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[RPG] KH: Hard Day's Knight 1.2


Versed in the lewd.
Apr 24, 2015
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Many worlds... One sky...

- - -

The town of Gravity Falls was, from the outside, a normal small Pacific Northwest community. Good for tourism in the wilds of Oregon and not much else. Even with the Heartless invasion of Earth, this sleepy little town hadn't changed too much. Its inhabitants were barely aware of the outside world. The revelation of an infinite multiverse that you could travel barely bothered any of them. It wasn't due to ignorance though...

They knew it was true. They just never spoke of it. It was easier that way, when you were living in the shadow of the deadly truth of the multiverse: That Creation... Is dangerous.

Two members of this community though... Had a deeper knowledge and interest in this. Due to circumstance. They alone of all the inhabitants of Earth had been granted the right to wield the most powerful weapons in the multiverse: The Keyblade.

- - -

Mason "Dipper" Pines, seventeen years old, was lying in his bed up in the attic of the Mystery Shack. He was softly snoring, relaxed and sprawled all over with his covers bunched up in strange places. A figure stood over him, rising ominously in the early morning light. A sinister grin covered their face, as a weapon materialized in their hand. They raised it up, brought it down...


And poked Dipper in the side of his stomach. In a flash of light, Dipper's own Keyblade appeared in his hand and it had it pointed at the grinning face... Of his sister. He sighed and shut his eyes again.

"Mabelll... It's Saturday..."

"So? Come on Bro-Bro! We get to train with Henry and Gosalyn and Roxanne and see that nice Paul guy's ship and feed Waddles-"

"You always feed Waddles," Dipper mumbled, slowly sitting up. He shook his head and looked out the window. The sun was setting a wonderful glow onto the forest. It made him smile, despite himself-As did Mabel's happy bouncing and chattering. Yet... His Keyblade remained in his hand. As though sensing... Danger.

- - -

Everybody starts in Gravity Falls! Those with Gummi ships, in the outskirts or in a hotel in the town proper. Magical pixies, in the forest itself. Disney World Cadets, in the Mystery Shack guest room. And Zaravan? You are...

- - -

He had been in an endless darkness... So long... He had nearly forgotten everything. Everything but the Light. It still burned and glowed within him, even in this pit. In the space between worlds. This nightmarish existence... He had no track of time, if it even existed in this place.

Then... He FELT it. He SAW it. A tiny Light... Another one. He moved towards it, desperation screaming in his mind. Screaming in his very soul. Light, light, light...!

And in a moment... He wasn't in the darkness anymore. He was in a warm forest, filled with conifers like the northern reaches of his home. And in front of him was a statue. A strange creature, triangle-shaped, with a single, fear-filled eye and a hand reaching up.

- - -
He had been in an endless darkness... So long... He had nearly forgotten everything. Everything but the Light. It still burned and glowed within him, even in this pit. In the space between worlds. This nightmarish existence... He had no track of time, if it even existed in this place.

Then... He FELT it. He SAW it. A tiny Light... Another one. He moved towards it, desperation screaming in his mind. Screaming in his very soul. Light, light, light...!

And in a moment... He wasn't in the darkness anymore. He was in a warm forest, filled with conifers like the northern reaches of his home. And in front of him was a statue. A strange creature, triangle-shaped, with a single, fear-filled eye and a hand reaching up.

His first action was a single, desperate gasp, and fresh air filled his lungs. The smell of grass, flowers... The sky above, blue and filled with fluffy white cloud.

Oh, but it had been so long. So long, so long. Drawing himself to his full height, he just... Stood there for a long moment, taking it all in. Then, once he was sated, bathed in the warmth of life all around him, he turned his attention the strange statue. As he did, he... Shivered. A scowl made it's way on his face as he circled it, not daring to get closer than ten paces. It was far too detailed for a simple statue indeed. But the subject was unnatural, something that simply did not fit in the surroundings. Something that didn't belong.

Whispering a quick prayer, he made sure the candles upon his shield were lit and hefted his Warhammer. Then he turned the other way and began walking. Something told him messing with that statue would be very very dumb. After all, there had to be some civilization out here...
Henry Hopps, the gray furred bunny cadet and Gosalyns partner under senior cadet Roxanne had been up with the sun that day out of habit. A quick couple jogging laps around the mystery shack had been cut somewhat short so he could make breakfast for… just about everyone.

The bunny was careful about it, the houses here weren't built for smaller residents to use as well like they were back home. So he'd again arranged the stools in critical points to let him work. He wasn't so inconsiderate to use only the shacks supplies to make breakfast, partially drawing off the packed team supplies to stretch things out.

A steady supply of pancakes were being stacked onto the counter, and on another plate were bacon slices that still made his nose twitch.

Meat smelled so weird.

Atop his head, long ears twitched listening past the sizzle of various pans and bubbling in a pot or two as parts of the house started to stir around him.

The bunny reached over with his cooking gloves to stir at the bit pot of grits he was making, he was really looking forward to that with a bit of butter and brown sugar, pausing to take a sniff of the cornmeal before he moved on to tend the eggs.
Henry Hopps, the gray furred bunny cadet and Gosalyns partner under senior cadet Roxanne had been up with the sun that day out of habit. A quick couple jogging laps around the mystery shack had been cut somewhat short so he could make breakfast for… just about everyone.

The bunny was careful about it, the houses here weren't built for smaller residents to use as well like they were back home. So he'd again arranged the stools in critical points to let him work. He wasn't so inconsiderate to use only the shacks supplies to make breakfast, partially drawing off the packed team supplies to stretch things out.

A steady supply of pancakes were being stacked onto the counter, and on another plate were bacon slices that still made his nose twitch.

Meat smelled so weird.

Atop his head, long ears twitched listening past the sizzle of various pans and bubbling in a pot or two as parts of the house started to stir around him.

The bunny reached over with his cooking gloves to stir at the bit pot of grits he was making, he was really looking forward to that with a bit of butter and brown sugar, pausing to take a sniff of the cornmeal before he moved on to tend the eggs.

Soon enough, he heard Gosalyn approaching. She was grumbling, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. While she got up early out of habit, it was clear the female teenaged duck did not enjoy it. Her sleeping shirt read "HAVE A NICE DAY - SOMEWHERE ELSE."

"Coffee... Need... Coffee," she mumbled, staggering like a zombie.
Yawning, Paul took a seat with some of the others breakfast in hand. They'd only just gotten in the day before last, and only finished up getting things set up for needing to operate out of Gravity Falls at a minimal level last night if only just barely. Moving into the booth in the bar, sitting next to Hraz and Argalon on one side with Grimmy entering in the booth right after Paul. He just sipped his cup of coffee while watching the bar and the rest of the crew that were here. Generally most everyone else was waking up and not that rowdy.

"So boss, what's the plan for today?" Hraz asked, spearing some sausages as she did so.

"Hmm, I don't think there's a clear plan for today. At least yet. Things are kinda in flux still." Paul answered after drinking some more of his coffee.

"We should be ready, just in case." Grimmy said, in between eating a stack of pancakes.

"Oh ho ho, I can't wait to be free to look through the...legal codes, of this fine little town. I bet they're just, judicial." Argalon said with a far too wide grin, and overly excited talking about legislature.

"Things should be pretty free today. So, that should be fine. Just...don't go overboard. This isn't Ivalice." Argalon just chuckled and nodded at Paul's warning.

Sighing at the lawyer's response, Paul just went back to having his own breakfast and watching over things. Mentally going over things. Basic set up for the ship here, the Mog Knights are joyously eating a hearty breakfast for a Moogle, chances are he and his crew will either meet or be dragged into something with the keyblade wielders later, Hraz's sister is talking to Swift about something. His mind just whirling around with little real focus, Paul just enjoyed having a morning where there was nothing serious in the immediate future or serious plans in place.
Yawning, Paul took a seat with some of the others breakfast in hand. They'd only just gotten in the day before last, and only finished up getting things set up for needing to operate out of Gravity Falls at a minimal level last night if only just barely. Moving into the booth in the bar, sitting next to Hraz and Argalon on one side with Grimmy entering in the booth right after Paul. He just sipped his cup of coffee while watching the bar and the rest of the crew that were here. Generally most everyone else was waking up and not that rowdy.

"So boss, what's the plan for today?" Hraz asked, spearing some sausages as she did so.

"Hmm, I don't think there's a clear plan for today. At least yet. Things are kinda in flux still." Paul answered after drinking some more of his coffee.

"We should be ready, just in case." Grimmy said, in between eating a stack of pancakes.

"Oh ho ho, I can't wait to be free to look through the...legal codes, of this fine little town. I bet they're just, judicial." Argalon said with a far too wide grin, and overly excited talking about legislature.

"Things should be pretty free today. So, that should be fine. Just...don't go overboard. This isn't Ivalice." Argalon just chuckled and nodded at Paul's warning.

Sighing at the lawyer's response, Paul just went back to having his own breakfast and watching over things. Mentally going over things. Basic set up for the ship here, the Mog Knights are joyously eating a hearty breakfast for a Moogle, chances are he and his crew will either meet or be dragged into something with the keyblade wielders later, Hraz's sister is talking to Swift about something. His mind just whirling around with little real focus, Paul just enjoyed having a morning where there was nothing serious in the immediate future or serious plans in place.

Lazy Susan, the waitress of the diner, walked up with a cautious smile. Her gray hair ran down her back, and her lazy eye winked at them.

"What can I get you... Fellas?" She asked, uncertain.
Lazy Susan, the waitress of the diner, walked up with a cautious smile. Her gray hair ran down her back, and her lazy eye winked at them.

"What can I get you... Fellas?" She asked, uncertain.
"Coffee, and...breakfast food. Sorry, not too used to actually have a normal restaurant. Um, bacon, eggs, toast. Anything else you can recommend?"

"What is the most legislative breakfast you can suggest?" Argalon asked, for some reason that Paul wasn't interested in figuring out. "And fellas is fine for me. Though Arch Sir Hermiton is what it is legally." He said, sounding rather oddly excited at the word legally. "And she is a she." Argalon said pointing to himself, and then pointing out that Hraz the Viera was a woman.

"Try to tone it down a bit." Paul muttered to Argalon to try and convince the Nu Mou to keep from going overboard.
Soon enough, he heard Gosalyn approaching. She was grumbling, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. While she got up early out of habit, it was clear the female teenaged duck did not enjoy it. Her sleeping shirt read "HAVE A NICE DAY - SOMEWHERE ELSE."

"Coffee... Need... Coffee," she mumbled, staggering like a zombie.

Henry was used to this by now, so he didn't make a fuss, he didn't even comment about the hot mugs of coffee that took center stage on the table at the moment, or the creamer and sugars he had set out next to them, just in case. You let Gosalyn handle that part herself and just have the stuff brewed strong and hot.
"Coffee, and...breakfast food. Sorry, not too used to actually have a normal restaurant. Um, bacon, eggs, toast. Anything else you can recommend?"

"What is the most legislative breakfast you can suggest?" Argalon asked, for some reason that Paul wasn't interested in figuring out. "And fellas is fine for me. Though Arch Sir Hermiton is what it is legally." He said, sounding rather oddly excited at the word legally. "And she is a she." Argalon said pointing to himself, and then pointing out that Hraz the Viera was a woman.

"Try to tone it down a bit." Paul muttered to Argalon to try and convince the Nu Mou to keep from going overboard.

"Uh huh... Sure thing," she said, nodding. She turned and headed back with the orders, muttering to herself about missing the Blind Eye Society. It was a bit understandable, Paul supposed. Not everyone could handle all the weird things being in the open after the invasion.

Henry was used to this by now, so he didn't make a fuss, he didn't even comment about the hot mugs of coffee that took center stage on the table at the moment, or the creamer and sugars he had set out next to them, just in case. You let Gosalyn handle that part herself and just have the stuff brewed strong and hot.

Gosalyn was feeding her caffeine addiction as Roxanne entered-In marked contrast to Gosalyn, she was bright and cheerful and fully dressed. The very picture of a Disney Kingdom mage. Though frankly, it was strange to imagine her teacher being the temperamental and volatile Donald Duck.

"Good morning Henry! Good morning Gosalyn!" She said brightly, already bustling about to help Henry with place setting and napkins. Gosalyn managed a grunt in response.

The next inhabitant of the house walked in-Stanley Pines, or Mister Mystery. The aging man grunted, dressed in pajama bottoms and a wifebeater, a fez atop his head. He scratched his bottom as he entered, about as verbose as Gosalyn.
"Uh huh... Sure thing," she said, nodding. She turned and headed back with the orders, muttering to herself about missing the Blind Eye Society. It was a bit understandable, Paul supposed. Not everyone could handle all the weird things being in the open after the invasion.
Just sighing at that, not really being surprised all things considered, Paul pulled out his phone to check for any news that might interest him while waiting for his breakfast. "You really need to tone it down a bit Argalon."

The Nu Mou just shrugged. "Hmm, well. I guess basically getting a vacation here isn't so bad. Plus it'll be nice to just relax a bit. Kind of a shame Jeff can't join us right now." Hraz added, wanting to move on from Argalon's personal interests.

"Yeah, it is." Paul said with a nod.
Jesse K the Bubba

- - -

Deep in the forest of Gravity Falls, near the statue of the defeated Bill Cypher, lived a community of fairies. Rarely did these entities venture out of the forest-The gnomes were out there, as were many other things that could (and would) kill and eat them. But today, one little fairy was about to have the outside world crash into his world...

- - -
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Gosalyn was feeding her caffeine addiction as Roxanne entered-In marked contrast to Gosalyn, she was bright and cheerful and fully dressed. The very picture of a Disney Kingdom mage. Though frankly, it was strange to imagine her teacher being the temperamental and volatile Donald Duck.

"Good morning Henry! Good morning Gosalyn!" She said brightly, already bustling about to help Henry with place setting and napkins. Gosalyn managed a grunt in response.

The next inhabitant of the house walked in-Stanley Pines, or Mister Mystery. The aging man grunted, dressed in pajama bottoms and a wifebeater, a fez atop his head. He scratched his bottom as he entered, about as verbose as Gosalyn.

And in contrast to both of them Henry had his apron on and some comfortable clothes he didn't mind getting a little grease on the sleeves of.

"Good morning Roxanne, Good morning Gosalyn." It was half routine now as he doled out servings for the plates having two ready by the time Roxanne came to get them from him. One of his ears twitched as the older man entered the room.

"Good morning Mr Pines."
And in contrast to both of them Henry had his apron on and some comfortable clothes he didn't mind getting a little grease on the sleeves of.

"Good morning Roxanne, Good morning Gosalyn." It was half routine now as he doled out servings for the plates having two ready by the time Roxanne came to get them from him. One of his ears twitched as the older man entered the room.

"Good morning Mr Pines."

Stanley stared at Henry. "Don't get any fur in my eggs," he warned, sipping heavily of the coffee. "Ahhh... Okay... That's a lot better."

Dipper Pines came down next, dressed in his usual. He smiled at Henry. "Hey Henry! Roxanne, Gosalyn, Grunkle Stan-"

Despite his senses... Henry couldn't dodge the large, curvy human who glomped him to her chest.

"MORNING CUTIE!" Mabel cheered happily, crushing the little bunny to her bosom.

"How does she do that?" Gosalyn muttered.
Stanley stared at Henry. "Don't get any fur in my eggs," he warned, sipping heavily of the coffee. "Ahhh... Okay... That's a lot better."

Dipper Pines came down next, dressed in his usual. He smiled at Henry. "Hey Henry! Roxanne, Gosalyn, Grunkle Stan-"

Despite his senses... Henry couldn't dodge the large, curvy human who glomped him to her chest.

"MORNING CUTIE!" Mabel cheered happily, crushing the little bunny to her bosom.

"How does she do that?" Gosalyn muttered.

"No one likes fur in their eggs Mr. Pines, or their pancakes." Henry smiled slightly holding up his gloved paws, "Oh Hi Dip-MMPH!"

Taken entirely by surprise again, the bunny struggles futilely having just enough presence of mind not to jerk around with the presence of a hot stove right next to them.
"No one likes fur in their eggs Mr. Pines, or their pancakes." Henry smiled slightly holding up his gloved paws, "Oh Hi Dip-MMPH!"

Taken entirely by surprise again, the bunny struggles futilely having just enough presence of mind not to jerk around with the presence of a hot stove right next to them.

Showing surprising grace, Mabel let Henry go while beaming warmly at him. "Thanks for breakfast! You're so kind!" She turned and beamed like the sun at Gosalyn and Roxanne. "Morning ladies~!"

"Good morning Mabel!" Roxanne said cheerfully. Gosalyn managed a grunt, which Mabel grinned at. Dipper took his seat, already looking eager. Mabel too looked eager, sitting alongside him.

"So, what's the agenda for today?" He asked. Roxanne continued to smile.

"Well, we're going to do some more training today," she said. "After getting your Keyblades, it'll take time to fully master and understand them."

"And maybe make you stop being so cheerful in the morning," Gosalyn muttered under her breath.

"Amen," Stan muttered back. Too low for the Twins to hear, but Henry caught every word.
"Well, that does sound interesting, almost like that seasonal pixie clan from that anti-aging world," Flare mused as he went over the magic a local pixie had just demonstrated to him. While it might not have been as quick, it was less taxing on the plantlife, so the end results could be much more promising.

"I am so happy!" the demonstrating pixie exclaimed.

"That's good. Since you're only-"

Something like a wave rolled through the forest and the magical beings in it. Creatures everywhere scrambled, the pixies shouted and fell, and Flare Wellwish dropped to his feet while going stock still. Slowly, the young High Fairy regathered his wits and looked towards the source of the disturbance.

"What in the King's name was that?"

"Argh! Scared!" the pixie from earlier shouted in fear as they rolled on the ground in their confusion. Some furry creature began coming close, but Flare tossed it away with a flick of his wrist and scooped up the smaller fairy.

"Stop being so worried. I'll go and see what this is all about." Immediately, the pixies ceased in their confused throws and looked at him in reassurance. Once again, Flare cursed the fact that they were so easily overwhelmed by single emotions. "Yes, I'll go make sure it's not anything threatening. And if it is, it won't last long."

"Be careful, Great One," a pixie warned him. "It came from where the Great Evil Weird comes from."

"Thank you for the warning." In his mind, Flare wondered what in the world the pixie was talking about as he hopped up and began flying towards the source. Some of the pixies waved after him, but others began to gather up.

"We should help him!"

"Yes! Let's help the Great One!"

And so a number of primitive pixies began chasing after the High Fairy, only some of them pausing to wonder if such was a good idea, before shrugging it off and going ahead anyways.

Flare meanwhile, tracked the magical disturbance and its lingering residue, an innate sense passed from generations before leading him towards whatever caused it. He came across a statue that he immediately veered away from, picking up a dense but short-range amount of chaotic energies from it, and continued on going after whatever it was that had actually caught his interest. He then stopped as he came upon an odd sight of a large, armored human wielding a warhammer and bearing a shield with candles stuck onto its top, exuding light magics. This had definitely been the source of that disturbance, whatever it all was.

"What in Blue's blazes?!" Flare exclaimed upon taking this all in.
Flare meanwhile, tracked the magical disturbance and its lingering residue, an innate sense passed from generations before leading him towards whatever caused it. He came across a statue that he immediately veered away from, picking up a dense but short-range amount of chaotic energies from it, and continued on going after whatever it was that had actually caught his interest. He then stopped as he came upon an odd sight of a large, armored human wielding a warhammer and bearing a shield with candles stuck onto its top, exuding light magics. This had definitely been the source of that disturbance, whatever it all was.

"What in Blue's blazes?!" Flare exclaimed upon taking this all in.

"...Hm?" The massive armored human began slowly turning, before the man turned to stare down the fairy. His eyes were hidden beneath a hood of cloth, and no light seemed able to reveal them, but one could feel his gaze from beneath it.

"...A Fae?" He breathed out, tensing. Fae were known to be... Cruel to mortals, especially if they were disturbed, or if the mortal had caused some slight, real or perceived. "Forgive me, resident of this Forest." The Cleric said, his deep tone surprisingly soft. "For I meant no harm, and did not mean to intrude among your sanctuary. I am lost, and simply wished to seek civilization after having been trapped among the Dark." A faint aura of Holy Light radiated from his being. Some Fae often made those who crossed them suffer even when offered apologies, and he knew not this one's temperament.
Showing surprising grace, Mabel let Henry go while beaming warmly at him. "Thanks for breakfast! You're so kind!" She turned and beamed like the sun at Gosalyn and Roxanne. "Morning ladies~!"

"Good morning Mabel!" Roxanne said cheerfully. Gosalyn managed a grunt, which Mabel grinned at. Dipper took his seat, already looking eager. Mabel too looked eager, sitting alongside him.

"So, what's the agenda for today?" He asked. Roxanne continued to smile.

"Well, we're going to do some more training today," she said. "After getting your Keyblades, it'll take time to fully master and understand them."

"And maybe make you stop being so cheerful in the morning," Gosalyn muttered under her breath.

"Amen," Stan muttered back. Too low for the Twins to hear, but Henry caught every word.

"Yer welcome, G'morning." Henry gasped as he was afforded precious air again. He did not stagger about, especially not atop a stool thank you very much. The bunny shook it off and got back to finishing up breakfast, his own carrot pancake going into the pan.

And frankly he didn't bother to comment on what Stan said, Maybell calming down a little bit might get the sudden hugs to stop. And frankly he dreaded to imagine how Court Mage Donald would react if she did this to the King or Queen. And a few other bunnies or smaller folk may not react as... passively, as he did.
"Yer welcome, G'morning." Henry gasped as he was afforded precious air again. He did not stagger about, especially not atop a stool thank you very much. The bunny shook it off and got back to finishing up breakfast, his own carrot pancake going into the pan.

And frankly he didn't bother to comment on what Stan said, Maybell calming down a little bit might get the sudden hugs to stop. And frankly he dreaded to imagine how Court Mage Donald would react if she did this to the King or Queen. And a few other bunnies or smaller folk may not react as... passively, as he did.

"And Makya? Is he okay after the Deep Dive?" Mabel asked, urgently this time. Roxanne nodded.

"He's doing all right. Didn't he text you?"

"Er... I may have done it a little too much before he could reply and lost it in the text history, eheh," Mabel said, nervously rubbing the back of her head. Dipper sighed.

"You just hit him once with the Keyblade. I'm sure he's forgiven you by now. Gargoyles are pretty tough," Dipper stated.

"It just doesn't seem like enough," she mumbled.
"...Hm?" The massive armored human began slowly turning, before the man turned to stare down the fairy. His eyes were hidden beneath a hood of cloth, and no light seemed able to reveal them, but one could feel his gaze from beneath it.

"...A Fae?" He breathed out, tensing. Fae were known to be... Cruel to mortals, especially if they were disturbed, or if the mortal had caused some slight, real or perceived. "Forgive me, resident of this Forest." The Cleric said, his deep tone surprisingly soft. "For I meant no harm, and did not mean to intrude among your sanctuary. I am lost, and simply wished to seek civilization after having been trapped among the Dark." A faint aura of Holy Light radiated from his being. Some Fae often made those who crossed them suffer even when offered apologies, and he knew not this one's temperament.

Well, at least whatever he was, he had manners.

"Do not worry about it. It's not actually my forest anyway. I'm just visiting. The locals won't mind either. They'll be distracted by something soon enough, I'm sure." That or Flare would tell them to leave it. At least this group understood the hierarchy, unlike that island. "Well, civilization isn't too far, but I haven't been there myself yet. I might as well show you the way, if you don't mind. I was going to go there eventually, anyway." Suddenly a few of the pixies showed up, flying near their larger kith and trying, all at once, to see to him. A few noticed the armored human and flew closer to him, but didn't do much more than look at him. "Seems they're fine with you." He came closer, watching the man's hammer, then looking up to his face only to find that he could not see past the shadow of his hood to his eyes. Perhaps it was a means of keeping out darker magic, but Flare preferred to meet the eyes of those he greeted. Still, no need to be rude. "The name is Flare," he said while offering a hand. He wasn't afraid to give his first name out, as there was no power without the rest of it.

He suddenly remembered how no one knew his middle name apart from his mother. She didn't even tell him what it was. He was going to have to ask about- Oh, wait! Mortal greeting.
"And Makya? Is he okay after the Deep Dive?" Mabel asked, urgently this time. Roxanne nodded.

"He's doing all right. Didn't he text you?"

"Er... I may have done it a little too much before he could reply and lost it in the text history, eheh," Mabel said, nervously rubbing the back of her head. Dipper sighed.

"You just hit him once with the Keyblade. I'm sure he's forgiven you by now. Gargoyles are pretty tough," Dipper stated.

"It just doesn't seem like enough," she mumbled.

"Well," Henry chimed in taking his spot at the table, which was somehow next to Mabel again. "I think you ought to let Makya be the judge of that."

Henry's plate was a mix of his pancake, some eggs, and little mound of grits he'd folded a section of butter and brown sugar into, a glass or orange juice joined it on the table before he hopped into his spot.
"Well," Henry chimed in taking his spot at the table, which was somehow next to Mabel again. "I think you ought to let Makya be the judge of that."

Henry's plate was a mix of his pancake, some eggs, and little mound of grits he'd folded a section of butter and brown sugar into, a glass or orange juice joined it on the table before he hopped into his spot.

"Yeah," Mabel sighed. Gosalyn shook her head.

"Relax. By the time we're done today, you'll be more worried about yourself than him," she said with a grin. Mabel grinned back, guilelessly.

"Really?!" She gasped eagerly.

Dipper grimaced.
Well, at least whatever he was, he had manners.

"Do not worry about it. It's not actually my forest anyway. I'm just visiting. The locals won't mind either. They'll be distracted by something soon enough, I'm sure." That or Flare would tell them to leave it. At least this group understood the hierarchy, unlike that island. "Well, civilization isn't too far, but I haven't been there myself yet. I might as well show you the way, if you don't mind. I was going to go there eventually, anyway." Suddenly a few of the pixies showed up, flying near their larger kith and trying, all at once, to see to him. A few noticed the armored human and flew closer to him, but didn't do much more than look at him. "Seems they're fine with you." He came closer, watching the man's hammer, then looking up to his face only to find that he could not see past the shadow of his hood to his eyes. Perhaps it was a means of keeping out darker magic, but Flare preferred to meet the eyes of those he greeted. Still, no need to be rude. "The name is Flare," he said while offering a hand. He wasn't afraid to give his first name out, as there was no power without the rest of it.

He suddenly remembered how no one knew his middle name apart from his mother. She didn't even tell him what it was. He was going to have to ask about- Oh, wait! Mortal greeting.

"I am Konstantin, Cleric Errant of The Light." He said in return, letting his hammer rest at his side for a moment as he tenderly grasped Flare's hand with his own armored one. "I would be indeed quite thankful for showing me the way." He slightly relaxed at the mention of the pixies being fine with his presence.
"Yeah," Mabel sighed. Gosalyn shook her head.

"Relax. By the time we're done today, you'll be more worried about yourself than him," she said with a grin. Mabel grinned back, guilelessly.

"Really?!" She gasped eagerly.

Dipper grimaced.

Henry winced a little bit, because until that crew got here, he was the primary melee specialist on site whenever they got to sparring.

"Well, that is how it typically goes. The early days of training are very good for getting your mind off of... everything."
Henry winced a little bit, because until that crew got here, he was the primary melee specialist on site whenever they got to sparring.

"Well, that is how it typically goes. The early days of training are very good for getting your mind off of... everything."

"But the Keyblade is a weapon that can defeat entire armies, isn't it?" Dipper asked. He pulled out a book of Keyblade Lore Roxanne had given him. "It says here that they could slay thousands of enemies without any effort-!"

Gosalyn bonked Dipper on the head, and he yelped as the Keyblade formed-Too late-In his hand. He blinked at the grinning duck, and sighed.

"Point taken."

"They could only do that because they trained their powers," Roxanne said, making Gosalyn's point far more gently.
"But the Keyblade is a weapon that can defeat entire armies, isn't it?" Dipper asked. He pulled out a book of Keyblade Lore Roxanne had given him. "It says here that they could slay thousands of enemies without any effort-!"

Gosalyn bonked Dipper on the head, and he yelped as the Keyblade formed-Too late-In his hand. He blinked at the grinning duck, and sighed.

"Point taken."

"They could only do that because they trained their powers," Roxanne said, making Gosalyn's point far more gently.

Henry swallowed a mouthful before he added a few cents to the conversation

"I think the armies thing only got mentioned like... two years, into the report on Sora. That's still amazing from one standpoint but he was also in nearly constant combat situations through... most of that. And we don't really have a good sample size to rate speed of growth."

Whatever Master Yen Sid had done for Lea and Princess Kairi's training had apparently made time... wibbly wobbly or something.
"I am Konstantin, Cleric Errant of The Light." He said in return, letting his hammer rest at his side for a moment as he tenderly grasped Flare's hand with his own armored one. "I would be indeed quite thankful for showing me the way." He slightly relaxed at the mention of the pixies being fine with his presence.

"Right then. It's just this way." Flare turned and began slowly sauntering towards where the human town was located, looking back to see if the armored human was following and keeping up.

One of the pixies landed on his shoulder, and he had half a mind to flick them off, but decided not to when he saw the look of joy on her face. He huffed a small sigh and rose up a little to avoid a rock.

'Well, at least it's not gnomes.' He wasn't sure why, but he had an almost instinctual urge to punt a gnome whenever he saw one. Didn't help that none of them had been helpful in any sense of the word when he held back from that when first getting here.
"Right then. It's just this way." Flare turned and began slowly sauntering towards where the human town was located, looking back to see if the armored human was following and keeping up.

One of the pixies landed on his shoulder, and he had half a mind to flick them off, but decided not to when he saw the look of joy on her face. He huffed a small sigh and rose up a little to avoid a rock.

'Well, at least it's not gnomes.' He wasn't sure why, but he had an almost instinctual urge to punt a gnome whenever he saw one. Didn't help that none of them had been helpful in any sense of the word when he held back from that when first getting here.

He followed closely, and was keeping up surprisingly well, considering the man's size. He was quiet during the journey.

But as they finally entered the town limits, the passive look on his face became one of... Confusion?

As he looked about, making his way down a... Paved road, he saw these odd carriages that, upon closer inspection, seemed to be made of some sort of metal. What people he witnessed were dressed in odd, colorful clothing, and there wasn't a single Guard in sight where one would assumedly see one patrolling the streets for malcontents. What was this strange place? Some foreign land? All these signs and strange items he could hardly wrap his head around...
He followed closely, and was keeping up surprisingly well, considering the man's size. He was quiet during the journey.

But as they finally entered the town limits, the passive look on his face became one of... Confusion?

As he looked about, making his way down a... Paved road, he saw these odd carriages that, upon closer inspection, seemed to be made of some sort of metal. What people he witnessed were dressed in odd, colorful clothing, and there wasn't a single Guard in sight where one would assumedly see one patrolling the streets for malcontents. What was this strange place? Some foreign land? All these signs and strange items he could hardly wrap his head around...

It was of course at this moment he passed by a diner. A diner where a Gummi Bear assassin and his crew were eating. Said Gummi Bear assassin took one look at the paladin... And smashed through the window, daggers drawn, leaping right for Konstantine's face!
While eating his breakfast at the diner, Kupowain decided to ask Paul a few questions.

"Sir, I'm curious upon which we may pursue while here."

"I'm pretty sure it's mostly follow the laws, try not to create a public disturbance beyond what can be avoided, and pay for anything you're supposed to pay for. Also, please don't speak like that. It just gives me a headache." Paul said, picking up his cup of coffee and taking a gulp of it.

"Very well, Kupo." Kuopwain said with both a nod and a frown. "May we at least train and spar if a space may be established for such efforts?"

"...If it's not going to cause trouble for me, sure. Fine. Just try and keep things from going too far. We don't want to have to break out the healing magic if we can help it." Paul said with a sigh, Kupowain nodding and heading back to his peers after getting the okay.

Going back to his breakfast, Paul picked up the last of it in the form of a cruller. Nibbling on the pastry, he looked out the corner of his eye at Grimmy to see how the bear was doing...and seeing far more syrup than necessary on the would be assassin's face. With a roll of his eyes, he picked up a napkin and dampened part of it. As soon as Grimmy was done, Paul start rubbing the bear's face with the napkin for a bit, then let him continue on when Grimmy reached up at the sudden napkin in his face.

While Paul let Grimmy finish wiping his face and hands, he paid for what he needed to pay for. Getting ready to go, he started to consider where to go next. Almost wishing he had something like the force to give him a bit of guidance.

Right after thinking that and Grimmy finished up with cleaning off his breakfast, looking out the window at some guy in armor. He smashed right through with daggers drawn trying to attack the guy in armor.

"Well, that was unexpected." Hraz said, picking up her drink to watch the show.

"Seems expected to me. Looks like I get to look into the legal code sooner than expected." Argalon said in a sing song tone as he watched the brewing fight.

Paul just picked up his cup of coffee, and drank what was left. Bracing himself for what was going to happen.
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