Episode 11: Calamity Emma
Flightless Man
Versed in the lewd.
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Episode 11: Calamity Emma
In the garage and working up a sweat, Noah is put through an intense routine. The funky music drowns out the outside world and let's him follow Zach's moves in peace. It's embarrassing he's is still more comfortable in his body than I am, even after I blinded him.
"I hear you slowing down," He chides Noah and swings a kick for his torso. "You gotta pick a rhythm and stick with it, otherwise you're moves won't flow. Choppy may be what you want in Karate, but with Hip Hop Kido you set the pace and make the other guy react to you."
"I'm trying!" Gasps Noah from the ground, unable to block the kick.
"Well try harder, we're all counting on you!" Zach barks back and shuts of the music. Once silence fills the air between them, Zach begins pacing.
"That's what you think, right?" The words are accusatory and Zach's face is distressed. "Well looks like Noah is finally wrong for once."
Zach smirks down at his brother's confusion and finally offers him a hand. "All I care about, is you coming home every night." His voice loses it's edge. "You're the only one on the team with a brain that big, but you have four others who all know how to fight."
"I have to do my part!" Affronted, Noah doesn't back down.
"Are they working this hard to get on you brains level?"
"Gia probably is." Noah admits and reconsiders his statement. "All of them try as hard as they can."
Turning the stereo back on, Zach smirks wide and begins moving gracefully. "Don't worry about how Jake could do this just as good as me, or how even Troy isn't so rigid." He explains sagely. "Emma may always be more graceful than you and Gia might kick harder, but you're better than you were yesterday and that's your only competition in life."
Noah finally feels something in the beat click inside him and he begins moving in time with it. Make them react to you. He keeps the words in his mind and acts.
A quick jab with from right hand is blocked by a grinning Zach, but his brother's not ready for the follow up Mashed Potato. The top of his fist slams into Zach's chin and knocks him flat on his back.
"Now that's what I'm talking about!" He flips back onto his feet easily, the gym mats stopping any real harm. As the brother's begin trading rhythmic blows, neither hear the beeping from Noah's communicator.
Stopping just before the cliff's edge, Emma brings her bike up onto the front wheel and changes direction. Gia follows behind her, but slows herself down before the hairpin turn and follows at a more sane pace.
"It feels so good to just get out and do something with you, it's been weeks since we had a chance to take a breather." Gazing over the ocean, Emma points out some sunbathing sea lions below them. The massive creatures drowning out the sound of the waves with the bellowing.
Gia agrees with a wry smile. "Someone else always shows up, or we get an attack."
"Well you haven't scared him off yet." Emma starts snapping pictures and zooms in on a calf with it's mother. "You going to keep him?"
"We've only actually had one date." Blushing at the memory of getting kicked out, Gia shrugs. "We may have fallen asleep at the movies."
"That's why you never spilled, I just thought one of you was a bad kisser." Emma snorts at her friends scowl and slips her camera back into her bag. "Come on, we should be able to get a better view on that side."
"No idea." Following after her brisk friend, Gia scowls. Never got a chance to find out.
"It's weird. Trini wasn't home this morning, or yesterday either." Emma calls back. "Alpha can't find her on the viewing globe, do you think she was the one who left with Rita?"
"I hope so, you need the sleep."
Checking the time, Emma smirks. "Jake should be done practice soon and you know what would really surprise him?"
"Her corpse?" Gia's eyes go wide as she hears Skull's mocking cackle.
He steps out from behind a tree and blocks the path, forcing Emma to skid to a stop. His eyes glow orange and he stares right at the pink ranger.
Peddling for all she's worth, Gia kicks her friend ot of he way just in time. The explosion of dirt and stone throws her to the side, Gia's head slamming hard against the roots of a tree.
"I don't want to hurt you Em," Skull claims and steps closer. "Please, just come with me and it can be like old times again."
Glancing to Gia and seeing her unconscious body, Emma clenches her fists and rages all the things she held back for so long. "You left me!" She kicks forward and sends Skull stumbling backwards.
"Gia's my best friend and if you actually thought I would leave her like this," Emma reaches for her morpher, her eyes narrowing with determination. "You never knew me and it's clear I never knew you. It's morphing time!"
A flash of pink shines through the trees and Emma leaps at Skull. Her air pellets cracking bones with each impact, while her Blade Blaster meets his sword in a shower of sparks.
Troy tries not to look at the empty chair as his aunt puts food on Jason's plate. His uncle is grim faced and equally silent. Because he knows it's my fault, he has to be able to tell. Why else won't he ever say anything to me?
"Have you decided if you're going to teach the classes at the Juice Bar?" She asks once finished and gives Troy a sad smile. "Jason really enjoys it."
Uncle Austin interrupts with a gruff growl. "Did."
Her face goes pale and his aunt lowers her gaze to her food. The three eat in tense silence and when the doorbell rings, Troy jumps to his feet.
"I'll get it." He dashes for the door, eager for whatever distraction awaits on the other side. In his distraction, he misses the chime of his watch.
Opening the door reveals a fully morphed Green Ranger, with his blaster pointed right between his eyes. "You live here?" Bulk growls in irritation. What happened to the Scotts?"
"They moved." Troy lies and takes advantage of Bulk's brief lack of focus. Rolling around the barrel, he goes for a leg sweep and knocks Bulk onto his back.
Can't morph out in the open! Troy darts for the backyard and grins when he hears the green ranger follow in pursuit. Just have to reach to treeline.
Clutching her definitely dislocated shoulder, Emma is thrown right off the cliff. The forty foot drop to the black sand beach knocks the wind out of her, leaving her gasping for breath.
"None of these new friends have come to save you," Skull taunts when he lands beside her. "Why don't you end this pain and come home with me? I'll take care of you, I promise."
Shaking the stars from her vision, Emma peers through her cracked visor and hisses up at Skull. "You don't have the breath to make any promises and I'm not a scared little girl anymore." Kicking upwards, she sends Skull rolling along the beach and finally hears a friendly voice.
"Emma, I can't reach any of the others but I'm sending you all the help I can." Alpha may not be beside her, but he's a part of the team too. "You'll know what to do."
A beam of pink crashes onto the beach, revealing her sidecar gleaming on the sand. Waves of information suddenly flood her mind and she grins with fresh confidence.
"Battlizer engage!" She repeats the words Troy used not that long ago and flings her arms to the sides.
The sidecar breaks apart and begins combing with her suit. Her armor is bulkier than Troy's and has a large barrel on her back for flight, instead of twin cannons on her wrists.
"You are the best Alpha," She thanks the cheerful bot and shoots upwards, a constant stream of air creating a storm of sand.
"Hey, get down here and fight like a… man?" Skull starts to fire beams of orange in frantic desperation, missing her by a wide margin each time.
Roaring at her bone headed ex, Emma shoots right for him. "How about I hit you like a girl instead?" She slams right into his back and sends bones flying in every direction.
Skull's legless body hasn't hit the ground yet, making Emma grin and take off after him. She soars over him and grabs the skeleton in a headlock, soaring straight towards the clouds.
"Anything you want to say, before I finish this?" She hisses in rage, tears pouring down her cheeks.
"I'm already dead, remember?" Skull is calm, a smirk forming on his face. "You 'cure' me and it's permanent."
Gasping at his words, Emma's grip loosens and allows Skull to draw his gun. The flames ignite on her jet of air, causing an explosion and send her tumbling towards the ground.
Skull shrieks in pain, but falling through a cloud puts out the flame. Relieved from the searing agony, he manages to summon most his bones and vanish before he slams into the beach. A few hundred feet away, Emma is not so lucky.
She splashes into the sea and starts to sink. The shock of the impact brings her back to awareness, but the pain across her entire body makes her wish she wasn't.
Her limbs won't respond and she feels her back hit the seafloor. With water leaking in through her cracked visor, Emma smiles at the fish swimming above her.
The schools she startled on her way down are already reforming, with the sea lions hunting gracefully among them. Wish I had my camera, this would be a great shot.
Emma's blinks in confusion. The sight of a large yellow fish swimming straight towards her, has Emma sure she's imagining things. When it gets closer, she giggles to her self.
Gia emerges from the gloomy water, morphed and determined. "Emma, answer me!"
The buzzing in her ears clears, making her realize Gia has been calling her name for a while now. Emma tries to open her mouth, but finds herself unable. Her vision grows dark again and she realizes her helmet is full of water. When was the last time I took a breath?
Emma loses consciousness just as Gia reaches her and grabs her firmly. Knowing she can trust her friend, Emma finally passes out.
"Is that all you got?" Bulk roars at Troy, as he sends him flying into a tree. A resounding crack echoes, with he Oak toppling from the force of the blow.
Ignoring the agony, Troy rises to his feet. "Not even warmed up yet."
The green ranger dashes forward at these words and catches Troy's wrist, his blade slashing across his exposed chest. The blow sends him skidding through the dirt, with a barrage of green lasers accompanying him.
Feels like the Megazord hit me. Troy swallows the bloody spit and forces himself back to his feet. The pieces of his Battlizer litter the clearing and did little more than buy Troy five minutes.
Bulk's sudden scream of pain is a relief, making Troy think his friends have finally arrived. "Red Ranger, I shall take over from here." Robo Knight's monotone voice echoes through the smoke. "You have failed."
"I guess I can settle for you," Bulk declares angrily and a clashing of blades reach Troy's ears.
The pain is nearly overwhelming, but he forces himself to his knees. Robo Knight is parrying each one of the green ranger's attacks, but is unable to do more than defend himself. I need to get back in the fight.
He grabs his fallen sword from the dirt and lifts it with shaking muscles. Where are you guys? Troy shakes he thought from his mind and starts to move.
With a blade in each hand, he blocks a blow meant for Robo Knight. "Looks like we both failed, so let's try this together."
"I don't know why I ever looked up to you," Bulk growls and slams his head against Troy's, sending him reeling from the blow. "You're all so pathetic!"
Agony tears across Troy's waste, a shock wave of energy strikes him and sends him soaring again. This time when he lands though, he can't maintain his morph.
Laying in the dirt, Troy is helpless to do anything but watch the battle conclude. Robo Knight does his best but once he allows one attack through, his torso is swiftly torn to shreds.
"No!" Is all Troy manages to gasp, when Bulk leaves with his consolation prize in a beam of green.