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Super Robot Wars Anew (Crossover)

The Battle for Casatus Dome . . . End?!
[x] Plan Firefighting
-[x] a Bus-full of Scopedogs should put down near the colony (not taking unnecessary risks of interception etc.) and try to delay the harassers with skirmishing.
-[x] Skull Squadron to catch the battlepods and grasshoppers against the allied mobile suits before they can adjust or be reinforced, then all eight provide space superiority in the capital fight.
-[x] SDF-1 to engage the enemy battleship, remaining Scopedogs to position and fight defensively against their battlepod+grasshopper escort if it closes and gets past the point defenses.

The perks of being a genetically modified super-genius, practically hooked directly into a hyper-advanced space battleship's sensors, is that you got an immediate overview of the Mars battlefront and were able to respond immediately. You promptly pointed the Macross in the direction of the alien battleship (And why did the computer already have a label for it of 'Tou Redir'?), even as you called out over the comms.

"All forces, launch! Skull Squadron back up the Feddies and make sure those alien mobile suits can't attack the Space Bus! Space Bus and Scopedogs, head to Casatus Dome directly. Don't take chances, but see if you can delay those Grasshoppers while the Space Bus makes itself available for rescue operations. I'll make sure that the enemy ship and it's reinforcements won't be a problem."

To their credit your forces, even if the majority of them are children, hop to battle immediately and sortie fast. Normally you wouldn't immediately charge an enemy ship straight-up, but the fact that it was surprisingly heavily damaged and had it's mobile suit compliment scattered gave you the confidence to go for a lightning strike.

Enemy Ship +10: 29 = 39
Battlepod Squad: 37 = 37
Grasshopper Squad -10: 47 = 37

Fortunately, it seemed like the enemy forces were completely unprepared for a someone to space fold into battle and immediately strike. Off-handedly you notice that the enemy ship's sensors don't appear to be functioning completely, which is a lucky break!

Captain Ruri: 64 +8 Martial + 5 Cyber Newtype +5 Systems +15 SDF-1 Full Repair = 101
Alien Captain: 63 -11 Ambushed -15 Damaged = 37

"All hands, stay in safe locations, and prepare for transformation . . ."

"OH HELL THE FUCK YES!" Uribatake's voice echoed over the internal comms, as you sighed.

"Preparing to fire the Macross Cannon."

Klaxons sounded throughout the ship as the repaired SDF-1 easily and smoothly began to shift, internal walls raising and lowering as it's body separated out and spun around, eventually forming a vaguely humanoid shape with the bridge acting as the 'head', and a pair of arms that were really more like weapons platforms and launch catapults pointed out towards the enemy battleship. It's screening forces began to move forward to put themselves in-between the two ships, only for a suddenly explosion to catch everyone off-guard from the rear of the alien vessel, causing it to list rather than properly turnabout. A lucky chance for you, as the majority of the ship's alien systems began to shunt power to it's primary armament.

"Say the thing! You gotta say the thing or it doesn't count!" The deranged engineer practically screened as he clung to his viewing screen, his minions trying to pull him down.

"Idiot." You began with a sigh, before limply raising a hand. "Super-Dimensional Fortress: Macross Cannon, fire."

From the 'shoulders' of the ship, currently aimed directly at the enemy forces, massive amounts of energy gathered between them, sending sensors wild all over the place. The enemy forces began to move, only for the black of space to be replaced with blinding light as a blast comparable only to the Federation's Solar Ray System cut across the void to strike the enemy battleship and it's compliment of mobile suits head on. The Grasshoppers were annihilated instantly, with the Battlepods lasting a bare moment longer before being reduced to space dust. The alien ship might have fared longer if it wasn't for the greatly damaged side of it pointing directly at your ship, meaning that it was almost instantly shattered into two pieces, then ten, and finally a cloud of warped scrap as the Macross Cannon abruptly cut off with a series of new alarms.

"What? Ah shit, I knew we should've tested the systems more. The Macross Cannon is down for now, that blast overloaded a bunch of the Federation-issue power couplings and shit."

[ ] "I'll get up there with the boys and see if we can get it fixed, ASAP!"

[ ] "We'll have to leave it be. I want to keep the boys on standby, just in case we get more vital damage to the ship or mobile suits, or need to help out planetside."

Mars Orbit
The Initiative-
Skull Squadron: 92 +10 Space Planes Go Fast! +5 Aces = 107
Battlepods: 70 -12 Ambush = 58
Grasshoppers: 24 -12 Ambush -10 Drones = 2
Feddie Remnants: 14 -10 Damaged = 4

Critical Chance: Roll a d100, for every 10 an enemy is instantly destroyed, starting with Grashoppers and ending in Battlepods. The roll will gain an extra +10 due to the successful Ambush.
Blitzkrieg Result: 62 +10 = 72. All Grasshoppers destroyed. 2 Battlepods destroyed, leaving four remaining.

Battlepods: 88 -12 Ambush = 76
Roy: 95 +5 Ace +5 VF-1S = 105
Team A: 90 +10 MAXIMILLIAN FUCKING JENIUS +2 Ben +4 VF-1A's = 106
Team B: 36 +2 Training +4 VF-1A's +1d5 (1) Hikaru Potential +2 Rita = 45

"Alright lads and lady, you've got your orders, lets pull these boys out of the fire fast so we can focus on the colony!"

"Right!" "Yes sir!" "You got it!" "Acknowledged!"

With a scream of their engines, the five Valkyries of Skull Squadron zoomed out of the SDF-1 Macross and made a beeline for the mob of alien machines fighting those poor exhausted Feddie pilots. There was something to be said for taking advantage of the element of surprise. The enemies had definitely noticed Skull Squadron by now, but after getting used to fighting the dramatically slower original generation mobile suits, they were woefully unprepared for the sheer speed of the heretofore unseen Valkyries, let alone the fact that they could fire with any kind of accuracy while moving at said high speeds.

Gunpods opened fired while they were still in their approaching V formation, alongside the group of five launching their missiles as well. One of the unlucky battlepods took the bullets head-on and was instantly cored, while the spread damaged several of the Grasshoppers. Another of the Battlepods seemed to outright panic and try to jerk up and out of the way, only to be caught by several missiles as your Valkyries zoomed past, utterly destroying him alongside the remaining Grasshoppers. This left four Battlepods to fight five Valkyries, two GMs, and a single worn-down Zaku. Needless to say, the outcome was decided.

Hikaru and Rita looped around to support the surviving pilots, the two groups laying down a solid array of cover fire to force the surprised Battlepods further out of formation. Ben Dixon, with a hoot and a holler, ended up outright chasing a Battlepod away from fight and peppering it with enough shots to it's thrusters to blow it to pieces. Roy got his own dogfight, the apparent leader of the Battlepods going head to head with him, but failing to anticipate the sudden change from jet mode to guardian mode. Roy's shots left the Battlepod dead (The pilot as well) in the water, and drifting aimlessly. Not one to be one-upped, Maximillian Jenius once again proved that he is the best pilot you have, transforming to robot mode and easily disabling the two remaining battlepods with two short sprays of bullets in a high-speed spin that would've left any other pilot unconscious.

There was silence for a few moments, before a older male voice rang out on the open comms from the Zaku. "What in the ever-loving fuck wa-"

That was when the night of space turned to day, and the alien battleship and reinforcements were obliterated by the Macross Cannon, putting an end to the battle for control of Martian orbit.

Casatus Dome
The Initiative-
Scopedog Squad Alpha: 82 +5 MOTIVATION = 87
Scopedog Squad Beta: 53 +5 MOTIVATION = 58
Space Bus Team: 49 +5 MOTIVATION = 54
Grasshoppers: 60 -10 Drones = 50
???: Nat 100. Seriously.

With the forces in space *thoroughly* distracted, the Space Bus Rescue Assault Force (Name yet to be finalized) was allowed to reach Casatus Dome completely unmolested. What ensued would probably go down in the history books as the most chaotic, bullshit battle in the history of mech combat. Now, one might expect the Space Bus to discretely land, let out all of it's passengers, then make their way inside the damaged dome to help out wherever possible. That is not what happened. What instead happened was the Space Bus made a kamikaze run directly for the unusual black structure that was acting as some kind of space bridge to allow Grasshoppers to continue to deploy and attack the colony.

All of the 15 visible Grasshoppers froze, and immediately changed tactics to head for the Space Bus like bees going for a dumb kid that poked their beehive. Mid-flight, the doors on the Space Bus opened up and the entire compliment of Scopedog Spacers were released. Half of them clung to the sides of the transport or surfed on top of it, opening fire with their GAT-22's and SAT-03's to great effect at the dumb drones. The other half simply jumped out and took pot-shots at different concentrations of drones. While the spacer enhancements were never meant to work fully in-atmosphere, let alone on a dusty world like mars, they worked enough to slow their falls enough to let them land safely and begin zooming around to attack.

It wasn't a perfect battle, by any means. There were multiple moments where the tide would start to shift, such as a Grasshopper grappling onto the back of a Scopedog to lift it up for another to attack it, but overall the children fought with unusual motivation and skill. Clearly they were eager to see this colony not go the way of Macross Island, and they put their full efforts into stopping the enemies. There was one thing however that completely solidified a win for the Macross crew. A single Scopedog with a matte black paintjob stepped up to the edge of the Space Bus's doors as it passed above the alien structure. Carried over it's head were not one, but *two* of the SDF-1's Anti-Ship Missiles. A pair of other scopedogs had their side panels opened and were tweaking with the hardware, before flashing the black Scopedog a pair of thumbs up. The pilot leapt out of the ship at that signal and *threw* the large missiles down at the alien structure before gliding out of the way. The pair of missiles only partially entered the multi-colored event horizon of the structure's opening before striking the edges of it and exploding. The petal-like edges of the opening warped and bend from the explosions, causing the event horizon to distort before collapsing inwards with a weird implosion of fold-like energy, pinching the structure's upper half shut like a crushed can of Pepsi.

The remaining Grasshoppers immediately lost what little unity and accuracy they had, and were quickly able to be mopped up by the Scopedogs. As the black unit landed safely on the surface of Mars, it turned upwards to face the giant flash in orbit, before radio-ing back to the others.

"This is Sergeant Sagara Sousuke, mission complete."

"We don't have actual ranks, dummy!"

". . . Moving on to the Casatus Dome to sweep for survivors and any remaining enemies."

Up in orbit, as the sensors cleared up from the one-two bunch of the Macross Cannon and the destruction of the alien gateway, you could only sit back in your chair and stare blankly at the readouts on-screen as all hands checked in.

"What do you mean we already won?"

The Battle of Casatus Dome has, *somehow*, been completed in record time. This should have been entirely impossible, but it ended up happening anyways, ensuring that once the word spread the SDF-1 crew are going to be famous for entirely different reasons than they already would have been.

Battle Results: Total victory. The Zaku and two GMs have been rescued. The surviving citizens of the Casatus Dome (Again, mostly children and elderly) that evacuated into shelters with their own oxygen supplies have been saved. Samples of multiple forms of enemy technology will be recovered.

This, however, leads to an unprecedented choice: It might not be too late to intervene in one of the other ongoing crises. There may be unforeseen consequences to going straight from one combat zone to another, but if successful even more lives could be saved, and solving *two* major crises would be a massive feather to stick in Ruri's cap once the political things start happening.

[ ] Operation Stardust: The Colony hasn't hit the Earth yet, but there's quite literally no time to spare. It's a coin-flip as to whether or not you can get the Macross Cannon online, but you do have what is known as a 'metric fuck-ton' of missiles to make use of. You'll have to leave behind the majority of the Scopedog Spacers for the time being though to help clean up any remaining resistance and help out the survivors before you can return. (An opportunity to stop a Colony Drop resulting in big reputation gains with most factions, especially the Federation in general and Britannia specifically.)

[ ] Human Instrumentality Project: The Angel has officially made it to land, but now that you're actually this close to Earth, you can directly Space Fold into the area and get involved. Like above, you'll only have the SDF-1 and Skull Squadron (maybe the Feddies you saved) to work with, in addition to whatever forces remain in Area 11. (An opportunity to help save Area 11 from an alien threat resulting in reputation gains from the Japanese people, and NERV. Definitely more research options on paths you don't currently have access to.)

[ ] Martian Saviors: It's sad to say, but you're not willing to put the SDF-1 and your pilots in any additional danger so quickly. Haste does in-fact make waste sometimes. Instead you'll focus on rescuing the survivors of Casatus Dome immediately, and salvaging everything possible from the battle. (There will be *no* additional opportunities for reputation increases with factions. A head-start on Mars-related options, and research from *2* enemy factions, as well as additional salvage and repair. The Colony Drop and Angel Attack will proceed without any further opportunities for you to get yourselves involved.)
[X] "I'll get up there with the boys and see if we can get it fixed, ASAP!"

[X] Operation Stardust: The Colony hasn't hit the Earth yet, but there's quite literally no time to spare. It's a coin-flip as to whether or not you can get the Macross Cannon online, but you do have what is known as a 'metric fuck-ton' of missiles to make use of. You'll have to leave behind the majority of the Scopedog Spacers for the time being though to help clean up any remaining resistance and help out the survivors before you can return. (An opportunity to stop a Colony Drop resulting in big reputation gains with most factions, especially the Federation in general and Britannia specifically.)
[X] "I'll get up there with the boys and see if we can get it fixed, ASAP!"

[X] Operation Stardust: The Colony hasn't hit the Earth yet, but there's quite literally no time to spare. It's a coin-flip as to whether or not you can get the Macross Cannon online, but you do have what is known as a 'metric fuck-ton' of missiles to make use of. You'll have to leave behind the majority of the Scopedog Spacers for the time being though to help clean up any remaining resistance and help out the survivors before you can return. (An opportunity to stop a Colony Drop resulting in big reputation gains with most factions, especially the Federation in general and Britannia specifically.)

Better not let the Ecosystem collapse.
Gonna be real funny if y'all rush out to another sortie, and then the dice karma balances out with a bunch of Nat 1's, lol.
[x] "I'll get up there with the boys and see if we can get it fixed, ASAP!"

[x] Operation Stardust: The Colony hasn't hit the Earth yet, but there's quite literally no time to spare. It's a coin-flip as to whether or not you can get the Macross Cannon online, but you do have what is known as a 'metric fuck-ton' of missiles to make use of. You'll have to leave behind the majority of the Scopedog Spacers for the time being though to help clean up any remaining resistance and help out the survivors before you can return. (An opportunity to stop a Colony Drop resulting in big reputation gains with most factions, especially the Federation in general and Britannia specifically.)

Gonna be real funny if y'all rush out to another sortie, and then the dice karma balances out with a bunch of Nat 1's, lol.

Well, that's always the risk when you're rolling dice. There's an equal chance of the rolls being mediocre, great, or dangerous. It's our job as players to assess the risks and benefits, and I think that with minimum damage we're in surprisingly good shape to stop a Colony Drop.
[x] "I'll get up there with the boys and see if we can get it fixed, ASAP!"

[x] Operation Stardust: The Colony hasn't hit the Earth yet, but there's quite literally no time to spare. It's a coin-flip as to whether or not you can get the Macross Cannon online, but you do have what is known as a 'metric fuck-ton' of missiles to make use of. You'll have to leave behind the majority of the Scopedog Spacers for the time being though to help clean up any remaining resistance and help out the survivors before you can return. (An opportunity to stop a Colony Drop resulting in big reputation gains with most factions, especially the Federation in general and Britannia specifically.)
[X] "I'll get up there with the boys and see if we can get it fixed, ASAP!"

[X] Operation Stardust: The Colony hasn't hit the Earth yet, but there's quite literally no time to spare. It's a coin-flip as to whether or not you can get the Macross Cannon online, but you do have what is known as a 'metric fuck-ton' of missiles to make use of. You'll have to leave behind the majority of the Scopedog Spacers for the time being though to help clean up any remaining resistance and help out the survivors before you can return. (An opportunity to stop a Colony Drop resulting in big reputation gains with most factions, especially the Federation in general and Britannia specifically.)

While we know OoC that letting an angel succeed is *bad*, in character, we just don't know enough to justify that evaluation (especially to sayla).
Honestly, I feel like it can go either way really. On the one hand you have a Colony being dropped somewhere on north america, which kills a lot of people and has big environmental effects. On the other you have some kind of alien capable of slaughtering the entire Feddie pacific fleet reaching Japan, and slaughtering possibly a small country. They're both horrible, and you can only intervene in one, womp womp~
[x] "I'll get up there with the boys and see if we can get it fixed, ASAP!"

[x] Operation Stardust: The Colony hasn't hit the Earth yet, but there's quite literally no time to spare. It's a coin-flip as to whether or not you can get the Macross Cannon online, but you do have what is known as a 'metric fuck-ton' of missiles to make use of. You'll have to leave behind the majority of the Scopedog Spacers for the time being though to help clean up any remaining resistance and help out the survivors before you can return. (An opportunity to stop a Colony Drop resulting in big reputation gains with most factions, especially the Federation in general and Britannia specifically.)

This is less about the rep and more about preventing a pointless tragedy that didn't need to happen.
No sense in dragging this out, if literally everyone has been voting the same thing. Attempting emergency tech support and Operation Stardust it is.
Operation Stardust
0083 - 11 - 13
00 : 24​

The entire Earth sphere is engulfed in war. It's a truly chaotic mess of Zeon versus Federation, Chinese versus Britannian, brother versus brother. All the while a massive derelict O'Neill colony slowly falls towards North America, just about every polity too busy fighting each other (and some purposefully delaying matters) to stop the apocalyptic event. When the colony drop completes, a whole swath of North America will be destroyed, ruining miles and miles of crops and cities. Many who aren't killed instantly by the impact will end up starving over the next year, as food is rationed out to placed like Pendragon rather than the smaller settlements. It is this event that will cause Britannian influence to actually *increase* over the Earth sphere, prolonging anti-spacenoid settlements for a long, long time. This too will lead to even more war, more death, more suffering. Those who know are already crying, seeing their death incoming, only to be shocked to see the universe twist in a multi-colored rainbow in front of the colony.

"Space fold . . . successful!" One of the bunnies on board the SDF-1 Macross calls out, as the massive giant robot appears in near-Earth orbit ahead of the colony. "We're right on target!"

"Uribatake, I need the Macross Cannon! We're not too late!" You call out, the chief engineer letting out a yelp as sparks blast him away from a conduit.

"Shit! We're trying, but the space fold didn't help! We've got power surges everywhere! I don't know if I can get it back online in anything less than 10 minutes!" He yelled out, accepting a tool from an assistant before diving back into a mess of wires and pipes.

"This is SDF-1 Macross, we are in position to open fire on the falling colony. Calling out to all forces, every bit of firepower helps!" Claudia and most of the other girls are calling over every communications band they can, trying to get people to just stop fighting and help the fuck out!

Your name is Hoshino Ruri. You are a 12 year old girl who spent the majority of her life growing up in Federation laboratories being experimented on. Your skin is pale, your growth is stunted, your body is swimming in experimental nanomachines, and honestly if it wasn't for the ship's alien medical technology you'd probably be dead in a decade or two. You're a card-carrying genius, probably one of the most experienced minds among humanity when it comes to alien technology, and to say that you dislike the Federation is an understatement. Them, and Britannia in particular, are all a bunch of idiots who could probably use a cataclysmic event to shake things up.

Sometimes though, you feel like you're an idiot too.

"Gunnery, open fire with everything we have. I want the anti-ship missiles hitting here, here, here, and here. The lasers can fire at-will, even if they won't do much at this point." You began, lines of light crawling along your exposed skin as you interfaced directly with the Macross's systems. "All hands, brace for impact!"

Nearly every person watching the colony drop was stunned to see the battleship-turned-robot suddenly fly directly at the falling colony. The SDF-1 was the biggest ship currently in existence for Humanity, but even it was dwarfed by the colony. Still, it moved forward to 'catch' the colony in front with a massive crash and screech of metal, alien engines working overtime as the Macross began to push.

"Everybody, keeping firing weapons even if they overheat! Every meter we can blast off of it improves how long we can keep it airborne! If we can delay it till Lake Winnipeg or even further north, we can buy time for evacuations and stop it from obliterating the larger cities and farmlands!"

Alarms were *screaming* all across the ship as the SDF-1 Macross was pushed beyond it's limits, all manner of errors and damage reports popping up one after another. Even Kaname Chidori's mechanics in training were running around to squeak out a tiny bit more power from the ship's systems, or keep different things holding together. Everyone was united in purpose to try and just slow down the colony, only for a clear message to cut through the reports and alarms.

"This is Bismarck Waldstein, the Knight of One! In the name of the Holy Empire of Britannia, and his Majesty Charles vi Britannia, we will prevail!"

From the direction of Pendragon and several military bases came a small army of trucks, planes, and space-capable transports. They were covered in Knightmare Frames, GMs, GM Cannons, and Zaku II's that began to open fire on the far end of the colony with every weapon they had that was capable of reaching that far.

"This is Captain Michel of the Birmingham-class ship, Lady Celeste!" A new voice called out, as a heavily damaged Federation ship charged into the combat zone as fast as it could manage. "I've only got two twin mega particle cannons left, but I'll put them to good work, orders be damned!"

A damaged Musai-class ship came in as well, practically limping along, but it too lended it's firepower to stopping the colony drop despite being an 'enemy' to the Federation. Sometimes, all it takes is just a little bit of a delay to change the course of history, and the near-suicidal charge of the SDF-1 did just that. Not only did it inspire people to change their plans, it allowed them opportunities and excuses to try and help stop the drop. After all, a single ship couldn't do much, but if *that* monstrously large ship could make a difference then at that point even a single extra mobile suit could possibly help. From the west came a group of test-type GMs of various designs and load-outs, lead by a special Powered GM whose mere presence filled you with a strange sense of determination.

"This is Lieutenant Commander Amuro Ray, with the Federation 3rd Test Unit. We won't let this happen!"

More damaged ships and mechs continued to approach, every single one slowing down the colony drop by a mile here, and a mile there. The land-bound Knightmare Frames and vehicles gathered to focus their shorter-range weapons on the smaller pieces of debris that fell from the colony, helping to minimize the destruction from any collateral damage. As units from various polities worked together, and Newtypes began to synergize with each other, more and more of the colony began to be whittled away as the minutes slowly ticked by until . . .

"Ruri, it's ready! I bought you one shot, but you gotta use it now before this bitch shakes apart!"

With a slam of your hand you dragged the Macross away from the colony, while Claudia screamed into the open comms for everyone to get away from the colony. With a massive crash that blasted waves to all the nearby communities, the SDF-1 landed in Lake Winnipeg, bending forward to directly point it's shoulders towards the oncoming colony as energy began to gather.

"Macross Cannon, fire!"

0083 - 11 - 13
00 : 34​

Thanks to the efforts of everyone, the colony drop was in-fact delayed, staying airborne just a few minutes longer than it normally would have. 34 minutes after midnight it would've impacted the northern Midwest, slaughtering countless civilians and destroying miles and miles of water and farmland from the forests, farms, and lakes. Instead, 34 minutes after midnight a giant lance of energy shot up from the Earth into space, catching the damaged colony in it's wake. The combination of numerous anti-ship missiles, mega beam cannons, and all manner of smaller weapons alongside the SDF-1's superweapon was just enough to destroy the falling colony, causing people worldwide to let out a cheer at what would go down in history as the November Miracle, images of the SDF-1 surrounded by mist from the superheated waters of Lake Winnipeg becoming possibly the most iconic image of the era. The allied forces moved to take out the small chunks of debris that remained, but the Macross' role in this was finished.

Space Fold: DC30 70 +10 Spirit +5 Cyber-Newtype +5 Systems +5 Sensors = 95 Successful arrival!
Uribatake Repair Work: DC70 47 +8 Learning +7 Uribatake +5 Systems = 67 Uh-oh, the gun isn't ready.
Do something stupid? 70, Yeah we Baka.
Do something stupid: DC??? 57 +10 Spirit +15 SDF-1 Full Repair +10 Big Itano Circus = 92 Command grab the space station
GONDOR CALLS FOR AID! DC??? 86 +5 Diplo +5 Cyber-Newtype +5 Sensors +2 Claudia = 103 Uh, wait a min-
Britannia: DC40/70/100 92 +10 Proximity = 102, "WE HEAR YOUR CALL! FOR BRITANNIA!"
NERV US: DC80 6, too busy panicking
Feddies: DC50 54 +5 Proximity = 59, "Not again!"
Zeon: DC60 54 +5 Proximity +5 Pride/Feddies Mobilizing = 64, "Fuck it, we all know this isn't right!"
Does 'He' hear? DCCritfishing 78 +20 Newtype + 5 Mobile Suit Access = 103, "I'm coming!"
Does 'He 2' hear? DCCritfishing 90 +20 Newtype +10 'He' heard = 120, "Lalah . . ."

More than enough reinforcements to get the job done.

Due to a *large* number of previous chosen actions, speedrunning, and some real lucky rolls the SDF-1 has managed to arrive just in time and in position to do some inspiring shit and Char's Counterattack this colony. Literally only due to the presence of all those anti-ship missiles, a crit on trying to get people to help, and crits *from* help were you able to buy enough time to delay for the Macross Cannon to be usable before impact after failing the repair roll.

??? Is super pleased with you! You're so heroic!
Due to Federation forces being out of position, Anavel Gato has successfully fled the battle in orbit . . .
Amuro Ray and his small cadre of test pilots and students have revealed themselves.
Amuro Ray and a man named Quattro Bajeena have met . . .
Due to the massively public nature of this event, a lot of people will *not* be getting court martialed, and several groups of Zeon fighters will be given leniency.
??? Is real upset that she slept through everything, cuz she totally could've helped.
NERV US gets the hairy eyeball for not assisting.
Unsurprisingly, other than yourself, the Knights of the Round are given top billing, along with the crew of the Lady Celeste.
Various other groups that might have helped are based out of Japan so . . .

I need to gather up rewards, bonuses, etc. Probably will be tweaking the system and stats . . . I'm considering things.
Last edited:
Britannia: DC40/70/100 92 +10 Proximity = 102, "WE HEAR YOUR CALL! FOR BRITANNIA!"
I like to image Charles, or whoever was Emperor, was about to order Waldstein to retreat, but Waldstein not understanding his Emperor goes full balls to the walls Baka out of sheer inspiration. Because even a Knight of One doesn't want to sit back and wait for Death when he could be a Hero.
Zeon: DC60 54 +5 Proximity +5 Pride/Feddies Mobilizing = 59, "Fuck it, we all know this isn't right!"
That should be a 64.
So, next turn we have big enough decisions coming up that we might want to break from the AP based turn, and have a preliminary vote, just to trim down the options. Namely "What is the SDF Macross politically, and how does it related to other polities?"

Are we:

  • Part of Britannia, and subject to the Emperor?
    • pros: where most of us were originally from. Would have reliable support from a strong power. Independence tensions relatively easy to resolve: Ruri gets ennobled, done. Funding/ Economic ties provided by Britannia.
    • cons: not all of us were from there. We'd get dragged into supporting a bunch of frankly petty wars, including vs Zeon. Chief Engineer would definitely be unhappy. Elevated risk of Lelouch showing up and mind controlling us all.
  • Part of the Federation?
    • pros: as the empire is (a large) part of the federation, technically where most of us were from. Funding/ Economic ties provided by the Federatin.
    • cons: dragged into a war with Zeon. We might have to work with the Titans. Again, we have Zeon elements on board.
  • Part of Zeon?
    • pros: independence tensions nominally easy to resolve: we're just another Side to them. Funding/ Economic ties provided by Zeon.
    • cons: their reputation is shit. historically very centralized and hostile to independent power bases (see Zabis). dragged into a war with the federation. almost nobody onboard likes them, AFAIK.
  • A fully Independent Side?
    • pros: not immediately dragged into a war. Crew/residents likely happy overall.
    • cons: no one with power will actually be happy with us. establishing trade and immigration with anyone will take work. still likely going to end up dragged into the gundam war.
  • A mercenary force, fighting for highest bidder?
    • pros: cash flow/ resource issues solved
    • cons: nobody outside the SDF Macross will be happy with us working anyone who pays. nobody inside will be happy with the amorality.
  • Part of a new international group to deal with alien threats?
    • pros: not hostile to any of the human groups (possibly excluding NERV)
    • cons: funding issues, especially with everyone shooting at each other currently. closest thing to the UN is currently shooting at Zeon.
  • Something completely different? join the Jupiter Energy Fleet, providing them with better transport options? join NERV and deal with angels? Abandon Sol completely? Be vague and play for time while we get the Macross repaired?

Just depending on which of those plans we adopt, we could see wildly different options available diplomatically and economically.

Also: we can't forget this guy:

Ensign Finn Schmidt has joined the crew, revealing:

[ ] His Spycraft Skills: Finn Schmidt will happily show you how he infiltrated your systems, among other things. Finn will join as an officer, providing an Intrigue bonus.

We voted for the above option, but before anything could come of it, we had those messes to deal with.
One Heck of A Shakedown Cruise
Shakedown Cruise Prologue results-
The Child origin: +10 Fame "Why is a literal child commanding an advanced alien battleship?!"
Ruri Hoshino: +10 Fame "What do you mean she's part of a Britannian black project about newtypes?!"
Scopedog Spacers: +5 Fame for inventing a new type of primitive AT
Code Blue: +5 Fame for somehow saving the lives of hundreds of civilians during the escape from Macross Island.
Pantry Panic: Alien greenhouses discovered and utilized. After further investigation, the nameless scientist was discovered to be one Edmund Wright, commoner from Pendragon who somehow worked his way up and into the Macross project. He will be remembered.
Ace Combat: Hikaru, Roy, and Max are Badass Normals. They got that SRW skill. Ruri got protagonist piloting skills, if she needs them.
Wait, Are Those New Mobile Suits?!: Robotechnology has been studied!
Houston, We Have So Many Problems: Ruri has reached past a block in her Cyber-Newtype abilities, and made contact with a benevolent alien. This is important. The SDF-1 also encountered a Pursuer. This is bad.
Pursuit: +10 Fame. Defeated an unknown spaceship-sized alien! An alien faction is aware of the SDF-1 now. This is also bad. Discovered a new (basically empty) solar system though!
It's Just Business: +5 Fame. "So you're tellin' me a buncha kids just up and made their own city? And it works?" Kaname Chidori discovered, and running a factory in the SDF-1
Security Sweep: +0 Fame. Finn Schmidt recovered, and flipped.
What Does This Button Do/Zor's Gift: +10 Fame, The SDF-1 is now in a better condition than it was before it left (well, before you hugged a colony), with full armor, a full array of guns and missiles, and the greatest medical suite ever. Ruri got a data dump on the SDF-1.
Battle for Casatus Dome: +50 Fame. The SDF-1 somehow managed to completely, and without losses, destroy the alien attackers on Mars saving numerous lives. A couple of mobile suits and pilots joined, and some alien salvage!
Operation Stardust: +200 Fame. In full view of the entire Earth sphere, as well as fleets and armies from multiple polities, the SDF-1 teleported to Earth in the shape of a giant robot and *tackled a colony drop*. The inspiring act convinced others to abandon their orders and assist, and delayed it enough to allow the repaired Macross Cannon to be used to finish the job. Everyone knows what that ship and crew are capable of, and people are already rushing to be the first to make movies and documentaries about it.

Total Fame: 345 You aren't just known, you're famous. Whether or not that remains fame or becomes infamy will be seen in the future, but stopping a colony drop is a damn good start!

Thanks to your ship's advanced sensors and communications gear, as long as you're in the solar system you can keep in contact with essentially everyone now. As such, you can essentially operate out of anywhere you want for the time being while making repairs to the SDF-1 after tackling a colony. Where will you choose to base yourselves out of in the short term?

[ ] Lake Winnipeg: The large lake you landed in during the colony drop. The towns on the edges aren't doing as great as one would hope, but considering they all would've been completely wiped off the map without your efforts, cooler heads are prevailing. You're in Britannian territory, so after this event they're probably obligated to at least look like they're protecting you, but you're also surrounded by their factspheres and agents. Face to face diplomacy with Britannia is possible, and therefor at a bonus. Spacenoids, specifically Zeon, won't be particularly happy about this.

[ ] Side 3: The Republic of Zeon has extended an invitation to move the SDF-1 to their space, as thanks for stopping the 'traitors' who would do such a 'horrible' thing like dropping a colony on Britannia. They're offering additional supplies and assistance with any repairs. Allows face to face diplomacy with the spacenoids at a bonus, but obviously, the Federation (specifically Britannia) will be miffed at this choice.

[ ] Tokyo-3: During this entire mess, Area 11 was attacked by an alien leading to massive amounts of damage, putting the seat of Federation control over the country in a poor state. This is an opportunity for a mission of mercy, what with the vast amount of food you have, advanced medical technology, and the scopedogs to help with clearing rubble and reconstruction. This is a politically neutral option, with the obvious downsides of tying up your resources for a while, as well as being somewhere aliens find interesting enough to specifically attack.

[ ] Mars: Finish the job. The people of the Casatus Dome need help too, and Area 11 has a whole Federation to help them out, theoretically. You can return to Mars to help repair the Dome and protect it should the aliens return, or outright take all of the Martians on-board to join Macross City. Both the Federation and Zeon will be unhappy that you're popping out of immediate reach, and there's a chance of damaging the Macross more after so many jumps and cannon shots. On the other hand, it's explicitly the right thing to do after getting involved. Also some of your kids and your Space Bus are there, so without heading there it'll take some time to be reunited.

In the immediate aftermath of the colony drop, while everyone is celebrating and having a blast, you are inundated with communications requests. Some are open, some are rather sneaky. Likewise there's an obnoxious amount of talent around you, and it'd be ever so sad if someone were to try and poach them~ Be aware, failed rolls will almost certainly be noticed, and annoy certain people and groups. You may choose to try and poach as many as you like, as well as choose to *NOT* try to recruit anyone, which is equally valid.

[ ] Sir Milton Barrows, Knight of Britannia, is in awe of your heroic deeds! While not a Knight of the Round himself, he does has a solid reputation as a loyal and honorable soldier. A mere DC30 Diplomacy check will recruit him and his two aides, and their Knightmare Frames. Obtain Three pilots, one skilled, with a Gloucester and two Sutherlands. Advances research on Knightmare Frame-based technology. There is a real chance of these men reporting back to Britannia regularly.

[ ] Amuro Ray, Flight Instructor and Ace Pilot appeared to help save the day with his cadets! The infamous White Devil of the One Year War has apparently been shoved into a rear lines position this whole time, but your acts inspired him to rebel a little and try to stop the colony drop with his cadets. A DC80 Diplomacy check could pull him and his cadets on side, difficult due to the knowledge that the Federation will be absolutely seething if they lose a grip on Amuro Ray. Obtain Amuro Ray, four cadets, and their group of GMs with test-type loadouts. Advances Mobile Suit-based technology, and likely will give more Newtype options in the future. *Lots* of high-ranking folks will be upset.

[ ] ??? A mysterious pilot who showed up in a RGC-83 GM Cannon II is willing to join up, as long as things are kept a little quiet about his transfer. He's absolutely an ace pilot though, and a GM Cannon II ain't nothing to scoff at. DC60 Intrigue check to recruit for a mysterious ace pilot and his GM Cannon II. Advances Mobile Suit-based technology, with unknown other benefits and consequences for obvious reasons.

[ ] Olivia Vector, Zeon pilot, has seen the error of her ways! She didn't appear to know about the plans to drop a colony on the planet, and was impressed by your jumping in to help, and *especially* the fact that you helped Mars first. A DC40 Diplomacy check will recruit her and her wingmen. Obtain Olivia Vector, her two wingmen, and a trio of MS-09R-2 Rick Dom II's. Advances Mobile Suit technology (in the Zeon direction more than anything), with another obvious chance of being spied on, this time for Zeon.

[ ] No thank you! Adding random pilots you hardly know isn't the best idea at this time.

As a consequence of the various actions undertaken, the crew of the SDF-1 Macross gains a number of bonuses and improvements.

Hoshino Ruri gains a flat +1 bonus to Martial, Diplomacy, and Spirit from the Shakedown Cruise.
Macross City's morale remains at unrealistically high levels.
Hoshino Ruri gains the perk [Emergency Action] granting a bonus to suitably dramatic emergency situations once per event.
Uribatake's skills have improved under harsh working conditions.
Temporarily the SDF-1 Macross will have extremely good PR after fighting off an alien invasion on Mars, and stopping a colony drop. This good PR will be considered *negative* PR for certain factions and individuals for obvious reasons.
An adorable blue alien things you're super swell!

Figuring out what the Macross can/will do in the future will be coming up after the decision of where to bunker down and repair. If you choose not to return to Mars your Space Bus and Scopedogs will get back to you . . . eventually. Have fun deciding whether or not to risk trying to poach Amuro!
Shakedown Cruise Prologue results-
The Child origin: +10 Fame "Why is a literal child commanding an advanced alien battleship?!"
Ruri Hoshino: +10 Fame "What do you mean she's part of a Britannian black project about newtypes?!"
Scopedog Spacers: +5 Fame for inventing a new type of primitive AT
Code Blue: +5 Fame for somehow saving the lives of hundreds of civilians during the escape from Macross Island.
Pantry Panic: Alien greenhouses discovered and utilized. After further investigation, the nameless scientist was discovered to be one Edmund Wright, commoner from Pendragon who somehow worked his way up and into the Macross project. He will be remembered.
Ace Combat: Hikaru, Roy, and Max are Badass Normals. They got that SRW skill. Ruri got protagonist piloting skills, if she needs them.
Wait, Are Those New Mobile Suits?!: Robotechnology has been studied!
Houston, We Have So Many Problems: Ruri has reached past a block in her Cyber-Newtype abilities, and made contact with a benevolent alien. This is important. The SDF-1 also encountered a Pursuer. This is bad.
Pursuit: +10 Fame. Defeated an unknown spaceship-sized alien! An alien faction is aware of the SDF-1 now. This is also bad. Discovered a new (basically empty) solar system though!
It's Just Business: +5 Fame. "So you're tellin' me a buncha kids just up and made their own city? And it works?" Kaname Chidori discovered, and running a factory in the SDF-1
Security Sweep: +0 Fame. Finn Schmidt recovered, and flipped.
What Does This Button Do/Zor's Gift: +10 Fame, The SDF-1 is now in a better condition than it was before it left (well, before you hugged a colony), with full armor, a full array of guns and missiles, and the greatest medical suite ever. Ruri got a data dump on the SDF-1.
Battle for Casatus Dome: +50 Fame. The SDF-1 somehow managed to completely, and without losses, destroy the alien attackers on Mars saving numerous lives. A couple of mobile suits and pilots joined, and some alien salvage!
Operation Stardust: +200 Fame. In full view of the entire Earth sphere, as well as fleets and armies from multiple polities, the SDF-1 teleported to Earth in the shape of a giant robot and *tackled a colony drop*. The inspiring act convinced others to abandon their orders and assist, and delayed it enough to allow the repaired Macross Cannon to be used to finish the job. Everyone knows what that ship and crew are capable of, and people are already rushing to be the first to make movies and documentaries about it.

Total Fame: 345 You aren't just known, you're famous. Whether or not that remains fame or becomes infamy will be seen in the future, but stopping a colony drop is a damn good start!

*WHISTLES* Daaaaammm, talk about making an entrance! That fame is really sweet, thought that does mean we might be a bit too high profile too.We will have many eyes on. us, gotta be careful.

[] Mars: Finish the job. The people of the Casatus Dome need help too, and Area 11 has a whole Federation to help them out, theoretically. You can return to Mars to help repair the Dome and protect it should the aliens return, or outright take all of the Martians on-board to join Macross City. Both the Federation and Zeon will be unhappy that you're popping out of immediate reach, and there's a chance of damaging the Macross more after so many jumps and cannon shots. On the other hand, it's explicitly the right thing to do after getting involved. Also some of your kids and your Space Bus are there, so without heading there it'll take some time to be reunited.

[] Sir Milton Barrows, Knight of Britannia, is in awe of your heroic deeds! While not a Knight of the Round himself, he does has a solid reputation as a loyal and honorable soldier. A mere DC30 Diplomacy check will recruit him and his two aides, and their Knightmare Frames. Obtain Three pilots, one skilled, with a Gloucester and two Sutherlands. Advances research on Knightmare Frame-based technology. There is a real chance of these men reporting back to Britannia regularly.

[] Amuro Ray, Flight Instructor and Ace Pilot appeared to help save the day with his cadets! The infamous White Devil of the One Year War has apparently been shoved into a rear lines position this whole time, but your acts inspired him to rebel a little and try to stop the colony drop with his cadets. A DC80 Diplomacy check could pull him and his cadets on side, difficult due to the knowledge that the Federation will be absolutely seething if they lose a grip on Amuro Ray. Obtain Amuro Ray, four cadets, and their group of GMs with test-type loadouts. Advances Mobile Suit-based technology, and likely will give more Newtype options in the future. *Lots* of high-ranking folks will be upset.

[] ??? A mysterious pilot who showed up in a RGC-83 GM Cannon II is willing to join up, as long as things are kept a little quiet about his transfer. He's absolutely an ace pilot though, and a GM Cannon II ain't nothing to scoff at. DC60 Intrigue check to recruit for a mysterious ace pilot and his GM Cannon II. Advances Mobile Suit-based technology, with unknown other benefits and consequences for obvious reasons.

[] Olivia Vector, Zeon pilot, has seen the error of her ways! She didn't appear to know about the plans to drop a colony on the planet, and was impressed by your jumping in to help, and *especially* the fact that you helped Mars first. A DC40 Diplomacy check will recruit her and her wingmen. Obtain Olivia Vector, her two wingmen, and a trio of MS-09R-2 Rick Dom II's. Advances Mobile Suit technology (in the Zeon direction more than anything), with another obvious chance of being spied on, this time for Zeon.

The high chances of being spied on is annoying, but we should expect people and factions to do that anyway, picking people that we know *may* leak intel to enemy factions could be a problem, but also a chance to control the flow of information that they give. So i think its worth the risk, and theres no guarantee that we pass the DCs for them, so yeah, taking a risk.
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So I'm thinking Mars, and then get the Brittanian Knight and the Zeons. Thoughts?
So I'm thinking Mars, and then get the Brittanian Knight and the Zeons. Thoughts?

I agree that going to Mars would be a good idea, is the right thing to do as stated and while the possible damage to macross isd worrying, its worth it. Also we have people there and we absolutley arent abandoning them.

For the recruiting, I lay out my thoughts already, I want the 4 of them, even if there's a risk of security and intel leaks.

oh yeah @Zarori forgot to ask, do we vote by plan or approval voting?
For the recruiting, I lay out my thoughts already, I want the 4 of them, even if there's a risk of security and intel leaks.
Just roll the dice and see what happens? I can respect that, but I'll confess I don't want to approach Amuro or mystery pilot. Having Federation High Command and whoever was the Black Ops Backers mad at Macross sound like a recipe for disaster.
Just roll the dice and see what happens? I can respect that, but I'll confess I don't want to approach Amuro or mystery pilot. Having Federation High Command and whoever was the Black Ops Backers mad at Macross sound like a recipe for disaster.

Yeah, that's true, making an enemy out of them right out of the gate is not the best idea, but the chance to recruiting Amuro is too good to pass up for me to be honest. I think what he and the other 3 possible recurits bring to the table is worth enough to risk it, otherwise better not pick anyone and not risk upsetting people.
[X] Tokyo-3: During this entire mess, Area 11 was attacked by an alien leading to massive amounts of damage, putting the seat of Federation control over the country in a poor state. This is an opportunity for a mission of mercy, what with the vast amount of food you have, advanced medical technology, and the scopedogs to help with clearing rubble and reconstruction. This is a politically neutral option, with the obvious downsides of tying up your resources for a while, as well as being somewhere aliens find interesting enough to specifically attack.

[X] Sir Milton Barrows, Knight of Britannia, is in awe of your heroic deeds! While not a Knight of the Round himself, he does has a solid reputation as a loyal and honorable soldier. A mere DC30 Diplomacy check will recruit him and his two aides, and their Knightmare Frames. Obtain Three pilots, one skilled, with a Gloucester and two Sutherlands. Advances research on Knightmare Frame-based technology. There is a real chance of these men reporting back to Britannia regularly.

[X] ??? A mysterious pilot who showed up in a RGC-83 GM Cannon II is willing to join up, as long as things are kept a little quiet about his transfer. He's absolutely an ace pilot though, and a GM Cannon II ain't nothing to scoff at. DC60 Intrigue check to recruit for a mysterious ace pilot and his GM Cannon II. Advances Mobile Suit-based technology, with unknown other benefits and consequences for obvious reasons.

[X] Olivia Vector, Zeon pilot, has seen the error of her ways! She didn't appear to know about the plans to drop a colony on the planet, and was impressed by your jumping in to help, and *especially* the fact that you helped Mars first. A DC40 Diplomacy check will recruit her and her wingmen. Obtain Olivia Vector, her two wingmen, and a trio of MS-09R-2 Rick Dom II's. Advances Mobile Suit technology (in the Zeon direction more than anything), with another obvious chance of being spied on, this time for Zeon.

I'd be happy either way about Amuro, but having a bunch of spooks on all sides at the moment is a plus. Tokyo-3 over Mars because I'd want to, at minimum, inspect the armor for integrity, and the fold system for safety before going into space again, which removes mars from the list.

edit: @Zarori should we be voting by plan?
Making my vote a plan.

I'm basically going for the following:
  • Mars - Relatively Neutral Basing despite the chances of damage when folding. Plus it's the right thing to do --- which will inevitably put us at odds with the higher ups since it's SRW.
  • Amuro Ray - Poor dude needs a break from Feddies smothering him. Plus, it's post One Year War Amuro. He's much more tolerable and badass now.
  • Mysterious Stranger - They will appear whenever you least expect it in VATS... I mean, GM Cannon II for the win...
  • Olivia Vector - Token Spacenoid with a relatively low DC means we can at least possibly get one recruit from our rolls. Her wingmen might be plants, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.

Avoiding the Britannian for the obvious plant and well... I'm just not a fan of Knightmare Frames. Needs more Scopedog. :3c

[X] Plan: Neutral Base, Quality Recruits
- [X] Mars: Finish the job. The people of the Casatus Dome need help too, and Area 11 has a whole Federation to help them out, theoretically. You can return to Mars to help repair the Dome and protect it should the aliens return, or outright take all of the Martians on-board to join Macross City. Both the Federation and Zeon will be unhappy that you're popping out of immediate reach, and there's a chance of damaging the Macross more after so many jumps and cannon shots. On the other hand, it's explicitly the right thing to do after getting involved. Also some of your kids and your Space Bus are there, so without heading there it'll take some time to be reunited.

- [X] Amuro Ray, Flight Instructor and Ace Pilot appeared to help save the day with his cadets! The infamous White Devil of the One Year War has apparently been shoved into a rear lines position this whole time, but your acts inspired him to rebel a little and try to stop the colony drop with his cadets. A DC80 Diplomacy check could pull him and his cadets on side, difficult due to the knowledge that the Federation will be absolutely seething if they lose a grip on Amuro Ray. Obtain Amuro Ray, four cadets, and their group of GMs with test-type loadouts. Advances Mobile Suit-based technology, and likely will give more Newtype options in the future. *Lots* of high-ranking folks will be upset.

- [X] ??? A mysterious pilot who showed up in a RGC-83 GM Cannon II is willing to join up, as long as things are kept a little quiet about his transfer. He's absolutely an ace pilot though, and a GM Cannon II ain't nothing to scoff at. DC60 Intrigue check to recruit for a mysterious ace pilot and his GM Cannon II. Advances Mobile Suit-based technology, with unknown other benefits and consequences for obvious reasons.

- [X] Olivia Vector, Zeon pilot, has seen the error of her ways! She didn't appear to know about the plans to drop a colony on the planet, and was impressed by your jumping in to help, and *especially* the fact that you helped Mars first. A DC40 Diplomacy check will recruit her and her wingmen. Obtain Olivia Vector, her two wingmen, and a trio of MS-09R-2 Rick Dom II's. Advances Mobile Suit technology (in the Zeon direction more than anything), with another obvious chance of being spied on, this time for Zeon.
[X] Plan: Going to Mars andf Trying to poach ALL the talent!
-[X] Mars: Finish the job. The people of the Casatus Dome need help too, and Area 11 has a whole Federation to help them out, theoretically. You can return to Mars to help repair the Dome and protect it should the aliens return, or outright take all of the Martians on-board to join Macross City. Both the Federation and Zeon will be unhappy that you're popping out of immediate reach, and there's a chance of damaging the Macross more after so many jumps and cannon shots. On the other hand, it's explicitly the right thing to do after getting involved. Also some of your kids and your Space Bus are there, so without heading there it'll take some time to be reunited.
-[X] Sir Milton Barrows, Knight of Britannia, is in awe of your heroic deeds! While not a Knight of the Round himself, he does has a solid reputation as a loyal and honorable soldier. A mere DC30 Diplomacy check will recruit him and his two aides, and their Knightmare Frames. Obtain Three pilots, one skilled, with a Gloucester and two Sutherlands. Advances research on Knightmare Frame-based technology. There is a real chance of these men reporting back to Britannia regularly.
-[X] Amuro Ray, Flight Instructor and Ace Pilot appeared to help save the day with his cadets! The infamous White Devil of the One Year War has apparently been shoved into a rear lines position this whole time, but your acts inspired him to rebel a little and try to stop the colony drop with his cadets. A DC80 Diplomacy check could pull him and his cadets on side, difficult due to the knowledge that the Federation will be absolutely seething if they lose a grip on Amuro Ray. Obtain Amuro Ray, four cadets, and their group of GMs with test-type loadouts. Advances Mobile Suit-based technology, and likely will give more Newtype options in the future. *Lots* of high-ranking folks will be upset.
-[X] ??? A mysterious pilot who showed up in a RGC-83 GM Cannon II is willing to join up, as long as things are kept a little quiet about his transfer. He's absolutely an ace pilot though, and a GM Cannon II ain't nothing to scoff at. DC60 Intrigue check to recruit for a mysterious ace pilot and his GM Cannon II. Advances Mobile Suit-based technology, with unknown other benefits and consequences for obvious reasons.
-[X] Olivia Vector, Zeon pilot, has seen the error of her ways! She didn't appear to know about the plans to drop a colony on the planet, and was impressed by your jumping in to help, and *especially* the fact that you helped Mars first. A DC40 Diplomacy check will recruit her and her wingmen. Obtain Olivia Vector, her two wingmen, and a trio of MS-09R-2 Rick Dom II's. Advances Mobile Suit technology (in the Zeon direction more than anything), with another obvious chance of being spied on, this time for Zeon.
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[X] Plan: Going to Mars andf Trying to poach ALL the talent!

Goes to Mars, and I'm not opposed to the not-British, just Amuro.
[x] Plan Empty Nerves
-[x] Tokyo-3
-[x] No thank you!

Not picking sides, and doing the survey-and-repair work before further stressing the systems now that there's no ongoing emergency. Since plan voting is required, had to pick who to recruit - which mostly ended up being the option no one else was in favour of. Considered at least jumping for the mystery box, but meh.

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