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What Game Should I run?

  • Nobilis (3E)

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tenra Bansho

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Golden Sky Stories

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Double Cross

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other? (Please say in thread)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Okay, we're going with a Magister of the Dark.

Okay, my initial thought is someone that's always getting in trouble, showing up and bringing so many problems and constantly making everything escalate, the kind of cosmic being that just always goes to push the button and escalates, and then runs away from consequence, from completing things. Someone whose always getting wrapped up in strange circumstances and always running away as fast as it can.

Basically, we are the cleaning service?
Read the quoted directions. That's an example.

Just post a few sentences about what kind of imperator you think would be fun to have for the game, what you think it should be like.

I'll take a few bits from everyone's including my own, and then use that to write it up.
I'm thinking some sort of cheap-suit wearing, slick-back-hair used car salesman type Imperator. Sure he's great and powerful and don't you forget it, and sure that angle he's playing is as obvious as the blue sky, but damn that's a cheap car. Maybe it'll work out this time?
Wonderful, thanks!

mishie, theweepingman anything like Gib did would be great.

And does anyone have opinions regarding chancel genre/mood/thematics/aesthetics?

Modern? Fantasyish? Strange? Sci-fi?
Like I said in IRC, I'm thinking of somebody that likes to have overly complex plans just for the sake of it, that couldn't possibly ever work out, and yet whenever shit goes bad and it all falls to pieces, everything seems to work out just the way he wanted it to.

So yeah, our Imperator is basically the Joker...
Okay so uh, today's session went to some pretty interesting places. Things started out for me when I decided that the logical thing to do when in a mysterious and magical warehouse that was mindfucking us was that I should split up from everybody else and go to the most dangerous area, because it seemed like a good idea at the time. This was how I found the Dragon.

Now, once confronted with a sleeping Dragon, Johnny decided to do the logical thing and wake it up, and since awkward (but still polite!) coughs weren't enough, the next logical step was to walk up to it and shake it awake, because it seemed like a good idea at the time. This was then followed by Johnny trying to get as much info about what the fuck was going on out of the Dragon, whilst it was just trying to get back to sleep. Then when that didn't work out, Johnny decided that he should try to bribe the Dragon by making life easier for it with his power, sadly that didn't work out since well, the Dragon already had a pretty good thing going on so it wasn't interested in Johnny's offer.

This is when Johnny decided to change to a slightly different strategy by threatening to do the exact opposite and instead make the Dragon's life a shitton more dangerous and that he should help me just to get rid of me, and to prove a point I made it's treasure fall down a bottemless pit, because it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Oddly enough this didn't help with diplomacy and he reacted badly to this, and then it did it's Dragon thing an started to monologue about being a Dragon and shit and then when it decided to put some sort of Doom Curse Of Ruin And Bad Things, I had the best goddam idea ever. To put it simply, I got Ai to turn up right as the Dragon was about to curse me and use the Power of Love to turn the Dragon into a schoolgirl, because it seemed like a good idea at the time.

As such, Johnny now kinda has a dragongirl that hates him so much that she loves him. I regret nothing.
I am in a Chuubo's game where the go to solution to Everything is turn it into a cute monster girl. Dulcina would be glad to see this approach spread.
I am in a Chuubo's game where the go to solution to Everything is turn it into a cute monster girl. Dulcina would be glad to see this approach spread.

Considering that Dulcinea's player plays in this game (and wasn't in that scene or even around when it happened, but still)....
Finally (most of) the last sheet: Adding this session's logs soon.

(he will answer and give out other names randomly)​
Aspect 3
domain 0
Treasure 3
Persona 1​
Gifts: Shapeshifter (3), Immutable.

Cool 3
Fox Ear Magic 3
Superior hunter 2
Passion: Be Mysterious and Tricksy 2

Bond: Never Forget a Debt(3)
13 more to contract out.

Magic is:
Costly 2.
But it always gives 2
It is wonderous 2
It is mysterious 1
Well, Mishie seems indisposed, so I'll see if I can do the session justice.

Johnny is busy teasing the yandere Dragongirl of Ruin, while Ai managed to gain the contracts of the two girls on her school. However, Johnny wants to placate the Dragongirl by finding her lost hoard, while Ai, of course, want to buy the contracts.

So, they split. I'll write Ai part, 'cause I play Ai. Anyway, Ai stops when she realizes simply buying the contract won't be enough - the suffering, after all, is not caused by contract. So she and 'Fox' confer, and 'Fox' suggest they should just buy the store. And the Excrucian with it.

Ai thinks it is a great idea, so they went to confront the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper says that he is willing to sell it, provided "whoever got it, will experience all desire." Or as he says, "I'm willing to sell you the world, but if it breaks, it's not my issue." Ai, obviously, don't want to covet everything, so 'Fox' devised a strategy to claim the shop. So, Ai distract the shopkeeper with various question, while 'Fox' went outside and preparing. 'Fox' then comes back, with a flag on the pole - the flag is the symbol of his estate. Then he slams the flag to the ground, claiming the entire shop as his.

The plan worked, but the Excrucian wants to subsume 'Fox' with his identity. 'Fox', obviously, doesn't want that, so metaphysical fight ensue - and Ai don't want his fellow Noble lost his identity, so she hijacks the body-hijacking attempt and try to give the shopkeeper, you guessed it, lesbian schoolgirl body.

Unfortunately, both 'Fox' and Ai is not strong enough, so they only managed to turn 'Fox' into, well, lesbian schoolgirl foxgirl. But hey, at least she keeps her thumbs, and the newly re-nicknamed 'Kitsune-chan' is not subsumed to Excrucian identity, so all is well! Except the part where Kitsune-chan got Deathly wound, that manifest as conflict between 'Schoolgirl lesbian side' versus 'Trickster fox god'.

Right, some lines are missing on the log:

[16:10:31] * Lian|Kitsune-cha is now known as Lian|Kitsunechan
[16:32:20] <TWM|Ai> "Well, alright. You are now Kitsune-chan!"
[16:37:28] <Lian|Kitsunechan> "right"
[16:37:53] * TWM|Ai continue rubbing her cheek at Kitsune-chan
[16:38:57] * Lian|Kitsunechan continues blushing so her skin is redder than her hair
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Lesbian schoolgirl Dragon and Fox... hilarious. Wish I had noticed this sooner^^

Edit: If a space opens, give a call. This may actually be worth finally working out how to Register in the IRC thingy. (I have failed at understanding it a few times.)
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Lesbian schoolgirl Dragon and Fox... hilarious. Wish I had noticed this sooner^^

Edit: If a space opens, give a call. This may actually be worth finally working out how to Register in the IRC thingy. (I have failed at understanding it a few times.)

I'm willing to run from 3 to 5.

Currently we're at 3, so there are 2ish slots.
4:30AM-7AM (GMT)
1:30PM-4PM (Tokyo)
12:30AM-3AMish (New York)
3:30PM-6PM (Aus)

Should be correct.
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4:30AM-7AM (GMT)
1:30PM-4PM (Tokyo)
12:30AM-3AMish (New York)
3:30PM-6PM (Aus)

Should be correct.

That Timing...... If the Tokyo one is correct, it should be... 6:30 in the morning when the game starts where I am. (Middle Europe) That is not really perfect... it is on Sunday right? The day when I am actually trying to sleep late.

Edit: I am still interested, just will have to see if I should do this either non-synchronous by making Posts here or something similar. I will post my character idea when I have a bit more together.
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What day of the week?

I can do it if its Friday or Saturday, other wise..(Though ,an fridays would be intence then.)
It's on freenode in #QQNobilis. People tend to hover around in chat lately.

Edit: Standard chargen if you want to do up a sheet.
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I am still interested, just will have to see if I should do this either non-synchronous by making Posts here or something similar. I will post my character idea when I have a bit more together.

Okay, I didn't quite think this through. I have not come up with some awesome way to join anyway.

Kind of annoying, but cannot be helped I guess. I will still observe since it looks fun though^^
I might have to look into changing the time in a few months when I move back to the states. So there's always hope for then?
I might have to look into changing the time in a few months when I move back to the states. So there's always hope for then?

Cool, I am looking Forward to seeing what you get down anyway. theweepingman, I expect at least a whole Soccer Team of lesbian School Girls by the end of the campaign^^

I wonder what Nolrai is going to make as a character btw. my own idea was a Londoner teacher who got the Estate of Hierarchy.

Edit: And there was a incomplete vague idea about Gentleman thief with the Estate of Penguins...
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So in this weeks session, Johnny convinced Vladimir and Estragon that he was definitely Godot and they were waiting for him all along, this was then followed by everything dissolving into nothing whilst Johnny just kept following the trail of gold and jewels to the next place, which was of course a desert. As such, Johnny decided that it would be a good idea to keep following the trail before it was covered up by the sands completely, although this didn't last long since he soon saw smoke in the distance and decided to investigate.

Once he got closer, he saw that it was a shitton of sandship things fighting some giant sandworm, as such, Johnny knew deep down what he needed to do. He had to punch it right in the eye so hard that it died. After jumping in and doing so, Johnny decided to have a polite conversation with the leader of the sand pirates where after a small misunderstanding involving the pirates pistol and Johnny's face, he was able to convince them to aid him in his quest. This was probably helped by the fact that said misunderstanding involved her trying to pistolwhip, only for the gun to break on his face and when the pirates wanted to leave, Johnny mused about how awkward it would be to be stuck in the middle of the desert with broken vehicles, no supplies and no way to call for help. As such the pirates decided to join Johnny on his quest.

Meanwhile back in reality, Ai and Kitsune continue to prove that they can't be left unsupervised as Ai harasses some kid before turning him into a her and Kitsune decides to turn Ruin into a maid because reasons, and then some random shopkeeper into a magical dragongirl.
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So in this weeks session, Johnny convinced Vladimir and Estragon that he was definitely Godot and they were waiting for him all along, this was then followed by everything dissolving into nothing whilst Johnny just kept following the trail of gold and jewels to the next place, which was of course a desert.

Since this is Nobilis and I have heard some really weird stuff... do you mean Estragon as a Name for a Person, or Estragon the spice?

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