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Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

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I don't have any strong opinions about it either way.


1x Longspear (5 gp)
2x Scroll of Shield of Faith (2x25 gp = 50 gp)

Total: 55 gp
shopping list

Current moneys


5x Trail Rations 2.5gp
Masterwork Thieves tools 100gp
5x potion of mage armor 250gp
2x potion of CLW 100gp
2x Bandolier 1gp


Sell Item | gained coin
Lantern, Bullseye 6gp
Cold-Weather Outfit 4gp
Winter blanket 0.25gp
Thieves tools 15gp



End moneys 426.88GP
shopping list

Current moneys


5x Trail Rations 2.5gp
Masterwork Thieves tools 100gp
5x potion of mage armor 250gp
2x potion of CLW 100gp
2x Bandolier 1gp


Sell Item | gained coin
Lantern, Bullseye 6gp
Cold-Weather Outfit 4gp
Winter blanket 0.25gp
Thieves tools 15gp



End moneys 426.88GP

If Xicree wants them, that's fine.

5x Trail Rations 2.5gp


Winter Outfit
I don't want the boots, so it's fine to give them to Xicree, someone else is carrying my rations, there should still be some...

.... I don't think there's anything I want or need to buy right now, actually.

I might spend pp for a wand of Snapdragon Fireworks, though, if that's a legal one. Still, that leaves me at 462gp 8sp 3cp.

Edit: yeah, grabbing the firework wand for pp.
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In addition


1x Winter Blanket 2.5 sp
1x Outfit (Cold-Weather) 4gp
If Xicree wants them, that's fine.

5x Trail Rations 2.5gp


Winter Outfit

I don't want the boots, so it's fine to give them to Xicree, someone else is carrying my rations, there should still be some...

.... I don't think there's anything I want or need to buy right now, actually.

I might spend pp for a wand of Snapdragon Fireworks, though, if that's a legal one. Still, that leaves me at 462gp 8sp 3cp.

Edit: yeah, grabbing the firework wand for pp.
In addition


1x Winter Blanket 2.5 sp
1x Outfit (Cold-Weather) 4gp
Would It be ok if I took them?

Approved, approved for wand, approved selling, Xicree, you get the boots. Give me your shopping list Xicree
3.5 gp spent on 7 Trail Rations.

Not really seeing anything else I'd want just yet...
What do with Boots of Winterland?
I would suggest that, for the moment, we keep hold of them and have them used as need be by one individual at a time. A continual endure elements effect is nothing to be sneered at after all given how often we seem to be up in unpleasent environments.

I'll like your group decision on what to do with the Boots of the Winterlands and your individual shopping lists before Saturday please.

Sorry for this being a bit later than it should have bee. I think we used up five days of rations so I'm just going to replace those and save up the money otherwise.

Trail Rations (5 days) 2.5 gp
Total 2.5 gp

Ship cross-section. Below Deck. Crew Cabin. Main Deck.
enthalpy Dreadis Merior Chibi-Reaper Xicree

Stuff gained from battle with the Lingshen battleship.

MW Scimitar
Leather Lamellar
Light Crossbow
20 Bolts.

Shopping time, also you each get +67GP more for bringing back the furs from the tribe on the trip.

Also, day job rolls.
Rolling for Day Job (profession)
Also i have no need for that loot from the last fight so i say sell it and split the golds
Shopping list

2PP – Wand of Cure Light Wounds

932.88 GP Current


50GP Potion of Mage Armor 1x
100GP Potion of Ant Haul 2x
100GP Potion of Shield of Faith 2x
340GP Masterwork Cold Iron Rapier
50GP Masterwork Backpack




1GP Backpack
5GP Short Sword
5GP Leather Armor



303.88GP Remaining
Spending 2PP on a wand of Murderous Command
Stuff gained from battle with the Lingshen battleship.

MW Scimitar
Leather Lamellar
Light Crossbow
20 Bolts.

Stuff sold and gp dumped into shared pool.

Bandit loot:

3x Light Horse (Trained)
3x leather lamellar
3x wakizashi
3x shortbow
2x 20 Arrows
1x 19 Arrows
You are now in charge of Nesting Swallow's defences. How prepared the village is for the coming fight is up to you. There are an unknown amount of days before the bandits arrive in force, what you should do now is use every resource available to increase the likelihood of victory when battle does come.

There are 50 able-bodied villagers, men and women, available to for you to command daily (all of the other villagers are too young, old, or infirm to be of any use). Several possible preparations are given below; each requires a specific number of villagers and amount of time devoted to it to be completed. In most cases, increasing the number of villagers assigned to a task completes it quicker; this is also noted in the entries below. You could supervise or oversee specific preparations; doing so adds their own abilities to the workers' and results in a stronger defence, the specific effects detailed in the entries below. (Some preparations require no involvement to take place at all.)

Bringing In the Harvest

Harvesting crops is the top priority for the villagers, even above establishing defences. Without food stored, they face starvation regardless of whether or not the bandits are fought off. This is an activity that can be performed mostly by the non-combatant villagers; even so, some able-bodied farmers are needed as well. Until the harvest is finished, you only have 30 villagers at your disposal daily. You can choose to speed the harvest up both by assigning more villagers to the fields or by lending a hand themselves.

Time Requirements: Without additional manpower devoted to it, the harvest takes 6 days to finish. Regardless of how many NPCs or PCs work the fields, harvesting takes a minimum of 1 day.

NPC Requirements: Each day requires the participation of 20 able-bodied villagers. Every additional 10 villagers doing a day's work reduces the total number of days before the harvest is completed by 1.

PC Requirements: Harvesting can take place without your involvement, but they can speed it up significantly. One harvesting PC counts as 5 farmers. A PC who makes a DC 15 Profession (farming) or Knowledge (nature) check does the work of 10 farmers in a day.

Defence Points: No Defence Points are earned by performing this activity, though swift harvesting allows for better allocation of manpower after it is finished.

Archery Training

Ranged weapons more effective than simple slings are a rarity in Nesting Swallow, but a handful of villagers own crossbows for hunting purposes; while they have never had to shoot at a target better armoured than an antelope or hare, they can be drilled into effective support archers with effort.

Time Requirements: See below.

NPC Requirement: Only 10 villagers are potential archers. These are kept as a unit; while other villagers can be shuffled around to perform different jobs from day to day, a note should be made of whether these 10 are being used for archery training or for another purpose on any given day. If they have been assigned elsewhere, no other villagers can fill in for this activity on that day.

PC Requirement: Archery training requires the tutelage of a PC with a base attack bonus of +1 or higher who is proficient with light crossbows.

Defence Points: Each day spent training earns 1/2 of a Defence Point, up to a maximum of 2 points over 4 days. Beyond these days, a PC can earn additional Defence Points from archery training by spending an additional day with the archers crafting ammunition. The PC makes a single DC 15 Craft (bows) check at the end of the day; success indicates that the archers took their fletching lessons well and successfully produced enough bolts to earn the village an additional 1 Defence Point.

Combat Training

While unskilled combatants, the villagers can be given basic training, allowing them to maintain the barricades as a unit. Their weapons are limited to adapted farm implements and makeshift bamboo spears, but they are all willing to take up what arms they can and assist you in the defence of their home.

Time Requirements: Training a unit takes 1 day.

NPC Requirements: Up to 40 villagers are available for melee training, in 10-person units. (The remaining 10 are archers

PC Requirements: Training cannot take place without a PC dedicating a day to it. Whoever does the training must have a base attack bonus of at least +1. A single PC can train a unit of 10 villagers per day. Multiple units can be trained in a day, but this requires multiple PCs instructing them.

Defence Points: Each trained unit earns 1/2 of a Defence Point. PCs doing the training, however, can be ruthless drill instructors and play on the villagers' fears; succeeding at a DC 15 Intimidate check while training the villagers makes the lessons sink in faster, earning 1 Defence Point for that unit (this bonus can only be earned once per unit). These unskilled combatants can only learn so much in a short time, however, so no unit benefits from more than 2 days' training. Thus, the maximum number of Defence Points available through combat training is between 4 and 8.

Constructing the Barricades

Controlling possible attack routes is key to not being overwhelmed. Constructing barricades from wood and bamboo aids in this endeavour. Incorporating the landscape and the existing structures of the village into this barricade allows the defenders to contain attackers to several choke points. Construction was already underway before the party arrived in Nesting Swallow; by continuing to assign workers to it or overseeing construction, you can assist in making it sturdier and more effective.

Time Requirements: A group of 30 villagers takes 6 days to complete the barricade.

NPC Requirements: Every additional 10 villagers assigned to this task reduces the days to completion by 2. Likewise, fewer villagers assigned increases the time by 2 days for every 10 villagers fewer than 30 working on it.

PC Requirements: You are not required to directly work on this defence, but doing so speeds construction. A DC 15 Knowledge (engineering) or Profession (woodcutter) check allows 10 villagers to be assigned elsewhere for that day with the same amount of work still being done on the barricade. (Only 10 workers per day may be reassigned in this fashion.) Additionally, if a PC oversees construction each day of work, she may make a single DC 15 Craft (traps) or Disable Device check when the barricade is completed. Success at this check represents traps incorporated into the barricade, such as digging concealed pits or sharpened timbers designed to impale attackers.

Defence Points: The barricade's completion earns 2 Defence Points. If a PC designs traps into the barricade, an additional 1 Defence Point is awarded, plus an extra 1 Defence Point for every 5 points by which you beat the Craft (traps) DC.

Flooding the Fields

This can only take place after the harvest is completed. The crop fields are low-lying and designed to be irrigated by the stream. With work, they can be turned into a virtual moat by adjusting the flow of water, causing them to flood. This limits the routes the bandits can attack from, giving significant tactical advantage to the defenders.

Time Requirements: Flooding takes a full 2 days of work to accomplish.

NPC Requirements: In order to flood the fields, 20 villagers are required. Increasing this number does not reduce the time requirement; damming the stream and flooding the ditches is work where only so many hands are of use at one time.

PC Requirements: This activity can take place without PC supervision, but a PC devoting a day to the project can make a DC 15 Knowledge (engineering) check to cut construction time to a single day.

Defence Points: Flooding the fields before the bandits attack earns the village 2 Defence Points.

Posting Scouts

The villagers are, obviously, already alert for horsemen in the hills, but assigning villagers and yourself to keep a closer eye on the wilderness can help give an estimate of how much longer until the raid comes. Even without specific allocation of villagers, each day make a DC 25 Perception check for Nesting Swallow; the village is considered to have a base +4 Perception modifier for this.

NPC Requirements: Villagers can be assigned as lookouts; for every 5 villagers keeping watch in a day, the village gets a +1 bonus on its Perception check. Also, a cumulative +1 bonus is added for each day previous that any villagers were assigned as scouts.

PC Requirements: You are not required to participate in scouting and can simply have villagers report back to them. A PC with a high bonus on Perception checks can choose to spend a day scouting, using their Perception bonus in place of the village's base +4, while still adding bonuses to the check for extra villagers and cumulative days.

Defence Points: The first time a successful DC 25 Perception check is made, inform the players the number of days remaining until the bandits come, plus or minus 1d3 days (roll 1d6; results of 1–3 are subtracted from the estimated number of days, while results of 4–6 count as 1–3 again, but are added to the estimation instead). The second day a successful check is made, revise the estimate to be simply 1 day off in either direction. The third successful check results in the exact number of days remaining. If three successful checks are made, the villagers are more alert the morning of the attack, earning 4 Defence Points.
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Defence Points: Each trained unit earns 1/2 of a Defence Point. PCs doing the training, however, can be ruthless drill instructors and play on the villagers' fears; succeeding at a DC 15 Intimidate check while training the villagers makes the lessons sink in faster, earning 1 Defence Point for that unit (this bonus can only be earned once per unit). These unskilled combatants can only learn so much in a short time, however, so no unit benefits from more than 2 days' training. Thus, the maximum number of Defence Points available through combat training is between 4 and 8.

One of these must be wrong, which is it.
One of these must be wrong, which is it.

There are 4 units, each with a max of 1/2 a training point per day of training. You can do 2 days of training max. So if you don't intimidate, you get 4*2*0.5=4.

When you intimidate, you get +1 per unit, so 4 more on top of that.

Since intimidating can fail when rolling, the max you can get varies in-between 4 and 8.
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