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[RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

Lies and slander. The movie WANTED show that you can curve bullets and it's very cool. Now i want to see Jaune (maybe cowboy Jaune) pick up a gun and curve the bullets and make everybody else lose their mind lol.

View: https://youtu.be/I1d4BewyhlI?si=-174klMW43C0Ng1L

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vZ4lCKv1ik

The Altans - By Sift Green
"It's good to see you're well, Little Lion," Logos Altan smiled at his daughter as the door to the meeting room closed. Then a small concerned frown danced across his face, "You are actually doing well, right? You're not just putting on a brave face?"

"I am doing well father, mother," Arslan reassured her parents. "Though our circumstances are unprecedented I'm doing well, Petra is doing well, and our path forward is unclouded. That being said I'm extremely glad the two of you are here; your advice will keep me grounded and away from rash action."

"What do you mean by rash action?" Barsara asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Yesterday," Petra answered before Arslan could, "When everyone was panicking we were war bringers instead of peacemakers."

"Were you now?" Barsara's voice held no judgment. "Does this have to do with why you're not wearing your sash of mastery or the family prayer beads?"

"Yes," Arslan confirmed with shame coloring her words. "Instead of thinking the situation through I sought out my rival and instigated a fight. If I had given the situation the thought it deserved I would have realized I was putting peoples lives at risk by doing that. If the time travel had been operating under Get Back To The Present rules I could have killed my husband's children..."

Tears started to flow down Arslan's face as the full force of regret returned, and Petra's tears soon joined her's. The mother and daughter pair leaned against each other as their tears threatened to grow into full blown sobbing.

Barsara strode forward and embraced the two of them, forcing herself to relax as she rested her forehead against theirs. A comforting rumbling sound emanated from the retired actress' throat, and the two anguished young women leaned into the elder woman's purring. Logos gently pulled the trio towards the couch along one of the room's walls and once they were sat down he sat down sandwiching his daughter and granddaughter between himself and his wife, who's rumbling purr was soon accompanied with his own. So situated between their loving elders Arslan and Petra physically relaxed allowing their own purring to rumble fourth. The four of them sat there purring until the tears ran dry and Arslan and Petra were ready to talk again.

"So you're seeking to make amends?" Barsara gently prodded as she rubbed her daughter's shoulders.

"Yes," Arslan nodded, "I gave Jaune my sash, Pyrrha the prayer beads, and I gave the other mothers items of similar personal value to me."

"And what else are you doing?" Logos wondered with a curious gaze.

"Reese is going to help us prepare a surprise dinner for everyone ether tonight or tomorrow," Arslan supplied. "Basically as soon as we figure out everyone's preferred meals we can put together an apology feast."

"Then it sounds like you're off to a good start," Logos sagely nodded, "It's difficult to hold hard feelings towards someone who does a good job feeding you."

"You said you're worried about rash action," Barsara circled back to the beginning of the conversation. "What are you afraid of doing?"

"I don't know," Arslan admitted with a shake in her voice, "This is completely uncharted territory for me. I know who my husband is, yet he doesn't know I'm his wife because this isn't happening organically in any way shape or form. On top of that I'm in competition with people who have had the chance to develop an organic relationship with him. This is a recipe for desperation and desperation leads to terrible mistakes."

"I see," Logos hmm'd in thought. "This is a tricky situation, and I understand why you're worried. Have you done anything before we got here?"

"As far as grand romantic gestures go? Nothing unless you count organizing a trip to church as a romantic gesture," Arslan sighed. She looked to her father and pressed on, "As far as simple moment to moment actions go? I've tried to remain in close proximity to Jaune while doing my best to not contribute to the drama surrounding him, and I've been keeping my eyes peeled for a moment where I can be helpful to him. Beyond that? I've been trusting that God has a hand in this that will see me through."

"Staying close and not contributing to the drama is actually a very good move on your part," Barsara noted as she pulled slightly away from her embrace to show her daughter her approving look. "You're not accustomed to the social power games women play to assert their place in the pecking order, so you would be at a disadvantage if you tried to play those games. Yet even if you were an expert in those kinds of games there are plenty of situations where the winning move is not to play, and I'd say this is one of them."

"How so?" Arslan asked while Petra also sent an inquiring look Barsara's way.

"Get a large enough group of women together and you'll almost inevitably have a bossy diva doing her best to push everyone who isn't a fellow diva around," The retired actress explained with reminiscing eyes. "Get more than one diva into the group and they'll clash over who's the true queen bee. This is where the winning move is not to play any of the social power games: by being a true neutral the divas will ignore you in favor of clashing with the other divas. If you find a way to be helpful to everyone while remaining neutral than all the girls in the group who aren't divas will eventually come to realize that you won't backstab them and that you're the most trustworthy person to confide in. Once that happens you are effectively the queen bee calling all the shots, and it's fifty fifty whether the divas notice or not."

Arslan considered her mother's words for a moment. It made enough sense, however; "I don't think it matters if they're divas or not. Everyone's going to try and be the queen bee."

"Well, that brings us to the other reason not playing the game is a good thing here," Barsara elaborated. "You're all competing for the affections of a man, and most men only have so much patience for pointless drama. If you don't contribute to the pointless drama you'll inevitably stand above those that do, especially if you can help him deal with any fallout caused by the pointless drama." She smiled encouragingly, "You have a shot here Little Lion, and if you need us to help steady your aim we'll be glad to help."

"Thank you," Arslan sighed in relief.

Logos turned his attention to his time displaced granddaughter, "Since our daughter's our Little Lion, does that make you our Littlest Lion?"

"I'm not a little lion I'm a BIG cat!" Petra protested before she blushed at her reflexive response.

The grandparents chuckled for a moment before Logos asked, "Alright then Big Cat, what can you tell us about yourself?"

"I, I have a lot to live up to," Petra began as her embarrassment died down. "Mother and Father saved the world, so a lot of strangers expect me to live up to their legacy do things just as great. That really isn't fair because there's no way I can defeat an immortal witch; Mother and Father took care of the only one! As the eldest I also had a pretty busy childhood helping out with all my younger siblings, which was a tall task since Mother and Father never really stopped having more. My favorite stories growing up were the Tales of Saint Reepicheep and the Parables of Puddleglum. When people ask if I decided to become a warrior-nun to be like my parents I tell them I wanted to be like Grandpa Nick; because Mother and Father are Mother and Father to me, not modern legends."

"And your Grandpa Nick is a modern legend?" Barsara asked with genuine curiosity in her voice.

"Mother," Arslan began with stars in her eyes, "He's Nicholas Arc of Team AARN; the first team in a century to slay a Grimm Hydra! He's the last student of Ser Jaune Saint George, and was practically Saint George's adopted son! He became a fully initiated Paladin of the Church at the same time he graduated from Beacon! He helped restore the rightful rulers of the Kingdom of Pandu! He's THAT Nicholas Arc and if anyone deserves to be called a modern legend it's him!"

"And he's going to be your father in law," Logos observed.

"Yes, he's going to be-" Arslan stopped as if someone jammed a rod into the gears of her thoughts. Her starry eyed look became distant as her voice jumped an octave; "Jaune Arc is my husband. Jaune Arc is the son of Nick Arc. Nicholas Arc is Jaune's father. Jaune Arc is my husband. I'm related to Nicholas Arc through marriage."

The warrior nun was already sitting down, so she didn't fall to the floor when she fainted.
Last edited:
Barsara strode forward and embraced the two of them, forcing herself to relax as she rested her forehead against theirs. A comforting rumbling sound emanated from the retired actress' throat, and the two anguished young women leaned into the elder woman's purring.
While this is cute, unless Basara and Logos are mountain lion faunus, this wouldn't be a natural outcome of their Faunus heritage. Puma are the largest cats that can purr, and as a consequence they can't roar. Any cat that can roar can't purr.
While this is cute, unless Basara and Logos are mountain lion faunus, this wouldn't be a natural outcome of their Faunus heritage. Puma are the largest cats that can purr, and as a consequence they can't roar. Any cat that can roar can't purr.

Basically, yes.

That or... I dunno, magic? The Faunus are just a total mess.
"Staying close and not contributing to the drama is actually a very good move on your part," Barsara noted as she pulled slightly away from her embrace to show her daughter her approving look. "Your'e not accustom to the social power games women play to assert their place in the pecking order, so you would be at a disadvantage if you tried tried to play those games. Yet even if you were an expert in those kind of games there are plenty of situations where the wining move is not to play, and I'd say this is one of them."




"Get a large enough group of women together and you'll almost inevitably have a bossy diva doing her best to push everyone who isn't a fellow diva around," The retired actress explained with reminiscing eyes. "Get more than one diva into the group and they'll clash over who's the true queen bee. This is where the winning move is not to play any of the social power games: by being a true neutral the divas will ignore you in favor of clashing with the other divas. If you find a way to be helpful to everyone while remaining neutral than all the girls in the group who aren't divas will eventually come to realize that you won't backstab them and that you're the most trustworthy person to confide in. Once that happens you are effectively the queen bee calling all the shots, and it's fifty fifty wether the divas notice or not."

stolen from tumblr by razorblade180

just thought this is how the Lancaster timeline first date went and why they argue on who asked whom out

Jaune:Hey Ruby?
Ruby:What's up?
Jaune:What would it take for a girl like you to go on a date with a guy like me?
Ruby:….Let me see your hands.
Ruby:*holds them* Which one feels more comfortable. Right or left?
Jaune:Umm I guess holding your right.
Ruby:*lets go of left* So, where are we going?
Jaune:…*red* Really?
Ruby:*swings arm* I'm thinking tacos.
Jaune:Okay. Let's go! *starts walking*
Ruby:See? Nothing to it. (I can't believe I did that. Holy shit….!)
The Belladonnas
The Belladonnas

- - -

Blake had tried to be patient. She really had. It was completely understandable that her parents would miss her after all this time. She had run away without any notice, after all. She had also not contacted them for almost three years.

Again, completely understandable.


"Mom, I promise, I'm not going to run away," Blake said, held between her parents on a couch in an adjacent meeting room. She could feel her mother's eyes narrow, and she coughed.


"Just making sure, dear," Kali said, her smile wide and bright and yet still somehow terrifying, "It's not like I cried myself to sleep for many nights, praying that my baby girl was safe. Or that I obsessively went through our intelligence reports to make sure you were still alive. Don't even spare a thought for it!"

I deserve this, Blake thought miserably.

Leander and Leandra, sitting on a couch opposite their mother and grandparents, looked at each other and sighed.

"Wow, it's like we never left," Leander observed wryly.

"Though Grandpa is a lot less gray haired," Leandra said with a smile.

Ghira turned from his daughter to his future grandchildren. Kali managed to tear her eyes away from Blake for a moment as well.

"Each gray hair is like a scar earned in battle," Ghira huffed, "A badge of honor!"

"Yeah, you say that in the future too," Leandra nodded, her twin nodding along.

"All the time," Leander added.

"But it's okay, Grandma and Grandpa!" Leandra said soothingly, leaning forward to pat Ghira's hand, "Mom's not gonna make any more stupid decisions!"

"Well, she might," Leander said with a shrug, "But at least she knows she doesn't have to do everything herself... Hopefully."

I totally deserve this, Blake sighed mentally.

"She also needs to stop beating herself up," Kali sighed, cuddling her daughter.

"You could talk about me like I'm here," Blake groused, her pride and guilt fighting and finally pride won out once this bout.

"And we're so happy you are," Kali squealed, kissing the top of her head, "But more than that-GRANDKITTENS!"

Kali sprang for the other couch. The Twins' eyes went wide.



Blake would have warned her twins about her mother's pounce... But she deserved some schadenfreude after all the roasting her kids had given her. She smirked a bit as they flailed in Kali's steel like grip as Ghira's hold on her loosened just a bit.

"Serves you right," Blake sniffed.

"Not cool, Mom!" Leandra cried, wiggling against Kali's grip.

"Easy, Grandma! We're not going anywhere either!" Leander insisted, trying to push Kali away.

"Oh no you don't!" Kali giggled, "I'm going to hug you and spoil you so much!" She pouted. "It's a shame you're not babies... Ooh! Do you have baby pictures? Share them!"

"No we don't!" Leandra cried, clawing at the couch armrest to try and escape, "What weirdos have baby pictures of themselves on their Scrolls?"

"Well give me family photos at least!" Kali insisted. She released the twins long enough to seize their Scrolls, opened them up and flipped through them. She gasped, and then turned the Scrolls to Ghira. He leaned forward.

"Look Ghira!" Kali cried in delight, "That's... Twenty grandkittens?!"

"Mom and Dad were getting frisky again when we left, so it might be more," Leander grumbled.

"LEANDER!" Blake cried, her face bright red.

"What?" Leander demanded. "You never had to have the birds and bees talk with us! We already knew where babies came from!"

"In copious detail," Leandra shuddered.

"LEANDRA!" Blake scolded, her face even redder. Ghira laughed and clapped Blake on the shoulder.

"Still... It is good to know the future turns out well," he said, "Though even this good news seems a bit excessive."

"We needed it," Kali sighed, "After nearly being assassinated today."

"Wait what?!" Blake cried. Ghira nodded.

"That Raven woman... She was wearing a White Fang mask when she attacked us," he stated calmly, "Went right for us from the start. It's only thanks to the Arcs, the Sarkaras, and the Xiao-Longs that we're still alive."

"Um, I don't think Yang's dad and uncle are married," Blake pointed out.

"Yeah but you still thought about it," Leandra sighed.

"Do I have to put you in time out?!" Blake demanded. Kali and Ghira chuckled, as Leander snorted.

"You did that many times. We just kept getting out of it," Leander stated. He shrugged at Blake's glare. "Hey, I'm just saying."

"In any case," Ghira continued, "While it was thwarted for now, there's no indication there won't be more. So a moment with our future grandchildren is very much appreciated."

"Indeed!" Kali said cheerfully.

Blake meanwhile was running things through her head. Her old political lessons came to the forefront of her mind as she considered things.

An assassination attempt on my parents... They came so quickly that they probably didn't have time to set up any counter itineraries or handle any spies... Who stands to gain...?

"Sienna Khan," she whispered, "She ordered the assassination!"

Ghira smiled in soft pride, as Kali nodded.

"She is the most likely culprit, Blake," Kali said, "But accusing her is... Dangerous right now."

She turned to her grandkittens.

"What happened to her in your future?" She asked curiously.

"She realized how big a mistake she made with Adam Taurus," Leandra said, the name of Blake's ex making Ghira and Kali grimace, "After he attacked Vale during the Vytal Festival in a few months. It was such a huge disaster that Menagerie was almost invaded."

Ghira and Kali grew still. Kali looked at the twins.

"How huge a disaster?"

Leandra grimaced.

"At least a million people died," she said. Kali and Ghira sucked in deep breaths. "Adam Taurus took public credit for it."

Ghira slowly shook his head. Blake's fingers curled into tight, anxious fists as her ears pressed down tightly against her skull.

I knew he was... He was becoming bloodthirsty and unstable, but to go that far...?

"Dad went with Mom to Menagerie," Leander said, "And was able to help you all convince the Kingdom leadership to focus on Cinder Fall and Adam. Sienna tried to offer Adam's head to keep the peace... And he killed her. That's when Mom ran off to go confront him on her own, and nearly died if Dad hadn't been there to save her."

Blake bowed her head.

If only I had... If only I'd... It's all my fault, I have to-!

She felt a flick to her forehead, and looked up in shock. Her parents were smiling at her.

"You didn't cause this, Blake," Ghira stated, "What were we supposed to do? Ignore that our daughter suddenly had children?"

"Though not in the way we imagined it," Kali said dryly.

"I just... Even so," Blake winced, her ears pressing down, "I... I'm sorry-"

"You didn't do anything, Blake," Kali insisted. "Not for this. And as for you running away...? We forgive you, Blake."

Blake winced.

"Maybe you shouldn't," Blake mumbled, looking down at her knees. Ghira shook his head.

"Blake... You're our daughter. We love you," he said seriously, "Whatever trouble you're in, we want to help you out of it. We always did. We know you have to make decisions for yourself... Sometimes the wrong ones... But that doesn't change how much we love you."

The tears were threatening the corners of Blake's eyes. She choked them back with some difficulty. A part of her insisted she didn't deserve this. Didn't deserve her parents' love and forgiveness. Didn't deserve... Didn't deserve a happy future with a loving man and two wonderful children...

"You care so much, Mom," Leander said, "You feel so strongly. That's why we love you."

"You just kind of overdo things, a little," Leandra said. The twins reached out and took Blake's hands in theirs. She looked up at them, as they smiled back.

"I just... I'm afraid I'll make the same mistakes again," Blake said softly. Ghira patted her on the back.

"So is everyone," he said quietly, "But recognizing this is the first step to making better decisions."

Blake sniffled. She smiled as her twins leaned in and pressed their foreheads to hers. It was an affectionate gesture she had shared with her own parents many times.

"Plus," Leander stated, "Dad will drag you back if you run off again. He got really good at it!"

"We learned all sorts of rope tricks from him!" Leandra added.

Blake flushed and scowled at her snickering twins. Kali giggled as Ghira smirked.

"Who taught you two to be so disrespectful and rude and... And..."

Blake's eyes widened. Ghira laughed heartily, and clapped his daughter on the back.

"Welcome to parenthood, sweetie."

"It's like nothing else in the world," Kali giggled, kissing the top of Blake's head.

Blake sighed and shut her eyes tightly. She couldn't help a small smile though.

- - -

Some fluff for the ninja catgirl and a bit of healing. Hope you enjoyed.
Huh, could the staff make time portals back to there respective timelines? though Moses would end up having to pick a timeline... would make a good omake for how the kids meet there counter parts
like Julian and Xia meet there 'Healing the dragon' counter parts
Nicholas and Theodore meet counterparts with an Uncle younger then they are
Dorothy, Xander, Nicholas and Xia meet 'Jaune's missing Virginity' counterparts
Xia and Xander meet there 'in a Family Way' counterparts
Any combo you want
Nicholas and Julian for War of the Roses
Leander, Leandra and Xia for Beeknight [i think?]
etc etc for your ships let the kids meet there what if's?
Just some random Omake ideas
Glimpses into Another Time: Mechanics
Glimpses into Another Time: Mechanics

- - -

Radian, Gallia, Vale, Remnant

Nine years after Salem's Defeat

- - -

Ruby Arc sighed quietly as she entered her home. It was a small farmhouse on the Arc property. While it was very boxy and modern in much of its design, little touches like the red shingles and the wooden floorboards, along with the growing number of family photos on the walls, helped make it feel like a real home. She stretched her arms over her head with a soft groan, and reached down to rub her pregnant belly.

"You were so well behaved for the trip over here, yes you were," she cooed at her unborn children, "You two deserve a treat, yes you do!"

The twins moved inside her, almost like they were dancing for joy. Ruby beamed as she headed into the kitchen. She prepared a few peanut butter cookies and relish sandwiches, with a helping of salmon.

No, she didn't know why her babies wanted this stuff, but who was she to refuse them? She was on her third pregnancy, this was automatic by now.

She finished off her snack and then activated her Silver Eyes. The world changed to one of bright colors and dark shadowy outlines. She spotted the familiar Aura signature of her husband and their two other children in the den. She smiled, and stealthily headed towards the room down the hallway.

She heard Jaune's voice echoing down the hallway filled with pictures, and she crept even more carefully.

"... No, that's not..."

Ruby snuck into a small alcove in the hallway, and peered inside.

She could see her husband, Jaune, sitting on the floor in the perpetual mess of toys, books, and crayons their children brought with them. His beard was thin due to the summer heat, and he smiled warmly. Julian, their oldest at nearly three, sat in his father's lap with his nearly one year old sister, Pyrrha, cuddled awkwardly in his arms. In front of them was a big photo album, that Jaune slowly turned.

"That's your Uncle Sun, at the Vytal Festival," Jaune recounted, "He was trying to impress your Aunt Blake by getting her a stuffed animal. She pretended not to like it, but she really did."

"Wow," Julian mumbled, as Pyrrha goggled at the goggles. The baby reached out and grabbed at the photos. "Hey! Don't touch, Pyrrha! Don't touch!"

"It's okay, worst she can do is drool on them," Jaune chuckled. He stroked his daughter's head, as Julian flipped more pages. The toddler frowned when he got to some photos. Jaune smiled.

"Oh! This is when we went to the beach, before the festival! There's Auntie Yang-She was showing off with your Auntie Weiss. They were playing volleyball and one hit-"

"Daddy," Julian inquired with a frown. Jaune smiled at their son.

"Yes Julian?"

Julian stabbed a photo with his finger

"You have a different arm," he said, "Not metal."

Ruby hitched a breath. Jaune flexed his artificial hand slightly, as Julian stared at it.

"Yeah, I did," Jaune said gently.

Julian frowned.

"Why's your arm metal now?"

Ruby winced. That day... Even after all these years...

"You're a threat to my goddess," Tyrian sneered, as he slammed her against the farmhouse wall. His stinger rose. Ruby whimpered: Her Aura wasn't working, and without that, her Semblance didn't work...

I'm useless... I'm so useless...!

"Which means," the Scorpion Faunus grinned, "You DIE."

The stinger lashed out... And someone slammed into Tyrian from the side, knocking him away. The stinger slammed into the wall over Ruby's head, before it was yanked away. Ruby gaped as Jaune brawled artlessly with the Faunus, taking hits and punches but delivering them back as hard as he could.

"HERETIC!" Tyrian snarled, whipping his tail back. He slammed Jaune aside, and again thrust his stinger at Ruby. Ruby cringed and shut her eyes.

She heard Jaune scream. She forced them open. Jaune fell down in front of her, clutching a bloody stump where his wrist used to be.


Tyrian giggled

"You're next, lolita-ARGH!"

Tyrian screamed as Jaune grabbed onto his tail with his remaining hand. With a hatefilled look Ruby had never seen on his face before, he pushed all of his strength into his palm, pressed the joint of the tail against the floor, and-


"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Tyrian screamed, falling back, his stinger gone. Ruby found herself grabbing Crescent Rose, hefting it up, and pulling the trigger.


Anti-material Dust rounds tore into Tyrian at point blank range, and Aura or no Aura, that much force hurt. He turned and fled, more gunfire from outside letting Ruby know Nora and Ren had gotten through and joined the fight

She dropped Crescent Rose and fell next to Jaune. Half-remembered medical training led her to yank off her cape and wrap his stump in it tightly.

"Jaune, it's okay, it's okay..." Fat tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry! I-I'm so sorry-!"

Jaune looked her in the eyes, and despite his pain, shook his head.

"Don't... I'm not letting anything happen to you... Not EVER..."

It was still her fault... Still a sign she had failed him, failed the man she loved... And it just wouldn't heal... She'd told him he could leave, but the second he had his new hand, he was right back up with her...

"Ride or die, Ruby. I'm with you to the end."

And he was... And yet... She still felt guilt when the subject came up-

"I lost my hand protecting your mom."

Ruby started out of the memory. Jaune smiled sadly, but proudly, as he ruffled Julian's air. The toddler blinked his wide silver eyes as Pyrrha gnawed on a teething ring.


"Yes," Jaune said, "A very bad man tried to hurt your Mom."

"Did he work for the evil witch?" Julian asked, eyes wide in wonder. Jaune nodded.

"The same. The bad man tried to hurt her... So I stepped in and protected her."

He held up his articial hand, his smile turning warm and wistful.

"She built me my new hand when we got to a hospital. And she's made them for me ever since."

"Did it hurt?" Julian asked, wincing. Jaune nodded at his son.

"It did... But it would have hurt a lot worse if your mom had gotten hurt."

Julian reached up and grabbed onto his father's hand. He pulled it close and kissed it. Jaune chuckled and ruffled Julian's hair with his other hand, as Pyrrha looked up and cooed.

"And keeping your mom safe is more important that losing my hand," he said. "Because that's what you do for the ones you love."

Julian grinned.

"Then I'm gonna protect the ones I love too!" He declared. "I wanna be like you, Daddy!"

Ruby sniffled. All eyes went to her.

"Mommy!" Julian announced happily. He clambered out of Jaune's lap and ran up to Ruby. He wrapped his arms around her legs, as she hugged him back. Pyrrha cheered wordlessly, as Jaune clambered up to his feet and stepped over the toys to embrace his wife.

"Hey," Jaune said with a warm smile, "Didn't hear you come in."

"I just wanted to lurk a little," Ruby admitted, pulling Julian up to hug him, and then kissed the top of Pyrrha's head before planting one on her husband. "Mmm..."

"Daddy said he saved you from a bad man!" Julian said happily, "And lost his hand and he protected you!"

"He did," Ruby said, beaming with misty eyes at her husband.

"And I always will," Jaune confirmed, nuzzling her.

Ruby sighed happily. She rested her hands over his-The flesh and the metal. Their children held protectively together in their small but growing family.

Maybe one day, she would stop blaming herself.

Maybe... It was closer than she thought.

- - -

Thread's not dead, no worries. Work's just getting rather involved lately.
Glimpses into Another Time: Mechanics

- - -

Radian, Gallia, Vale, Remnant

Nine years after Salem's Defeat

- - -

Ruby winced. That day... Even after all these years...

"You're a threat to my goddess," Tyrian sneered, as he slammed her against the farmhouse wall. His stinger rose. Ruby whimpered: Her Aura wasn't working, and without that, her Semblance didn't work...

I'm useless... I'm so useless...!

"Which means," the Scorpion Faunus grinned, "You DIE."

The stinger lashed out... And someone slammed into Tyrian from the side, knocking him away. The stinger slammed into the wall over Ruby's head, before it was yanked away. Ruby gaped as Jaune brawled artlessly with the Faunus, taking hits and punches but delivering them back as hard as he could.

"HERETIC!" Tyrian snarled, whipping his tail back. He slammed Jaune aside, and again thrust his stinger at Ruby. Ruby cringed and shut her eyes.

She heard Jaune scream. She forced them open. Jaune fell down in front of her, clutching a bloody stump where his wrist used to be.


Tyrian giggled

"You're next, lolita-ARGH!"

Tyrian screamed as Jaune grabbed onto his tail with his remaining hand. With a hatefilled look Ruby had never seen on his face before, he pushed all of his strength into his palm, pressed the joint of the tail against the floor, and-


"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Tyrian screamed, falling back, his stinger gone. Ruby found herself grabbing Crescent Rose, hefting it up, and pulling the trigger.


Anti-material Dust rounds tore into Tyrian at point blank range, and Aura or no Aura, that much force hurt. He turned and fled, more gunfire from outside letting Ruby know Nora and Ren had gotten through and joined the fight

She dropped Crescent Rose and fell next to Jaune. Half-remembered medical training led her to yank off her cape and wrap his stump in it tightly.

"Jaune, it's okay, it's okay..." Fat tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'm sorry! I-I'm so sorry-!"

Jaune looked her in the eyes, and despite his pain, shook his head.

"Don't... I'm not letting anything happen to you... Not EVER..."

It was still her fault... Still a sign she had failed him, failed the man she loved... And it just wouldn't heal... She'd told him he could leave, but the second he had his new hand, he was right back up with her...

"Ride or die, Ruby. I'm with you to the end."

And he was... And yet... She still felt guilt when the subject came up-

"I lost my hand protecting your mom."

OH! they were attacked in Radian? OH MY GOD IM AN IDIOT! Summer died in this au and because she died she didn't get turned into a hound! And no hounds mean no capture order only death!
Also love Jaune using angles and his rage boost to sever Tyrian tail
The Schnees
- - -

"Hello Klein," Nicholas Arc said respectfully, bowing to him as the Schnees arranged themselves around the meeting room, "It is good to see you well."

Klein smiled and nodded in approval at the polite young man.

"And you as well, Master Nicholas," he said kindly.

"Geez, there's no need to be so stuffy, Nick," Theodore huffed. He grinned and slapped Klein on the shoulder. "Nice to see you without so much gray in your mustache, Klein!"

Klein raised an eyebrow as Winter looked a bit scandalized, but then laughed it off with a jovial chuckle.

"I imagine most of those were thanks to you, Master Theodore."

Theodore shrugged and grinned, before he lay back in a chair with his feet up on the coffee table. Nicholas sat in another chair, much more respectfully. Winter and Weiss had taken opposing chairs across the coffee table, while Willow sat alone on the couch facing her future grandchildren. Whitley had taken up a spot behind his mother, a bit awkward: He clearly wasn't sure where to stand.

Klein, ever at the ready, had procured a tea trolley and some snacks and was delivering them to his charges in his usual efficient manner.

It was a bit familiar for most of the Schnees, this environment. Which is what gave Willow her opening.

"I am... Very glad you are all safe," she began, "And pleased to see you well... Despite the circumstances."

Weiss flushed deeply. Nicholas rubbed the back of his head nervously. Winter coughed. Theodore shrugged.

"Things got a bit out of hand, Grandma," Theodore admitted while teleporting a cookie to himself and munching on it, "But we worked it out pretty well."

"Finish chewing and swallow before you speak," Winter grumbled. Theodore swallowed and rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Mom, I'm not a little kid!"

"Then stop acting like one!" Winter growled. Weiss smirked.

"At least my son is well behaved," she shot at her elder sister. Winter's eyes widened and then narrowed.

"Yes? At least my son didn't engage in a pointless fight!"

"W-Well, my son was just defending his existence!" Weiss protested.

"My son was defending everyone's existence!"

"Please," Nicholas interjected, holding his hands up, "Everyone, let's all just take a step back. Okay? This is really weird for us, too."

"And kind of familiar," Theodore sighed. He brightened. "Hey! I know a perfect way to bond! How about we kick Jacques' ass?"

"Language!" Winter and Weiss admonished, before they blushed. WIllow raised a perfect eyebrow as she accepted a cup of tea from Klein.

"Why do you want to beat up Father?" Whitley asked, though it sounded like a reflex. Theodore grinned, teleporting another cookie to his hand.

"You want a list?" He asked.

Nicholas nodded.

"He conspired with an agent of Salem to overthrow Atlas' government, he deliberately made sacrificial villages of Faunus slaves to attract Grimm away from more important mines, and do I need to get into everything he did to all of you? Because you told me in detail, Mother, Auntie, Uncle, and Grandmother."

He nodded to Klein.

"You as well, Klein."

"Same here," Theodore said, leaning forward a bit, "Besides... He killed Uncle Warden."

Weiss, Winter, Whitley and Willow all tensed up. Willow slowly shook her head.

"N-No... No, that was a tragic-"

Nicholas leaned forward, his blue eyes ice cold and hard. His grandmother flinched as he talked.

"The only Schnee standing in his way with the workers somehow got isolated from security during one of White Fang's earliest terrorist attacks? With no back up? All the security sent somewhere else?"

Whitley shook his head.

"No... That's not-"

"He would gloat over it to you, Aunt Weiss, and Dad," Theodore said grimly, making a face like he wanted to spit, "Saying that for all your hatred, you never even thought of the obvious."

Whitley's fingers dug into the back of the couch. Weiss grit her teeth, as Winter tightened her grip on her sword. Klein's face was stony.

Silence fell for a time. Willow licked her lips.

"Can you prove it?" She asked.

Theodore waved his hand and grinned darkly behind his sunglasses.

"Sure can, Grandma."

"A full confession would be better, but that might take the invasion of Atlas and that would be inconvenient," Nicholas said dryly.

"Hey, he can tell jokes!" Theodore chuckled. He got up and put Nicholas in a headlock before delivering a noogie. "You are related to me!"

"Getoff already!" Nicholas groaned, shoving his half-brother away, though he had a little grin. Theodore chuckled again.

Weiss was left in wonder at how easy going her son and her... Nephew? Were. Despite being from different timelines, they bonded together so easily on family...

When family is the biggest impediment to me, she thought, looking with a guilty look at her silent mother.

Willow Schnee sucked in a deep breath. She sipped her tea, as though for courage, before she bowed her head.

"... I suspected it for a long time," she murmured, "I knew... I knew he would... Had done... So many terrible things, but my own brother..." She shut her eyes tightly.

Whitley twitched, as though to reach out to her. He stopped short. Klein, seeing that Winter and Weiss were in no better position to comfort their mother, reached out to squeeze her shoulder. She rested a hand over his and nodded slowly.

"We know things are... Awkward now," Nicholas sighed, "I mean, you still have trouble talking about this stuff in our time."

"I can only imagine how strange it is for you," Whitley observed. "Incidentally... How do I turn out in the future?"

"I'm not sure-" Weiss tried, but Whitley shot her a glare.

"You got your preview. Why can't I have mine?" He demanded.

"Easy, Uncle Whitley," Theodore said soothingly, "Honestly? You're probably my favorite uncle. You went into engineering like you always wanted to, even though you are the CEO of the SDC. You married Aunt Ruby, too."

"Eh?" Whitley grunted in disbelief.

"Well, she did say you looked cute," Willow observed. Whitley gaped.


Weiss gasped, as Winter looked considerate.

"Hmmm... She did impress me at our meeting this morning," Winter said with a smile.

"I mean, once you grew some muscles and perfected your powered armor, she was all over you!" Nicholas contributed. "And Aunt Penny, but uh..."

He twitched.

"I'm... Going to go back to repressing that memory," he managed.

"Oh, you too huh?" Theodore asked dryly.

"Must you be so crass?" Weiss asked in exasperation. She shook her head. "Geez... To think I'd end up related to Ruby..."

"Who's Penny?!" Whitley demanded.

"She's the orange haired gynoid girl!" Theodore said.

Whitley's eyes lit up.

"A... Gynoid, you say?" He asked, immediately intrigued.

"Theo!" Winter admonished. "That's a state secret!"

"So's time travel and yet, here we are," Theodore said dryly.

Willow stared intently at her grandsons, and then let out a sigh.

"I need a drink, but I suspect it would make things worse."

Weiss, Winter and Whitley all stared intently at her. Willow winced.

"Just... Trying to lighten the mood," she sighed. "I know... I know we have a lot of work to do. All of us..."

She smiled warmly at Theodore and Nicholas.

"But... Are... Are we a family? In your futures? Are... Are you happy?"

Neither Theodore or Nicholas had to pretend to smile.

"We are," Nicholas confirmed, "I-I mean, it's not perfect, but... Yeah. Uncle Whitley helped me build my sword and shield with Aunt Ruby's help." He held them up. "Just like Dad's. Aunt Winter, you trained me with Dad and Mom in how to fight! I-I really love you, too. Grandma, you've always been kind and wonderful to me. Klein... You're like another favorite uncle, and I have so many!"

He beamed widely and bowed his head.

"You are my family, and I'm blessed to have you all in my life."

Theodore scratched his cheek, looking a bit self conscious.

"... Same, really," he said, looking intently at Winter, "I mean yeah, we fight a lot and Dad grounds me when I teleport the TV but... I wouldn't trade any of you for the world."

Willow blushed. Winter smiled fondly at her son. Weiss was the same for hers. Whitley stood in awe. Klein beamed.

Willow was the first to recover.

"Well... I mean... I knew your father's father very well," she said, nodding to them both, "And... I can't imagine he would raise his son in any other way but to become a good man." She smiled at Winter and Weiss. "I... I think you should commit to it. To Jaune Arc."

"Mother, I..." Weiss shook her head. "There's no guarantee that our future will happen-"

"I passed up a chance for true love for your father," Willow said firmly, clutching at her thighs in agitation, "And... And while I do not regret having all of you? I... I do regret Jacques. I don't want any of you to miss your chance at true love."

"Even if we have to compete with each other?" Weiss asked, side eyeing Winter. Winter scowled back at her.

Winter nodded slowly.

"If it comes down to it... I hope you will resolve it properly," she said quietly. "You're already off to a better start than me. At least you know he can love you back."

Both sisters frowned and looked at Willow.

"Mother," Weiss murmured. Winter opened her mouth to say something, then closed it and shook her head softly.

Willow nodded, then looked at Whitley intently. He flushed and shrugged.

"Er, I mean... I don't even know the Ruby girl and she's after Arc-Er, Jaune too..."

He looked at Theodore and Nicholas intently.

"That said... Really? A truly sapient gynoid?"

"Oh great," Theodore groaned, "Uncle has his fetish already."

Nicholas flushed, but didn't disagree.

"Fetish?" Willow asked, raising an eyebrow at her son. Whitley flushed.


- - -

That's... About as well as it could have gone, I think. Could have gone much worse.

Whitley 100% will ignore this sign and just do it with Penny. And then Theodore and Nicolas will have that 'I told you so' look on their face lol.

Whitley 100% will ignore this sign and just do it with Penny. And then Theodore and Nicolas will have that 'I told you so' look on their face lol.
Even in a different universe, another teenage engineer has been claimed by the robussy…

Penny " I was not created with such functionality and cannot experience the same sensations that a human would even if I did posses similar anatomy."

-Some Time Later-

Whitley looking incredibly disheveled looks over a crowd of cheering people with his bloodshot eyes.

"And now we introduced are Humanitarian award winner. Whitley Schnee. Who's tireless efforts created the next generation of cybernetic technology that now allows those with even the most terribly of injuries, even brain damage, to enjoy their lives like anyone else. "

Whitley confused is handed an award by the Host who shakes his hand with a smile.
i don't remember how many families are left? we got the Xiao-Longs, the Sarkaras, the Altan, the Belladonnas and the Schnees. who's left?

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