Tournament organizers get a visit from the Good Ideas Fairy
Well worn.
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Harry Leferts
It was a tired and exhausted Dumbledore who walked through the halls of the school. Rubbing at his face, he softly groaned a little even as he leaned back and some bones popped in his back, "As wise men have stated... I am getting far too old for this shit."
With another sigh, he rubbed along the bridge of his nose with a small frown as his fingertips traced where it had been broken. Even though the memory of how it was broken was painful, even now, it did bring a smile to his face. Mainly due to how his sister's fairy had reacted when she had found out how it happened. Upon seeing it, she had touched it with her tiny hands and frowned as she asked how it had happened. Which lead to a very sheepish Aberforth to admit to it.
Even now, the image of the tiny form of his sister jumping and gesturing with one hand at his brother as she ranted at him, Aberforth cringing the whole time, still brought a smile to Albus' face.
Shaking his head a little, Dumbledore looked around him as it was late into the evening at Hogwarts. Right then, he felt every bit of his long years he had been alive for. Yet again, after the hours he had just spent, he wondered why he was still Headmaster. But looking around the school, and remembering the children, he smiled slightly and nodded. For as long as they came, and he was able, he would do it for them.
For them, and not the adult children that caused him issues. There were times he wanted to be old fashioned with that bunch and pull out an enchanted paddle! Some of them were the most frustrating people he had ever had the misfortune to come across. Honestly...
Under his breath, Dumbledore muttered a little as he shook his head at the memory, "... Scum sucking, cattle fucking, bel-shangle..."
However, thankfully, he reached his destination and opened the door to find Minerva sitting there at the table along with Hagrid (who, he noted, was looking rather tanned... Australia seemed to agree with him), Severus, Flitwick, Spout, and Pomfrey. Upon seeing the exhausted state of the Headmaster, McGonagall came over and gently guided him to a chair, "Come have a seat, Albus. You look utterly spent!"
As soon as he sat down, the elderly wizard let out a sigh of relief, "Ah, thank you, Minerva. If it would not be too much trouble to have a hot toddy?" Moments later, a tea cup with said drink appeared before him and he took a sip, "Lovely... just what I needed."
Frown on his face, Snape shared a look with the others before furrowing his eyebrows, "Did something happen, Headmaster?"
Taking another sip of his drink, Albus looked over his spectacles and sighed as he shook his head, "Nothing unless you count the usual politics, Severus. It is, much as usual, bothersome."
Eyebrows furrowing, Sprout frowned some, "Do you mean what is happening in Ireland, Albus? I've heard that there's been problems there, so I expect the Ministry to bother you over it."
Grimace on his face, the Headmaster felt a small headache come on, "Fortunately, not at the moment. Though the closer we get to the World Cup, the worse I believe that it shall be. I do have hopes that Amelia will catch the troublemakers responsible for the recent attacks on Irish magical leaders. Them performing sit-ins within the Ministry lobby and protests outside is no reason to attack them and burn down homes. We are just lucky that no one had been killed as of yet, though I worry that is to come."
Lips pressing thinly, Minerva shook her head, "Honestly, some people out there..." Pressing a finger to the side of her head, she rubbed it in circles, "The Irish are keeping it peaceful for God's sake! Why would someone stir them up with violence now!?"
Only shaking his head, Dumbledore scowled, "Why indeed... Though I am thankful that Eoin Cleary is keeping them peaceful. Granted, the man is smarter than most and can already read the writing on the wall. Once the Statute falls, most of Magical Ireland will be free of British control. All he needs to do is keep the hotheads under control until then..." Frowning, he became thoughtful, "Though, from what conversations I've had with him, he may well already be setting up a Ministry of Magic in Ireland... but nothing concrete."
Confused a little, Hagrid looked around some, "Well, 'Eadmaster... what seems to be th' problem?"
Another sigh escaped from Albus as he shook his head, "As I said, politics, Hagrid. Though more of the international kind." Leaning back, he drained nearly the full cup of toddy and placed it aside while wide eyes watched, "In particular regarding the Tri-Wizard Tournament that will be held this year at Hogwarts."
That made the school nurse shake her head some as she pressed her lips thinly in a scowl, "Honestly, Albus, I do not know what you and the others are thinking of bringing that... that... that disaster back!" She wagged a finger at him, "It was stopped for a very good reason after all! Too many died for that damn cup! Too many!"
It being an old argument, Albus just rubbed the side of his head, "And frankly, Poppy, I agree with you on that point. I don't want it to return. But Cornelius has it in his mind ever since the disaster that was the Chamber opening, as well as last year's incidents regarding the Dementors as well as Sirius Black, that he needs something big to show off to the world. To show off Hogwarts as the best."
His tone utterly dry, though filled with disgust, Snape sneered a bit, "So, of course, he chose the absolute worst possible event and then dug in his heels." Pausing for a moment, he shook his head, "I suspect Umbridge has a hand in this."
Mutters erupted around the table at that as most there had the "Pleasure" of at some time or another meeting the Undersecretary and all of them could see her promoting it as a good idea.
Sprout gave a small sniff at that, "I still say that the Quidditch Cup should be good enough, Albus! Or an Inter-School Dueling Competition or a Quidditch match between the schools! No need for all this... danger and such to our students just so that we could whip them out and measure!"
Due to having been drinking some tea, Flitwick snorted it though his nose and started coughing. Holding up his hands to the apologies from the Head of Hufflepuff, he waved his wand a little and vanished it, including what was still in his nose, with a show of skill. Placing his cup to the side, he gave his fellow Head of House an amused look, "While I might not agree with the language my collague used, I do agree with the spirit, Albus. There are other ways of showing off our school compared to the others."
Once more, Dumbledore nodded a little, "And as I said, I agree. But you all know Cornelius when he gets one of his... bright... ideas to make himself look good to the public. It does not help that the ICW is also pushing for it as both a number of countries whose heads are Drumstrang allumni and the ones who came from Beauxbatons wish for their former schools to show us up." Then he shook his head a little, "Unfortunately, most of what is being prepared has been decided. Hogwarts and Britain are in charge of the First Task, Drumstrang has chosen the Second, and the Third has been chosen by Beauxbatons."
Grimacing, the Transfiguration Mistress groaned some, "Let me guess... the First Task will be something completely and utterly dangerous."
Eyebrows raising, Albus gave her a look, "Why, Minerva, I did not know that you could perform Legilimancy." If possible, the sheer amount of venom in her glare could have struck him dead. As it was, he swore that he could feel the ends of his hair smoking, "But yes, you would be quite right."
Just taking a deep breath, Minerva let it out as she pinched her nose, "How bad...?" When she did not get an answer, she gave him a glare as he seemed to shift a bit like a schoolboy caught doing something bad, "... Albus Percival Brian Wulfric Dumbledore! WHAT DID THEY DECIDE TO DO!?"
Wincing, Dumbledore wouldn't look at her, "You do realize that being older rather harms the effectiveness of using my full name, right?"
As her glare intensified, he winced and muttered a bit. Most of the teachers were puzzled, but Minerva twitched while Flitwick looked at him as if he was insane. Wiggling a finger in his ear, the Ravenclaw Head frowned, "Albus... I must be hearing things. Did you just say... dragons?"
That made Albus wince some as he tried to sink into his chair from the glares being directed at him from the females of the group, 'Deadliest members of the species indeed...' Coughing, he looked away, "Quite... nesting mothers, as a matter of fact from which the Champion shall have to get a golden egg from."
For a beat, there was utter silence in the room as everyone took that bit of information in. Snape glanced at the female teachers who were standing up, and then at Albus, who seemed to be pleading with him. Then, slowly, the Potion Master got up out of his chair, and moved to one further away from the Headmaster. At the look of betrayal, Snape simply gestured to Minerva and the others as if to say 'I'm Slytherin, not a Gryffindor.'
Needless to say, moments later the other males all winced as the female staff let Dumbledore have it.
It took some time, but eventually, the witches ran out of steam. Sitting at one end of the table, Flitwick sipped his tea a little with a hum, "Twenty five minutes exactly, a new record."
Hagrid, who was beside him, frowned as he stroked his beard a little, "Aye, tha' seems about right. Though I'm thankful that Wanko ain' been mad at me yet."
Snape raised an eyebrow at him, "How is that going, Hagrid? She does seem smitten with you after all, and it is not easy to find women of your... size range."
Blushing a bit, the half-giant shifted a little, "Don' know what yeh are talkin' about. Though, if I was ta be honest... things are goin' well enough!" Then he shook his head, "Still, ain' had to deal wit her like this!"
The other two men nodded at that in agreement, while ignoring Albus glaring at them. Something that failed, at least partially due to the fact that his hair and beard looked rather windswept behind him. As if he had been sitting in a hurricane.
With a sigh, the Headmaster turned back to the three women glaring at him before clearing his throat, "Yes, well... I do understand your concerns. Unfortunately, as much as I would rather wish otherwise, it has been decided." A somewhat sheepish look came over his face, "And... I will admit... I am partially to blame for dragons being chosen."
Now, everyone was staring at him in complete and utter dismay and confusion. Glasses slipping down her nose, Minerva gave him a look before speaking in an utterly calm voice, "Albus... explain, right now before I decide to turn you into something even a flobberworm will pity."
It went without saying that everyone winced at that and Dumbledore cleared his voice, "I was rather... annoyed at the meeting. And I replied to Cornelius' question of what we should do with a comment that perhaps we should do the opposite of the school motto and tickle a sleeping dragon. Because it would go as well as anything else... and then him and Crouch decided to run with it, not realizing I was being somewhat sarcastic. But then, they decided that tickling a sleeping dragon did not sound like much of a spectacle, thus..."
He then waved his hand in the air and everyone followed the line of thought. Snape, for his part, banged his head on the table while Minerva lapsed into gaelic profanity. Some of which made even Albus raise his eyebrows due to not hearing such before. Of course, that was when Sprout turned to her old friend with a serious expression on her face, "Minnie, do you think that you could magic me up some ammunition? I feel the need to test out an old friend of mine right about now."
Despite his instincts telling him to let it happen, Dumbledore coughed, "Now, let us not talk of murdering them." At their looks, he continued, "I would rather not deal with questions as to why said item has not been disarmed, after all, and it would cause issues with the Muggles now."
Granted, he was not about to stick his head out that far for them, as he was rather annoyed.
Sipping his drink, Flitwick hummed a little as he cocked an eyebrow, "So, that is one event. What are the others, Albus?"
Just nodding, Albus placed his hands on top of each other as he took a deep breath, "The Second Task will happen in the lake, as decided by Drumstrang. As of now, they are talking about having someone rescued, though it should be safe as I shall speak with the Chieftain of the Mermen and will ask for some help to keep an eye on the Champions." Everyone nodded at that in understanding he meant Submarine girls, "The Third Task, from my understanding, shall be performed in a maze."
Frown on his face as he thought it over, Snape nodded, "Interesting..." At the looks, he waved his hand in the air, "Drumstrang chose the lake, which in February will be extremely cold. However, there is a lake by their school from my understanding that students often swim in. Not to mention using saunas, they'll run into said lake. Thus, they would have the advantage. The maze, however, is very likely to be based on the one at Beaubaxtons, though a bit more dangerous. And thus, Beauxbatons will have the advantage there."
Leaning back, the Headmaster nodded, "That is my thought on the matter, yes."
A sound of rumbling made everyone blink before turning and realizing that it was Hagrid clearing his throat. Shifting around a little, the Care of Magical Creatures Professor grimaced a little, "Uh, Albus? I hate ta ask yeh, but... wha' sort of protections are yeh putting on th' Goblet? Because I don' wan' 'Arry ta be involved in this." At the looks, he flushed some, "I ain' stupid, I can see stuff. And while 'Arry don' want ta be involved, he always gets involved somehow. I just don't want it ta happen this time."
Several seconds passed before Snape nodded and turned to Albus, "As much as I hate to admit it... Hagrid is right about how Mister Potter does get involved in such things whether he wants to or not. He is... not quite the attention seeker that I would have thought." More than one eyebrow rose at that in consideration. Then, nearly as one, they turned to Dumbledore who looked like he had bitten into an apple and found half a worm. With a sinking stomach, Snape and the others realized what that meant and groaned, the Potion Master hitting his head on the table, "Don't tell me..."
In reply, Dumbledore looked at the tea cup and cleared his throat, "Another hot toddy, please." Moments later, it vanished and returned refilled with said drink, which he sipped, "As a matter of fact, I did bring up the fact that we should place protections to make sure only students of age could participate. Unfortunately, I could only convince them to allow an Age Line of all things. It is why I am currently drinking as I much need it after spending several hours attempting to put my head through a mountain."
Glancing at Minerva, who seemed seconds away from going to murder someone if the cursing under her breath said anything, Sprout frowned a little, "Albus, surely you could have placed more protections onto the Goblet. You very likely know quite a few that would be suitable and harder to break than an Age Line."
From where he sat, Flitwick nodded with a frown, "Indeed, I can count off at least seven or eight off the top of my head. An Age Line is a rather weak protection, and one that could be fooled."
With a hum, the Headmaster pinched his nose, "How I ever wish that those children were as mature as you." Taking a deep breath, he let it out in an explosive sigh as he looked up, "It comes down, of course, to politics." More than one blinked at how venomous that last word was spoken before Dumbledore continued, "In particular, the fact that there are issues of trust regarding anything more."
Utterly confused, Minerva looked up at that, "Trust, Albus? Whatever could you mean?"
Expression flat, Dumbledore turned to her, "When I raised the matter of protections on the Goblet, Karkaroff brought up that he would not accept it. After all, who was to say that the protections that I might place on said Goblet would not be to the advantage of Hogwarts over the other schools? It goes without saying that Cornelius asking me right bloody there if they could do it helped." Groans and mutters of hanging certain politicians were heard, though eyebrows raised at Flitwick muttering something vile in Gobblygook, "Now, while Madam Maxime agreed with, and liked the idea of, more protections, her issue was over the problem of casting them. It could not be just myself, and any member of the British Ministry was just as problematic. Of course, that was when Karkaroff stated that if I was to cast magical protections, why, so should the other School Heads."
Already knowing where this was going, Flitwick sighed and pinched his nose, "Which, of course, was shot down because no one would trust Karkaroff with it. Bloody bastard likely knew it too."
Grimace on his face, Albus nodded, "Quite."
Rubbing his face, Snape felt the urge to groan, but held it back... barely, "Honestly, Albus? I would not trust Karkaroff by turning my back if he had both arms cut off. That... Niffler... would absolutely do his best to cast protections to give his Champion every advantage possible." With a sigh, he gave the Headmaster a look already knowing the answer, "And I suppose that he also dismissed the idea of guards, such as the Hogwarts Security, because of some stupid reason as 'Intimidation' of the students from elsewhere."
The nod was all the answer they needed which caused yet more cursing. Leaning back, Poppy had a scowl on her face, "This is going to become a disaster, mark my words, Albus. I don't need to be Trelawney to predict that much!"
In a way, what made that worse was how no one could disagree with her on it...
It was a tired and exhausted Dumbledore who walked through the halls of the school. Rubbing at his face, he softly groaned a little even as he leaned back and some bones popped in his back, "As wise men have stated... I am getting far too old for this shit."
With another sigh, he rubbed along the bridge of his nose with a small frown as his fingertips traced where it had been broken. Even though the memory of how it was broken was painful, even now, it did bring a smile to his face. Mainly due to how his sister's fairy had reacted when she had found out how it happened. Upon seeing it, she had touched it with her tiny hands and frowned as she asked how it had happened. Which lead to a very sheepish Aberforth to admit to it.
Even now, the image of the tiny form of his sister jumping and gesturing with one hand at his brother as she ranted at him, Aberforth cringing the whole time, still brought a smile to Albus' face.
Shaking his head a little, Dumbledore looked around him as it was late into the evening at Hogwarts. Right then, he felt every bit of his long years he had been alive for. Yet again, after the hours he had just spent, he wondered why he was still Headmaster. But looking around the school, and remembering the children, he smiled slightly and nodded. For as long as they came, and he was able, he would do it for them.
For them, and not the adult children that caused him issues. There were times he wanted to be old fashioned with that bunch and pull out an enchanted paddle! Some of them were the most frustrating people he had ever had the misfortune to come across. Honestly...
Under his breath, Dumbledore muttered a little as he shook his head at the memory, "... Scum sucking, cattle fucking, bel-shangle..."
However, thankfully, he reached his destination and opened the door to find Minerva sitting there at the table along with Hagrid (who, he noted, was looking rather tanned... Australia seemed to agree with him), Severus, Flitwick, Spout, and Pomfrey. Upon seeing the exhausted state of the Headmaster, McGonagall came over and gently guided him to a chair, "Come have a seat, Albus. You look utterly spent!"
As soon as he sat down, the elderly wizard let out a sigh of relief, "Ah, thank you, Minerva. If it would not be too much trouble to have a hot toddy?" Moments later, a tea cup with said drink appeared before him and he took a sip, "Lovely... just what I needed."
Frown on his face, Snape shared a look with the others before furrowing his eyebrows, "Did something happen, Headmaster?"
Taking another sip of his drink, Albus looked over his spectacles and sighed as he shook his head, "Nothing unless you count the usual politics, Severus. It is, much as usual, bothersome."
Eyebrows furrowing, Sprout frowned some, "Do you mean what is happening in Ireland, Albus? I've heard that there's been problems there, so I expect the Ministry to bother you over it."
Grimace on his face, the Headmaster felt a small headache come on, "Fortunately, not at the moment. Though the closer we get to the World Cup, the worse I believe that it shall be. I do have hopes that Amelia will catch the troublemakers responsible for the recent attacks on Irish magical leaders. Them performing sit-ins within the Ministry lobby and protests outside is no reason to attack them and burn down homes. We are just lucky that no one had been killed as of yet, though I worry that is to come."
Lips pressing thinly, Minerva shook her head, "Honestly, some people out there..." Pressing a finger to the side of her head, she rubbed it in circles, "The Irish are keeping it peaceful for God's sake! Why would someone stir them up with violence now!?"
Only shaking his head, Dumbledore scowled, "Why indeed... Though I am thankful that Eoin Cleary is keeping them peaceful. Granted, the man is smarter than most and can already read the writing on the wall. Once the Statute falls, most of Magical Ireland will be free of British control. All he needs to do is keep the hotheads under control until then..." Frowning, he became thoughtful, "Though, from what conversations I've had with him, he may well already be setting up a Ministry of Magic in Ireland... but nothing concrete."
Confused a little, Hagrid looked around some, "Well, 'Eadmaster... what seems to be th' problem?"
Another sigh escaped from Albus as he shook his head, "As I said, politics, Hagrid. Though more of the international kind." Leaning back, he drained nearly the full cup of toddy and placed it aside while wide eyes watched, "In particular regarding the Tri-Wizard Tournament that will be held this year at Hogwarts."
That made the school nurse shake her head some as she pressed her lips thinly in a scowl, "Honestly, Albus, I do not know what you and the others are thinking of bringing that... that... that disaster back!" She wagged a finger at him, "It was stopped for a very good reason after all! Too many died for that damn cup! Too many!"
It being an old argument, Albus just rubbed the side of his head, "And frankly, Poppy, I agree with you on that point. I don't want it to return. But Cornelius has it in his mind ever since the disaster that was the Chamber opening, as well as last year's incidents regarding the Dementors as well as Sirius Black, that he needs something big to show off to the world. To show off Hogwarts as the best."
His tone utterly dry, though filled with disgust, Snape sneered a bit, "So, of course, he chose the absolute worst possible event and then dug in his heels." Pausing for a moment, he shook his head, "I suspect Umbridge has a hand in this."
Mutters erupted around the table at that as most there had the "Pleasure" of at some time or another meeting the Undersecretary and all of them could see her promoting it as a good idea.
Sprout gave a small sniff at that, "I still say that the Quidditch Cup should be good enough, Albus! Or an Inter-School Dueling Competition or a Quidditch match between the schools! No need for all this... danger and such to our students just so that we could whip them out and measure!"
Due to having been drinking some tea, Flitwick snorted it though his nose and started coughing. Holding up his hands to the apologies from the Head of Hufflepuff, he waved his wand a little and vanished it, including what was still in his nose, with a show of skill. Placing his cup to the side, he gave his fellow Head of House an amused look, "While I might not agree with the language my collague used, I do agree with the spirit, Albus. There are other ways of showing off our school compared to the others."
Once more, Dumbledore nodded a little, "And as I said, I agree. But you all know Cornelius when he gets one of his... bright... ideas to make himself look good to the public. It does not help that the ICW is also pushing for it as both a number of countries whose heads are Drumstrang allumni and the ones who came from Beauxbatons wish for their former schools to show us up." Then he shook his head a little, "Unfortunately, most of what is being prepared has been decided. Hogwarts and Britain are in charge of the First Task, Drumstrang has chosen the Second, and the Third has been chosen by Beauxbatons."
Grimacing, the Transfiguration Mistress groaned some, "Let me guess... the First Task will be something completely and utterly dangerous."
Eyebrows raising, Albus gave her a look, "Why, Minerva, I did not know that you could perform Legilimancy." If possible, the sheer amount of venom in her glare could have struck him dead. As it was, he swore that he could feel the ends of his hair smoking, "But yes, you would be quite right."
Just taking a deep breath, Minerva let it out as she pinched her nose, "How bad...?" When she did not get an answer, she gave him a glare as he seemed to shift a bit like a schoolboy caught doing something bad, "... Albus Percival Brian Wulfric Dumbledore! WHAT DID THEY DECIDE TO DO!?"
Wincing, Dumbledore wouldn't look at her, "You do realize that being older rather harms the effectiveness of using my full name, right?"
As her glare intensified, he winced and muttered a bit. Most of the teachers were puzzled, but Minerva twitched while Flitwick looked at him as if he was insane. Wiggling a finger in his ear, the Ravenclaw Head frowned, "Albus... I must be hearing things. Did you just say... dragons?"
That made Albus wince some as he tried to sink into his chair from the glares being directed at him from the females of the group, 'Deadliest members of the species indeed...' Coughing, he looked away, "Quite... nesting mothers, as a matter of fact from which the Champion shall have to get a golden egg from."
For a beat, there was utter silence in the room as everyone took that bit of information in. Snape glanced at the female teachers who were standing up, and then at Albus, who seemed to be pleading with him. Then, slowly, the Potion Master got up out of his chair, and moved to one further away from the Headmaster. At the look of betrayal, Snape simply gestured to Minerva and the others as if to say 'I'm Slytherin, not a Gryffindor.'
Needless to say, moments later the other males all winced as the female staff let Dumbledore have it.
It took some time, but eventually, the witches ran out of steam. Sitting at one end of the table, Flitwick sipped his tea a little with a hum, "Twenty five minutes exactly, a new record."
Hagrid, who was beside him, frowned as he stroked his beard a little, "Aye, tha' seems about right. Though I'm thankful that Wanko ain' been mad at me yet."
Snape raised an eyebrow at him, "How is that going, Hagrid? She does seem smitten with you after all, and it is not easy to find women of your... size range."
Blushing a bit, the half-giant shifted a little, "Don' know what yeh are talkin' about. Though, if I was ta be honest... things are goin' well enough!" Then he shook his head, "Still, ain' had to deal wit her like this!"
The other two men nodded at that in agreement, while ignoring Albus glaring at them. Something that failed, at least partially due to the fact that his hair and beard looked rather windswept behind him. As if he had been sitting in a hurricane.
With a sigh, the Headmaster turned back to the three women glaring at him before clearing his throat, "Yes, well... I do understand your concerns. Unfortunately, as much as I would rather wish otherwise, it has been decided." A somewhat sheepish look came over his face, "And... I will admit... I am partially to blame for dragons being chosen."
Now, everyone was staring at him in complete and utter dismay and confusion. Glasses slipping down her nose, Minerva gave him a look before speaking in an utterly calm voice, "Albus... explain, right now before I decide to turn you into something even a flobberworm will pity."
It went without saying that everyone winced at that and Dumbledore cleared his voice, "I was rather... annoyed at the meeting. And I replied to Cornelius' question of what we should do with a comment that perhaps we should do the opposite of the school motto and tickle a sleeping dragon. Because it would go as well as anything else... and then him and Crouch decided to run with it, not realizing I was being somewhat sarcastic. But then, they decided that tickling a sleeping dragon did not sound like much of a spectacle, thus..."
He then waved his hand in the air and everyone followed the line of thought. Snape, for his part, banged his head on the table while Minerva lapsed into gaelic profanity. Some of which made even Albus raise his eyebrows due to not hearing such before. Of course, that was when Sprout turned to her old friend with a serious expression on her face, "Minnie, do you think that you could magic me up some ammunition? I feel the need to test out an old friend of mine right about now."
Despite his instincts telling him to let it happen, Dumbledore coughed, "Now, let us not talk of murdering them." At their looks, he continued, "I would rather not deal with questions as to why said item has not been disarmed, after all, and it would cause issues with the Muggles now."
Granted, he was not about to stick his head out that far for them, as he was rather annoyed.
Sipping his drink, Flitwick hummed a little as he cocked an eyebrow, "So, that is one event. What are the others, Albus?"
Just nodding, Albus placed his hands on top of each other as he took a deep breath, "The Second Task will happen in the lake, as decided by Drumstrang. As of now, they are talking about having someone rescued, though it should be safe as I shall speak with the Chieftain of the Mermen and will ask for some help to keep an eye on the Champions." Everyone nodded at that in understanding he meant Submarine girls, "The Third Task, from my understanding, shall be performed in a maze."
Frown on his face as he thought it over, Snape nodded, "Interesting..." At the looks, he waved his hand in the air, "Drumstrang chose the lake, which in February will be extremely cold. However, there is a lake by their school from my understanding that students often swim in. Not to mention using saunas, they'll run into said lake. Thus, they would have the advantage. The maze, however, is very likely to be based on the one at Beaubaxtons, though a bit more dangerous. And thus, Beauxbatons will have the advantage there."
Leaning back, the Headmaster nodded, "That is my thought on the matter, yes."
A sound of rumbling made everyone blink before turning and realizing that it was Hagrid clearing his throat. Shifting around a little, the Care of Magical Creatures Professor grimaced a little, "Uh, Albus? I hate ta ask yeh, but... wha' sort of protections are yeh putting on th' Goblet? Because I don' wan' 'Arry ta be involved in this." At the looks, he flushed some, "I ain' stupid, I can see stuff. And while 'Arry don' want ta be involved, he always gets involved somehow. I just don't want it ta happen this time."
Several seconds passed before Snape nodded and turned to Albus, "As much as I hate to admit it... Hagrid is right about how Mister Potter does get involved in such things whether he wants to or not. He is... not quite the attention seeker that I would have thought." More than one eyebrow rose at that in consideration. Then, nearly as one, they turned to Dumbledore who looked like he had bitten into an apple and found half a worm. With a sinking stomach, Snape and the others realized what that meant and groaned, the Potion Master hitting his head on the table, "Don't tell me..."
In reply, Dumbledore looked at the tea cup and cleared his throat, "Another hot toddy, please." Moments later, it vanished and returned refilled with said drink, which he sipped, "As a matter of fact, I did bring up the fact that we should place protections to make sure only students of age could participate. Unfortunately, I could only convince them to allow an Age Line of all things. It is why I am currently drinking as I much need it after spending several hours attempting to put my head through a mountain."
Glancing at Minerva, who seemed seconds away from going to murder someone if the cursing under her breath said anything, Sprout frowned a little, "Albus, surely you could have placed more protections onto the Goblet. You very likely know quite a few that would be suitable and harder to break than an Age Line."
From where he sat, Flitwick nodded with a frown, "Indeed, I can count off at least seven or eight off the top of my head. An Age Line is a rather weak protection, and one that could be fooled."
With a hum, the Headmaster pinched his nose, "How I ever wish that those children were as mature as you." Taking a deep breath, he let it out in an explosive sigh as he looked up, "It comes down, of course, to politics." More than one blinked at how venomous that last word was spoken before Dumbledore continued, "In particular, the fact that there are issues of trust regarding anything more."
Utterly confused, Minerva looked up at that, "Trust, Albus? Whatever could you mean?"
Expression flat, Dumbledore turned to her, "When I raised the matter of protections on the Goblet, Karkaroff brought up that he would not accept it. After all, who was to say that the protections that I might place on said Goblet would not be to the advantage of Hogwarts over the other schools? It goes without saying that Cornelius asking me right bloody there if they could do it helped." Groans and mutters of hanging certain politicians were heard, though eyebrows raised at Flitwick muttering something vile in Gobblygook, "Now, while Madam Maxime agreed with, and liked the idea of, more protections, her issue was over the problem of casting them. It could not be just myself, and any member of the British Ministry was just as problematic. Of course, that was when Karkaroff stated that if I was to cast magical protections, why, so should the other School Heads."
Already knowing where this was going, Flitwick sighed and pinched his nose, "Which, of course, was shot down because no one would trust Karkaroff with it. Bloody bastard likely knew it too."
Grimace on his face, Albus nodded, "Quite."
Rubbing his face, Snape felt the urge to groan, but held it back... barely, "Honestly, Albus? I would not trust Karkaroff by turning my back if he had both arms cut off. That... Niffler... would absolutely do his best to cast protections to give his Champion every advantage possible." With a sigh, he gave the Headmaster a look already knowing the answer, "And I suppose that he also dismissed the idea of guards, such as the Hogwarts Security, because of some stupid reason as 'Intimidation' of the students from elsewhere."
The nod was all the answer they needed which caused yet more cursing. Leaning back, Poppy had a scowl on her face, "This is going to become a disaster, mark my words, Albus. I don't need to be Trelawney to predict that much!"
In a way, what made that worse was how no one could disagree with her on it...