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Pokemon Grey Version (IC)

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"Oh, no, I couldn't!" Morgana exclaims, "I'm only going to trade it away. For a Ponyta."

She fidgets, and tries to press the ball back to Kathleen.

"So we can ride together."

While the two pass the ball back and forth, it shakes and pops open. With a yell, the small pokemon starts attacking Kathleen's leg with its tiny fists. "Patraaaaaaaat!"

Azure looks at the mess occurring and grabs the pokeball to return the Patrat.

"Morgana you should just take it. It doesn't like Kathleen as we can easily see."
"Darling, as you can see, I don't like the bugger. He doesn't likes me either." Kathleen said as she did a small shrug. "I really meant it, keep it. Get a Ponyta." Looking down at the small Patrat, Kathleen gives it a small shove before turning to Azure.

"How do you get so many Pokemon Eggs." Kathleen added with a small shake of her head. "And what kind of Wager do you want?"
"They appear out of nowhere or people give me them."

Azure smirks and looks at Morgana.

"I'm not sure, I'm pretty sure we are both low on money, but maybe Morgana has an idea."
"Young lady," the researcher calls out. "In a week, I'll be in Nimbasa at the archeological foundation looking for young folk interested in a work study program, fetching tools and carrying packs in exchange for a cot in the student tent, two hot meals a day and one cold, and any knowledge you can manage to absorb standing behind an archaelogist and handing them any tool they ask for. The program is open to anyone with at least one badge, ribbon, or letter of recomendation. You have a week, young lady."

Faith paused, thoughts racing through her mind, "Do you happen to know where the nearest contest is?"

She could do a contest, she thought so at least, who knows, might even be fun. Ideas for routines filtered through her mind and she felt herself growing more confident.
Faith paused, thoughts racing through her mind, "Do you happen to know where the nearest contest is?"

She could do a contest, she thought so at least, who knows, might even be fun. Ideas for routines filtered through her mind and she felt herself growing more confident.
"There's one here in town in four days, and one in Nimbasa the day before I'll be picking someone."
The museum is actually a section of dock with a structure built on it to house administration and display a few smaller items, with a collection of several different ships from various eras accessibly by gangplank from doors in said structure. For anyone with an interest in nautical history or modern seafarimg technology, this museum is absolutely fascinating. In addition to the usual exhibits explaining how various parts of the ship work, there is a demonstration of knotwork on the deck of a wooden sailing vessel startimg in ten minutes, a lecture on food preparation in adverse conditions below decks on the ironside starting in thirty minutes, and a tour of the nearby seafloor in a submersible on loan from someone in Hoenn running next at 2:30, then 4:00.
Well, that was somewhat interesting for Quan. He couldn't claim a deep love for the sea, but it wasn't like he couldn't appreciate what was on display here.

Still, the demonstrations... He didn't see much point in watching the knotwork one, but the cooking demonstration was different. Rain and strong winds did not cross his mind when he bought his cookign equipment after all. Even if the the adverse conditions displayed were not the same as he would face, he could probably still learn a tip or two.

With that in mind, Quan continued to walk around until it was time for the demonstration.
While the two pass the ball back and forth, it shakes and pops open. With a yell, the small pokemon starts attacking Kathleen's leg with its tiny fists. "Patraaaaaaaat!"

Azure looks at the mess occurring and grabs the pokeball to return the Patrat.

"Morgana you should just take it. It doesn't like Kathleen as we can easily see."

"Darling, as you can see, I don't like the bugger. He doesn't likes me either." Kathleen said as she did a small shrug. "I really meant it, keep it. Get a Ponyta." Looking down at the small Patrat, Kathleen gives it a small shove before turning to Azure.

"How do you get so many Pokemon Eggs." Kathleen added with a small shake of her head. "And what kind of Wager do you want?"

Morgana frowns slightly as she returns the Patrat to it's ball. "Very well then. Thank you, Kathleen."

"They appear out of nowhere or people give me them."

Azure smirks and looks at Morgana.

"I'm not sure, I'm pretty sure we are both low on money, but maybe Morgana has an idea."

"If Azure loses, he gets us our next two meals. If Kathleen loses, she does the same."

'Fufufufufu, food!'
Azure looks over at Morgana.

"Seems like you win something either way. Maybe you should add something to compensate. Or we could just pay for the others meals instead."
Azure looks over at Morgana.

"Seems like you win something either way. Maybe you should add something to compensate. Or we could just pay for the others meals instead."

Morgana rolls her eyes.

"Fine, I will serve these meals wearing an outfit of the winner's choosing."
Morgana rolls her eyes.

"Fine, I will serve these meals wearing an outfit of the winner's choosing."
Azure looks over at Morgana.

"Seems like you win something either way. Maybe you should add something to compensate. Or we could just pay for the others meals instead."
"I..." Kathleen starts before looking down shyly, as a small blush covers her face. "I don't think I have the money to feed us all..." after a second passes, she exclaims, "And what would you wear anyway?! That isn't compensation!"
"I..." Kathleen starts before looking down shyly, as a small blush covers her face. "I don't think I have the money to feed us all..." after a second passes, she exclaims, "And what would you wear anyway?! That isn't compensation!"

"Then we should go beat up other trainers and take their money in the age old and sanctioned way of battling. Whoever beats the most trainers wins and gets bragging rights? I'll even join in."

To answer Kathleen's question, Morgana leans forward with a smirk.

"I'm fine with that." Azure smiles over at Morgana. "Secret huh?"

Azure walks over to Kathleen and holds her hand.

"Having you buy me food would be fun. And having Morgana serve it to me would be fun."

Azure leans against Kathleen.

"But if you want I'll change the wager on your end? If I win, I get a kiss from both of you~ Or whatever you think is worth having two meals paid for."
"Then we should go beat up other trainers and take their money in the age old and sanctioned way of battling. Whoever beats the most trainers wins and gets bragging rights? I'll even join in."
"Let's do it!" I exclaim cheerfully, we were trainers after all!

That is, before pouting a little at Morgana's word. That's not fair!

"I'm fine with that." Azure smiles over at Morgana. "Secret huh?"

Azure walks over to Kathleen and holds her hand.

"Having you buy me food would be fun. And having Morgana serve it to me would be fun."

Azure leans against Kathleen.

"But if you want I'll change the wager on your end? If I win, I get a kiss from both of you~ Or whatever you think is worth having two meals paid for."
Kathleen giggles as Azure holds her hand, that is, until the boy's words are processed by her mind, "Wait, what."

"No, I mean. What!" She exclaims in surprise, "You can't ask a girl for a kiss like that, much less TWO at the same time!"
Azure smiles at Kathleen and teases.

"How should I ask you for a kiss then~"

Azure teases.
"Oh, okay then. I'll kiss one girl then~"

Azure gives Kathleen a quick peck.

"The one that beats most trainers is the winner right?"
"Oh, okay then. I'll kiss one girl then~"

Azure gives Kathleen a quick peck.

"The one that beats most trainers is the winner right?"
"Y-you... W-what... WHAT?!" Kathleen exclaims in confusion! "No!" She shouts once more as she jumps back from Azure, a pokeball immediately reaching her hand, "You can't s-steal a kiss like that, it was my first one to boot!"

"I wanted my first kiss to be special, you idiot!" Kathleen says before releasing Demeter, "I challenge you to a duel, you better take responsibility!"
(Prolly should have put modifier it was on the cheek but I can't fix that now. Ooops)

Azure smiles at Kathleen.

"I'll take responsibility. Three on three fine?"

Azure spins a pokeball.
Aqua winces, but shells out as Sneasel licks her claws, both despondently at the loss and to get the flecks of meat and sauce off of them.

"Well, can't win every time." he appraises nonchalantly.

Sneasel puffs up and gestures a few times with her claws before slumping down and letting out a deeper than normal growling rumble from her throat. Aqua isn't familiar enough with Kidd to work out what she's trying to say as she bounces a little, but still shifts in response, trying to think of a better reason to not hunt down other trainers to fight and regain her feeling of superiority against aside from 'but I really and truly do not want to'.

"... Well, maybe once we've found an odd job to handle, we'll run into something along the way, eh?" he says, not really promising anything. "Need to replace the traveling funds, after all. That means work."
Odd jobs are posted in the Center. Currently posted jobs are cleaning up litter on the routes to either nearby town, delivering a package to the Professor back to the south, helping a woman pack up to move to Driftveil (and unpack on the other end, free transportation included in the job), or a mysterious item that says only "speak to Fisherwoman Andi for details".

She quickly went to the pokemon center to heal her pokemon and began planning out their routine.
Healing is accomplished fairly quickly.
Well, that was somewhat interesting for Quan. He couldn't claim a deep love for the sea, but it wasn't like he couldn't appreciate what was on display here.

Still, the demonstrations... He didn't see much point in watching the knotwork one, but the cooking demonstration was different. Rain and strong winds did not cross his mind when he bought his cookign equipment after all. Even if the the adverse conditions displayed were not the same as he would face, he could probably still learn a tip or two.

With that in mind, Quan continued to walk around until it was time for the demonstration.
Quan's wanderings bring him past the previous submarine tour returning. The people exiting are talking excitedly about the pokemon they saw underwater, and it seems one of them even managed to catch something. There are also two young men playing what looks like chess using carved tokens on a board with walls between the squares. A nearby placard says that the discs and indents were used for ship-board games to prevent the pieces from moving when the ship rocked. Before long the cooking lecture begins, primarily focusing on how to cook in cramped quarters, under high winds, and while the ship is tossing. In addition to learning how to mitigate these kinds of problems, Quan learns some simple techniques in preparation and a few easy recipes that can be made on a camp stove.
"Oh, dear."

Morgana takes a second to decide how to properly cheer.


Pulling fans with Kathleen's face on them from behind her back.

"Go Kathleen, win! Fight, fight! Banzai! A man should take responsibility!"
Odd jobs are posted in the Center. Currently posted jobs are cleaning up litter on the routes to either nearby town, delivering a package to the Professor back to the south, helping a woman pack up to move to Driftveil (and unpack on the other end, free transportation included in the job), or a mysterious item that says only "speak to Fisherwoman Andi for details".

Aquamarine puzzles over the jobs, attention slowly sliding across them. Package delivery, moving assistance, all doable but... boring. Tedious.

This last one though... No information. The spark of mystery, excitement. His interest is caught. In the end, if it doesn't work out it's not like he can't come back and do a different job instead, right?

"Where can I find FIsherwoman Andi?" Aqua asks, mind made up.
Quan's wanderings bring him past the previous submarine tour returning. The people exiting are talking excitedly about the pokemon they saw underwater, and it seems one of them even managed to catch something. There are also two young men playing what looks like chess using carved tokens on a board with walls between the squares. A nearby placard says that the discs and indents were used for ship-board games to prevent the pieces from moving when the ship rocked. Before long the cooking lecture begins, primarily focusing on how to cook in cramped quarters, under high winds, and while the ship is tossing. In addition to learning how to mitigate these kinds of problems, Quan learns some simple techniques in preparation and a few easy recipes that can be made on a camp stove.
That had been useful. Combined with his cookbook, his first attempt probably wouldn't end in a disaster too. Unless eh was cooking under rain or snow, but he probably would seek shelter first befoer even attemptign to cook.

Still, a conversation he caught earlier was still stuck in his head. Catching a wild pokémon while in the sub? He could think of one such kind that would allow this kind of event to happen.

...It was 2:20 too. So why not? Quan turned and made his way to the dock where the sub waited, hurrying a bit to not be too late.
Healing is accomplished fairly quickly.

Faith quickly lets her pokemon out of their balls and begins explaining what her plan was, they were enthused by it but were curious as to how exactly they would win the contest.

She sat back, thinking before smirking, "Shuppet, you can make illusions with Night Shade right? How big and how many can you make? Actually, let's not do it in here, would rather not give someone a heart attack. Oh! I know, I'll call, uh, Azure! He seemed brave enough and I don't think he's gone through here yet, we can try showing them to him, see if they're impressive enough!"

She almost ran outside before realizing that she should ask the nurse if there was any spot nearby where they could practice. She also called Azure so she didn't forget., "Hey! Azure, it's Faith, I have a favor to ask of you."
Azure answers his phone.

"What'd you need?"
"Depends on where you are at. I've got an Art Show to go to. I can prolly be there in a day or two though."
Aquamarine puzzles over the jobs, attention slowly sliding across them. Package delivery, moving assistance, all doable but... boring. Tedious.

This last one though... No information. The spark of mystery, excitement. His interest is caught. In the end, if it doesn't work out it's not like he can't come back and do a different job instead, right?

"Where can I find FIsherwoman Andi?" Aqua asks, mind made up.
Aqua is given directions past the daycare center to the west, where Andi is currently fishing.
That had been useful. Combined with his cookbook, his first attempt probably wouldn't end in a disaster too. Unless eh was cooking under rain or snow, but he probably would seek shelter first befoer even attemptign to cook.

Still, a conversation he caught earlier was still stuck in his head. Catching a wild pokémon while in the sub? He could think of one such kind that would allow this kind of event to happen.

...It was 2:20 too. So why not? Quan turned and made his way to the dock where the sub waited, hurrying a bit to not be too late.
Quan easily makes it with five minutes to spare, and gets the third to last seat, the last two being taken by a young mother and her five year old. The submarine departs on time, taking those aboard to see the nearby reefs and all kinds of local water types, and a few that Quan doesn't recognize. The child pressed against the viewing window jumps back in shock when a pink shape drifts through right next to them, peering at the child curiously.
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