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  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
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How did you find QQ?

First encounter of the glorious name of Questionable Questing?

  • Total voters
A friend mentioned it in conversation, figured I'd check it out a few days ago.

Really new, but I hope this goes well.
Through the Jumpchain a few months ago, but only signed up now.
I came here following the Naruto lupin the third quest by furuko way back in the early founding period, back when SB was having a server crisis
I don't remember the web site, but it was a thread about Warhammer 40k humor. Big Boom's Lie Back and Think of Terra was mentioned a lot and I had to check it out.
I actually got here several times from many different sources (which is ultimately what piqued my interest - a site being linked to repeatedly from all over the web? Interesting!). The first time I can recall was from /r/rational, in the discussion on whether porn can be rational, The Erogamer was linked to. I think my most recent incursion came from AO3 and was for Maid To Serve, but I might be misremembering.
I first came across the term in Dark Lord Potter, SpaceBattles or Sufficient Velocity forums, but I cannot remember exactly which. I was intrigued by the quests on the first and went looking for more. I am fairly sure I learned of the SB, SV, QQ trinity in that order, but I made account first on QQ, second on SV and never on SB.
Lurked SB for years while posting stuff on FFN. Stopped posting abruptly when FFN started cracking down on lewds and moved to SV, never posted lewds there but the Worm Fandom hooked me so I stayed. Posted a couple stories there but increasingly felt more and more shoved outside the in-crowd, 'almost-a-hug-box/echo chamber' that developed over there (need only look as far as their discord and the number of people they don't let in for arbitrary reasons)

Someome mentioned QQ in one of my story threads after a risque-ish chapter caught me some flakk from an admin, I settled that relatively bloodlessly but I felt kinda... stifled a bit afterwords and got writers block so decided to start reading a bit to try and make up for that, decided to lurk the sfw here for like half a year before I made an account ,probably would have been in the 7ks rather than just cresting 10k in that case but thats fine (Totally isn't jealous....) well I was content to lurk as a registered user as I wasn't in the mood to write lewds or anything else at that moment...

Well time passed and I quickly started becoming more and more comfortable here because it didn't feel like I was walking on eggshells, then I got hit with an infraction on SV... it wasn't even that bad of an infraction... hell it just recently expired... but it was enough. The infraction was dumb, the situation was dumb and that was the straw, not the last straw, but it was a straw. So while I might have joined a while back, that was the situation that made my round trip commute into a relocation and my SV visits in occasional vacations

So far I've enjoyed myself and I hope to continue to do so for years to come along with the rest of my fellow pervs.

Was mad cause a story had the good elements (sex/porn) censored out of it and I had to track it down to QQ to get the whole uncensored version.

Which indecently pisses me off because Fanfiction.net has shit loads of porn and sex filled stories on it. Hell some of the stories I've read on FF are pretty fucking brutal, I.E. torture rape porn. It's like the censors can't decide which story gets the axe or not.

Was mad cause a story had the good elements (sex/porn) censored out of it and I had to track it down to QQ to get the whole uncensored version.

Which indecently pisses me off because Fanfiction.net has shit loads of porn and sex filled stories on it. Hell some of the stories I've read on FF are pretty fucking brutal, I.E. torture rape porn. It's like the censors can't decide which story gets the axe or not.
The "best" is when the censored parts have plot relevant sections, so you don't know what the hell is going on, and no one has the uncensored version...
I first found it when someone linked a story here from reddit and I couldn't read it becuse I didn't have an account. It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that was becuse it was a NSFW story.
You have to have an account to read NSFW stories?
I came across QQ on AlternateHistory, in the original version of Gaemon the Dragonsteel.

Someone, I don't remember if it was the author or a reader mentioned Ignobility by Slayer Anderson. I got curious so I looked it up and it took me a while to realize I had to make an account to read it.

The rest is as they say history.

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