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Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

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Saturday pathfinder plan

50 workers

Day 1

45 villagers harvest
Chibi harvests, taking 10 on nature check for 18 to count as 10 villagers
Komana, Chandra, and Elon harvest counting as 15 villagers
70 villagers worth of harvesting, Harvest finishes today

5 villagers scout
Diin Scouts
scouting modifier is = +10 for today

Does anyone have any problems with this?

Chibi-Reaper Xicree enthalpy Merior

Ill be posting a second day plan in an hour or 2 so we can be as done with this part as possible before the actual game

We really should have done this sooner
Does anyone have any problems with this?

It seems okay to me. I'd suggest the following to hopefully get the best number of defence points:

Day 2 & 3:
  • Flooding the Fields
    • NPCs: 20 villagers
    • PCs: If anyone has Knowledge(engineering) then they should help.
  • Scouting
    • NPCs: 10 villagers
    • PCs: Dinn
  • Archery Training
    • NPCs: 10 villagers
    • PCs: Anyone with a +1 BAB. Best if it is someone with a good Intelligence though to try the Craft check untrained.
  • Combat Training
    • NPCs: 10 villagers
    • PCs: Komana will do this (no Intimidation, but she at least has a Charisma bonus for doing it untrained).
Day 4 & 5:
  • Archery Training
    • NPCs: 10 villagers
    • PCs: Anyone with a +1 BAB. Best if it is someone with a good Intelligence though to try the Craft check untrained.
  • Scouting
    • NPCs: 10 villagers (The ones who got Combat Training before)
    • PCs: Dinn
  • Combat Training
    • NPCs: 30 villagers
    • PCs: Everyone else.
By this point (assuming the worst and we've failed all the rolls) the scouting bonus will be up to +14 and we'll have 7 Defence points but likely a lack of time. The 10 archers are now fully trained, but we have 40 who've all only had two days of Combat Training.

Day 6 & 7:
  • Scouting
    • NPCs: 10 villagers (The archers)
    • PCs: Dinn
  • Combat Training
    • NPCs: 40 villagers
    • PCs: Everyone else.
This nets us at least +4 Defence points unless interrupted. Hopefully enough Perception checks in scouting will have been made to know when the attack is coming as that is another +4 Defence points.
Merior Xicree has +5 CHA so should do the melee training and simply take 10 on intimidate for the bonus. Since Elon can only train one at a time if you do melee training on 2 groups at a time he can train 1 one day and the other the next to get the bonus on both.

These unskilled combatants can only learn so much in a short time, however, so no unit benefits from more than 2 days' training. Thus, the maximum number of Defence Points available through combat training is between 4 and 8.
They can only have 2 days of combat training MAX, best to have Xi and another train them 2 at a time so Xi can intimidate both groups, then move onto the next 2 groups
Also Merior Archery training requires proficiency in Light crossbow, which i believe is either you or Chibi only. Not competely sure because only me and you put our proficiencies in our sheet D:

If we get all the combat training done by the 5th day we might consider the barricades. Which unfortunately I have to supervise the whole construction if we want Diin to add traps to it. so i can't scout during that if we still need scouting at that point
Dreadis, is there a reason you tagged me in two sequential posts?

Merior Xicree has +5 CHA so should do the melee training and simply take 10 on intimidate for the bonus. Since Elon can only train one at a time if you do melee training on 2 groups at a time he can train 1 one day and the other the next to get the bonus on both.
Fair enough. I have no idea the details of other people's character stats and was expecting them to chime in about such matters.
They can only have 2 days of combat training MAX, best to have Xi and another train them 2 at a time so Xi can intimidate both groups, then move onto the next 2 groups
Somehow I got the numbers confused there so I do apologise.
Also Merior Archery training requires proficiency in Light crossbow, which i believe is either you or Chibi only. Not competely sure because only me and you put our proficiencies in our sheet D:
Unless I've misread something light crossbows are simple weapons which means most classes are proficient in them and even a wizard specifically has light crossbows on their list of weapon proficiencies. Given that we're all level two (I think) everyone should also meet the "base attack bonus of +1 or greater" requirement.
If we get all the combat training done by the 5th day we might consider the barricades. Which unfortunately I have to supervise the whole construction if we want Diin to add traps to it. so i can't scout during that if we still need scouting at that point
If we build the barricades then it's worthwhile having as many PCs as possible trying their hand at the Craft check, even untrained.
As the resident noob... I'll just say Ok to what ever Dreadis says should go.
Dreadis, is there a reason you tagged me in two sequential posts?
Not really any reason, no.

Unless I've misread something light crossbows are simple weapons which means most classes are proficient in them and even a wizard specifically has light crossbows on their list of weapon proficiencies. Given that we're all level two (I think) everyone should also meet the "base attack bonus of +1 or greater" requirement.
I didn't actually check the srd for their classes and i didn't remember they are simple either.
If we build the barricades then it's worthwhile having as many PCs as possible trying their hand at the Craft check, even untrained.
Can you do craft untrained? not sure if it is or isn't one of those skills.
Modification of Merior 's plan above with corrections for rules

Day 2 & 3:

Flooding the Fields
NPCs: 20 villagers
PCs: If anyone has Knowledge(engineering) then they should help.
----------------(2 defense points)
PCs: Dinn
----------------( +9 modifer for the 2 days)
Archery Training
NPCs: 10 villagers
PCs: Tyrion does this
-----------------(1 defense point)
Combat Training
NPCs: 20 villagers
PCs: Komana and Elon will do this. Elon takes 10 on intimidate check on each day to get 10+5=15, different group each time to get bonus on both.
------------------(4 defense points)

Chandra is not assigned.

Day 4 & 5:

Archery Training
NPCs: 10 villagers
PCs: Tyrion does this
-----------------(1 defense point)
NPCs: 20 villagers (The ones who got Combat Training before)
PCs: Dinn
----------------( +13 modifier first day, +14 second day)
Combat Training
NPCs: 20 villagers
PCs: Komana and Elon will do this. Elon takes 10 on intimidate check on each day to get 10+5=15, different group each time to get bonus on both.
------------------(4 defense points)

12 defense points, 16 if scouting has had 3 successes

At this point planning further is hard to do without knowing the current results of scouting, maybe if a2znut would do the rolls for it or have one of us do the rolls for it we could plan further.
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Day 1

Harvest Complete.
Scouting Passed, ETA Bandits would be in 5 days.
Day 2

Flooding 50% Complete
Scouting Passed, ETA Bandits would be in 5~7 days.
Tyrion Teaches Archery (Aka, how to miss a target) +0.5 Points
Komana and Elon Combat Training +2 Points

Points Total = 2.5
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Day 3

Flooding 100% Complete +2 Points
Scouting Failed, ETA Bandits would be in 4~6 days.
Tyrion Teaches Archery (Aka, how to miss a target) +0.5 Points
Komana and Elon Combat Training +2 Points

Points Total = 7
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Day 4
Archery Training
NPCs: 10 villagers
PCs: Tyrion does this

NPCs: 20 villagers (The ones who got Combat Training before)
PCs: Dinn, Chandra(aid another)

Combat Training
NPCs: 20 villagers
PCs: Komana and Elon will do this. Elon takes 10 on intimidate check on each day to get 10+5=15, different group each time to get bonus on both.
Day 4

Scouting Failed, ETA Bandits would be in 3~5 days.
Tyrion Teaches Archery (Aka, how to miss a target) +0.5 Points
Komana and Elon Combat Training +2 Points

Points Total: 9.5
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Day 5:
Archery Training
NPCs: 10 villagers
PCs: Tyrion does this

NPCs: 20 villagers (The ones who got Combat Training before)
PCs: Dinn (Taking 10+15 for auto success)

Combat Training
NPCs: 20 villagers
PCs: Komana and Elon will do this. Elon takes 10 on intimidate check on each day to get 10+5=15, different group each time to get bonus on both.

No idea what Chandra is up to, maybe trade out with komana to give her a break?
Day 5

Scouting, ETA Bandits would be in 3 days. +4 Points
Tyrion Teaches Archery (Aka, how to miss a target) +0.5 Points
Komana and Elon Combat Training +2 Points

Points Total: 16
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Day 6

Prepare Barricades
NPCs: 50 (2 days)
PCs: Everyone i guess...
Day 6&7

Barricades Prepared 2 Points
Passed Traps 2 Points
Retroactive Fletcher 1 Point

Total Points: 21
And we're on hiatus until Merior finishes his thesis.
So I'm guessing this is a stupid question, but is this game dead?
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