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[RPG] KH: Hard Day's Knight 1.2

Paul just sighed, not even sure if it'd work. And tried turning the woman into a frog with the trickster ability for it. Throwing the card that'd carry the ability.

D20: 9

The frog spell failed, fizzling out like a dying lightbulb filament.

He didn't even bother to answer, instead giving his reply in the form of a thrown Stake her way.

D20: 17

The Stake struck true... Or would have, if the woman hadn't deflected the shot with her Keyblade. She smirked.

"Very impressive! But not good enough, kiddo..."
D20: 9

The frog spell failed, fizzling out like a dying lightbulb filament.
Sighing at that, Paul was feeling about spent by how things were going. So, just tried to do a stop spell on the woman. Figuring at least the waste of magic might help him feel a little better when it failed.
D20: 17

The Stake struck true... Or would have, if the woman hadn't deflected the shot with her Keyblade. She smirked.

"Very impressive! But not good enough, kiddo..."

"..." He lunged, swinging his Hammer at her, the head crackling with holy Lightning. He prayed to the Light to give him the strength to overcome this obviously dangerous foe.
Flare had finally reached the location that his comrades had apparently gone to, only to not see anyone around. He hovered in place for a moment, wondering if one of those flying machines he had passed had made him turn the wrong way at some point or if the captain had given him the wrong coordinates. Onyx, however, pointed out a large opening leading underground.

"Oh, you're joking?!" Flare went atop the cave and pulled out his borrowed radio. "Captain, this is Flare, please tell me you aren't underground like I'm suspecting."

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