"
Now grinning, the older wizard laughed a little, "Hai, like the one that I have in my office. I believe that Miyata Naomi-San has been giving it the eye recently after I told her that it is extremely comfortable, especially after a few enchantments." Shaking his head, he hummed, "I even allowed for her to sit in it and she seemed quite surprised. Walked off muttering something about her Otou-San as a matter of fact..." Then, Hiashi shrugged a little, "Say what you will about the No-Maj, their furniture for the office can be extremely comfortable."
Both father and son shared a look before laughing at that as it was one of the thing that got the older of the two mutters from the various others due to not using 'Proper Wizard Furniture' in his office.
Laughter dying away a little, Hiashi sighed and shook his head, "Leaving that aside, for now, I have also been told that, perhaps, some of those No-Maj surveyors will be arriving in a few days to go over the island. Something about infrastructure improvements though I don't know what. I do know, however, that they will be bringing top soil to the island as well as some sort of fast growing grass to anchor it. Other than that..."
He just shrugged and Haruto considered what he had been told, "That... does sound good. Not quite sure about the No-Maj doctors, mind you. And it is not because they might not be good, but that they might not listen to me due to my age, Otou-San. Still... I will try to help out as I can."
With a hum, Hiashi smiled at him before they continued their conversation.
Eventually, however, he did get up to leave and walked out the door still chatting with Haruto. Coming to a stop, Hiashi looked out over the sea with a sigh before nodding and turning to his son, "Haruto-Kun? I left the furniture in your office to set up as you please... But do this old man a favor? Don't make him worry too much."
Softly smiling, Haruto gave him a hug, "I'll try my best."
For a few moments, Hiashi returned it before sighing and pulling back. He did glance to the hut though, but knew that the various shipgirls were talking inside before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. Part of him was amused that Haruto glanced at the hut in a little panic before turning back to him and he lowered his voice, "As you asked, I brought them for you. Are you sure about this?"
Taking a deep breath, Haruto let it out with a sigh, "Hai, I am, Otou-San. Now with Kyoto in charge, I don't need to worry so much. And I can do this freely."
A proud smile on his face, the older of the two handed him the box, which was stuffed into a pocket hurriedly, "I suppose so, and you have both mine and your Okaa-San's approval, though she does want to come and visit to meet them all first."
Bowing slightly, Haruto smiled, "I would not mind that at all, Otou-San. And neither would they."
Just clapping him on the shoulder, Hiashi said his goodbyes and was soon gone leaving Haruto there. Taking a deep breath, he could feel the weight in his pocket before nodding and turning back to the hut. After all, he had a bit of planning to do...
Dishes all done and the table cleaned, which he was not involved in doing at all much to his chagrin, Haruto sighed as he looked at the others, "Guys? I'm fine trust me." Rotating his shoulder, he shook his head, "I just have some bruises left."
Crossing her arms, Hachimitsu frowned at him as her tail swished behind her, "Be that as it may, you are still recovering! And we'll make sure that you take it easy until we are satisfied with it!" She wagged a finger at him, "As the Americans say, 'No ands, ifs, or buts about it!'"
Somewhat confused, Chikako looked behind her where her tails were, 'Butts? What does Onee-Chan mean about my butt? Or does she mean hers?'
Meanwhile, Mikage gave him a small smile, "Onee-San is right, Haruto-Kun. What you need more is rest to recover. Everyone is fine for now and from your training? They can handle the small stuff and only bring you for the large things."
Pressing herself against his back, Haruhime grinned, "So let us pamper you a little!"
With a soft sigh, the Healer looked around and saw that the others were in agreement, "I'm not going to get out of this, am I?"
Soft smile on her face, Mie shook her head, "No, you are not, Haruto-Kun. We'll make sure of it if anything else."
Grin on her face, Ichika let out a bark of laughter, "So just lay back and enjoy us nursing you!"
Blinking, Chikako reached into her pocket before pulling out a nurse's hat which she placed on her head followed by a Nurse's cloak around her, "Nurse Chikako reporting! Willing to take care of Haruto-Nii-San!"
Each of the girls cooed a bit at that as she saluted, with Haruto coughing as he looked away, 'How devastating...'
However, moments later a shiver went down his back as Mikage gained a smirk on her face, "You know... didn't the two of you have nurses onboard, Mie-Chan? Ichika-Chan?"
Both Inugami shipgirls blinked at that before thinking it over. Grins appeared on their faces and they shared looks with the three Kitsune as their tails wagged and they spoke as one, "Why yes, yes we do!"
Needless to say, Haruto shifted a little with a small blush, mainly due to the image that put in his head of his girlfriends in nurse outfits. Something that they knew about, obviously, from the grins that they gave him, 'I'm going to die...' Then he gave an internal shrug and chuckle, 'But I suppose that it would be a good way to go at least.' It was then, however, that the Healer noticed that all the Yokai paused and their ears swivelled to the door, "Someone coming?"
Frown on her face, Mikage nodded, "Hai, someone is walking up to the hut now..." Her nose twitched a bit and she relaxed as did her sisters, "Ah, I think that this is for you."
Confused, the teen got up from the table and walked to the door, reaching it just as someone knocked from the other side. Opening it, however, his eyes widened at the sight of who was there, "Otou-San? What are you doing here?"
Hiashi gave him a small smile as he nodded at his son, "Haruto-Kun... can't an old man visit his son?" Looking past, he gave another nod to the three Kitsune, "Good morning, Haruhime-San, Hachimitsu-San, Mikage-San."
Each of the Kitsune nodded back and bowed slightly, though Hachimitsu gave him a smile, "And a good morning to you as well, Hiashi-San."
Moments later, however, she joined her sisters in blushing at the older wizard's next words, "Hiashi-San? Or should you call me Otou-San as well?"
Glancing at Haruto, Haruhime cleared her throat, "Perhaps in time."
Still confused, the Healer moved aside and motioned him in, "Please, come in, Otou-San." Once the wizard was inside, Haruto looked at him and noticed the tired expression in his eyes. For once, his father looked every bit of his years and the teen's own expression softened, "How are you and Okaa-San doing?"
Lips curling into a sad smile, Hiashi shook his head, "We are doing... as well as can be expected as we lost our first born. Your Okaa-San cries a lot and is still grieving, but... we're slowly getting better. We shall always miss him, and grieve for him, but in the end, he died years ago."
Clencing his fists, Haruto shook his head before taking a breath and letting it out. Then he pulled his father into a hug, "I'm sorry, Otou-San. I... I should be there and..."
Just returning the hug, the older wizard shook his head, "No, my son. You have your own responsibilities right now, though your Okaa-San might one day come by for a visit just the same depending on how things happen in the next little while." Pulling back, Hiashi clasped his son's shoulder, "I'm proud of you, because you are a true man."
Only nodding, Haruto didn't say anything else, but guided him to the table where he sat down at it. Reaching over, Mikage took the older man's hand in hers and smiled, "It is good to see you again, Hiashi-San."
With a chuckle, Hiashi smiled back at her, "And much the same with you as well, Mikage-San. It has been some years, though you are as beautiful as ever as are your Nee-Sans." At that, a light dusting of red could be seen on all three of the Kitsune's faces, though a moment later he continued, "Though I will admit, to go from an 'Onee-San' to my son to his girlfriends? Well..."
Needless to say, the blushes deepened at that and Haruhime looked away, "W-well, Haruto-Kun has grown up to be a fine man, and a good credit to you. The type of man that we... truly like and found we love him."
Rather than say anything, Hiashi simply chuckled again before turning to the two Inugami, "You must be Mie-San and Ichika-San, Haruto-Kun has told me much about you."
It was now the two Inugamis' turn to blush, though Ichika glanced at her boyfriend, "Hopefully good things."
Lightly laughing, the older wizard nodded, "Oh yes, very good things. Though his Okaa-San is looking forward to grandbabies with cute ears and fluffy tails. Hopefully not too soon, however." Once more, all the blushes deepened at that, even Haruto's. However, Hiashi's attention was grabbed as he felt a tug at his sleeve and turned to find Chikako looking at him with a thoughtful expression, "You must be Chikako-Chan... is something wrong?"
However, Chikako shook her head before frowning, "Um... no... But, you're Haruto-Nii-San's Otou-San, right?"
Slowly, Hiashi gave her a nod at that, "Hai, that is correct, he is my son."
Tilting her head, the Neko blinked before humming, "Um... does that mean that I can call you Ojii-San?"
Eyes widening, Hiashi stared at her for a second or two before laughing, "So honest!" Reaching over, he stroked her between the ears, "Yes, you may call me Ojii-San."
Head tilting from side to side, Chikako purred a bit, "Nya... nya... Nyaaaa~" Opening her eyes, she smiled brightly at him, "Okay, Ojii-San!"
Only shaking his head, the old wizard smiled, 'Aoi-Chan will love meeting and spoiling her.' Seeing the bemused expression on his son's face, he turned back to Haruto, "Now, I came by to check up on you, Haruto-Kun. Your Okaa-San is a bit worried after everything that has happened, but as I told her, you were very likely being taken care of by the others."
Smirking, Hachimitsu snickered a bit, "Despite how much he has problems with it."
Lightly chuckling, Hiashi gave her a smirk back, "I can imagine."
Pouring some tea into a cup, Mie handed it over to him, "Um, here you go, Hiashi-San. Hopefully it is good."
With a small nod, he took the tea and sipped it before raising his eyebrows, "It is quite good, thank you." Glancing at his son, Hiashi smirked, "Very good choice."
Ears burning a bit, Haruto internally sighed, 'Otou-San... please stop...' Wanting to change the subject, he cleared his throat, "Have you decided to join the Kyoto Diet, Otou-San? Because you are here..."
Not much to his surprise, however, Hiashi shook his head, "No, I am staying with Tokyo until the very end. Someone needs to turn off the boilers, turn out the lights, and lock the doors after all when it is over." At their nods, he hummed a bit as he took another sip of tea, "That said? I do have friends with Kyoto just the same, and I have heard of some things that they are doing."
Frowning, his son nodded, "Such as bringing in food today as well as livestock such as goats?"
Only humming, Hiashi smiled a little, "Hai, it has apparently been in the planning for some time now. One of the breeds, I have been told, is Nubian goats which produce a lot of milk. Hopefully, it makes your job a little easier... though I have been told that there's other things in the works as well, some of which involve you."
Rapidly blinking, Haruto pointed at himself, "Me? What could involve me?"
Eyebrow raised, the blue haired Kitsune nodded, "Hai, I am wondering myself, Hiashi-San." Furrowing her eyebrows, Mikage glanced at her boyfriend, "Nothing that I have heard about, anyways."
Hiashi shook his head though at that, "It is nothing concrete as of yet, but has to do with how the Statute will fall. One of the ideas is to have a number of No-Maj doctors, interns, and nurses come here to learn from you, Haruto-Kun, in regards to Yokai health. Because the island is isolated enough that no one should notice if they do." With a hum, he smiled a bit, "Which is why I brought a desk for your office up in the fort, a rather nice polished wooden one, and one of those very comfy No-Maj leather chairs."
Amused, Haruto snorted a bit and crossed his arms, "Like the one that you have in your office, Otou-San?"
Now grinning, the older wizard laughed a little, "Hai, like the one that I have in my office. I believe that Miyata Naomi-San has been giving it the eye recently after I told her that it is extremely comfortable, especially after a few enchantments." Shaking his head, he hummed, "I even allowed for her to sit in it and she seemed quite surprised. Walked off muttering something about her Otou-San as a matter of fact..." Then, Hiashi shrugged a little, "Say what you will about the No-Maj, their furniture for the office can be extremely comfortable."
Both father and son shared a look before laughing at that as it was one of the thing that got the older of the two mutters from the various others due to not using 'Proper Wizard Furniture' in his office.
Laughter dying away a little, Hiashi sighed and shook his head, "Leaving that aside, for now, I have also been told that, perhaps, some of those No-Maj surveyors will be arriving in a few days to go over the island. Something about infrastructure improvements though I don't know what. I do know, however, that they will be bringing top soil to the island as well as some sort of fast growing grass to anchor it. Other than that..."
He just shrugged and Haruto considered what he had been told, "That... does sound good. Not quite sure about the No-Maj doctors, mind you. And it is not because they might not be good, but that they might not listen to me due to my age, Otou-San. Still... I will try to help out as I can."
With a hum, Hiashi smiled at him before they continued their conversation.
Eventually, however, he did get up to leave and walked out the door still chatting with Haruto. Coming to a stop, Hiashi looked out over the sea with a sigh before nodding and turning to his son, "Haruto-Kun? I left the furniture in your office to set up as you please... But do this old man a favor? Don't make him worry too much."
Softly smiling, Haruto gave him a hug, "I'll try my best."
For a few moments, Hiashi returned it before sighing and pulling back. He did glance to the hut though, but knew that the various shipgirls were talking inside before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. Part of him was amused that Haruto glanced at the hut in a little panic before turning back to him and he lowered his voice, "As you asked, I brought them for you. Are you sure about this?"
Taking a deep breath, Haruto let it out with a sigh, "Hai, I am, Otou-San. Now with Kyoto in charge, I don't need to worry so much. And I can do this freely."
A proud smile on his face, the older of the two handed him the box, which was stuffed into a pocket hurriedly, "I suppose so, and you have both mine and your Okaa-San's approval, though she does want to come and visit to meet them all first."
Bowing slightly, Haruto smiled, "I would not mind that at all, Otou-San. And neither would they."
Just clapping him on the shoulder, Hiashi said his goodbyes and was soon gone leaving Haruto there. Taking a deep breath, he could feel the weight in his pocket before nodding and turning back to the hut. After all, he had a bit of planning to do...