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What Game Should I run?

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  • Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine

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  • Golden Sky Stories

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Ah. Did he use transfinite ordinals to meet God?
Today, I turned a man-eating giant spider into a schoolgirl, then claim her as my little sister.
Actual is some Kind of weird Alien Thing Born from Time-Paradoxes and General screwing with the universe. They possess a Person or Thing that was influenced by the Time-Paradox and then start turning others into their Kind over and over and spread like the plague.
Actual is some Kind of weird Alien Thing Born from Time-Paradoxes and General screwing with the universe. They possess a Person or Thing that was influenced by the Time-Paradox and then start turning others into their Kind over and over and spread like the plague.

...well, Ai do need to expand her Estate....
*Checks Up*

Wasn't that your secondary Estate formerly? Does that mean you are now literally the Goddess of Lesbian Schoolgirls?

I mean, turns out I use Lily estate way too much than Romance, so I decided to make Lilies into my primary Estate.

I was suggesting Bear as secondary estate, but Darkened vetoed it. xD
So uh funny story, speaking of Actual's Johnny may have accidentally unleashed one into the Chancel.

On a totally unrelated note, after having adventures in a pyramid involved a Giant Super Mega Sandworm that Johnny took as a treasure because holy shit how could you not, it's fucking amazing and awesome, a fight with a Pirate Mummy and then Johnny being a huge dick to a woman that just watched everybody that she knew died horribly in front of her.
Johnny apparently failed some sort of "moral test" because he was too busy being a terrible person and not taking shit seriously, and then judging people for not being better

As such Johnny called bullshit and said that his methods and totally legit and that he passed the test because fuck you, he then changed the answers of the test to make it so that he passed by removing the risk that he had failed, thus meaning that he had passed. As a side effect Johnny is now forced to speak the truth, something that he trusts that his fellow Powers wont abuse for their own amusement. On a totally unrelated note, Johnny isn't going to be talking to Ai or Fox for the next month or so for personal reasons.

Also, Kitsune hit a little girl on the head so hard that she got amnesia, and then convinced her that she's a magical princess whilst Ai turned a giant spider into a spidergirl, and when it started to question it's existence and the consequences of it's actions she just mindraped it into loving her.

Our heroes ladies and gentlemen.
Also, Kitsune hit a little girl on the head so hard that she got amnesia, and then convinced her that she's a magical princess whilst Ai turned a giant spider into a spidergirl, and when it started to question it's existence and the consequences of it's actions she just mindraped it into loving her.

Our heroes ladies and gentlemen.

Hey! I use Skill + Will to convince her Conscience is worth having! It is totally not a mind-control!
You know, I cannot get it from the text, is the Kitsune being played by Darkened or does someone else Play as her? Since she seems to be a Noble herself I don't think she is an NPC, but I am not sure.
Actuals are fun, may need to throw more of them at the party.

Well, no one else posted a summary so....

Johnny finally returned to reality, realizing that he'd accidentally allowed something from outside the world to join him. Putting aside the hoard he went to connect with the others.

Meanwhile the sky shattered. Kitsune, naturally, turned into a bird and went to investigate. She ignored Johnny and came under attack from several reflection mirror-birds.

Johnny finally managed to get in contact with Ai, as a newly minted Family member, Cyborgs' Eve Casshan, arrived at the chancel just in time to help. Being a flying cyborg, Casshan quickly went to investigate and started to fight together with Kitsune.

No matter how many forms Kitsune took, her reflections copied her, gradually getting faster and faster till they shifted before Kitsune, slowly wearing down their prey and turning her into her own soulless reflection.

Casshan quickly realized fighting was only turning the reflections into super powerful elite combat cyborgs and, as a mirror-chancel appeared in the sky, decided the only thing to do was obviously to fold the sky inward so it was reflecting itself. Johnny created a risk to the Actual, pushing it through with strike to make sure that this was actually a feasible threat! However, no matter how far Casshan flew, the edge of the sky and its mirror city only seemed to grow further away!

While Johnny's pet sandworm fought its giant clone, Kitsune finally realized that the actual in question was using reflection based magical skills and, accordingly, turned into an invisible flying rod. Having lost the thing they were reflecting, the monsters vanished.

Realizing that it was Casshan's seeing it that extended the mirror world, the cyborg shut her eyes, grabbed the edge of the sky and started to bend. Desperately, the actual city in the sky reflected this damage back into the city, folding it together.

Ai created a giant lily to block out the sight of the chancel from its mirror and break the link and Casshan started to finish her work, but Kitsune demanded she stopped.

No one, the fox explained, deserved to be an actual. Invoking her store, the Fox wove them together, tearing out her own history and memory to bind the actual to the world with imperial power (Treasure 9 is hax that way).

This crafted the mirror actual into a very real magical teacher. Woven from Kitsune's memory, she found herself linked as the fox's mother.

Unfortunately a folded city tends not to hold up that well and the chancel needed some repairs. The group's imperator appeared briefly to introduce Casshan, congratulate everyone on the victory and collateral damage. Then he told everyone to clean up or change up the chancel some, handed Casshan a mysterious box, made some vague comments about Entropy and ran away without explanations.

Everyone tried to open the box, even though it rapidly became apparent that imperial miracles surrounding the box simply zapped anyone who interacted with it. Despite this, literally everyone got cursed, some more than once.

  • Casshan was turned into a schoolgirl, but resisted till she became a gym teacher instead.
  • Ai turned into a man before freaking out and changing herself back though found herself a bit more aggressive for it.
  • Kitsune who tried to scry the box fell in love with Johnny
  • Johnny swapped bodies with Ruin, but rapidly swapped back leaving only a mental link.
  • Casshan, not sensing a pattern, hit the box again until she ended up a home ec teacher.
  • The former actual, seeing that everyone real was trying to open the box decided she had to do it to, but they managed to stop her.
At this point the party decided that the plot hook box was better left abandoned and just left it somewhere for anyone to find? (They did manage to turn it human, or rather robot-shaped first though. It didn't gain consciousness, but this may or may not have been a good idea.)

After this Johnny went to give Ruin back her hoard, learning that he'd only actually managed to find a part. Still, rather pleased with him Ruin decided that Johnny could make it up. JOhnny objected and the two decided to wager ownership of each other on an arm-wrestling match. Ruin won, but Johnny swapped the terms so that winning meant belonging instead of owning.

Ai and Kitsune went on a date.

Casshan tried to find Moldavite's secretary to lodge a formal complaint. He found her, 23 hours into her new job, about to commit suicide due to how awful it was. Naturally Casshan talked her down, made her pancakes and then turned her into an elite secretary cyborg.

This finally ended the first day in game time.

What will happen next week?!
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I can't help but be proud of the fact that it's taken literally taken almost 2 months for Johnny to do something related to his job instead of getting bored and wandering off. And of course nobody notices and instead they focus on other shit ;-;
Heya! New player here.

So I have the basic mechanics of my sheet down and had a fun first session, although I might need a little help doing lifepaths (mostly to work out my character's backstory somewhat more concretely).
Heya! New player here.

So I have the basic mechanics of my sheet down and had a fun first session, although I might need a little help doing lifepaths (mostly to work out my character's backstory somewhat more concretely).

Welcome to QQ, looking Forward to read up on what chaos your character creates^^

Out of curiousity, what kind of backstory have you had in mind?
Welcome to QQ, looking Forward to read up on what chaos your character creates^^

Aww, thanks. Admittedly, Eve's going to be a fairly sedate personality in terms of her manias (and extreme in terms of murderborg Aspect applications), but I am too! :V

Out of curiousity, what kind of backstory have you had in mind?

I was thinking someone who was weak, possibly disabled in some way and pursued technology was a way to overcome her weaknesses. But she's not happy about being turned into a weapon, both in the sense of becoming a military cyborg who's great at cyborg-themed martial arts and also a Noble who's going to spend an eternity fighting on the front lines of reality.
Sooooo funny story, Crow and I decided to do some RP shit together to pass the time and to have Eve and Johnny meet. Things went as expected and as such they're now planning on setting up a Robot Fighting Arena, and may have also started a group project for them to make what was described as "the ultimate combination lie-detector/Cyrano-de-Bergerac-bot-in-your-head/pokerface-enhancer system", which is designed to be able to work on Anything, even things that don't have a face or body language or even the ability to be effected by pheromones, it still finds some way to help out.

Current idea for the project name is "How we were able to create the greatest social enhancing gizmo for Casshan to stick in Johnny's head"

Nothing can possibly go badly with this plan at all ever :D

edit: added in logs for Darkened to add to the list

That should be all of them Darkened
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Just wondered, but is the game still ongoing or did you put it on pause?
So in today's surprise session, Ai had a chat with spidersis and talk about how murder is wrong, Kitsune talked about hobbies with her Mum, and Johnny had an Adventure in his own house. And by Adventure I mean he made his way through the various traps to actually get inside, found out that a Gorgon now lived on the first floor, had to deal with Ruin totally not being jealous and then had to make his way to the next floor of the dungeon mansion. So basically a normal day really.
So in the past few sessions, TWM has been busy with exams and Crow is dead or something, so instead of continuing the plot that Darkened was almost able to start we've been finishing off side stories. Kitsune has been going clothes shopping with her mom or something whilst Johnny is still just trying to find his room so he can get some sleep.

So the second floor down of his mansion is apparently the underwater level since that's where Krakl the Kracken lives, and long story short Johnny found out the fun way that she's not able to breath outside of water which was all kinds of awkward. Luckily Johnny had learned how to breathe and talk underwater in the past (it was to win a bet) so he was able to sort things out, turns out that Kitsune was responsible for her being there and was also the reason why she had that name, and since Johnny was a nice guy he even volunteered to help her out by getting Kitsune to change it. That and maybe doing something about the whole 'can't breath outside of water' thing since it's kinda awkward.

The next session had Johnny go down to the third floor where he found a graveyard. Inside his house. Because Kitsune. Anyway, after being amused by finding his own gravestone, he noticed a thumping noise coming from the grave next to it. It didn't take long for him to dig up the grave and find that there was an almost naked Lich girl in the coffin. Because Kitsune. To make things even better, apparently Macy (which was the the name on her tombstone) was another one of Kitsune's costumers at her shop when he went to go buy something from there.

Once he found out that bit of information, Johnny decided to do the right thing and used his powers to make sure she wouldn't panic, as you do, and then decided that obviously she should take advantage of her undeath to learn cool magic to help defend his mansion. There was also some stuff about how for some odd reason Macy no longer had emotions but Johnny was pretty sure it was Kitsune's fault and had nothing to do with him.

Fourth floor was pretty simple, it was just a desert with Johnny's skyscraper sized Sandworm in it, so nothing too fancy really. Oddly enough the fifth floor was probably the simplest since it was a small cave with a pile of gold in it, and apparently Ruin was meant to be the guardian of that floor.

After a small conversation where Johnny decided that they were now apparently roomies and Ruin couldn't be bothered to argue against it, talks were had and long story short Johnny decided that not only was it actually possible for him to give a shit about people that weren't himself, and that y'know maybe Ruin is kinda important to him or something. After this Johnny decided to speak a Word of Command to bind her to him as a Treasure. Because reasons.

Also, Johnny kinda ended up taking an Affliction that game him a Dragon's Greed, and I for one can't see any way that anything could go badly with it.

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