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Only Human (Goddess of Victory NIKKE SI)

~It's time to slay them!
~To claim our names back
~We will make it come back
~Tell me where to go on now?
~Remember to slay them!
~Flames and the power
~We don't want any morе tragedy
~The danger will diе away


No you GOTTA TURN IT UP TO 11 BRO you get a cookie if you get the reference. Also I need a pic of Cinderella for SCIENCE....
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Chapter 38 - Dinner and a Show
I'm currently rereading and catching up from where I left off on what I've missed, am at well 38 of course 36 freaking stunned me with how heart pounding it was during the CG council assault my heart went out for Joe and Red hood at the end there, and 38 had me loving the "date" with Privaty your interactions with her and tsundere reactions were of course Adorable and I loved it good amount wholesomeness that was needed after the reveal and then at the end with liter yelling at anis in welsh about her being a slob had me lmao.
Baka starting to go into withdrawal......you okay baka been awhile since we heard anything from you?
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Chapter 54 - Silver Bullet New
Chapter 54 - Silver Bullet

"Joe, my office," Andersen gave the Commander of Goddess a firm order. Motioning for the younger man to follow him resolutely.

"Uh, yeah, sure-" the burly long-haired figure moved to comply, though he found it difficult to do so, given the… particular, distressingly soft and supple figure weighing down his arm. "...Ellie, if I could have my arm back…"

"No, I'm using it," Cinderella asserted pointedly, firmly clinging to the man's arm with a self-satisfied grin stretched across her gentle features.

"Relinquish the Commander's arm, Cinderella," Andersen said with a surprising amount of uncharacteristic authority.

"No-" the silverette began to pout…

"That's an order, soldier," the young woman's father pointedly commanded her, his typically jovial tone entirely absent.

That visibly caught Cinderella off guard, and it took her a moment to warily comply, looking more than a little put off by her father's tone, but being very aware of the fact that he was her commanding officer, and disobedience would put her in hot water. Thus, the tiny Nikke backed off, releasing Joe's arm - as displeased as she seemed about it.

"The rest of you," Andersen continued, looking over Cinderella's head to acknowledge the squad, all of whom were in various states of amusement and/or annoyance at the new girl's behaviour. "Show Cinderella around the Avenger. This being our effective home for the foreseeable future, it would be best if she learns her way around sooner rather than later."

"Understood," Liliweiss nodded, stepping forward to take control of the situation. "Cinderella, come with us, we'll start off with the mess hall. Snow White looks ready to start gnawing on the handrails," she asserted playfully.

"We got rushed out to the deck of the ship so quickly!" Snow White asserted with a heavy pout. "It's not my fault I'm still hungry!"

Rapunzel reached out and gently patted the squad's youngest on the head with a contented smile on her face, the rest looking somewhat entertained by the group's designated little sister's behaviour.

Cinderella, meanwhile, looked more than a little conflicted by Liliweiss taking charge. Understandably enough, given how Liliweiss and Andersen were an item - and Liliweiss was pointedly not Cinderella's mother. Yet, being the first Nikke, she was immediately afforded no small amount of respect most others didn't receive by default.

From their previous talks, Joe had gathered that Cinderella's feelings on Liliweiss were complicated, to say the least.

"Go on, Handsome," Red Hood waved Joe and Andersen off. "We'll go ahead and make sure Daddy's Girl is good and settled in while the Big Boss and you hash out your grand strategy stuff. That and make sure she understands how things work around here, and how the hierarchy for who gets the Commander's attention works too. She'll learn quick enough that she's third and get out of your hair lickity-split!"

"Wait, 'third?'" Dorothy turned, brows furrowing as she turned to look confusedly at Red Hood. "-Oh for-! The Commander and I are not in a relationship, you brainless gorilla!" The elegant pinkette sharply stepped towards the redhead, indignation awash over her features. "And- Wait, who would even be first and second in this imaginary scenario you've concocted!?"

"Hm, I wonder…" Red Hood made a show of picking her ear, a cat-like smug grin spreading across her unpainted lips at the chance to stir shit arising. "I don't gotta say, right? I mean, it's super obvious, isn't it?"

"And just what is that supposed to mean!?" Dorothy pressed on, glowering angrily with flaring nostrils at the pleather-bound redhead, the two at eye-level parity on account of Red Hood's taller heels. "You presumptive little-!"

"What're you even getting all worked up about?" Red Hood wondered aloud, a shit-eating grin stretching ear-to-ear as she replied. "I thought you ain't in a relationship with him anyways…"

"I lay claim to the winner of the upcoming and inevitable duel!" Scarlet interjected herself in the budding conflict, making a thrusting motion with her outstretched hand, as if to present an unseen sword for emphasis. "Our battle shall be legendary!"

"Uh oh, Handsome's suddenly got competition?" Red Hood sounded halfway between scandalized and elated. "And of all challengers to arise too!"

"That is not what she meant and you know it!" Dorothy set her hands on her hips, leaning forward aggressively towards Red Hood. "Cease with these puerile and perverse presumptions of yours at once! Why must everything come back to base intercourse with you!?"

"Good question…" Snow White grumbled, glowering childishly up at Red Hood, visibly unimpressed by her elder's horndog nature.

Rapunzel, meanwhile, had simply gone as red as a beet, and was attempting to appear wholly uninterested in the ongoing topic… as none of them noticed that Liliweiss had moved to direct an increasingly bushwhacked Cinderella down the hall and away from Gooness Squad, going in the opposite direction which Joe and Andersen had departed in as well.

Quickly enough, the Commander and High Commander were indeed in Andersen's weeb cave of an office. The man's personal computer adorned with anime girl stickers, his mouse pad being a soft anime girl booty pad, and no small amount of plastic models from various franchises littering the room. The area was well-lit by powerful ceiling lights, with the typical small, porthole windows granting a minor view of the Earth below.

"Sit," Andersen directed Joe as he himself moved to drop into his own chair, settling his elbows upon the desk's top.

Having little reason to be insubordinate, the Canuck claimed one of the seats also rated for Nikkes across from the High Commander. "Alright, what is it?" he inquired.

Andersen visibly hesitated, kneading his knuckles as he contemplated whatever it was he intended to say. After some time, he did eventually take a deep breath and a nod. "I haven't been a good father to Ellie," he began. "Goes without saying that I could have been a better husband to her late mother as well, but… I intend to make it up to my daughter as best I can right here and now, every minute of every day. I'm not going to neglect her again, just dump money in a bank account and expect her to handle herself while I'm off directing Andersen Solutions on the other side of the world…"

He referenced the paramilitary company he commanded, which Joe was currently a part of.

Andersen continued. "That starts with me making damn sure that the man I entrust her to understands the importance of protecting her smile, of making her the happiest girl in the world. She deserves the entire world, and while I know that you're a damn good man, probably one of the best I've ever met, Joe… I still need to make one thing very, very clear-"

"Um…" Joe raised a halting hand, a small sheen rapidly building on his forehead at the topic of discussion. "I, uh, okay, look, I get that I'm probably totally misunderstanding here, since I'm a dense idiot and everything, but… uh, my guy, the way you're talking right now…" he nervously adjusted his collar. "You're almost making it sound like you're handing me Ellie's hand in marriage or something, dude." The Commander trailed off with an anxious, almost wheezing laugh.

Silence reigned between the two for an uncomfortable amount of time.

With Joe's pulse quickening, he spoke up again, "...A-Andersen…?" He inquired, almost ready to panic.

In response, Andersen opened his desk's drawer, retrieving a large hunting knife from within and calmly depositing it onto the fine wood surface sitting between the two mercenaries. "If you ever make my daughter cry, this is the knife I will use to cut off your dick and balls. Am I understood, soldier?"



"That's going to be a problem," Dorothy declared as she gazed upon the holographic display showing the Rapture horde which had built up what looked to be a defensive force, blocking the UFH's forward progress towards the Orbital Elevator.

This was, of course, expected. South and Central America were wholly lost to mankind, with Mexico being well on its way to being conquered just the same—though an attempt was made to hold the line, the line was being shifted further and further north every day. The results of that were shown here. The line had drifted far, in the relatively short time frame Goddess had taken to pick up Cinderella. Dorothy was loath to see the territory lost, though she never took it particularly well to witness loss.

Some time after Cinderella had joined, the Avenger had made its way south from Montana, needless to say.

"Nah," Andersen countered Dorothy's declaration.

"What?" Dorothy glanced up at the older man, brows knitting in no small amount of confusion.

"Bet," the High Commander asserted further, turning to face Joe and Liliweiss. "Commander, Lilith. Prepare to deploy. I think it's time to put our newest squadmate through her paces."

As Cinderella visibly braced herself off to the side, the Commander of Goddess and his second-in-command both nodded in acknowledgement of the order. "Lilith," Joe began, "Get the MP Nikkes ready."

"To be deployed?" Liliweiss coyly inquired, a knowing smile widely featured upon her face.

"To bear witness," Joe declared, meeting her smile with a grin of his own, spinning on his heel and marching off, the gathered members of Goddess, Scarlet in particular, looking more than a little intrigued by the unspoken assertion. "Make sure we've got cameras on the battlefield too, Andersen! On me, girls!"

"Of course!" The High Commander loudly and proudly asserted with a great toothy smile. "We'll make damned sure the world sees what's about to unfold!" Turning to his daughter, Andersen declared, "Now go! Rekindle the embers! Forge a new legend for mankind to look up to!"

Cinderella, for her part, was visibly filled with anxious anticipation, rushing forth to catch up with Joe, breathing deep in preparation for what was to come. This was what she had joined for, and she could only hope that her purpose would be fulfilled. That she would give humanity hope.

The horizon burned. The front line had been driven back, the assorted forces that had been set to hold the line all stood in no small amount of horror, yet still, with budding awe and hope.

Joe, adorned in slim-fitted flak armour as his pilot's suit, loomed tall over the thousands of men in the immediate vicinity, arms crossed as he stood in the open cockpit of the Hoplon mech he'd been assigned for the operation. Nothing special, no ace custom—just one of many machines which were used in a desperate attempt to give unaltered humans the means to directly combat the Rapture threat. Behind them, was the company of Mass-Produced Nikkes whose purpose was to support Goddess in their battles.

Before him, stood the Goddesses of Victory, facing humanity's encroaching doom with grim determination. Weapons at the ready, bravely showing that they did not fear the Raptures. They were strong. They were unbending. They were indomitable. The many men and women standing at their backs, ashen-faced, gaunt, beaten and bloody, tens of thousands in their number, clinging to inadequate weapons and armour, were understandably uncertain of the promise of victory. They had been driven so far back, they'd witnessed South and Central America fall, and now, so far as they were concerned, were cursed with front-row seats to the inevitable loss of Mexico too.

They would learn.

As was the plan, Joe activated his comms, projecting his voice to each and every soldier, near and far, that had fought tooth and nail to hold the line and grant Goddess the chance to join them. "Soldiers of the United Forces of Humanity," he began, opting to keep this short and sweet. "You have fought long and hard. Day in, day out, against the greatest threat our species has ever faced. Day in, day out, you have been asked to sacrifice everything you have, every piece of yourself, to grant mankind just one more moment, one more day, in hopes of a miracle emerging from the dark…" Pausing for dramatic effect, he then declared, "Well on this day, I ask only one thing of each and every one of you: bear witness to a miracle."

With that, Joe motioned to Cinderella, turning his palm upwards, and raising it, as if to beckon her to take to the sky.

At the silvery white Nikke's sides, the cases containing her weapons, the Glass Slippers, popped open. Four great metallic devices polished to a chromed, mirror sheen, looking the part of massive technological shields drifted upwards as if with minds of their own. The common soldiers blanched at the sight, seeing the seemingly unorthodox weapons hovering, then moving to form around Cinderella, almost looking the part of great, folded wings.

Then, with a broad smile, Cinderella obeyed Joe's command. Heels first, then by her toes, did she rise. By centimetres, then inches. Then feet. Cinderella rose from the ashen Earth, all those around her staring in mounting awe. Nikkes, for all of their might, had not been capable of conquering the skies. Until today. The first flight capable Nikke rose, and came to a stop, at eye-level with Joe, standing atop his mighty Hoplon. She was beaming, seeking praise from the Legendary Commander, and receiving it in spades.

Hand still outstretched, Joe smiled back at her, then curled but one of his fingers inwards, pointing at the Raptures in the distance. "Cinderella!" He cried.

In reply, the Glass Slippers spread out wide like an angel's wings, emphasizing the role she was to play for mankind on this day.

"Halt the Rapture's advance!" He directed the silverette.

At once, with a back-flip, Cinderella threw herself backwards, and towards the Raptures, rocketing outward and forward like a silver bullet.

A collective breath had been taken by all present. The South American Rapture Invasion forces. A lone Nikke had been deployed to attack the entire front line, on her own.

The tension could be cut with a knife as Cinderella turned into a distant, white glint.

Then the tension was broken and the breath released at once in a singular, collective gasp, when the Rapture's front lines exploded in a dazzling display of white. Flashes, bursts and streams. Cinderella's purpose, at once, was clear. Where the Grimms before her were startlingly powerful in single combat, as they had to be by virtue of their production and means of combat… Cinderella was an anti-army Nikke.

Beams, what appeared to be dozens upon dozens, even hundreds screamed out in the distance, the horizon well and truly erupting in flame. But it was no blackened, sweltering flame, but a purifying Heavenly white. The Glass Slippers were particle beam diffractors, causing a singular beam to turn into a shotgun spray, a singular concentrated beam, into many dozens of searing streams, into hundreds of needle-like points of blinding light, all at once and just as Cinderella willed it.

Beams, each of which obliterated hundreds of Raptures, the beams coming in such intensity, in seemingly random, utterly unpredictable patterns. They could not react, they could not counter her assault. The sheer speed of the woman alone making landing a shot on her as likely as striking a bullet from the sky.

This force had driven the United Forces of Humanity from Ecuador up to central Mexico. An unceasing, unrelenting tidal wave that could not be stopped, could barely be slowed.

In a scarce few minutes, the beams slowed, and Cinderella soared straight back the way she'd come. She was greeted by absolute silence, coming to a halt where she'd begun, once more, meeting Joe's eyes as he stared in open wonder.

Comms flared to life, and in open wonder, a voice declared: "...Retreating. Re- the Raptures are retreating! I repeat! The Raptures are retreating! I say again: the Raptures are retreating!"

With a wide smile, Joe activated his comms again, declaring to all present: "Soldiers of the United Forces of Humanity!" he called out. "What did you just witness? Let me tell you!" He made a grand, sweeping gesture over the entire horizon. "A miracle! The tide! The tide, turning! In mankind's favour!" He motioned once more, directly to Cinderella. "A promise fulfilled! Promised victory, before your very eyes!"

Punching the sky, Joe made a declaration.

"Against all odds! We rise!"

The uproar that followed, when mankind witnessed the tide finally break, would have been the stuff of legends. The songs sung in the honour of Goddess, of the hope Cinderella had rekindled in the hearts of humanity everywhere…

All of that, yet, somehow, managed to pale in comparison to the smile the graced the heavenly woman's features. A dream come true, not just for the many, but for her. Ellie Andersen's greatest wish, after all, had been a simple one. To be a shining beacon of hope for mankind.

And how brightly did she shine.
Always need me some more "Only Human", thank you Smurf.
He lives was getting worried baka don't scare us like that bro
Oh dear. Wonder how bad the fall is going to be. They get done in by superior numbers?
It's probably going to be this timeline's First Heretic. Cinderella didn't become Anachiro because she was sent to Goddess Squad before th Grimms facility was overrun.

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