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[RPG] KH: Hard Day's Knight 1.2

Dipper stopped his grunting and struggling. He relaxed. He took a long deep breath... Another... Another... His Keyblade began to glow.

He stood up, and pointed the Keyblade straight up through the viewports of the bridge. A beam shot out from the tip, and like it was a silver paintbrush, Dipper painted a crown-shaped outline. He spun the Keyblade around, and pointed it right back at the crown. A final beam lashed out, and the crown shape glowed like a star, transforming... Into an Interspace portal.

"There!" Dipper gasped. "There... I can sense her... There!"

The readings from the Interspace portal suggested it was a completely unknown, new world. Nothing existed in the records they had.

Roxanne smiled, her own posture having relaxed some before she took a seat, "Good work Dipper."

Gosalyn herself had chosen a seat near the windows/view screen, "Yeah, your fans are starting to gather in the terminal, it's probably good thing we're going now."
Roxanne smiled, her own posture having relaxed some before she took a seat, "Good work Dipper."

Gosalyn herself had chosen a seat near the windows/view screen, "Yeah, your fans are starting to gather in the terminal, it's probably good thing we're going now."
"Yeah, probably for the best we're leaving now." Paul said, taking a look at some of the camera showing the outside. Already a small crowd was gathering. "Well either way. Mister Rourke, engage." Paul said to the helmsman for this time of day. Getting a nod and starting their trip to another world...the internal groan from Paul at remembering some of his friends anime preferences making him glad they weren't here.
"Yeah, probably for the best we're leaving now." Paul said, taking a look at some of the camera showing the outside. Already a small crowd was gathering. "Well either way. Mister Rourke, engage." Paul said to the helmsman for this time of day. Getting a nod and starting their trip to another world...the internal groan from Paul at remembering some of his friends anime preferences making him glad they weren't here.

The Joyeuse rose slowly, gently, like a heavy pig daintily stepping around flowers. But eventually, Rourke got the ship's nose pointed skywards, and she took off almost happily. The Joyeuse cruised up higher and higher, the sky turning from blue to dark blue to black. It left the atmosphere at speeds that would have been unimaginable even a few years ago. It centered itself for the portal, and the Gummi-technology installed into it began to light up neon blues and oranges before it jumped... And entered the Space Inbetween, reality itself streaking around the ship like rainwater past a windscreen.
The Joyeuse rose slowly, gently, like a heavy pig daintily stepping around flowers. But eventually, Rourke got the ship's nose pointed skywards, and she took off almost happily. The Joyeuse cruised up higher and higher, the sky turning from blue to dark blue to black. It left the atmosphere at speeds that would have been unimaginable even a few years ago. It centered itself for the portal, and the Gummi-technology installed into it began to light up neon blues and oranges before it jumped... And entered the Space Inbetween, reality itself streaking around the ship like rainwater past a windscreen.
"Ah, feels nice to be underway again." Paul said, standing up and stretching a bit. "Okay, I'm not sure how long till we arrive. So, we've got some time. First though, Dipper." He said, while pointing at the keyblade holder. "Do you have any armor to wear?"
"Ah, feels nice to be underway again." Paul said, standing up and stretching a bit. "Okay, I'm not sure how long till we arrive. So, we've got some time. First though, Dipper." He said, while pointing at the keyblade holder. "Do you have any armor to wear?"

"Um... No, I don't," Dipper said with a shrug.
"Ah, feels nice to be underway again." Paul said, standing up and stretching a bit. "Okay, I'm not sure how long till we arrive. So, we've got some time. First though, Dipper." He said, while pointing at the keyblade holder. "Do you have any armor to wear?"

"Um... No, I don't," Dipper said with a shrug.

"That's a fair point, I didn't want to suggest stopping in Atlantis because well... if word got out while we were in the city we would have had a much harder time getting around."

The archer cleared her throat,

"As Gosalyn pointed out in private earlier." Roxanne inclined her head towards her teammate, as she too stood up.
"Um... No, I don't," Dipper said with a shrug.
"...Alright, we need to fix that. Luckily we've got some stuff you can wear that can be spared. So, you want something that'll provide some decent sturdy protection like what Konstantin wears." Paul said while gesturing to the armored knight. "Something a bit more like Hraz." He pointed to the much less, but still visibly, armored Viera who waved at being pointed out. "Or there's always the option to go with something like what I go with." Paul gestured to the long coat he was wearing in all it's navy blue and not obviously armored something or other. "Just let me know and we can get you set up.
Konstantin refrained from looking out the windows as they jumped. Something about it didn't sit right with him.

"The space between worlds is no place for mortal men..." He muttered.
Konstantin refrained from looking out the windows as they jumped. Something about it didn't sit right with him.

"The space between worlds is no place for mortal men..." He muttered.
"Yeah, it can be a bit stressful early on in dealing with it. Don't think about it for now, just find something else to put your mind at ease." Hraz said to the knight, trying to lift his spirits a bit.
"...Alright, we need to fix that. Luckily we've got some stuff you can wear that can be spared. So, you want something that'll provide some decent sturdy protection like what Konstantin wears." Paul said while gesturing to the armored knight. "Something a bit more like Hraz." He pointed to the much less, but still visibly, armored Viera who waved at being pointed out. "Or there's always the option to go with something like what I go with." Paul gestured to the long coat he was wearing in all it's navy blue and not obviously armored something or other. "Just let me know and we can get you set up.

"Unless Dipper's going to do some serious bulking up in time we probably don't have, heavy armor is only gonna weigh him down." Gosalyn spoke up, "So you'll want something light, how light depends on if you want to cast like Roxanne does, or fight with the keyblade in melee."

"...Alright, we need to fix that. Luckily we've got some stuff you can wear that can be spared. So, you want something that'll provide some decent sturdy protection like what Konstantin wears." Paul said while gesturing to the armored knight. "Something a bit more like Hraz." He pointed to the much less, but still visibly, armored Viera who waved at being pointed out. "Or there's always the option to go with something like what I go with." Paul gestured to the long coat he was wearing in all it's navy blue and not obviously armored something or other. "Just let me know and we can get you set up.

"Woah. How is that coat armored? Is it Kevlar or carbon fiber or some kind of nanotech fabric...?" Dipper's voice trailed off as he followed Paul into the deeper sections of the ship. Roxanne meanwhile was shaking her head at Dipper's enthusiasm. She turned to Konstantin.

"Are you all right?"
"Yeah, it can be a bit stressful early on in dealing with it. Don't think about it for now, just find something else to put your mind at ease." Hraz said to the knight, trying to lift his spirits a bit.

"Noted. I will retire to the Shrine." He agreed. "If anyone wishes to attend, I would be willing to hand out Blessings. And perhaps give a sermon while I'm at it." He said as he turned to leave. "Always good to keep up spirits."

"Are you all right?"

He gave her a polite nod.

"Simply doing my best to get used to my more... Advanced surroundings." He assured.
"Unless Dipper's going to do some serious bulking up in time we probably don't have, heavy armor is only gonna weigh him down." Gosalyn spoke up, "So you'll want something light, how light depends on if you want to cast like Roxanne does, or fight with the keyblade in melee."

"Woah. How is that coat armored? Is it Kevlar or carbon fiber or some kind of nanotech fabric...?" Dipper's voice trailed off as he followed Paul into the deeper sections of the ship.
"There's a bit of Kevlar and carbon fibers. But also a good deal of magic enchantments and materials. Although my current set up is multi layered. Longcoat, armored under vest, and some leggings with a few other pieces under my clothes." Paul said, holding out a sleeve of his long coat for Dipper to look at it. Leading him and any others following to his stateroom, with a flick of a bit of magic as soon as they entered as closet opened with a series of long coats. All looking differently. "So, if this sort of thing is what you want. There are options."
"Noted. I will retire to the Shrine." He agreed. "If anyone wishes to attend, I would be willing to hand out Blessings. And perhaps give a sermon while I'm at it." He said as he turned to leave. "Always good to keep up spirits."

He gave her a polite nod.

"Simply doing my best to get used to my more... Advanced surroundings." He assured.

Roxanne chuckled. "You get used to Interspace after a while. There's nothing unnatural about it. What you're seeing," she looked up at the gorgeous twists and turns of reality itself, "are the threats that connect all realities together, Interspace is just the space inbetween everything, but it's all linked together. And ultimately, this network, this web leads all the way back to the source of it all..." She took a deep breath to properly say it.

"Kingdom Hearts. The Light of Creation..."
"There's a bit of Kevlar and carbon fibers. But also a good deal of magic enchantments and materials. Although my current set up is multi layered. Longcoat, armored under vest, and some leggings with a few other pieces under my clothes." Paul said, holding out a sleeve of his long coat for Dipper to look at it. Leading him and any others following to his stateroom, with a flick of a bit of magic as soon as they entered as closet opened with a series of long coats. All looking differently. "So, if this sort of thing is what you want. There are options."

Gosalyn, having followed the two ended up leaning in the doorway, if only to keep an eye on Dipper and the shenanigans to a minimum.
Roxanne chuckled. "You get used to Interspace after a while. There's nothing unnatural about it. What you're seeing," she looked up at the gorgeous twists and turns of reality itself, "are the threats that connect all realities together, Interspace is just the space inbetween everything, but it's all linked together. And ultimately, this network, this web leads all the way back to the source of it all..." She took a deep breath to properly say it.

"Kingdom Hearts. The Light of Creation..."

The armored Cleric fully turned to her, looking intrigued.

"...Kingdom Hearts..." He tested the name on his lips. Despite only just hearing of it, it felt vitally important. "Tell me, what is this Kingdom Hearts? This source of all?"
The armored Cleric fully turned to her, looking intrigued.

"...Kingdom Hearts..." He tested the name on his lips. Despite only just hearing of it, it felt vitally important. "Tell me, what is this Kingdom Hearts? This source of all?"

Roxanne hummed. "It's hard to explain," she admitted. "I've never seen Kingdom Hearts myself. The King, and Sora, another Keybearer, have though. It's... It's like the source of all Light in Creation. The source of life, of light, and all that's good. It all came from Kingdom Hearts, long ago. Only a Keybearer can reach it, because only they can unlock the Doors to it. But only if Kingdom Hearts lets them. So it's... Kind of aware, and kind of not? And we're not sure if it came first, or the Light did but..." She shrugged, feeling helpless. "It's almost like a religious experience. In that you can't really explain it properly because it's a different experience and conclusion for everyone."
Roxanne hummed. "It's hard to explain," she admitted. "I've never seen Kingdom Hearts myself. The King, and Sora, another Keybearer, have though. It's... It's like the source of all Light in Creation. The source of life, of light, and all that's good. It all came from Kingdom Hearts, long ago. Only a Keybearer can reach it, because only they can unlock the Doors to it. But only if Kingdom Hearts lets them. So it's... Kind of aware, and kind of not? And we're not sure if it came first, or the Light did but..." She shrugged, feeling helpless. "It's almost like a religious experience. In that you can't really explain it properly because it's a different experience and conclusion for everyone."

He nodded at that, slowly, as he took in her words.

"...I see. Perhaps it is an Aspect of The Light. Or the other way around?" He hummed to himself. "The Light of all Creation..."
He nodded at that, slowly, as he took in her words.

"...I see. Perhaps it is an Aspect of The Light. Or the other way around?" He hummed to himself. "The Light of all Creation..."

"Unfortunately, I'm not a religious scholar. They're arguing so much I think the King doubled their grant budget for the next ten years," Roxanne laughed. "Still, it is incredible to-"

The Interspace outside shuddered and shook, as a wave of distortion rolled over the ship. Roxanne stumbled and Konstantin caught her, as the engines roared.

"Rourke!" Roxanne called. "What-?!"

"The wormhole is collapsing! I've had to go to full burn to keep ahead of it!" Rourke shouted. Jefferson, the stone Gargoyle, was shaking dangerously as Rourke threw everything they had. "HANG ON!"

Grimmy struggled to hold Jefferson up, as the Joyeuse forced every bit of its power into one final push!

Rourke maneuvered hard, trying to keep ahead of the rolling waves. He waited... Waited until the waves were closest, and then... Hit the engines to full burst. The ship shuddered, tumbled, and everyone had to hang on tightly. One massive blast of light erupted over their heads...

And then there was nothing more than stars overhead. Roxanne opened her eyes, and looked out. Rourke slowly checked through the diagnostics, as Dipper and Paul rushed to the bridge.

"Captain... The pathway was a bit unstable," Rourke reported. "Good news is... We're here. Wherever we're supposed to be..."
"The wormhole is collapsing! I've had to go to full burn to keep ahead of it!" Rourke shouted. Jefferson, the stone Gargoyle, was shaking dangerously as Rourke threw everything they had. "HANG ON!"

Grimmy struggled to hold Jefferson up, as the Joyeuse forced every bit of its power into one final push!

Rourke maneuvered hard, trying to keep ahead of the rolling waves. He waited... Waited until the waves were closest, and then... Hit the engines to full burst. The ship shuddered, tumbled, and everyone had to hang on tightly. One massive blast of light erupted over their heads...

And then there was nothing more than stars overhead. Roxanne opened her eyes, and looked out. Rourke slowly checked through the diagnostics, as Dipper and Paul rushed to the bridge.

"Captain... The pathway was a bit unstable," Rourke reported. "Good news is... We're here. Wherever we're supposed to be..."
"Alright, and what's the bad news." Paul asked the helmsman while walking up to his chair. Looking at readouts from his terminal to try and see how the ship was doing.
Start of The Incredibles
"Alright, and what's the bad news." Paul asked the helmsman while walking up to his chair. Looking at readouts from his terminal to try and see how the ship was doing.

It was readily obvious to Paul: The fuel tanks for the Joyeuse were low. Very low.

"We can probably make one more jump after, but it has to be to a fuel depot," Rourke said. "And I'll need to work on where that is. We'll need Jefferson to be up and about though to check the damage and see what else we have to fix."

Roxanne looked over at Dipper, who was staring at the world. "Dipper? Is this the place?"

Dipper stared at the world. His Keyblade was out. He nodded, pointing at the strange, built up, urbanized planet.

"Yes. She's... Here. I know she's here..."

The signal was a bit uncertain, but he knew his sister had been here... And might still be.

"What kind of world is it, anyway?" Gosalyn asked.

Rourke ran through the sensors. "Looks like... Earth, industrialized, looks close to our planet circa the 1960s to 1970s judging from the radio traffic and atmospheric scans... Densest concentration of Interspace confluences looks like a major urban area..." He looked up. "It's in the same place as Santa Maria, California, but it's a city as huge as Los Angeles."

"What's the name?" Dipper asked.

It was readily obvious to Paul: The fuel tanks for the Joyeuse were low. Very low.

"We can probably make one more jump after, but it has to be to a fuel depot," Rourke said. "And I'll need to work on where that is. We'll need Jefferson to be up and about though to check the damage and see what else we have to fix."
"Great, well. Hopefully we can at least affect some basic field repairs if need be." Paul said with a sigh at that.
Roxanne looked over at Dipper, who was staring at the world. "Dipper? Is this the place?"

Dipper stared at the world. His Keyblade was out. He nodded, pointing at the strange, built up, urbanized planet.

"Yes. She's... Here. I know she's here..."

The signal was a bit uncertain, but he knew his sister had been here... And might still be.

"What kind of world is it, anyway?" Gosalyn asked.

Rourke ran through the sensors. "Looks like... Earth, industrialized, looks close to our planet circa the 1960s to 1970s judging from the radio traffic and atmospheric scans... Densest concentration of Interspace confluences looks like a major urban area..." He looked up. "It's in the same place as Santa Maria, California, but it's a city as huge as Los Angeles."

"What's the name?" Dipper asked.

"So...this should be...interesting." Paul said, looking at the information about their new location. "Now, time to figure out where to start. And somewhere we can park the Joyeuse while searching...if nothing else there's the panels to try and help shore up our power stores...even if they're painfully slow."
Some time before take-off...

"A dozen rose seeds. Six feathers of a goose stuck up and outward. ...Is there anything we're missing?" The gathering of pixies all confirmed that they had everything, to which Flare nodded and set down the list before cracking his knuckles. "All right. Let's grow a home then." He began waving his hands over the combined elements while the fourteen smaller fairies circled around it.

"Life from the forest, gifted by the trees. Shelter from the world, grow from our hearts. We give for our gain, we give forth our pleas. A home for the children, for new life to start."

Several stanzas followed, and as they sang them out, the seeds began to sprout, the flowers twined around each other, then spun around the trunk of the growing sapling. The tree grew up and outward before stopping at a certain height and then slowly widening. Holes began to appear, shaping themselves like doorways with short branches underneath each one. Roots sprung up a distance away and twirled about the ground before the whole thing popped out of the ground, a bowl having formed from the roots to hold up a mass of dirt. Larger branches sprouted from the top and leaves spread out, giving everything below them shade and soaking up the sunlight. The song slowly came to and end, and the fairies looked upon their creation with appreciation.

"Well, that looks good enough to house at least twenty pixies. Plenty of room for all of us," Flare figured. The pixies themselves got to work, hauling in their own furniture into the rooms they knew had been crafted. The Silktwist sisters were calmly herding spiders and guiding bees to their new home, while Seed and Life Pixies were going over the mobile tree house to make sure everything was in top shape. Flare shrank down to pixie size and flew in to inspect it himself, finding it to be perfectly hollow and filled with several halls that lead to potential rooms, some already having claimants settling in. He sauntered down to the bottom then flew back up to the top, where he could exit. Satisfied for now, he sprang back up in size and waved his hand, guiding the new home to the ship as the pixies continued settling in.

Star suddenly flew past him, and he smirked at the little object in her arms.


Current time...

"Oh sweet Titania, my head..." Flare griped. Perhaps the sixth drink of Honeysuckle hadn't been a good idea. Nevertheless, he pulled himself up and out of bed, readied himself for the day, the left the tree before popping up to six feet tall, figuring having his liver being a little larger would help with matters. Yawning, he floated his way up towards the helm, wincing at the noise as he approached.

"What's going on?" he asked a nearby rabbit-thing-person.

"Unexpected wormhole collapse, kupo. We exited, and now the Captain's trying to figure out our next step."

"Oh? Wonderfull," he sardonically commented. "This sort of thing wouldn't have happened if the rest of you could just fly yourselves." He continued on, coming up to where several people, including their Keyblade wielder, were at.

"So how bad is everything? Any explosions yet?"
Some time before takeoff...


The Light Pixie came into a room where a shrine had been set up by the paladin. She stopped at the doorway a moment before looking at the object she had made under the cloth hiding it. For a second, she considered just leaving it on the floor and flying back, but then thoughts of him not noticing it and it getting lost or him stepping on it all came to her mind. Doing her best to steel herself, she took a deep breath, and slowly hovered forward.

"Um... Excuse me, M-m-mister Konstantin," she started, already feeling her voice getting wobbly.

Konstantin, who had been silently meditating in front of the Shrine, slowly turned to face the tiny voice. It was not difficult, as the makeshift chapel was silent as Christmas night.

The seven-foot-tall Cleric seemed like a mountain from her perspective, surely. A towering height of metal and cloth, radiating holy light.

"One of the Fae?" He says in a gentle tone that belies his sheer size. "How might I help you?"

Somehow, just hearing his voice helped to calm her. She wasn't sure why, but she was sure it had to be how he was connected to light. She wasn't being weird, no matter what the others said. She was sure that if there was a water-based person around then Florian would be just as drawn to them. She winced and focused herself, holding out her gift and coming closer.

"I- I brought you this," she said, trying and failing to look directly at him while she spoke. "It's just that...I saw you w-w-were sad and I...th-thought you might... Er, it's for you... No, Ialreadysaidthat," she squeaked out.

Slowly kneeling down, he cupped his hands together and allowing her to deposit it in his mailed hands. A gift, she said. He hadn't been given a gift in a long time...

"You are too kind, giving me a gift," he said, giving her a tiny smile.

"You're, um, welcome," she responded, feeling a bit of heat on her cheeks before she pulled back the cloth to reveal an small, iridescently glowing orb. "It, uh... It glows by intent, concentration, and memory. When you think of something, it makes lights of colors connecting to your thoughts. When you remember or try to remember something, it will form shapes in familiar colors on its surface. And...if you think really hard, if you bring all of your focus onto a thought or memory, it will form it into light for you to see."

"I see..." He nodded, understanding the artifact. "May I... Hold it?" he asked. She nodded before realizing she hadn't handed it over yet. Embarrassed, she placed it in his hands and fluttered up while cupping her face, berating herself inside as she did.

Closing his eyes (though she could not tell) Konstantin focused on a particular memory, with all his heart.


And lo, like she said, a figure began to form. It was of a young woman with blond hair. She was smiling, twirling about among a field of flowers.


It had been so, so long since he had seen her face. All that time wandering in the dark, and he had begun to fear the memory would fade.

And, grasping the orb gently, he let it fade, before looking back at the fairy.

"...Thank you." He says to her, voice hoarse. "This means very much to me."

Tears began to form at the edges of her eyes, threatening to pour out, but she smiled at him warmly.

"H-h-happy to..." And then she was off, speeding back the way she came, diving straight into the house tree and hiding down in its lowest parts, fearful of her crying face being seen.

"..." The Cleric watched her leave, before turning his gaze back to the orb in his hands. He cradled it like an infant, and once more, the orb began to glow as he turned back to the Shrine.

Relishing happier memories...


Created with Zaravan
The small group took one of the smaller ships down into the city, using the advanced cloak to evade any of the sensors they had. They found a valley on the outskirts of town to bring the ship down in, somewhere it was easy to hide the vessel in. Most fortunately, they had a ground car-It would look a bit odd compared to the other vehicles of the time, but the application of a few magic glamors fixed that.

So they drove into the city, reaching the suburbs...
The small group took one of the smaller ships down into the city, using the advanced cloak to evade any of the sensors they had. They found a valley on the outskirts of town to bring the ship down in, somewhere it was easy to hide the vessel in. Most fortunately, they had a ground car-It would look a bit odd compared to the other vehicles of the time, but the application of a few magic glamors fixed that.

So they drove into the city, reaching the suburbs...
Sitting in the passenger seat in the front, Paul looked out at how things looked here in this world. Looking almost like it was from around half a century ago from his perspective. The driver of the ground vehicle the same goggled girl from before, still not actually saying anything.

"Alright, so far things seem pretty mundane. Kind of even looks like the '50s or '60s around here. Though in my experiences, there's not much in the way of telling what might show up." Paul said, looking at one of his back phones. The connection to a basic network with the ships still holding.
Gosalyn had wanted to take the wheel but had been proccupied enough with the disguise magic the other woman had slipped into the seat, so her eyes swept over the little suburb that reminded her vaguely of home, her new lips and nose twitching every so often.

"Not sure how you all deal with these." The (former) duck girl frowned from her place next to Dipper, feeling like she should be slurring her words, but she wasn't, but then that was magic.

" You get used to them." Roxanne replied unhelpfully, her own changes by the magic largely more superficial.
Dipper had the Keyblade out and was focusing hard on anything that might indicate where Mabel was. He just got whispers, impressions... They didn't make any sense, they just... Hang on...

His eyes snapped open.

"Stop the car. Now!"
Dipper had the Keyblade out and was focusing hard on anything that might indicate where Mabel was. He just got whispers, impressions... They didn't make any sense, they just... Hang on...

His eyes snapped open.

"Stop the car. Now!"
Hearing that, the car stopped in an instant. Rocking pretty badly. "What, what's up?" Paul asked, one hand going to one of his weapons and the other going to the belt to get out at a moments notice.

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