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I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

…Whelp, this is utter character assassination of Starfleet and the Federation. And lots of white paint for the Empire.

Seriously, what right does the Empire have in ridiculing the Federation for being totalitarian (which it is only for the purposes of this fic), when the Empire itself is a totalitarian nightmare far beyond what the Federation is being portrayed as here?

'People don't like being lied to', pffsh, that's what the Empire does all the damn time.

The lengths you're making the narrative bend over backwards to portray the Empire - who are Literal Space Nazis, mind you - in the best light possible, while slandering and libeling the Federation as being worse than Stalin and Mao combined - of which there is no evidence for, by the way - is just intellectually dishonest and insulting to the reader.

If you're going to be simping for the Empire, at least be honest that you're the bad guys.

Isn't this fic set at the very beginning of the establishment of the Empire before it had the chance to start going balls to the wall crazy. Like sure at the start its bad, just not grimderp yet.
She's still got to deal with the other major powers of the sector. Especially the Klingons and Romulans.

I also don't really see the admiral stating that the Empire isn't bad, she's admitted it's problems several times, she's just pointing out that the federation isn't the utopian society it's been masquerading as either.
but is that what Plans Z and MO are for
From later conversation it should be isn't
as well as heavy weapons such phaser lances
Add 'as' after 'such'
with the main knocked out early on
I feel like there is something missing after 'main'

Gods above and below, what a mess.

And we have to be the ones to fix it.

Just what the hell did the Empire get into?
When an ISB Agent goes 'Wait, we're the good guys?' you know you fucked up. Also is the spacetroopers power armour the same as in legends? Because I find that one just silly looking.
…Whelp, this is utter character assassination of Starfleet and the Federation. And lots of white paint for the Empire.

Seriously, what right does the Empire have in ridiculing the Federation for being totalitarian (which it is only for the purposes of this fic), when the Empire itself is a totalitarian nightmare far beyond what the Federation is being portrayed as here?

'People don't like being lied to', pffsh, that's what the Empire does all the damn time.

The lengths you're making the narrative bend over backwards to portray the Empire - who are Literal Space Nazis, mind you - in the best light possible, while slandering and libeling the Federation as being worse than Stalin and Mao combined - of which there is no evidence for, by the way - is just intellectually dishonest and insulting to the reader.

If you're going to be simping for the Empire, at least be honest that you're the bad guys.
sigh First:
I also don't really see the admiral stating that the Empire isn't bad, she's admitted it's problems several times, she's just pointing out that the federation isn't the utopian society it's been masquerading as either.
Second, the only characters aside from Palpy we have been seeing so far are mainly Clone Wars veterans, meaning they are actually reasonable instead of the later ones indoctrinated with the Human High Culture and Glory To The Empire! Which we have already seen signs of with the few young officers that got scolded by their older Republic-era superiors.
…Whelp, this is utter character assassination of Starfleet and the Federation. And lots of white paint for the Empire.

Seriously, what right does the Empire have in ridiculing the Federation for being totalitarian (which it is only for the purposes of this fic), when the Empire itself is a totalitarian nightmare far beyond what the Federation is being portrayed as here?

'People don't like being lied to', pffsh, that's what the Empire does all the damn time.

The lengths you're making the narrative bend over backwards to portray the Empire - who are Literal Space Nazis, mind you - in the best light possible, while slandering and libeling the Federation as being worse than Stalin and Mao combined - of which there is no evidence for, by the way - is just intellectually dishonest and insulting to the reader.

If you're going to be simping for the Empire, at least be honest that you're the bad guys.
Depends on where in the Empire, in question, at least more most of it prior to near its end it was remarkably even handed across most of its territory, but the Empire has zero sense of escalation and tends to go from peacetime autonomy to full totalitarianism at the slightest issue pretty fast. With many of the issues in the implementation of that being due to the personal cruelty of many leaders. For every planet being crushed under boot there is a thousand worlds largely left alone to their own devices so long as they don't cause any issues either. Hell as much as the Senate was very limited in its power, thats only in comparison to the power of the Imperial government as a whole and they still had many legislative capabilities until their eventual disbandment. And most of that lack of power had to due less with not having legislative power as the Senate was still THE legislative body but most of the senate is well and truly happy and supportive of the current New Order making them largely a Rubber Stamp not because they don't have their own political will, but that their political will matches the Empires.

That said considering the inevitable collapse of the Empire, that does not really matter what the Empires REALLY like compared to what the Empire will be like when the Admiral is yet another post Palpatine warlord.
Last edited:
…Whelp, this is utter character assassination of Starfleet and the Federation. And lots of white paint for the Empire.

Seriously, what right does the Empire have in ridiculing the Federation for being totalitarian (which it is only for the purposes of this fic), when the Empire itself is a totalitarian nightmare far beyond what the Federation is being portrayed as here?

'People don't like being lied to', pffsh, that's what the Empire does all the damn time.

The lengths you're making the narrative bend over backwards to portray the Empire - who are Literal Space Nazis, mind you - in the best light possible, while slandering and libeling the Federation as being worse than Stalin and Mao combined - of which there is no evidence for, by the way - is just intellectually dishonest and insulting to the reader.

If you're going to be simping for the Empire, at least be honest that you're the bad guys.

Well, we might be not dealing with the Classic Roddenberry Federation, but instead the Turdverse NuTrek version.
This is actually true. The SW galaxy is trapped in a constant cycle, but not in the way you think. The whole Light vs Dark narrative is - in Legends, at least, which this story is set in - actually just a sideshow. The real cycle is how every once in a while, the Celestial known as Abeloth, the Mother of Chaos, or simply as the Mother breaks free of her prison of black holes in the Maw. When that happens, the Celestials which embody the Light and the Dark, the Daughter and the Son, respectively, call a truce and combine their powers to force the Mother back into her prison, but only after she devastates the galaxy, effectively hitting the reset button for interstellar civilization as a whole.

This is, in fact, what the Prophecy of the Chosen One was actually referring to. It was never about the Sith and the Jedi, that was just the self-centered interpretations of mortals too blinded by their respective aspects of the Force to see the whole truth. Anakin's role was supposed to master both Light and Darkness, as shown by how he forced both the Daughter and the Son to kneel before him on Mortis. This would allow him to break the cycle, channeling the might of Light and Dark to destroy the Mother once and for all, and through her, the imbalance within the Force itself.

Instead, because he was all Padme this, Padme that, he killed first the Daughter, then the Father, and finally the Son, something Luke later saw as perpetuating the cycle in the worst possible manner. Not only did Anakin fail to remove the imbalance in the Force, by killing the only other Celestials aside from the Mother, Anakin made the Jedi and the Sith the respective embodiments of the Force, further complicating future attempts to contain the Mother much less balancing the Force.
To be fair, the Imperials are also well-meaning in their own way, or at least the main character is. She's here to set the course of Human history back onto its proper path.
That of galactic domination over their lesser. THIS MESSAGE IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE EMPEROR'S HOLY INQUISITION
It is yes. It hasn't even been ten years after the Clone Wars.

From the way things have been written so far, it sounds like it's like 3-5+ years(ish) post Clone Wars. Since the MC has knowledge of what's supposed to come, I wonder if she will hunt down some Jedi survivors and have them smuggled to her new territory. Maybe to a quiet former Federation agricolony / less developed colony.

I think that if Q's new MC Admiral had been invading the Federation during the later part of Kirk's era, things would be different. Kirk's era wasn't quite this... kumbaya, everything is wonderful, pseudocommunist pseudo-utopian society. It still had its warriors in Starfleet. It wasn't quite this sterile.
I think that if Q's new MC Admiral had been invading the Federation during the later part of Kirk's era, things would be different. Kirk's era wasn't quite this... kumbaya, everything is wonderful, pseudocommunist pseudo-utopian society. It still had its warriors in Starfleet. It wasn't quite this sterile.

Which is why Q brought in Jaeneras SI and set things up for the Empire and Federation to fight it out. If the Empire wins then what Q has been trying to ram into Picard and co. heads will be fullfilled.
Chapter 17
Augustin le Favre was feeling just a little confused.

It had barely been a month since this 'Galactic Empire' had launched an unprovoked war of aggression against the Federation, and over two weeks since they'd bombarded San Francisco into a smoking crater. Oh, and blown a chunk out of the Moon while they were at it too. And now, it had about four days since United Earth had surrendered, with Imperial troops quickly landing to set up an occupation.

He remembered that day, watching columns of white-armored soldiers along with more lightly-armored ones marching down the Champs-Elysees. They'd brought walkers with them too, ranging from smaller ones with legs like chickens, to colossal machines with a passing resemblance to elephants. Imperial ships had even joined in on the parade, the largest of which, a Star Destroyer – not literal, but it didn't need to be – had even cruised overhead low over the city.

The parade had marched through the Arc de Triomphe, while white banners with the black, cogwheel-like symbol of the Galactic Empire had been flown from the Eiffel Tower. Other banners were hung from the walls of the Elysees Palace, and other public buildings besides.

At the time, Augustin had been…

…yes, he'd been afraid. These people had torn the heart out of the Federation, and had forced the President (of United Earth) to surrender unconditionally. Even now, they continued to fight a war of conquest across the Federation, while the Federation's own allies the Klingons hammered away ineffectively across what was once the Klingon Neutral Zone.

But…Augustin was also awed. There was just something…something in the way the Imperial soldiers marched in perfect unison that he couldn't help but admire. Something…powerful, inspiring even, similar to but different from Starfleet's own celebrations, which in hindsight, seemed low-key and downright casual in comparison.

Surprise and confusion followed awe. The occupational authorities had imposed a curfew, which caused fear to return, but they also distributed food, something in short supply since the war began. Replicators needed feedstock to operate, after all, physics demanding something in return for, well, something else, but Starfleet had priority, and causing an unexpected food shortage, one that only grew worse after San Francisco was destroyed.

With the occupation in place, people grimly and fearfully expected food to run out in short order, Starfleet having taken almost all foodstock before the Battle of Mars, and then destroyed the production facilities for such as part of a scorched earth response to the Imperial victory. This had caused considerable anger and a sense of betrayal, as Earth didn't even have close the food production needed to feed all its people.

Which made the Empire's response all the more surprising, as they quickly set up food distribution centers. Nothing fancy, but people weren't going hungry anymore, and the food given was wholesome and nutritious if simple. Likewise, the Empire made certain to keep the public utilities running, like electricity, clean water, and the plumbing.

They did, however, take the transporters offline, and instead provided unarmed hovercraft for public transport purposes.

That was another source of confusion, the Imperials looking at transporters with a mix of fear and disgust, followed by confusion and disbelief that anyone would willingly use them. Nor was it the only thing that confused the Empire, in fact, they were completely shocked at Earth's near-complete lack of food production (outside of replicators) and even pharmaceuticals among other necessities.

In hindsight, Augustin could understand. Replicators had made things like…like mass production, or large-scale farming, those Imperials he'd spoken to while working as a waiter had mentioned, obsolete. In fact, Augustin could even remember it being taught in school as a point of pride and proof of social progression if not civilized achievement.

A shame it didn't take into account the effects of war. Or, even if war hadn't erupted, accidents or anomalies or whatnot that might disrupt replicator use.

Earth barely even had large-scale emergency stockpiles, apparently, and what existed belonged to Starfleet.

Naturally, they'd already been stripped empty by the time the planet surrendered.

If not for the Empire distributing food (and other necessities), things would have gone bad very quickly. They probably didn't just want to rule over starving people, or provoke a revolt, but Augustin didn't care. A loaf of bread, a serving of vegetable soup of some kind, and cooked meat three times a day was worth a bow before the Imperials' extragalactic Emperor, and damn the Federation and Starfleet for leaving them to the Empire's surprising mercies.

And today, Augustin was confused again.

Apparently, some miscreants had been up and about breaking curfew the previous night. That in itself was trouble enough, as the Empire locked up anyone breaking curfew for no good reason (they made exceptions for doctors or patients rushing to hospitals, for example) for a couple of days, but this time, the miscreants weren't just sneaking about at night.

No, this time, they'd broken into an apartment, robbed the place, killed the man of the house, and raped his wife while kids watched.

The Imperial Occupation Authority, or its Parisian branch, worked quickly. Evidence and testimony were collected, and bounties offered for information, in the form of extra food rations. This allowed the miscreants to be caught quickly, followed by a trial and sentencing on the charges of breaking and entering, armed robbery, murder, and sexual assault.

And now that sentence was being carried out, as Imperial Stormtroopers secured the convicts to posts in the middle of a public square. Imperial Army soldiers in riot gear held back the anxious crowds, while journalists and other media people filmed and broadcast live.

"We will now carry out the death sentences on the five people convicted of rape and murder." A Stormtrooper lieutenant bellowed out, drawing attention in his black uniform. "Squad, aim!"

White-armored Stormtroopers stepped out of parade rest and into firing stances, blaster carbines aimed at the convicts. A hush fell over the crowds, even as the lieutenant dropped his arm sharply. "FIRE!" he roared.

Blasters erupted with sharp sounds of displaced air, orange bolts rippling through the convicts' bodies. They gave cries and groans of pain, and then slumped dead in their restraints.

A collective gasp echoed across the crowds, Augustin letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. And they he, and everyone else around him, was letting out loud cheers.

He didn't quite understand it, in fact, the rational part of his mind was telling him that what he'd seen was…inhumane. Wrong…barbaric, even…yes, the crimes they committed were horrible, and they should spend the rest of their lives in confinement for it, but…

…but even knowing all that, he couldn't help but feel…yes, he felt satisfied, a savage joy burning through his veins at the sight of the Imperials publicly executing those criminals.

Augustin was nobody. He spent his days working as a waiter at various cafes across the city.

In short, he was just an ordinary person, all things considered. And he was feeling just a little bit confused.

"…kilo of tubers, and one kilo of meat." A speaker droid cheerfully sounded as it flew over several queues of peoples lined up for food rations at an Imperial Food Distribution Center in Saint Louis, in the United North American States (UNAS). "Please queue in an orderly fashion. Any unruly actions will result in rations being withheld. Please cooperate with the occupational security forces in keeping the peace in the current crisis."

Neil Milner of Saint Louis patiently stood in line, moving up periodically as the people up front received their rations. He winced as he felt phantom pain creeping up his arm, and lifting it up, did a simple exercise a medical droid had taught him after it had replaced his arm.

"Oh wow," the man next to him spoke up in surprise. "Cybernetics…wait. You're not Starfleet, are you?"

"No, I'm not." Neil replied. "I used to do general maintenance work over at Saint Louis. Meant I got hit with just a little bit too much fallout. Docs and…droids, did what they could, but some of the mutations got out of control. They had to chop my arm off."

"Oh, sorry, man, that's…that's rough…"

Neil smiled and shrugged. "Nah, it's alright." He said before flexing his new mechanical fingers. "At least I got myself a new robot arm for it. I mean, tech like this isn't supposed to be new, but up until now, unless you were Starfleet, you'd never get a chance at it."

The man laughed. "True!" he said, before holding out a hand. "Justin Green."

"Neil Milner." Neil introduced himself in turn, and shaking Justin's hand. "You here just for yourself, or have you a family to feed?"

"Wife and two kids." Justin replied. "You?"

"No, it's just me." Neil said with a sigh. "Mind you, while the new arm's flashy as hell, the Empire's still the reason I have it in the first place."

"Right." Justin agreed grimly before giving a resigned sigh. "But…there's no point in staying angry at them, right? Starfleet put up a fight, and got their asses handed to them. Might as well just move on…or at least try…"

"Yeah, at least the Empire's taking responsibility for the mess they started." Neil said with a scowl. "Meanwhile, Starfleet's just making it worse. Can't believe those bastards not only emptied all the replicator feedstocks, but blew the refineries before they cut and run. What the hell did they expect us to eat?"

"They were emptying the stocks even before the planet surrendered." Justin said. "I know a lot of folks who tried to join because they thought it was the only way to eat."

"And? Did they?"

"Of course not." Justin said with a snort. "You know what Starfleet's like. Unless you've got a big brain, you're not getting in."

"…fair enough, I guess." Neil admitted. "About Starfleet, mind. Speaking of which, you and your family alright? I mean…fallout, and all that."

"Yeah, we're fine." Justin said with a nod. "I mean, everyone in the city's gotten a dose of nuclear dust, but the Empire was quick to help with that. Wonder medicine of theirs, bacta or something."

"Oh yeah," Neil mused. "They use it for everything from what I could see. Something about mixing it up with anti-radiation or anti-microbial stuff…I guess it makes them more effective, or something."

"Sure looks that way."

"Mind you, I'm glad I didn't have to take full immersion the way some patients had to. I mean, I know it helps, but I talked to one of those guys, and he said he's still tasting, well, bacta all this time."

"Here's to hoping it goes away eventually."


"…what does bacta taste like, anyway?"

"I hear it's…kind of sweet, but a little too sweet, or something."

"Oh…yeah, that can be annoying. That said, if the choice was between radiation poisoning and tasting that stuff for weeks on end, I'd pick the latter in a heartbeat."

"Well, no argument there."

The conversation stilled then, as the line finally moved up and let Neil have his turn. "ID and ration card, please." The woman in nondescript fatigues said.

Neil offered the required credentials, the woman at the table scanning it and typing in a few things at a portable terminal. Meanwhile, a droid pulled up with Neil's rations, one kilo of potatoes (or the Imperial variants thereof), one kilo of meat (canned, of all things), and another kilo of various vegetables (freeze-dried).

"…family will receive five kilos of tubers," the speaker droid sounded as it flew by again. "Five kilos of meat, four liters of milk…"

It wasn't fresh stuff, and it wasn't replicator-reconstituted, but it was food, and Neil was fine with that. The Empire might have caused this mess, but at least they were taking responsibility for it.

Life would go on. Things would change. But all that really mattered to most people was that they could have some measure of normality from one day to the next.

The Enterprise had survived the Battle of Mars.

Not unscratched, of course. The ship had nearly been blown in two along the connection between the saucer and engine sections, while the primary EPS relays had been burned out. Until repairs could be done, the ship wouldn't be going into battle any time soon, nor would it be going to warp.

And it wasn't getting those repairs either.

Not with Utopia Planitia and various other major ship construction, repair, and refit facilities in the Sol System destroyed by crack teams from Starfleet Security. All as part of a contingency drawn up and issued by the late Fleet Admiral Nechayev, to make sure even if the Empire won in Sol, they wouldn't have much to get from it.

It hadn't worked as planned, the security forces of the various Martian settlements and Earth nations had prevented the worst, but right now, Sol was completely dependent on the Empire for food and various other necessities. In a bitter twist, the Empire's material supremacy was working out for the better, as they had plenty of surplus to supply its own troops while doing likewise for Sol until production could resume.

But back to the Enterprise.

Riker burst out of the turbolift, and into a scene of chaos. On one side, there were Imperial Stormtroopers, their blaster carbines lowered, for now. There were also two ISB officers, distinctive in their white uniform tops over black trousers, along with Worf.

Pressing themselves against the walls were other crew members of the Enterprise. And opposite Worf and the Imperials, there was a nondescript officer that Riker couldn't remember the name of, and holding Ensign Perim hostage with a phaser to her throat.

"What the hell's going here?" Riker demanded.

"Stay back, commander!" the man shouted, before jabbing the phaser against Perim's throat, and causing her to cry out in terror. "Stay back, or the woman gets it!"

"Alright, alright!" Riker said, holding his hands up in a placating gesture. "Let's talk this out, no need for anyone to get hurt!"

"No," the man said while frantically shaking his head. "No, no, no, no, no, no…I'm going to talk, you're going to listen and do exactly as I say, or the Trill bitch gets it!"

Riker didn't say anything, just making sure to meet the man's eyes. "See, this is what's going to happen." The man babbled out, looking jerkily back and forth between Riker, Worf, and the Imperials. "The bitch and I are going to the shuttle bay, we're going to get on a shuttle, and then we're going to get out of here. No one's going to follow us, and you'll all forget this ever happened."

"That's not going to happen." One ISB agent immediately said.

"Don't make this any harder on yourself." The second agent added.

"SHUT UP!" the man shouted. "You think you've accomplished something here, you Coruscanti savages? You've changed nothing! You're nothing! You don't know anything!"

"We know enough, Section 31." The first agent growled. "Enough to root the rest of you out once and for all."

The man gave a sickly smile. "We'll see about that." He said, before abruptly pointing his phaser at Riker. He fired, but Worf managed to push Riker out of the way just in time, and causing the phaser to clip his arm. He fell with a grunt of pain, then Perim was screaming as a Stormtrooper shot her in the arm, causing her to twist away in pain.

This exposed enough of the Section 31 infiltrator to the other Stormtroopers, who riddled him with stun rounds. The man fell to the ground, convulsing as he went into shock from multiple stun rounds, the Stormtroopers quickly moving to restrain him.

"Get a medic over here!" one of the ISB agents shouted.

"Was that really necessary?" Riker demanded.

"Would you prefer your officer be dead?" the ISB agent retorted before looking apologetically at Perim. "Sorry about that."

"…i-it's alright, sir." Perim stammered out, even as Doctor Crusher arrived with several nurses.

"What is Section 31?" Worf growled, and the remaining ISB agent looked at him in surprise. Then he blinked, and narrowed his eyes.

"You don't know anything at all, do you?" he asked. "No, don't answer. That was a rhetorical question. But you'll find out soon enough. For now, let's just say that a lot of what you know, and what you've always believed in, were all just smoke and mirrors."

"Commander, I must protest!" the chairman of the Pluto Planetary Council blustered as he was escorted by a pair of Stormtroopers into a turbolift with the waiting Imperial liaison. "We are a peaceful scientific commune! You've seen for yourself that we've no weapons beyond the bare minimum to keep asteroids and other cosmic threats away from our outposts and habitats! We've offered you nothing but our full cooperation! And yet, dozens of our people have been taken away on spurious charges and never been heard from again."

"Spurious…?" Commander Brice Cohl echoed.

"You claim they're part of some interstellar conspiracy with illicit goals and methods," the chairman continued. "But I have yet to see any proof of this."

"And that is exactly why we're here, chairman." Brice said. "In fact, you and your people are the biggest victims here."


Brice smiled sadly. "You never knew it," he said. "But you were being used. You, your father, his father before him…entire generations of colonists and researchers, all used as a cover for what lies under Pluto's surface. More than that, you were never truly in control of your world. The people behind all this…they only let you live here out of convenience. And had your convenience ever run out…well…"

"…w-w-w-w-what do you mean?" the chairman stammered out in confusion.

"All will be made clear soon." Brice said, turning away and falling silent.

Silence reigned for several moments, and then the chairman blinked as he realized something while staring at the turbolift controls. "T-this…this is impossible!" he spluttered out. "There shouldn't be anything this deep! What is this? Some sort of mine? A top secret weapons research facility for Starfleet?"

Brice chuckled and shook his head. "If only it were so." He said, and then drew himself up as the doors opened. He led the way into the darkened corridor beyond, the chairman following behind him with the Stormtroopers bringing up the rear.

As they proceeded down the corridor, the chairman shivered and wrapped his arms around himself, rubbing his arms for warmth. Belatedly, he realized his breath was coming out in steamy puffs…

…and then emerging from the corridor onto a landing, found his mouth falling open. Before him there was a vast cavern, stretching out further than the eye could see, half-lit with stark lights, encrusted with ice, entire vaults filled with what looked like cryogenic stasis pods.

"…what is this place?" he whispered in shock and disbelief, staring out across the cavern, watching droids and Imperial personnel going to and fro, while Stormtroopers kept watch.

"Welcome to Tartarus." Brice said. "An undocumented and officially-nonexistent prison for the Federation and United Earth both. Those of your people we took away? They were among its wardens, tasked with making sure the people living on the planet never knew what lay beneath their feet."

Brice paused, and turned back to the chairman. "Tell me again, chairman." He began. "Is Pluto truly a peaceful scientific commune?"

"…I…I don't know what to say…"
Augustin le Favre was feeling just a little confused.

…yes, he'd been afraid. These people had torn the heart out of the Federation, and had forced the President (of United Earth) to surrender unconditionally. Even now, they continued to fight a war of conquest across the Federation, while the Federation's own allies the Klingons hammered away ineffectively across what was once the Klingon Neutral Zone.

But…Augustin was also awed. There was just something…something in the way the Imperial soldiers marched in perfect unison that he couldn't help but admire. Something…powerful, inspiring even, similar to but different from Starfleet's own celebrations, which in hindsight, seemed low-key and downright casual in comparison.

Augustin, what you're feeling is... Totally natural.

There comes a point in every young man's life where he starts feeling these strange new urges.

Things he's never felt before. Desires and impulses.

The urge to put on a nice uniform and march in formation with a gun in hand.

It's totally normal. Part of the growing process. Now the important thing is you practice this safely.

Jokes about puberty aside. Looks like the Empire is going to neatly exploit class divisions. Even in a post scarcity utopian society where everyone is theoretically equal, some are more "equal" than others.

No doubt they'll soon be riling up the crowd against those hypocritical moralising elitists in Starfleet who don't care about the "common man"
No doubt they'll soon be riling up the crowd against those hypocritical moralising elitists in Starfleet who don't care about the "common man"
Oh trust me, when the Empire reveals Tartarus and all the deep,dark nasty secrets in it to the Federation public, to say there will be riots is an understatement.
Jokes about puberty aside. Looks like the Empire is going to neatly exploit class divisions. Even in a post scarcity utopian society where everyone is theoretically equal, some are more "equal" than others.

No doubt they'll soon be riling up the crowd against those hypocritical moralising elitists in Starfleet who don't care about the "common man"

I always liked Star Wars better than Star Trek. With Trek I watched and enjoyed the original series and TNG. Picard and McCoy were my favorites. I never bothered with the other shows, much less with novels. With SW I watched all the movies, read a couple dozen novels and a few of the comics (the only good comics was the recent-ish Darth Vader ones by Kieron Gillen of those I read).

Many years ago I found a site by an engineer who was into Sw vs ST tech debates and he throughly convinced me of the tech superiority in Star Wars. (I even have a suspicion that's where Spacebattles originated, though I could be completly mistaken).

Star Wars is cool. The Empire looks spiffy in its uniforms and the ships are imposing. Sith are cool. Space magic and huge numbers are cool. Rogue smugglers are cool.

This fic should be cool. Military SF with huge fleets duking it out should be fun to read. But the Empire are space nazis. They commit genocide, torture people, execute civilian farmers and keep slaves. They oppress aliens because they're not human. A fic about the bad guys trouncing somebody could be fun. Tie Fighter is one of my favorite games to this day.

It's okay to disagree with the values behind Trek's Federation, but to portray them as secret monsters in ways that never showed up in the screen to prop up fascists from a galaxy far away just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. To see people cheering the moral superiority of the Empire is just flat out worrying.
It's okay to disagree with the values behind Trek's Federation, but to portray them as secret monsters in ways that never showed up in the screen to prop up fascists from a galaxy far away just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. To see people cheering the moral superiority of the Empire is just flat out worrying.

Except they actually are? Well, most of the Federation and Starfleet are ignorant of it, but thanks to DS9, it's pretty much all but outright said that the only reason the Federation can even have a remotely-utopian society is thanks to Section 31's black ops and social engineering. This is even explicitly the case in Nu Trek, where Human and by extension Federation history from the late-22nd Century onward is the result of the all-encompassing synthetic intelligence CONTROL...which actually has its own counterpart from the original Trek setting, Uraei.

Even setting aside Section 31, there's the Federation's treatment of synthetic and transgenic life. I mean, I can understand being cautious about genetically-enhanced Humans who may develop various forms of insanity, but the perfectly-sane Doctor Bashir was nearly drummed out of Starfleet simply because he was an Augment. Sisko - maybe even Section 31, of all things - had to pull strings to have his case reconsidered. In the case of synthetics, there are entire episodes in TNG where Data's personhood comes into question, and his own daughter is outright denied it, to say nothing of all those EMHs slaving away in dilithium mines.

Or, for that matter, that whole species-wide genetic fault the Andorians suffer from in the novels, and which Starfleet had a cure for as far back as the 23rd Century, but which they refused to use because, "nature's plan" and "prime directive", ala the Valakians from the 22nd Century. It is the greatest irony of all that an Augment, Doctor Bashir, whose kind the Federation's elite fears because of his fellow Augments from the 20th Century's Darwinian beliefs, who decided to simply ignore all that "nature's plan" BS and gave the cure to the Andorians regardless.

I'll admit the Empire isn't much better if at all to synthetics. Transgenic life...indifferent, considering the Arkanians have desensitized the galaxy to the issue. Of course, there's also the Sith conspiracy behind the whole Empire, although it's an open secret by now thanks to Anakin sulking and moping around as Darth Vader...

...but the key difference is that the Empire doesn't pretend to be a utopian and idyllic society. They openly admit they are a militaristic and expansionist power. And I for one would sooner root for an honest villain than a two-faced hero.
raped his wife while kids watched.
add 'the' after 'while'

"Is Pluto truly a peaceful scientific commune?"
The colony may well be, it's just that some bastards decided to take advantage of the nice people to hide their evil deeds.
I'll admit the Empire isn't much better if at all to synthetics.
It's not just the Empire but SW in general. One theory goes that because the Force goes through every living being and everyone is supposed to be at least somewhat Force-sensitive, like how everyone is technically a Psyker in 40k, Droids just don't register as 'living' to people from SW. There is also that reprogramming a droid isn't that hard so the supposed sentience and want for freedom may be genuine or it may be someone hacking the droid to cause trouble.
And I for one would sooner root for an honest villain than a two-faced hero.
If you have to lie, cheat, intimidate and remove people to be a hero you never were one in the first place.
Except they actually are? Well, most of the Federation and Starfleet are ignorant of it, but thanks to DS9, it's pretty much all but outright said that the only reason the Federation can even have a remotely-utopian society is thanks to Section 31's black ops and social engineering. This is even explicitly the case in Nu Trek, where Human and by extension Federation history from the late-22nd Century onward is the result of the all-encompassing synthetic intelligence CONTROL...which actually has its own counterpart from the original Trek setting, Uraei.

Even setting aside Section 31, there's the Federation's treatment of synthetic and transgenic life. I mean, I can understand being cautious about genetically-enhanced Humans who may develop various forms of insanity, but the perfectly-sane Doctor Bashir was nearly drummed out of Starfleet simply because he was an Augment. Sisko - maybe even Section 31, of all things - had to pull strings to have his case reconsidered. In the case of synthetics, there are entire episodes in TNG where Data's personhood comes into question, and his own daughter is outright denied it, to say nothing of all those EMHs slaving away in dilithium mines.

Or, for that matter, that whole species-wide genetic fault the Andorians suffer from in the novels, and which Starfleet had a cure for as far back as the 23rd Century, but which they refused to use because, "nature's plan" and "prime directive", ala the Valakians from the 22nd Century. It is the greatest irony of all that an Augment, Doctor Bashir, whose kind the Federation's elite fears because of his fellow Augments from the 20th Century's Darwinian beliefs, who decided to simply ignore all that "nature's plan" BS and gave the cure to the Andorians regardless.

I'll admit the Empire isn't much better if at all to synthetics. Transgenic life...indifferent, considering the Arkanians have desensitized the galaxy to the issue. Of course, there's also the Sith conspiracy behind the whole Empire, although it's an open secret by now thanks to Anakin sulking and moping around as Darth Vader...

…but the key difference is that the Empire doesn't pretend to be a utopian and idyllic society. They openly admit they are a militaristic and expansionist power. And I for one would sooner root for an honest villain than a two-faced hero.

Don't extrapolate Section 31 into a huge shadow government pulling the strings when they are a criminal conspiracy of extremist officers. And don't take their claims of being behind the Federation's successes at face-value, since they're the only source for that claim. And definitely don't take Star Trek Discovery as legitimate Star Trek (fucking STD ruining everything...). And once again: THE TREK NOVELS ARE NOT CANON. THEY ARE NOT LEGITIMATE EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING.

And the Federation's issues with synthetic and transgenic life, while problematic, are nowhere near as horribly discriminatory as you make them out to be, at least in comparison to the Empire or the SW galaxy as a whole, that is: first of all, the Federation is actually capable of recognizing synthetic life and are able to sincerely debate the topic of synthetic rights. The SW galaxy, on the other hand, just flat out refuses to admit to droids being capable of sapience, and the topic of droid rights is a non-starter. And the Federation's ban on Augments mostly comes down to lingering trauma from the Eugenics Wars, and even then, in the case of Bashir, all he faced was being discharged from Starfleet - were it the Empire, he would've been thrown into an Imperial prison or just outright executed. The SW galaxy in general is terrible for transgenic rights, really: sure, genetic engineering is societally accepted, but the status of transgenic life is largely treated merely as a product, a commodity sold to the highest bidder - just look at the Clone Army, who are effectively slaves bred for war by the Kaminoans, who're sociopathic eugenicists, or any instance of a clone of a named character, who're mostly used as kill-and-replace cutouts for either faking said character's death, or to serve as meat-puppets for a psychotic Sith Lord.

Finally, to address something you said in an older post:

To be fair, the Imperials are also well-meaning in their own way, or at least the main character is. She's here to set the course of Human history back onto its proper path.

'Set the course of Human history back onto its proper path'? Hah. How arrogant and pretentious. Don't make me laugh. There is no 'proper path' for Human history, that is just transplanting an ideological determinism that doesn't exist. Humanity isn't destined for anything, any more than any random lifeform on this planet is destined to die: beyond the inevitability of death, nothing about humanity's future is set in stone, especially in regards to whatever political system it may adopt. Fukuyama's 'End of History' was wrong, the Soviet prediction of 'world revolution' was wrong, the Nazis' fever-dream of a 'New Order' was wrong.

And if your MC-SI thinks that imposing the fascist totalitarian jackboot of the Empire onto the Federation is the 'proper path' for Human history to take, she's dead wrong too. Not least of all because said Empire will be dead within the next 25 years. Just as Hitler's Thousand-Year Reich never lived past twelve, Palpatine's Ten-Thousand-Year Empire won't survive to see even thirty.
in the case of Bashir, all he faced was being discharged from Starfleet - were it the Empire, he would've been thrown into an Imperial prison or just outright executed.
I am genuinely confused here. Why would Bashir get executed for who he is in the Empire if you yourself said that no one can muster half a fuck about genetic engineering in Star Wars?
The contest between SW and ST is false, at least if considering the Federation as a main actor.
You can't compare a half-galaxy wide Empire with a polity spanning 1000 light-years at most, and that needs centuries to traverse the galaxy at best speed. The resources and the technology just aren't on the same scale.

Now, if we add up other polities like the Dominion and the Borg, things change somewhat, but those polities were still destined for failure due to in-built defects. Although there are some considerations on Borg potential once they aquire the tech to mass-produce Death Stars.

There are OP forces in play that can change the stats, such as Q and many other godlings and whatnot, but since they didn't do it so far they won't likely intervene anyways.
The contest between SW and ST is false, at least if considering the Federation as a main actor.
You can't compare a half-galaxy wide Empire with a polity spanning 1000 light-years at most, and that needs centuries to traverse the galaxy at best speed. The resources and the technology just aren't on the same scale.

Now, if we add up other polities like the Dominion and the Borg, things change somewhat, but those polities were still destined for failure due to in-built defects. Although there are some considerations on Borg potential once they aquire the tech to mass-produce Death Stars.
There is also the fact that the modern SW galactic civilisation in legends is 25,000 years old, so orders if magnitude older then the Star Trek civilisations and as such much more developed
There are OP forces in play that can change the stats, such as Q and many other godlings and whatnot, but since they didn't do it so far they won't likely intervene anyways.
Q was the one who set up this whole situation to teach the Feds a lesson and even mentioned stopping the Federations Time Police from meddling in Chapter 14.
I am genuinely confused here. Why would Bashir get executed for who he is in the Empire if you yourself said that no one can muster half a fuck about genetic engineering in Star Wars?

Maybe I should clarify: Bashir's offense was that he was lying about his identity of being genetically-augmented; if it were the Empire instead of the Federation prosecuting his case, the Empire would take a very dim view towards anybody lying to the state, and so would have him either imprisoned or shot as an example to others. The genetic engineering hardly factors into the matter for the Empire: what matters to them is that you can hide nothing from them.

Of course, there's an even worse third option I didn't mention originally: Bashir could be unlucky enough to qualify as a gene donor to harvest DNA from to serve as a template for a new clone army. At that point, he isn't just another dissident - he is now a resource.
Of course, there's an even worse third option I didn't mention originally: Bashir could be unlucky enough to qualify as a gene donor to harvest DNA from to serve as a template for a new clone army. At that point, he isn't just another dissident - he is now a resource.
Not really. While theoretically an option Palpy preferred to use Natural Born sentients because if he could screw over the Jedi with a Clone Army what's stopping someone else from doing that to him.
I don't understand. I was quoting WhiteDragon?

Oh, I see. Sorry, my mistake. Put him on my ignore list, so I couldn't see.

There are OP forces in play that can change the stats, such as Q and many other godlings and whatnot, but since they didn't do it so far they won't likely intervene anyways.

Q is the whole reason the Empire's been fighting the Federation. He engineered this whole situation.
Thanks for Chapter, that bit at the end took place on the enterprise bridge but where was its captain I'm surprised they would surrender rather then slip away and become part of some rebel force. The sheer scale of the prisons hidden away by section 31 will do more harm to the federation then anything else would. Having your whole civilization revealed as nothing less then a bunch of hypocrites when for decades they acted like there farts don't stinks… well I expect a lot of different races are going to be nodding there head and saying I knew the federation didn't add up.

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