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New Dawn in the Sun's (Battletech AU)

Its a question of timing. Roger jumped the gun and tried to get lycomb Davion introtech to deal as soon as he had secured the Ajeet deal. He thought that having a proven engine line and known capacity to produce mechs would be enough. Introtech took one look at the prospectus and thought that while possible it would be an expensive project, one they would end up funding with questionable results at the end. They were also carry because it looked to them like roger was trying to get them to launch a hostile take over... Or at the very least buy in to Trevlu as a partner rescuing them from over extension and depleted cash reserves brought on by setting up Ajeet.
so basically he got told to come back in a few years if the company was doing well and they'd be willing to talk.
Well I suppose there's option C. other than a slower striker. Namely go get the makers of the Charger to move from combine space since they're already doing enough shady business deals with mercs and "mercs" to get the executive board killed. The makers of the Charger that is
on another note for a company that might take the offer to license a 80 ton design they have the rights to and be more than glad to given its current circumstances would be the Maltex Corporation who at this point basically exists solely off the licesning fees they get from Earthwerks and Hellespont so getting some production that they own a percentage of facility/line would be a big deal to them especially since it might get them the revenue and also possibly the collateral for loans to start rebuilding their plant on Errai. especially since the thug is well renowned so getting someone to provide FE320s for a 2nd line in the future instead of 240s would possible.
not to mention if need be I have a file for a FE240 thug readily available if you want to it.
on another note of companies not making stuff in suns land when they should have the specs for it....Kallon really should be making the crusader on tallon.
The makers of the Charger that is
Depends on if he even knows about them but if he can get those fools to sell a license or plans and/or tooling for the charger? That would be very damn useful. The base charger is shit but...

Charger CGR-3A1
Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: Wells 990
Power Plant: LTV 400
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Durallex Heavy
4 Medium Laser
3 MML 9
1 LB 10-X AC
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Tek BattleCom
Targeting & Tracking System: Dalban Hirez
Introduction Year: 2665
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-E-D
Cost: 7,461,720 C-bills
Type: Charger
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 80
Battle Value: 1,312
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure 8
Engine 240 Fusion 11.5
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink 11 1
Gyro 3
Cockpit 3
Armor Factor 168 10.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 25 25
Center Torso (rear) 8
R/L Torso 17 19
R/L Torso (rear) 5
R/L Arm 13 17
R/L Leg 17 22

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
Heat Sink LL 1 - 1.0
Heat Sink CT 1 - 1.0
Medium Laser CT 1 3 1.0
2 Medium Laser RT 2 3 2.0
MML 9 LRM Ammo (13) RT 1 - 1.0
MML 9 SRM Ammo (11) RT 1 - 1.0
MML 9 RT 5 5 6.0
LB 10-X AC LA 6 2 11.0
Medium Laser LT 1 3 1.0
LB 10-X Cluster Ammo (20) LT 2 - 2.0
MML 9 LRM Ammo (13) LT 1 - 1.0
MML 9 LT 5 5 6.0
MML 9 SRM Ammo (11) LT 1 - 1.0
LB 10-X AC Ammo (20) LT 2 - 2.0
MML 9 LRM Ammo (13) RA 1 - 1.0
MML 9 SRM Ammo (11) RA 1 - 1.0
MML 9 RA 5 5 6.0

Features the following design quirks: Barrel Fists (LA), Easy to Maintain, Bad Reputation (Inner Sphere)

Megamek a potential right fast. lbx 10 as stand in for the gun they might use and mml 9's as heavy guns and very generous ammo, to generous probably, making a versatile long range fighter.

Edit: Drop a mml and its ammo can max armor and add several heat sinks... Yeah that probable would be a better use of space.
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Depends on if he even knows about them but if he can get those fools to sell a license or plans and/or tooling for the charger? That would be very damn useful. The base charger is shit but...

Charger CGR-3A1
Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: Wells 990
Power Plant: LTV 400
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Durallex Heavy
4 Medium Laser
3 MML 9
1 LB 10-X AC
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Tek BattleCom
Targeting & Tracking System: Dalban Hirez
Introduction Year: 2665
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-E-D
Cost: 7,461,720 C-bills
Type: Charger
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 80
Battle Value: 1,312
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure 8
Engine 240 Fusion 11.5
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink 11 1
Gyro 3
Cockpit 3
Armor Factor 168 10.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 25 25
Center Torso (rear) 8
R/L Torso 17 19
R/L Torso (rear) 5
R/L Arm 13 17
R/L Leg 17 22

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
Heat Sink LL 1 - 1.0
Heat Sink CT 1 - 1.0
Medium Laser CT 1 3 1.0
2 Medium Laser RT 2 3 2.0
MML 9 LRM Ammo (13) RT 1 - 1.0
MML 9 SRM Ammo (11) RT 1 - 1.0
MML 9 RT 5 5 6.0
LB 10-X AC LA 6 2 11.0
Medium Laser LT 1 3 1.0
LB 10-X Cluster Ammo (20) LT 2 - 2.0
MML 9 LRM Ammo (13) LT 1 - 1.0
MML 9 LT 5 5 6.0
MML 9 SRM Ammo (11) LT 1 - 1.0
LB 10-X AC Ammo (20) LT 2 - 2.0
MML 9 LRM Ammo (13) RA 1 - 1.0
MML 9 SRM Ammo (11) RA 1 - 1.0
MML 9 RA 5 5 6.0

Features the following design quirks: Barrel Fists (LA), Easy to Maintain, Bad Reputation (Inner Sphere)

Megamek a potential right fast. lbx 10 as stand in for the gun they might use and mml 9's as heavy guns and very generous ammo, to generous probably, making a versatile long range fighter.

Edit: Drop a mml and its ammo can max armor and add several heat sinks... Yeah that probable would be a better use of space.
probably easier to get the thug. if nothing else don't need to do spying stuff and can ask the sandovals for help with negotiating with Matltex
probably easier to get the thug. if nothing else don't need to do spying stuff and can ask the sandovals for help with negotiating with Matltex
Perhaps but then you dont get the joy of taking the dragons most shit mech and making it a nightmare to fight. Honestly? If you can do both. They would make nasty duo with the thug mugging people in close and the new Charger, which probable needs a new name, acting as range trooper support.
Perhaps but then you dont get the joy of taking the dragons most shit mech and making it a nightmare to fight. Honestly? If you can do both. They would make nasty duo with the thug mugging people in close and the new Charger, which probable needs a new name, acting as range trooper support.
hmmm how one of the following for the name:
Chieftain, Charybdis, Culverin, Cyrus, Churchill
as for where I pulled these from I basically looked at the RN ship name list and pulled good sounding names that started with a C that don't have a design in BT with said name.
Culverin grows on me. Eh hypothetical anyway.
Interlude: Watchers in the Dark
August 19th​ 3015
Brockton HPG
Brockton, Federated Suns

Precentor Max Quin felt a creeping exhaustion as he nodded to the Adept who was actually operating the HPG today. He had cleared the transmission room for this meeting, but he still felt that it was a mistake. He already had enough problems due to decisions made far beyond his level, having the lower ranked Adepts know that he was being called to the carpet wouldn't exactly help him get a handle on the situation on world. Despite his objections Precentor New Avalon had insisted on a live feed, despite the tremendous waste of resources it represented. A tone sounded through the room and Max joined in with the prayer before the holo sprang to life, displaying Precentor Vandel, resplendent in his formal white robes.

"Peace of Blake be upon you Precentor Brockton," Huthrin's strong baritone, well trained in oratory over his years on the first circuit rang through the room.

"In Blakes name I serve," Max replied evenly, grateful he had managed to keep the trepidation out of his voice. "How may I aid the first circuit in following Blakes will today?"

"Explain to me just what is going on out there," Huthrin dropped the rituals and theatrics, diving straight to the point. "We have heard almost nothing out of Brockton since Holy shroud wrapped up, and now they are in the weapons development business?"

"Precentor, they have been in the weapons development business for years. An act we have been encouraging as long as they kept to the conventional roads. The fragmentation which the blessed Blake predicted is predicated on the nobility's comfort in feeding their vices. We have, as policy, cleared the way for imports from the outworlds as a means to hide the declining tech level of this system. It was thought that through this device we could induce the fragmentation which is inevitable, and through strategic actions assure our eventual ascension." Max knew he was about to go onto dangerous ground here and took a deep breath before continuing.

"The first circuit has, as a matter of policy, encouraged local development of militia grade gear. It encourages nobles to think they are stronger than they actually are, and we have gone to great lengths to prevent dissemination of the known vulnerabilities of said gear. Unfortunately, here in the suns the first circuit badly over estimated their industrial strength, forcing them to face their weakness head on and innovate around the problem. To make matters worse, political decisions have been made which seem to have been designed to tweak the noses of the locals."

"Your appointment…" Huthrin stated flatly.

"My appointment. It was a direct slap in the face not only to the nobility but the common people who look to our guidance. While it was in some ways understandable… having a supposed Highspire trained chemist as precentor here was a political mistake." Max leaned back, both men were well aware that the closest he had ever come to Highspire was a brief sojourn on Liao while with the Light of Mankind, and then continued. "I believe I am up to the task of being a Precentor, but in this system my cover identity is a provocation and a reminder of the horrors of the first and second wars, and who led them through said blood bath. Support for Davion has been firming up, where as before my appointment it was on a downward trajectory."

"I understand the delicate position which certain factions have put you in, but I still need to explain just what happened." Huthrin's voice was merciless as he pressed the junior man. He didn't want to admit it, but Allen Rusenstiens revenge for supporting his ouster had been a brilliant political move. It had created on ongoing headache which the rest of the first circuit was watching with glee along with sharpening their political knives to elevate their own proteges should he fail to properly contain it. "New weapons systems don't just pop out of thin air after all…"

"In this case it's a combination of our programs. We have been encouraging Brockton to spread what remains of their knowledge base, causing a spike in the educated work force in this region of space while driving down the level of known scientific facts, which is a self-sustaining reaction as basic science fails to find funding due to the fact that what the scientists are looking for is known in systems which have kept their knowledge beyond the level that was known to the alliance. Coupled with our encouragement of the development of a lower tech industrial base in this region of space? A lot of known shortcuts have had to be rediscovered causing a general rise in the inventiveness and adaptability of the engineers who are educated here. This broad-based depression of knowledge was deemed to be the best compromise available to us, while maintaining the balance of power."

"We all know how well that went." Huthrin grunted in annoyance, disliking how Max was regurgitating facts that were already known to him. "So basically, what you're telling me is that because we didn't allow Krupp and the like to be pigs in a trough like we did in the Combine they needed to adapt."

"Exactly. It doesn't help that the local ROM contingent is constantly haring off on the perennial wild goose chase that is the mythical core forges the alliance supposedly put out here. Or their obsession with the TAS Philadelphia being somewhere in system, I seriously doubt that ship ended up docked or abandoned out here. It would be nice if we could recover her, if only to keep the myth that the Dreadnought was the first warship and to relieve ROMs budget from spreading that fantastical story about her loss around, but that won't happen in this system. Brockton was a scientific colony, focused on terra forming during the alliance and it was a matter of policy even back then not to allow critical infrastructure like a core forges, or weapons production, out of the Sol system. Between that, ensuring that redevelopment of higher-level industry doesn't happen, and keeping an eye on the college for any signs of relapsing to their old ways…and most importantly, the real reason why I was assigned here, making sure that the plague dog equipment stays in reserve. We do not want that to be pulled out and used, ever. Honestly, we're swamped out here. I do not have the manpower to keep an eye on every engineer who is educated here, especially not when they are following the paths, we want them too."

"Looking to rediscover the secrets of the Code Red is a path we want them to follow?"

"Yes, because they don't have the equipment or engineering data to actually do it." Max looked every bit the light of mankind team leader he had been in his younger days as he said that. "What Collin Wallis came up with was a monkey model work around, one that was known and discarded in by Star League scientists as inefficient and too limited to be worth pursuing. The alloy created is known to us, as are its limits."

"I trust that this Wallis will not be repeating his success?"

"He had an unfortunate encounter with a drunk driver more then a year ago." Max replied mildly, his slight grin the only indication of his satisfaction with a job well done.

"And the rotary autocannons which were based off his work?"

"His widow followed in his footsteps in finding work arounds." Max shrugged as he admitted that. "She combined his work with brute force to achieve the desired result, albeit in an inferior manner. It's a technological dead end, but one that can be pursued for decades before anyone realizes that, diverting research funding from more dangerous avenues."

"Are there more dangerous avenues available to them?"

"Yes." Max answered flatly. "As I said the core forges are a myth, but given enough time they might be able to monkey model something approaching one, giving them access to a true yard instead of the limited refit and repair capabilities that they have at the moment. Industrial tooling is another area of concern, as they kept at least some records of what they had before Corean received the go ahead from Michael Davion to begin repossession proceedings."

The two men shared a satisfied smile at that assertion. The truth of the matter was that the Brockton industrial base had never reached New Avalon, despite what the executives at Corean thought. It had been diverted and replaced by ROM while in transit. Rim World manufactured tooling was less efficient, effective, and designed to be operated and serviced by an undereducated population, therefore it was much easier to reproduce, repair, and lacked the black boxing which came standard with proper Hegemony equipment. Between Kerensky's efforts, and the early efforts of ROM operating with the remaining hegemony intelligence officers, most Rim World tooling had successfully been dealt with. Brockton, by virtue of the Brockton families' efforts to save their own skins, had been a glaring exception to that success. Fortunately, Michael Davion and Corean had given ComStar a chance to correct that mistake.

"Beyond those problems I also need to keep an eye on what the Brockton family is up to. They are far too adaptable for me to be completely comfortable that I truly have the measure of what's going on here. Their stunt with Jalastar came out of left field, and while their opportunism is something that we can use their ability to think in the long term is a continuing worry."

"Would it be prudent to think about allowing the family to meet its natural end?" Huthrin enquired, his voice mild. "The Allison precedent comes to mind…"

Max opened his mouth to reply with a snap judgement and then stopped himself. Despite what he thought about ComStars continuing fumbles in the free world's league this wasn't the time or the place for him to voice his concerns. The truth was the leagues chaotic natural tendencies had rendered every effort by Comstar to formulate a coherent policy into a schizophrenic mess. Something that was best exemplified by the fact that ROM assets had been brought in to rebuild portions of their industrial base after ROM had been tasked with wrecking it. Fortunately, they were operating under the auspices of a successionist minded province, but it was still a farcical situation. Actually, that brought to mind a possible suggestion, the Andurien precedent might not be amiss here.

"I'm not comfortable with the next in line on world and any off world noble family…"

"There is that." Huthrin grimaced. He was just as aware as Max was of how the new nobility operated. Without centuries of legitimacy behind them they tended to need works to prop themselves up. On border worlds that was easily controllable, a few subtle nudges and they would channel their energies into military adventurism. Brockton very much wasn't a border world, and raids out there would be obvious, so any new noble would turn to either trade, or industrial development to make their mark.

"Better to see if we can pull a Humphreys on them."

"Difficult, the suns doesn't work like the league does…" though ostentatiously against the idea Huthrin sounded intrigued.

"Brockton is already ignored by New Avalon, despite their achievements. With suitable prompting a wedge is natural…" Max grinned as he said that. "They are already supporting the CrMM well beyond what New Avalon denies to send."

"Keep working on developing that idea. It's impractical for the moment, due to the attention they just garnered, but long term it might very well be the answer we have been looking for. Speaking of attention, your job is about to get a lot harder. Hanse Davion is moving the second Chisholm Rangers on world, and they're bringing a heavy intelligence section with them. Keep your operatives under control, we don't have the usual deniability out there." Huthrin ordered. "I trust that there will be no further developments out of the blue?"

"I have already impressed on my ROM section that very idea." Max nodded in agreement. "Precentor Ilian's sudden passing seems to have motivated them sufficiently."

"Do express my condolences to his subordinates," Huthrin was perfectly comfortable mouthing that platitude. There were times when failures had to have consequences, and it seemed Max understood that well. After all he had arraigned for the lead ROM agent's passing personally. "It sounds like you have the situation as in hand as it can be, should that change…" Needless to say Huthrin didn't feel the need to finish his threat. Max understood him very well.
Well comstar you might have the slight problem of what happens when someone from Brockton takes a look at the tooling corean has which supposedly is the same that was stolen from them and then compares it to the documentation they almost certainly have of what it should look like and then everyone looks at Corean's documentation on the matter and wonders where the hell that tooling went and where this stuff came from
And then all the sudden people are going to be asking a shitload of questions and the heads of MMIO, DMI, ministry of industry, AFFS procurement, and the first prince himself will want answers. Not mention corean and Brockton will want them as well
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Not to mention Brockton apparently kept enough tooling to more or less rebuild despite it so does this ROM dog actually know what he is talking about or does he see what he wants to see?
Not to mention Brockton apparently kept enough tooling to more or less rebuild despite it so does this ROM dog actually know what he is talking about or does he see what he wants to see?
or at the bare minimum they kept the technical data needed to replace it which given its description probably would have been much much easier than TH derived/designed tooling. plus the tooling for the vulcan which they've been sitting on for quite some time before deciding to use it to look at and base stuff off of
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Wheels within wheels. A nasty mix of subtle long term and short term espionage. Well done as well with how they were quiet patient to put the final nail in the Rim World type tooling. Not surprising that the plague equipment is the main priority. No one wants that box opened regardless on whether it is prevention or spreading.
Well I just had a pretty brilliant idea on who to add as a partner for the Duke of Brockton and company in industrial ventures. See if the Duke of Verde is open to it since canonically they should have at least decent repair facilities onworld to support the 12th Vegan Rangers and I'm sure they'd love to expand that to production of some kind. Not to mention the whole they'd have a fair amount of influence on both New Avalon and Robibson and have a fair amount of wealth as does the planet of Verde itself. Not to mention I'd really love to see which merc unit Corean could possibly hire that could possibly want 4 regiments of high end mercs pissed off at them because that's what any attack on Verde would result in.
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December 9th​ 3015
Outside of Helio
Heligoland, Capellan Confederation

Harry Brockton tried to find the bright side of the raid he was on. He should have been in command, unfortunately his actions had precluded that. The mechwarriors who made up his command would have mutinied if he had retained command after mouthing off like he had to the first prince. They were all from the lower nobility of the outback, and to them the first prince was a check on their local planetary dukes. Harry had inadvertently stumbled into a political mine field; his social rank made his gaffe worse. With one action he had gone from a respected retired heavy guard's captain, one who had generously volunteered to take the most problematic of the experimental refits, to a typical example of the upper nobility.

In theory Harry could have retained command, but he wasn't a fool. The pilots would have second guessed his every move, making actually commanding into an exercise in futility which had a high probability of getting them all killed. Especially given that they had a depth of experience that matched or surpassed his own. With that in mind he had dumped command onto the Davion liaison, letting Major Janet Olsen command. As a retired member of the armored cavalry, she was honestly the better choice, having spent her time in service working with primarily medium weight mechs, and she had rank on Harry. It was a sidestep of the issues he had created, but workable for the moment.

Janet's experience with this type of operation was vast and it showed in her planning. Her well weathered face, greying hair, and solidity had been a comfort as they jumped their way towards their target, she had made herself into a familiar face on the Lion class Deliverance getting to know everyone, even going so far as to spend time with the techs. That had allowed her to build a level of trust with everyone involved, something that Harry had tried to do before. Additionally, she had a deep knowledge of their operations area, Harry wouldn't have thought about using the limited water supply of Helio to his advantage but she had. There was a single reservoir which served the entire city, and Janet had seen the opportunity to draw out the Kingston Legionnaires by attacking one of the pumping stations which served the main citizens residential areas. Given the screen of light mechs they were pushing against, it seemed to be working.

Janet's personality had allowed her to set the lances without anyone getting bent out of shape, even if they weren't anywhere near what Harry himself would have done. She had kept the two mechs with the heavier RACs together, grouping them with her CRD-3D Crusader and the experimental MML Whitworth, due to their lack of long-range firepower. The remaining two Swordsmen had been grouped with the Shadow Hawks to form the second lance. That had been a decision made back on New Avalon, when they had decided which machines to bring with them. The 2DX1 Shad had been left behind along with the X1 Swordsman, the Shad because of the simple nature of its modifications showed a clear upgrade path for the 2H Shadow Hawks in service and the X1 because the Swordsman wasn't popular enough to justify such a simple upgrade. Besides the coveted 2D2 Shad designation would go to one of the more comprehensive upgrades, while the original 2D configuration would probably be retired in favor of the 2DX1 as it had more short-range firepower while retaining the armor of a 2H, solving the long running issue of the original 2D.

"Looks like the legionnaires are committing, 2-2 on me, we have the Clint then move on to the stingers. 2-3 and 2-4, looks like the locust is going to try for a fast pass, make sure that doesn't happen. Raid one, you know what to do…" Janet's orders broke Harry's train of thought and he concentrated on the charging Liao mechs. The Clint was hanging back, clearly intending to provide covering fire, while the Stingers were charging in behind the Locust. If he didn't miss his guess they intended to dance in middle range as a distraction while the Locust got all the sensor data it could. Janet held back, letting the Liao mechs close, until they were all firmly into the middle range band of an LRM system. She let the Clint get in the first shot, its autocannon chip away at the thick armor of her Crusaders chest in order to have a better firing solution.

Harry could respect that, but he didn't have time to really follow what anyone else was doing. Switching his own temperamental autocannon into four shot mode he tracked the Locust and then opened fire as soon as it entered medium laser range. Only three shots rang out, before a warning buzzed in his cockpit as the RAC jammed. Raid 2-3 in his Swordsman despite having the same weapon lacked his issues. The over the shoulder configuration gave the large weapon a more stable rest and so was less prone to jamming. He fired off six shots, although only four hit, but combined with the one Harry managed to land it was enough to finish off the charging light mech.

Cursing as he hit the button which would spin the autocannon and clear its jam Harry swung around to target the Stinger on the left. He noted that the Clint was already in retreat. Its light armor was compromised due to the number of LRMs which had rained down on it. The Liao officer, smartly in his opinion, chose to retreat before the two mechs targeting him could start breaking the expensive and hard to replace internals of his mech. That left the Stingers on their own, facing four mechs which carried enough firepower individually to out fight the pair.

Say what you would about the Liao's, and Harry could say a lot about the slaving bastards, their citizen warriors didn't lack for courage. The two Stingers didn't pause for an instant before charging in, they knew they were doomed but clearly intended to do at least a little damage before they went down. Unfortunately for them they were severely out matched. 2-3 kept his autocannon going at full bore, landing shots from the left shoulder of his intended target all the way across its chest to the other shoulder, causing the smaller mechs gyro to over compensate and the Liao mech jock to lose control. The other Stinger was slightly better off, as the LRM salvos which hit it were less concentrated, with the majority of the missiles being decoyed off by its basic ECM. It charged out of the smoke and thrown up dirt just as Harry's autocannon finished unjamming.

Ignoring the downed Stinger, even as it got back to its feet, Harry setting his crosshairs on the smaller mechs torso and fired his second shot of the engagement. This time his Autocannon worked, although only two of the shots impacted. Harry's aim had been off, although he shouldn't complain too much. The shells tore into the right shoulder of the smaller machine, tearing off its main weapon, even as the other two shots drifted wide. 2-2's LRMs came in at the same time, one flight haring off after the sun while the other impacted on the Stingers left hip, causing it to lock up and the smaller mech to plow into the soft earth of the field they were fighting in. Harry was tempted to finish off the smaller machine, but restrained himself.

"2-2, you have the honor," Harry put out over the radio while turning his own mech towards the brewing battle to his left. While his own lance had been annihilating the light mechs sent after them the legionnaires mediums had started a long-range sparing match with Raid one. That would be a problem, as the Liao mechs were set up for that sort of long-range sparing match. A pair of Vindicators backing up a Marik Wolverine, with a lone Panther hanging out in the back field, made for a formidable lance. They had a lot of long-range firepower, and were using it well. LRMs, PPC bolts, and Autocannon shells were crisscrossing the field between the two lances, and the Liao's were already getting the better of the exchange.

Raid one was concentrating fire on one of the Vindicators, clearly hoping to take it out of the fight quickly, while the Legionnaires were spreading their fire between the two Shads. Harry brought his mech up to a run, intending to make the Kurita built Panther concentrate on him rather then giving its lance mates fire support. Before he could get close enough to do so a second medium lance entered the fray, forcing him to pull up short and redirect his mech. They weren't in weapons range yet, but if Harry had kept on his original target, he would have been so far ahead of his lance mates as to present a prime target for focused fire. Given the relatively light armor scheme of the Icarus II he was currently riding? That would have been a disaster.

Once again Harry wished he was still riding his Thunderbolt, rather then the mech he was in. If he had been then he would have felt comfortable in keeping his course and tanking any shots he took, confident that his armor would hold long enough for the rest of his lance to get involved. As it stood, he started to pull back, bringing his mech into line with the rest of his lance as they turned to face the emerging threat.

"Keep the range open, we don't want to get into a slugging match with a Hunchback, concentrate fire on the Enforcer," Janet swiftly ordered. Harry had to respect her reaction, it was decisive and showed her experience, but he questioned if the orders she had given were the correct ones. He personally would have thought that the Quickdraw was the larger threat then the Enforcer, it was the heavier machine after all. Then again, aside from its ten pack of LRMs it was designed to fight at short range, and it had the speed to dictate the range. "Once they close 2-3 and 2-4 on the draw, take him down quick, 2-2 the Shad."

Harry reached down and adjusted his autocannons settings, going for single shots rather then burst fire. Having jammed up his cannon once in this engagement he wanted to be sure it would work, better to sacrifice firepower at range for the chance to let rip once the Quickdraw closed in rather then being forced to clear a jam due to being over eager at range. Drifting his targeting reticule over to the broad chest of the Enforcer he waited for it to come into range.

Long range missiles flashed out, trailing smoke across the field between the two advancing lances of titanic war machines, with Harrys own lance producing the majority of the shots. The Liao mechs weren't configured for this kind of long-range slugging match and it showed, as they only returned about a quarter of the missiles. To Harry's experienced eye it looked like the Liao's were having maintenance issues with the Enforcer, its native ECM wasn't nearly as effective as it should have been perhaps it had been replaced with parts meant for a militia mech, meaning most of the LRMs impacted on the tough mech. No matter what Harry thought of the Liao's maintenance issues the pilot was good, despite losing more than a ton of armor he kept his feet and closed the range, gamely trying to get into range of his own weapons.

The Liao mechs return fire was much less effective, but they concentrated well. Clearly, they had decided that Janet's mech was the largest threat, and they further chipped away at her armor as they closed the range. The two faster mechs broke from their slower companions, in a bid to disrupt what Harry and the rest of the lance had planned, but he thought he would get at least one shot at the Enforcer before he had to shift targets. That supposition turned out to be wrong, and he had to throw his aim around as the Quickdraw was faster than he had thought. The Legionnaires might be green, but they knew their business well enough to see a losing proposition and react to it. The Quickdraw driver had over ridden his computer and put it into sprint mode, forcing Harry to shift his target and react before he was really ready.

Due to his target fixation Harry didn't think to change his autocannon settings, meaning he only got off a single shot at the charging heavy mech. 2-3, who had much more confidence in his cannon, got off four shots, drawing the attention of the Quickdraw to his own machine. While the rest of the Liao mechs which had the range kept on Janet's Crusader, the Quickdraw altered course to swing into the smaller Swordsman. Cursing himself as an idiot, Harry switched his cannon into four shot burst mode, even as he moved laterally to get the advancing heavy into a crossfire with 2-3. Keeping an eye on the Shadow Hawk, which was still slightly behind, he let rip with his cannon. The Quickdraw driver seemed to come up short in surprise for an instant, before continuing on his course towards the Swordsman. 2-3 continued to make himself into the larger threat, having gone full bore with his own cannon, trusting the better mounting to keep him jam free.

As he repositioned a flight of fire missiles roared over his head, causing Harry to instinctively duck just in time to move his torso into a blast of autocannon fire from the Shadow Hawk. Seeing that the Shad was about to eat a flight of missiles from 2-2s Whitworth Harry kept his eye on the prize, sending out another salvo at the rapidly closing heavy mech he had in his sites. Half of his shots went wide, his sudden movement having thrown off his aim, and Harry quickly readjusted, he almost changed his cannons settings but the closing range changed his mind. He would have to deal with a bit of heat, but at this range it was time for him to bring his lasers into play.

They were on the edge of their range, but better to bring them into play now that the Quickdraws own arsenal was in range. He wasn't the only one to think that way, as 2-3 opened up with everything he had. Explosions wracked the Quickdraw, but from what Harry's sensors were telling him they hadn't gotten through its armor. With a frown he switched his cannon to its maximum, preparing to cover for the now sluggishly moving 2-3. The Quickdraw driver could tell that the Swordsman was carrying a bit more heat then was advisable, and moved to take advantage of that. Unfortunately for him that put him squarely in Harry's sites, at just outside of optimal range.

The Swordsman took to the air, 2-3 was using his jets to compensate for his stress mymomers, and putting a trio of auto cannon shots into the advancing heavy. Despite his best efforts his mech was wreathed with explosions as he caught most of the heavy mechs return fire, Harry couldn't help but wince at that. The Swordsman was just as lightly armored as his own Icarus, and it couldn't take more then another salvo like that before he was in trouble. Fortunately, he didn't have to, Harry's own alpha strike went in almost perfectly, concentrated on the right side of the heavy his shots broke past the armor and struck deep, evidently catching at least a part of the SRM ammo stored there. The heavy machine came apart, o rings flying everywhere, even as Harry swung himself around to take a look at the rest of the fight. Between the high heat load he was carrying, making his mechs responses sluggish, and the fact his autocannon had jammed yet again he had very little to contribute.

Janet had clearly gotten the better of the Enforcer, it was withdrawing missing an arm. The Hunchback was trying to cover it, but its lack of long-range weapons was telling, not that it really needed to be more than a shield. Janet had shifted her target to the Shadow Hawk, combining her fire with 2-2's in order to give that mech a very bad day. Harry started moving towards the retreating mechs, but his autocannon failed to clear its jam, and so he slowed his mech in the hopes that a smoother ride would allow him to clear the jam without further issues. 2-3, despite the armor damage he had taken, wasn't having the trouble Harry was. He had shed most of his heat and joined the others of the lance in pounding on the Shad. Faced with three to one odds, an unbelievable number of SRMs cratering his armor, and now the heavy autocannon fire that the Swordman could generate, the Liao mech warrior in the Shad choose the better part of valor and punched out.

2-2 and 2-3 ignored the ejection seat, but concentrated their laser fire on the downed machine, punching through the depleted armor and eviscerating the hulk as they hit the SRM ammo.

"2-2, 2-3, enough." Janet sounded annoyed at their actions, which Harry could understand. She was used to dealing with regulars on both sides of her engagements. The pilots Harry had brought with him came straight out of the CrMM which served the outback, there opponents tended to be pirates, and so making sure that a Mech wasn't useable if you weren't sure, you would control the field after an engagement was standard practice. Better to destroy an irreplaceable machine then to have the pirates recover it and use it against you later, at least that was their thinking.

"We're facing regulars here, not the usual scum of the sphere," Harry broke in before Janet could start berating the mech jocks for their unchivalrous conduct. "They might be slave taking bastards just like the scum you usually fight, but they are regulars and need to be treated as such."


"Shift fire," Janet quickly took back control. "Raid ones in trouble, lets bail them out."

She wasn't kidding. Harry, when he actually took a look at raid one, was surprised to see just how battered they were. Both of the Shadow Hawks were falling back, missing arms and with armor that was more a suggestion then a fact. The Swordsmen were covering them, but they were getting battered by the Vindicators and the Panther. It looked like the only part of that battle that had gone the Davion's way was the downed form of the Wolverine. Harry couldn't tell if it was truly knocked out or if it was playing dead, his assumption was that it had gotten close enough to for the obscene number of SRMs the MMLs of raid one made possible to come into play.

It seemed that the Liao officer controlling the lance which had been battering raid one hadn't been in the Wolverine, as they started to pull back as soon as raid two began their own advance. Janet kept their speed down, letting the Liao mechs go, wary of any additional mechs that the Legionnaires could bring into play. The legionnaires had two Liao style battalions on world according to DMI, so they had the numbers to smother this raid should they choose too. Once she was certain that the Liao mechs really were in retreat Janet began pulling back as well, using her less damaged lance to cover the withdrawal of raid one. Undoubtedly the Legionnaires would consider this a victory, having driven off a Davion raid, but Harry, and evidently Janet as well, was satisfied that they had proven his point. The two-lance raid force had destroyed the better part of a company of enemy machines for no permanent losses of their own. In his mind that meant his point had been proven. Before Harry could wander further down that mental blind ally his com system chimed with a laser link request. Slightly surprised he accepted it.

"What the hell was that," Janet sounded heartily annoyed. "I thought you brought professionals, and hitting a downed mech? That is not professional."

"They are professional's, the best pilots we could get our hands on," Harry defended. "The problem is we're all from the outback, and things are different out there."

"I looked at your service record kid," Janet wasn't giving an inch on this he could tell. "You never did anything that bone headed in a fight. Off duty? Sure."

"I had the opportunity to go to Goshen, and then went directly to the Heavy Guards right out of school." Harry thought about how to phrase his argument. "Most of the mech jocks I brought with me, they're family trained. The two who went to an academy? Point Barrow. Then they served with the local march militia."

"I started my career with the march militia, and was family trained before I won a spot at Sac. Don't bullshit me."

"Not in the outback," Harry quickly sought to clarify. "Out there what they did is standard procedure. You can't afford to let the enemy recover a mech, because inside of a couple of months its going to be back doing all the standard pirate things. Given the support we get out of New Avalon… it's a compromise. You know just as well as I do just how far the march militias are stretched in that direction."

"Christ…" Janet paused, thinking if Harry had to make a guess. "It's that bad?"

"Forty percent of the mechs are militia grade, even with my family and the other nobles of the region chipping in where they can." Harry drew on every political bone on his body as he continued, hoping to sell what he was saying and not fuck up further then he already had. "We understand. Between the Capellans on one border, and their love for slave taking, and the Dracs on the other with their predilection for war crimes, someone has to get the short end of the stick. So, training and customs have developed a little differently to compensate."

"That's part of why you are so hung up on Corean, isn't it…" Janet's voice lacked an accusatory tone. "And why you're pressing so hard to get the Swordsman accepted into service."

"Yeah, the Swordsman's cheap, barely more expensive than a bug mech, and relatively easy to produce. Couple that with its utility?"

"Save the sales pitch, you already sold me on them." Janet laughed lightly. "I wouldn't have thought it when I took this assignment but, you were right."
so what do you lot think of my duke of verde idea? good or bad?
so what do you lot think of my duke of verde idea? good or bad?
Its a solid idea long term, but for the moment the Vegan Rangers are going to be a bit preoccupied, as is the duke of Verde. Hanse Davion got into my head and refused to accept cannon as the only acceptable route, so his plotting is going to sidetrack them in a couple of chapters. Mind you after he's done with them they're going to be looking around for help rebuilding...
Well all merc units especially the big ones eternally need more stuff from mechs to dropships. And no doubt the Rangers would love the Lion and my Starlifter variant of the Jumbo. And the Sting variant of the Drost
Informational Raid Force Mech Stats
This isn't a propper TRO style update, but here are the Mech Stats for the raid force:

Raid Lance 1
Mass: 55 tons
Chassis: Earthwerks SHD
Power Plant: Coretek 275
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Maximillian 43
1 Light AC/5
2 Medium Laser
1 MML 9
Communication System: O/P 300 COMSET
Targeting & Tracking System: O/P 2000A
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-D
Cost: 4,769,557 C-bills

Type: SHD-2D-X1 Shadowhawk
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 55
Battle Value: 1,178

Equipment   Mass
Internal Structure   5.5
Engine 275 Fusion 15.5
Walking MP: 5  
Running MP: 8  
Jumping MP: 3  
Heat Sink: 11 1
Gyro:   3
Cockpit:   3
Armor Factor: 152 9.5

Head 3 9
Center Torso 18 22
Center Torso (rear)   7
R/L Torso 13 17
R/L Torso (rear)   5
R/L Arm 9 14
R/L Leg 13 21

and Ammo
Location Critical Tonnage
Jump Jet CT 1 0.5
MML 9 RT 5 6
MML 9 SRM Ammo (11) RT 1 1
Jump Jet RT 1 0.5
MML 9 LRM Ammo (13) RT 1 1
Medium Laser LA 1 1
Light AC/5 LT 2 5
LAC/5 Ammo (20) LT 1 1
Jump Jet LT 1 0.5
Medium Laser RA 1 1
Mass: 55 tons
Chassis: Earthwerks SHD
Power Plant: Coretek 275
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Maximillian 43
1 MML 5
1 Medium Laser
1 Rotary AC/2
Communication System: O/P 300 COMSET
Targeting & Tracking System: O/P 2000A
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-D
Cost: 4,670,357 C-bills

Type: SHD-2H-X1 Shadowhawk
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 55
Battle Value: 1,128

Equipment   Mass
Internal Structure   5.5
Engine 275 Fusion 15.5
Walking MP: 5  
Running MP: 8  
Jumping MP: 3  
Heat Sink: 11 1
Gyro:   3
Cockpit:   3
Armor Factor: 152 9.5

Head 3 9
Center Torso 18 22
Center Torso (rear)   7
R/L Torso 13 17
R/L Torso (rear)   5
R/L Arm 9 14
R/L Leg 13 21

and Ammo
Location Critical Tonnage
Jump Jet CT 1 0.5
MML 5 SRM Ammo (20) RT 1 1
MML 5 RT 3 3
MML 5 LRM Ammo (24) RT 1 1
Jump Jet RT 1 0.5
Rotary AC/2 Ammo (90) LT 2 2
Rotary AC/2 LT 3 8
Jump Jet LT 1 0.5
Medium Laser RA 1 1
Mass: 40 tons
Chassis: Jerrico Type II
Power Plant: LTV 160
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Durallex Light
1 MML 5
2 Medium Laser
1 Rotary AC/2
Manufacturer: Trevlu Mechworks
Primary Factory: Brockton
Communication System: Achernar Electronics HICK-3
Targeting & Tracking System: Federated Gatherer
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-D
Cost: 2,760,893 C-bills

Type: SWD-2 -X1 Swordsman
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 40
Battle Value: 834

Equipment   Mass
Internal Structure   4
Engine 160 Fusion 6
Walking MP: 4  
Running MP: 6  
Jumping MP: 0  
Heat Sink: 10 0
Gyro:   2
Cockpit:   3
Armor Factor: 128 8

Head 3 9
Center Torso 12 18
Center Torso (rear)   5
R/L Torso 10 15
R/L Torso (rear)   4
R/L Arm 6 11
R/L Leg 10 18

and Ammo
Location Critical Tonnage
MML 5 SRM Ammo (20) RT 1 1
MML 5 RT 3 3
MML 5 LRM Ammo (24) RT 1 1
2 Heat Sinks RT 2 2
Medium Laser LA 1 1
Rotary AC/2 Ammo (90) LT 2 2
Rotary AC/2 LT 3 8
2 Heat Sinks LT 2 2
Medium Laser RA 1 1
Mass: 40 tons
Chassis: Jerrico Type II
Power Plant: LTV 160
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Durallex Light
1 Light AC/5
1 MML 7
2 Medium Laser
Manufacturer: Trevlu Mechworks
Primary Factory: Brockton
Communication System: Achernar Electronics HICK-3
Targeting & Tracking System: Federated Gatherer
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-D
Cost: 2,952,693 C-bills

Type: SWD-2 -X2 Swordsman
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 40
Battle Value: 889

Equipment   Mass
Internal Structure   4
Engine 160 Fusion 6
Walking MP: 4  
Running MP: 6  
Jumping MP: 4  
Heat Sink: 10 0
Gyro:   2
Cockpit:   3
Armor Factor: 136 8.5

Head 3 9
Center Torso 12 18
Center Torso (rear)   5
R/L Torso 10 16
R/L Torso (rear)   4
R/L Arm 6 12
R/L Leg 10 20

and Ammo
Location Critical Tonnage
MML 7 RT 4 4.5
MML 7 SRM Ammo (14) RT 1 1
MML 7 LRM Ammo (17) RT 1 1
2 Jump Jets RT 2 1
2 Heat Sinks RT 2 2
Medium Laser LA 1 1
Light AC/5 LT 2 5
LAC/5 Ammo (20) LT 1 1
2 Jump Jets LT 2 1
2 Heat Sinks LT 2 2
Medium Laser RA 1 1

Raid Lance 2
Mass: 40 tons
Chassis: Jerrico Type II
Power Plant: LTV 160
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Durallex Light
2 MML 7
2 Medium Laser
Manufacturer: Trevlu Mechworks
Primary Factory: Brockton
Communication System: Achernar Electronics HICK-3
Targeting & Tracking System: Federated Gatherer
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-D
Cost: 2,931,693 C-bills

Type: WTH -1-X1 Whitworth
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 40
Battle Value: 899

Equipment   Mass
Internal Structure   4
Engine 160 Fusion 6
Walking MP: 4  
Running MP: 6  
Jumping MP: 4  
Heat Sink: 10 0
Gyro:   2
Cockpit:   3
Armor Factor: 137 9

Head 3 9
Center Torso 12 18
Center Torso (rear)   6
R/L Torso 10 15
R/L Torso (rear)   5
R/L Arm 6 12
R/L Leg 10 20

and Ammo
Location Critical Tonnage
MML 7 SRM Ammo (14) CT 1 1
MML 7 RT 4 4.5
MML 7 LRM Ammo (17) RT 1 1
2 Jump Jets RT 2 1
2 Heat Sinks RT 2 2
Medium Laser LA 1 1
MML 7 LT 4 4.5
MML 7 LRM Ammo (17) LT 1 1
2 Jump Jets LT 2 1
2 Heat Sinks LT 2 2
Medium Laser RA 1 1
Mass: 40 tons
Chassis: Jerrico Type II
Power Plant: LTV 160
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Durallex Light
2 Medium Laser
1 Rotary AC/5
Manufacturer: Trevlu Mechworks
Primary Factory: Brockton
Communication System: Achernar Electronics HICK-3
Targeting & Tracking System: Federated Gatherer
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-D
Cost: 2,937,293 C-bills

Type: SWD-2 -X3 Swordsman
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 40
Battle Value: 1,121

Equipment   Mass
Internal Structure   4
Engine 160 Fusion 6
Walking MP: 4  
Running MP: 6  
Jumping MP: 4  
Heat Sink: 10 0
Gyro:   2
Cockpit:   3
Armor Factor: 128 8

Head 3 9
Center Torso 12 18
Center Torso (rear)   5
R/L Torso 10 15
R/L Torso (rear)   4
R/L Arm 6 11
R/L Leg 10 18

and Ammo
Location Critical Tonnage
Rotary AC/5 Ammo (20) CT 1 1
2 Jump Jets RT 2 1
2 Heat Sinks RT 2 2
Medium Laser LA 1 1
Rotary AC/5 LT 6 10
Rotary AC/5 Ammo (40) LT 2 2
2 Jump Jets LT 2 1
2 Heat Sinks LT 2 2
Medium Laser RA 1 1
Mass: 40 tons
Chassis: Jerrico Type II
Power Plant: LTV 160
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Durallex Light
2 Medium Laser
1 Rotary AC/5
Manufacturer: Trevlu Mechworks
Primary Factory: Brockton
Communication System: Achernar Electronics HICK-3
Targeting & Tracking System: Federated Gatherer
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-D
Cost: 2,932,813 C-bills

Type: ICR-1S-X1 Icarus II
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 40
Battle Value: 1,121

Equipment   Mass
Internal Structure   4
Engine 160 Fusion 6
Walking MP: 4  
Running MP: 6  
Jumping MP: 4  
Heat Sink: 10 0
Gyro:   2
Cockpit:   3
Armor Factor: 128 8

Head 3 9
Center Torso 12 18
Center Torso (rear)   5
R/L Torso 10 15
R/L Torso (rear)   4
R/L Arm 6 11
R/L Leg 10 18

and Ammo
Location Critical Tonnage
2 Jump Jets LL 2 1
2 Medium Lasers RT 2 2
2 Heat Sinks RT 2 2
Rotary AC/5 LA 6 10
Rotary AC/5 Ammo (60) LT 3 3
2 Heat Sinks LT 2 2
2 Jump Jets RL 2 1
I'm guessing that these RACs jam more than the ones of canon due to having a lot less R@D put into them. Which of course is fixable
They do jam more often, but the mounting matters a lot. Over the shoulder mounts do better, while arm mounts... lets just say that the demonstration unit Ardan saw detonate itself was a arm mounted. The issues are fixable, but more pronounced.
which is annoying since arm mounted is where you want to put your non LRM long ranged weapons since it makes aiming without need to move the whole mech a lot easier
so what's Brockton's relationship with the Suns branch of StarCorps given Crofton is 2 jumps from brockton and the factories there are battered as hell and need tooling to restart production on a lot of its designs(ones which for some reason in canon didn't get made there despite it once being the 2nd largest star corps facilities) but notably for this period the main one would be the warhammer
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Ok second read when not half asleep and yes that look like a pretty good victory. The kill the metal thing is rather shocking but in a timeline where mechs are not near lostech it does make sense if you cant salvage them later. The biggest thing is the RAC still need heavy work but as is they have a pile of designs that could be mass produced and give the Suns a good advantage right now. Though how long to get them in mass production preferably as battlemechs?
so what's Brockton's relationship with the Suns branch of StarCorps given Crofton is 2 jumps from brockton and the factories there are battered as hell and need tooling to restart production on a lot of its designs(ones which for some reason in canon didn't get made there despite it once being the 2nd largest star corps facilities) but notably for this period the main one would be the warhammer

Wary competitors when they think of each other. Starcorps Crofton serves a different market then Brockton Trevlu, with their only real overlap being in the militia market. That said when Trevlu starts putting out heavies then starcorps will sit up and take notice.

Ok second read when not half asleep and yes that look like a pretty good victory. The kill the metal thing is rather shocking but in a timeline where mechs are not near lostech it does make sense if you cant salvage them later. The biggest thing is the RAC still need heavy work but as is they have a pile of designs that could be mass produced and give the Suns a good advantage right now. Though how long to get them in mass production preferably as battlemechs?

Once they got approval they could start producing, although at a low rate of production. The machine tools and lines were set up already, mostly to service the SHD refits. The 2D was never satisfactory, while the 2H wasn't impressive enough. Switching that to producing at least swordsman is relatively easy.
Wary competitors when they think of each other. Starcorps Crofton serves a different market then Brockton Trevlu, with their only real overlap being in the militia market. That said when Trevlu starts putting out heavies then starcorps will sit up and take notice.

pitty, a partnership could be hugely beneficial to both sides. that reminds me I really could should post my slower thug/charger variant and also my less crap longbow variant. On another note I assume using metaknowledge to raid Soul and steal about a battalion's worth of crocketts and the tooling needed to make the design(which has a 91% parts commonitality with the battlemaster) from a facility that only comstar knows about but doesn't actually own would be frowned upon and against the spirit of the story right?
Unfortunatley. I'm trying to keep my meta knowledge contained.
Definitly yes on the thug, if only for inspiration. Ive been struggling with what to use as hanses bribe to the Sandoval family for going along with his plans beyond the Awesome
here ya are
Thug THG-10D
80 tons
Chassis: Standard Biped
Power Plant: 240 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Standard
4 Medium Laser
2 SRM 6
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3020
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-E-D-D
Cost: 7,142,040 C-bills
Type: Thug
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Introductory)
Tonnage: 80
Battle Value: 1,749


Internal Structure


240 Fusion


Walking MP:


Running MP:


Jumping MP:


Heat Sink:





Armor Factor:







Center Torso



Center Torso (rear)

R/L Torso



R/L Torso (rear)

R/L Arm



R/L Leg



and Ammo




Heat Sink




Heat Sink




Jump Jet




2 Heat Sink




Jump Jet




2 Medium Laser








SRM 6 Ammo (15)




Heat Sink








3 Heat Sink




Jump Jet




2 Medium Laser








SRM 6 Ammo (15)




Heat Sink




Heat Sink




Heat Sink







as for why its called project bulwark that's actually the original name I gave the design before I realized I had basically made a slower thug with jumpjets. also made basically a hammerhands variant of it that has 2 less heatsinks and 1 ton less of armor(aka the max allowed on a 75 ton chassis) as well come to think of it
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