[Ginzan Fest.] Breakfast and Magical Entomologist(bug scientist)
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Harry Leferts
The Sun had just barely begun to peak over the horizon as Himewari entered the manor's kitchen and paused. Something that was mainly to do with the fact that Harry was already at the stove cooking, the smell of which caused the sunflower spirit's nose to twitch and for her to already feel her mouth water. After a few moments though, she shook that off and walked over to him, "Harry-Sama? What are you doing up?"
Looking over his shoulder, the nearly fourteen year old smiled a bit, "Getting started on breakfast as it needs to be a big one. Especially as Kaga-Oba and Akagi-Oba are here with Mum and Hoppou."
Suddenly remembering just how much the four ate the night before, Himewari winced a little, "Ah, I see." Considering things though, she gave a small nod and made her way over, "Well, I believe that I can help then."
As the two began getting breakfast ready for the rest in the household, they chatted a little bit. Taking some eggs, Harry dropped them into a small pot as he began to explain how to cook them, "... And once they're done, you can just peel off the eggshell and slice them before adding some salt and pepper to them for taste."
Nodding in thought as she made some tamagoyaki, Himewari hummed, "I see, and Lady Shiromizu enjoys it as a breakfast meal?"
With a chuckle, Harry smiled, "Hai, she actually loves anything with eggs in it for her breakfast. Or, at least, that is what I have found." With a small shrug, he pulled out a fresh baked loaf of bread and began to cut it into slices, "She does seem to enjoy it anyways."
Thoughtful, Himewari made a mental note of it, "Thank you, Harry-Sama. I appreciate your help with this."
Just waving her off, the wizard sighed, "Just use -San, please." Head tilting to the side, Harry frowned a little at a thought that occurred to him, "Himewari-San? May I ask you a question?" At her nod, he continued, "I have been wondering about the fact that your a spirit. I mean... I know that Shiromizu and Jin both eat and drink, so I'm assuming that you do as well?"
Head tilting back, Himewari considered the question for a few moments before nodding, "In regards to needing to eat physical food? Now that we are connected with our places of power, we don't truly need to eat as a normal physical being might. We actually receive a trickle of power at all times from our places. That said... eating does help keep our requirements down and also is rather enjoyable just the same."
Lips twitching, Harry shook his head, "I see." Glancing at the cupboards, filled with various foods, as well as the various appliances around, he raised an eyebrow in a little amusement, "I get the feeling that you will have a lot of chances coming up."
Following his gaze, the Sunflower Spirit nodded with a happy smile on her face, "Hai, that is true enough." As his attention turned back to cooking though, he didn't note the far off look on Himewari's face, 'Perhaps soon a picnic with Ryo-Kun...'
Soon after though, the various people staying there slowly began to make their way into the dining room with Misa and Louisiana coming to help cook. It was not long before all the food and people began to eat with Kenshō in Natsumi's lap and Hoppou in Harry's as they all chatted. Out of the corner of his eye, he did notice that Taichi looked flustered while the two Carriers on either side of him as smug looks on their faces. Like that of a cat who caught a bird that turned out to be made of cream.
However, Harry just shook his head in some amusement and chuckled, 'Somehow, I know that I am better off not asking.' Instead though, he turned to Natsumi with a raised eyebrow, "So, where do you want to go today then?"
Natsumi took a bite of some rice and a sip of Miso before humming, "Honestly, Harry-Chan? I'm not sure... Maybe explore some of the other parts of the mountain as well as the main festival? From the flyers, it's spread all over the place."
With a small nod, Misa smiled a bit as she ate her own breakfast, "There are a number of different, and smaller, festivals going on, yes. For example, there is a small community of Kappa near the Misty Falls where Lady Shiromizu's river falls off a cliff into what had been a small, open pit mine. We cleaned it up though before the river even reached it so there were no contaminates and the current is not too bad, especially with the Kappa providing lifeguards for those swimming."
That made Kero blink a little, "Seriously?" At the nod, he scratched his cheek, "Uh, no offense? To you or the Kappa, but considering the stories..."
Lips twitching, the Unagi Hime shook her head, "They're perfectly friendly..." Pausing for a moment, Misa took a bite of omelet before continuing, "Granted, you might want to be careful for another reason. You are a Hero of the Mountain and there's a number of single females there so they might well be very friendly..."
Seeing the expression on her fellow pilot's face, Gyaru cackled, "Oh, that I would need to see." Once she got herself under control though, she shrugged, "Anyways, I'm thinking of heading up the mountain with Ai here, there's apparently a group of Tengu near the summit living there and I want to know more about them. Kudzu said that he would join us as well."
A soft smile on her face, Ai chuckled a little, "And I would not mind showing off a little to either of you, Gyaru."
Just shaking her head, Misa turned back to Harry, "There's a few other places as well, such as the old Mines that have been turned into underground communities. In fact, inside one of the deeper caverns left behind by a shussebora, there's an old manor that's being fixed up." At the looks, she shrugged, "It dates back to the early days when the Statute came down. Some Yokai built it there for a planned community, but... nothing came of it. They fixed it up some when Kuroshi took over as shelter, but it is still a bit run down."
Taking a bite of egg, Shiromizu chewed a bit before shrugging, "I don't know, Mystic Hollow could be fun." At their looks, she smiled a bit, "It's a small cirque on the otherside of the mountain. Used to be home to an old Onmyouji who, uh... experimented with potions and such. There's a bunch of magical fungi there and recently there's a community of Furutsubaki no rei that moved in there since they like the woods and the quiet."
Softly chuckling, her older sister figure shook her head, "The valley that extends from it also has them living there as well. Though, in that case some of the other inhabitants are... unexpected, to say the least, but they get along with the Tsubaki spirits just fine."
Curious, Shiromizu looked over at her, "What do you mean, Onee-Sama? Did someone move in?"
With a slow nod, she hummed a little, "Hai, an old witch as a matter of fact." Sighing, she leaned back as she expected there to be a few issues, "She was one of those who were... forcibly recruited by Kamo during the war. When she first denied him, he abducted her brother and his family, terrorizing them before she accepted his 'Offer' for a special project, the results of which now live in that valley."
Now concerned, Nagato put her food to the side, "She was a member of Sub-Unit-931? Why would you let her stay here?"
Hands clasped in front of her, Misa frowned, "Because I actually know her personally." At the surprised looks, she shook her head, "We met back in the 1890s when she was a young No-majborn. Her field of study was of magical creatures and, in particular, insects. She mixed No-Maj science of entomology with magical knowledge and was quite successful. She even spent a decade until the 1930s studying fairies, sprites, and the like in Britain before returning to Japan. She was a foremost expert... which was why Kamo wanted her to join as he had a special project in mind that could use her expertise and would not take no for an answer."
Frowning, Jin leaned forward, "Wait... what would he want an expert in magical insects for? Or someone who was one in regards to fairies?"
Lips pressed thinly together, Misa shook her head, "I assume that you know of the Okiku Mushi?"
Kero boggled at her, "Okiku mushi? As in the caterpillars regarding the Tale of Okiku?" Seeing the confusion, he scratched the back of his head, "Yeah, you probably all know the story right? Well, supposedly the caterpillars of the Chinese windmill butterfly look like a bound Okiku when in their cocoons and were created by her grudge according to the story..."
The adult Tengu frowned a little and looked at the Unagi Hime, "That... is true, I have heard of them, but the Yokai don't last long and turn into normal butterflies."
Slowly, Misa nodded and sighed, "Hai, and you are right about that. Issue is that Kamo did not want them to turn into normal butterflies. He believed that if one manipulated the process, the result would be a fairy-like being that could be used to spy and perhaps assassinate people with poisoned needles. Hence him having Chouki-Chan join his group whether she wanted it or not. He even had a number of British fairies brought in for the project to... stabilize, the result." She then shrugged a little, "The result was not what he expected, however. Some of them, apparently, became the size of normal children to pre-teens though one or two look adult despite the size. Others were more normal sized as people, but with more insect features. Before he was able to do anything, however, the war ended. The Americans captured her and were going to, ah, sterilize the project when Chouki-Chan somehow broke free and escaped with the subjects. They caught her a few weeks later, she would not tell them where she had put her creations, or children, as she put it. Her trial was pretty quick and she was imprisoned for a decade or two until they released her in the 1950s and she disappeared."
Nodding slowly, Siusan frowned a little in understanding, "Until she showed up here."
Kiss smiled slightly with her own nod, "Until she showed up here with about a hundred of each, yes. She wanted somewhere that they could be safe and believed that the mountain is isolated enough for that. The Tsubaki spirits adore them, though a few have shown... elemental abilities as Chouki-Chan said that at the end, Kamo mixed in other nature spirits such as Yuki-Onna and the like." A frown appeared on her face and she became troubled, "Though about a week ago she mentioned that she believes that she does not have much longer yet the local healers state that she is perfectly healthy for her age. Perhaps she knows something..."
More than one of the adults looked troubled at that. However, Kensuke shook it off and gave the Unagi Hime a look, "But she doesn't cause any trouble? At all?"
Just shaking her head, Misa chuckled, "Not unless you count how sometimes her children cause mischief, no. She mostly spends her days just watching and teaching them."
Suddenly, a thought struck Harry and he blinked, "I just realized something. MACUSA had her notes and stuff, right? From the experiment?" At the nod, he continued and everyone blinked at his next words, "Maybe someone attempted to recreate it? I mean, there was that whole 'Mothman' thing that happened in the US. Hornext was going on about it a few years back since she loved paranormal stuff."
Pinching her nose, Jin snorted, "I'd like to say that is impossible... but some of the guys there are just that stupid. But..." She gave a small shrug, "I'll ask Mom. Might not get an straight answer, but who knows...?"
After a few moments of thought, the nearly fourteen year old wizard hummed a bit as he turned from his now empty plate to sip his tea, "Hmm... I do know one place that I will be visiting thought." Seeing the looks, he smiled, "Kiri Castle. I've been meaning to check up on her while we were here to see how she was doing after all."
Unknown to him, a sly look came over Shiromizu's face before she replaced it with a innocent expression, "Well, that is good. She has been asking about you quite a bit after all."
Blinking, Harry looked over at her, "Really?"
With a smile on her face, the young Mizuchi nodded, "Hai, she has. Even did so back at Kami-Con, same with Mahoutokoro. Both of them wanted me to tell them all about you and how you were doing."
Despite him thinking that was more going on, Harry shrugged it off, "Huh, I'll have to go and see her than. Maybe bring a few treats as well?"
Looking serious, Shiromizu ignored the glare from Natsumi as she looked to the side to hide her amusement, "That would be a good idea, yes. I think that she would really enjoy anything from you."
Much to her hidden glee, Natsumi glared even more at her before shifting a bit closer to Harry. Though from the looks from some of the others, they knew what was going on. Rei, meanwhile, blinked in confusion, "What did Harry-Nii-San do that she wants to see him?"
Reaching over, Sakuya began to wipe her daughter's mouth as she squirmed, "Harry-San managed to heal her by repairing and restoring her castle entirely. So it is not very strange that she wishes to see him again and talk with him."
A look of understanding was on the young Kit's face as she nodded.
Siusan, meanwhile, finished off the rice porridge she was eating before smiling a little and reaching out to hold the hand of the Kitsune beside her, "Myself and Brigid... Haruka, shall be heading to the small museum in town." At their looks, she smiled, "Apparently it is run by one of those child spirits and focuses some on local history as well as Yokai history as a whole. From what I have heard, she is quite the historian."
It took a few moments, but Misa recognized the Yokai, "Ah! You must mean Akiho-Chan. She's a Zashiki-warashi who moved here with the last member of her family after their home was destroyed during the Tsunami up in Fukushima. Said family is a young boy and she practically carried him here upon hearing that they could be safe from the Diet." Expression saddening, she shook her head, "Apparently some Aurors tried to separate them a year ago, but they got away. She did claim they were told to come here from someone they could trust though and she's taken up the family's habit of collecting history and artifacts, so the museum is quite nice when talking about Yokai history as is the archives she has."
Various nods met her at that and soon, they turned to other matters.
The Sun had just barely begun to peak over the horizon as Himewari entered the manor's kitchen and paused. Something that was mainly to do with the fact that Harry was already at the stove cooking, the smell of which caused the sunflower spirit's nose to twitch and for her to already feel her mouth water. After a few moments though, she shook that off and walked over to him, "Harry-Sama? What are you doing up?"
Looking over his shoulder, the nearly fourteen year old smiled a bit, "Getting started on breakfast as it needs to be a big one. Especially as Kaga-Oba and Akagi-Oba are here with Mum and Hoppou."
Suddenly remembering just how much the four ate the night before, Himewari winced a little, "Ah, I see." Considering things though, she gave a small nod and made her way over, "Well, I believe that I can help then."
As the two began getting breakfast ready for the rest in the household, they chatted a little bit. Taking some eggs, Harry dropped them into a small pot as he began to explain how to cook them, "... And once they're done, you can just peel off the eggshell and slice them before adding some salt and pepper to them for taste."
Nodding in thought as she made some tamagoyaki, Himewari hummed, "I see, and Lady Shiromizu enjoys it as a breakfast meal?"
With a chuckle, Harry smiled, "Hai, she actually loves anything with eggs in it for her breakfast. Or, at least, that is what I have found." With a small shrug, he pulled out a fresh baked loaf of bread and began to cut it into slices, "She does seem to enjoy it anyways."
Thoughtful, Himewari made a mental note of it, "Thank you, Harry-Sama. I appreciate your help with this."
Just waving her off, the wizard sighed, "Just use -San, please." Head tilting to the side, Harry frowned a little at a thought that occurred to him, "Himewari-San? May I ask you a question?" At her nod, he continued, "I have been wondering about the fact that your a spirit. I mean... I know that Shiromizu and Jin both eat and drink, so I'm assuming that you do as well?"
Head tilting back, Himewari considered the question for a few moments before nodding, "In regards to needing to eat physical food? Now that we are connected with our places of power, we don't truly need to eat as a normal physical being might. We actually receive a trickle of power at all times from our places. That said... eating does help keep our requirements down and also is rather enjoyable just the same."
Lips twitching, Harry shook his head, "I see." Glancing at the cupboards, filled with various foods, as well as the various appliances around, he raised an eyebrow in a little amusement, "I get the feeling that you will have a lot of chances coming up."
Following his gaze, the Sunflower Spirit nodded with a happy smile on her face, "Hai, that is true enough." As his attention turned back to cooking though, he didn't note the far off look on Himewari's face, 'Perhaps soon a picnic with Ryo-Kun...'
Soon after though, the various people staying there slowly began to make their way into the dining room with Misa and Louisiana coming to help cook. It was not long before all the food and people began to eat with Kenshō in Natsumi's lap and Hoppou in Harry's as they all chatted. Out of the corner of his eye, he did notice that Taichi looked flustered while the two Carriers on either side of him as smug looks on their faces. Like that of a cat who caught a bird that turned out to be made of cream.
However, Harry just shook his head in some amusement and chuckled, 'Somehow, I know that I am better off not asking.' Instead though, he turned to Natsumi with a raised eyebrow, "So, where do you want to go today then?"
Natsumi took a bite of some rice and a sip of Miso before humming, "Honestly, Harry-Chan? I'm not sure... Maybe explore some of the other parts of the mountain as well as the main festival? From the flyers, it's spread all over the place."
With a small nod, Misa smiled a bit as she ate her own breakfast, "There are a number of different, and smaller, festivals going on, yes. For example, there is a small community of Kappa near the Misty Falls where Lady Shiromizu's river falls off a cliff into what had been a small, open pit mine. We cleaned it up though before the river even reached it so there were no contaminates and the current is not too bad, especially with the Kappa providing lifeguards for those swimming."
That made Kero blink a little, "Seriously?" At the nod, he scratched his cheek, "Uh, no offense? To you or the Kappa, but considering the stories..."
Lips twitching, the Unagi Hime shook her head, "They're perfectly friendly..." Pausing for a moment, Misa took a bite of omelet before continuing, "Granted, you might want to be careful for another reason. You are a Hero of the Mountain and there's a number of single females there so they might well be very friendly..."
Seeing the expression on her fellow pilot's face, Gyaru cackled, "Oh, that I would need to see." Once she got herself under control though, she shrugged, "Anyways, I'm thinking of heading up the mountain with Ai here, there's apparently a group of Tengu near the summit living there and I want to know more about them. Kudzu said that he would join us as well."
A soft smile on her face, Ai chuckled a little, "And I would not mind showing off a little to either of you, Gyaru."
Just shaking her head, Misa turned back to Harry, "There's a few other places as well, such as the old Mines that have been turned into underground communities. In fact, inside one of the deeper caverns left behind by a shussebora, there's an old manor that's being fixed up." At the looks, she shrugged, "It dates back to the early days when the Statute came down. Some Yokai built it there for a planned community, but... nothing came of it. They fixed it up some when Kuroshi took over as shelter, but it is still a bit run down."
Taking a bite of egg, Shiromizu chewed a bit before shrugging, "I don't know, Mystic Hollow could be fun." At their looks, she smiled a bit, "It's a small cirque on the otherside of the mountain. Used to be home to an old Onmyouji who, uh... experimented with potions and such. There's a bunch of magical fungi there and recently there's a community of Furutsubaki no rei that moved in there since they like the woods and the quiet."
Softly chuckling, her older sister figure shook her head, "The valley that extends from it also has them living there as well. Though, in that case some of the other inhabitants are... unexpected, to say the least, but they get along with the Tsubaki spirits just fine."
Curious, Shiromizu looked over at her, "What do you mean, Onee-Sama? Did someone move in?"
With a slow nod, she hummed a little, "Hai, an old witch as a matter of fact." Sighing, she leaned back as she expected there to be a few issues, "She was one of those who were... forcibly recruited by Kamo during the war. When she first denied him, he abducted her brother and his family, terrorizing them before she accepted his 'Offer' for a special project, the results of which now live in that valley."
Now concerned, Nagato put her food to the side, "She was a member of Sub-Unit-931? Why would you let her stay here?"
Hands clasped in front of her, Misa frowned, "Because I actually know her personally." At the surprised looks, she shook her head, "We met back in the 1890s when she was a young No-majborn. Her field of study was of magical creatures and, in particular, insects. She mixed No-Maj science of entomology with magical knowledge and was quite successful. She even spent a decade until the 1930s studying fairies, sprites, and the like in Britain before returning to Japan. She was a foremost expert... which was why Kamo wanted her to join as he had a special project in mind that could use her expertise and would not take no for an answer."
Frowning, Jin leaned forward, "Wait... what would he want an expert in magical insects for? Or someone who was one in regards to fairies?"
Lips pressed thinly together, Misa shook her head, "I assume that you know of the Okiku Mushi?"
Kero boggled at her, "Okiku mushi? As in the caterpillars regarding the Tale of Okiku?" Seeing the confusion, he scratched the back of his head, "Yeah, you probably all know the story right? Well, supposedly the caterpillars of the Chinese windmill butterfly look like a bound Okiku when in their cocoons and were created by her grudge according to the story..."
The adult Tengu frowned a little and looked at the Unagi Hime, "That... is true, I have heard of them, but the Yokai don't last long and turn into normal butterflies."
Slowly, Misa nodded and sighed, "Hai, and you are right about that. Issue is that Kamo did not want them to turn into normal butterflies. He believed that if one manipulated the process, the result would be a fairy-like being that could be used to spy and perhaps assassinate people with poisoned needles. Hence him having Chouki-Chan join his group whether she wanted it or not. He even had a number of British fairies brought in for the project to... stabilize, the result." She then shrugged a little, "The result was not what he expected, however. Some of them, apparently, became the size of normal children to pre-teens though one or two look adult despite the size. Others were more normal sized as people, but with more insect features. Before he was able to do anything, however, the war ended. The Americans captured her and were going to, ah, sterilize the project when Chouki-Chan somehow broke free and escaped with the subjects. They caught her a few weeks later, she would not tell them where she had put her creations, or children, as she put it. Her trial was pretty quick and she was imprisoned for a decade or two until they released her in the 1950s and she disappeared."
Nodding slowly, Siusan frowned a little in understanding, "Until she showed up here."
Kiss smiled slightly with her own nod, "Until she showed up here with about a hundred of each, yes. She wanted somewhere that they could be safe and believed that the mountain is isolated enough for that. The Tsubaki spirits adore them, though a few have shown... elemental abilities as Chouki-Chan said that at the end, Kamo mixed in other nature spirits such as Yuki-Onna and the like." A frown appeared on her face and she became troubled, "Though about a week ago she mentioned that she believes that she does not have much longer yet the local healers state that she is perfectly healthy for her age. Perhaps she knows something..."
More than one of the adults looked troubled at that. However, Kensuke shook it off and gave the Unagi Hime a look, "But she doesn't cause any trouble? At all?"
Just shaking her head, Misa chuckled, "Not unless you count how sometimes her children cause mischief, no. She mostly spends her days just watching and teaching them."
Suddenly, a thought struck Harry and he blinked, "I just realized something. MACUSA had her notes and stuff, right? From the experiment?" At the nod, he continued and everyone blinked at his next words, "Maybe someone attempted to recreate it? I mean, there was that whole 'Mothman' thing that happened in the US. Hornext was going on about it a few years back since she loved paranormal stuff."
Pinching her nose, Jin snorted, "I'd like to say that is impossible... but some of the guys there are just that stupid. But..." She gave a small shrug, "I'll ask Mom. Might not get an straight answer, but who knows...?"
After a few moments of thought, the nearly fourteen year old wizard hummed a bit as he turned from his now empty plate to sip his tea, "Hmm... I do know one place that I will be visiting thought." Seeing the looks, he smiled, "Kiri Castle. I've been meaning to check up on her while we were here to see how she was doing after all."
Unknown to him, a sly look came over Shiromizu's face before she replaced it with a innocent expression, "Well, that is good. She has been asking about you quite a bit after all."
Blinking, Harry looked over at her, "Really?"
With a smile on her face, the young Mizuchi nodded, "Hai, she has. Even did so back at Kami-Con, same with Mahoutokoro. Both of them wanted me to tell them all about you and how you were doing."
Despite him thinking that was more going on, Harry shrugged it off, "Huh, I'll have to go and see her than. Maybe bring a few treats as well?"
Looking serious, Shiromizu ignored the glare from Natsumi as she looked to the side to hide her amusement, "That would be a good idea, yes. I think that she would really enjoy anything from you."
Much to her hidden glee, Natsumi glared even more at her before shifting a bit closer to Harry. Though from the looks from some of the others, they knew what was going on. Rei, meanwhile, blinked in confusion, "What did Harry-Nii-San do that she wants to see him?"
Reaching over, Sakuya began to wipe her daughter's mouth as she squirmed, "Harry-San managed to heal her by repairing and restoring her castle entirely. So it is not very strange that she wishes to see him again and talk with him."
A look of understanding was on the young Kit's face as she nodded.
Siusan, meanwhile, finished off the rice porridge she was eating before smiling a little and reaching out to hold the hand of the Kitsune beside her, "Myself and Brigid... Haruka, shall be heading to the small museum in town." At their looks, she smiled, "Apparently it is run by one of those child spirits and focuses some on local history as well as Yokai history as a whole. From what I have heard, she is quite the historian."
It took a few moments, but Misa recognized the Yokai, "Ah! You must mean Akiho-Chan. She's a Zashiki-warashi who moved here with the last member of her family after their home was destroyed during the Tsunami up in Fukushima. Said family is a young boy and she practically carried him here upon hearing that they could be safe from the Diet." Expression saddening, she shook her head, "Apparently some Aurors tried to separate them a year ago, but they got away. She did claim they were told to come here from someone they could trust though and she's taken up the family's habit of collecting history and artifacts, so the museum is quite nice when talking about Yokai history as is the archives she has."
Various nods met her at that and soon, they turned to other matters.