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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

Jaune SI BS
I think work broke my brain because this is what popped out this morning:

- - -

A familiar scene. Pyrrha Nikos walks up to the tree she pinned a young Jaune Arc to in order to save him. She smiles up at him.

Pyrrha: "Hello Jaune... Is there still room for me on your team?"

Jaune: "... Yes."

Jaune looks pretty distressed. Pyrrha frowns. She helps him down. Once on the ground, he starts panting and wheezing and shaking.

Pyrrha: "Um... Sorry about the-?"

Jaune: "Saving me? No, thanks, that was great, holy shit what was this idiot thinking?! That was terrifying! And why do I have sneakers?! WHAT FUCKER BECOMES A HERO IN SNEAKERS?!"

Jaune continues to mutter and rant to himself as Pyrrha stares in deeper concern.

Jaune: "Shit shit shit is this Hell?! Is this God's punishment?! If I died I wanted to go to Heaven, not start over in this show! Did I not pray enough?! HOLY SHIT WAIT... GETTING MEMORIES...!"

Jaune groans and holds his head.

Jaune: "... Holy shit... So that's canon. I don't even know what the hell to think about that..."

Pyrrha: "Um, Jaune?"

Jaune starts and looks over at Pyrrha. He coughs.

Jaune: "Ummm... Look. I know we just met and I was kind of a douche but... Can I please have a hug?"

Pyrrha: flush "... Okay."

She hugs him. He relaxes and sighs.

Jaune: "Thanks... Oh crap now this feels creepy." He gently pushes her away and clears his throat "An-Anyway... Um... Pyrrha? I'm gonna level with you here... My Aura is not unlocked."

Pyrrha: "Oh?"

Jaune: "Yeah. My mom was... Holy shit that's canon too?! I just made that up! How-Questions for later. Anyway! My mom was going to unlock it for me when I went to medical school... Which is where I'm supposed to be right now, but I wanted to be a Hunter and so, uh... Here I am."

Pyrrha: "I... I see. Defying your parents is... Is difficult."

Jaune: nods "Yup... You do have parents, right? Like, you know their names? Faces? History?"

Pyrrha: deeply concerned "Yes?"

Jaune: "Oh thank God... Anyway! If you could do me a solid and unlock my Aura, I promise I will not slow you down. I just... I really want to be a Hunter and help people, like my family before me. Can you help me, please?"

Pyrrha: confused, but smiling more genuinely "I'd be happy to, Jaune."

Jaune: smiles back "Thanks."

- - -

Upon fighting a Grimm...


- - -

Upon meeting up with the others...

Ruby: "Hey Jaune!"

Jaune: "Oh, hey Ruby." Catches Weiss "Hey bitch who left me to die."

Weiss: "Wha-Excuse you-?!" Jaune drops her and steps over her "ACK! HEY!"

Jaune: "Sooo, we've got the Relics, I vote we all run for it. Any objections?"

Yang: "Nope!"

Jaune: "Cool!"

- - -



- - -

And at the dorms, later...

Jaune: "Ohhh geez... How did I end up the leader?! Ohhh we are so fucked... I couldn't even handle being a supervisor at Amazon, how's this gonna work out...?"

Ruby: "Hey Jaune! You okay?"

Jaune: "Just... Rethinking my life choices. Or death choices."

Ruby: "Oh... Can I help?"

Jaune: "I don't really know... But thanks for being here for me. You're just as sweet and kind as... Uh... I thought you'd be!"

Ruby: beams "Awww...!" hugs him

Jaune: "HURK! Ruby... Loosen your grip a little?"

Ruby: "Sure!"

- - -

Later in the dormroom bathroom...

Jaune: Okay... So there are two almost legal super hot girls in my team. One is Nora and she's with Ren... And just because I'm a teenager doesn't mean I'm a horny idiot, right? Right. Plus, he's my bro. Bro code applies. But unfortunately, that leaves...

He steps out. Pyrrha beams in her pajamas: A T-shirt with panties.

Pyrrha: brightly "Ready for bed, Jaune?"

Jaune: "... Sure..." I am so going to hell... Or maybe I'm already there.

- - -

Yeah, it's crap, but 99.9 percent of anything self insert-like is. So meh. Don't expect a continuation.
SI!Jaune is mostly able to get by with some common sense and training REALLY hard with everyone. He is a bit... Okay a LOT socially awkward but he does try his best and comes off as older and wiser than he looks... Some of the time.

Most of the time, he's just kind of a weirdo.

Blake likes him because he drops Weiss and steps over her. He's not sure how to feel about that. However, he does try to at least get along with Weiss after.

Weiss: "I am sorry for leaving you pinned to a tree. But you had your Aura unlocked so you would have been fine."

Jaune: "... Of course I did." cough "Also sorry about the White Fang doing... Terrible and heinous shit to your family-Holy crap that happened too?! Am I God but I didn't know it?!"

Weiss: "What?"

Jaune: "Nothing!"
SI!Jaune is mostly able to get by with some common sense and training REALLY hard with everyone. He is a bit... Okay a LOT socially awkward but he does try his best and comes off as older and wiser than he looks... Some of the time.

Most of the time, he's just kind of a weirdo.

Blake likes him because he drops Weiss and steps over her. He's not sure how to feel about that. However, he does try to at least get along with Weiss after.

Weiss: "I am sorry for leaving you pinned to a tree. But you had your Aura unlocked so you would have been fine."

Jaune: "... Of course I did." cough "Also sorry about the White Fang doing... Terrible and heinous shit to your family-Holy crap that happened too?! Am I God but I didn't know it?!"

Weiss: "What?"

Jaune: "Nothing!"
Will this SI get Velvet since this timeline has one if the stupid Cardins?
Will this SI get Velvet since this timeline has one if the stupid Cardins?

This SI is in his thirties and so any relationship with any of the girls Jaune's age is... Difficult, at best. He'll get over it in time as he accepts he's a fusion of Jaune and the SI but for now? He's staying friends with everyone.

And no. This SI will step in with Velvet but he'll make Cardin apologize to her and then get to know her. They become friends thanks to that, and then start dating.

SI!Jaune cannot even.
Jaune SI BS 2
... Goddamnit, stupid brain won't shut up. I gotta stop watching so much trashy anime.

- - -

Jaune calls his parents.

Jaune: "Hey Mom... Dad... Um... I know this is a little awkward-"

Isabel: "Are you going to come home and go to medical school?"

Jaune: "No. No I am not."

Isabel: scowls "Jaune, we've been over this a hundred times-"

Jaune: "Yes Mom, I know. You saw a lot of terrible crap as Hunters. I get it. But I want to help and protect people like you two! So please, at least let me try? If I fail, I'll come back and study. I promise."

Isabel: "... Well... I mean... I suppose you're being mature about this..."

Jaune: "Also? You know those medical techniques you were going to teach me with unlocked Aura? I kind of need them now."

Isabel: sighs "What makes you think I'll teach you them now-?"

Jaune: "Well..." Looks contrite and mumbles "This big guy's been bullying me in combat class..."

Isabel: eyes narrow "Who?"

Jaune: "Oh! Uh, nothing! I mean, it's no big deal-"


Jaune: Sheesh, no wonder he had such low self esteem! "Uh... Mom, you know that calling the school about it only makes it worse, right? Besides... If I do learn these medical techniques and I fail? I'll be a shoe in for medical school?"

Isabel: "..." sighs "Well... I suppose I can give you the basics..."

Jaune: "Thanks!"

- - -

The next day in combat class...

Jaune: Seriously, that fanon is canon? I have to face Cardin until I win? What bullshit is this?

Cardin: "All right Jauney Boy, ready to lose?"

Jaune: all smiles "Hey Cardin. Funny thing. Did you know my mother invented a few medical techniques with Aura that are stupidly easy to use? I don't know why I didn't ask her to teach me sooner, ego issues probably, but I picked up one or two last night!"

Cardin: "So what?!" He swung his Mace... Jaune sidesteps it and then flares his Aura

Jaune: "So this."

He shield bashes Cardin so hard he flies out of the ring and slams into the floor.

Jaune: "... Shit... Did NOT mean to go that hard... Sorry Cardin! So, that means I win, right?"

Goodwitch: "Uh, yes! Good work, Mister Arc."

Jaune: "Thanks Teach!"

With his friends...

Yang: "Nice bash, VB! Really left an impact!"

Jaune: "Thanks Dragon Girl."

Yang: "Eh?"

Jaune: "Well, why should you be the only one with pet names?" winks

Yang: gapes "Wow... One win and you're smooth?"

Jaune: "Looks like!"

Jaune: Wait, shit... They're all still underaged to me. It's so creepy. WHY ARE YOU BEING CREEPY?! STOP BEING CREEPY!

Pyrrha: beams "That was... Pretty good, Jaune..."

Jaune: "But?"

Pyrrha: "Um, well..."

Jaune: "I need honest feedback to improve. So... What did I do wrong?"

Pyrrha: wince "Well... Your dodge was good, I can tell you've had dancing experience. But it had too much flair: That wastes energy. And your shield bash needed more motion from your hips and a better stance. You're lucky that Cardin wasn't taking you seriously, but now he will."

Jaune: Well... There goes my confidence... "Thank you Pyrrha. I just need to train to get better."

Ren: "It is impressive you were able to learn an Aura technique in one night."

Jaune: yawns "Yeah... Though to be fair, I knew the basics very well thanks to my mom's instruction. You guys wanna learn too?"

Nora: "YES! How much does it boost your strength?!"

Jaune: "Like... Ten times in short bursts? My mom can go to a hundred times though."

Yang: "A hundred times?!" Grabs his arm "You're training with me!"

Pyrrha: "He-He is on my team-"


Jaune: "How will being stronger help with that?!"


Jaune: "Mayyyybe we'll wait on teaching you, Nora."

Jaune: Shiiiiiit... See, this is why Jaune didn't train. It just causes so many issues... Fuck. I'm a smartphone away from being a shitty isekai protagonist... Well, at least I don't have a token animal girl love interest...
Jaune: Shiiiiiit... See, this is why Jaune didn't train. It just causes so many issues... Fuck. I'm a smartphone away from being a shitty isekai protagonist... Well, at least I don't have a token animal girl love interest...
If that's not fucking velvet. I'm gonna riot
Yeah, it's crap, but 99.9 percent of anything self insert-like is. So meh. Don't expect a continuation.
you know what they say, one mans trash is another mans treasure.
And in my case i can say this is definitely a treasure, would definitely read a story about a self insert with this type of personality in rwby.
Jaune is really interesting, but can you think about a SI as Cardin?
Fusing at the very moment that he is pulling on velvets ears, and honestly apologizing there.
All the interactions with the other members of team cardinal, most of them not being actual racist just being easily led astray. Or old cardin having dirt on them.
So interesting to develop cardin once his reputation has already been ruined a bit from the first days.
You even get to develop his semblance as we never saw one of them.
Cardin was supposed to be a reference to Henry Beaufort a cardinal that precided over the trial and execution of Jaun d arc, so maybe his semblance could be pyrokinesis, sort of how Neptune controls water, Cardin could control and move around existing fire (this might promp aditions to his weapon so that he creates more fire, maybe an inclusion of fire dust or grenades).
Hell if you want you can change his weapon, and have ruby help designing it as a way to bond with her.
A halberd, Glaive or even a spear that looks a bit like a cross, and transforms into a rifle for long distance would be thematical.

A SI trying not to date anyone as he feels too old for them mentally while being tirelessly pursued.
A SI comiserating with jaune over crazy harems trying to get in their pants.
Jaune (pyrrah, weiss, ruby, yang) Cardin (Velvet, Blake, Coco, etc) Ren (Nora, emerald?) all three just being bros and complaining about crazy women after their asses.

So many cool ideas that i can think of just due to your SIJaune, its definitely not bad at all, so thanks for writing about it.
you know what they say, one mans trash is another mans treasure.
And in my case i can say this is definitely a treasure, would definitely read a story about a self insert with this type of personality in rwby.
Jaune is really interesting, but can you think about a SI as Cardin?
Fusing at the very moment that he is pulling on velvets ears, and honestly apologizing there.
All the interactions with the other members of team cardinal, most of them not being actual racist just being easily led astray. Or old cardin having dirt on them.
So interesting to develop cardin once his reputation has already been ruined a bit from the first days.
You even get to develop his semblance as we never saw one of them.
Cardin was supposed to be a reference to Henry Beaufort a cardinal that precided over the trial and execution of Jaun d arc, so maybe his semblance could be pyrokinesis, sort of how Neptune controls water, Cardin could control and move around existing fire (this might promp aditions to his weapon so that he creates more fire, maybe an inclusion of fire dust or grenades).
Hell if you want you can change his weapon, and have ruby help designing it as a way to bond with her.
A halberd, Glaive or even a spear that looks a bit like a cross, and transforms into a rifle for long distance would be thematical.

A SI trying not to date anyone as he feels too old for them mentally while being tirelessly pursued.
A SI comiserating with jaune over crazy harems trying to get in their pants.
Jaune (pyrrah, weiss, ruby, yang) Cardin (Velvet, Blake, Coco, etc) Ren (Nora, emerald?) all three just being bros and complaining about crazy women after their asses.

So many cool ideas that i can think of just due to your SIJaune, its definitely not bad at all, so thanks for writing about it.

That could be a lot of fun! I went with a Seismic based semblance for Cardin since he was built so heavily. But you do you!

So, if you write it, and I hope you or someone else does, I would love to read it.
Or both Jaune and Cardin as SIs.

Cardin: "I don't get it! I was stoic and professional and gruff-HOW AM I STILL A HAREM PROTAGONIST?! IT MAKES NO SENSE!"

Jaune: "Dude, like you have problems."

Velvet, clinging to Cardin's back: "It's because you stopped being all tsun."

Cardin: "I wasn't being Tsun, I was being an asshole!"

Jaune: "And me... Yeah. No matter what I did, the Arc Rizz does not lie. Still, least one other guy will be hunted down by other men in this world when they get tired of our shit."

Cardin: "I swear I'll break your leg just so I can run further."

Jaune: "Not if I break yours first, mother fucker."
... Goddamnit, stupid brain won't shut up. I gotta stop watching so much trashy anime.

- - -

Jaune calls his parents.

Jaune: "Hey Mom... Dad... Um... I know this is a little awkward-"

Isabel: "Are you going to come home and go to medical school?"

Jaune: "No. No I am not."

Isabel: scowls "Jaune, we've been over this a hundred times-"

Jaune: "Yes Mom, I know. You saw a lot of terrible crap as Hunters. I get it. But I want to help and protect people like you two! So please, at least let me try? If I fail, I'll come back and study. I promise."

Isabel: "... Well... I mean... I suppose you're being mature about this..."

Jaune: "Also? You know those medical techniques you were going to teach me with unlocked Aura? I kind of need them now."

Isabel: sighs "What makes you think I'll teach you them now-?"

Jaune: "Well, if you won't, I'll have to go with Plan B."
Isabel: "What's Plan B?"
Jaune: *shrugs* "Sell my soul to this evil crown thing I found down in the forest and become an avatar of destruction and terror."
Isabel: "...Jaune, you've been spending too much time playing videogames-"

*Jaune holds up an ominous spiked helmet encased in ice*

Evil, Ominous, Crown: "Use the sword....release me from this prison...
-Ren reacts a bit differently when Jaune uses his Aura Amp on him. It supercharges his emotions and he goes out of control. Hilarity ensues.

(Nora might be very happy though).

Ren: "Racist."
Blake: "Excuse me?!"
Ren: "You're a catgirl hiding from her mysterious past. You wear a yukata. You use Mistrali-factory knockoff shadow clones. You even carry a kusarigama. You couldn't be more of a kunoichi rip-off if you tried, you cultural appropriator."
Blake: *in shock*
Ren: "And Gambol Shroud is a wakizashi, you poor excuse for a weeb."
Blake: "I...I'm not..."
Ren: "Dishonor upon your family and dishonor upon your cow!"
Last edited:
Ren: "Racist."
Blake: "Excuse me?!"
Ren: "You're a catgirl hiding from her mysterious past. You wear a yukata. You use Mistrali-factory knockoff shadow clones. You even carry a kusarigama. You couldn't be more of a kunoichi rip-off if you tried, you cultural appropriator."
Blake: *in shock*
Ren: "And Gambol Shroud is a wakizashi, you poor excuse for a weeb."
Blake: "I...I'm not..."
Ren: "Dishonor upon your family and dishonor upon your cow!"

Last edited:

Nobody is 100% sure quite how they managed it but Weiss and Ruby destroyed the world.


One day Weiss was playing experimenting with new dust mixtures when Ruby happened to burst into the room.

Not exactly something you want when handling unstable untested mixtures of magical exotic ingredients.

Naturally it exploded. And naturally once the oddly pink and sparkly explosion cloud cleared Weiss went ballistic, poor Ruby ended up getting a smack to the cheek.

If only things ended there. The next few days were....odd. Ruby started acting much more bitchy prickly. She wasn't eating cookies, she was doing her homework, and she was really mean to Jaune.

So Yang tried to have a talk with her.

That ended with Yang getting smacked, and two days later suddenly Yang was wearing dresses and had her hair in a side ponytail. (Ruby tried but her hair was too short.)

This was getting weird but only Nora recognized what was happening.

"Holy shit Weiss zombies!"

Naturally she got smacked for that bout of stupidity.

And so remnant descended into tsundere hell. One smack at a time.
Jaune: "Well, if you won't, I'll have to go with Plan B."
Isabel: "What's Plan B?"
Jaune: *shrugs* "Sell my soul to this evil crown thing I found down in the forest and become an avatar of destruction and terror."
Isabel: "...Jaune, you've been spending too much time playing videogames-"

*Jaune holds up an ominous spiked helmet encased in ice*

Evil, Ominous, Crown: "Use the sword....release me from this prison...

Somehow I got Warcraft vibes from this. Arthas? Lich King?
Sanctuary Bits 4
This is a confrontation I do want to happen in a lot of my fics, because frankly, having a good if flawed mother fight Raven (who is TERRIBLE) has some dramatic possibilities. Just not sure where to put it in the Sanctuary-verse, but I'm holding onto it.

In this scenario, Jaune and Yang were in the ruins of Arcadia, the old Arc Family fortress mansion on the Arc Farm Grounds. It used to be their home, but after it burned down in the Great War they abandoned it save for the mausoleum underneath where they inter their dead and weapons. Raven shows up with some goons. Yang and Jaune are exhausted from fighting off Bandit and Grimm attacks around Radian.

- - -

Mom?!" Yang gasped.

Raven shot her daughter a cold, contemptuous look. The ruins of Arcadia loomed around them: The sun shone down upon them, casting shadows through the intertwined trees and pillars that made up the ancient fortress.

"I had thought about asking you to join us," Raven stated, as her Bandits went down the marble stairs to the mausoleum, "But I see you're a lost cause."

Yang clenched her fists, her lip wobbled. Raven shook her head.

"You're just as weak as you were when I left: A pathetic whining brat."

"I was a baby-!"

"So? I held a sword in my hands when I was five," Raven sneered, "You were so needy, so helpless. Your father insisted we coddle you. I wasn't going to raise a weakling. I watched you at Beacon, hoped that going through what you did would make you strong..."

She snorted.

"And now... You're just a pathetic cripple."

Yang gaped in shock.


"You're only useful to me in that you get me close to useful things," Raven snorted, "The Arcs are weak but they left a great legacy. One I'll be making use of. That's the only reason you still live, you pathetic-"

"Shut the fuck up, you old hag!"

The angry voice was so harsh, it took Yang a moment to realize it was Jaune. She stared at him as he glared hatefully at Raven, stepping in front of her.

"You're just a coward!"

Raven's eyes narrowed.

"Who do you think you are-?"

"You're criticizing your daughter for being a human being. For caring about others, for trying to protect them, while all you do is steal and run away!" Jaune spat. "You're the weakling here! Too weak to stay to raise your daughter! Too weak to do anything useful but sponge off of other people's hard work! You're pathetic!"

Raven's eyes narrowed. She blurred, and backhanded Jaune. He went flying into a pillar, slamming against it and falling to the stone floor hard.

"JAUNE!" Yang shouted. She turned back to her mother, fire in her eyes. She swung at her, but Raven knocked her aside with her hilted sword. She landed hard on the ground with a cry. Raven shook her head.

"You shacked up with Isabel's boy, huh? Figures. She was the same," Raven spat, "Arrogant in her weakness, insisting on saving the pathetic instead of fighting properly." She began to draw her sword as she stalked towards Jaune. "Maybe I'll leave her a present: A reminder that she can't save everyone-"

"That's enough."

Raven paused and turned her head. Jaune and Yang looked up. Isabel slowly walked into the main floor of the ruined mansion, her pace slow and deliberate. Her steps echoed in the still air. Raven smirked.

"Here to protect your brat, Izzy?" She sneered, "You know how this goes."

Yang stared at Isabel. She'd seen the woman annoyed, even a bit angry with her husband or Jaune or her...

The cold fury burning in her eyes right now was like nothing she'd ever seen before.

"Yang, Jaune, take cover," she stated, "I'll handle Raven."

"But Mom-!"

"No buts, I will handle this," Isabel stated again.

Jaune got up and ran to help Yang up. She accepted and they ambled out of the way behind the thickest pillar.

Isabel took a slow breath. She reached back under her green skirt, and pulled out a pair of white and black fighting gloves. She slowly pulled them on, then assumed a fighting stance.

Raven's smirk widened as she brought Omen up.

"Suits me fine," she returned. "It's a shame: You could have been useful to keep alive, but now-"

Raven's head rocked back, and blood flew from her mouth. Yang's eyes widened: Isabel had moved so fast and struck Raven so hard she had barely been able to see it!

"HA! HA! HA! HA!" Isabel called out, pummeling Raven with a flurry of open-palm strikes. Raven quickly rallied though, unleashing a blast of electricity from her hands. Isabel was blasted back, but she flipped over and landed on her feet. Raven snarled and held her sword up, as Isabel narrowed her eyes. Isabel then charged, deftly jumping over Raven's sword swing to land a kick in her face.

The Bandit Princess flew backwards, slamming against a stone wall. She spun on her feet out of the way of Isabel's follow up kick, and began to swing and thrust furiously at the doctor. Isabel dodged and deflected the sword blows, using open palm blocks and parries as she kept driving Raven back. Raven thrust savagely for Isabel's side, but the blonde twisted out of the way with inhuman flexibility-In the same motion, she trapped Raven's sword hand and delivered an elbow into her solar plexus.

Raven faltered, falling back. Isabel knocked her sword out of her hand, bent her knees, flared her Aura, then backflipped-Landing a kick to Raven's chin that sent the Bandit Queen flipping and smashing through the nearest stone wall with a thunderous boom!

Isabel landed, fists up in a ready stance. Raven emerge from the rubble with a flourish, blasting the bricks and mortar away with a flare of her Aura. She seethed.

"You little-!"

Raven summoned Omen back to her hand with her power, and charged, swinging wildly at Isabel. The blonde woman deftly dodged and parried the strikes with her armored gloves, before dropping down to legsweep Raven. Raven jumped over the strike, then reached down to grab Isabel by the face. She landed and yanked Isabel up, who cried out in surprise.


Raven swung Isabel around, smashing her through the base of a stone pillar, before letting her fly at the far wall. Isabel twisted in mid-air and landed in a wide stance on the wall, the wind rushing from her passage and blowing up petals and leaves from the flowers growing out of the floor.

Raven smirked up at Isabel. Isabel glared down at her. In an instant, the blonde crouched, and launched herself off the wall right at Raven. Raven swung Omen for her, but Isabel knocked the blade aside and slammed another fist right into Raven's stomach!


Isabel kept up her momentum, knocking Raven right off her feet and grabbing her by her neck. She charged through, slamming Raven's head into the stone floor hard enough to dig craters, before leaping up high into the air with Raven in her grip. Her Aura flared like the sun before she twisted in mid-air and flung Raven right into the floor like a meteor, cracking the marble floors!


Raven grit her teeth and tried to get back up, but Isabel landed both feet right on her belly, throwing up dust and leaves as the floor cratered. Raven coughed out blood. Isabel hopped off Raven, and picked her up by her throat. She punched her, again and again and again, before slamming her head into a nearby pillar.

Isabel finished her off with a sweeping kick to the face, ramming her face into the ruined marble staircase and breaking three steps. Isabel stood over her, still in a combat stance.

"Had enough?" Isabel asked, panting softly.

Raven seethed. She got up, her Aura crackling with power as she summoned Omen once again.

Her earpiece buzzed. She tapped it and scowled.

"What? ... You've lost how many...?!"

She seethed.

"Fine... Fall back," she hissed. She glared at Isabel as she swung Omen and created a portal which she jumped through. She tossed back a final threat:

"This isn't over, quack."

"I'll be waiting, coward," Isabel growled.

- - -

Obviously inspired by this fight scene:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqZ1kN4Wkdw

Isabel was trained in martial arts from the start but the Aura techniques intrigued her as she thought she could use them for medical purposes. This, along with her Semblance, made her not just a great doctor... But a very formidable hand to hand combatant.

That said, if Raven cut loose with her full Maiden powers, Isabel is rather outmatched. So fortunately for her, Raven decided to retreat as losing her entire tribe for Radian is not worthwhile.
Why doesn't anyone want to kill this bandit bitch?
cause she is actually pretty strong even without maiden powers.
There is also that her first reaction to being outmatched is running away which her semblance lets her do easily

So few people can actually beat her and everytime she meets someone who can she makes sure to get away which is how she survives
I tried to make it clear that Isabel is more skilled than Raven, whereas Raven can just keep regenerating her Aura and unleashing elemental attacks with the Maiden Powers. So while Isabel can hurt Raven and keep knocking her down, Raven will keep getting back up and may decide to unleash a full elemental attack. Isabel just kept striking Raven over and over to keep her off balance and to keep her from pulling that. At least until the end.
Sanctuary Bits 5
I also had an idea for Yang and Isabel to train in martial arts. It doesn't have to be in Sanctuary, really. It could just be fun in any setting at Beacon. Because Yang just talking and training in martial arts with a mother figure could be very interesting and fun!

And Ren too, since he is also a martial artist and needs more love.

- - -

Yang was trying some morning exercises with her new arm. Isabel watched her as they practiced outside of the house in the front yard. Yang threw her punches and went through some combos and katas, trying to get used to the arm. Ren meditated nearby while Nora did terrible things to a stack of pancakes.

Isabel: "Hmmm... You're recovering nicely. You'll need more training to really get going again, but you've got a solid foundation. Taiyang taught you South Liu-Bei Kickboxing and Valean Boxing?"

Yang: "Yeah... You could tell with just a few katas?"

Isabel: "Actually, I used to spar with your father in school. He was very gifted, and very hard to fight, even when I was a senior and he was a freshman."

Yang: "Wow. He was that good?"

Isabel: "Definitely!"

Yang: "What about you?"

Isabel: "Me? I learned several martial arts. Hunters need to be flexible in hand to hand combat."

Isabel demonstrates a few smooth katas, kicking, punching, and evading. Ren watches with some interest.

Ren: "Impressive. Fuujin kickboxing and Guan Yu-style kung fu I believe?"

Isabel: smiles "Very good, Ren! I learned Fuujin from my grandfather, and the kung fu from my master Li Tieguai."

Yang: "Wow. You could figure it out with a look, Zen?"

Ren: "I had a lot of practice."

Isabel: "Heh. That really is the key to anything." She engages in a quick spar with Ren, who keeps up easily. "Very good, Ren! White Crane style, right?"

Ren: "Yes."

Yang: "Wow. He had to tell me that for me to figure it out."

Isabel: "Just lots of practice!"

Yang shook her head and stared at Isabel.

Yang: "How did you keep up with it even with your doctorate, the farm and... Eight kids?"

Isabel: "It actually helped make all of those things a LOT easier."

Ren: "Indeed."

Yang: "Heh. Funny, isn't White Crane traditionally a feminine style?" winks

Ren: deadpan "Based on your styles, wouldn't that make you masculine?"

Yang, eyes narrowing: "Hey!"

Nora, on the sidelines: "Oooh, she can dish it out but she can't take it!"

Isabel: "Easy, both of you. There's no wrong way to beat up someone as long as you win."
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